web@Genesis:50:17 @ 'You shall tell Joseph, "Now please forgive the disobedience of your brothers, and their sin, because they did evil to you."' Now, please forgive the disobedience of the servants of the God of your father." Joseph wept when they spoke to him.

web@Exodus:10:17 @ Now therefore please forgive my sin again, and pray to Yahweh your God, that he may also take away from me this death."

web@Exodus:32:32 @ Yet now, if you will, forgive their sin--and if not, please blot me out of your book which you have written."

web@Numbers:30:5 @ But if her father disallow her in the day that he hears, none of her vows, or of her bonds with which she has bound her soul, shall stand: and Yahweh will forgive her, because her father disallowed her.

web@Numbers:30:8 @ But if her husband forbids her in the day that he hears it, then he shall make void her vow which is on her, and the rash utterance of her lips, with which she has bound her soul: and Yahweh will forgive her.

web@Numbers:30:12 @ But if her husband made them null and void in the day that he heard them, then whatever proceeded out of her lips concerning her vows, or concerning the bond of her soul, shall not stand: her husband has made them void; and Yahweh will forgive her.

web@Joshua:24:19 @ Joshua said to the people, "You can't serve Yahweh; for he is a holy God. He is a jealous God. He will not forgive your disobedience nor your sins.

web@1Samuel:25:28 @Please forgive the trespass of your handmaid. For Yahweh will certainly make my lord a sure house, because my lord fights the battles of Yahweh; and evil shall not be found in you all your days.

web@1Kings:8:34 @then hear in heaven, and forgive the sin of your people Israel, and bring them again to the land which you gave to their fathers.

web@1Kings:8:36 @then hear in heaven, and forgive the sin of your servants, and of your people Israel, when you teach them the good way in which they should walk; and send rain on your land, which you have given to your people for an inheritance.

web@1Kings:8:50 @and forgive your people who have sinned against you, and all their transgressions in which they have transgressed against you; and give them compassion before those who carried them captive, that they may have compassion on them

web@2Chronicles:6:25 @then hear from heaven, and forgive the sin of your people Israel, and bring them again to the land which you gave to them and to their fathers.

web@2Chronicles:6:27 @then hear in heaven, and forgive the sin of your servants, and of your people Israel, when you teach them the good way in which they should walk; and send rain on your land, which you have given to your people for an inheritance.

web@2Chronicles:6:39 @then hear from heaven, even from your dwelling place, their prayer and their petitions, and maintain their cause, and forgive your people who have sinned against you.

web@2Chronicles:7:14 @if my people, who are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

web@Psalms:19:12 @...discern his errors? Forgive me...

web@Psalms:25:18 @...and my travail. Forgive all...

web@Psalms:79:9 @ Help us, God of our salvation, for the glory of your name. Deliver us, and forgive our sins, for your name's sake.

web@Isaiah:2:9 @ Man is brought low, and mankind is humbled; therefore don't forgive them.

web@Jeremiah:18:23 @ Yet, Yahweh, you know all their counsel against me to kill me; don't forgive their iniquity, neither blot out their sin from your sight; but let them be overthrown before you; deal you with them in the time of your anger.

web@Jeremiah:31:34 @ and they shall teach no more every man his neighbor, and every man his brother, saying, Know Yahweh; for they shall all know me, from their least to their greatest, says Yahweh: for I will forgive their iniquity, and their sin will I remember no more.

web@Jeremiah:36:3 @ It may be that the house of Judah will hear all the evil which I purpose to do to them; that they may return every man from his evil way; that I may forgive their iniquity and their sin.

web@Matthew:6:12 @ Forgive us our debts, as we also forgive our debtors.

web@Matthew:6:14 @ "For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.

web@Matthew:6:15 @ But if you don't forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.

web@Matthew:9:6 @ But that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins..." (then he said to the paralytic), "Get up, and take up your mat, and go up to your house."

web@Matthew:18:21 @ Then Peter came and said to him, "Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? Until seven times?"

web@Matthew:18:35 @ So my heavenly Father will also do to you, if you don't each forgive your brother from your hearts for his misdeeds."

web@Mark:2:7 @ "Why does this man speak blasphemies like that? Who can forgive sins but God alone?"

web@Mark:2:10 @ But that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins"--he said to the paralytic--

web@Mark:11:25 @ Whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against anyone; so that your Father, who is in heaven, may also forgive you your transgressions.

web@Mark:11:26 @ But if you do not forgive, neither will your Father in heaven forgive your transgressions."

web@Luke:5:21 @ The scribes and the Pharisees began to reason, saying, "Who is this that speaks blasphemies? Who can forgive sins, but God alone?"

web@Luke:5:24 @ But that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins" (he said to the paralyzed man), "I tell you, arise, and take up your cot, and go to your house."

web@Luke:11:4 @ Forgive us our sins, for we ourselves also forgive everyone who is indebted to us. Bring us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.'"

web@Luke:17:3 @ Be careful. If your brother sins against you, rebuke him. If he repents, forgive him.

web@Luke:17:4 @ If he sins against you seven times in the day, and seven times returns, saying, 'I repent,' you shall forgive him."

web@Luke:23:34 @ Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't know what they are doing." Dividing his garments among them, they cast lots.

web@John:20:23 @ If you forgive anyone's sins, they have been forgiven them. If you retain anyone's sins, they have been retained."

web@2Corinthians:2:7 @so that on the contrary you should rather forgive him and comfort him, lest by any means such a one should be swallowed up with his excessive sorrow.

web@2Corinthians:2:10 @Now I also forgive whomever you forgive anything. For if indeed I have forgiven anything, I have forgiven that one for your sakes in the presence of Christ,

web@2Corinthians:12:13 @...a burden to you? Forgive me...

web@1John:1:9 @If we confess our sins, he is faithful and righteous to forgive us the sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

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