geneva@Exodus:26:25 @ So they shalbe eight boardes hauing sockets of siluer, euen sixteene sockets, that is, two sockets vnder one board, and two sockets vnder an other boarde.

geneva@Exodus:28:32 @ And the hole for his head shalbe in the middes of it, hauing an edge of wouen woorke rounde about the coller of it: so it shalbe as the coller of an habergeon that it rent not.

geneva@Exodus:38:9 @ Finally he made the court on the South side full South: the hangings of the court were of fine twined linnen, hauing an hundreth cubites.

geneva@Leviticus:7:20 @ But if any eate of the flesh of the peace offerings that pertaineth to the Lorde, hauing his vncleannesse vpon him, euen the same person shalbe cut off from his people.

geneva@Leviticus:20:18 @ The man also that lyeth with a woman hauing her disease, and vncouereth her shame, and openeth her fountaine, and she open the foutaine of her blood, they shall bee euen both cut off from among their people.

geneva@Leviticus:22:22 @ Blinde, or broken, or maimed, or hauing a wenne, or skiruie, or skabbed: these shall yee not offer vnto the Lord nor make an offring by fire of these vpon the altar of the Lorde.

geneva@Numbers:3:32 @ And Eleazar the sonne of Aaron the Priest shalbe chiefe captaine of the Leuites, hauing the ouersight of them that haue the charge of the Sanctuarie.

geneva@Joshua:5:13 @ And when Ioshua was by Iericho, he lift vp his eyes and looked: and behold, there stood a man against him, hauing a sword drawen in his hand: and Ioshua went vnto him, and said vnto him, Art thou on our side, or on our aduersaries?

geneva@Joshua:12:2 @ Sihon King of the Amorites, that dwelt in Heshbon, hauing dominion from Aroer, which is beside the riuer of Arnon, and from the middle of the riuer, and from halfe Gilead vnto the riuer Iabbok, in the border of the children of Ammon.

geneva@Judges:1:7 @ And Adoni-bezek said, Seuentie Kings hauing the thumbes of their hands & of their feete cut off, gathered bread vnder my table: as I haue done, so God hath rewarded me. so they brought him to Ierusalem, and there he died.

geneva@2Samuel:3:20 @ So Abner came to Dauid to Hebron, hauing twentie men with him, and Dauid made a feast vnto Abner, and to the men that were with him.

geneva@2Samuel:15:32 @ Then Dauid came to the toppe of the mount where he worshipped God: and beholde, Hushai the Archite came against him with his coate torne, and hauing earth vpon his head.

geneva@1Kings:11:29 @ And at that time, when Ieroboam went out of Ierusalem, the Prophet Ahiiah the Shilonite founde him in the way, hauing a newe garment on him, and they two were alone in ye field.

geneva@Nehemiah:12:42 @ And Maaseiah, and Shemaiah, and Eleazar, and Vzzi, and Iehohanan, and Malchiiah, and Elam, and Ezer: and the singers sang loude, hauing Izrahiah which was the ouerseer.

geneva@Esther:3:13 @ And the letters were sent by postes into all the Kings prouinces, to roote out, to kill and to destroy all the Iewes, both yong & olde, children and women, in one day vpon the thirteenth day of the twelft moneth, (which is the moneth Adar) and to spoyle them as a pray. {\cf2 (13:1) The copie of the letters was this, The great King Artaxerxes writeth these thinges to the princes and gouernours that are vnder him from India vnto Ethiopia in an hundreth and seuen and twentie prouinces. (13:2) When I was made Lord ouer many people, and had subdued the whole earth vnto my dominion, I would not exalt my selfe by the reason of my power, but purposed with equitie alway and gentlenesse to gouerne my subiects, and wholy to set them in a peaceable life, and thereby to bring my kingdome vnto tranquilitie, that men might safely goe thorow on euery side, and to renewe peace againe, which all men desire. (13:3) Now when I asked my counsellers how these things might be brought to passe, one that was conuersant with vs, of excellent wisdome, and constant in good wil, and shewed him selfe to be of sure fidelitie, which had the second place in the kingdome, euen Aman, (13:4) Declared vnto vs, that in all nations there was scattered abroad a rebellious people, that had lawes contrary to all people, and haue alway despised the commandements of Kings, and so that this generall empire, that we haue begunne, cannot be gouerned without offence. (13:5) Seeing nowe wee perceiue, that this people alone are altogether contrary vnto euery man, vsing strange and other maner of lawes, and hauing an euill opinion of our doings, and goe about to stablish wicked matters, that our kingdome should not come to good estate, (13:6) Therefore haue we comaunded, that all they that are appointed in writing vnto you by Aman (which is ordeined ouer ye affaires, & is as our second father) shall all with their wiues and children be destroyed & rooted out with ye sword of their enemies without all mercy, and that none be spared the fourtenth day of the twelfth moneth Adar of this yeere, (13:7) That they which of olde, and nowe also haue euer bene rebellious, may in one day with violence be thrust downe into the hell, to the intent that after this time our affaires may bee without troubles, and well gouerned in all pointes.}

geneva@Proverbs:6:7 @ For shee hauing no guide, gouernour, nor ruler,

geneva@Proverbs:13:7 @ There is that maketh himselfe riche, and hath nothing, and that maketh himselfe poore, hauing great riches.

geneva@Ezekiel:1:15 @ Nowe as I behelde the beastes, beholde, a wheele appeared vpon the earth by the beastes, hauing foure faces.

geneva@Ezekiel:34:8 @ As I liue, sayeth the Lorde God, surely because my flocke was spoyled, and my sheepe were deuoured of all the beasts of the fielde, hauing no shepherde, neither did my shepherdes seeke my sheepe, but the shepherdes fedde them selues, and fedde not my sheepe,

geneva@Ezekiel:40:44 @ And without the inner gate were ye chambers of the singers in the inner Court, which was at the side of the North gate: and their prospect was towarde the South, and one was at the side of the East gate, hauing the prospect towarde the North.

geneva@Daniel:8:20 @ The ramme which thou sawest hauing two hornes, are the Kings of the Medes and Persians.

geneva@Matthew:7:29 @ For he taught them as one hauing authoritie, and not as the Scribes.

geneva@Matthew:13:46 @ Who hauing found a pearle of great price, went and solde all that he had, and bought it.

geneva@Matthew:18:9 @ And if thine eye cause thee to offende, plucke it out, and cast it from thee: it is better for thee to enter into life with one eye, then hauing two eyes to be cast into hell fire.

geneva@Matthew:22:25 @ Nowe there were with vs seuen brethren, and the first maried a wife, and deceased: and hauing none yssue, left his wife vnto his brother.

geneva@Mark:9:43 @ Wherefore, if thine hand cause thee to offend, cut it off: it is better for thee to enter into life, maimed, then hauing two hands, to goe into hell, into the fire that neuer shalbe quenched,

geneva@Mark:9:45 @ Likewise, if thy foote cause thee to offend, cut it off: it is better for thee to go halt into life, then hauing two feete, to be cast into hell, into the fire that neuer shalbe quenched,

geneva@Mark:9:47 @ And if thine eye cause thee to offende, plucke it out: it is better for thee to goe into the kingdome of God with one eye, then hauing two eyes, to be cast into hell fire,

geneva@Mark:14:3 @ And when hee was in Bethania in the house of Simon the leper, as he sate at table, there came a woman hauing a boxe of oyntment of spikenarde, very costly, and shee brake the boxe, and powred it on his head.

geneva@Luke:11:36 @ If therefore thy whole body shall be light, hauing no part darke, then shall all be light, euen as when a candle doth light thee with the brightnesse.

geneva@Luke:15:4 @ What man of you hauing an hundreth sheepe, if hee lose one of them, doeth not leaue ninetie and nine in the wildernesse, and goe after that which is lost, vntill he finde it?

geneva@Luke:15:8 @ Either what woma hauing ten groates, if she lose one groate, doth not light a candle, & sweepe the house, and seeke diligently till shee finde it?

geneva@Luke:20:28 @ Saying, Master, Moses wrote vnto vs, If any mans brother die hauing a wife, and hee die without children, that his brother should take his wife, and raise vp seede vnto his brother.

geneva@Luke:22:56 @ And a certaine mayde behelde him as hee sate by the fire, and hauing well looked on him, said, This man was also with him.

geneva@Acts:20:11 @ Then when Paul was come vp againe, and had broken bread, and eaten, hauing spoken a long while till the dawning of the day, hee so departed.

geneva@Acts:22:12 @ And one Ananias a godly man, as perteining to the Lawe, hauing good report of all the Iewes which dwelt there,

geneva@2Corinthians:6:10 @ As sorowing, and yet always reioycing: as poore, and yet make many riche: as hauing nothing, and yet possessing all things.

geneva@2Corinthians:10:6 @ And hauing ready the vengeance against all disobedience, when your obedience is fulfilled.

geneva@Ephesians:6:14 @ Stand therefore, and your loynes girded about with veritie, and hauing on the brest plate of righteousnesse,

geneva@Philippians:1:3 @ I thanke my God, hauing you in perfect memorie,

geneva@1Timothy:3:4 @ One that can rule his owne house honestly, hauing children vnder obedience with all honestie.

geneva@1Timothy:5:12 @ Hauing damnation, because they haue broken the first faith.

geneva@Titus:2:8 @ And with the wholesome woorde, which can not be condemned, that hee which withstandeth, may be ashamed, hauing nothing concerning you to speake euill of.

geneva@1Peter:2:16 @ As free, and not as hauing the libertie for a cloke of maliciousnesse, but as the seruauntes of God.

geneva@1Peter:3:16 @ Hauing a good coscience, that whe they speake euill of you as of euill doers, they may be ashamed, which slander your good conuersation in Christ.

geneva@Jude:1:16 @ These are murmurers, complainers, walking after their owne lustes: Whose mouthes speake proud things, hauing mens persons in admiration, because of aduantage.

geneva@Revelation:9:17 @ And thus I saw the horses in a vision, & them that sate on them, hauing firie habbergions, and of Iacinth, and of brimstone, and the heads of the horses were as the heades of lyons: and out of their mouthes went foorth fire and smoke and brimstone.

geneva@Revelation:21:11 @ Hauing the glorie of God: and her shining was like vnto a stone most precious, as a Iasper stone cleare as crystall,

geneva@Jdt:2:9 @ {\cf2 The same night also when I returned from the buriall, and slept at the wall of mine house because I was polluted, & hauing my face vncouered,}

geneva@Tob:7:23 @ {\cf2 Courteous, stable, sure, without care, hauing all power, circumspect in all thinges, and passing through all, intellectuall, pure and subtil spirites.}

geneva@Tob:16:6 @ {\cf2 Thy wrath indured not perpetually, but they were troubled for a litle season, that they might bee reformed, hauing a signe of saluation, to remember the commandement of thy Lawe.}

geneva@Bar:6:30 @ {\cf2 And the priestes sit in their temples, hauing their clothes rent, whose heades and beards are shauen, and being bare headed,}

geneva@1Macc:2:32 @ {\cf2 Then many pursued after them: and hauing ouertaken them, they camped against them, & set the battel in aray against them on the Sabbath day,}

geneva@1Macc:6:63 @ {\cf2 Then departed he in all haste, and returned vnto Antiochia, where he found Philip hauing dominion of the citie: so he fought against him, and tooke the citie by force.}

geneva@1Macc:8:6 @ {\cf2 And howe great Antiochus King of Asia that came against the in battel, hauing an hudreth and twentie elephants, with horsemen, & charets, and a very great armie, was discomfited by them,}

geneva@1Macc:15:15 @ {\cf2 In the meane season came Numenius, and his companie from Rome, hauing letters written vnto the Kings and countreys, wherein were conteyned these wordes,}

geneva@2Macc:1:16 @ {\cf2 And by opening a priuie doore of the vaute, they cast stones, as it were thunder, vpon the captaine and his, and hauing bruised them in pieces, they cut off their heads and threwe them to those that were without.}

geneva@2Macc:5:15 @ {\cf2 Yet was hee not content with this, but durst goe into the most holy Temple of all the worlde, hauing Menelaus that traitour to the Lawes, and to his owne countrey, to be his guide,}

geneva@2Macc:9:20 @ {\cf2 If ye and your children fare well, and if all thinges goe after your minde, I giue great thankes vnto God hauing hope in the heauen.}

geneva@2Macc:9:22 @ {\cf2 Not distrusting mine health, but hauing great hope to escape this sicknesse.}

geneva@2Macc:10:18 @ {\cf2 And because certaine (which were no lesse then nine thousand) were fled into two strong castles, hauing all maner of things conuenient to susteine the siege,}

geneva@2Macc:10:23 @ {\cf2 And hauing good successe, as in al the warres that he tooke in hande, hee slewe in the two castels moe then twentie thousand.}

geneva@2Macc:10:37 @ {\cf2 And hauing founde Timotheus, that was crept into a caue, they killed him, and Chereas his brother with Apollophanes.}

geneva@2Macc:11:10 @ {\cf2 Thus they marched forwarde in aray, hauing an helper from heauen: for the Lord was mercifull vnto them.}

geneva@2Macc:11:15 @ {\cf2 Maccabeus agreed to Lysias requests, hauing respect in all things to the common wealth, and whatsoeuer Maccabeus wrote vnto Lysias concerning the Iewes, the King granted it.}

geneva@2Macc:12:6 @ {\cf2 And hauing called vpon God the righteous Iudge, hee went foorth against the murtherers of his brethren, and set fire in the hauen by night, and burnt the shippes, and those that fled thence, he slewe.}

geneva@2Macc:12:43 @ {\cf2 And hauing made a gathering through the company, sent to Ierusalem about two thousande drachmes of siluer, to offer a sinne offering, doing very well, and honestly that he thought of the resurrection.}

geneva@2Macc:13:2 @ {\cf2 And Lysias the stewarde and ruler of his affaires with him, hauing both in their armie an hundreth and ten thousande men of foote of the Grecians, and fiue thousande horsemen, and two and twentie elephants, and three hundreth charets set with hookes.}

geneva@2Macc:14:11 @ {\cf2 When hee had spoken these wordes, other friendes also hauing euil will at Iudas, set Demetrius on fire.}

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