bwe@Matthew:5:41 @ If anyone wants you to help carry a load, go with him twice as far.

bwe@Matthew:6:13 @ "Do not test us but help us, so that no one will make us do wrong. Deliver us from the evil one. The kingdom and power and praise belong to you for ever. Amen!"

bwe@Matthew:9:27 @ When Jesus went on from there, two blind men followed him. They called out, Son of David, help us!

bwe@Matthew:9:36 @ He saw the many people and was sorry for them. They were troubled and they could not help themselves. They were like sheep with no one to care for them.

bwe@Matthew:12:24 @ The Pharisees heard about it. They said, This man drives out bad spirits by the help of Beelzebub, the chief of bad spirits.

bwe@Matthew:15:5 @ But you say, "Tell your father or your mother that you have given to God what you were going to give to them." You say, "If anyone says that, then he does not need to help his father or mother."

bwe@Matthew:15:21 @...Son of David. Help me!...

bwe@Matthew:15:24 @ But the woman came and bowed down in front of Jesus and worshipped him. She said, Sir, help me.

bwe@Matthew:17:15 @ He said, Sir, help my son. A bad spirit is in him and he has much trouble. Often he falls into the fire, and often he falls into the water.

bwe@Matthew:20:26 @ But that is not the way it is among you. Anyone among you who wants to be great will help the others.

bwe@Matthew:20:28 @ The Son of Man did not come to have others help him. But he came to help others. He came to give his life to make many people free.

bwe@Matthew:20:30 @...the Son of David. Help... us!

bwe@Matthew:20:31 @...Sir, Son of David! Help... us!

bwe@Matthew:23:4 @ They make heavy loads and put them on peoples backs. But they themselves will not put up even one finger to help carry the loads.

bwe@Matthew:23:11 @ The person who is greatest among you will help the others.

bwe@Matthew:25:44 @ Then they will also ask, "Lord, when did we see you hungry, or thirsty, or a stranger, or needing clothes, or sick, or in prison, and did not help you?"

bwe@Matthew:26:15 @ He said, What will you give me if I help you catch Jesus? They gave him thirty pieces of silver money.

bwe@Matthew:26:16 @ And from then on, Judas watched for a good way to help them catch Jesus. Supper

bwe@Matthew:26:48 @ The man who was going to help them catch Jesus had told them that he would give them a sign. He said, The man that I kiss is the one. Catch him and hold him.

bwe@Mark:1:31 @ Jesus went to her. He took her hand and helped her up. The fever left her right away, and she began to do things to help them.

bwe@Mark:3:22 @ The scribes who came from Jerusalem also talked about Jesus. They said, Beelzebub, the chief of bad spirits, is in this man. He drives out bad spirits by the help of Beelzebub.

bwe@Mark:9:24 @...loudly, I do believe! Help me...

bwe@Mark:10:43 @ But that is not the way it is among you. Anyone among you who wants to be great must help the others.

bwe@Mark:10:45 @ The Son of Man did not come to have others help him. But he came to help others. He came to give his life to make many people free.

bwe@Mark:10:47 @...Jesus, Son of David! Help... me!

bwe@Mark:10:48 @...louder, Son of David! Help... me!

bwe@Mark:14:10 @ Judas Iscariot, one of the twelve disciples, went to the chief priests. He told them how he could help them catch Jesus.

bwe@Mark:14:11 @ They were glad when they heard that. They promised to give him money. So he watched for a good way to help them catch Jesus.

bwe@Mark:14:44 @ The man who was going to help them catch Jesus had told them that he would give them a sign. He said, The man that I kiss is the one. Catch him and take him away safely.

bwe@Luke:4:19 @ and to tell people that the year when the Lord will help them has come.

bwe@Luke:4:38 @ Jesus left the meeting house and went to Simons house. The mother of Simons wife was sick with a bad fever. They asked Jesus to help her.

bwe@Luke:5:7 @ They called their friends in the other boat to come and help them. They came. They filled both boats with so much fish, they began to go down.

bwe@Luke:8:3 @ Another one was Joanna, the wife of Chuza, who worked for Herod. Another one was Susanna. And there were many others who gave what they could to help him.

bwe@Luke:10:40 @ But Martha was very busy doing many things for Jesus. She came to Jesus and said, Lord, my sister has left me to do all the work. Do you not care? Tell her to come and help me.

bwe@Luke:11:15 @ But some of them said, This man drives out bad spirits by the help of Beelzebub, the chief of bad spirits.

bwe@Luke:11:18 @ If Satan fights against himself, how will his kingdom stand? You say I drive out bad spirits by the help of Beelzebub.

bwe@Luke:11:19 @ If I drive out bad spirits by the help of Beelzebub, by whose help do your own people drive them out? Your own people will judge you for this!

bwe@Luke:11:20 @ But if I drive out bad spirits by the help of God, then know this, Gods kingdom is here with you now.

bwe@Luke:11:46 @ Jesus said, You men will have trouble also! You put heavy loads on peoples backs. But you yourselves will not put up one finger to help carry the loads.

bwe@Luke:16:24 @ He called out, "Father Abraham, help me! Send Lazarus to dip his finger in some water and cool my tongue. This fire is very hot for me."

bwe@Luke:17:5 @...said to the Lord, Help us...

bwe@Luke:17:13 @ And they called out, Jesus, Master, help us!

bwe@Luke:18:13 a bad man. Help... me!"

bwe@Luke:18:38 @...Jesus, son of David! Help... me!

bwe@Luke:18:39 @...said, Son of David! Help... me!

bwe@Luke:19:44 @ They will break you down to the ground. They will kill the people within you. They will not leave one stone of your houses on top of another. That will happen because you did not know the time when God was ready to help you.

bwe@Luke:22:4 @ Judas went away and talked things over with the chief priests and captains. He told them how he could help them catch Jesus.

bwe@Luke:22:6 @ He agreed. He watched for a good way to help them catch Jesus when there were not too many people around.

bwe@Luke:22:32 @ But I have talked to God about you, Simon, so that you will keep on believing in me. And when you come back, then help your brothers to be strong.

bwe@John:3:2 @ One night Nicodemus came to Jesus. He said, Master, we know you are a teacher sent by God. We know this because no person could do the big works you are doing if God did not help him.

bwe@John:4:37 @ I sent you to gather what you did not help to plant. Other people have worked hard and you have been helped through their work.

bwe@John:14:16 @ I will ask my Father. He will give you another one to help you and to be with you always.

bwe@John:14:18 @ I will not leave you without someone to help you. And I myself will come back to you.

bwe@John:14:26 @...said to you. His Helper will...

bwe@John:16:7 @ Anyway, I am telling you the truth. It is better for you if I go away. If I do not go away, the one who is to help you will not come to you. But if I go away, I will send him to you.

bwe@Acts:1:22 @ They were with us from the time John baptised people until the day Jesus was taken up from us. One of these men must help us tell people that Jesus was raised from death.

bwe@Acts:4:29 @...We are your servants. Help us...

bwe@Acts:11:29 @ Then the disciples decided to help the Christian brothers who lived in Judea. They would each one send what he could.

bwe@Acts:12:5 @ So Peter was kept in prison. And the church people asked God to help him.

bwe@Acts:13:15 @ First, someone read from the books of the law and the prophets. Then the rulers of the meeting house called Paul and Barnabas and said, Men and brothers, have you something to say that will help us? Please say it.

bwe@Acts:14:15 @ They said, Why are you people doing this? We are only men like you. You should leave these gods which cannot help you. You should turn to the living God. He made the sky, the earth, the sea, and all that is in them.

bwe@Acts:14:22 @ They talked to the disciples to help them. They told them to keep on believing. They said, We must go through much trouble to get into Gods kingdom.

bwe@Acts:16:9 @ In the night Paul had a vision: he saw a picture like a dream. He saw a man of Macedonia standing and calling to him, Come over into Macedonia and help us.

bwe@Acts:20:20 @ I have not feared to tell you everything that would help you. I have taught you in meetings and in your homes.

bwe@Acts:20:35 @ I have always shown you that you must work hard, as I have. You must help those who cannot work. By so doing you are remembering the words of the Lord Jesus. He said, "It makes you more happy to give something than to get something."

bwe@Acts:21:28 @ They shouted, All you men of Israel, come and help us! This is the man who teaches everyone everywhere not to respect our people. He says we need not obey the law or respect this temple. And what is more, he has brought Greek people into the temple. He has made this holy place unclean.

bwe@Romans:5:6 @ We could not help ourselves. So at the right time, Christ died to save us bad people.

bwe@Romans:8:13 @ If you live the way your bodies wants to live, you will die. But if, by the help of the Spirit, you stop doing the wrong things your bodies want to do, you will live.

bwe@Romans:12:7 @ If a person can help others, he must help others. If a person can teach, he must teach.

bwe@Romans:12:8 @ If a person can talk to others, he must talk to others. If a person can give something, he must give it gladly. If a person can be a leader, he must try to be a good leader. If a person can help someone, he must do it gladly.

bwe@Romans:14:19 @ But we must do the things that make peace and that help each other to do better.

bwe@Romans:15:1 @ We who are strong must help those who are not strong. We must not do what pleases us.

bwe@Romans:15:2 @ But each of us must please his neighbour. He must do what is good for him and what will help him do better.

bwe@Romans:15:5 @ God gives people power to take their troubles and he comforts their hearts. I ask him to help you to think the same way as Christ did.

bwe@Romans:15:24 @ When I go to the country of Spain, I hope to see you on my way there. I hope you will help me on my way to that place. But first I will be happy to be with you for a little while.

bwe@Romans:15:25 @ But now I am going to Jerusalem with a gift to help Gods people.

bwe@Romans:15:26 @ The people of Macedonia and Achaia wanted to send a gift to help Gods people in Jerusalem who are poor.

bwe@Romans:16:2 @...people should do. Help her...

bwe@Romans:16:6 @ Give my greetings to Mary. She worked hard to help us.

bwe@1Corinthians:7:35 @ I say this to help you, not to make it hard for you. I want to show you what is good. I do not want anything to stop you from serving the Lord.

bwe@1Corinthians:9:11 @ We have planted seed by teaching you the good things of the Spirit. So we should receive something from you to help us to pay for our living.

bwe@1Corinthians:9:13 @ You know there are men who do the work in the temple. They get their food from the temple. Those who help to make sacrifices in the temple get a part of the sacrifice.

bwe@1Corinthians:12:24 @ He did this so that the body would not be divided into groups, but all the parts would help each other. 26)If one part has trouble, then all the other parts are troubled too. If one part is praised, then all the other parts are glad with it.

bwe@1Corinthians:12:26 @ God has given each person their right place in the church. First, there are the apostles. Second, there are prophets who speak words from God. Third, there are those who teach. Then there are those who do big works. Then there are those who have the gifts to heal people, those who help in the work of the church people, those who lead and guide others, and those who speak Gods words in different kinds of tongues or languages.

bwe@1Corinthians:14:6 @ My brothers, if I come to you and talk in tongues of a different language, how can I help you? I cannot help you if I do not tell you something God has shown to me, or something I know, or Gods word, or some teaching.

bwe@1Corinthians:14:12 @ So it is with you. You want the gifts of the Spirit. Then you should want the gift which will make you better able to help the church people.

bwe@1Corinthians:14:13 @ So then, the person who talks in a tongue of a different language, should ask God to help tell the meaning of the tongue.

bwe@1Corinthians:14:17 @ The way you thank God is good, but it does not help an ordinary person.

bwe@1Corinthians:14:26 @ What shall we do about it, my brothers? When you meet together, every one of you has something to help the other. One has a song to sing. One has something to teach people. One has something which God has shown to him. One has something to say in a tongue. One can tell the meaning of a tongue. Do all of these things to help one another.

bwe@1Corinthians:16:6 @ Maybe I will stay with you for a while, or even for the winter. Then you can help me on the way to the next place I go.

bwe@1Corinthians:16:15 @ You know that Stephanas and his family were the first people in the country of Greece to believe the good news. They have made up their minds to help Gods people always.

bwe@2Corinthians:1:3 @ He helps us every time we have trouble. Then we are able to be strong and help other people every time they have trouble. We can do this with the same comfort that God gives us.

bwe@2Corinthians:1:4 @ We have plenty of the same troubles that Christ had. But we also have plenty of comfort and help from him.

bwe@2Corinthians:1:6 @ Our hope for you is strong. If you have the same trouble we have had, then you will also have the same comfort and help we have. This we know.

bwe@2Corinthians:1:10 @ But you must help us also. You must talk to God about us. When many people ask God to help us, then many people will thank God for the way he has blessed us. ourselves. Our hearts tell us that we have lived the right way in the world, and even more so toward you. We have lived a clean and true life as God wants us to. We have not trusted in the wise things of men, but in the blessing of God.

bwe@2Corinthians:4:8 @ We have much trouble, but we do not give up. We are in hard places, but help always comes.

bwe@2Corinthians:6:6 @ We help you with our knowledge and by living a clean life, with the help of the Spirit. We are patient and kind. We help you by the Holy Spirit. We have shown true love.

bwe@2Corinthians:8:4 @ They begged us to let them give something to help Gods people.

bwe@2Corinthians:8:14 @ I want it to be equal for everyone. Right now, you have plenty and are able to help them. Another time, when they have plenty, they will help you when you need it. In that way things will be equal.

bwe@2Corinthians:8:18 @ Not only that, but the churches have chosen him to travel with us as we take care of this gift. We are doing this so that the Lord will be praised. We want to help others.

bwe@2Corinthians:8:20 @ And we are also sending another brother with them. We have found him to be glad to help us in many matters, many times. And now he is much more glad to help because he trusts you very much.

bwe@2Corinthians:9:8 @ God is able to give you even more blessings than you need. In all things you will always have all you need for yourselves, and you will have enough to help all others.

bwe@2Corinthians:9:12 @ This gift of money will help to give Gods people what they need. It will also make many people thank God.

bwe@2Corinthians:9:13 @ This gift will prove something to them. They will praise God because you obey the good news of Christ. They will praise God because you have given this gift to help them and all the others.

bwe@2Corinthians:11:8 @ I took pay from other churches. I made them poor so that I might help you.

bwe@2Corinthians:13:7 @ We ask God to help you that you will do nothing wrong. That is not to show you that we pass the test. We want you to do what is right even if we do not pass the test.

bwe@2Corinthians:13:10 @ That is why I am writing these things to you the way I am, before I reach you. Then, when I come to you, I do not want to be hard on you. I do not want to use the power which the Lord has given me. He gave it to me to help to make you better Christians, not to break you down.

bwe@Galatians:2:10 @ One thing they asked us to do was to help the poor Christians. I was very glad to do this.

bwe@Galatians:3:19 @ Why then was the law made? God gave it after he made the promise, because so many people were doing what was wrong. The law was to be in power only until the Son came, the one to whom the promise was made. The law was handed down by Gods angels with the help of a middle man.

bwe@Galatians:3:20 @ To need the help of a middle man there must be more than one person making the agreement. But God is the only one who made the promise.

bwe@Galatians:4:17 @ Other people are trying hard to get you on their side. But they do not mean to help you. They want to get you away from Christ so that you will listen to them.

bwe@Galatians:4:18 @ Of course, it is good if someone tries to help you, but only if it is for a good reason. It is always good, not only when I am with you.

bwe@Galatians:5:2 @ I, Paul, say to you again that if you let yourselves be circumcised, Christ is no help to you at all.

bwe@Galatians:6:1 @...the right thing again. Help him...

bwe@Galatians:6:2 @ Help each other in your troubles. In that way you obey Christs law.

bwe@Ephesians:4:29 @ Do not let any bad words come out of your mouth. But say good things that will help people. Then those who hear you will also be blessed by what you say.

bwe@Ephesians:6:17 @ Always talk to God in the Spirit. Talk to him about everything and ask him for what you need. Put your mind on what you are saying, asking God to help all his people.

bwe@Ephesians:6:18 @ And also, ask God to help me to talk without fear and tell people Gods plan about the good news.

bwe@Ephesians:6:19 @ I am in prison with chains on because I speak the good news about Jesus Christ. Ask God to help me to tell the good news without fear as I should tell it.

bwe@Philippians:1:1 @ We, Paul and Timothy, are servants of Christ Jesus. We send greetings to all of Gods people who belong to Christ Jesus and who live in the city of Philippi. We send greetings to the leaders of the church people and those who have been chosen to help them.

bwe@Philippians:1:4 @ I have joy in my heart every time I ask God to help you.

bwe@Philippians:1:11 @ I want you to be doing right by the help of Jesus Christ. That will make people praise God and will show how great he is.

bwe@Philippians:1:15 @ Some of them tell about Christ because they are jealous. They want to prove they are better than me. Some of them tell about Christ because they want to help me.

bwe@Philippians:1:19 @ Yes, I will keep on being glad about it. I know that you will talk to God about me, and I know that the Spirit of Jesus Christ will help me. So I know that things will work out for me to be free.

bwe@Philippians:1:25 @ Because I am sure of this, I know that I will stay on and be here with you all. That will help you to be better Christians and happy ones.

bwe@Philippians:2:30 @ He almost died doing the work of Christ. You wished to help me, but you could not come. He came instead. He was willing to put his life in danger in order to help me.

bwe@Philippians:4:3 @ I beg you, my real helper, to help these women. They worked hard with me in telling the good news. Clement and my other helpers worked hard with me too. Their names are in Gods Book of Life. Always be glad for what the Lord has done. I will say it again, be glad.

bwe@Philippians:4:9 @ The Lord made me very happy to know that you were thinking about me again. Yes, I know you were thinking of me before, but you had no way to help me.

bwe@Philippians:4:13 @ But you were kind to help me when I was in trouble.

bwe@Philippians:4:15 @ Even when I was in the city of Thessalonica, you sent money to help me more than once.

bwe@Colossians:1:7 @ Epaphras taught you the truth. He is Christs servant, as we are also, and we love him. He is a good worker to help you.

bwe@Colossians:1:9 @ That is why we keep on talking to God about you since the day we heard about you. We ask him that you may know everything he wants you to do. We ask him that you may be very wise and that the Spirit will help you to understand.

bwe@Colossians:3:16 @ Let your hearts be filled with the word of Christ. Be very wise when you teach people and help them to understand what is right and wrong. Sing with music. Sing praises and Christian songs. Sing to the Lord with praise in your hearts.

bwe@Colossians:4:12 @ Epaphras sends you greetings. He is one of you and is a servant of Christ Jesus. He always talks to God about you with all his heart. He asks God to help you to be strong so that you will become grown-up Christians and know all that God wants you to do.

bwe@1Thessalonians:1:4 @ The good news we brought you was not just words. It had power. It had the Holy Spirit. It made people very sure it was true. And you also know how we lived when we were with you to help you.

bwe@1Thessalonians:2:6 @ And we did not ask you or anybody else to help us or to praise us. Of course, we are apostles of Christ, and we had the right to do so.

bwe@1Thessalonians:3:2 @ And we sent our brother Timothy to you. He works for God by telling the good news about Christ. We sent him to help you be strong and to encourage you in what you believe.

bwe@1Thessalonians:3:10 @ Night and day we ask God that we may see you face to face. We want to help you know more about what you believe.

bwe@1Thessalonians:3:13 @ We want the Lord to help you to stand strong. And then, when the Lord Jesus comes with all Gods people, you will be holy in the eyes of our God and Father. He will see no fault in you.

bwe@1Thessalonians:4:12 @ Then people who do not belong to the church will respect you. And you will not need help from anyone. here is something I want you to know about those who have died. You should not cry for them like people cry who have no hope.

bwe@1Thessalonians:5:11 @...will make them strong. Help those...

bwe@1Thessalonians:5:22 @ My brothers, ask God to help us.

bwe@1Timothy:2:1 @ First of all, I want Gods people to do this. They must talk to God for all the people. They must ask God to help them. They must ask God to give them what they need. They must thank God for all that he gives them.

bwe@1Timothy:3:10 @ Try these men first. Then let them help the church people if they have done nothing wrong.

bwe@1Timothy:4:8 @ To make the body strong helps a little, but the things of God help us in all ways. The things of God promise us life now and life in heaven.

bwe@1Timothy:5:3 @ Help widow women, whose husbands are dead, if they have no one to help them.

bwe@1Timothy:5:4 @ If they have children or grandchildren, they should learn that the first place to do Gods work is in the home to help their own family. They should help their parents because their parents have helped them. This will please God.

bwe@1Timothy:5:5 @ A widow who has no one to help her, and is alone, trusts in God. Day and night she talks to God and asks him for the things she needs.

bwe@1Timothy:5:9 @ A widow who is over sixty years old, may be chosen to help the church people. But she must have been the wife of one husband.

bwe@1Timothy:5:10 @ People must speak well of the good works she has done. Has she brought up children? Has she been kind to strangers and cared for them in her house? Has she washed the feet of Gods people? Has she helped people who were in trouble? Has she done every kind of good thing to help people?

bwe@1Timothy:5:16 @ Do any Christians have in their families women whose husbands are dead? If they do, they should help them. The church people should not have to care for them. Then the church can help the women who have no one to help them.

bwe@1Timothy:5:23 @ Do not drink water only. But drink a little wine to help your stomach because you are sick so often.

bwe@1Timothy:6:18 @ Tell the rich people to do good. Tell them to do many good things. Tell them to give to other people, and to help those who are in need.

bwe@2Timothy:1:14 @ Keep safe that good thing which was trusted to you. The Holy Spirit who lives in us will help you.

bwe@2Timothy:2:7 @ Think about what I say and the Lord will help you understand everything.

bwe@Titus:3:8 @ These are true words. And I want you to tell the people these things. Then those who have believed God will try to do good things. These things are right and help people.

bwe@Titus:3:9 @ Have nothing to do with: foolish quarrels; lists of people who lived long ago; those who make trouble and argue about the law. These things do not help people and are good for nothing.

bwe@Titus:3:13 @ Our people should learn to spend their time in doing good things to help people who are poor. In that way, our people will not waste their time. Greet those who believe as we do and who love us. God bless you all.

bwe@Philemon:1:6 @ You believe as I do. I ask God that he may help you to know more and more of every good thing that we have in Christ.

bwe@Philemon:1:11 @ At one time he was no help to you. But now he is a big help to you and to me.

bwe@Philemon:1:13 @ I would like to keep him with me. He can help me while I am in prison for the sake of the good news. That would be just as if you were here to help me.

bwe@Philemon:1:20 @ Yes, my brother, give me some help in the Lord. Make me happy in Christ.

bwe@Hebrews:1:14 @ Are not all the angels spirits that help? They are sent out to help the people who will be saved.

bwe@Hebrews:2:16 @ Jesus did not come to help angels. He came to help people who were born in Abrahams family.

bwe@Hebrews:2:18 @ He had a very hard time when he was tested. But because he was tested, he is able to help people who are tested.

bwe@Hebrews:4:16 @ So let us trust him when we come to worship God. He is so good. He will be kind to us and help us when we need it.

bwe@Hebrews:10:24 @ Let us think of one another and help one another to love and to do good things.

bwe@Hebrews:10:25 @ Do not stop going to church meetings. Some people do stop. But help each other to be strong. You must do it all the more as you see the Great Day coming closer.

bwe@Hebrews:13:6 @ So we can be strong and say, The Lord will help me. I will not be afraid. What can men do to me?

bwe@Hebrews:13:9 @ Do not listen to all kinds of different teaching and strange things. It is better to have a heart that is strong because of Gods blessing than a heart that is thinking about different kinds of food. Different kinds of food do not help people who put their trust in them.

bwe@Hebrews:13:17 @ Obey your leaders and do what they tell you. They are watching over your souls. They must give a report. Obey them so they will be glad, and not sad, to give a report. If you make them sad, it is no help to you.

bwe@Hebrews:13:22 @ Please, brothers, be patient with the words I have given to help you. I have written a short letter.

bwe@James:1:27 @ This is what God the Father wants. It is clean and right. Go and help those who have no father and mother. Go and help widow women whose husbands are dead. These people have troubles. And keep yourself clean from the wrong things in the world.

bwe@1Peter:2:11 @ Live good lives among the people who do not believe. They may talk about you as if you do wrong things. But when they see the good things you do, they will praise God on the day he comes to help you.

bwe@1Peter:4:10 @ God has given each person a gift. That gift is something he can do. Each one should use his gift to help the others. In that way you all make good use of the many blessings God has given you.

bwe@1Peter:4:11 @ Has God blessed you by knowing how to talk? Then you should talk the words of God. Are you a helper? Then you should help with the strength God has given you. In all that you do, you should show that God is great through Jesus Christ. He has praise and power for ever. Yes, he has!

bwe@1Peter:5:12 @ Silas has written this short letter for me. I believe he is a brother who can be trusted. I have written to help you and tell you the true way to have Gods blessing. Stand firm in that way!

bwe@1John:2:1 @ My children, I am writing these things to you so that you will not do wrong things. But if anyone does something wrong, we have a Friend to help us. He speaks to God for us. He is Jesus Christ who does what is right.

bwe@1John:3:17 @ Perhaps a man has plenty of food and things. He sees that his brother needs some. If he does not want to help his brother, does he love God?

bwe@3John:1:4 @ Nothing can make me more happy than to hear that my children are living in the right way. My dear brother, when you help your Christian brothers in any way, even though you do not know them, you show that you do what you say you believe.

bwe@3John:1:6 @ They went out to do Christs work. And they have not taken any help from people who do not believe in God.

bwe@3John:1:7 @ So we should help such men with what they need. Then we are doing our part to tell the true message. I wrote a letter to the people of the church. But Diotrephes wants to be the leader. He will not listen to us.

bwe@Jude:1:21 @ Keep yourselves in Gods love. Wait for our Lord Jesus Christ to come and help you. He will give you life that will live for ever.

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