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mkjv@Genesis:2:9 @ And out of the ground the LORD God caused to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food. The tree of life also was in the middle of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

mkjv@Genesis:4:24 @ For Cain is avenged seven times, and Lamech seventy-seven times.

mkjv@Genesis:6:3 @ And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, in his erring; he is flesh. Yet his days shall be a hundred and twenty years.

mkjv@Genesis:6:13 @ And God said to Noah, The end of all flesh has come before Me, for the earth is filled with violence through them. And, behold, I will destroy them [with] the earth.

mkjv@Genesis:6:21 @ And take for yourself all food that is eaten, and you shall gather for yourself. And it shall be for food, for you and for them.

mkjv@Genesis:7:15 @ And they went in to Noah into the ark, two and two of all flesh, in which is the breath of life.

mkjv@Genesis:8:17 @ Bring out with you every living thing that is with you, of all flesh, of fowl, of cattle, and of every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth, so that they may breed abundantly in the earth, and be fruitful and multiply upon the earth.

mkjv@Genesis:8:21 @ And the LORD smelled a sweet odor. And the LORD said in His heart, I will never again curse the ground for man's sake, because the imagination of man's heart is evil from his youth. And I will not again smite every living thing as I have done.

mkjv@Genesis:9:15 @ And I will remember My covenant which is between Me and you and every living creature of all flesh; and the waters shall no more become a flood to destroy all flesh.

mkjv@Genesis:9:16 @ And the rainbow shall be in the cloud. And I will look upon it that I may remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is upon the earth.

mkjv@Genesis:9:18 @ And the sons of Noah that went out of the ark were Shem, Ham, and Japheth. And Ham is the father of Canaan.

mkjv@Genesis:10:9 @ He was a mighty hunter before the LORD. Therefore it is said, Even as Nimrod the mighty hunter before the LORD.

mkjv@Genesis:11:9 @ Therefore the name of it is called Babel; because the LORD confused the language of all the earth there. And from there the LORD scattered them abroad on the face of all the earth.

mkjv@Genesis:14:2 @ they made war with Bera king of Sodom, and with Birsha king of Gomorrah, Shinab king of Admah, and Shemeber king of Zeboim, and the king of Bela, which is Zoar.

mkjv@Genesis:14:3 @ All these were joined together in the valley of Siddim, which is the Salt Sea.

mkjv@Genesis:14:6 @ and the Horites in their Mount Seir, as far as the oak of Paran, which is [by] the wilderness.

mkjv@Genesis:14:7 @ And they returned, and came to Enmishpat, which is Kadesh, and struck all the country of the Amalekites, and also the Amorites who lived in Hazazon-tamar.

mkjv@Genesis:14:23 @ that I will take from all that is yours, [not] from a thread even to a shoestring, lest you say, I have made Abram rich.

mkjv@Genesis:15:3 @ And Abram said, Behold, You have given no seed to me. And behold, one born in my house is my heir.

mkjv@Genesis:15:16 @ But in the fourth generation they shall come here again, for the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet full.

mkjv@Genesis:17:4 @ As for Me, behold! My covenant is with you, and you shall be a father of many nations.

mkjv@Genesis:17:10 @ This is My covenant, which you shall keep, between Me and you and your seed after you. Every male child among you shall be circumcised.

mkjv@Genesis:17:12 @ And a son of eight days shall be circumcised among you, every male child in your generations; he that is born in the house, or bought with silver of any stranger who [is] not of your seed.

mkjv@Genesis:17:13 @ He that is born in your house, and he that is bought with your silver, must be circumcised. And My covenant shall be in your flesh for an everlasting covenant.

mkjv@Genesis:17:14 @ And the uncircumcised male child whose flesh of his foreskin is not circumcised, that soul shall be cut off from his people; he has broken My covenant.

mkjv@Genesis:17:17 @ And Abraham fell upon his face and laughed, and said in his heart, Shall [a child] be born to him that is a hundred years old? And shall Sarah, who is ninety years old, bear?

mkjv@Genesis:18:5 @ And I will bring a bite of bread, and will comfort your hearts. After that You shall pass on. For this is why You have come to Your servant. And they said, Do so, as you have said.

mkjv@Genesis:18:14 @ Is anything too hard for the LORD? At the time appointed I will return again, according to the time of life, and Sarah [shall have] a son.

mkjv@Genesis:18:20 @ And the LORD said, Because the cry of Sodom and Gomorrah is great, and because their sin is very grievous,

mkjv@Genesis:19:8 @ Behold now, I have two daughters which have not known man. I pray you, let me bring them out to you, and you do to them as you see fit. But do nothing to these men, for this is why they came under the shadow of my roof.

mkjv@Genesis:19:13 @ For we will destroy this place because great is the cry of them before the face of the LORD. And the LORD has sent us to destroy it.

mkjv@Genesis:19:20 @ Behold now, this city [is] near to flee to, and it is a little one. Oh let me escape there (is it not a little one?) and my soul shall live.

mkjv@Genesis:19:37 @ And the first-born bore a son, and called his name Moab. He is the father of the Moabites to this day.

mkjv@Genesis:19:38 @ And the younger also bore a son, and called his name Ben-ammi; he is the father of the sons of Ammon to this day.

mkjv@Genesis:20:2 @ And Abraham said of Sarah his wife, She is my sister. And Abimelech the king of Gerar sent and took Sarah.

mkjv@Genesis:20:3 @ But God came to Abimelech in a dream by night, and said to him, Behold, you [are] about to die, for the woman whom you have taken; for she is a man's wife.

mkjv@Genesis:21:22 @ And it happened at that time, Abimelech and Phicol, the commander of his army, spoke to Abraham, saying, God is with you in all that you do.

mkjv@Genesis:21:31 @ This is why he called that place Beer-sheba, because they swore, both of them, there.

mkjv@Genesis:22:7 ...And Isaac spoke...[am] I, my son. And he said, Behold the fire and the wood. But where is the lamb for a burnt offering?

mkjv@Genesis:22:14 @ And Abraham called the name of that place Jehovah Will See; so that it is said [until] this day, In the mount of Jehovah it will be seen.

mkjv@Genesis:22:17 @ that in blessing I will bless you, and in multiplying I will multiply your seed like the stars of the heavens, and as the sand which is upon the seashore. And your Seed shall possess the gate of His enemies.

mkjv@Genesis:23:8 @ And he spoke with them, saying, If it is your mind that I should bury my dead out of my sight, hear me, and ask for me of Ephron the son of Zohar,

mkjv@Genesis:23:9 @ that he may give me the cave of Machpelah which he has, which [is] in the end of his field. For as much silver as it is worth he shall give it to me for a possession of a burying-place among you.

mkjv@Genesis:23:15 @ My lord, listen to me. The land [is worth] four hundred shekels of silver; what is that between me and you? And bury your dead.

mkjv@Genesis:24:23 @ And he said, Whose daughter [are] Please tell me. Is there...

mkjv@Genesis:24:51 @ Behold! Rebekah is before you; take [her] and go. And let her be the wife of your master's son, even as the LORD has spoken.

mkjv@Genesis:24:65 @ For she said to the servant, What man [is] this that walks in the field to meet us? And the servant said, It is my master. Therefore she took a veil and covered herself.

mkjv@Genesis:26:7 @ And the men of the place asked about his wife. And he said, She is my sister. For he feared to say, My wife; lest the men of the place should kill me for Rebekah, because she was beautiful of form.

mkjv@Genesis:26:20 @...of Gerar strove with Isaac's herdsmen,...

mkjv@Genesis:27:42 @ And these words of her older son Esau were told to Rebekah. And she sent and called her younger son Jacob, and said to him, Behold, your brother Esau is going to ease himself on you, to kill you.

mkjv@Genesis:27:46 @...And Rebekah said to Isaac, I...[my] life to me?

mkjv@Genesis:28:16 @ And Jacob awakened from his sleep. And he said, Surely the LORD is in this place, and I did not know.

mkjv@Genesis:31:5 @ And he said to them, I see your father's face, that it is not toward me as before; but the God of my father has been with me.

mkjv@Genesis:31:12 @ And He said, Lift up your eyes and see all the rams which leap upon the cattle, that they [are] striped, speckled, and mottled. For I have seen all that Laban is doing to you.

mkjv@Genesis:31:29 @ It is in the power of my hand to do you harm. But the God of your fathers spoke to me last night, saying, Take heed that you do not speak either good or bad to Jacob.

mkjv@Genesis:31:50 @ If you shall not] afflict my daughters, or if you shall take wives besides my daughters, no man is with us. See! God is witness between you and me.

mkjv@Genesis:32:8 @ And he said, If Esau comes to the one company and strikes it, then the other company which is left shall escape.

mkjv@Genesis:32:30 @ And Jacob called the name of the place Peniel; for I have seen God face to face, and my life is preserved.

mkjv@Genesis:32:32 @...Therefore the sons of Israel do...-socket, until this day, because He touched Jacob's hip-socket, the sinew of the thigh.

mkjv@Genesis:33:11 @ Please take my blessing that is brought to you, because God has dealt graciously with me, and because I have enough. And he urged him, and he accepted.

mkjv@Genesis:33:17 @ And Jacob journeyed to Succoth and built himself a house, and made booths for his cattle. Therefore the name of the place is called Succoth.

mkjv@Genesis:34:14 @ And they said to them, We cannot do this thing, to give our sister to one that is uncircumcised. For it [is] a reproach to us.

mkjv@Genesis:34:22 @ Only on this [condition] will the men agree to us, to live with us, to be one people, if every male among us is circumcised as they [are] circumcised.

mkjv@Genesis:35:19 @ And Rachel died and was buried in the way to Ephrath, which is Bethlehem.

mkjv@Genesis:35:20 @ And Jacob set up a pillar upon her grave. That is the pillar of Rachel's grave to this day.

mkjv@Genesis:36:1 @ And these are the generations of Esau, that is Edom.

mkjv@Genesis:36:24 @ And these [were] the sons of Zibeon: both Aiah and Anah (he is Anah that found the hot springs in the desert as he fed the asses of Zibeon, his father).

mkjv@Genesis:37:14 @ And he said to him, please go see whether it is well with your brothers and well with the flocks. And bring me word again. And he sent him out of the valley of Hebron, and he came to Shechem.

mkjv@Genesis:37:30 @ And he returned to his brothers and said, The child, he is not. And I, where shall I go?

mkjv@Genesis:37:33 @ And he knew it, and said, [It is] my son's tunic. An evil beast has eaten him. Joseph is without doubt torn in pieces.

mkjv@Genesis:38:11 @ Then said Judah to Tamar, his daughter-in-law, Remain a widow at your father's house until Shelah my son is grown. For he said, Lest perhaps he die also, as his brothers [did]. And Tamar went and lived in her father's house.

mkjv@Genesis:40:14 @ But remember me when it is well with you, and please show kindness to me, and make mention of me to Pharaoh, and bring me out of this house.

mkjv@Genesis:41:25 @ And Joseph said to Pharaoh, The dream of Pharaoh is one. God has shown Pharaoh what He is about to do.

mkjv@Genesis:41:28 @ This [is] the thing which God has spoken to Pharaoh; what God is about to do, He shows to Pharaoh.

mkjv@Genesis:41:32 @ And since the dream was repeated to Pharaoh twice, it is because the thing [is] established by God, and God will shortly bring it to pass.

mkjv@Genesis:41:33 @ Now therefore let Pharaoh look for a man who is discreet and wise, and set him over the land of Egypt.

mkjv@Genesis:42:2 @ And he said, Behold, I have heard that there is grain in Egypt. Go down there and buy for us from there, so that we may live and not die.

mkjv@Genesis:42:22 @ And Reuben answered them, saying, Did I not speak to you saying, Do not sin against the youth? And you would not hear. Therefore, behold, also his blood is required.

mkjv@Genesis:42:38 @ And he said, My son shall not go down with you. For his brother is dead, and he is left alone. And [if] mischief should happen to him by the way you go, then you shall bring down my gray hairs with sorrow to the grave.

mkjv@Genesis:43:32 @ And they set it on for him by himself, and for them by themselves, and for the Egyptians who ate with him by themselves, because the Egyptians may not eat bread with the Hebrews; for that is an abomination to the Egyptians.

mkjv@Genesis:44:5 @ Is this not [that] in which my lord drinks, and by which indeed he divines? You have done evil in so doing.

mkjv@Genesis:44:10 @ And he said, Now also [let] it [be] according to your word. He with whom it is found shall be my servant, and you shall be blameless.

mkjv@Genesis:44:15 @ And Joseph said to them, What deed is this that you have done? Do you not know that one like me can certainly divine?

mkjv@Genesis:44:16 @ And Judah said, What shall we say to my lord? What shall we speak? Or how shall we clear ourselves? God has found out the iniquity of your servants. Behold, we [are] my lord's servants, both we and he also with whom the cup is found.

mkjv@Genesis:44:17 @ And he said, Be it far from me that I should do so. The man in whose hand the cup is found, he shall be my servant. And as for you, you go in peace to your father.

mkjv@Genesis:44:20 @ And we said to my lord, We have a father, an old man, and a child of his old age, a little one. And his brother is dead, and he alone is left of his mother, and his father loves him.

mkjv@Genesis:44:26 @ And we said, We cannot go down. If our youngest brother is with us, we will go down, for we may not see the man's face unless our youngest brother [is] with us.

mkjv@Genesis:44:28 @ And the one went out from me, and I said, Surely he is torn in pieces. And I never saw him since.

mkjv@Genesis:44:30 @ And now when I come to your servant my father, and the boy [is] not with us, since his life is bound up in his life,

mkjv@Genesis:45:3 @ And Joseph said to his brothers, I [am] Joseph. Is my father still alive? And his brothers could not answer him, for they were troubled at his presence.

mkjv@Genesis:45:26 @ And they told him, saying, Joseph [is] still alive, and he is governor over all the land of Egypt. And Jacob's heart fainted, for he did not believe them.

mkjv@Genesis:47:4 @ And they said to Pharaoh, For we have come to live in the land. For your servants have no pasture left for their flocks. For the famine is severe in the land of Canaan. And now please let your servants dwell in the land of Goshen.

mkjv@Genesis:47:6 @ The land of Egypt is before you. Make your father and brothers to live in the best of the land; in the land of Goshen let them live. And if you know men of ability among them, then make them overseers of livestock, over what is mine.

mkjv@Genesis:47:18 @ When that year was ended, they came to him the second year and said, We will not hide [it] from my lord, that our silver has failed, also our herds of cattle, [going] to my lord. Nothing is left in the sight of my lord, but our bodies and our lands.

mkjv@Genesis:49:27 @ Benjamin is a wolf that tears in pieces. In the morning he shall devour the prey, and at night he shall divide the spoil.

mkjv@Genesis:49:29 @ And he charged them and said to them, I am to be gathered to my people. Bury me with my fathers in the cave that is in the field of Ephron the Hittite,

mkjv@Exodus:1:22 @ And Pharaoh charged all his people, saying, Every son that is born you shall cast into the river, and every daughter you shall save alive.

mkjv@Exodus:2:14 @ And he said, Who made you as a man, a ruler and a judge over us? Do you intend to kill me as you killed the Egyptian? And Moses feared, and said, Surely this thing is known.

mkjv@Exodus:3:3 @ And Moses said, I will now turn aside and see this great sight, why the thorn bush is not burned up.

mkjv@Exodus:3:16 @...the God of Abraham, Isaac, and...[have seen what] is done to you in Egypt.

mkjv@Exodus:5:16 @ There is no straw given to your servants, and they say to us, Make bricks! And behold, your servants [are] beaten, but the fault is in your own people.

mkjv@Exodus:8:26 @ And Moses said, It is not right to do so, for we shall sacrifice the abomination of the Egyptians to the LORD our God. Lo, shall we sacrifice the abomination of the Egyptians before their eyes, and will they not stone us?

mkjv@Exodus:9:3 @ behold, the hand of the LORD is upon your cattle in the field, upon the horses, upon the asses, upon the camels, upon the oxen, and upon the sheep, a very grievous plague.

mkjv@Exodus:9:29 @ And Moses said to him, as soon as I go out of the city, I will spread abroad my hands to the LORD. The thunder shall stop, and the hail will not be any more, so that you may know that the earth is the LORD's.

mkjv@Exodus:10:7 @ And Pharaoh's servants said to him, How long shall this man be a snare to us? Let the men go so that they may serve the LORD their God. Do you not yet know that Egypt is destroyed?

mkjv@Exodus:10:11 @ Not so! You men go now and serve the LORD, for it is you who did desire it. And they were driven out from Pharaoh's presence.

mkjv@Exodus:12:4 @ And if the household is too little for the lamb, let him and his neighbor next to his house take according to the number of the souls, each one, according to the eating of his mouth, you shall count concerning the lamb.

mkjv@Exodus:12:19 @...from the congregation of Israel, among...

mkjv@Exodus:12:26 @ And it will be, when your sons shall say to you, What is this service to you?

mkjv@Exodus:12:44 @ But every man's servant that is bought for silver, when you have circumcised him, then he shall eat of it.

mkjv@Exodus:12:48 @ And when a stranger shall stay with you, and desires to keep the Passover to the LORD, let all his males be circumcised, and then let him come near and keep it. And he shall be as one that is born in the land. And no uncircumcised person shall eat of it.

mkjv@Exodus:13:8 @ And you shall tell your son in that day, saying, This is because of what the LORD did for me when I came out from Egypt.

mkjv@Exodus:15:2 @ The LORD [is] my strength and song, and He has become my salvation. He is my God, and I will glorify Him, my father's God, and I will exalt Him.

mkjv@Exodus:15:26 @ And he said, If you will carefully listen to the voice of the LORD your God, and will do that which is right in His sight, and will give ear to His commandments, and keep all His laws, I will put none of these diseases upon you, which I have brought upon the Egyptians; for I [am] the LORD who heals you.

mkjv@Exodus:16:23 @ And he said to them, This [is that] which the LORD has said, Tomorrow is the rest of the holy sabbath to the LORD. Bake what you will bake [today], and boil what you will boil. And that which remains over, lay up for you to be kept until the morning.

mkjv@Exodus:17:7 @...tempted the LORD, saying, Is the...

mkjv@Exodus:17:16 @ And he said, A hand [is] on the throne of the LORD; war is to the LORD with Amalek from generation to generation.

mkjv@Exodus:21:16 @ And he that steals a man and sells him, or if he is found in his hand, he shall surely be put to death.

mkjv@Exodus:21:22 @ If men strive and strike a pregnant woman, so that her child comes out, and there is no injury, he shall surely be punished, according as the woman's husband will lay upon him. And he shall pay as the judges [say]

mkjv@Exodus:21:30 @ If there is laid on him a sum of money, then he shall give for the ransom of his life whatever is laid upon him.

mkjv@Exodus:21:36 @ Or if it is known that the ox has been apt to gore in time past, and his owner has not kept him in, he shall surely pay ox for ox. And the dead shall be his own.

mkjv@Exodus:22:2 @ If a thief is found breaking in, and is struck so that he dies, no blood [shall be] shed for him.

mkjv@Exodus:22:3 @ If the sun is risen upon him, blood is due for him. He should repay in full. If he has nothing, then he shall be sold for his theft.

mkjv@Exodus:22:4 @ If the theft is certainly found in his hand alive, whether it is an ox, or an ass, or a sheep, he shall restore double.

mkjv@Exodus:22:6 @ If fire breaks out and catches in thorns, so that the stacks of grain, or the standing grain, or the field, is burned up, he who kindled the fire shall surely repay in full.

mkjv@Exodus:22:7 @ If a man shall deliver to his neighbor silver or stuff to keep, and it is stolen out of the man's house; if the thief is found, let him pay double.

mkjv@Exodus:22:8 @ If the thief is not found, then the master of the house shall be brought to the judges, whether he has put his hand to his neighbor's goods.

mkjv@Exodus:22:10 @ If a man delivers to his neighbor an ass, or an ox, or a sheep, or any animal to keep, and it dies, or is hurt, or driven away, no one seeing,

mkjv@Exodus:22:12 @ And if it is stolen from him, he shall fully repay the owner of it.

mkjv@Exodus:22:13 @ If it is torn in pieces, let him bring it for witness, [and] he shall not make good that which was torn.

mkjv@Exodus:22:14 @ And if a man borrows from his neighbor, and it is hurt, or dies, and the owner of it not with it, he shall surely make [it] good.

mkjv@Exodus:22:15 @ If the owner of it [is] with it, he shall not make [it] good. If it is hired, it came for its hire.

mkjv@Exodus:22:16 @ And if a man lures a virgin who is not promised, and lies with her, he shall surely endow her to be his wife.

mkjv@Exodus:22:20 @ One sacrificing to a god, except it is to Jehovah only, he shall be utterly destroyed.

mkjv@Exodus:22:27 @ For that [is] his covering only, it is his clothing for his skin. In what shall he sleep? And it will be, when he cries to Me, I will hear, for I [am] gracious.

mkjv@Exodus:25:29 @ And you shall make its dishes, and its spoons, and its pitchers, and its sacrificial cups [with] which a drink-offering is made. You shall make them [of] pure gold.

mkjv@Exodus:28:8 @ And the embroidered girdle of the ephod, which is upon it, shall be of the same, according to the work of it: [of] gold, blue, and purple, and scarlet, and fine twined bleached [linen].

mkjv@Exodus:28:26 @ And you shall make two rings of gold, and you shall put them upon the two ends of the breast-pocket in the border of it, which is in the side of the ephod inward.

mkjv@Exodus:29:22 @ Also you shall take from the ram the fat and the fat tail, and the fat that covers the inward parts, and the lobe on the liver, and the two kidneys and the fat on them, and the right shoulder, for it is a ram of consecration;

mkjv@Exodus:29:25 @ And you shall take them from their hands, and burn [them] upon the altar for a burnt offering, for a sweet savor before the LORD. It is an offering made by fire to the LORD.

mkjv@Exodus:29:27 @ And you shall sanctify the breast of the wave offering, and the thigh of the heave offering, which is waved, and which is lifted from the ram of the consecration, from what [is] Aaron's, and from what is for his sons.

mkjv@Exodus:29:30 @ The one of his sons that is priest in his place shall put them on seven days, when he comes into the tabernacle of the congregation to minister in the holy [place].

mkjv@Exodus:30:6 @ And you shall put it before the veil that [is] by the ark of the testimony, in front of the mercy-seat that is beside the testimony, where I will meet with you.

mkjv@Exodus:30:32 @ It shall not be poured upon man's flesh, neither shall you make [any other] like it, according to the way it is made. It is holy, and it shall be holy to you.

mkjv@Exodus:30:37 @ And the perfume which you shall make, you shall not make any for yourselves according to the way it is made. It shall be holy to you for the LORD.

mkjv@Exodus:34:14 @ For you shall worship no other god. For the LORD, whose name is Jealous, [is] a jealous God;

mkjv@Exodus:37:16 @ And he made the vessels which were on the table, its dishes and its spoons, and its bowls, and its pitchers by which a drink offering is made, [of] pure gold.

mkjv@Exodus:38:21 @ This is the sum of the tabernacle, of the tabernacle of testimony, as it was counted, according to the command of Moses, [for] the service of the Levites by the hand of Ithamar, the son of Aaron the priest.

mkjv@Leviticus:1:17 @ And he shall cut it in two with the wings of it, not dividing [it]. And the priest shall burn it on the altar, on the wood that is on the fire. It [is] a burnt sacrifice, an offering made by fire, of a sweet savor to the LORD.

mkjv@Leviticus:2:8 @ And you shall bring the food offering that is made of [these] things to the LORD. And when it is presented to the priest, he shall bring it to the altar.

mkjv@Leviticus:2:9 @ And the priest shall take from the food offering a memorial of it, and shall burn [it] on the altar. It is an offering made by fire, of a sweet savor to the LORD.

mkjv@Leviticus:2:10 @ And that which is left of the food offering [shall be] Aaron's and his sons: [it is] most holy of the offerings of the LORD made by fire.

mkjv@Leviticus:3:1 @ And if his offering [is] a sacrifice of peace offering, if he offers from the herd, whether it is a male or female, he shall offer it without blemish before the LORD.

mkjv@Leviticus:3:5 @ And Aaron's sons shall burn it on the altar, on the burnt sacrifice on the wood, which is on the fire. [It is] an offering made by fire, of a sweet savor to the LORD.

mkjv@Leviticus:3:7 @ If he is bringing near a sheep for his offering, then he shall bring it near before the LORD.

mkjv@Leviticus:4:3 @ if the priest who is anointed sins, resulting in guilt to the people, then he shall bring for his sin, which he has sinned, a young bull, a son of the herd, a perfect one, to the LORD for a sin offering.

mkjv@Leviticus:4:5 @ And the priest who is anointed shall take of the young bull's blood, and shall bring it to the tabernacle of the congregation.

mkjv@Leviticus:4:7 @ And the priest shall put [some] of the blood on the horns of the altar of sweet incense before the LORD, which [is] in the tabernacle of the congregation. And he shall pour all the blood of the young bull at the bottom of the altar of burnt offering, which is at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation.

mkjv@Leviticus:4:13 @...the whole company of Israel sins...

mkjv@Leviticus:4:14 @ when the sin is known which they have sinned against it, then the congregation shall bring near a young bull for the sin, and bring him before the tabernacle of the congregation.

mkjv@Leviticus:4:16 @ And the priest that is anointed shall bring of the young bull's blood to the tabernacle of the congregation.

mkjv@Leviticus:4:18 @ And he shall put [some] of the blood on the horns of the altar which is before the LORD, which is in the tabernacle of the congregation. And he shall pour out all the blood at the bottom of the altar of burnt offering, which is at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation.

mkjv@Leviticus:4:22 @ When a ruler has sinned and through ignorance has acted against one of the commands of the LORD his God, which [is] not to be done, and is guilty;

mkjv@Leviticus:4:27 @ And if any one of the people of the land sins through ignorance, by doing that which is not to be done against one of the commands of the LORD, and is guilty;

mkjv@Leviticus:4:31 @ And he shall take away all its fat, as the fat is taken away from the sacrifice of peace offerings. And the priest shall burn [it] on the altar for a sweet savor to the LORD. And the priest shall make an atonement for him, and it shall be forgiven him.

mkjv@Leviticus:4:35 @ And he shall take away all the fat of it, as the fat of the lamb is taken away from the sacrifice of the peace offerings. And the priest shall burn them on the altar, on the fire offerings to the LORD. And the priest shall make an atonement for his sin that he has sinned, and it shall be forgiven him.

mkjv@Leviticus:5:2 @ Or if a soul touches any unclean thing, whether a dead body of an unclean beast, or a dead body of unclean cattle, or the dead body of unclean swarming things, and [if] it is hidden from him that he is unclean and guilty--

mkjv@Leviticus:5:3 @ or if he touches the uncleanness of man, whatever uncleanness by which he is unclean, and it is hidden from him, and he knows, then he shall be guilty.

mkjv@Leviticus:5:4 @ Or if a soul swears, pronouncing with [his] lips to do evil or to do good, whatever it is that a man speaks rashly with an oath, and it is hidden from him, and he knows, then he shall be guilty of one of these.

mkjv@Leviticus:5:5 @ And it shall be when he is guilty in one of these, he shall confess that in which he has sinned.

mkjv@Leviticus:5:11 @ But if he is not able to bring two turtle-doves, or two young pigeons, then he that sinned shall bring for his offering the tenth part of an ephah of fine flour for a sin offering. He shall put no oil on it, neither shall he put frankincense on it. For it [is] a sin offering.

mkjv@Leviticus:5:12 @ And he shall bring it to the priest, and the priest shall take his full handful of it, a memorial of it, and burn [it] on the altar, on the fire offering to the LORD. It is a sin offering.

mkjv@Leviticus:5:17 @ And if a soul sins, and he has done that which ought not to be done, any one from all the commands of the LORD, and does not know, and he is guilty and bears his iniquity;

mkjv@Leviticus:6:4 @ then, it shall be, because he sinned and is guilty, he shall pay back that which he got by robbery; or if he robbed the thing extorted; or the deposit which had been deposited with him; or the lost thing which he had found;

mkjv@Leviticus:6:9 @ Command Aaron and his sons, saying, This [is] the law of the burnt offering. It is the burnt offering for burning on the altar all night to the morning, and the fire of the altar shall be burning in it.

mkjv@Leviticus:6:15 @ And he shall take from it his handful of the flour of the food offering, and of the oil of it, and all the frankincense which is on the food offering, and shall burn [it] on the altar for a sweet savor, the memorial of it, to the LORD.

mkjv@Leviticus:6:17 @ It shall not be baked with leaven. I have given it [as] their portion of My offerings made by fire. It [is] most holy, as is the sin offering, and as the trespass offering is.

mkjv@Leviticus:6:22 @ And the priest of his sons, who is anointed in his stead, shall offer it. [It is] a statute forever to the LORD. It shall be wholly burnt.

mkjv@Leviticus:6:25 @ Speak to Aaron and to his sons, saying, This [is] the law of the sin offering. In the place where the burnt offering is killed, the sin offering shall be killed before the LORD. It [is] most holy.

mkjv@Leviticus:6:27 @ Whatever shall touch its flesh shall be holy. And when any of its blood is sprinkled on any garment, you shall wash that on which it was sprinkled in the holy place.

mkjv@Leviticus:6:28 @ But the earthen vessel in which it is boiled shall be broken. And if it is boiled in a bronze pot, it shall be both scoured and rinsed in water.

mkjv@Leviticus:6:30 @ And no sin offering, of which [any] of the blood is brought into the tabernacle of the congregation for atonement in the sanctuary, shall be eaten. It shall be burned up in the fire.

mkjv@Leviticus:7:1 @ And this [is] the law of the trespass offering. It is most holy.

mkjv@Leviticus:7:5 @ And the priest shall burn them on the altar for a fire offering to the LORD. It is a trespass offering.

mkjv@Leviticus:7:7 @ As the sin offering, so [is] the trespass offering. There is one law for them. The priest that makes atonement with it, it is his.

mkjv@Leviticus:7:8 @ And the priest that offers any man's burnt offering, that priest shall have the skin of the burnt offering which he has offered; it is his.

mkjv@Leviticus:7:9 @ And all the food offering that is baked in the oven, and all that is dressed in the frying-pan and on the griddle, shall be the priest's that offers it; it is his.

mkjv@Leviticus:7:14 @ And from it he shall offer one cake out of the whole sacrifice for a heave offering to the LORD, to the priest that sprinkles the blood of the peace offerings; it is his.

mkjv@Leviticus:7:15 @ And the flesh of the sacrifice of his peace offerings for thanksgiving shall be eaten the same day that it is offered. He shall not leave any of it until the morning.

mkjv@Leviticus:7:18 @ And if [any] of the flesh of the sacrifice of the peace offerings is eaten at all the third day, it shall not be accepted, neither shall it be imputed to him who offers it. It shall be an abomination, and the soul that eats of it shall bear his iniquity.

mkjv@Leviticus:7:35 @ This is the [portion] of the anointing of Aaron, and of the anointing of his sons, out of the offerings of the LORD made by fire, in the day he presented them to minister to the LORD in the priest's office,

mkjv@Leviticus:11:3 @ Whatever divides the hoof, and is cloven-footed, [chewing] the cud, among the animals, that you shall eat.

mkjv@Leviticus:11:7 @ And the swine, though he divides the hoof and is cloven-footed, yet he does not [chew] the cud; he [is] unclean to you.

mkjv@Leviticus:11:26 @ even every living thing which divides the hoof, and is not cloven-footed, nor [chews] the cud, they [are] unclean to you. Everyone that touches them shall be unclean.

mkjv@Leviticus:11:32 @ And whatever shall fall on [any] of them when they are dead, [shall be] unclean, [whether] any vessel of wood, or clothing, or skin, or sack; whatever vessel in which work is done, it must be put into water, and it shall be unclean to the evening. So it shall be cleaned.

mkjv@Leviticus:11:37 @ And if [any] of their dead body falls on any sowing seed which is to be sown, it shall be clean.

mkjv@Leviticus:11:38 @ But if [any] water is put on the seed, and any part of the dead body falls on it, it [shall be] unclean to you.

mkjv@Leviticus:13:2 @ When a man has a rising in the skin of his flesh, or a scab or bright spot, and it is in the skin of his flesh [like] the plague of leprosy, then he shall be brought to Aaron the priest, or to one of his sons the priests.

mkjv@Leviticus:13:3 @ And the priest shall look on the plague in the skin of the flesh. And [if] the hair in the plague has turned white, and the plague in sight [is] deeper than the skin of his flesh, it is a plague of leprosy. And the priest shall look on him and shall pronounce him unclean.

mkjv@Leviticus:13:4 @ And if the bright spot [is] white in the skin of his flesh, and in sight is not deeper than the skin, and the hair of it has not turned white, then the priest shall shut up the plague seven days.

mkjv@Leviticus:13:5 @ And the priest shall look on him the seventh day. And behold, [if] the plague in his sight is stayed; the plague has not spread in the skin, then the priest shall shut him up seven days more.

mkjv@Leviticus:13:9 @ When the plague of leprosy is in a man, then he shall be brought to the priest.

mkjv@Leviticus:13:10 @ And the priest shall look. And, behold, if the rising is white in the skin, and it has turned the hair white and [there is] live raw flesh in the rising,

mkjv@Leviticus:13:11 @ it [is] an old leprosy in the skin of his flesh. And the priest shall pronounce him unclean, and shall not shut him up, for he is unclean.

mkjv@Leviticus:13:13 @ then the priest shall look. And behold, [if] the leprosy has covered all his flesh, he shall pronounce the plagued one clean. It has all turned white. He is clean.

mkjv@Leviticus:13:16 @ Or if the raw flesh turns again and is changed to white, he shall come to the priest.

mkjv@Leviticus:13:19 @ and in the place of the boil there is a white rising or a bright spot, a reddish white, it shall be shown to the priest;

mkjv@Leviticus:13:24 @ Or if there is flesh in which the skin has a hot burning, and the raw [flesh] of the burning [becomes] a white bright spot, reddish or white,

mkjv@Leviticus:13:26 @ But if the priest looks on it, and behold, there [is] no white hair in the bright spot, and it [is] no lower than the [other] skin, but is somewhat dark, then the priest shall shut him up seven days.

mkjv@Leviticus:13:36 @ then the priest shall look on him, and behold, if the scab is spread in the skin, the priest shall not look for shining yellow hair. He [is] unclean.

mkjv@Leviticus:13:37 @ But if in his eyes the scab is stabilized, and black hair is growing up in it, the scab is healed. He [is] clean, and the priest shall pronounce him clean.

mkjv@Leviticus:13:42 @ And if there is in the bald head, or bald forehead, a white reddish sore, it [is] a leprosy sprung up in his bald head or his bald forehead.

mkjv@Leviticus:13:43 @ And the priest shall look on it. And behold, [if] the rising of the sore is reddish white in his bald head, or in his bald forehead, as the leprosy appears in the skin of the flesh,

mkjv@Leviticus:13:46 @ All the days in which the plague [is] in him he shall be defiled. He is unclean. He shall live alone. His dwelling [shall be] outside the camp.

mkjv@Leviticus:13:47 @ And if there is any garment that has the plague of leprosy in it, in a wool garment or a linen garment,

mkjv@Leviticus:13:49 @ and if the plague is greenish or reddish in the garment, or in the skin, either in the warp or in the woof, or in anything of skin, it [is] a plague of leprosy. And it shall be shown to the priest.

mkjv@Leviticus:13:51 @ And he shall look on the plague on the seventh day. If the plague is spread in the garment, either in the warp or in the woof, or in any skin [or] in any work that is made of skin, the plague is] a fretting leprosy. It [is unclean.

mkjv@Leviticus:13:55 @ And the priest shall look on the plague after it is washed, and behold, [if] the plague has not changed its color and the plague has not spread; it [is] unclean. You shall burn it in the fire. It [is] eaten away in its inside or in its outside.

mkjv@Leviticus:14:3 @ And the priest shall go forth out of the camp. And the priest shall look, and behold, [if] the plague of leprosy is healed in the leper,

mkjv@Leviticus:14:4 @ then the priest shall command to take two clean live birds for him that is to be cleansed, and cedar wood, and scarlet, and hyssop.

mkjv@Leviticus:14:7 @ And he shall sprinkle on him that is to be cleansed from the leprosy seven times, and shall pronounce him clean, and shall let the living bird loose into the open field.

mkjv@Leviticus:14:8 @ And he that is to be cleansed shall wash his clothes, and shave off all his hair, and wash himself in water so that he may be clean. And after that he shall come into the camp, and shall stay outside his tent seven days.

mkjv@Leviticus:14:11 @ And the priest who is cleansing, and the man who is to be cleansed, shall stand with them before the LORD at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation.

mkjv@Leviticus:14:13 @ And he shall kill the lamb in the place where he shall kill the sin offering and the burnt offering, in the holy place. For as the sin offering [is] the priest's, so is the trespass offering. It [is] most holy.

mkjv@Leviticus:14:14 @ And the priest shall take of the blood of the trespass offering, and the priest shall put it on the tip of the right ear of him that is to be cleansed, and on the thumb of his right hand, and on the big toe of his right foot.

mkjv@Leviticus:14:17 @ And of the rest of the oil in his hand, the priest shall put on the tip of the right ear of him that is to be cleansed, and on the thumb of his right hand, and on the big toe of his right foot, on the blood of the trespass offering.

mkjv@Leviticus:14:18 @ And the rest of the oil in the priest's palm he shall pour on the head of him that is to be cleansed. And the priest shall make an atonement for him before the LORD.

mkjv@Leviticus:14:19 @ And the priest shall offer the sin offering and make an atonement for him that is to be cleansed from his uncleanness. And afterward he shall kill the burnt offering.

mkjv@Leviticus:14:25 @ And he shall kill the lamb of the trespass offering. And the priest shall take from the blood of the trespass offering, and put it on the tip of the right ear of him that is to be cleansed, and on the thumb of his right hand, and on the big toe of his right foot.

mkjv@Leviticus:14:27 @ And the priest shall sprinkle with his right finger of the oil that is in his left hand seven times before the LORD.

mkjv@Leviticus:14:28 @ And the priest shall put of the oil in his hand on the tip of the right ear of him that is to be cleansed, and on the thumb of his right hand, and on the big toe of his right foot, on the place of the blood of the trespass offering.

mkjv@Leviticus:14:29 @ And the rest of the oil in the priest's hand he shall put on the head of him that is to be cleansed, to make an atonement for him before the LORD.

mkjv@Leviticus:14:30 @ And he shall offer the one of the turtle-doves, or of the young pigeons, such as he is able to get,

mkjv@Leviticus:14:31 @ even such as he is able to reach, the one [for] a sin offering and the other [for] a burnt offering, with the food offering. And the priest shall make an atonement for him that is to be cleansed before the LORD.

mkjv@Leviticus:14:32 @ This [is] the law of him in whom [is] the plague of leprosy, whose hand is not able to reach in his cleansing.

mkjv@Leviticus:14:43 @ And if the plague comes again and breaks out in the house after he has taken away the stones and after he has scraped the house, and after it is plastered,

mkjv@Leviticus:14:46 @ And he that goes into the house all the days that it is shut up shall be unclean until the evening.

mkjv@Leviticus:14:48 @ And if the priest shall come in and look, and, behold, the plague has not spread in the house after the house was plastered, then the priest shall pronounce the house clean because the plague is healed.

mkjv@Leviticus:14:57 @ to teach when [it is] unclean and when it is clean. This [is] the law of leprosy.

mkjv@Leviticus:15:2 the sons of Israel and...[because of] his discharge.

mkjv@Leviticus:15:4 @ Every bed on which he who discharges lies is unclean. And everything on which he sits shall be unclean.

mkjv@Leviticus:15:8 @ And if he who discharges spits on him that is clean, then he shall wash his clothes, and bathe in water, and be unclean until the evening.

mkjv@Leviticus:15:13 @ And when he who discharges is cleansed of his discharge, then he shall number seven days to himself for his cleansing, and wash his clothes, and bathe his flesh in running water, and shall be clean.

mkjv@Leviticus:15:19 @ And if a woman has a discharge, [and] her discharge in her flesh is blood, she shall be in her impurity seven days. And whoever touches her shall be unclean until the evening.

mkjv@Leviticus:15:24 @ And if any man lies with her at all, and her impurity is on him, he shall be unclean seven days. And every bed on which he lies shall be unclean.

mkjv@Leviticus:15:28 @ But if she is cleansed of her discharge, then she shall number to herself seven days, and after that she shall be clean.

mkjv@Leviticus:15:32 @ This [is] the law of him that has an discharge, and of him whose semen goes from him and is defiled with it,

mkjv@Leviticus:15:33 @ and of her that is menstruating, and of him that has an discharge, of the man, and of the woman, and of him that lies with an unclean woman.

mkjv@Leviticus:16:2 @ and the LORD said to Moses, Speak to Aaron your brother, that he does not come at all times into the sanctuary within the veil before the mercy-seat, which is on the Ark, so that he will not die. For I will appear in the cloud on the mercy-seat.

mkjv@Leviticus:16:6 @ And Aaron shall offer his young bull of the sin offering which is for himself, and make an atonement for himself and for his house.

mkjv@Leviticus:16:11 @ And Aaron shall bring the young bull of the sin offering which is for himself, and shall atone for himself and for his house, and shall kill the young bull of the sin offering which is for himself.

mkjv@Leviticus:16:13 @ And he shall put the incense on the fire before the LORD. And the cloud of the incense shall cover the mercy-seat that is on the Testimony. And he shall not die.

mkjv@Leviticus:16:15 @ Then he shall kill the goat of the sin offering that is for the people, and bring its blood inside the veil. And he shall do with that blood as he did with the blood of the young bull, and sprinkle it on the mercy-seat and before the mercy-seat.

mkjv@Leviticus:16:29 @ And it shall be a statute forever to you: in the seventh month, on the tenth of the month, you shall afflict your souls and do no work at all, the native and the alien who is staying among you.

mkjv@Leviticus:17:12 the sons of Israel, No...

mkjv@Leviticus:17:14 @ For [it is] the sons of Israel, You...

mkjv@Leviticus:18:25 @ And the land is defiled. Therefore I visit its wickedness on it, and the land itself vomits out those who live in it.

mkjv@Leviticus:18:27 @ For the men of the land who [were] before you have done all these abominations, and the land is defiled.

mkjv@Leviticus:19:7 @ And if it is eaten at all on the third day, it [is] abominable. It shall not be accepted.

mkjv@Leviticus:19:13 @ You shall not defraud your neighbor nor rob [him]. The wages of him who is hired shall not stay with you until the morning.

mkjv@Leviticus:19:20 @ And whoever lies with a woman with semen, and she is a slave-girl, betrothed to a husband and not at all redeemed, nor freedom given her, there shall be an inquest. They shall not be put to death, because she was not free.

mkjv@Leviticus:20:27 @ A man also or woman that has a medium or that is a necromancer, shall surely be put to death. They shall stone them with stones. Their blood [is] on them.

mkjv@Leviticus:21:2 @ But for his kin that is near him, for his mother and for his father and for his son and for his daughter and for his brother

mkjv@Leviticus:21:3 @ and for his sister, a virgin, who is near to him, who has had no husband, for her he may be defiled.

mkjv@Leviticus:21:10 @ And the high priest among his brothers, on whose head the anointing oil was poured and who is consecrated to put on the garments, shall not uncover his head nor tear his clothes.

mkjv@Leviticus:21:17 @ Speak to Aaron, saying, No man of your seed in their generations shall draw near to offer the bread of his God if there is a blemish in him.

mkjv@Leviticus:21:19 @ or a man that is broken-footed, or broken-handed,

mkjv@Leviticus:21:21 @ No man of the seed of Aaron, the priest, in whom there is a blemish shall come near to offer the fire offerings of the LORD. He has a blemish; he shall not come near to offer the bread of his God.

mkjv@Leviticus:22:4 @ Any man of the seed of Aaron who [is] leprous, or has a discharge, he shall not eat of the holy things until he is clean. And he who touches any uncleanness of a person, or a man whose semen has gone out from him,

mkjv@Leviticus:22:5 @ or a man who touches any swarming thing by which he may be made unclean, or touches a man who is unclean to him, by any uncleanness he has,

mkjv@Leviticus:22:7 @ And when the sun is down, he shall be clean, and shall afterward eat of the holy things, because it [is] his food.

mkjv@Leviticus:22:13 @ But if the priest's daughter is a widow, or put away, and has no child, and has returned to her father's house, as [in] her youth, she shall eat of her father's food. But no stranger shall eat of it.

mkjv@Leviticus:22:23 @ As to a young bull or a sheep that is deformed or dwarfed, you may offer that [for] a free-will offering. But for a vow it shall not be accepted.

mkjv@Leviticus:22:24 @ You shall not offer to the LORD that which is bruised or crushed, or broken or cut. You shall not make [any offering] of it in your land.

mkjv@Leviticus:22:27 @ When a bull or a lamb or a goat is brought forth, then it shall be seven days under the dam. And from the eighth day and from then on, it shall be accepted for a fire offering to the LORD.

mkjv@Leviticus:22:32 @...among the sons of Israel. I...[am] the LORD who is sanctifying you,

mkjv@Leviticus:23:5 @ In the fourteenth [day] of the first month, between the evenings, is the LORD's Passover,

mkjv@Leviticus:23:27 @ Also, on the tenth of this seventh month, this is a day of atonement. [It shall be] a holy convocation to you. And you shall afflict your souls and offer a fire offering to the LORD.

mkjv@Leviticus:23:29 @ For any soul who is not humbled in that same day, he shall be cut off from among his people.

mkjv@Leviticus:24:16 @ And he that blasphemes the Name of the LORD shall surely be put to death. All the congregation shall surely stone him. And the stranger as well, even as he that is born in the land; when he blasphemes the Name, he shall be put to death.

mkjv@Leviticus:25:5 @ You shall not reap that which grows of its own accord of your harvest, neither gather the grapes of your undressed vine. It is a year of rest to the land.

mkjv@Leviticus:25:16 @ According to the number of years you shall increase the price of it, and according to the fewness of years you shall diminish the price of it, for he is selling to you the number of crops.

mkjv@Leviticus:25:26 @ And if the man has no redeemer, and he himself is able to redeem it, and he has enough [for] its redemption;

mkjv@Leviticus:25:28 @ But if he is not able to restore to him, then that which is sold shall remain in the hand of him that has bought it until the year of jubilee. And in the jubilee it shall go out, and he shall return to his possession.

mkjv@Leviticus:25:29 @ And if a man sells a dwelling house [in] a walled city, then he may redeem it [within] a whole year after it is sold. He may redeem it within a full year.

mkjv@Leviticus:25:30 @ And if it is not redeemed within the time of a full year, then the house in the walled city shall be made sure forever to its buyer throughout his generations. It shall not go out in the jubilee.

mkjv@Leviticus:25:39 @ And if your brother [who lives] beside you has become poor, and is sold to you, you shall not compel him to serve as a bond-servant.

mkjv@Leviticus:25:48 @ after he is sold he may be redeemed again. One of his brothers may redeem him;

mkjv@Leviticus:25:49 @ either his uncle or his uncle's son may redeem him, or [any] that is near of kin to him of his family may redeem him. Or if he is able, he may redeem himself.

mkjv@Leviticus:25:54 @ And if he is not redeemed in this way, then he shall go out in the year of jubilee, he and his sons with him.

mkjv@Leviticus:27:7 @ And if from sixty years old and above, if it is a male then your judgment shall be fifteen shekels, and for the female ten shekels.

mkjv@Leviticus:27:8 @ But if he is poorer than your judgment, then he shall present himself before the priest, and the priest shall value him. The priest shall value him according to the ability of him who vowed.

mkjv@Leviticus:27:12 @ And the priest shall value it, whether it is good or bad. As you the priest value it, so shall it be.

mkjv@Leviticus:27:14 @ And when a man shall sanctify his house [to be] holy to the LORD, then the priest shall judge it, whether it is good or bad. As the priest shall judge it, so shall it stand.

mkjv@Leviticus:27:26 @ However, the first-born of an animal, which should be the LORD's first-born, no man shall sanctify it, whether an ox, or sheep, it is the LORD's.

mkjv@Leviticus:27:27 @ And if [it is] of an unclean animal, then he shall redeem it according to your estimation, and shall add a fifth [part] of it to it. Or if it is not redeemed, then it shall be sold according to your estimation.

mkjv@Leviticus:27:33 @ He shall not search whether it is good or bad, neither shall he change it. And if he changes it at all, then both it and the change of it shall be holy. It shall not be redeemed.

mkjv@Numbers:1:51 @ And when the tabernacle sets forth, the Levites shall take it down. And when the tabernacle is to be pitched, the Levites shall set it up. And the stranger who comes near shall be put to death.

mkjv@Numbers:4:15 @ And when Aaron and his sons have made an end of covering the sanctuary, and all the vessels of the sanctuary, when the camp is to set forward, then after that the sons of Kohath shall come to carry it]. But they shall not touch any holy thing lest they die. These [are] the burden of the sons of Kohath in the tabernacle of the congregation.

mkjv@Numbers:4:16 @ And to the office of Eleazar the son of Aaron the priest [belongs] the oil for the light, and the sweet incense, and the daily food offering, and the anointing oil, the oversight of all the tabernacle and of all that is in it, in the sanctuary and in its vessels.

mkjv@Numbers:4:26 @ and the hangings of the court, and the hanging for the door of the gate of the court, which [is] by the tabernacle and by the altar all around, and their cords, and all the instruments of their service, and all that is made for them. So they shall serve.

mkjv@Numbers:5:2 @...Command the sons of Israel that...

mkjv@Numbers:5:6 the sons of Israel: When...

mkjv@Numbers:5:8 @ But if the man has no kinsman to whom he may make restitution for the guilt, the guilt which is restored [shall be] given to the LORD, to the priest, besides the ram of the atonement by which an atonement shall be made for him.

mkjv@Numbers:5:13 @ and a man lie with her carnally, and if it is hidden from the eyes of her husband and is kept hidden, and she is defiled, and [there is] no witness against her, neither is she taken in the act;

mkjv@Numbers:5:14 @ and if the spirit of jealousy comes upon him and he is jealous of his wife, and she is defiled-- or if the spirit of jealousy comes upon him and he is jealous of his wife, and she is not defiled--

mkjv@Numbers:5:17 @ And the priest shall take holy water in an earthen vessel. And the priest shall take of the dust that is in the floor of the tabernacle and put [it] into the water.

mkjv@Numbers:5:27 @ And when he has made her drink the water, then it shall be, if she is defiled and has committed a trespass against her husband, the water that causes the curse shall enter into her and [become bitter]. And her belly shall swell, and her thigh shall fall away. And the woman shall be a curse among her people.

mkjv@Numbers:5:28 @ And if the woman is not defiled, but is clean, then she shall be clean, and shall conceive seed.

mkjv@Numbers:5:29 @ This [is] the law of jealousies when a woman goes aside, being under her husband, and is defiled.

mkjv@Numbers:5:30 @ Or when the spirit of jealousy comes on a man, and he is jealous over his wife, and shall set the woman before the LORD, and the priest shall execute upon her all this law.

mkjv@Numbers:6:4 @ All the days of his Nazariteship he shall eat nothing that is made of the grapevine, from grape seeds even to a stem.

mkjv@Numbers:6:21 @ This [is] the law of the Nazarite who has vowed his offering to the LORD for his separation, besides that which he is able to get. According to the vow which he vowed, so he must do according to the law of his separation.

mkjv@Numbers:9:13 @ But the man that [is] clean, and is not in a journey, and holds back from preparing the Passover, even the same soul shall be cut off from among his people. Because he did not bring the offering of the LORD in His appointed time, that man shall bear his sin.

mkjv@Numbers:10:7 @ But when the congregation is to be gathered, you shall blow, but you shall not sound an alarm.

mkjv@Numbers:11:6 @ But now our soul [is] dried away; there is nothing at all besides this manna [before our] eyes.

mkjv@Numbers:11:20 @ Even a whole month, until it comes out at your nostrils, and it is hateful to you, because you have despised the LORD among you, and have wept before Him, saying, Why did we come out of Egypt?

mkjv@Numbers:12:6 @ And He said, Hear now My words. If there is a prophet among you, [I] the LORD will make Myself known to him in a vision, and will speak to him in a dream.

mkjv@Numbers:12:12 @ Let her not be like one dead, of whom the flesh is half gone when he comes out of his mother's womb.

mkjv@Numbers:13:18 @ And see the land, what it [is], and the people that live in it, whether it is strong or weak, few or many.

mkjv@Numbers:13:19 @ And see what the land [is] that they live in, whether it is good or bad; and what cities they dwell in, whether in tents or in strongholds;

mkjv@Numbers:13:20 @ and what the land [is], whether fat or lean, whether there is wood in it or not. And be of good courage, and bring of the fruit of the land. Now the time [was] the time of first ripe grapes.

mkjv@Numbers:14:7 @ And they spoke to all the company of the [sons] of Israel saying, The land which we passed through to search is an exceedingly good land.

mkjv@Numbers:14:14 @ And they will say to the inhabitant of this land. They have heard that You, LORD, [are] among this people, who is seen eye to eye. You [are] Jehovah, and Your cloud stands over them, and You go before them in a pillar of cloud by day, and in a pillar of fire by night.

mkjv@Numbers:15:24 @ then it shall be if it is committed by ignorance without the knowledge of the congregation, all the congregation shall offer up one young bull for a burnt offering, for a sweet savor to the LORD, with its food offering and its drink offering, according to the ordinance, and one kid of the goats for a sin offering.

mkjv@Numbers:15:29 @ And you shall have one law for him who acts through ignorance; [for]...among the sons of Israel and...

mkjv@Numbers:16:3 @ And they gathered themselves against Moses and against Aaron, and said to them, [You take] too much upon you, since all the congregation are holy, every one of them, and the LORD is among them. Why then do you lift yourselves up above the congregation of the LORD?

mkjv@Numbers:16:5 @ And he spoke to Korah and to all his company, saying, Even tomorrow the LORD will show [who are] His, and him who is holy, and will cause him to come near to Him; even him whom He has chosen, He will cause to come near to Him.

mkjv@Numbers:16:11 @ For this cause you and all your company [are] gathered against the LORD. And what is Aaron, that you murmur against him?

mkjv@Numbers:18:11 @ And this [is]...of the sons of Israel. I...

mkjv@Numbers:18:13 @ The first fruits of all that is in the land, which they shall bring to the LORD, shall be yours. Everyone that is clean in your house shall eat [of] it.

mkjv@Numbers:19:2 @ This [is] the sons of Israel that...

mkjv@Numbers:19:9 @ And a man [that is]...of the sons of Israel for...

mkjv@Numbers:19:13 cut off from Israel. Because...[is] still upon him.

mkjv@Numbers:19:16 @ And whoever touches one that is killed with a sword in the open fields, or a dead body, or a bone of a man, or a grave, shall be unclean seven days.

mkjv@Numbers:20:5 @ And why have you made us to come up out of Egypt, to bring us into this evil place? It [is] no place of seed or of figs or of vines or of pomegranates. And there is no water to drink.

mkjv@Numbers:21:5 @ And the people spoke against God and against Moses, Why have you brought us up out of Egypt to die in the wilderness? For [there is] no bread, neither is there any water. And our soul hates this light bread.

mkjv@Numbers:21:8 @ And the LORD said to Moses, Make a fiery serpent and set it on a pole. And it shall be when everyone that is bitten, when he looks upon it, he shall live.

mkjv@Numbers:21:14 @ Therefore it is said in the Book of the Wars of the LORD, Waheb in Suphah, and in the torrents of Arnon,

mkjv@Numbers:21:16 @ And from there [they went] to Beer. That is the well of which the LORD spoke to Moses, Gather the people together, and I will give them water.

mkjv@Numbers:22:4 @ And Moab said to the elders of Midian, Now this company is licking up all around us, as the ox licks up the grass of the field. And Balak the son of Zippor [was] king of the Moabites at that time.

mkjv@Numbers:22:6 @ Therefore, I pray you, come now and curse this people for me. For they [are] too mighty for me. Perhaps I shall prevail so that we may strike them, and so that I may drive them out of the land. For I know that he whom you bless is blessed, and he whom you curse is cursed.

mkjv@Numbers:22:32 @ And the Angel of the LORD said to him, Why have you beaten your ass these three times? Behold! I went out to be an enemy to you, because your [way] is perverse before Me.

mkjv@Numbers:24:9 @ He crouched. He lay down as a lion, and as a great lion. Who shall stir him up? Blessed is he who blesses you, and cursed is he who curses you.

mkjv@Numbers:24:21 @ And he looked on the Kenites, and took up his parable and said, Strong is your dwelling-place, and you put your nest in a rock.

mkjv@Numbers:29:1 @ And in the seventh month, on the first of the month, you shall have a holy convocation. You shall do no laboring work. It is a day of blowing the trumpets to you.

mkjv@Numbers:30:4 @ and [if] her father hears her vow and her bond with which she has bound her soul, and [if] her father is silent as to her, then all her vows shall stand, and every bond with which she has bound her soul shall stand.

mkjv@Numbers:30:7 @ and [if] her husband heard and is silent as to her in the day that he heard, then her vows shall stand, and her bonds with which she bound her soul shall stand.

mkjv@Numbers:30:9 @ But every vow of a widow and of her who is divorced, all which she has bound on her soul shall stand against her.

mkjv@Numbers:30:11 @ and [if] her husband heard and is silent as to her, and did not forbid her, then all her vows shall stand, and every bond with which she bound her soul shall stand.

mkjv@Numbers:30:14 @ But [if] her husband is altogether silent as to her from day to day, then he establishes all her vows or all her bonds which [are] on her. He confirms them, because he was silent as to her in the day that he heard.

mkjv@Numbers:31:20 @ And purify all clothing, and all that is made of skin, and all work of goats' [hair], and all things made of wood.

mkjv@Numbers:31:49 @ And they said to Moses, Your servants have counted the men of war who [are] under our charge, and there is not one man of us lacking.

mkjv@Numbers:32:22 @...the LORD and before Israel. And...

mkjv@Numbers:35:18 @ Or [if] he strikes him with a hand weapon of wood, with which he may die, and if he dies, he is a murderer. The murderer shall surely be put to death.

mkjv@Numbers:35:33 @ So you shall not defile the land in which you [are]. For blood defiles the land. And the land cannot be cleansed of the blood that is shed in it, except by the blood of him that shed it.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:1:17 @ You shall not respect persons in judgment. You shall hear the small as well as the great. You shall not be afraid of the face of man, for the judgment [is] God's. And the cause that is too hard for you, bring to me, and I will hear it.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:1:25 @ And they took of the fruit of the land in their hands, and brought [it] down to us, and brought us word again and said, It is a good land which the LORD our God gives us.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:3:11 @ For only Og king of Bashan remained of the rest of the giants. Behold! His bedstead [was]...a bedstead of iron. Is it...[was] its length, and four cubits its width, according to the cubit of a man.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:3:12 @ And this is the land [which] we possessed at that time, from Aroer by the river Arnon, and half of Mount Gilead, and its cities, I gave to the men of Reuben and of Gad.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:4:6 @ And you shall keep and do [them], for this is your wisdom and your understanding in the sight of the nations, which shall hear all these statutes and say, Surely this great nation [is] a wise and understanding people.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:4:7 @ For who is a great nation whose God [is] coming near to them, as Jehovah our God [is], in all our calling on him?

mkjv@Deuteronomy:4:8 @ And who is a great nation whose statutes and judgments [are so] righteous as all this law which I set before you today?

mkjv@Deuteronomy:4:39 @ Therefore, know this day and consider within your heart, that the LORD [is] God in Heaven above and on the earth beneath. There is no other.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:5:8 @ You shall not make a graven image for you, any likeness [of anything] that is in the heavens above, or in the earth beneath, or in the waters beneath the earth.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:5:21 @ And you shall not lust after your neighbor's wife, nor shall you covet your neighbor's house, his field, or his manservant, or his maidservant, his ox, or his ass, or any [thing] that is your neighbor's.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:7:25 @ You shall burn the graven images of their gods with fire. You shall not desire the silver or gold on them, nor take [it] for yourself, so that you may not be snared in it. For it is an abomination to the LORD your God.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:8:2 @ And you shall remember all the way which the LORD your God led you these forty years in the wilderness in order to humble you, to prove you, to know what is in your heart, whether you would keep His commandments or not.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:8:13 @ and [when] your herds and your flocks multiply, and your silver and your gold is multiplied, and all that you have is multiplied,

mkjv@Deuteronomy:8:18 @ But you shall remember the LORD your God, for [it is] He who gives you power to get wealth, so that He may confirm His covenant which He has sworn to your fathers, as it is today.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:11:12 @ It is a land which the LORD your God cares for. The eyes of the LORD your God [are] always upon it, from the beginning of the year even to the end of the year.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:12:21 @ If the place which the LORD your God has chosen to put his name there is too far from you, then you shall kill of your herd and of your flock which the LORD has given you, as I have commanded you, and you shall eat in your gates whatever your soul desires.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:12:22 @ Even as the gazelle and the hart is eaten, so you shall eat them. The unclean and the clean shall eat [of] them alike.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:13:14 @ then you shall inquire and make search, and ask carefully. And behold, [if it is true], and the thing is certain, [that] such an abomination is done among you,

mkjv@Deuteronomy:14:24 @ And if the way is too long for you, so that you are not able to carry it, [or] if the place is too far from you, which the LORD your God shall choose to set His name there, when the LORD your God has blessed you,

mkjv@Deuteronomy:15:2 @ And this [is] the manner of the release. Every man who has a loan to his neighbor shall release it. He shall not exact [it] from his neighbor, or from his brother, because it is called the LORD's release.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:15:3 @ You may exact [it] from a foreigner, but your hand shall release that which is yours with your brother,

mkjv@Deuteronomy:15:7 @ If there is among you a poor man of one of your brothers inside any of your gates in your land which the LORD your God gives you, you shall not harden your heart nor shut your hand from your poor brother.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:15:9 @ Beware that there is not a thought in your wicked heart, saying, The seventh year, the year of release, is at hand, and your eye may be evil against your poor brother, and you give him nothing. And he may cry to the LORD against you, and it is sin to you.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:15:12 @ If your brother, a Hebrew man or a Hebrew woman, is sold to you and serves you six years, then in the seventh year you shall let him go free from you.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:15:21 @ And if there is a blemish in it, lame, or blindness, or any ill blemish, you shall not sacrifice it to the LORD your God.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:16:20 @ You shall follow that which is altogether just, that you may live and inherit the land which the LORD your God gives you.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:17:1 @ You shall not sacrifice to the LORD your God [any] bull or sheep in which there is a blemish, any evil thing, for that is an abomination to the LORD your God.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:17:2 @ If there is found among you, inside any of your gates which the LORD your God gives you, a man or woman who does what is evil in the sight of the LORD your God, in breaking His covenant,

mkjv@Deuteronomy:17:4 @...abomination is done in Israel;...

mkjv@Deuteronomy:17:6 @ At the mouth of two witnesses or three witnesses shall he that is worthy of death be put to death. At the mouth of one witness he shall not be put to death.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:17:15 @ you shall surely set a king over you, whom the LORD your God shall choose. You shall set a king over you from among your brothers. You may not set a stranger over you, who is not your brother.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:19:6 @ so that the avenger of the blood may not pursue the slayer while his heart is hot, and overtake him because the way is long, and kill him, and he had no sentence worthy of death, for he did not hate him in time past.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:20:8 @ And the officers shall speak further to the people, and they shall say, Who [is] the man that is fearful and faint-hearted? Let him go and return to his house, lest his brothers' heart faint as well as his heart.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:20:14 @ But the women, and the little ones, and the cattle, and all that is in the city, all the spoil of it, you shall take to yourself. And you shall eat the spoil of your enemies, which the LORD your God has given you.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:20:20 @ Only the trees which you know that they [are] not trees for food, you shall destroy and cut them down. And you shall build bulwarks against the city that makes war with you, until it is subdued.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:21:1 @ If [one] is found dead in the land which the LORD your God gives you to possess it, lying in the field, and it is not known who has killed him,

mkjv@Deuteronomy:21:2 @ then your elders and your judges shall come forth. And they shall measure to the cities which [are] around him who is dead.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:21:4 @ And the elders of that city shall bring down the heifer to an ever-flowing stream, which is neither plowed nor sown, and shall strike off the heifer's neck there in the stream.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:21:17 @ But he shall acknowledge the son of the hated as the first-born by giving him a double portion of all that he has. For he [is] the beginning of his strength. The right of the first-born is his.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:21:18 @ If a man has a son who is stubborn and rebels, who will not obey his father's voice or his mother's voice, even when they have chastened him [he] will not listen to them,

mkjv@Deuteronomy:21:22 @ And if a man has committed a sin worthy of death, and if he is put to death and you hang him on a tree,

mkjv@Deuteronomy:21:23 @ his body shall not remain all night on the tree. But you shall surely bury him that day (for he that [is] hanged is accursed of God), so that your land may not be defiled, which the LORD your God gives you [for] an inheritance.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:22:20 @ But if this thing is true and tokens of virginity are not found for the girl,

mkjv@Deuteronomy:22:22 @...put away evil from Israel....

mkjv@Deuteronomy:22:23 @ If a girl [who is] a virgin is engaged to a husband, and a man finds her in the city and lies with her,

mkjv@Deuteronomy:22:26 @ But you shall do nothing to the girl. No sin [worthy] of death [is] in the girl; for as when a man rises against his neighbor and slays him, even so is this matter.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:23:1 @ He who is wounded, crushed, or who has his male member cut off, shall not enter into the congregation of the LORD.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:23:10 @ If there is among you any man who is not clean because of an accident at night, then he shall go outside the camp. He shall not come inside the camp.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:23:11 @ And it shall be as evening turns, he shall wash with water. And when the sun is down, he shall come into the the middle of the camp.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:23:19 @ You shall not lend for interest to your brother, interest of silver, interest of food, interest of anything that is loaned on interest.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:24:4 @ her former husband, who sent her away, may not take her again to be his wife after she is defiled. For that [is] hateful before the LORD. And you shall not cause the land to sin, which the LORD your God gives you for an inheritance.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:24:7 @...brothers, the sons of Israel, and...

mkjv@Deuteronomy:25:1 @ If there is a controversy between men, and they come to judgment, and they have been judged, and the righteous one is declared righteous, and the wrongdoer declared guilty,

mkjv@Deuteronomy:26:17 @ You have today said that the LORD is your God, and that you would walk in His ways, and keep His statutes and His commandments and His judgments, and listen to His voice.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:28:23 @ And your heavens over your head shall be bronze, and the earth that is under you iron.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:29:15 @ but with [him] who stands here with us today before the LORD our God, and also with him that is not here with us today.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:30:11 @ For this commandment which I command you today [is] not hidden from you, neither is it far off.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:30:20 @ so that you may love the LORD your God, [and]...fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and...

mkjv@Deuteronomy:32:4 @ [He is] the Rock; His work [is] perfect. For all His ways [are] just, a God of faithfulness, and without evil; just and upright is He.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:32:22 @ For a fire is kindled in My anger, and shall burn to the lowest hell, and shall consume the earth with its increase, and set on fire the foundations of the mountains.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:32:28 @ For they [are] a nation without wisdom, neither is there any understanding in them.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:32:36 @ For the LORD will bring His people justice; and He shall have compassion on His servants, for He sees that [their] power is gone, and only the imprisoned and abandoned [remain].

mkjv@Deuteronomy:32:39 @ See now that I, I am He, and there is no god with me. I kill, and I make alive; I wound and I heal; and there is no deliverer out of My hand.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:32:47 @ For it [is] not a vain thing for you, because it is your life. And by this word you shall prolong [your] days in the land where you go over Jordan, there to possess it.

mkjv@Deuteronomy:32:49 @ Go up into Mount Abarim, [to] the sons of Israel for...

mkjv@Joshua:1:2 the sons of Israel....

mkjv@Joshua:1:8 @ This book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth, but you shall meditate on it by day and by night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you shall make your way prosperous, and then you shall act wisely.

mkjv@Joshua:1:11 @ Pass through the host, and command the people, saying, Prepare food for yourselves, for within three days you are crossing over this Jordan, to go in to possess the land which the LORD your God is giving you to possess it.

mkjv@Joshua:2:11 @ And we had heard, and our hearts melted, nor did any more spirit remain in any man, because of you. For the LORD your God, He is God in Heaven above and in earth beneath.

mkjv@Joshua:2:19 @ And it shall be, whoever shall go out of the doors of your house, his blood [shall be] on his head, and we [will be] blameless. And whoever shall be with you in the house, his blood [shall be] on our head if a hand is on him.

mkjv@Joshua:5:9 @ And the LORD said to Joshua, Today I have rolled away the reproach of Egypt from you. Therefore, the name of the place is called Gilgal to this day.

mkjv@Joshua:6:7 @ And he said to the people, Pass on, and go around the city. And let him who is armed pass on in front of the ark of the LORD.

mkjv@Joshua:7:12 @...And the sons of Israel could...[their] backs before their enemies, because they have become cursed. I will not be with you again, unless you destroy the one who is cursed from among you.

mkjv@Joshua:7:15 @...has done wickedness in Israel....

mkjv@Joshua:7:26 @ And they raised over him a great heap of stones to this day. And the LORD turned from the greatness of His anger. Therefore, the name of that valley is called, The Valley of Grief, to this day.

mkjv@Joshua:8:31 @...commanded the sons of Israel, as...[any] iron. And they offered on it burnt offerings to the LORD, and sacrificed peace offerings.

mkjv@Joshua:8:34 @ And afterward he read all the words of the law, the blessings and cursings, according to all that is written in the book of the law.

mkjv@Joshua:9:12 @ We took this bread hot [for] our provision out of our houses on the day we came out to go to you. But now, see, [it is] dry, and it is moldy.

mkjv@Joshua:12:2 @ Sihon king of the Amorites, who lived in Heshbon [and] ruled from Aroer, which is on the bank of the river Arnon, and from the middle of the river, and from half Gilead, even to the river Jabbok, the border of the sons of Ammon;

mkjv@Joshua:13:3 @ from Shihor, which [is] before Egypt, even to the borders of Ekron northward, which is counted to the Canaanite, five lords of the Philistines: of Gaza, of Ashdod, of Ashkelon, of Gath, and of Ekron; also the Avim.

mkjv@Joshua:15:10 @ And the border went around from Baalah westward to Mount Seir, and passed along to the side of mount Jearim; it is Chesalon, on the north side, and went down to Bethshemesh, and passed on to Timnah.

mkjv@Joshua:15:12 @ And the west border [was] to the Great Sea, and the coast. This is the border of the sons of Judah all around according to their families.

mkjv@Joshua:15:25 @ and Hazor, Hadattah, and Kerioth-Hezron, which is Hazor,

mkjv@Joshua:15:49 @ and Dannah, and Kirjath-sannah (which is Debir);

mkjv@Joshua:17:10 @ Southward [it was]...the north, and in Issachar on...

mkjv@Joshua:17:15 @ And Joshua answered them, If you [are] a great people, and if mount Ephraim is too narrow for you, get up to the forest and cut down more for yourself there in the land of the Perizzites and of the giants.

mkjv@Joshua:17:16 @ And the sons of Joseph said, The hill is not enough for us. And all the Canaanites who live in the land of the valley [have] chariots of iron, those who [are] of Beth-shean and its towns, and those who [are] of the valley of Jezreel.

mkjv@Joshua:18:28 @ and Zelah, Eleph, and Jebusi, which [is] Jerusalem; Gibeath, Kirjath; fourteen cities and their villages. This is the inheritance of the sons of Benjamin according to their families.

mkjv@Joshua:20:6 @ And he shall live in that city until he stands before the congregation for judgment, until the death of the high priest who is in those days. Then the manslayer shall return and come to his city, and to his house, to the city from where he fled.

mkjv@Joshua:23:6 @ And be very courageous to keep and to do all that is written in the book of the law of Moses, so that you do not turn aside from it [to] the right or to the left;

mkjv@Judges:4:20 @ Again he said to her, Stand [in]...asking of you, saying, Is there...

mkjv@Judges:5:28 @ The mother of Sisera looked out a window, and cried through the lattice, Why is his chariot so long in coming? Why do the wheels of his chariot wait?

mkjv@Judges:6:13 @ And Gideon said to Him, O, my Lord, if the LORD is with us, why then has all this happened to us? And where are all His miracles which our fathers told us of, saying, Did not the LORD bring us up from Egypt? But now the LORD has forsaken us, and delivered us into the hands of the Midianites.

mkjv@Judges:6:31 @ And Joash said to all that stood against him, Will you plead for Baal? Will you save him? He who contends for him shall be killed by the morning. If he is a god, let him plead for himself, because one has cast down his altar.

mkjv@Judges:6:37 @ behold, I will put a fleece of wool in the grain-...that You will save Israel by...

mkjv@Judges:7:3 @ Now, therefore, speak in the ears of the people, saying, Whoever is fearful and afraid, let him return and go away early from Mount Gilead. And twenty-two thousand of the people returned. And there remained ten thousand.

mkjv@Judges:7:14 @...Joash, a man of Israel. For...

mkjv@Judges:8:21 @ And Zebah and Zalmunna said, Rise and fall upon us. For as the man is, so is his strength. And Gideon arose and killed Zebah and Zalmunna, and took away the ornaments on their camels' necks.

mkjv@Judges:9:2 @ I pray you, speak in the ears of all the men of Shechem: Which is better for you, either that all the sons of Jerubbaal, seventy persons, reign over you, or that one reign over you? Remember also that I [am] your bone and your flesh.

mkjv@Judges:9:3 @ And his mother's brothers spoke of him in the ears of all the men of Shechem with all these words. And their hearts were bent toward Abimelech, for they said, He is our brother.

mkjv@Judges:9:28 @ And Gaal the son of Ebed said, Who [is] Abimelech, and who [is]...we should serve him? Is... [he] not the son of Jerubbaal, and Zebul his officer? Serve the men of Hamor the father of Shechem: for why should we serve him?

mkjv@Judges:9:33 @ And it shall be in the morning, as soon as the sun is up, it shall be that you shall rise early and set upon the city. And behold, when he and the people who are with him come out against you, you may do to them as you desire.

mkjv@Judges:9:38 @ And Zebul said to him, Where is your mouth now, [with] which you said, Who [is]...we should serve him? Is not...

mkjv@Judges:11:10 @ And the elders of Gilead said to Jephthah, The LORD is witness between us if we do not do so according to your word.

mkjv@Judges:11:39 a custom in Israel,...

mkjv@Judges:15:19 @ But God cut open a hollow place and water came out there. And he drank, and his spirit came again, and he revived. Therefore, its name [is] called Fountain of the Praying One, which is in Lehi to this day.

mkjv@Judges:18:4 @ And he said to them, This is how Micah deals with me, and has hired me, and I am his priest.

mkjv@Judges:18:14 @ Then the five men who went to spy out the country of Laish answered and said to their brothers, Did you know that there is in these houses an ephod, and household gods, and an engraved image and a molten image? And now consider what you have to do.

mkjv@Judges:19:18 @ And he said to him, We [are] passing from Bethlehem-judah to the side of mount Ephraim. I [am] from there, and I went to Bethlehem-judah, but I am going to the house of the LORD. And there is no man who receives me into his house.

mkjv@Judges:19:19 @ Yet here is both straw and food for our asses. And there is bread and wine also for me, and for your slave woman, and for the young man [who is] with your servants. There is no lack of anything.

mkjv@Judges:20:5 @ And the men of Gibeah rose against me and set upon the house all around me at night. They intended to kill me. And they raped my concubine, and she is dead.

mkjv@Judges:20:12 @...And the tribes of Israel sent...[is] this that is done among you?

mkjv@Judges:21:6 @...tribe cut off from Israel this...

mkjv@Ruth:2:19 @ And her mother-in-law said to her, Where have you gleaned today? And where did you work? Blessed is he who took notice of you. And she told her mother-in-law with whom she had worked, and said, The man's name with whom I worked today [is Boaz.

mkjv@Ruth:2:20 @ And Naomi said to her daughter-in-law, Blessed [is] he of the LORD, who has not left off his kindness to the living and to the dead. And Naomi said to her, The man [is] near of kin to us, he is of our redeemers.

mkjv@Ruth:3:12 @ And now it is true that I [am] your kinsman-redeemer. But there is also a kinsman nearer than I.

mkjv@Ruth:4:4 @ And I said I will tell it in your ear, saying, Buy [it] before those who live here, and before the elders of my people. If you will redeem, redeem [it]. But if you will not redeem, tell me so that I may know. For there is none to redeem besides you. And I am after you. And he said, I will redeem.

mkjv@Ruth:4:15 @ And he shall be to you as a restorer of life, and one who cheers your old age. For your daughter-in-law who loves you has borne him, she who is better to you than seven sons.

mkjv@Ruth:4:17 @ And the women, her neighbors, gave it a name, saying, There is a son born to Naomi. And they called his name Obed. He [is] the father of Jesse, the father of David.

mkjv@1Samuel:1:8 @ And Elkanah her husband said to her, Hannah, why do you weep? And why do you not eat? And why is your heart grieved? [Am] I not better to you than ten sons?

mkjv@1Samuel:1:22 @ But Hannah did not go up. For she said to her husband, Until the child is weaned, and then I will bring him so that he may appear before the LORD and stay there forever.

mkjv@1Samuel:2:1 @ And Hannah prayed and said, My heart rejoices in the LORD, my horn is exalted in the LORD. My mouth is enlarged over my enemies because I rejoice in Your salvation.

mkjv@1Samuel:2:2 @ [There is] none holy as the LORD, for there is none beside You. Neither [is there] any rock like our God.

mkjv@1Samuel:2:3 @ Talk no more so very proudly. Remove arrogance out of your mouth, for the LORD is a God of knowledge, and by Him actions are weighed.

mkjv@1Samuel:2:20 @ And Eli blessed Elkanah and his wife, and said, May the LORD give you seed of this woman for the loan which is loaned to the LORD. And they went to their own home.

mkjv@1Samuel:2:36 @ And it shall be that everyone who is left in your house shall come [and] bow down to him for a piece of silver and a piece of bread. And [they] shall say, Please put me into one of the priests' offices so that I may eat a piece of bread.

mkjv@1Samuel:4:6 @ And when the Philistines heard the noise of the shout, they said, What is the noise of this great shout in the camp of the Hebrews? And they saw that the ark of the LORD had come into the camp.

mkjv@1Samuel:4:17 @...messenger answered and said, Israel has...

mkjv@1Samuel:4:22 @...glory has departed from Israel, for...

mkjv@1Samuel:5:7 @ And the men of Ashdod saw that [it was]...of the God of Israel shall...

mkjv@1Samuel:6:3 @...of the God of Israel, do...

mkjv@1Samuel:6:20 @ And the men of Beth-shemesh said, Who is able to stand before this holy LORD God? And to whom shall He go up from us?

mkjv@1Samuel:9:7 @ Then Saul said to his young man, But behold, [if] we go, what shall we bring the man? For the bread in our vessels is gone, and [there is] no present to bring to the man of God. What do we have?

mkjv@1Samuel:9:10 @ And Saul said to his young man, Your word is good. Come, let us go. So they went into the city where the man of God [was].

mkjv@1Samuel:9:11 @ [As]...and said to them, Is the...

mkjv@1Samuel:9:19 @ And Samuel answered Saul and said, I [am] the seer. Go up before me to the high place. For you shall eat with me today, and tomorrow I will let you go, and will tell you all that is in your heart.

mkjv@1Samuel:9:20 @ And as to the asses [which were] lost to you three days ago, do not set your mind on them. For they are found. And on whom [is]...the desire of Israel? Is it...

mkjv@1Samuel:9:24 @ And the cook took up the shoulder and that on it, and set [it] before Saul. And Samuel said, Behold that which is reserved! Set [it] before you [and] eat. For until this set time it has been kept for you, since I said, I have invited the people. And Saul ate with Samuel that day.

mkjv@1Samuel:10:11 @ And it happened when all who knew him before saw him, behold, he prophesied among the prophets. And the people said to one another, What [is]...the son of Kish? Is Saul...

mkjv@1Samuel:10:22 @ And they inquired of the LORD further, Has the man yet come here? And the LORD answered, Behold, he is hiding himself among the baggage.

mkjv@1Samuel:11:9 @ And they said to the messengers that came, So shall you say to the men of Jabesh-gilead, Tomorrow by [the time] the sun is hot, you shall have help. And the messengers came and told the men of Jabesh, and they were glad.

mkjv@1Samuel:12:5 @ And he said to them, The LORD [is] witness against you, and His anointed [is] witness this day, that you have not found anything in my hand. And they answered, He is witness.

mkjv@1Samuel:12:17 @ [Is it] not wheat harvest today? I will call to the LORD, and He shall send thunder and rain, so that you may perceive and see that your wickedness is great, that which you have done in the sight of the LORD, in asking a king for you.

mkjv@1Samuel:14:17 @ And Saul said to the people with him, Number now and see who is gone from us. And when they had counted, behold, Jonathan and his armor-bearer [were] not [there.]

mkjv@1Samuel:14:39 @ For, [as]...lives, He who saves Israel, though...

mkjv@1Samuel:15:23 @ For rebellion [is as] the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idol-worship. Because you have rejected the word of the LORD, He has also rejected you from being king!

mkjv@1Samuel:15:32 @ And Samuel said, Bring here to me Agag the king of the Amalekites. And Agag came to him daintily. And Agag said, Surely the bitterness of death is past.

mkjv@1Samuel:16:12 @ And he sent and brought him in. And he [was] ruddy, with beautiful eyes and good form. And the LORD said, Arise, anoint him. For this is he.

mkjv@1Samuel:16:16 @ Let our lord now command his servants before you to seek out a man who knows to play on a harp. And it shall be, when the evil spirit from God is on you, then he shall play [with] his hand, and [it shall be] well with you.

mkjv@1Samuel:16:18 @ And one of the servants answered and said, Behold, I have seen a son of Jesse the Bethlehemite who is skillful in playing, and a mighty warrior and a man of battle, and prudent in speech. And he is a person of good form, and the LORD [is with him.

mkjv@1Samuel:17:9 @ If he is able to fight with me and kill me, then we will be your slaves. But if I prevail against him and kill him, then you shall be our slaves and serve us.

mkjv@1Samuel:17:33 @ And Saul said to David, You are not able to go against this Philistine to fight with him. For you [are but] a youth, and he is a man of war from his youth.

mkjv@1Samuel:17:46 a God in Israel....

mkjv@1Samuel:18:18 @ And David said to Saul, Who [am] father's family in Israel, that...-in-law to the king?

mkjv@1Samuel:18:24 @ And the servants of Saul told him saying, This is the way David spoke.

mkjv@1Samuel:20:7 @ If he says so, [It is] well, peace [will be] to your servant, but if he is very angry, be sure that evil is determined by him.

mkjv@1Samuel:20:8 @ And you shall deal kindly with your servant, for you have brought your servant into a covenant of the LORD with you. But if there is any iniquity in me, kill me yourself. For why should you bring me to your father?

mkjv@1Samuel:20:21 @ And behold, I will send a lad, [saying], Go find the arrows. If I carefully say to the lad, Behold, the arrows are on this side of you, take them, then you may come, for there is peace to you, and no hurt, [as] the LORD lives.

mkjv@1Samuel:21:3 @ And therefore, what is under your hand? Give five [loaves] of bread in my hand, or what there is to be found.

mkjv@1Samuel:21:4 @ And the priest answered David and said, [There is] no common bread under my hand, but there is holy bread if the young men have kept themselves at least from women.

mkjv@1Samuel:21:5 @ And David answered the priest and said to him, Truly women [have been] kept from us for about three days, since I came out, and the vessels of the young men are holy, and [in] a way the holy [bread] is common. Also surely today it is sanctified in the vessels.

mkjv@1Samuel:21:8 @ And David said to Ahimelech, And is there not here under your hand spear or sword? For I have not brought my sword nor my weapons with me, because the king's business needed haste.

mkjv@1Samuel:21:9 @ And the priest said, The sword of Goliath the Philistine, whom you killed in the valley of Elah, behold, it [is] wrapped in a cloth under the ephod, if you will take, take it for yourself, for there is no other here except that one. And David said, There is none like that. Give it to me.

mkjv@1Samuel:21:14 @ Then Achish said to his servants, Lo, you see the man is mad. Why have you brought him to me?

mkjv@1Samuel:22:8 @ But all of you have conspired against me, and none of you was revealing [in] my ear when my son cut [a covenant] with the son of Jesse? And not one of you is sorry for me, even [to reveal in my ear that my son has stirred up my servant against me, to lie in wait, as today.

mkjv@1Samuel:22:14 @ And Ahimelech answered the king and said, And who [is so] faithful among all your servants as David, who is the king's son-in-law, and [who] goes at your bidding, and who is honorable in your house?

mkjv@1Samuel:23:7 @ And it was told Saul that David had come to Keilah. And Saul said, God has delivered him into my hands, for he is shut in by entering into a town that has gates and bars.

mkjv@1Samuel:23:20 @ And now, O king, come down according to all the desire of your soul. Come down, and it is for us to shut him up into the king's hand.

mkjv@1Samuel:23:22 @ Please go, make more sure, and know and see the place where his foot is. Who has seen him there? For I am told that he is very subtle.

mkjv@1Samuel:23:23 @ And see and know of all the hiding places where he hides himself there, and return to me prepared. And I will go with you. And it shall be, if he is in the land, I will search him out throughout all the thousands of Judah.

mkjv@1Samuel:24:4 @ And the men of David said to him, Behold, this is the day of which the LORD said to you, Behold, I will deliver your enemy into your hand so that you may do to him as it shall seem good to you. And David arose and cut off the skirt of Saul's robe secretly.

mkjv@1Samuel:24:6 @ And he said to his men, Far be it from me, by the LORD, if I will do this thing to my lord, the LORD's anointed, to stretch forth my hand against him, since he is the anointed of the LORD.

mkjv@1Samuel:24:10 @ Behold, your eyes have seen today how the LORD had delivered you today into my hand in the cave. And [one] said to kill you. But [I] had pity on you. And I said, I will not put forth my hand against my lord, for he is the LORD's anointed.

mkjv@1Samuel:25:17 @ And now know and consider what you will do, for evil is determined against our master and against all his household. For he [is] a son of worthlessness, so that none can speak to him.

mkjv@1Samuel:26:1 @...Saul at Gibeah, saying, Is not...

mkjv@1Samuel:26:10 @ And David said, [As] the LORD lives, except the LORD strike him, or his day shall come, and he dies, or he goes down to battle and is consumed,

mkjv@1Samuel:26:15 @ And David said to Abner, [Are] like you in Israel? But...

mkjv@1Samuel:28:14 @ And he said to her, What [is] his form? And she said, An old man comes up, and he is covered with a cloak. And Saul saw that it was Samuel, and [he] bowed [his] face to the ground, and prostrated himself.

mkjv@1Samuel:29:3 @ And the rulers of the Philistines said, What [are] these Hebrews [doing]...Saul the king of Israel, who...[these] days, or these] years. And I have not found anything [evil] in him from the day he fell away until today?

mkjv@1Samuel:29:6 @ And Achish called David and said to him, Surely, [as] the LORD lives, you have been upright, and your going out and your coming in with me in the army is good in my sight. For I have not found evil in you since the day of your coming to me until today. But you are not good in the eyes of the lords.

mkjv@2Samuel:1:18 @ And he said to teach the sons of Judah [The Song of] the Bow. Behold, it is written in the Book of Jasher:

mkjv@2Samuel:1:19 ...The beauty of Israel is...

mkjv@2Samuel:1:25 @ How [are] the mighty fallen in the midst of the battle! Jonathan is slain on your high places.

mkjv@2Samuel:2:16 @ And each one lay hold on the head, of his companion and [thrust] his sword in his companion's side, so that they fell together. And [one] called that place The Field of Rocks, which is in Gibeon.

mkjv@2Samuel:3:29 @ Let it whirl about the head of Joab, and on all his father's house. And let there not fail from the house of Joab one who has an issue, or who is a leper, or who leans on a staff, or who falls on the sword, or who lacks bread.

mkjv@2Samuel:3:35 @ And all the people came to cause David to eat food while it was still day; David swore, saying, So let God do to me, and more also, if I taste bread or anything else until the sun is down.

mkjv@2Samuel:3:38 @...fallen this day in Israel?...

mkjv@2Samuel:4:10 @ when one told me, saying, Behold, Saul is dead, [thinking] to have brought good news, I took hold of him and killed him in Ziklag. I gave that to him as a reward.

mkjv@2Samuel:7:22 @ Therefore You are great, O Jehovah God. For there is none like You, neither is there any God besides You, according to all that we have heard with our ears.

mkjv@2Samuel:9:1 ...And David said, Is there...

mkjv@2Samuel:11:21 @ Who struck Abimelech the son of Jerub-besheth? Did not a woman cast a piece of a millstone upon him from the wall, so that he died in Thebez? Why did you go near the wall? And you shall say, Your servant Uriah the Hittite is dead also.

mkjv@2Samuel:11:24 @ And the shooters shot from off the wall upon your servants, and [some] of the king's servants are dead, and your servant Uriah the Hittite is dead also.

mkjv@2Samuel:12:18 @ And it happened on the seventh day, the child died. And the servants of David feared to tell him that the child was dead. For they said, Behold, while the child was still alive we spoke to him, and he would not listen to our voice. How then will he trouble himself if we tell him that the child is dead?

mkjv@2Samuel:12:19 @...said to his servants, Is the...

mkjv@2Samuel:12:23 @ But now he is dead; why should I fast? Can I bring him back again? I shall go to him, but he shall not return to me.

mkjv@2Samuel:13:28 @ And Absalom had commanded his servants, saying, And watch when Amnon's heart is merry with wine, and when I say to you, Strike Amnon, you shall kill him. Do not fear. Have I not commanded you? Be courageous, and be brave.

mkjv@2Samuel:13:30 @ And it happened while they were in the way, news came to David, saying, Absalom has killed all the king's sons, and there is not one of them left.

mkjv@2Samuel:13:32 @ And Jonadab, the son of David's brother Shimeah answered and said, Let not my lord think that they have killed all the young men, the king's sons. For only Amnon is dead. For by the mouth of Absalom this has been determined from the day that he humbled his sister Tamar.

mkjv@2Samuel:13:33 @ And now do not let my lord the king take the thing to his heart, to think that all the king's sons are dead, for only Amnon is dead.

mkjv@2Samuel:14:7 @ And behold, the whole family has risen against your handmaid. And they said, Deliver him who struck his brother so that we may kill him for the life of his brother whom he killed. And we will destroy the heir also. And so they shall put out my coal which is left, and shall leave to my husband [neither] name nor remainder upon the face of the earth.

mkjv@2Samuel:14:13 @ And the woman said, Why then have you thought such a thing against the people of God? For the king speaks this thing as one who is at fault, in that the king does not bring his banished one home again.

mkjv@2Samuel:14:14 @ For we must all die, and we [are] as water spilled on the ground, which cannot be gathered up again. And God does not take a life, but has devised plans so that the outcast is not cast out from Him.

mkjv@2Samuel:14:17 @ And your handmaid said, The word of my lord the king shall now be comforting. For as an angel of God, so [is] my lord the king, to see what is good and bad. And the LORD your God will be with you.

mkjv@2Samuel:14:20 @ Your servant Joab has done this thing to change the face of the matter. And my lord [is] wise according to the wisdom of an angel of God, to know all that is in the land.

mkjv@2Samuel:14:30 @ And he said to his servants, See, Joab's field is near mine, and he has barley there. Go and set it on fire! And Absalom's servants set the field on fire.

mkjv@2Samuel:14:32 @ And Absalom answered Joab, Behold, I sent to you, saying, Come here so that I may send you to the king, to say, Why [have] I come from Geshur? It [was] good for me to be there still. And now let me see the king's face, and if there is iniquity in me, let him kill me.

mkjv@2Samuel:15:2 @ And Absalom rose up early and stood beside the way of the gate. And it was [so], if any man had a suit to come before the king for judgment, then Absalom called to him and said, What city are]...of the tribes of Israel....

mkjv@2Samuel:16:2 @ And the king said to Ziba, What are these to you? And Ziba said, The asses [are] for the king's household to ride upon. And the bread and summer fruit are for the young men to eat. And the wine is so that the ones who are faint in the wilderness may drink.

mkjv@2Samuel:17:5 @ And Absalom said, Please call Hushai the Archite also, and let us hear likewise what is in his mouth.

mkjv@2Samuel:17:9 @ Behold, he is hidden now in some pit, or in one of the places. And it shall be, at the falling among them at the first, whoever hears will say, There is a slaughter among the people who follow Absalom.

mkjv@2Samuel:17:13 @...a city, then all Israel shall...

mkjv@2Samuel:17:21 @ And it happened after they had departed, they came up out of the well, and went and told King David. And [they] said to David, Arise and pass quickly over the waters, for this is what Ahithophel has advised against you.

mkjv@2Samuel:18:4 @ And the king said to them, I will do what is good in your eyes. And the king stood by the side of the gate, and all the people came out by hundreds and by thousands.

mkjv@2Samuel:18:13 @ Or I would have dealt falsely with my own life, for there is no matter hidden from the king, and you yourself would have set yourself against [me].

mkjv@2Samuel:18:18 @ And Absalom in his lifetime had taken and reared up for himself a pillar, which [is] in the King's Valley. For he said, I have no son to keep my name in remembrance. And he called the pillar after his own name. And it is called until this day, Absalom's monument.

mkjv@2Samuel:18:20 @ And Joab said to him, You shall not bear news today, but you shall bear good news some other day. But today you shall bear no tidings, because the king's son is dead.

mkjv@2Samuel:18:25 @ And the watchman cried and told the king. And the king said, If he [is] alone, there is news in his mouth. And he came apace and drew near.

mkjv@2Samuel:18:27 @ And the watchman said, I see the running of the first is like the running of Ahimaaz the son of Zadok. And the king said, He [is] a good man, and comes with good news.

mkjv@2Samuel:22:3 @ The God who is my Rock, in Him will I trust. [He is] my Shield, and the Horn of my salvation, my High Tower, and my Refuge, my Savior. You save me from violence.

mkjv@2Samuel:22:31 @ [As for] God, His way [is] perfect. The word of the LORD [is] tried. He is a shield to all those who seek refuge in Him.

mkjv@2Samuel:23:4 @ is as the light of the morning, as the sun rises, a morning without clouds. The tender grass [springs] out of the earth through shining after rain.

mkjv@1Kings:1:27 @ Is this thing done by my lord the king, and have you not shown your servant who should sit on the throne of my lord the king after him?

mkjv@1Kings:1:41 @ And Adonijah heard, and all the invited guests with him. And they stopped eating. And Joab heard the sound of the ram's horn, and said, What is this noise roaring from the city?

mkjv@1Kings:1:45 @ And Zadok the priest and Nathan the prophet have anointed him king in Gihon. And they have come up from there rejoicing, so that the city is roaring. This [is] the noise that you heard.

mkjv@1Kings:2:3 @ And keep the charge of the LORD your God, to walk in His ways, to keep His statutes, and His commandments, and His judgments, and His testimonies, as it is written in the law of Moses, so that you may prosper in all that you do and wherever you turn yourself,

mkjv@1Kings:2:15 @...mine, and that all Israel set...

mkjv@1Kings:3:9 @ And give to Your servant an understanding heart, to judge Your people, to discern between good and bad. For who is able to judge this, Your great people?

mkjv@1Kings:3:22 @ And the other woman said, No, but the living [is] my son, and the dead [is] your son. And this one said, No, but the dead is your son, and the living is my son. So they spoke before the king.

mkjv@1Kings:4:12 @ Baana the son of Ahilud to whom [was] Taanach and Megiddo, and all Beth-shean, which is by Zartanah below Jezreel, from Beth-shean to Abel-meholah to [the place that is] beyond Jokneam;

mkjv@1Kings:8:31 @ If any man sins against his neighbor, and if an oath is laid on him to cause him to swear, and if the oath comes before Your altar in this house,

mkjv@1Kings:8:35 @ When the heavens are restrained, and there is no rain because they have sinned against You, if they pray toward this place and confess Your name, and turn from their sin when You afflict them,

mkjv@1Kings:8:37 @ If there is famine in the land, if there is plague, blasting, mildew, locusts; if there are stripping locusts; if their enemy encircles them in the land of their cities, whatever plague, whatever sickness,

mkjv@1Kings:8:43 @ hear in Heaven Your dwelling-...You, as Your people Israel... [do], and that they may know that this house which I have built is called by Your name.

mkjv@1Kings:9:8 @ As to this house [which] is exalted, everyone who passes by it shall be amazed and shall hiss. And they shall say, Why has the LORD done this to this land and to this house?

mkjv@1Kings:10:9 @...Because the LORD loved Israel forever;...

mkjv@1Kings:11:11 @ And the LORD said to Solomon, Since this is done by you, and since you have not kept My covenant and My statutes which I have commanded you, I will surely tear the kingdom from you and will give it to your servant.

mkjv@1Kings:11:33 @ because they have forsaken Me, and have worshiped Ashtoreth the goddess of the Sidonians, Chemosh the god of the Moabites, and Milcom the goddess of the sons of Ammon, and have not walked in My ways, to do [what is right] in My eyes, and to keep My statutes and My judgments, as David his father did.

mkjv@1Kings:12:24 @...brothers the sons of Israel. Each...

mkjv@1Kings:12:28 @ And the king took counsel, and made two calves [of]...Behold your gods, O, Israel, who...

mkjv@1Kings:13:34 @ And this thing is the sin of the house of Jeroboam, even to blot [it] from off the face of the earth.

mkjv@1Kings:14:10 @...bound and free in Israel, and...

mkjv@1Kings:14:13 @...the LORD God of Israel, in...

mkjv@1Kings:18:10 @ [As] the LORD your God lives, there is no nation nor kingdom where my lord has not sent to seek you. And when they said, He is not there, he took an oath of the kingdom and nation that they did not find you.

mkjv@1Kings:18:21 @ And Elijah came to all the people and said, How long are you limping over two opinions? If Jehovah [is] God, follow Him. But if Baal is God, [then] follow him. And the people did not answer him a word.

mkjv@1Kings:18:24 @ And you call on the name of your gods, and I will call on the name of Jehovah. And it shall be, the god that answers by fire, He is God. And all the people answered and said, The word [is] good.

mkjv@1Kings:18:27 @ And it happened at noon Elijah mocked them and said, Cry with a great voice, for he [is] a god. Either he is meditating, or he is pursuing, or he is in a journey; perhaps he is asleep and must be awakened!

mkjv@1Kings:18:28 @ And they cried with a loud voice and cut themselves with knives and spears until the blood gushed out on them, as is their way.

mkjv@1Kings:19:4 @ And he himself went a day's journey into the wilderness, and came and sat down under a broom tree. And he begged for his life, that he might die. And he said, It is enough. O LORD, take away my life. For I [am] no better than my fathers.

mkjv@1Kings:20:6 @ yet I will send my servants to you tomorrow about this time, and they shall search your house and the houses of your servants. And it shall be, whatever is pleasant in your eyes, they will put [it] in their hand and take it away.

mkjv@1Kings:20:28 the king of Israel, and...[is] God of the hills, but He is not God of the valleys, therefore I will deliver all this great multitude into your hand, and you shall know that I [am] Jehovah.

mkjv@1Kings:20:39 @ And as the king passed by, it happened he cried to the king. And he said, Your servant went out into the middle of the battle, and, behold, a man turned aside and brought a man to me and said, Keep this man. If he is missing by any means, then your life shall be for his life, or else you shall pay a talent of silver.

mkjv@1Kings:21:5 @ And his wife Jezebel came to him and said to him, Why is your spirit so sad that you are not eating food?

mkjv@1Kings:21:14 @ And they sent to Jezebel, saying, Naboth is stoned and is dead.

mkjv@1Kings:21:15 @ And it happened when Jezebel heard that Naboth was stoned and was dead, Jezebel said to Ahab, Arise, take possession of the vineyard of Naboth of Jezreel, which he refused to give you for silver. For Naboth is not alive, but dead.

mkjv@2Kings:1:3 @ But the angel of the LORD said to Elijah the Tishbite, Arise! Go up to meet the messengers of the king of Samaria and say to them, [Is it] God is in Israel... [that] you go to ask of Baal-zebub the god of Ekron?

mkjv@2Kings:3:11 @ And Jehoshaphat said, [Is there]...of the king of Israel's servants...

mkjv@2Kings:3:12 @...And the king of Israel, and...

mkjv@2Kings:3:18 @ And this is a light thing in the sight of the LORD. He will also deliver the Moabites into your hand.

mkjv@2Kings:4:1 @ And a certain woman of the wives of the sons of the prophets cried to Elisha, saying, Your servant my husband is dead. And you know that your servant feared the LORD. And the lender has come to take my two children to himself for slaves.

mkjv@2Kings:4:14 @ And he said, What then [is] to be done for her? And Gehazi answered, Truly, she has no child, and her husband is old.

mkjv@2Kings:5:7 @...when the king of Israel read...[Am] I God, to kill and to make alive, that this [man] sends to me to recover a man from his leprosy? For consider now, and see, for he is coiling himself toward me.

mkjv@2Kings:5:8 @...that the king of Israel had...

mkjv@2Kings:5:18 @ In this thing may Jehovah pardon your servant, that when my master goes to the house of Rimmon to worship there, and he is supported by my hand, and I bow myself in the house of Rimmon; when I bow myself in the house of Rimmon, may Jehovah pardon your servant in this thing.

mkjv@2Kings:5:26 @ And he said to him, Did not my heart go [with you]...chariot to meet you? Is it...-yards and vineyards and sheep and oxen and menservants and maidservants?

mkjv@2Kings:8:5 @ And it happened as he was telling the king how he had restored a dead body to life, behold, the woman whose son he had restored to life cried to the king for the house and for her land. And Gehazi said, My lord, O, king, this [is] the woman, and this is her son, whom Elisha restored to life.

mkjv@2Kings:9:13 @ And they hurried and each man took his garment and put [it] under him on the top of the stairs, and blew with trumpets, saying, Jehu is king.

mkjv@2Kings:9:15 @ And king Jehoram returned to be healed in Jezreel of the wounds which the Syrians had given him when he fought with Hazael the king of Syria. And Jehu said, If it is your minds, [then] let no escapee leave to go to tell [it] in Jezreel.

mkjv@2Kings:9:34 @ And when he had come in, he ate and drank, and said, Go, now see this cursed [woman] and bury her. For she is a king's daughter.

mkjv@2Kings:10:5 @ And he who [was] over the house, and he over the city, the elders also, and the guardians, sent to Jehu saying, We [are] your servants and will do all that you shall say to us; we will not make any king. Do what is good in your eyes.

mkjv@2Kings:12:4 @ And Joash said to the priests, All the silver from things dedicated to God, which is brought into the house of the LORD, the silver from each man the silver of his valuation, all the silver that comes into any man's heart to bring to the house of the LORD,

mkjv@2Kings:13:17 @ And he said, Open the window eastward. And he opened. And Elisha said, Shoot! And he shot. And he said, The arrow of the LORD's deliverance, and the arrow of deliverance from Syria. For you shall strike the Syrians in Aphek until it is finished.

mkjv@2Kings:14:6 @ But he did not kill the sons of the servants, according to that which is written in the book of the law of Moses, in which the LORD commanded, saying, The fathers shall not be put to death for the sons, nor shall the sons be put to death for the fathers, but each shall be put to death for his own sin.

mkjv@2Kings:18:17 @ And the king of Assyria sent Tartan, and the chief of the eunuchs, and the chief of the cupbearers from Lachish, to king Hezekiah with a great army against Jerusalem. And they went up and came to Jerusalem. And when they had come up, they came and stood by the conduit of the upper pool, which is in the highway of the Fuller's Field.

mkjv@2Kings:18:22 @ But if you say to me, We trust in Jehovah our God, is He not the one whose high places and whose altars Hezekiah has taken away, and has said to Judah and Jerusalem, You shall worship before this altar in Jerusalem?

mkjv@2Kings:20:10 @ And Hezekiah answered, It is a light thing for the shadow to go down ten steps. No, but let the shadow go backward ten steps.

mkjv@2Kings:20:15 @ And he said, What have they seen in your house? And Hezekiah answered, They have seen all that [is] in my house. There is nothing among my treasures which I have not shown to them.

mkjv@2Kings:21:13 @ And I will stretch over Jerusalem the line of Samaria, and the measuring line of the house of Ahab. And I will wipe Jerusalem as a dish is wiped, wiping and turning [it] upside down.

mkjv@2Kings:22:4 @ Go up to Hilkiah the high priest, so that he may count the silver which is brought into the house of the LORD, which the doorkeepers have gathered from the people.

mkjv@2Kings:22:7 @ Only, the silver that is given into their hand shall not be reckoned with them, for they are dealing in faithfulness.

mkjv@2Kings:22:13 @ Go inquire of the LORD for me, and for the people, and for all Judah, concerning the words of this book which is found. For great [is] the wrath of the LORD which is kindled against us, because our fathers have not listened to the words of this book, to do according to all which is written concerning us.

mkjv@2Kings:25:4 @ And the city was broken up, and by night all the men of war [went] by the way of the gate between two walls, which is by the king's garden. And the Chaldeans were against the city all round. And the king went the way toward the plain.

mkjv@1Chronicles:5:1 @ And the sons of Reuben, the first-born of Israel (for he [was] the first-...Joseph the son of Israel, and...

mkjv@1Chronicles:11:4 @...And David and all Israel went...[were] the people of the land.

mkjv@1Chronicles:12:17 @ And David went out to meet them, and answered and said to them, If you have come to me in peace, to help me, my heart shall be knit to you. But if you come to betray me to my enemies, since there is no wrong in my hands, let the God of our fathers look on it and rebuke it.

mkjv@1Chronicles:13:2 @...all the lands of Israel, and...

mkjv@1Chronicles:13:6 @...And David and all Israel went...-jearim of Judah, to bring up from there the ark of Jehovah God, He who dwells between the cherubs, whose name is called on it.

mkjv@1Chronicles:16:30 @ Tremble before Him, all the earth. Yea, the earth is established, it shall not be moved.

mkjv@1Chronicles:16:40 @ to offer burnt offerings to the LORD on the altar of the burnt offering morning and evening without end, and [to do]...LORD which He commanded Israel....

mkjv@1Chronicles:17:16 @ And David the king came and sat before the LORD, and said, Who [am] I, O, Jehovah God, and what is my house, that You have brought me here?

mkjv@1Chronicles:19:3 @...Ammon said to Hanun, Is David...

mkjv@1Chronicles:19:13 @ Be of good courage and let us behave ourselves bravely for our people, and for the cities of our God. And let the LORD do what is good in His sight.

mkjv@1Chronicles:21:23 @ And Ornan said to David, Take for yourself, and let my lord the king do what is good in his eyes. Lo, I give the oxen for burnt offerings, and the threshing instruments for wood, and the wheat for the food offering. I give it all.

mkjv@1Chronicles:22:5 @ And David said, Solomon my son [is] young and tender, and the house to be built for the LORD is to be highly magnificent, for a name and for beauty to all the lands. I will now prepare for it. And David prepared abundantly before his death.

mkjv@1Chronicles:22:14 @ And, behold, in my trouble I have prepared for the house of the LORD a hundred thousand talents of gold, and a million talents of silver, and of bronze and iron without weight, for it is in abundance. I have prepared timber also, and stone, and you may add to them.

mkjv@1Chronicles:22:16 @ Of the gold, the silver, and the bronze, and the iron, there is no number. Arise and be doing, and may the LORD be with you.

mkjv@1Chronicles:22:18 @ Is not the LORD your God with you? And has He not given you rest on every side? For He has given the people of the land into my hand. And the land is humbled before the LORD and before His people.

mkjv@1Chronicles:22:19 @ Now set your heart and your soul to seek the LORD your God. Arise therefore and build the sanctuary of the LORD God, to bring the ark of the covenant of the LORD, and the holy vessels of God, into the house that is to be built to the name of the LORD.

mkjv@1Chronicles:23:29 @ both for the showbread, and for the fine flour for food offering, and for the unleavened cakes, and for the pan, and for that which is fried, and for all kinds of measure and size,

mkjv@1Chronicles:29:14 @ But who [am] I, and who my people, that we should be able to offer so willingly after this sort? For all things [are] from You, and we have given to You that which is Yours.

mkjv@1Chronicles:29:16 @ O LORD our God, all this store that we have prepared to build You a house for Your holy name [comes] from Your hand, and is all Your own.

mkjv@2Chronicles:2:4 @ Behold, I am building a house to the name of the LORD my God, to dedicate [it] ordinance forever to Israel....

mkjv@2Chronicles:2:5 @ And the house which I am building [is] great. For our God is great above all gods.

mkjv@2Chronicles:2:6 @ But who is able to build Him a house, since the heavens and heaven of the heavens cannot contain Him? Who [am] I then, that I should build Him a house, except only to burn sacrifice before Him?

mkjv@2Chronicles:2:7 @ And now send me a man skillful to work in gold, and in silver, and in bronze, and in iron, and in purple, and crimson, and blue, and one who is skillful to engrave with the skillful men who [are with me in Judah and in Jerusalem, whom David my father provided.

mkjv@2Chronicles:5:9 @ And they drew out the staves so that the ends of the staves were seen from the ark before the oracle. But they were not seen outside. And there it is until this day.

mkjv@2Chronicles:5:13 @ and [they] were as one to the trumpeters and to the singers, to make one sound to be heard in praising and thanking the LORD; and as they lifted up [their] voice with the trumpets and cymbals and instruments of music, and praised the LORD, [saying], For He is good, for His mercy [endures] forever, the house was filled with a cloud, the house of the LORD,

mkjv@2Chronicles:6:22 @ If a man sins against his neighbor, and if an oath is laid on him to make him swear, and if the oath comes before Your altar in this house,

mkjv@2Chronicles:6:26 @ When the heavens shall be shut up, and there is no rain because they have sinned against You; if they pray toward this place, and confess Your name, and turn from their sin when You afflict them,

mkjv@2Chronicles:6:28 @ If there is famine in the land, if there is a plague, if blasting or mildew, locusts or ravagers, if their enemies have distressed them in the gates of their land, with any plague and any sickness;

mkjv@2Chronicles:6:32 @...not of Your people Israel, but...

mkjv@2Chronicles:6:33 @ then hear from Heaven, from Your dwelling-...You, as Your people Israel, and...

mkjv@2Chronicles:6:36 @ If they sin against You (for there is no man who does not sin), and if You are angry with them and deliver them up before their enemies, and they carry them away captives to a land far off or near,

mkjv@2Chronicles:7:13 @ If I shut up the heavens, and there is no rain, or if I command the locusts to devour the land, or if I send a plague among My people;

mkjv@2Chronicles:7:21 @ And this house, which is high, shall be a wonder to everyone who passes by it, so that [they] shall shudder and say, Why has the LORD done this to this land and to this house?

mkjv@2Chronicles:9:5 @ And she said to the king, The word that I heard in my own land of your acts and of your wisdom is true.

mkjv@2Chronicles:11:4 @ So says the LORD, You shall not go up nor fight against your brothers. Let every man return to his house. For this thing is done by Me. And they obeyed the words of the LORD, and returned from going against Jeroboam.

mkjv@2Chronicles:18:7 @...And the king of Israel said...[There is] yet one man by whom we may inquire of the LORD. But I hate him, for he never prophesied good to me, but always evil. The same is Micaiah the son of Imla. And Jehoshaphat said, Let not the king say so.

mkjv@2Chronicles:19:11 @ And behold, Amariah the chief priest [is]...Zebadiah the son of Ishmael is...] officers before you. Take courage and act, and the LORD shall be with the good.

mkjv@2Chronicles:20:2 @ And they came in and spoke to Jehoshaphat, saying, A great multitude has come against you from beyond the sea on this side of Syria. And behold, they [are] in Hazazon-tamar, which is En-gedi.

mkjv@2Chronicles:20:6 @ and said, O LORD God of our Fathers, [are] You not God in Heaven? And do You rule over all the kingdoms of the nations? And [is there] power and might in Your hand, so that none is able to withstand You?

mkjv@2Chronicles:25:9 @ And Amaziah said to the man of God, But what [shall we] the army of Israel? And...

mkjv@2Chronicles:28:13 @ And they said to them, You shall not bring the captives here. For we have offended the LORD, and you intend to add to our sins and to our trespass. For our trespass is great, and [there is] fierce wrath against Israel.

mkjv@2Chronicles:31:10 @ And Azariah the chief priest of the house of Zadok answered him and said, Since [the people] began to bring the offerings into the house of the LORD, we have had enough to eat and have plenty left. For the LORD has blessed His people, and this great store is left.

mkjv@2Chronicles:34:21 @...who are left in Israel and...[is] the wrath of the LORD that is poured out on us because our fathers have not kept the word of the LORD to do according to all that is written in this Book.

mkjv@Ezra:1:3 @ Who [is there] among you of all His people? Let his God be with him, and let him go up to Jerusalem, which [is]...of Jehovah God of Israel... (He is God) which is in Jerusalem.

mkjv@Ezra:4:13 @ And let it be known to the king that if this city is built and the walls set up, then they will not pay toll, taxes, or custom, and you shall endanger the revenue of the kings.

mkjv@Ezra:4:16 @ We notify the king that if this city is built and the walls of it set up, then you shall have no portion Beyond the River.

mkjv@Ezra:4:19 @ And I commanded, and search has been made, and it is found that this city has lifted up itself against kings in the past, and rebellion and revolt have been made in it.

mkjv@Ezra:5:8 @ Let it be known to the king that we went into the province of Judea, to the house of the great God, which is being built [with] great stones, and timber is being laid in the walls, and this work goes on fast and is blessed in their hands.

mkjv@Ezra:5:16 @ Then the same Sheshbazzar came [and] laid the foundation of the house of God which is in Jerusalem. And since that time even until now it has been building, but is not finished.

mkjv@Ezra:5:17 @ And therefore, if [it seems] good to the king, let there be search made in the king's treasure house there at Babylon, whether it is so that a decree was given from Cyrus the king to build this house of God at Jerusalem. And let the king send his pleasure to us concerning this matter.

mkjv@Ezra:6:12 @ And may the God who has caused His name to dwell there destroy all kings and people who shall put their hand to alter [or] to destroy this house of God which is at Jerusalem. I, Darius, have made a decree. Let it be done with speed.

mkjv@Ezra:6:18 @ And they set the priests in their sections, and the Levites in their divisions, for the service of God which [is] at Jerusalem, as it is written in the book of Moses.

mkjv@Ezra:7:23 @ Whatever is commanded by the God of Heaven, let it be carefully done for the house of the God of Heaven for why should there be wrath against the realm of the king and his sons?

mkjv@Ezra:9:7 @ Since the days of our fathers [we have been] in a great sin until this day. And for our iniquities we, our kings, our priests, have been delivered into the hand of the kings of the lands, to the sword, to captivity, and to a spoil, and to shame of face, as it is this day.

mkjv@Ezra:9:14 @ should we again break Your commandments and join hands with the people of these abominations? Would You not be angry with us until You had crushed [us], until there is no remnant nor survivor?

mkjv@Ezra:10:2 @...there is hope in Israel concerning...

mkjv@Ezra:10:13 @ But the people [are] many, and it is a time of much rain, and we are not able to stand outside. And the work is not of one or two days. For we who have sinned in this thing are many.

mkjv@Nehemiah:2:17 @ And I said to them, You see the distress that we [are] in, how Jerusalem is wasted, and the gates of it are burned with fire. Come and let us build up the wall of Jerusalem, so that we may no more be a reproach.

mkjv@Nehemiah:4:10 @ And Judah said, The strength of the carriers of burdens is weakening, and [there is] much rubbish, so that we are not able to build the wall.

mkjv@Nehemiah:6:6 @ It is reported among the nations, and Gashmu says [it], that you and the Jews are thinking of rebelling, for this reason you build the wall, so that you may be their king, according to these words.

mkjv@Nehemiah:7:3 @ And I said to them, Do not let the gates of Jerusalem be opened until the sun is hot. And while they stand by, let them shut and bar the doors. And set guards from the people of Jerusalem, each one in his watch, and each one [to be] across from his house.

mkjv@Nehemiah:8:10 @ Then he said to them, Go eat the fat and drink the sweet, and send portions to him for [whom] nothing is prepared. For [this] day [is] holy to our LORD. And do not be sorry, for the joy of the LORD [is] your strength.

mkjv@Nehemiah:9:5 @ And the Levites, Jeshua, and Kadmiel, Bani, Hashabniah, Sherebiah, Hodijah, Shebaniah, [and] Pethahiah, said, Stand up and bless the LORD your God forever and ever. And blessed be Your glorious name, which is exalted above all blessing and praise.

mkjv@Nehemiah:9:33 @ But You [are] just in all that is brought upon us, for You have done right, but we have done wickedly.

mkjv@Nehemiah:13:11 @ And I contended with the rulers and said, Why is the house of God forsaken? And I gathered them together and set them in their place.

mkjv@Esther:1:19 @ If it please the king, let there be a royal command from him, and let it be written among the laws of the Persians and the Medes, so that it may not be changed, that Vashti come no more before King Ahasuerus. And let the king give her royal state to another who is better than she is.

mkjv@Esther:1:20 @ And when the king's decree which he shall make shall be published throughout all his empire (for it is great), all the wives shall give their husbands honor, both the great and small.

mkjv@Esther:3:8 @ And Haman said to king Ahasuerus, There is a certain people scattered abroad and dispersed among the people, in all the provinces of your kingdom. And their laws [are] different from all people, neither do they keep the king's laws. And it is not for the king's gain to allow them to live.

mkjv@Esther:3:13 @ And the letters were sent by postal riders into all the king's provinces, to destroy, to kill, and to cause to perish, all Jews, both young and old, little children and women, in one day, on the thirteenth of the twelfth month, which is the month Adar, and [to take] what they owned for a prize.

mkjv@Esther:4:11 @ And the king's servants and the people of the king's provinces know that whoever, whether man or woman, shall come to the king into the inner court, who is not called, [there is] one law of his, execution, except such to whom the king shall hold out the golden scepter so that he may live. But I have not been called to come in to the king these thirty days.

mkjv@Esther:6:8 @ let the royal clothing be brought, which the king wears, and the horse that the king rides on, and the royal crown which is set on his head.

mkjv@Esther:6:9 @ And let this clothing and horse be delivered to the hand of one of the king's most noble princes so that they may dress the man whom the king delights to honor, and bring him on horseback through the streets of the city, and proclaim before him, This is what shall be done to the man whom the king delights to honor.

mkjv@Esther:6:11 @ And Haman took the clothing and the horse and dressed Mordecai, and brought him on horseback through the street of the city, and proclaimed before him, This is what shall be done to the man whom the king delights to honor!

mkjv@Esther:6:13 @ And Haman told Zeresh his wife and all his friends every [thing] that had happened to him. Then his wise men and Zeresh his wife said to him, If Mordecai is of the seed of the Jews, before whom you have begun to fall, you shall not prevail against him but shall surely fall before him.

mkjv@Esther:7:6 @ And Esther said, The man who is our adversary and enemy [is] this wicked Haman. And Haman was afraid before the king and the queen.

mkjv@Esther:8:8 @ And you write for the Jews as it pleases you, in the king's name, and seal [it] with the king's ring. For the writing which is written in the king's name and sealed with the king's ring, no man may turn back.

mkjv@Job:2:3 @ And the LORD said unto Satan, Have you set your heart on My servant Job, that [there is] none like him in the earth, a perfect and an upright man, one who fears God and turns away from evil? And still he is keeping hold of his integrity, although you moved Me against him to destroy him without cause.

mkjv@Job:3:3 @ Let the day perish in [which] I was born, and the night [which] said, A man-child is conceived.

mkjv@Job:3:20 @ Why is light given to one who is in misery, and life to the bitter [in] soul,

mkjv@Job:3:21 @ who is waiting for death, but [it] comes not; and dig for it more than [for] treasures?

mkjv@Job:3:23 @ To a man whose way is hidden, God has made a hedge about him.

mkjv@Job:4:6 @ [Is]...your reverence your hope? Is not...

mkjv@Job:4:21 @ Is not their tent cord plucked up within them? They die, but not with wisdom.

mkjv@Job:5:1 @ Call now, is there anyone who will answer you? And to which of the saints will you turn?

mkjv@Job:5:7 @ but man is born to trouble, as the sparks fly upward.

mkjv@Job:5:13 @ [He] takes the wise in their own craftiness; and the counsel of the wily is carried headlong.

mkjv@Job:5:16 @ And there is hope for the weak, and injustice shuts her mouth.

mkjv@Job:5:27 @ Behold this: we have searched it; it is so. Hear it and know for yourself.

mkjv@Job:6:6 @ Can that which has no taste be eaten without salt? Or is there taste in the white of an egg?

mkjv@Job:6:10 @ And it is yet my comfort; yea, I would rejoice in pain, though He did not spare me; for I have not hidden the words of the Holy One.

mkjv@Job:6:13 @ [Is] not my help in me? And is wisdom fully driven away from me?

mkjv@Job:6:14 @ To him who is afflicted, pity is [due] from his friend, but he forsakes the fear of the Almighty.

mkjv@Job:6:17 @ When they become warm, they go away; when it is hot, they vanish out of their place.

mkjv@Job:6:26 @ Do you intend to criticize words, and the speeches of one who is hopeless, [that are] as wind?

mkjv@Job:6:30 @ Is there wrong in my tongue? Cannot my taste discern desirable things?

mkjv@Job:7:4 @ When I lie down, I say, When shall I rise? But the night is long, and I am full of tossing to and fro until the dawning of the day.

mkjv@Job:7:5 @ My flesh is clothed with worms and clods of dust; my skin is broken and has run [afresh].

mkjv@Job:8:18 @ If he is destroyed from his place, then it shall deny him: I have not seen you.

mkjv@Job:9:2 @ Truly I know [it is so], but how can man be just with God?

mkjv@Job:9:10 @ who is doing great things past finding out; yea, marvelous things without number?

mkjv@Job:9:22 @ It [is] One, therefore I said, He is consuming the perfect and the wicked.

mkjv@Job:9:24 @ The earth is given into the hand of the wicked; He covers the faces of its judges; if it [is] not [He], then who [is] it?

mkjv@Job:9:33 @ there is no mediator between us, [who] might lay his hand on us both.

mkjv@Job:10:1 @ My soul is weary of my life; I will leave my complaint on my self; I will speak in the bitterness of my soul.

mkjv@Job:10:3 @ Is [it] good to You that You should press down, that You should despise the work of Your hands, and shine on the counsel of the wicked?

mkjv@Job:11:12 @ For foolish man would be wise, and man is born a wild ass's colt.

mkjv@Job:11:18 @ And you shall be safe, because there is hope; yea, you shall look around [you], and you shall take your rest in safety.

mkjv@Job:13:9 @ Is it good that He should search you out? Or as one man mocks another, do you mock Him?

mkjv@Job:14:7 @ For there is hope of a tree, if it is cut down, that it will sprout again, and its tender branch will not cease.

mkjv@Job:14:10 @ But man dies and is cut off; and man expires, and where [is] he?

mkjv@Job:14:13 @ Who will grant [that] You would hide me in the grave, that You would keep me secret, until Your wrath is past, that You would set me a fixed time and remember me?

mkjv@Job:14:22 @ But his flesh is pained within him; and his soul mourns over him.

mkjv@Job:15:9 @ What do you know that we do not know, or understand that is not with us?

mkjv@Job:15:14 @ What [is] man, that he should be clean? And [what is he] born of a woman that he should be righteous?

mkjv@Job:15:20 @ The wicked man labors in pain all his days, and the number of years is hidden for the ruthless one.

mkjv@Job:15:23 @ He wanders for bread, saying, Where [is it]? He knows that the day of darkness is ready at hand.

mkjv@Job:16:6 @ Though I speak, my pain is not held back, and [though] I forbear, in what way am I eased?

mkjv@Job:16:8 @ And You have plucked me, for it is a witness, and my failure rises up against me, and it answers to my face.

mkjv@Job:16:16 @ My face is reddened from weeping, and on my eyelids [is] the shadow of death;

mkjv@Job:17:1 @ My spirit is broken, my days are ended, the graves [are] ready for me.

mkjv@Job:17:7 @ My eye also is dim from grief; and all my members [are] like a shadow.

mkjv@Job:18:8 @ For he is thrown into a net by his own feet, and he walks on a net.

mkjv@Job:18:17 @ His memory shall perish from the earth, and there is no name to him on the face of the street.

mkjv@Job:19:7 @ Behold, I cry out, Violence! And I am not answered. I cry aloud, but there is no justice.

mkjv@Job:19:17 @ My breath is hated by my wife, and I must beg to the sons of my [mother's] womb.

mkjv@Job:19:28 @ For you ought to say, Why do we persecute him, since the root of the matter is found in me?

mkjv@Job:20:12 @ Though wickedness is sweet in his mouth, [though] he hides it under his tongue;

mkjv@Job:20:23 @ It shall happen at the filling of his belly, [God] shall cast the fury of His wrath on him, and He shall rain on him while he is eating.

mkjv@Job:21:4 @ [As for] me, is my complaint to man? And why should my spirit not be troubled?

mkjv@Job:21:8 @ Their seed is established in their sight with them, and their offspring before their eyes.

mkjv@Job:21:16 @ Behold, their good [is] not in their hand; the wisdom of the wicked is far from me.

mkjv@Job:21:17 @ How often is the lamp of the wicked put out, and their trouble comes on them! He shares out pains in His anger;

mkjv@Job:21:21 @ For what [is] his pleasure in his house after him, and the number of his months is cut off?

mkjv@Job:21:30 @ that the wicked is kept for the day of calamity? They shall be brought to the day of wrath.

mkjv@Job:22:2 @ Can a man be useful to God, as he who is wise may be useful to himself?

mkjv@Job:22:18 @ Yet He filled their houses with substance; and the wisdom of the wicked is far from me.

mkjv@Job:22:20 @ Truly our foe is not cut down, and fire has eaten their wealth.

mkjv@Job:23:2 @ Even today [is] my complaint bitter; my stroke is heavier than my groaning.

mkjv@Job:23:8 @ Behold, I go forward, but He is not [there]; and backward, but I cannot see Him;

mkjv@Job:24:14 @ The murderer rising with the light kills the poor and needy, and in the night he is a thief.

mkjv@Job:24:18 @ He [is] swift on the waters; their portion is cursed in the earth; he does not behold the way of the vineyards.

mkjv@Job:24:22 @ He also draws the mighty with his power; he rises up, and no one is sure of life.

mkjv@Job:25:3 @ Is there any number of His armies? And on whom does not His light arise?

mkjv@Job:25:4 @ How then can man be justified with God? Or how can [one] who is born of a woman be clean?

mkjv@Job:26:8 @ He binds up [the] waters in His thick clouds; and the cloud is not torn under them.

mkjv@Job:27:21 @ The east wind lifts him up, and he is gone; for it whirls him out of his place.

mkjv@Job:28:1 @ Surely there is a mine for the silver, and a place [where] they refine gold.

mkjv@Job:28:2 @ Iron is taken out of the earth, and bronze [is] melted [out of] the stone.

mkjv@Job:28:5 @ [As to] the earth, out of it comes bread; and underneath it is turned up like fire.

mkjv@Job:28:13 @ Man does not know the price of it; nor is it found in the land of the living.

mkjv@Job:28:21 @ Yea, it is hidden from the eyes of all living, and hidden from the birds of the heavens.

mkjv@Job:30:16 @ And now my soul is poured out within me; the days of affliction have taken hold on me.

mkjv@Job:30:18 @ By the great force [of my disease] my clothing is exposed; it binds me about like the mouth of my coat.

mkjv@Job:30:30 @ My skin is black on me, and my bones are burned with heat.

mkjv@Job:33:12 @ Behold, [in] this you are not right; I will answer you, for God is greater than man.

mkjv@Job:33:19 @ He is also chastened with pain on his bed, and enduring strife [in] his bones;

mkjv@Job:33:20 @ so that his life is sick of bread, and his soul desirable food.

mkjv@Job:33:23 @ If there is a messenger for him, a mediator, one among a thousand, to declare for man his uprightness,

mkjv@Job:33:24 @ then He is gracious to him and says, Deliver him from going down to the Pit; for I have found a ransom.

mkjv@Job:34:4 @ Let us choose for ourselves what is right; let us know among ourselves what [is] good.

mkjv@Job:34:9 @ For he has said, It profits a man nothing when he is accepted with God.

mkjv@Job:34:17 @ Shall one who hates right govern? And will you condemn Him who is just and mighty?

mkjv@Job:34:22 @ There is no darkness, nor shadow of death to hide there the workers of iniquity.

mkjv@Job:36:4 @ For truly my words [are] not false; He who is perfect in knowledge [is] with you.

mkjv@Job:36:6 @ He will not keep alive one who is wicked, but gives right to the afflicted.

mkjv@Job:36:19 @ [If] your cry for help is set in order, then [it will] not [be]. in distress, but with all the forces of strength.

mkjv@Job:36:22 @ Behold, God is exalted in His power; who teaches like Him?

mkjv@Job:36:33 @ its thunder declares concerning Him, and the cattle, concerning what is coming.

mkjv@Job:37:4 @ After it a voice roars; He thunders with the voice of His majesty, and He will not hold them when His voice is heard.

mkjv@Job:37:10 @ By the breath of God ice is given; and the expanse of waters is frozen tight.

mkjv@Job:37:12 @ and it is turned around by His guidance, so that they may do whatever He commands them on the face of the world in the earth.

mkjv@Job:37:16 @ Do you know the balancing of the clouds, the wonderful works of Him who is perfect in knowledge?

mkjv@Job:38:14 @ It is turned like clay [under] a seal; and they stand forth like a garment.

mkjv@Job:38:15 @ And from the wicked their light is withheld, and the high arm shall be broken.

mkjv@Job:38:30 @ The waters are hidden like stone, and the face of the deep is frozen.

mkjv@Job:38:38 @ when the dust is melted [into] hardness, and the clods cling fast together?

mkjv@Job:39:22 @ He mocks at fear, and is not terrified; and he does not turn back from the sword.

mkjv@Job:40:11 @ Pour forth the rage of your wrath; and behold everyone who is proud, and abase him.

mkjv@Job:41:11 @ Who has gone before Me that I should repay? All that [is] the heavens is Mine.

mkjv@Job:41:16 @ one is so near to another that no air can come between them;

mkjv@Job:41:24 @ His heart is cast hard as a stone, even cast hard as a piece of a riding millstone.

mkjv@Job:41:33 @ On earth there is nothing like him, one made without fear.

mkjv@Job:42:2 @ I know that You can do all, and not [any] purpose is withheld from You.

mkjv@Job:42:7 @ And it happened after the LORD had spoken these words to Job, the LORD said to Eliphaz the Temanite, My wrath is kindled against you and your two friends. For you have not spoken of Me what is right, as My servant Job [has].

mkjv@Job:42:8 @ And now take to yourselves seven young bulls and seven rams, and go to My servant Job, and offer up for yourselves a burnt offering. And My servant Job will pray for you. Surely I will lift up his face so as not to do with you [according to your] foolishness, in that you have not spoken of Me what is right, like My servant Job.

mkjv@Psalms:2:12 @ Kiss the Son, lest He be angry, and you perish [from] the way, when His wrath is kindled in but a little time. Blessed [are] all who put their trust in Him.

mkjv@Psalms:5:9 @ For [there is] no faithfulness in their mouth; their inward part is wickedness; their throat [is] an open grave; they flatter with their tongue.

mkjv@Psalms:6:3 @ My soul also is exceedingly troubled; but You, O LORD, how long?

mkjv@Psalms:6:7 @ My eye is dim because of grief; it wastes away because of all my enemies.

mkjv@Psalms:7:2 @ lest he tear my soul like a lion, tearing [it] in pieces, and there is no one to deliver.

mkjv@Psalms:7:3 @ O LORD my God, if I have done this; if there is iniquity in my hands;

mkjv@Psalms:7:11 @ God judges the righteous, and God is angry with the wicked every day.

mkjv@Psalms:8:4 @ what is man that You are mindful of him, and the son of man, that You visit him?

mkjv@Psalms:9:15 @ The nations have sunk down in the pit [that] they made; their foot is caught in the net which they hid.

mkjv@Psalms:9:16 @ The LORD is known. He has executed judgment; the wicked is snared in the work of his own hands. A meditation. Selah.

mkjv@Psalms:10:7 @ His mouth is full of cursing and deceit and fraud; under his tongue [are] mischief and vanity.

mkjv@Psalms:12:8 @ The wicked walk on every side, when vileness is praised by the sons of men.

mkjv@Psalms:15:4 @ in whose eyes the reprobate is despised, but he honors those who fear the LORD; [he] has sworn to his hurt, and does not change it;

mkjv@Psalms:16:9 @ Therefore My heart is glad, and My glory rejoices; My flesh also shall rest in hope;

mkjv@Psalms:17:12 @ Their likeness is like a lion [that] longs to tear, and like a young lion lurking in secret places.

mkjv@Psalms:17:14 @ from men by Your hand, O LORD, from men of the world whose portion is in [this] life, and whose belly You fill with Your treasure. They are satisfied with sons, and will leave their riches to their babes.

mkjv@Psalms:18:3 @ I will call on the LORD, [who is worthy] to be praised; so shall I be saved from my enemies.

mkjv@Psalms:18:34 @ He teaches my hands to war, so that a bow of bronze is bent by my arms.

mkjv@Psalms:19:3 @ [There is] no speech nor [are] there words; their voice is not heard.

mkjv@Psalms:19:6 @ going forth from the end of the heavens, and its course [is] to their ends. And there is nothing hid from its heat.

mkjv@Psalms:19:11 @ And Your servant is warned by them; in keeping them there [is] great reward.

mkjv@Psalms:22:14 @ I am poured out like water, and all My bones are spread apart; My heart is like wax; it is melted in the midst of My bowels.

mkjv@Psalms:22:15 @ My strength is dried up like a potsherd, and My tongue clings to My jaws;

mkjv@Psalms:26:10 @ in whose hands [is] a plot, and their right hand is full of a bribe.

mkjv@Psalms:31:10 @ For my life is ending with grief, and my years with sighing; my strength fails because of my iniquity, and my bones have wasted away.

mkjv@Psalms:32:4 @ For by day and by night Your hand [was] heavy on me; my sap is turned into the droughts of summer. Selah.

mkjv@Psalms:33:1 @ Rejoice in the LORD, O righteous [ones;] praise is becoming for the upright.

mkjv@Psalms:33:5 @ [He] loves righteousness and judgment; the earth is full of the mercy of the LORD.

mkjv@Psalms:33:16 @ The king is not saved by a great army; a mighty man is not delivered by much strength.

mkjv@Psalms:34:20 @ He keeps all his bones; not one of them is broken.

mkjv@Psalms:37:13 @ The LORD laughs at him; for He sees that his day is coming.

mkjv@Psalms:37:33 @ The LORD will not leave him in his hand, nor allow [him] to be found guilty when he is judged.

mkjv@Psalms:37:38 @ But the sinners are destroyed together; the end of the wicked is cut off.

mkjv@Psalms:38:9 @ My Lord, all my desire [is] before You; and my sighing is not hidden from You.

mkjv@Psalms:38:10 @ My heart pants; my strength fails me; as for the light of my eyes, it also is gone from me.

mkjv@Psalms:41:8 @ They say, a wicked thing is poured out on him, and he who lies down shall rise no more.

mkjv@Psalms:42:6 @ O my God, my soul is cast down within me; therefore I will remember You from the land of Jordan, and of the Hermons, from mount Mizar.

mkjv@Psalms:44:18 @ Our heart is not turned back, nor have our steps turned aside from Your way,

mkjv@Psalms:44:25 @ For our soul is bowed down to the dust; our belly holds fast to the earth.

mkjv@Psalms:45:1 @ To the Chief Musician. Concerning the Lilies, for the sons of Korah, a contemplation; A Song of Loves. My heart is overflowing [with] a good matter; I speak of my works to the King; my tongue [is] the pen of a ready writer.

mkjv@Psalms:45:2 @ You are the fairest of the sons of men; grace is poured into Your lips; therefore God has blessed You forever.

mkjv@Psalms:47:9 @ The rulers of the peoples are gathered together, the people of the God of Abraham; for the shields of the earth [are] God's; He is lifted up on high.

mkjv@Psalms:48:3 @ God is known in her strongholds for a refuge.

mkjv@Psalms:48:10 @ According to Your name, O God, so [is] Your praise to the ends of the earth. Your right hand is full of righteousness; let mount Zion rejoice!

mkjv@Psalms:49:11 @ Their inward [thought is that] their houses shall [go on] forever, and their dwelling-places to all generations; they call [their] lands after their own names.

mkjv@Psalms:49:12 @ But man, though high in honor, does not remain; he is like the animals [that] perish.

mkjv@Psalms:49:20 @ Man in honor, but without understanding, is like the animals; they shall perish.

mkjv@Psalms:50:3 @ Our God comes, and He is not silent; a fire shall devour before Him, and it shall be very stormy all around Him.

mkjv@Psalms:53:3 @ Every one has turned away; they have altogether become filthy; not one is doing good, no, not even one.

mkjv@Psalms:55:4 @ My heart is pained within me; and the terrors of death have fallen on me.

mkjv@Psalms:55:19 @ God shall hear and answer them, even He who is enthroned of old. Selah. Because they have no changes, therefore they do not fear God.

mkjv@Psalms:57:6 @ They have prepared a net for my steps; my soul is bowed down; [they have] dug a pit before me, they have fallen into it. Selah.

mkjv@Psalms:57:7 @ My heart is fixed, O God, my heart is fixed; I will sing and give praise.

mkjv@Psalms:60:2 @ You made the earth tremble; You tore it; heal the breaks of it, for it is shaking.

mkjv@Psalms:61:2 @ From the end of the earth I cry to You when my heart is faint; Lead me to the Rock higher than I.

mkjv@Psalms:62:1 @ To the Chief Musician. To Jeduthun. A Psalm of David. Only to God is my soul in silence; from Him [comes] my salvation.

mkjv@Psalms:65:1 @ To the Chief Musician. A Psalm and Song of David. To You silence is praise, O God, in Zion; and to You is a vow paid.

mkjv@Psalms:65:9 @ You visit the earth and water it; You greatly enrich it; the river of God is full of water; You provide their grain, for in this way You have prepared it.

mkjv@Psalms:66:10 @ For You have proved us, O God; You have tested us, as silver is refined.

mkjv@Psalms:68:2 @ As smoke is driven away, You drive [them] away; as wax melts before the fire, let the wicked perish in the presence of God.

mkjv@Psalms:69:3 @ I am weary from my crying; my throat is dried; my eyes fail while I wait for my God.

mkjv@Psalms:71:18 @ And now when I am old and gray-headed, O God, do not leave me; until I have declared Your strength to [this] generation, and Your power to everyone who is to come.

mkjv@Psalms:72:19 @ And blessed [be] His glorious name forever; and all the earth is filled [with] His glory! Amen and Amen.

mkjv@Psalms:73:11 @ And they say, How does God know? And is there knowledge in the Most High?

mkjv@Psalms:74:5 @ He is known as one bringing axes on high, on the thick trees.

mkjv@Psalms:75:1 @ To the Chief Musician. Do not destroy. A Psalm of Asaph. A Songs. To You, O God, we have given thanks, to You we have given thanks; for Your name is near, Your wonderful works declared.

mkjv@Psalms:75:8 @ For in the hand of the LORD [there is] a cup, and the wine is red; it is fully mixed; and He pours out from it; but the dregs of it, all the wicked of the earth shall drain its dregs [and] drink.

mkjv@Psalms:76:1 @ To the Chief Musician. For stringed instruments. A Psalm of Asaph. A Songs. God [is] is great in Israel....

mkjv@Psalms:76:2 @ And His abode is in Salem; and His dwelling-place in Zion.

mkjv@Psalms:76:10 @ Surely the wrath of man shall praise You; the wrath that is left, You shall bind up.

mkjv@Psalms:77:8 @ Is His mercy gone forever? Has [His] word failed for all generations?

mkjv@Psalms:83:18 @ so that [men] may know that Your name is JEHOVAH, that You alone [are] the Most High over all the earth.

mkjv@Psalms:88:3 @ For my soul is full of troubles, and my life draws near the grave.

mkjv@Psalms:89:6 @ For who in the sky can be ranked [with] the LORD? Who among the mighty is like the LORD?

mkjv@Psalms:89:7 @ God is greatly to be feared in the congregation of the saints, and to be adored by all around Him.

mkjv@Psalms:89:8 @ O LORD God of hosts, who [is] a strong LORD like You? And Your faithfulness is round about You?

mkjv@Psalms:89:10 @ You have broken Rahab in pieces, as one that is slain; You have scattered Your enemies with Your strong arm.

mkjv@Psalms:89:13 @ You have a mighty arm; Your hand is strong, [and] Your right hand is high.

mkjv@Psalms:89:41 @ All who pass by the way plunder him; he is a curse to his neighbors.

mkjv@Psalms:90:4 @ For a thousand years in Your sight [are] as yesterday when it is past, and [as] a watch in the night.

mkjv@Psalms:90:6 @ In the morning it sprouts and shoots up; in the evening it is cut down, and dries up.

mkjv@Psalms:90:10 @ The days of our years [are] threescore years and ten; and if by strength they [are] fourscore years, yet their pride [is] labor and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away.

mkjv@Psalms:93:1 @ The LORD reigns, He is clothed with majesty; the LORD is clothed with strength. He clothed Himself and the world is established; it shall not be shaken.

mkjv@Psalms:94:13 @ that You may give him rest from the days of trouble, until the pit is dug for the wicked.

mkjv@Psalms:94:22 @ But the LORD is my defense; and my God [is] the rock of my refuge.

mkjv@Psalms:97:11 @ Light is sown for the righteous, and gladness for the upright in heart.

mkjv@Psalms:102:1 @ A prayer of the afflicted, when he is overwhelmed and pours out his complaint before the LORD. Hear my prayer, O LORD, and let my cry come to You.

mkjv@Psalms:102:4 @ My heart is stricken, and dried like grass, so that I forget to eat my bread.

mkjv@Psalms:103:1 @ [A Psalm] of David. Bless the LORD, O my soul; and all that is within me, [bless] His holy name.

mkjv@Psalms:103:5 @ who satisfies your mouth with good; your youth is renewed like the eagle's.

mkjv@Psalms:103:11 @ For as the heavens [are] high above the earth, [so] is His mercy toward those who fear Him.

mkjv@Psalms:103:16 @ For the wind passes over it, and it is gone; and its place shall know it no more.

mkjv@Psalms:104:13 @ [He] waters the hills from His upper rooms; the earth is satisfied with the fruit of Your works.

mkjv@Psalms:104:20 @ You make darkness, and it is night, in which all the beasts of the forest creep forth.

mkjv@Psalms:104:24 @ O LORD, how many are Your works! In wisdom You have made them all; the earth is full of Your riches.

mkjv@Psalms:107:26 @ They mount up to the heavens, they go down again [to] the depths; their soul is melted because of trouble.

mkjv@Psalms:107:27 @ They reel to and fro, and stagger like a drunken man, and all their wisdom is swallowed up.

mkjv@Psalms:108:1 @ A Song, A Psalm of David. O God, my heart is fixed; I will sing and I will give praise, even [with] my glory.

mkjv@Psalms:109:7 @ when he is judged, let him be condemned; and let his prayer become sin.

mkjv@Psalms:109:19 @ Let it be to him as the robe [which] covers him, and for a girdle with which he is always clothed.

mkjv@Psalms:109:22 @ For I [am] poor and needy, and my heart is wounded within me.

mkjv@Psalms:109:23 @ As a shadow when it is stretched out, I am gone; I am shaken off like the locust.

mkjv@Psalms:109:24 @ My knees stumble from fasting; and my flesh is losing its fatness.

mkjv@Psalms:111:4 @ He has made His wonderful works to be remembered; the LORD is gracious and full of pity.

mkjv@Psalms:117:2 @ For His merciful kindness is great toward us; and the truth of the LORD [endures] forever. Praise the LORD!

mkjv@Psalms:118:14 @ The LORD [is] my strength and song, and He is my salvation.

mkjv@Psalms:118:16 @ The right hand of the LORD is lifted up; the right hand of the LORD does mighty things.

mkjv@Psalms:118:23 @ This is from the LORD; it [is] marvelous in our eyes.

mkjv@Psalms:119:64 @ O LORD, the earth is full of Your mercy; teach me Your statutes.

mkjv@Psalms:119:70 @ Their heart is without feeling, like fat; [but] I delight in Your law.

mkjv@Psalms:119:89 @ LAMED. Forever, O LORD, Your word is settled in the heavens.

mkjv@Psalms:120:5 @ Woe is me, that I live in Mesech; I dwell in the tents of Kedar!

mkjv@Psalms:122:3 @ Jerusalem is built like a city that [is] all joined together as one;

mkjv@Psalms:123:4 @ Our soul is exceedingly filled [with] the contempt of those who are at ease, with the scorn of the proud.

mkjv@Psalms:124:7 @ Our soul has escaped like a bird out of the snare of the fowlers; the snare is broken, and we have escaped.

mkjv@Psalms:125:1 @ A Song of degrees. They who trust in the LORD [shall be] like Mount Zion; it is not shaken, but remains forever.

mkjv@Psalms:131:1 @ A Song of degrees; of David. O LORD, my heart is not proud, nor my eyes lofty; nor have I walked in great things, nor in things too wondrous for me.

mkjv@Psalms:135:17 @ they [have] ears, but they do not hear, nor is there breath in their mouths.

mkjv@Psalms:139:6 @ Such knowledge [is] too wonderful for me; it is high, I cannot go up to it.

mkjv@Psalms:139:12 @ Yea, the darkness does not hide from You; but the night shines as the day; as [is] the darkness, so is the light to You.

mkjv@Psalms:139:17 @ How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God! How great is the sum of them!

mkjv@Psalms:143:2 @ And do not enter into judgment with Your servant, for in Your sight no one living is just.

mkjv@Psalms:144:8 @ because their mouth has spoken vanity, and their right hand is a right hand of lies.

mkjv@Psalms:148:13 @ let them praise the name of the LORD; for His name alone is excellent; His glory [is] above the earth and heavens.

mkjv@Proverbs:1:17 @ Surely in vain the net is spread in the sight of any bird,

mkjv@Proverbs:2:10 @ When wisdom enters into your heart, and knowledge is pleasing to your soul;

mkjv@Proverbs:3:27 @ Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in the power of your hand to do [it].

mkjv@Proverbs:4:16 @ For they do not sleep, except when they have done mischief; and their sleep is taken away unless they cause [some] to fall.

mkjv@Proverbs:6:15 @ Therefore his calamity shall come suddenly; he is quickly broken, and there is no healing.

mkjv@Proverbs:6:29 @ So is he who goes in to his neighbor's wife; whoever touches her shall not be innocent.

mkjv@Proverbs:6:30 @ They do not despise a thief, if he steals to satisfy his soul when he is hungry;

mkjv@Proverbs:6:31 @ but [if] he is found, he shall restore sevenfold; he shall give all the goods of his house.

mkjv@Proverbs:9:17 @ Stolen waters are sweet, and bread [eaten] in secret is pleasant.

mkjv@Proverbs:10:13 @ In the lips of him who has understanding, wisdom is found; but a rod [is] for the back of him who is without understanding.

mkjv@Proverbs:10:19 @ In the multitude of words, sin is not lacking; but he who holds back his lips [is] wise.

mkjv@Proverbs:10:25 @ As the storm passes, so the wicked is no more; but the righteous [is] an everlasting foundation.

mkjv@Proverbs:10:32 @ The lips of the righteous know what is pleasing; but the mouth of the wicked what [is] contrary.

mkjv@Proverbs:11:8 @ The righteous is delivered out of trouble, and the wicked comes [in] his place.

mkjv@Proverbs:11:11 @ By the blessing of the upright the city is lifted up, but it is overthrown by the mouth of the wicked.

mkjv@Proverbs:11:13 @ One going with slander is a revealer of secrets, but the faithful of spirit keeps the matter hidden.

mkjv@Proverbs:11:15 @ He who is surety for a stranger shall be ruined; and he who hates suretyship is safe.

mkjv@Proverbs:11:24 @ There is one who scatters and yet increases; but one who withholds just due [comes] only to poverty.

mkjv@Proverbs:12:8 @ A man shall be praised according to his wisdom, but he who is of a perverse heart shall be despised.

mkjv@Proverbs:12:9 @ Better is one] despised, and having a servant, than he honoring himself and lacks bread.

mkjv@Proverbs:12:16 @ A fool's vexation is known in a day, but the astute one covers shame.

mkjv@Proverbs:13:5 @ The righteous hates lying, but the wicked one is odious and acts shamefully.

mkjv@Proverbs:13:19 @ The desire fulfilled is sweet to the soul, but [it is] hateful to fools to turn from evil.

mkjv@Proverbs:13:23 @ Much food [is] in the plowed ground of the poor, but when [there is] no justice, it is swept away.

mkjv@Proverbs:14:6 @ A scorner seeks wisdom, and it is not [found], but knowledge [is] easy to him who understands.

mkjv@Proverbs:14:12 @ There is a way which seems right to a man, but the end of it [is] the ways of death.

mkjv@Proverbs:14:13 @ Even in laughter the heart is sorrowful, and the end of that joy [is] heaviness.

mkjv@Proverbs:14:16 @ A wise one fears and departs from evil, but the fool rages and is sure.

mkjv@Proverbs:14:17 @ He who [is] soon angry acts foolishly, and a man of wicked plots is hated.

mkjv@Proverbs:14:20 @ The poor is hated even by his own neighbor, but the rich [has] many friends.

mkjv@Proverbs:14:23 @ In all labor there is gain, but the talk of the lips [tends] only to poverty.

mkjv@Proverbs:14:32 @ The wicked is driven away in his wickedness, but the righteous [has] hope in his death.

mkjv@Proverbs:14:33 @ Wisdom rests in the heart of him who has understanding, but among fools it is made known.

mkjv@Proverbs:14:35 @ The king's favor [is] toward a wise servant, but his wrath is against him who causes shame.

mkjv@Proverbs:15:5 @ A fool despises his father's instruction, but he who listens to correction is wise.

mkjv@Proverbs:15:13 @ A merry heart makes a cheerful face, but by sorrow of heart the spirit is broken.

mkjv@Proverbs:15:15 @ All the days of the afflicted [are] evil, but gladness of heart is a continual feast.

mkjv@Proverbs:15:21 @ Folly [is] joy to him who is without any wisdom, but a man of understanding walks uprightly.

mkjv@Proverbs:15:27 @ He who is greedy for gain troubles his own house, but he who hates bribes shall live.

mkjv@Proverbs:16:6 @ By mercy and truth, iniquity is purged, and by the fear of the LORD [men] turn away from evil.

mkjv@Proverbs:16:16 @ How much better [it is] to get wisdom than gold! And to get understanding is rather to be chosen than silver!

mkjv@Proverbs:16:25 @ There is a way [that seems] right to a man, but the end of it [is] the ways of death.

mkjv@Proverbs:16:31 @ The gray head [is] a crown of glory, [if] it is found in the way of righteousness.

mkjv@Proverbs:16:32 @ He who is slow to anger [is] better than the mighty, and he who rules his spirit is better than he who takes a city.

mkjv@Proverbs:16:33 @ The lot is cast into the lap, but the whole disposing of it [is] from the LORD.

mkjv@Proverbs:17:5 @ Whoever scorns the poor reviles his Maker; he who is glad at calamities shall not be unpunished.

mkjv@Proverbs:17:8 @ A bribe [is] like a precious stone in the eyes of him who has it; wherever he turns, he is prudent.

mkjv@Proverbs:17:17 @ A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for the time of trouble.

mkjv@Proverbs:17:27 @ He who has knowledge uses few words; a man of understanding is of an excellent spirit.

mkjv@Proverbs:17:28 @ Even a fool, when he [is] silent, is counted wise, and he who shuts his lips [is counted as] a man of understanding.

mkjv@Proverbs:18:9 @ Also he who is slack in his work is brother to a great destroyer.

mkjv@Proverbs:18:10 @ The name of the LORD [is] a strong tower; the righteous man runs into it and is safe.

mkjv@Proverbs:18:12 @ Before shattering, the heart of man is proud, and before honor [is] humility.

mkjv@Proverbs:18:24 @ A man who has friends may be broken up, but there is a Lover who sticks closer than a brother.

mkjv@Proverbs:19:1 @ Better [is] the poor who walks in his integrity than he who [is] perverse in his lips, and is a fool.

mkjv@Proverbs:19:4 @ Wealth makes many friends; but the poor is separated from his neighbor.

mkjv@Proverbs:19:10 @ Luxury is not becoming for a fool; much less for a servant to have rule over princes.

mkjv@Proverbs:19:18 @ Chasten your son while there is hope, and do not set your soul on making him die.

mkjv@Proverbs:20:11 @ Even a child is known by his own doings, whether his work [is] pure and whether [it is] right.

mkjv@Proverbs:20:15 @ There is gold and a multitude of rubies; but the lips of knowledge [are] a rare jewel.

mkjv@Proverbs:20:16 @ Take the garment of him who is surety [for] a stranger; and take a pledge from him for strangers.

mkjv@Proverbs:20:19 @ A gossip is a revealer of secrets; so do not mix with him who flatters with his lips.

mkjv@Proverbs:20:28 @ Mercy and truth preserve the king; and his throne is upheld by mercy.

mkjv@Proverbs:21:11 @ When the scorner is punished, the simple is made wise; and when the wise is instructed, he receives knowledge.

mkjv@Proverbs:22:6 @ Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

mkjv@Proverbs:22:11 @ He who loves pureness of heart, grace is on his lips; the king [shall be] his friend.

mkjv@Proverbs:23:5 @ Will your eyes fly on it? And [it] is gone! For surely it makes wings for itself; it flies [into] the heavens like an eagle.

mkjv@Proverbs:23:15 @ My son, if your heart is wise, my heart shall rejoice, even mine.

mkjv@Proverbs:23:18 @ For surely there is a hereafter, and your hope shall not be cut off.

mkjv@Proverbs:23:22 @ Listen to your father who sired you, and do not despise your mother when she is old.

mkjv@Proverbs:23:31 @ Do not look upon the wine when it is red, [when] it gives its color in the cup, [when] it goes down smoothly

mkjv@Proverbs:24:3 @ Through wisdom a house is built, and by understanding it is established;

mkjv@Proverbs:25:15 @ In [being] slow to anger a ruler is won over, and a soft tongue breaks the bone.

mkjv@Proverbs:25:16 @ Have you found honey? Eat [only] as much as is enough for you, lest you be filled with it and vomit it.

mkjv@Proverbs:25:21 @ If your enemy is hungry, give him bread to eat; and if he is thirsty, give him water to drink,

mkjv@Proverbs:26:20 @ Where there is no wood, the fire goes out; and where [there is] no talebearer, the fighting ceases.

mkjv@Proverbs:26:26 @ [He whose] hatred is covered by deceit, his wickedness shall be shown before the congregation.

mkjv@Proverbs:27:10 @ Your own friend, and your father's friend, do not forsake them; nor go to your brother's house in the day of your trouble; better [is] a neighbor that is near than a brother far off.

mkjv@Proverbs:27:13 @ Take his robe that is surety for a stranger, and take a pledge from him for a strange woman.

mkjv@Proverbs:27:25 @ When the hay is removed, and the tender grass is seen, and mountain-plants are gathered,

mkjv@Proverbs:28:12 @ When the righteous rejoice, [there is] great glory; but when the wicked rise, a man is hidden.

mkjv@Proverbs:28:17 @ A man who is pressed down with the blood of a soul shall flee to the pit; do not let them uphold him.

mkjv@Proverbs:28:18 @ Whoever walks uprightly shall be saved; but he who is perverse [in his] ways shall fall at once.

mkjv@Proverbs:28:25 @ He who is of a proud heart stirs up fighting; but he who puts his trust in the LORD shall be made fat.

mkjv@Proverbs:28:26 @ He who trusts in his own heart is a fool; but whoever walks wisely, he shall be delivered.

mkjv@Proverbs:30:12 @ [There is] a generation [that are] pure in their own eyes, and yet is not washed from their own filth.

mkjv@Proverbs:30:21 @ Under three [things] the earth quakes, and under four it is not able to bear up:

mkjv@Proverbs:30:22 @ for a servant when he reigns; and a fool when he is filled with food;

mkjv@Proverbs:30:23 @ for a hateful woman when she is married; and a servant girl that is heir to her mistress.

mkjv@Proverbs:31:6 @ Give strong drink to him who is ready to perish, and wine to those who are of heavy hearts.

mkjv@Proverbs:31:14 @ She is like the merchants' ships; she brings her food from afar.

mkjv@Proverbs:31:21 @ She is not afraid of the snow for her household; for all her household [are] clothed [with] scarlet.

mkjv@Proverbs:31:23 @ Her husband is known in the gates, when he sits among the elders of the land.

mkjv@Ecclesiastes:1:8 @ All things [are] full of labor; man cannot utter it; the eye is not satisfied with seeing, nor the ear filled with hearing.

mkjv@Ecclesiastes:1:10 @ Is there a thing [of] which it may be said, See, this [is] new? It has already been in days of old, which were before us.

mkjv@Ecclesiastes:1:13 @ And I gave my heart to seek and search out by wisdom concerning all which is done under the heavens. [It is] a sad task God has given to the sons of men to be humbled by it.

mkjv@Ecclesiastes:2:16 @ For [there is] no memory of the wise [more than] of the fool forever, since that which is now shall all be forgotten in the days to come. And how does the wise die above the fool!

mkjv@Ecclesiastes:2:17 @ Therefore I hated life; because the work that is done under the sun [is] sad to me; for all [is] vanity and vexation of spirit.

mkjv@Ecclesiastes:2:21 @ When there is a man whose labor is in wisdom, and in knowledge, and with success; yet to a man who has not labored in it, he shall leave it [for] his share. This also is vanity and a great evil.

mkjv@Ecclesiastes:2:24 @ Is it not good that he should eat and drink and make his soul see good in his labor? This I also saw, that it [was] from the hand of God.

mkjv@Ecclesiastes:3:15 @ That which has been is now; and that which [is] to be has already been; and God requires that which is past.

mkjv@Ecclesiastes:4:3 @ Yea, better than both [is he] who has not yet been, who has not seen the evil work that is done under the sun.

mkjv@Ecclesiastes:4:4 @ Again, I considered all labor, and every right work, that for this a man is envied by his neighbor. This [is] also vanity and vexation of spirit.

mkjv@Ecclesiastes:4:8 @ There is one [alone], and [there is] not a second; yea, he has neither son nor brother; yet there is no end to all his labor; and his eyes are not satisfied with riches; and [he says, For whom do I labor and take good from my soul? This [is] also vanity. Yes, it [is] an evil business.

mkjv@Ecclesiastes:4:12 @ And if one overthrows him, two shall withstand him; and a threefold cord is not quickly broken.

mkjv@Ecclesiastes:5:9 @ And the advantage of a land, it is for all; [even] a king has a field being tilled.

mkjv@Ecclesiastes:5:13 @ There is a sore evil [which] I have seen under the sun, namely, riches kept for their owners to their hurt.

mkjv@Ecclesiastes:6:1 @ There is an evil which I have seen under the sun, and it [is] great among men:

mkjv@Ecclesiastes:6:3 @ If a man fathers a hundred, and lives many years, so that the days of his years are many, and his soul is not filled with good, and also is for him no burial; I say, a miscarriage [is] better than he.

mkjv@Ecclesiastes:6:7 @ All the labor of man [is] for his mouth, and yet the appetite is not filled.

mkjv@Ecclesiastes:6:10 @ That which has been [is] named already, and it is known that he [is] man. And he is not able to contend with Him who is mightier than he.

mkjv@Ecclesiastes:7:3 @ Sorrow [is] better than laughter; for by the sadness of the face the heart is made better.

mkjv@Ecclesiastes:7:11 @ Wisdom [is] good with an inheritance; but it is gain to those who see the sun.

mkjv@Ecclesiastes:7:15 @ All [things] I have seen in the days of my vanity; there is a just one who perishes in his righteousness, and there is a wicked one who prolongs [life] in his wickedness.

mkjv@Ecclesiastes:7:24 @ That which is far off and exceedingly deep, who can find it out?

mkjv@Ecclesiastes:8:6 @ Because to every purpose there is time and judgment, therefore the misery of man [is] great on him.

mkjv@Ecclesiastes:8:9 @ All this I have seen, and I gave my heart to every work that is done under the sun. There is] a time in which one man rules over another to his own hurt.

mkjv@Ecclesiastes:8:11 @ Because sentence [against] an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil.

mkjv@Ecclesiastes:8:14 @ There is a vanity which is done on the earth: There are just ones to whom it happens according to the work of the wicked; again, there are wicked ones to whom it happens according to the work of the righteous. I said that this also [is vanity.

mkjv@Ecclesiastes:8:16 @ When I gave my heart to know wisdom, and to see the business that is done on the earth; for neither day nor night do men see sleep with their eyes.

mkjv@Ecclesiastes:8:17 @ Then I looked at all the work of God, that a man cannot find out the work that is done under the sun; because though a man labors to seek [it] out, yet he shall not find it. Yea, further, though a wise one speaks of knowing, yet he shall not be able to find [it].

mkjv@Ecclesiastes:9:2 @ All [happens] alike to all; [there is] one event to the righteous and to the wicked; to the good and to the clean, and to the unclean; to him who sacrifices, and to him who does not sacrifice. As [is] the good, so is the sinner. He who swears is as [he] who fears an oath.

mkjv@Ecclesiastes:9:3 @ This [is] an evil among all things that are done under the sun, that [there is] one event to all. Yea, also the heart of the sons of men is full of evil, and madness [is] in their heart while they live, and after that [they go] to the dead.

mkjv@Ecclesiastes:9:4 @ For whoever is chosen, to all those living, there is hope; for a living dog [is] better than a dead lion.

mkjv@Ecclesiastes:9:5 @ For the living know that they shall die; but the dead do not know anything, nor do they have any more a reward; for their memory is forgotten.

mkjv@Ecclesiastes:9:6 @ Also their love, and their hatred, and their envy, is now perished; nor do they any longer have a part forever in all that is done under the sun.

mkjv@Ecclesiastes:9:7 @ Go, eat your bread with joy, and drink your wine with a merry heart; for God now is pleased with your works.

mkjv@Ecclesiastes:10:5 @ There is an evil I have seen under the sun, like a sin which comes from a ruler's presence;

mkjv@Ecclesiastes:10:6 @ foolishness is set in great dignity, and the rich sit in low place.

mkjv@Ecclesiastes:10:10 @ If the iron is blunt, and he does not whet the edge, then he must put more strength to [it]. But wisdom [is] profitable to direct.

mkjv@Ecclesiastes:12:4 @ and the doors shall be shut in the streets, when the sound of the grinding is low, and you shall rise up at the voice of a bird, and all the daughters of music are silenced;

mkjv@Ecclesiastes:12:6 @ or ever the silver cord is not loosed, or the golden bowl is broken, or the pitcher is broken at the fountain, or the wheel broken at the cistern;

mkjv@Songs:1:3 @ For Your ointments have a lovely fragrance; Your name is [as] oil poured out; therefore the virgins love You.

mkjv@Songs:1:7 @ Tell me, [You] whom my soul loves, where do You feed, where do You lie down at noon? For why should I be as one who is veiled beside the flocks of Your companions?

mkjv@Songs:1:12 @ While the King is in His circle, my spikenard gives its smell.

mkjv@Songs:2:9 @ My Beloved is like a roe or a young hart. Behold, [He] stands behind our wall, He looks forth at the windows, peering from the lattice.

mkjv@Songs:2:11 @ For lo, the winter is past, the rain is over; it goes to itself.

mkjv@Songs:2:12 @ the flowers appear on the earth; the time of singing has come, and the voice of the turtle-dove is heard in our land;

mkjv@Songs:4:10 @ How fair is your love, My sister, [My] spouse! How [much] better [is] your love than wine, and the smell of your ointments than all spices!

mkjv@Songs:5:2 @ I sleep, but my heart is awake. [It is] the sound of my Beloved that knocks, [saying], Open to Me, My sister, My love, My dove, My undefiled; for My head is filled with dew, My locks with the drops of the night.

mkjv@Songs:6:9 @ But My dove, My undefiled is one [alone]. She [is] the [only] one of her mother. She [is] the choice of her who bore her. The daughters saw [her] and blessed her; the queens and the concubines saw her, and they praised her.

mkjv@Songs:7:7 @ Your stature is like a palm tree, and your breasts [are] like clusters [of grapes].

mkjv@Isaiah:1:5 @ Why should you be stricken any more? You will revolt more and more; the whole head is sick, and the whole heart faint.

mkjv@Isaiah:1:8 @ And the daughter of Zion is left a booth in a vineyard, like a hut in a garden of cucumbers, like a besieged city.

mkjv@Isaiah:1:13 @ Bring no more vain sacrifice; incense is an abomination to Me; the new moon and sabbath, the going to meeting; I cannot endure evil and the assembly!

mkjv@Isaiah:1:23 @ your rulers [are] rebellious, and companions of thieves; everyone loves a bribe, and is pursuing rewards; they do not judge the orphan, nor does the cause of the widow come to them.

mkjv@Isaiah:2:7 @ And their land is full of silver and gold. [There is] no end of their treasures and their land is full of horses; nor an end of their chariots.

mkjv@Isaiah:2:8 @ And their land is full of idols; they worship the work of their own hands, that which their own fingers have made.

mkjv@Isaiah:2:22 @ Cease from man, whose breath [is] in his nostril; for in what is he to be esteemed?

mkjv@Isaiah:3:8 @ For Jerusalem is ruined and Judah has fallen; because their tongue and their doings [are] against the LORD, to provoke the eyes of His glory.

mkjv@Isaiah:4:3 @ And it shall be, he who is left in Zion, and he who remains in Jerusalem, shall be called holy, even everyone who is written among the living in Jerusalem;

mkjv@Isaiah:5:13 @ For this My people go into exile without knowledge, and their honorable men into famine, and his multitude is dried up with thirst.

mkjv@Isaiah:5:15 @ And man is bowed down, and man is humbled and the eyes of the lofty are humbled.

mkjv@Isaiah:5:16 @ But the LORD of hosts is exalted in judgment, and God the holy One is sanctified in righteousness.

mkjv@Isaiah:5:25 @ Therefore the anger of the LORD is kindled on His people, and He has stretched out His hand against them, and has stricken them; and the hills trembled, and their dead bodies [were] as filth in the midst of the streets. In all this His anger is not turned away, but His hand [is] stretched out still.

mkjv@Isaiah:6:7 @ And he laid [it] on my mouth and said, Lo, this has touched your lips; and your iniquity is taken away, and your sin purged.

mkjv@Isaiah:7:2 @ And it was told the house of David, saying, Syria is allied with Ephraim. And his heart was moved, and the heart of his people, as the trees of the woods are moved by the wind.

mkjv@Isaiah:7:20 @ In the same day the Lord shall shave with a razor that is hired, namely, by those Beyond the River, by the king of Assyria, the head, and the hair of the feet; and it shall also sweep away the beard.

mkjv@Isaiah:7:22 @ and it will be, from the plentiful supply of milk they shall give, he shall eat butter; for butter and honey shall everyone eat who is left in the land.

mkjv@Isaiah:8:10 @ Counsel a counsel, and it is frustrated. Speak a word, and it shall not stand; for God [is] with us.

mkjv@Isaiah:9:6 @ For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given; and the government shall be on His shoulder; and His name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.

mkjv@Isaiah:9:7 @ There is no end of the increase of [His] government and peace on the throne of David, and on His kingdom, to order it and to establish it with judgment and with justice from now on, even forever. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will do this.

mkjv@Isaiah:9:12 @...and they shall devour Israel with...[is] stretched out still.

mkjv@Isaiah:9:15 @ The elder and honorable, he is the head; and the prophet who teaches lies, he [is] the tail.

mkjv@Isaiah:9:17 @ For this the Lord shall not rejoice over their young men, nor shall He have mercy on their orphans and widows; for everyone [is] a hypocrite and an evildoer, and every mouth speaks foolishness. In all this His anger is not turned away, but His hand [is] stretched out still.

mkjv@Isaiah:9:19 @ Through the wrath of the LORD of hosts is the land scorched, and the people shall be as the fuel of the fire; no man shall have pity on his brother.

mkjv@Isaiah:9:21 @ Manasseh, Ephraim; and Ephraim, Manasseh; [and] they together [shall be] against Judah. In all this His anger is not turned away, but His hand is stretched out still.

mkjv@Isaiah:10:4 @ Surely they shall bow down under the prisoners, and they shall fall under the slain. In all this His hand is not turned away, but His hand [is] stretched out still.

mkjv@Isaiah:10:5 @ Woe to Assyria, the rod of My anger! And the staff in their hand is My fury.

mkjv@Isaiah:10:22 @...For though Your people Israel are...[yet] a remnant of them shall return; the full end which is decreed shall overflow [with] righteousness.

mkjv@Isaiah:10:29 @ they have gone over the passage; they have bedded down at Geba; Ramah is afraid, Gibeah of Saul has fled.

mkjv@Isaiah:11:3 @ And He is made to breathe in the fear of the LORD. And He shall not judge according to the sight of His eyes, nor decide by the hearing of His ears.

mkjv@Isaiah:12:2 @ Behold, God [is] my salvation; I will trust and not be afraid for the LORD JEHOVAH is my strength and my song; He also has become my salvation.

mkjv@Isaiah:12:4 @ And in that day you shall say, Praise the LORD! Call on His name; declare His doings among the people, make mention that His name is exalted.

mkjv@Isaiah:13:15 @ Everyone who is found shall be thrust through; and everyone who is joined [to them] shall fall by the sword.

mkjv@Isaiah:13:22 @ And hyenas shall cry along with his widows, and jackals in palaces of delight. Yea, her time is coming near, and her days shall not be prolonged.

mkjv@Isaiah:14:7 @ All the earth is at rest [and] is quiet; they break out into singing.

mkjv@Isaiah:14:9 @ Hell from below is moved for you, to meet [you] at your coming. It stirs up the dead for you, all the he-goats of the earth. It has raised from their thrones all the kings of the nations.

mkjv@Isaiah:14:11 @ Your pride is brought down to the grave, [and] the noise of your harps. The maggot is spread under you, and the worms cover you.

mkjv@Isaiah:14:16 @ Those who see you shall stare and closely watch you, [saying], Is this the man who made the earth to tremble; who shook kingdoms;

mkjv@Isaiah:14:27 @ For the LORD of hosts has purposed, and who shall reverse [it]? And His hand is stretched out, and who shall turn it back?

mkjv@Isaiah:14:29 @ Rejoice not, O Philistia, all of you, that the rod of your striking is broken. For a viper comes forth from the root of a snake, and his fruit [shall be] a fiery flying serpent.

mkjv@Isaiah:15:1 @ The burden of Moab. Because in a night Ar of Moab is laid waste; it is cut off; because in a night Kir of Moab is laid waste; it is cut off.

mkjv@Isaiah:15:4 @ And Heshbon shall cry, and Elealeh; their voice shall be heard as far as Jahaz. So the armed soldiers of Moab shall cry out; his life is broken to him.

mkjv@Isaiah:15:6 @ For the waters of Nimrim are desolation; for the hay has dried up and the grass fails, there is no green thing.

mkjv@Isaiah:16:4 @ Let my outcasts dwell with you, Moab; be a shelter to them from the face of the destroyer; for the extortioner is at an end, the spoiler ceases, the oppressors are consumed out of the land.

mkjv@Isaiah:16:10 @ And gladness and joy are gathered out of the plentiful field; and in the vineyards there is no singing and no shouting. The treader shall tread out no wine in the presses; I have made their shouting to cease.

mkjv@Isaiah:16:12 @ And it shall be when it is seen that Moab is weary on the high place, he shall come to his sacred place to pray; but he shall not be able.

mkjv@Isaiah:17:1 @ The burden against Damascus: Behold, Damascus is taken away from [being] a city, and it shall be a heap of ruins.

mkjv@Isaiah:18:5 @ For before the harvest, when the bud is perfect, and the sour grape is ripening in the flower, then He will cut off the sprigs with pruning hooks, and take away [and] cut down the branches.

mkjv@Isaiah:21:2 @ A harsh vision is revealed to me; the deceiver deceives, and the plunderer plunders. Go up, O Elam; besiege, O Media! I have caused all her sighing to cease.

mkjv@Isaiah:22:16 @ What is to you here? And who is here to you, that you have carved out a tomb for yourself here, [as] one who cuts himself out a tomb on high, who cuts out a home for himself in a rock?

mkjv@Isaiah:22:25 @ In that day, says the LORD of hosts, the nail that is fastened in the sure place shall be removed, and be cut down, and fall. And the burden that [was] on it shall be cut off. The LORD has spoken.

mkjv@Isaiah:23:1 @ The burden against Tyre: Howl, ships of Tarshish! For it is laid waste, so that there is no house, no entering in. From the land of Chittim it is revealed to them.

mkjv@Isaiah:23:14 @ Howl, ships of Tarshish! For your strength is laid waste.

mkjv@Isaiah:24:2 @ And as [it is] with the people, so it shall be with the priest; as with the servant, so with the master; as with the handmaid, so it is with her mistress; as with the buyer, so with the seller; as with the lender, so with the borrower; as with the creditor, so with the debtor.

mkjv@Isaiah:24:5 @ And the land is defiled under its people; because they have transgressed the laws, changed the ordinance, and have broken the everlasting covenant.

mkjv@Isaiah:24:10 @ The city of shame is broken down; every house is shut up so that no one may come in.

mkjv@Isaiah:24:11 @ A crying for wine is in the streets; all joy is darkened, the gladness in the land has gone.

mkjv@Isaiah:24:12 @ In the city is left desolation, and the gate is stricken with ruin.

mkjv@Isaiah:24:13 @ For so it is in the midst of the land among the people, [it shall be] like the shaking of an olive tree and as gleanings when the grape harvest is completed.

mkjv@Isaiah:24:19 @ The earth is breaking, breaking! The earth is crashing, crashing! The earth is tottering, tottering!

mkjv@Isaiah:24:20 @ Like a drunkard the earth is staggering, staggering! And it rocks to and fro like a tree-hut! And its sins heavy on it; and it shall fall and not rise again.

mkjv@Isaiah:25:7 @ And He will destroy in this mountain the face of the covering which covers all people, and the veil that is woven over all nations.

mkjv@Isaiah:26:11 @ LORD, Your hand is lifted up, they will not see; but they shall see and be ashamed for [their] envy toward Your people. Yes, the fire of Your enemies shall devour them.

mkjv@Isaiah:26:17 @ As a woman with child draws near to bear, she is in pain [and] cries out in her pangs; so have we been in Your sight, O LORD.

mkjv@Isaiah:27:7 @...those who struck Him? Is He...

mkjv@Isaiah:27:11 @ When its branches are dried up, they shall be broken off; the women come [and] set them on fire; for it is a people of no understanding. Therefore His Maker will not have mercy on them, and He who formed them will not favor them.

mkjv@Isaiah:28:1 @ Woe to the crown of pride, to the drunkards of Ephraim, whose glorious beauty [is] a fading flower which is on the head of the fat valleys of those who are overcome with wine!

mkjv@Isaiah:28:2 @ Behold, the Lord is a mighty and strong one, like a hailstorm, a destroying storm; like a flood of mighty waters overflowing, He casts down to the earth with the hand.

mkjv@Isaiah:28:4 @ and the glorious beauty, on the head of the fat valley, shall be a fading flower, [and] as the first-ripe fruit before the summer; which the beholder of it swallows up while it is yet in his hand.

mkjv@Isaiah:28:20 @ For the bed is shorter than one can stretch himself on, and the cover is narrower than one can wrap himself in.

mkjv@Isaiah:28:22 @ So then do not be mockers, lest your bands be made strong; for I have heard from the Lord Jehovah of hosts that a full end is decreed on all the earth.

mkjv@Isaiah:28:27 @ For the dill is not threshed with a threshing instrument, nor is a cart wheel turned on cummin; but the dill is beaten out with a staff and the cummin with a rod.

mkjv@Isaiah:28:28 @ Bread grain is crushed, but not always does one thresh it [with] threshing. And he drives the wheel of his cart; and his horses do not beat it small.

mkjv@Isaiah:28:29 @ This also comes out from the LORD of hosts, [who] is wonderful in wisdom, making sound wisdom great.

mkjv@Isaiah:29:8 @ It shall even be as when a hungry one dreams, and behold, he eats, but he wakes and his soul is empty; or as when a thirsty man dreams, and behold, he drinks; but he awakes, and behold, [he is] faint and his soul is longing. So shall it be with the multitude of all the nations who fight against mount Zion.

mkjv@Isaiah:29:11 @ And the vision of all has become to you like the words of a book that is sealed, which they give to one who knows books saying, Please read this; and he says, I cannot, for it is sealed.

mkjv@Isaiah:29:12 @ And the book is delivered to him who does not know books, saying, Please read this; and he says, I do not know books.

mkjv@Isaiah:29:13 @ And the LORD said, Because this people draw near [Me] with their mouth, and with their lips honor Me, but have removed their heart far from Me, and their fear toward Me is taught by the command of men;

mkjv@Isaiah:29:20 @ For the terrible one is brought to nothing, and the scorner is destroyed, and all that watch for iniquity are cut off;

mkjv@Isaiah:30:18 @ And so the LORD waits to be gracious to you. And therefore He is exalted, that He may have mercy on you. For the LORD [is] a God of judgment; blessed [are] all those who wait for Him.

mkjv@Isaiah:30:33 @ For Tophet [is] ordained of old; yea, for the king it is prepared. He has made [it] deep and large. He makes great [with] fire and wood. The breath of the LORD kindles it, like a torrent of brimstone.

mkjv@Isaiah:31:3 @ And Egypt [is] a man, and not God; and their horses are flesh, and not Spirit. When the LORD shall stretch out His hand, both he who helps shall fall, and he who is helped shall fall down, and they shall all cease together.

mkjv@Isaiah:32:15 @ until the Spirit is poured on us from on high, and the wilderness becomes a fruitful field, and the fruitful field is thought to be a forest.

mkjv@Isaiah:32:19 @ Though it hails, when the forest is felled, and the city laid low.

mkjv@Isaiah:33:5 @ The LORD is exalted, for He dwells on high. He has filled Zion [with] judgment and righteousness.

mkjv@Isaiah:33:9 @ The earth mourns [and] droops. Lebanon is ashamed; Sharon withers like a wilderness; Bashan and Carmel are shaken out.

mkjv@Isaiah:33:17 @ Your eyes shall see the king in his beauty; they shall behold the land that is very far off.

mkjv@Isaiah:33:24 @ And an inhabitant, the people who live in it shall not say, I am sick; iniquity is taken away.

mkjv@Isaiah:34:6 @ The sword of the LORD is filled with blood; it is made fat with fatness, with the blood of lambs and goats, with the fat of the kidneys of rams; for the LORD has a sacrifice in Bozrah, and a great slaughter in the land of Edom.

mkjv@Isaiah:37:4 @ It may be Jehovah your God will hear the words of the chief of the cupbearers, whom his master the king of Assyria has sent to reproach the living God, and will reprove the words which Jehovah your God has heard. And you shall lift up [your] prayer for the remnant that is left.

mkjv@Isaiah:38:12 @ My generation is departed and removed from me like a shepherd's tent; I have cut off my life like a weaver; He will cut me off from the loom; from day even to night You will make an end of me.

mkjv@Isaiah:39:4 @ Then he said, What have they seen in your house? And Hezekiah answered, All that [is] in my house they have seen; there is nothing among my treasures that I have not let them see.

mkjv@Isaiah:39:6 @ Behold, the days come when all that is in your house, and that which your fathers have laid up in store until this day, shall be carried to Babylon. Nothing shall be left, says the LORD.

mkjv@Isaiah:40:2 @ Speak lovingly to the heart of Jerusalem, and cry to her that her warfare is done, that her iniquity is pardoned; for she has received of the LORD's hand double for all her sins.

mkjv@Isaiah:40:26 @ Lift up your eyes on high, and behold, who has created these, who brings out their host by number? He calls them all by names by the greatness of His might, for He is strong in power; not one is lacking.

mkjv@Isaiah:40:27 @...Jacob, and speak, O Israel, My...

mkjv@Isaiah:41:24 @ Behold, you [are] of nothing, and your work of nothing. He who chooses you is an abomination.

mkjv@Isaiah:42:19 @ Who [is] blind but My servant? Or deaf, as My messenger whom I sent? Who [is] blind as he who is perfect, and blind as the LORD's servant?

mkjv@Isaiah:42:21 @ The LORD is well pleased for His righteousness sake; He will magnify the Law and make [it] honorable.

mkjv@Isaiah:43:7 @ everyone who is called by My name; for I have created him for My glory, I have formed him; yea, [I have] made him.

mkjv@Isaiah:44:3 @ For I will pour water on him who is thirsty, and floods on the dry ground. I will pour My spirit on your seed, and My blessing on your offspring;

mkjv@Isaiah:44:8 @ Fear not, nor be afraid; have I not told you and made you hear since then? So you [are] My witnesses. Is there a God besides Me? Yea, [there is] none. I have not known a Rock.

mkjv@Isaiah:44:10 @ Who has formed a god, or melted a graven image that is good for nothing?

mkjv@Isaiah:44:12 @ He engraves iron with a tool. He works in the coals, and forms it with hammers, and works it with the strength of his arms. Then, he is hungry, and his strength fails; he drinks no water, and is weak.

mkjv@Isaiah:44:16 @ He burns part of it in the fire; with part of it he eats flesh; he roasts roast and is satisfied; yea, he warms [himself], and says, Aha, I am warm, I have seen the fire.

mkjv@Isaiah:45:6 @ that they may know from the rising of the sun, and to the sunset, that [there is] none besides Me. I [am] the LORD, and there is none else;

mkjv@Isaiah:45:21 @ Declare and bring near; yea, let them take counsel together. Who has declared this of old? [Who]...told it from then? Is it...[there is] no other God besides Me; a just God and a Savior; there is none besides Me.

mkjv@Isaiah:47:10 @ For you have trusted in your wickedness; you have said, No one sees me. Your wisdom and your knowledge, it has perverted you; and you have said in your heart, I [am], and there is no one else.

mkjv@Isaiah:47:13 @ You are exhausted by your many plans; now let the astrologers, the stargazers, making known what is coming on you into the new moons.

mkjv@Isaiah:49:4 @ Then I said, I have labored in vain; I have spent My strength for nothing, and in vain; [yet] surely My judgment is with the LORD, and My work with My God.

mkjv@Isaiah:49:5 @ And now, says the LORD who formed Me from the womb [to be]...again to Him, Though Israel is...

mkjv@Isaiah:49:6 @ And He said, It is but a little [thing]...the preserved ones of Israel; I...

mkjv@Isaiah:49:7 @...Jehovah, the Redeemer of Israel, His...[to Him] whom man despises, [to Him]...the Holy One of Israel, and...

mkjv@Isaiah:50:1 @ So says the LORD, Where [is] your mother's bill of divorce, whom I have put away? Or to which of My creditors have I sold you? Behold, you were sold for your iniquities, and your mother is put away for your sins.

mkjv@Isaiah:50:2 @ Who knows why I have come, and no one [is here]...and no one answered. Is My...

mkjv@Isaiah:52:5 @ Now therefore, what have I here, says the LORD, that My people are taken away for nothing? Those who rule [make them] howl, says the LORD; and without ceasing My name is blasphemed every day.

mkjv@Isaiah:53:1 @ Who has believed our report? And to whom is the arm of the LORD revealed?

mkjv@Isaiah:53:7 @ He was oppressed, and He was afflicted; yet He opened not His mouth. He is brought as a lamb to the slaughter; and as a sheep before its shearers is dumb, so He opened not His mouth.

mkjv@Isaiah:54:5 @ For your Maker [is] your husband; Jehovah of hosts is His name; and your Redeemer [is]...the Holy One of Israel; the...

mkjv@Isaiah:54:17 @ No weapon that is formed against you shall be blessed; and every tongue that shall rise against you in judgment, you shall condemn. This [is] the inheritance of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness [is] from Me, says the LORD.

mkjv@Isaiah:55:6 @ Seek the LORD while He may be found; call on Him while He is near.

mkjv@Isaiah:57:1 @ The righteous one perishes, and no one lays [it] to heart, and merciful men [are] taken away; no one cares that the righteous is taken away from the face of evil.

mkjv@Isaiah:57:6 @ Among the smooth [stones] of the stream is your portion; they, [even] they, [are] your lot; even to them you have poured a drink offering, you have offered a food offering. Should I be consoled over these?

mkjv@Isaiah:58:5 @ Is it such a fast that I have chosen? A day for a man to afflict his soul? [Is it] to bow down his head like a bulrush, and to spread sackcloth and ashes under him? Will you call this a fast and a day pleasing to the LORD?

mkjv@Isaiah:59:1 @ Behold, the LORD's hand is not shortened so that it cannot save, nor is His ear heavy so that it cannot hear.

mkjv@Isaiah:59:5 @ They hatch adders' eggs and weave the spider's web; he who eats their eggs dies, and that which is crushed breaks out into a viper.

mkjv@Isaiah:59:9 @ Therefore judgment is far from us; nor does justice overtake us. We wait for light, but behold, dimness; for brightness, [but] we walk in darkness.

mkjv@Isaiah:59:11 @ We all roar like bears, and mourn grievously like doves; we look for judgment, but none; for salvation, but it is far off from us.

mkjv@Isaiah:59:14 @ And justice is driven back, and justice stands afar off; for truth has fallen in the street, and right cannot enter.

mkjv@Isaiah:59:21 @ As for Me, this [is] My covenant with them, says the LORD; My spirit that is on you, and My words which I have put in your mouth, shall not depart out of your mouth, nor out of the mouth of your seed, nor out of the mouth of your seed's seed, says the LORD, from now on and forever.

mkjv@Isaiah:61:11 @ For as the earth comes out with its bud, and as the garden causes that which is sown to grow; so the Lord Jehovah will cause righteousness and praise to grow before all the nations.

mkjv@Isaiah:63:16 @ For You [are]...not know us, and Israel does...[are] our Father, our Redeemer; Your name is from everlasting.

mkjv@Isaiah:65:8 @ So says the LORD, As the new wine is found in the cluster, and [one] says, Do not destroy it, for a blessing [is] in it; so I will do to My servants, that I may not destroy them all.

mkjv@Isaiah:66:3 @ He who kills an ox is [is as if] he killed a man; he who sacrifices a lamb [is as if] he broke a dog's neck; he who offers an offering [is as if] he offered swine's blood; he who burns incense [is as if] he blessed an idol. Yea, they have chosen their own ways, and their soul delights in their abominations.

mkjv@Jeremiah:2:10 @ For pass over the coasts of Kittim, and see; and send to Kedar, and carefully consider, and see if there is [such a] thing.

mkjv@Jeremiah:2:18 @ And now what is for you toward the way of Egypt, to drink the waters of Sihor? Or what for you toward Assyria, to drink the waters of the River?

mkjv@Jeremiah:2:22 @ For though you wash yourself with potash, and multiply soap for yourself, [yet] your iniquity is marked before Me, says the Lord Jehovah.

mkjv@Jeremiah:2:25 @ Withhold your foot from [being] bare, and your throat from thirst. But you said, There is no hope; no; for I have loved strangers, and after them I will go.

mkjv@Jeremiah:2:26 the house of Israel ashamed;...

mkjv@Jeremiah:2:34 @ Also in your skirts is found the blood of the souls of the poor innocents; you did not find them breaking in, but on all these.

mkjv@Jeremiah:4:8 @ Put on sackcloth for this, wail and howl; for the fierce anger of the LORD is not turned back from us.

mkjv@Jeremiah:4:18 @ Your way and your doings have brought these [things] on you; this is your evil, because it is bitter, because it reaches to your heart.

mkjv@Jeremiah:4:19 @ My bowels, my bowels! I convulse in pain. O walls of my heart! My heart is restless within me; I cannot be silent because you have heard, O my soul, the sound of the ram's horn, the alarm of war.

mkjv@Jeremiah:4:20 @ Ruin on ruin is cried; for the whole land is laid waste. Suddenly my tents are laid waste, my curtains in a moment.

mkjv@Jeremiah:4:29 @ Every city shall flee from the sound of the horsemen and bowmen. They shall go into thickets and climb up among the rocks. All the city is abandoned, and not a man shall live in them.

mkjv@Jeremiah:5:1 @ Run to and fro through the streets of Jerusalem, and see now, and know, and seek in her open places, if you can find a man, if there is one who does justice, who seeks the truth; and I will pardon her.

mkjv@Jeremiah:6:7 @ As a fountain keeps fresh her waters, so she keeps fresh her evil; violence and spoil is heard in her; always before Me [are] grief and wounds.

mkjv@Jeremiah:6:10 @ To whom shall I speak, and give warning, that they may hear? Behold, their ears [are] not circumcised, and they cannot listen. Behold, the Word of Jehovah is to them a reproach; they have no delight in it.

mkjv@Jeremiah:6:29 @ The bellows are burned, the lead is melted by the fire; the refiner melts in vain; for the wicked are not plucked away.

mkjv@Jeremiah:7:10 @ and then come and stand before Me in this house which is called by My name, and say, We are delivered to do all these abominations?

mkjv@Jeremiah:7:11 @ Has this house, which is called by My name, become a den of robbers in your eyes? Behold, I also have seen, says the LORD.

mkjv@Jeremiah:7:14 @ therefore I will do to [this] house, which is called by My name, in which you trust, and to the place which I gave to you and to your fathers, as I have done to Shiloh.

mkjv@Jeremiah:7:28 @ But you shall say to them, This [is] a nation which does not obey the voice of Jehovah their God, nor receives instruction; truth has perished, and is cut off from their mouth.

mkjv@Jeremiah:7:30 @ For the sons of Judah have done evil in My sight, says the LORD. They have set their abominations in the house which is called by My name, in order to defile it.

mkjv@Jeremiah:7:32 @ So, behold, the days come, says the LORD, that it shall no more be called Tophet, nor the valley of the son of Hinnom, but the Valley of Slaughter. For they shall bury in Tophet, until there is no place.

mkjv@Jeremiah:8:16 @ The snorting of his horses was heard from Dan; the whole land trembled at the sound of the neighing of his stallions. For they have come, and have devoured the land, and all that is in it; the city, and those who live in it.

mkjv@Jeremiah:8:20 @ The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved.

mkjv@Jeremiah:8:22 @ [Is there] balm in Gilead? Is there...

mkjv@Jeremiah:9:12 @ Who [is] the wise man who may understand this? And who is he to whom the mouth of the LORD has spoken, that he may declare it? Why does the land perish [and] burn up like a wilderness, so that none passes through?

mkjv@Jeremiah:9:19 @ For a voice of weeping is heard out of Zion. How are we plundered! We are greatly ashamed, because we have forsaken the land, because they have thrown down our tents.

mkjv@Jeremiah:10:5 @ They [are] like a rounded post, and they cannot speak. They must surely be lifted, because they cannot walk. Do not be afraid of them; for they cannot do evil nor good, for it is not in them.

mkjv@Jeremiah:10:9 @ Silver beaten into plates is brought from Tarshish, and gold from Uphaz, the work of the workman, and of the hands of the goldsmith. Violet and purple [is] their clothing; they [are] all the work of skillful ones.

mkjv@Jeremiah:10:14 @ Every man is stupid for [lack of] knowledge; every refiner is put to shame by the graven image; for his molten image is a lie, and no breath is in them.

mkjv@Jeremiah:10:19 @ Woe [to] me for my breaking! My wound is grievous; but I said, Truly this [is] a malady, and I must bear it.

mkjv@Jeremiah:10:20 @ My tabernacle is ravaged, and all my cords are broken; My sons went away from me, and they [are] not. [There is] none to stretch out My tabernacle any more, and to set up My curtains.

mkjv@Jeremiah:11:9 @ And the LORD said to me, A plot is found among the men of Judah, and among the people of Jerusalem.

mkjv@Jeremiah:12:8 @ My inheritance is to Me as a lion in the forest; it cries out against Me; therefore I have hated it.

mkjv@Jeremiah:12:11 @ One has made it a desolation, it mourns to Me. The whole land is made desolate because no man lays [it] to heart.

mkjv@Jeremiah:13:10 @ This evil people, who refuse to hear My words, who walk in the stubbornness of their heart and walk after other gods to serve them and to worship them, shall even be like this girdle, which is good for nothing.

mkjv@Jeremiah:14:17 @ And you shall speak this word to them: Let my eyes run down with tears night and day, and do not let them cease. For the virgin daughter of my people is broken with a great break, [with] a very grievous blow.

mkjv@Jeremiah:15:10 @ Woe is me, my mother, that you have borne me, a man of strife and a man of contention to the whole earth! I have not loaned, nor have men loaned to me; [yet] every one curses me.

mkjv@Jeremiah:15:18 @ Why has my pain been without end, and why is my wound incurable, refusing to be healed? You surely are to me like a deceitful brook, waters that cannot be trusted.

mkjv@Jeremiah:16:10 @ And it shall be, when you declare to this people all these words, and they shall say to you, Why has the LORD pronounced all this great evil against us? Or what [is] our iniquity, or what is our sin that we have committed against Jehovah our God?

mkjv@Jeremiah:16:17 @ For My eyes [are] on all their ways; they are not hidden from My face, nor is their iniquity hidden from My eyes.

mkjv@Jeremiah:16:19 @ O LORD, my strength and my fortress, and my refuge in the day of affliction, the nations shall come to You from the ends of the earth, and shall say, Surely our fathers have inherited lies, vanity, and there is no profit in them.

mkjv@Jeremiah:17:6 @ For he shall be like a juniper in the desert, and shall not see when good comes. But he shall live in the parched places in the wilderness, [in] a salt land that is not inhabited.

mkjv@Jeremiah:17:7 @ Blessed [is] the man who trusts in the LORD, and Jehovah is his trust.

mkjv@Jeremiah:17:8 @ For he shall be like a tree planted by the waters; [it] sends out its roots by the river, and [it] shall not fear when the heat comes, but its foliage shall be green; and he is not worried in the year of drought, nor will it cease from yielding fruit.

mkjv@Jeremiah:18:12 @ And they said, There is no hope; but we will walk after our own ways, and we will each one do [according to] the stubbornness of his evil heart.

mkjv@Jeremiah:19:11 @ and shall say to them, So says the LORD of hosts, Even so I will break this people of this city, as [one] breaks a potter's vessel that cannot be made whole again. And they shall bury [them in Tophet until there is no place left] to bury.

mkjv@Jeremiah:20:10 @ For I heard the slanders of many, Terror is all around! Expose! Yea, let us expose him! Every man of my peace is watching for my fall, [saying], Perhaps he will be lured away, and we shall prevail over him, and we shall take our revenge on him.

mkjv@Jeremiah:20:15 @ Cursed [is] the man who brought news to my father, saying, A man child is born to you; making him very glad.

mkjv@Jeremiah:21:2 @ Please inquire of the LORD for us. For Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon is warring against us. Perhaps the LORD will deal with us according to all His wonderful works, that he may go up from us.

mkjv@Jeremiah:22:3 @ So says the LORD, Do judgment and righteousness, and deliver him who is robbed out of the oppressors's hand. And do no wrong, do no violence to the stranger, the fatherless, or the widow, nor shed innocent blood in this place.

mkjv@Jeremiah:23:9 @ My heart within me is broken because of the prophets; all my bones shake. I am like a drunken man, and like a man whom wine has overcome, because of the LORD, and because of the words of His holiness.

mkjv@Jeremiah:23:10 @ For the land is full of adulterers. Yes, because of cursing the land mourns; the pleasant places of the wilderness are dried up, and their course is evil, and their power [is] not right.

mkjv@Jeremiah:25:13 @ And I will bring on that land all My words which I have spoken against it, all that is written in this book which Jeremiah has prophesied against all the nations.

mkjv@Jeremiah:25:29 @ For, lo, I begin to bring evil on the city which is called by My name; and should you be found entirely without guilt? You shall not be without guilt. For I will call for a sword on all the inhabitants of the earth, says the LORD of hosts.

mkjv@Jeremiah:25:38 @ Like the lion, He has left His den; for their land is wasted because of the oppressor's pressing fury, and because of His fierce anger.

mkjv@Jeremiah:27:18 @ But if they [are] prophets, and if the Word of the LORD is with them, let them now pray to Jehovah of hosts, that the vessels which are left in the house of the LORD, and [in] the house of the king of Judah, and at Jerusalem, may not go to Babylon.

mkjv@Jeremiah:28:6 @ even the prophet Jeremiah said, Amen. May the LORD do [so]. May the LORD confirm your words which you have prophesied, to bring again the vessels of the LORD's house, and all that is exiled from Babylon into this place.

mkjv@Jeremiah:30:6 @ Ask now, and see whether a man is giving birth? Why do I see every man with his hands on his loins, like a woman in labor, and all faces are turned into paleness?

mkjv@Jeremiah:30:17 @ For I will give health back to you, and will heal you of your wounds, says the LORD; because they called you an outcast, [saying], This is Zion; no one is seeking for her.

mkjv@Jeremiah:31:8 @ Behold, I will bring them from the north country and gather them from the corners of the earth, and with [them] the blind and the lame, the woman with child and she who is in labor with child, together; a great company shall return there.

mkjv@Jeremiah:31:17 @ And there is hope for your future, says the LORD, that [your] sons shall come again to their own border.

mkjv@Jeremiah:32:17 @ Ah, Lord Jehovah! You have made the heavens and the earth by Your great power and stretched out arm. Nothing is too great for You.

mkjv@Jeremiah:32:24 @ Behold, the siege mounds have come to the city to take it; and the city is given into the hands of the Chaldeans who fight against it, because of the sword, and of the famine, and of the plague. And what You have spoken has happened; and, behold, You saw [it].

mkjv@Jeremiah:32:25 @ And You have said to me, O Lord Jehovah, Buy the field for money, and take witnesses; for the city is given into the hands of the Chaldeans.

mkjv@Jeremiah:32:27 @ Behold, I [am]...God of all flesh. Is there...

mkjv@Jeremiah:32:34 @ But they set their abominations in the house which is called by My name, to defile it.

mkjv@Jeremiah:32:36 @...LORD, the God of Israel, concerning...

mkjv@Jeremiah:32:43 @ And fields shall be bought in this land of which you say, [It is] a desert without man or beast; it is given into the hand of the Chaldeans.

mkjv@Jeremiah:33:12 @ So says the LORD of hosts: Again in this place which is a desert without man and without beast, and in all its cities, there [shall be] a home of shepherds causing [their] flocks to lie down.

mkjv@Jeremiah:34:15 @ And you had turned today, and had done right in My sight to call for liberty, each man to his neighbor. And you had cut a covenant before Me in the house which is called by My name.

mkjv@Jeremiah:37:17 @...his house, and said, Is there...[any] word from the LORD? And Jeremiah said, There is. For, He said, you shall be delivered into the hand of the king of Babylon.

mkjv@Jeremiah:38:9 @ My lord the king, these men have done evil in all that they have done to Jeremiah the prophet, whom they have thrown into the pit. And he is likely to die of hunger in the place where he is, for [there is] no more bread in the city.

mkjv@Jeremiah:40:1 @ This is the word that came to Jeremiah from the LORD, after Nebuzaradan the chief of the executioners had let him go from Ramah, when he had taken him, being bound in chains, among all the captives of Jerusalem and Judah, who were being exiled to Babylon.

mkjv@Jeremiah:41:17 @ And they departed and lived in the inn of Chimham, which is by Bethlehem, to go to enter into Egypt

mkjv@Jeremiah:42:6 @ Whether [it is] good, or whether it is evil, we will obey the voice of the LORD our God, to whom we send you; so that it may be well with us when we obey the voice of the LORD our God.

mkjv@Jeremiah:44:22 @ Yea, so that the LORD could no longer hold back because of the evil of your doings, because of the abominations which you have committed! So your land is a waste, and a wonder, and a curse, without anyone in it, as [it is] today.

mkjv@Jeremiah:44:27 @ Behold, I will watch over them for evil, and not for good. And all the men of Judah in the land of Egypt shall be destroyed by the sword and by the famine, until there is an end of them.

mkjv@Jeremiah:45:3 @ You said, Woe is me now, for the LORD has added grief to my sorrow. I fainted in my sighing, and I find no rest.

mkjv@Jeremiah:46:15 @ Why is your mighty one swept away? They did not stand, because the LORD thrust him down.

mkjv@Jeremiah:47:5 @ Baldness has come on Gaza. Ashkelon is cut off [with] the rest of their valley. How long will you cut yourself?

mkjv@Jeremiah:48:1 @...hosts, the God of Israel, against...[is] shamed [and] captured. The Fortress is shamed and razed.

mkjv@Jeremiah:48:4 @ Moab is destroyed; her little ones have caused a cry to be heard.

mkjv@Jeremiah:48:11 @ Moab has been at ease from his youth, and he has settled on his lees and has not been emptied from vessel to vessel, nor has he gone into exile. Therefore his taste remained in him, and his scent is not changed.

mkjv@Jeremiah:48:15 @ Moab is plundered and has come up out of her cities. And his chosen young men have gone down to the slaughter, says the King whose name [is] Jehovah of hosts.

mkjv@Jeremiah:48:17 @ All you who are around him, mourn him. And all you who know his name, say, How is the strong staff broken, [and] the beautiful rod!

mkjv@Jeremiah:48:19 @ O dweller of Aroer, stand by the way and watch. Ask him who flees and her who escapes; say, What is happening?

mkjv@Jeremiah:48:20 @ Moab is put to shame, for it is broken down. Howl and cry! Tell it in Arnon that Moab is stripped.

mkjv@Jeremiah:48:25 @ The horn of Moab is cut off, and his arm is broken, says the LORD.

mkjv@Jeremiah:48:29 @ We have heard the pride of Moab (he is exceedingly proud), his loftiness, and his pride, and his arrogance, and his elevated heart.

mkjv@Jeremiah:48:33 @ And joy and gladness is taken from the plentiful field, and from the land of Moab. And I have caused wine to fail from the winepresses; none shall tread [the grapes] with shouting; [their] shouting [shall be] no shouting.

mkjv@Jeremiah:48:39 @ They shall howl, [saying], How is it broken down! How has Moab turned the back [with] shame! So Moab shall be a cause of scorn, and he shall be a terror to all those around him.

mkjv@Jeremiah:48:41 @ Kerioth is taken, and the strongholds are seized; and the mighty men's hearts in Moab shall be at that day like the heart of a woman in [her] pangs.

mkjv@Jeremiah:49:3 @ Wail, O Heshbon; Ai is spoiled! Cry, daughters of Rabbah; clothe yourselves with sackcloth, mourn, and run to and fro by the hedges! For their king shall go into exile; his priests and his rulers together.

mkjv@Jeremiah:49:10 @ But I have made Esau bare; I have uncovered his secret places, and he shall not be able to hide himself. His seed is ravaged, and his brothers, and his neighbors, and he [is] gone.

mkjv@Jeremiah:49:14 @ I have heard a message from the LORD, and a herald is sent to the nations, [saying], Gather together and come against her, and rise up to the battle.

mkjv@Jeremiah:49:21 @ The earth is shaken at the noise of their fall; when they cried, its noise was heard in the Red Sea.

mkjv@Jeremiah:49:23 @ Concerning Damascus: Hamath and Arpad are put to shame, for they have heard bad news. They are melted; anxiety is in the sea; it cannot be quiet.

mkjv@Jeremiah:49:25 @ How is the city of praise not left, the city of my joy!

mkjv@Jeremiah:49:31 @ Arise, go up to the nation that is at ease, who dwells securely, says the LORD, which has neither gates nor bars, [which] dwells alone.

mkjv@Jeremiah:50:2 @ Declare among the nations, and cause them to hear, and lift up a banner. Cause them to hear, do not hide it; say, Babylon is captured, Bel is ashamed, Merodach is broken in pieces; her images are shamed, her idols are broken in pieces.

mkjv@Jeremiah:50:23 @ How the hammer of the whole earth is cut off and broken! How Babylon has become a ruin among the nations!

mkjv@Jeremiah:50:46 @ At the sound of the capture of Babylon the earth shall tremble, and a cry is heard among the nations.

mkjv@Jeremiah:51:8 @ Babylon is suddenly fallen and destroyed. Wail for her; take balm for her pain, if perhaps she may be healed.

mkjv@Jeremiah:51:9 @ We would have healed Babylon, but she is not healed. Forsake her and let us go, each one into his own country; for her judgment reaches to the heavens and is lifted up to the skies.

mkjv@Jeremiah:51:17 @ Every man is brutish in knowledge; every refiner is put to shame by idols. For his molded image [is] a lie, and no breath [is] in them.

mkjv@Jeremiah:51:31 @ A runner shall run to meet a runner, and a herald to a herald, to announce to the king of Babylon that his city is captured from end [to end];

mkjv@Jeremiah:51:41 @ How Sheshach is captured! And how the praise of the whole earth is seized! How Babylon has become a horror among the nations!

mkjv@Jeremiah:51:42 @ The sea has come up over Babylon; she is covered with the multitude of its waves.

mkjv@Jeremiah:51:49 @...for the dead of Israel, so...

mkjv@Jeremiah:51:55 @ because the LORD is stripping Babylon, and the great voice will perish out of her. And her waves will roar like great waters; the noise of their voice is given,

mkjv@Jeremiah:51:56 @ because the ravager has come on her, even on Babylon, and her mighty men are captured. Every one of their bows is broken, for Jehovah, God of vengeance, shall surely repay.

mkjv@Lamentations:1:7 @ [In the] days of her affliction and her wandering Jerusalem remembered all her desirable things from previous days; when her people fell into the hand of the foe; and there is no ally for her. The foes saw her; they laughed at her annihilation.

mkjv@Lamentations:1:9 @ Her uncleanness [is] in her skirts; she did not remember her end, and has gone down astoundingly. There is no comforter for her. O LORD, behold my affliction, for the enemy has magnified [himself].

mkjv@Lamentations:1:12 @ [Is it] nothing to you, all you who pass by? Behold and see if there is any sorrow like my sorrow which is done to me, with which the LORD has afflicted [me] in the day of His fierce anger.

mkjv@Lamentations:1:14 @ The yoke of my transgressions is bound by His hand; they intertwine; they rise on my neck. He has made my strength to falter; the LORD has delivered me into [their] hands. I am not able to rise up.

mkjv@Lamentations:1:16 @ For these I weep; my eye, my eye runs down [with] water, because the comforter who could refresh my soul is far from me. My sons are desolated because the enemy prevails.

mkjv@Lamentations:1:20 @ Behold, O LORD, for I [am] in trouble; my inward parts ferment; my heart is turned within me, for I have grievously rebelled. On the outside the sword bereaves; in the house [it is] as death.

mkjv@Lamentations:2:9 @ Her gates have sunk in the ground; He has destroyed and broken her bars. Her kings and her rulers [are] among the nations. The law is no more; also her prophets also find no vision from the LORD.

mkjv@Lamentations:2:11 @ My eyes fail with tears; my inward parts ferment; my liver is poured on the ground for the ruin of the daughter of my people, in that the children and the babies faint in the streets of the city.

mkjv@Lamentations:2:15 @ All who pass by clap [their] hands at you; they hiss and wag their head at the daughter of Jerusalem, [saying], Is this the city which they called the perfection of beauty, the joy of the whole earth?

mkjv@Lamentations:3:30 @ He gives [his] cheek to Him who strikes him; he is filled with reproach.

mkjv@Lamentations:4:4 @ The suckling's tongue cleaves to his palate in thirst; the young children ask bread; there is no breaking to them.

mkjv@Lamentations:4:6 @ And the iniquity of the daughter of my people is heaped more than the sin of Sodom, overthrown as [in] a moment, and no hands spun on her.

mkjv@Lamentations:4:8 @ Their appearance is blacker than soot; they are not recognized in the streets; their skin has shriveled on their bones; it is dried up; it has become like wood.

mkjv@Lamentations:4:17 @ While we are, our eyes fail, for our help is vain; in our watching we have watched for a nation; it does not save.

mkjv@Lamentations:5:5 @ We [are] pursued on our necks; we grow weary; rest is not given to us.

mkjv@Lamentations:5:17 @ Our heart is faint for this; our eyes are dim for these [things].

mkjv@Ezekiel:1:28 @ As the bow that is in the cloud in the day of rain looks, so the brightness all around looked. This was how the likeness of the glory of the LORD looked. And I saw. And I fell on my face, and I heard a voice of One speaking.

mkjv@Ezekiel:3:21 @ But if you warn the righteous so that the righteous does not sin, and if he does not sin, he shall surely live because he is warned; also you have delivered your soul.

mkjv@Ezekiel:4:14 @ Then I said, Ah Lord Jehovah! Behold, my soul has not been defiled. For from my youth up, even till now, I have not eaten of that which dies of itself, or is torn in pieces; neither did there come any unclean flesh into my mouth.

mkjv@Ezekiel:6:12 @ He who is afar off shall die of the plague; and he who is near shall fall by the sword; and he who remains and is under siege shall die by the famine. So I will fulfill My fury on them.

mkjv@Ezekiel:7:13 @ For the seller shall not return to that which is sold, although they are still alive; for the vision to all her multitude shall not return, and a man shall not hold his life strong in iniquity.

mkjv@Ezekiel:7:23 @ Make a chain; for the land is full of bloody judgments, and the city is full of violence.

mkjv@Ezekiel:8:6 @...which the house of Israel is...[and] you shall see greater abominations.

mkjv@Ezekiel:8:17 @...O son of man? Is it...

mkjv@Ezekiel:9:9 @...of the house of Israel and...[is] great, and the land is full of blood, and the city is full of perversity. For they say, The LORD has forsaken the land; and, the LORD does not see.

mkjv@Ezekiel:11:15 @...all the house of Israel, of...

mkjv@Ezekiel:11:21 @ And [as] to [those whose] heart is going [after] their hateful things, and [also] their heart [is after] their disgusting idols, I will give their way on their own heads, says the Lord Jehovah.

mkjv@Ezekiel:14:9 @...midst of My people Israel....

mkjv@Ezekiel:14:15 @ If I cause destroying beasts to come through the land, and they spoil it so that it is deserted, so that no one may pass through because of the beasts,

mkjv@Ezekiel:15:2 @ Son of man, how is the vine tree more than any other tree, [or than] a branch which is among the trees of the forest?

mkjv@Ezekiel:15:4 @...its middle is charred. Is it...[any] work?

mkjv@Ezekiel:15:5 @ Behold, when it was whole, it was not made for work. How much less when the fire has devoured it, and it is charred? Shall it yet be made to work?

mkjv@Ezekiel:16:7 @ I have caused you to multiply like the bud of the field, and you are grown, and you are great; and you come [in] the finest ornaments. [Your] breasts are formed, and hair is grown, yet you [were] naked and bare.

mkjv@Ezekiel:16:29 @ And your whoredom is idolatry in the land of Canaan, [to the] Chaldean, and yet you were not satisfied with this.

mkjv@Ezekiel:16:30 @ How weak is your heart, says the Lord Jehovah, since you do all these, the work of a woman, an overbearing harlot;

mkjv@Ezekiel:16:34 @ And in you was the opposite from [those] women in your fornications, since no one whores after you, and in your giving wages, and hire is not given to you. [In] this you are opposite.

mkjv@Ezekiel:18:2 @...concerning the land of Israel, saying,...[are] dull?

mkjv@Ezekiel:18:3 @ [As] I live, says the Lord Jehovah, to you there is no longer any [occasion]...use this proverb in Israel....

mkjv@Ezekiel:18:5 @ But a man that is just and does what is just and right,

mkjv@Ezekiel:18:23 @...says the Lord Jehovah. Is it...

mkjv@Ezekiel:18:25 @...O house of Israel: Is not...

mkjv@Ezekiel:18:27 @ Again, when the wicked turns away from his wickedness that he has committed and does that which is lawful and righteous, he shall save his soul alive.

mkjv@Ezekiel:18:29 @...fair. O house of Israel, are...

mkjv@Ezekiel:19:14 @ And fire has gone out from a rod of her branches, [which] has licked up her fruit so that there is no strong rod in her to be a scepter to rule. This is a mourning and [shall be] for a mourning.

mkjv@Ezekiel:20:29 @ And I said to them, What [is] the high place to which you go? And the name of it is called High Place to this day.

mkjv@Ezekiel:21:7 @ And it will be when they say to you, Why do you groan? You shall answer, Because of the news [that] it is coming; and every heart shall melt, and all hands shall be feeble, and every spirit shall faint, and all knees shall be weak as] water. Behold, it comes, and it shall be, says the Lord Jehovah.

mkjv@Ezekiel:21:9 @ Son of man, prophesy and say, So says the LORD. Say, A sword, a sword is sharpened and also polished.

mkjv@Ezekiel:21:10 @ It is sharpened in order to slaughter; it is polished so that there may be a flash to it. Or shall we rejoice? You are despising the rod of My son, [as if it were] every tree.

mkjv@Ezekiel:21:11 @ And He has given it to be polished, to be taken by the hand. The sword, it is sharpened, and it it polished, to give it into the hand of the slayer.

mkjv@Ezekiel:21:15 @ so that [their] heart may melt, and many stumble at all [their] gates. I have given the threatening sword. Ah! It is made like lightning; it is wrapped for a slaughter.

mkjv@Ezekiel:21:16 @ Sharpen yourself on the right! Set yourself on the left, wherever your face is set.

mkjv@Ezekiel:21:27 @ Ruin, ruin, ruin, I will appoint it. Also this shall not be until the coming of Him whose is the right. And I will give it to Him.

mkjv@Ezekiel:22:22 @ As silver is melted in the middle of the furnace, so you shall be melted in the middle of it; and you shall know that I the LORD have poured out My fury on you.

mkjv@Ezekiel:23:20 @ And she lusted on her lovers, whose flesh is like the flesh of asses and whose issue [is like] the issue of horses.

mkjv@Ezekiel:23:22 @ So, O Oholibah, the Lord Jehovah says this: Behold, I will raise up against you your lovers, from whom your soul is alienated; and I will bring them against you from all around;

mkjv@Ezekiel:24:7 @ For her blood is in her midst; she set it on the top of a rock. She did not pour it on the ground, to cover it [with] dust,

mkjv@Ezekiel:24:24 @ So Ezekiel is a sign to you. According to all that he has done, you shall do. And when this comes, you shall know that I [am] the Lord Jehovah.

mkjv@Ezekiel:26:2 @ Son of man, because Tyre has said against Jerusalem, Aha! She is shattered, the doors of the peoples, she has turned to me; I shall be filled; she is laid waste.

mkjv@Ezekiel:26:10 @ Because of his many horses, their dust shall cover you. Your walls shall shake at the sound of the horsemen, and of the wheels, and of the chariots, when he shall enter into your gates, as [men] enter a city that is breached.

mkjv@Ezekiel:26:15 @ So says the Lord Jehovah to Tyre: Shall not the coastlands shake at the sound of your fall, when the slain groan, when the slaughter is made in your midst?

mkjv@Ezekiel:27:32 @ And in their wailing they shall lift up a lamentation [and] lament over you, [saying], Who [is] like Tyre; as she who is quiet in the midst of the sea?

mkjv@Ezekiel:28:5 @ By your great wisdom [and] by your trade you have multiplied your riches, and your heart is lifted up because of your riches.

mkjv@Ezekiel:30:2 @ Son of man, prophesy and say, So says the Lord Jehovah: Howl, Woe is the day!

mkjv@Ezekiel:30:9 @ In that day messengers shall go out from Me in ships to terrify the confident Ethiopians, and anguish shall be on them, as in the day of Egypt; for lo, it is coming.

mkjv@Ezekiel:30:24 @ And I will strengthen the arms of the king of Babylon, and put My sword in his hand. But I will break Pharaoh's arms, and he shall groan before him with the groanings of one who is stabbed.

mkjv@Ezekiel:31:10 @ So the Lord Jehovah says this: Because you have lifted yourself up in height, and he set his top among the thick boughs, and his heart is lifted up in his height;

mkjv@Ezekiel:31:18 @ To whom are you like in glory and in greatness among the trees of Eden? Yet you shall be brought down with the trees of Eden to the lower parts of the earth. You shall lie in the midst of the uncircumcised with [those] slain by the sword. This is Pharaoh and all [his] multitude, says the Lord Jehovah.

mkjv@Ezekiel:32:20 @ They shall fall in the midst of [those] slain by the sword; she is delivered to the sword; they draw her and all her multitudes.

mkjv@Ezekiel:32:23 @ their graves are set in the sides of the Pit, and her company is all around her grave. All of them are slain, fallen by the sword, those who caused terror in the land of the living.

mkjv@Ezekiel:32:25 @ They have set her a bed in the midst of the slain with all her multitude. Her graves [are] all around him; all of them uncircumcised, slain by the sword; though their terror was given in the land of the living, yet they have borne their shame with those who go down to the Pit. He is put among the slain.

mkjv@Ezekiel:33:6 @ But if the watchman sees the sword coming, and does not blow the trumpet and the people are not warned; if the sword comes and takes [any] person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity. But I will require his blood at the watchman's hand.

mkjv@Ezekiel:33:17 @ Yet the sons of your people say, The way of the Lord is not fair. But as for them, their way is not fair.

mkjv@Ezekiel:33:20 @...fair. O house of Israel, I...

mkjv@Ezekiel:33:21 @ And it was in the twelfth year of our exile, in the tenth [month], on the fifth of the month, one who escaped out of Jerusalem came to me, saying, The city is stricken.

mkjv@Ezekiel:33:24 @...of the land of Israel are...[are] many; the land is given to us for inheritance.

mkjv@Ezekiel:33:30 @ And you, son of man, the sons of your people are still talking about you by the walls, and in the doors of the houses, and speaking to one another, each man to his brother, saying, I pray you, come and hear what is the word which comes from the LORD.

mkjv@Ezekiel:34:12 @ As a shepherd seeks out his flock in the day that he is among his scattered sheep, so I will seek out My sheep and will deliver them out of all places where they have been scattered in the cloudy and dark day.

mkjv@Ezekiel:34:18 @ Is it a small thing to you to have eaten up the good pasture, but you must trample the rest of your pastures with your feet? And to have drunk of the clear waters, but you must foul the rest with your feet?

mkjv@Ezekiel:37:11 @...the whole house of Israel. Behold,...[are] dried and our hope is lost; we are cut off by ourselves.

mkjv@Ezekiel:39:8 @ Behold, it is coming, and it will be done, says the Lord Jehovah. This [is] the day of which I have spoken.

mkjv@Ezekiel:41:22 @ The altar of wood [was] three cubits high, and its length two cubits. And its corners, and its length, and its walls, [were] of wood. And he said to me, This is the table that is before the LORD.

mkjv@Ezekiel:42:14 @ When the priests enter, then they shall not go out of the holy place into the outer court, but they shall lay their clothes there by which they minister in them, for they are holy. And they shall put on other clothes, and shall approach that which is for the people.

mkjv@Ezekiel:42:15 @ And he finished measuring the inner house; he brought me out the way of the gate whose view is eastward, and measured all around.

mkjv@Ezekiel:43:4 @ And the glory of the LORD came into the house by the way of the gate whose view is eastward.

mkjv@Ezekiel:43:12 @ This [is] the law of the house. On the top of the mountain [is] all its border, all around, most holy. Behold, this is the law of the house.

mkjv@Ezekiel:44:22 @...of the house of Israel, or...

mkjv@Ezekiel:44:26 @ And after he is cleansed, they shall count seven days for him.

mkjv@Ezekiel:44:31 @ The priests shall not eat of anything that died of itself, or is torn, whether it is bird or animal.

mkjv@Ezekiel:45:4 @ It is the holy [portion] of the land for the priests, it shall be for the ministers of the sanctuary who come near to minister to the LORD. And it shall be a place for their houses and a holy place for the sanctuary.

mkjv@Ezekiel:45:14 @ And as to the statute of oil, the bath of oil, you shall offer the tenth of a bath out of the cor, which is a homer of ten baths; for ten baths [are] a homer;

mkjv@Ezekiel:46:11 @ And in the feasts and in the appointed feasts the food offering shall be an ephah to a bull, and an ephah to a ram, and to the lambs as he is able to give, and a hin of oil to an ephah.

mkjv@Ezekiel:46:20 @ And he said to me, This is the place where the priests shall boil the guilt offering and the sin offering, and where they shall bake the food offering, so that they may not bear [them] out into the outer court to sanctify the people.

mkjv@Ezekiel:47:20 @ And the west side [is] the Great Sea from the border until one is beside the entrance of Hamath. [This is] the west side.

mkjv@Ezekiel:48:35 @ All around [it shall be] eighteen thousand [cubits]. And the name of the city from [that] day [is] JEHOVAH IS THERE.

mkjv@Daniel:2:8 @ The king answered and said, For I know that you surely want to gain time, because you see the thing is gone from me.

mkjv@Daniel:2:10 @ The Chaldeans answered before the king and said, There is not a man on the earth who can reveal the king's matter, because not any king, lord, nor ruler has asked such a thing from any horoscopist or conjurer or Chaldean.

mkjv@Daniel:2:11 @ And [it is] a rare thing that the king asks, and there is no other who can reveal it before the king, except the gods, whose dwelling is not with flesh.

mkjv@Daniel:2:15 @ He answered and said to Arioch the king's captain, Why is the decree so hasty from the king? Then Arioch made the thing known to Daniel.

mkjv@Daniel:2:28 @ But there is a God in Heaven who reveals secrets and makes known to King Nebuchadnezzar what shall be in the latter days. Your dream, and the visions of your head upon your bed [are] these.

mkjv@Daniel:2:30 @ But as for me, this secret is not revealed to me for [any] wisdom that I have more than any living man, but so that the meaning might be known to the king, and that you might know the thoughts of your heart.

mkjv@Daniel:2:43 @ And as you saw iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mix themselves with the seed of men. But they shall not cling to one another, even as iron is not mixed with clay.

mkjv@Daniel:2:45 @ Because you saw that the stone was cut out of the mountain without hands, and that it crushes the iron, the bronze, the clay, the silver, and the gold, the great God has made known to the king what shall occur after this. And the dream is] certain, and its meaning is sure.

mkjv@Daniel:2:47 @ The king answered Daniel and said, It is true that your God [is] a God of gods, and a Lord of kings, and a revealer of secrets, since you could reveal this secret.

mkjv@Daniel:3:4 @ Then a herald cried aloud, To you it is commanded, O people, nations, and languages,

mkjv@Daniel:3:15 @ Now if you are ready, at the time you hear the sound of the horn, the pipe, zither, the lyre, harp, and bagpipe, and all kinds of music, fall down and worship the image which I have made. But if you do not worship, in that moment you shall be thrown into the middle of a burning fiery furnace. And who is that god who shall deliver you out of my hand?

mkjv@Daniel:3:17 @ If it is [so that] our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, then He will deliver us out of your hand, O king.

mkjv@Daniel:3:25 @ He answered and said, Behold! I see four men loose, walking in the middle of the fire, and there is no harm among them. And the form of the fourth is like a son of [the] gods.

mkjv@Daniel:3:29 @ And a decree is given by me, that every people, nation, and language, who speak anything amiss against the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, shall be made into mere members, and his house shall be made an outhouse. Because there is no other God who can deliver in this way.

mkjv@Daniel:4:17 @ This matter is by the decree of the watchers, and the demand by the word of the holy ones, so that the living may know that the Most High rules in the kingdom of men, and gives it to whomever He will, and sets up over it the lowest of men.

mkjv@Daniel:4:31 @ While the word [was] in the king's mouth, a voice fell from Heaven, saying, O King Nebuchadnezzar, to you it is spoken. The kingdom has departed from you.

mkjv@Daniel:4:34 @ And at the end of days, I Nebuchadnezzar lifted up my eyes to Heaven, and my understanding returned to me, and I blessed the Most High, and I praised and honored Him who lives forever, whose kingdom is] an everlasting kingdom, and His rule is from generation to generation.

mkjv@Daniel:4:37 @ Now I Nebuchadnezzar praise and exalt and honor the King of heaven, all whose works are truth and His ways judgment. And those who walk in pride He is able to humble.

mkjv@Daniel:5:28 @ HALF-MINAS, Your kingdom is divided and given to [the] Medes and Persians.

mkjv@Daniel:6:12 @ Then they came near and spoke before the king concerning the king's ban. Have you not signed a ban that every man who shall ask a petition of any god or man within thirty days, except of you, O king, shall be thrown into the lion's den? The king answered and said, The thing is true, according to the law of the Medes and Persians, which cannot be changed.

mkjv@Daniel:6:20 @ And when he came to the den, he cried with a grieved voice to Daniel. The king spoke and said to Daniel, O Daniel, servant of the living God, is your God whom you always serve able to deliver you from the lions?

mkjv@Daniel:6:26 @ I make a decree that in all the domain of my kingdom, [there] shall be trembling and fear before the God of Daniel. For He [is] the living God, and endures forever, and His kingdom is that which shall not be destroyed, and His rule [shall be] to the end.

mkjv@Daniel:8:21 @ And the shaggy goat [is] the king of Greece. And the great horn between his eyes is the first king.

mkjv@Daniel:9:11 ...Yea, all Israel has...

mkjv@Daniel:9:15 @ And now, O Lord our God, who have brought Your people out from the land of Egypt with a mighty hand, and have brought fame to Yourself, as it is today, we have sinned, we have done wrong.

mkjv@Daniel:9:18 @ O my God, bow down Your ear and hear. Open Your eyes and behold our ruins, and the city which is called by Your name. For we do not present our prayers before You on account of our righteousnesses, but because of Your great mercies.

mkjv@Daniel:10:14 @ Now I have come to make you understand what shall happen to your people in the latter days. For the vision is yet for [many] days.

mkjv@Daniel:10:17 @ For how can the servant of my lord talk with my lord? For as for me, immediately there remained no strength in me, nor is there breath left in me.

mkjv@Daniel:10:21 @ But I will show you that which is written in the Scripture of Truth. And there is none who holds strongly with me in these things, but Michael your ruler.

mkjv@Daniel:11:36 @ And the king shall do according to his will. And he shall exalt and magnify himself above every god, and shall speak marvelous things against the God of gods, and shall prosper until the fury is fulfilled. For that which is decreed shall be done.

mkjv@Hosea:4:1 @...the LORD, sons of Israel. For...[has] a quarrel with the people of the land, because there is no truth, nor mercy, nor knowledge of God in the land.

mkjv@Hosea:4:2 @ There is lying, and swearing, and killing, and stealing, and the committing of adultery; and blood touches blood.

mkjv@Hosea:4:13 @ They sacrifice on the tops of the mountains, and burn incense on the hills, under oaks and poplars and elms, because its shade is good. So your daughters shall be harlots, and your brides shall commit adultery.

mkjv@Hosea:4:18 @ Their drink is sour; they are continually fornicating; her rulers dearly love shame.

mkjv@Hosea:5:3 @...Ephraim, you have fornicated; Israel is...

mkjv@Hosea:5:9 @...Among the tribes of Israel I...

mkjv@Hosea:6:3 @ Then we shall know, [if] we follow on to know the LORD. His going out is prepared as the morning; and He shall come to us as the rain, as the latter [and] former rain to the earth.

mkjv@Hosea:6:10 the house of Israel; the...[is] there; Israel is defiled.

mkjv@Hosea:6:11 @ Also, O Judah, a harvest is appointed to you, when I return the captivity of My people.

mkjv@Hosea:7:4 @ They [are] all adulterers, like an oven heated by the baker; he stops stirring, from kneading the dough, while it is leavened.

mkjv@Hosea:7:7 @ They are all hot as an oven, and devour their judges. All their kings have fallen; there is none among them who calls to Me.

mkjv@Hosea:7:8 @ Ephraim mixed himself among the peoples; Ephraim is a cake not turned.

mkjv@Hosea:7:11 @ Ephraim also is like a silly dove without heart; they call [to] Egypt; they go [to] Assyria.

mkjv@Hosea:8:5 @ Your calf, O Samaria, has cast [you] off. My anger is kindled against them. Until when will they not attain purity?

mkjv@Hosea:8:8 @ Israel is swallowed up; now they shall be among the nations as a vessel in which there is no pleasure.

mkjv@Hosea:9:4 @ They shall not pour wine to the LORD, nor shall they be pleasing to Him. Their sacrifices [shall be] like the bread of sorrows to them; all who eat of them shall be defiled. For their bread is for their soul, it shall not come into the house of the LORD.

mkjv@Hosea:9:7 @...of vengeance have come; Israel shall...[is] insane, because of the greatness of your iniquity and the great hatred.

mkjv@Hosea:9:11 @ Ephraim is like a bird; their glory shall fly away from birth, and from the womb, and from conception.

mkjv@Hosea:9:16 @ Ephraim is stricken; their root is dried up; they shall bear no fruit. Yea, though they bear, yet I will slay the beloved ones of their womb.

mkjv@Hosea:10:2 @ Their heart is divided; now they shall be guilty. He shall break down their altars, and He shall spoil their images.

mkjv@Hosea:10:7 @ As for Samaria, her king is cut off as a bough on the water.

mkjv@Hosea:11:8 @...shall I deliver you, Israel? How...

mkjv@Hosea:11:12 @ Ephraim [circles]...and the house of Israel with...

mkjv@Hosea:12:1 @ Ephraim feeds on wind and follows after the east wind. He daily multiplies lies and cruelty. And they make a covenant with the Assyrians, and oil is carried into Egypt.

mkjv@Hosea:12:8 @ And Ephraim said, Yet I have become rich, I have found much wealth for myself. [In] all my labors they shall find in me no iniquity that is sin.

mkjv@Hosea:13:4 @ Yet I [am] the LORD your God from the land of Egypt, and you shall know no God but Me. For there is no Savior besides Me.

mkjv@Hosea:13:12 @ The iniquity of Ephraim is bound up; his sin hidden.

mkjv@Hosea:13:15 @ Though he is fruitful among his brothers, an east wind shall come. The wind of the LORD shall come up from the wilderness, and his spring shall be ashamed, and his fountain shall be dried up. He shall plunder the treasure of all desirable vessels.

mkjv@Hosea:14:8 @ Ephraim [shall say], What [have] I to do any more with idols? I have heard [him] and watched him; I [am] like a green fir tree. Your fruit is found from Me.

mkjv@Joel:1:5 @ Awake, drunkards, and weep; and howl, all drinkers of wine, because of the new wine; for it is cut off from your mouth.

mkjv@Joel:1:10 @ The field is wasted; the land mourns, for the grain is wasted. The new wine is dried up; the oil tree droops.

mkjv@Joel:1:12 @ The vine is dried up, and the fig tree droops, [the] pomegranate and the palm tree, and the apple tree; all the trees of the field are dried up, because joy has dried up from the sons of men.

mkjv@Joel:1:16 @ Is not the food cut off before our eyes, and joy and gladness from the house of our God?

mkjv@Joel:1:17 @ The seed is rotten under their clods; the storage bins are laid waste; the barns are broken down, for the grain has dried up.

mkjv@Joel:3:13 @ Put in the sickle, for the harvest is ripe. Come, come down; for the press is full; the vats overflow, for their wickedness is great.

mkjv@Joel:3:21 @ And I will cleanse their blood [which] I did not cleanse; and the LORD is dwelling in Zion.

mkjv@Amos:3:5 @ Will a bird fall into a trap [on] the ground, and there is no bait for it? Will a trap spring up from the ground, and nothing at all be caught?

mkjv@Amos:3:6 @ If a ram's horn is blown in a city, will the people not also tremble? If there is a calamity in a city, has the LORD not also done it?

mkjv@Amos:5:2 ...The virgin of Israel has...

mkjv@Amos:7:1 @ The Lord Jehovah made me see this: And behold, He is forming locusts at the beginning of the coming up of the late grass; even behold, the late grass after the king's mowings.

mkjv@Amos:7:10 @...of the house of Israel; the...

mkjv@Amos:7:13 @ But do not prophesy again any more at Bethel; for it is the king's temple, and it [is] the king's royal house.

mkjv@Amos:9:12 @ so that they may possess the remnant of Edom, and of all the nations [on] whom My name is called, says the LORD who is doing this.

mkjv@Obadiah:1:1 @ The vision of Obadiah. So says the Lord God concerning Edom: We have heard a message from the LORD, and a messenger is sent among the nations: Rise up, even let us rise up against her for battle.

mkjv@Obadiah:1:6 @ How Esau is searched out! His hidden things are sought out!

mkjv@Jonah:1:8 @ Then they said to him, Please tell us, for what reason this evil [has come] on us. What is your business? And where do you come from? Where [is] your country? And of what people [are] you?

mkjv@Jonah:1:10 @ Then the men were afraid [with] a great fear. And they said to him, What is this you have done? For the men knew that he was fleeing from before the face of Jehovah, because he had told them.

mkjv@Jonah:4:4 ...And Jehovah said, Is anger...

mkjv@Jonah:4:9 @...God said to Jonah, Is your...[even] to death.

mkjv@Micah:2:1 @ Woe to those who plot wickedness and prepare evil on their beds! When the morning is light they practice it, because it is in the power of their hand.

mkjv@Micah:2:7 @ House of Jacob, [it is] said, The Spirit of the LORD is limited, if these [are] His doings. Do not My words do good to him who walks uprightly?

mkjv@Micah:4:9 you cry aloud? Is there...

mkjv@Micah:5:8 @ And the remnant of Jacob shall be among the nations, in the midst of many peoples, like a lion among the beasts of the forest, like a young lion among the flocks of sheep, who, if he goes through, both tramples and tears in pieces. And there is none to snatch back.

mkjv@Micah:6:10 @ Are the treasures of wickedness still in the house of the wicked, and the short measure that is hateful?

mkjv@Micah:7:1 @ Woe is me! For I am like the gatherings of summer fruits, like the grape-gleanings of the vintage. There is no cluster to eat; my soul desires the first-ripe fruit.

mkjv@Micah:7:2 @ The pious has perished from the earth, and there is none upright among men. For they all lie in wait for blood; each one hunts his brother [with] a net.

mkjv@Micah:7:10 @ Then my enemy shall see it; and shame shall cover her who said to me, Where is the LORD your God? My eyes shall behold her; now she shall be trampled like the mud of the streets.

mkjv@Nahum:1:2 @ God [is] jealous, and the LORD revenges; the LORD revenges and is a possessor of wrath. The LORD takes vengeance against His foes, and He keeps [wrath] against His enemies.

mkjv@Nahum:1:5 @ The mountains quake from Him, and the hills melt, and the earth is lifted up from before Him; even the world and all who dwell in it.

mkjv@Nahum:1:6 @ Who can stand before His fury? And who can stand up in the heat of His anger? His fury is poured out like fire, and the rocks are broken down because of Him.

mkjv@Nahum:1:15 @ Behold upon the mountains the feet of Him who brings good news, making it heard, Peace! O Judah, keep your appointed feasts, fulfill your vows; for the wicked shall pass through you no more; he is completely cut off.

mkjv@Nahum:2:1 @ The scattering one is coming up against your face. Guard the rampart. Watch the way, make your loins strong, firm up [your] power mightily.

mkjv@Nahum:2:7 @ And she who stood firm is uncovered and caused to go away. And her slave women are moaning like the sound of doves, beating their breast.

mkjv@Nahum:2:11 @ Where is the den of the lions, and the feeding place of the young lions, where the lion [and] the lioness walked, [and] the lion's cub, and no one made [them] afraid?

mkjv@Nahum:3:1 @ Woe to the bloody city! It [is] a lie, and full of plunder; the prey is not withdrawn.

mkjv@Nahum:3:7 @ And it shall be that all those who look upon you shall flee from you, and say, Nineveh is laid waste; who will weep for her? From where shall I seek comforters for you?

mkjv@Nahum:3:17 @ Your rulers [are] like the locusts, and your officials are a swarm of locusts that camp in the hedges in the cold day; the sun rises, and they flee, and the place where they [are] is not known.

mkjv@Nahum:3:18 @ Your shepherds slumber, O king of Assyria. Your nobles are at rest; your people are scattered upon the mountains, and no one is gathering.

mkjv@Nahum:3:19 @ There is no healing of your fracture; your wound is grievous; all who hear the news of you shall clap the hands over you; for upon whom has your wickedness not passed continually?

mkjv@Habakkuk:1:3 @ Why do You show me evil, and You look on toil? For destruction and violence [are] before me; and there is strife, and contention rises up.

mkjv@Habakkuk:1:5 @ Look among the nations, and behold and wonder marvelously; for [I] will work a work in your days [which] you will not believe, not even if it is declared to you.

mkjv@Habakkuk:1:11 @ Then he sweeps on [like] a wind, and he transgresses and is guilty, [crediting] his power to his god.

mkjv@Habakkuk:2:4 @ Behold, the soul of him is lifted up, [and] is not upright; but the just shall live by his faith.

mkjv@Habakkuk:2:5 @ And also wine indeed betrays a proud man, and [he is] not content. He widens his soul like Sheol, and he [is] like death, and is not satisfied, but gathers all nations to himself, and heaps to himself all the peoples.

mkjv@Habakkuk:2:19 @ Woe [to] him who says to the wood. Awake! To a dumb stone, Arise, it shall teach! Behold, it [is] overlaid [with] gold and silver, and no breath is in its midst.

mkjv@Habakkuk:3:4 @ And [His] brightness is as the light; rays from His hand [are] His, and there [was] a hiding of His strength.

mkjv@Habakkuk:3:17 @ Though the fig tree shall not blossom, and fruit is not on the vines; the labor of the olive fails, and the fields yield no food. The flock is cut off from the fold, and no herd [is] in the stalls;

mkjv@Zephaniah:2:5 @ Woe [to] the inhabitants of the sea coast, the nation of the Cherethites! The Word of the LORD is against you: Canaan, the land of the Philistines, I will destroy you, so that no inhabitant [survives].

mkjv@Zephaniah:3:17 @ The LORD your God [is] mighty in your midst; He will save, He will rejoice over you with joy; He is silent in His love; He rejoices over you with joyful shout.

mkjv@Zephaniah:3:19 @ Behold, at that time I will deal with all those who afflict you. And I will save her who is lame, and gather her who was driven out. And I will give them for a praise and for a name in all the land of their shame.

mkjv@Haggai:1:6 @ you have sown much and bring in little; [you] eat, but you do not have enough; you drink, but you are not filled with drink; you dress, but no one is warm; and he who hires out himself hires himself for a bag full of holes.

mkjv@Haggai:1:9 @ You looked for much, and behold, little! And when you brought [it] home, then I blew on it. Why, says the LORD of hosts? Because of My House that is waste, and you, [each] man runs to his own house.

mkjv@Haggai:1:10 @ Therefore the heavens above you have held back the dew, and the earth is held back [from] her produce.

mkjv@Haggai:2:13 @ Then Haggai said, If [one] unclean of body touches these, is it unclean? And the priests answered and said, It is unclean.

mkjv@Haggai:2:14 @ And Haggai answered and said, So [is] this people, and so [is] this nation before Me, says the LORD. And so is every work of their hands; and that which they offer there [is] unclean.

mkjv@Zechariah:1:11 @ And they answered the Angel of the LORD who stood among the myrtle trees, and said, We have walked to and fro through the earth, and behold, all the earth sits still and is at peace.

mkjv@Zechariah:2:2 @ Then I said, Where are you going? And he said to me, To measure Jerusalem, to see what [is] its breadth and what is its length.

mkjv@Zechariah:4:1 @ And the angel that talked with me came again and awakened me, as a man that is awakened out of his sleep.

mkjv@Zechariah:8:6 @ So says the LORD of hosts: If it is marvelous in the eyes of the remnant of this people in those days, will it also be marvelous in My eyes, says the LORD of hosts?

mkjv@Zechariah:8:9 @ So says the LORD of hosts: Let your hands be strong, you who hear in these days these words by the mouth of the prophets, that in the day the house of the LORD of hosts is laid, the temple is to be built.

mkjv@Zechariah:8:23 @ So says the LORD of hosts: In those days ten men, out of all languages of the nations, shall take hold, and will seize the skirt of a man, a Jew, saying, We will go with you, for we have heard that God is with you.

mkjv@Zechariah:9:9 @ Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion; shout, O daughter of Jerusalem; behold, your King comes to you. He is righteous and victorious, meek and riding on an ass, even on a colt, the son of an ass.

mkjv@Zechariah:9:11 @ You also, by the blood of Your covenant I have freed Your prisoners out of the pit in which is no water.

mkjv@Zechariah:11:3 @ There [is] a voice of the howling of the shepherds; for their glory is destroyed. There [is] a voice of the roaring of young lions; for the pride of Jordan is destroyed.

mkjv@Zechariah:11:9 @ And I said, I will not feed you; that which dies, let it die; and that which is to be cut off, let it be cut off. And those left, let them eat, each woman her neighbor's flesh.

mkjv@Zechariah:11:16 @ For lo, I will raise up a shepherd in the land who will not care for those going to ruin, nor will he seek the young, nor will heal that which is broken, nor will he feed that which stands. But he shall eat the flesh of the fat and tear off their hoofs.

mkjv@Zechariah:12:8 @ In that day the LORD shall defend around the people of Jerusalem. And it will be, he who is feeble among them at that day [shall be] like David; and the house of David [shall be] like God, like the Angel of the LORD before them.

mkjv@Zechariah:13:7 @ Awake, O sword, against My Shepherd, and against the Man who is My companion, says the LORD of hosts; strike the Shepherd, and the sheep shall be scattered. And I will turn My hand on the little ones.

mkjv@Zechariah:13:9 @ And I will bring the third part through the fire, and will refine them as silver is refined, and will try them as gold is tried. They shall call on My name, and I will answer them; I will say, It [ is] My people; and they shall say, The LORD is my God.

mkjv@Zechariah:14:16 @ And it shall be, everyone who is left of all the nations which came up against Jerusalem shall go up from year to year to worship the King, the LORD of hosts, and to keep the Feast of Tabernacles.

mkjv@Malachi:1:6 @ A son honors his father, and a servant his master. If then I [am] a father, where is My honor? And if I [am] a master, where is My fear? says the LORD of hosts to you, O priests who despise My name. And you say, In what way have we despised Your name?

mkjv@Malachi:1:14 @ But cursed [be] a deceiver; and there is in his flock a male, yet he vows it, but sacrifices to the LORD a blemished [one]. For I [am] a great king, says the LORD of hosts, and My name [is] feared among the nations.

mkjv@Malachi:2:1 @ And now, O priests, this command is for you.

mkjv@Malachi:2:5 @ My covenant with him was life and peace, and I gave them to him [for] fear; and he feared Me, and he is awed before My name.

mkjv@Malachi:2:7 @ For the priest's lips should guard knowledge, and they should seek the law at his mouth; for he is the messenger of the LORD of hosts.

mkjv@Malachi:2:10 @ Is there not one Father to us all? Has not one God created us? Why do we act deceitfully, each man with his brother, to profane the covenant of our fathers.

mkjv@Malachi:2:11 @...abomination is committed in Israel and...[place] of the LORD, which He loves, and [has] married the daughter of a foreign god.

mkjv@Malachi:4:1 @ For behold, the day is coming, burning like a fire pot; and all the proud, and every doer of wickedness, shall be chaff. And the coming day will set them ablaze, says the LORD of hosts, which will not leave root or branches to them.

mkjv@Matthew:1:16 @ And Jacob fathered Joseph, the husband [to be] of Mary, of whom Jesus was born, who is called Christ.

mkjv@Matthew:1:20 @ And as he thought upon these things, behold, the angel of [the] Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying, Joseph, son of David, do not fear to take to you Mary [as] your wife. For that in her is fathered of [the] Holy Spirit.

mkjv@Matthew:2:2 @ saying, Where is He [who is] born king of the Jews? For we have seen His star in the east and have come to worship Him.

mkjv@Matthew:2:5 @ And they said to him, In Bethlehem of Judea. For so it is written by the prophet,

mkjv@Matthew:2:13 @ And when they had departed, behold, the angel of [the] Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream, saying, Arise and take the young child and His mother and flee into Egypt. And be there until I bring you word, for Herod is about to seek the child to destroy Him.

mkjv@Matthew:3:2 @ and saying, Repent, for the kingdom of Heaven is at hand.

mkjv@Matthew:3:3 @...of by the prophet Isaiah, saying,...[one] crying in the wilderness: Prepare the way of [the] Lord, make His paths straight.

mkjv@Matthew:3:9 @ and do not think to say within yourselves, We have Abraham as [our] father. For I say to you that God is able to raise up children to Abraham from these stones.

mkjv@Matthew:3:10 @ And now also, the axe is laid to the root of the trees. Therefore every tree which does not bring forth good fruit is cut down and cast into the fire.

mkjv@Matthew:3:11 @ I indeed baptize you with water to repentance. But He who comes after me is mightier than I, whose sandals I am not worthy to carry. He shall baptize you with [the] Holy Spirit and [with] fire;

mkjv@Matthew:3:15 @ And answering Jesus said to him, Allow [it] now, for it is becoming to us to fulfill all righteousness. Then he allowed Him.

mkjv@Matthew:3:17 @ And lo, a voice from Heaven, saying, This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.

mkjv@Matthew:4:4 @ But He answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of [the] mouth of God.

mkjv@Matthew:4:6 @ And [he] said to Him, If you are the Son of God, cast yourself down. For it is written, He shall give His angels charge concerning You, and in [their] hands they shall bear You up, lest at any time You dash Your foot against a stone.

mkjv@Matthew:4:7 @ Jesus said to him, It is written again, You shall not tempt [the] Lord your God.

mkjv@Matthew:4:10 @ Then Jesus said to him, Go, Satan! For it is written, You shall worship [the] Lord your God, and Him only you shall serve.

mkjv@Matthew:4:13 @ And leaving Nazareth, He came and lived in Capernaum, which is on the seacoast, in the borders of Zebulun and Naphtali,

mkjv@Matthew:4:17 @ From that time Jesus began to preach and to say, Repent! For the kingdom of Heaven is at hand.

mkjv@Matthew:5:3 @ Blessed [are] the poor in spirit! For theirs is the kingdom of Heaven.

mkjv@Matthew:5:10 @ Blessed [are] they who have been persecuted for righteousness sake! For theirs is the kingdom of Heaven.

mkjv@Matthew:5:13 @ You are the salt of the earth, but if the salt loses its savor, with what shall it be salted? It is no longer good for anything, but to be thrown out and to be trodden underfoot by men.

mkjv@Matthew:5:14 @ You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden.

mkjv@Matthew:5:16 @ Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father who is in Heaven.

mkjv@Matthew:5:18 @ For truly I say to you, Till the heaven and the earth pass away, not one jot or one tittle shall in any way pass from the law until all is fulfilled.

mkjv@Matthew:5:22 @ But I say to you that whoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be liable to the judgment. And whoever shall say to his brother, Raca, shall be liable to the sanhedrin; but whoever shall say, Fool! shall be liable [to be thrown] into the fire of hell.

mkjv@Matthew:5:29 @ And if your right eye offends you, pluck it out and throw [it] from you. For it is profitable for you that one of your members should perish, and not [that] your whole body should be thrown into hell.

mkjv@Matthew:5:30 @ And if your right hand offends you, cut it off and throw [it] from you. For it is profitable for you [that] one of your members should perish, and not that your whole body should be thrown into hell.

mkjv@Matthew:5:32 @ But I say to you that whoever shall put away his wife, except for the cause of fornication, causes her to commit adultery. And whoever shall marry her who is put away commits adultery.

mkjv@Matthew:5:34 @ But I say to you, Do not swear at all! Not by Heaven, because it is God's throne;

mkjv@Matthew:5:35 @ not by the earth, for it is the footstool of His feet; not by Jerusalem, because it is [the] city of the great King;

mkjv@Matthew:5:37 @ But let your word be, Yes, yes; No, no. For whatever is more than these comes from evil.

mkjv@Matthew:5:48 @ Therefore be perfect, even as your Father in Heaven is perfect.

mkjv@Matthew:6:9 @ Therefore pray in this way: Our Father, who is in Heaven, Hallowed be Your name.

mkjv@Matthew:6:13 @ And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil. For Yours is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.

mkjv@Matthew:6:22 @ The light of the body is the eye. Therefore if your eye is sound, your whole body shall be full of light.

mkjv@Matthew:6:23 @ But if your eye is evil, your whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light [that is] in you is darkness, how great [is] that darkness!

mkjv@Matthew:6:25 shall put on. Is not...

mkjv@Matthew:6:30 @ Therefore if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is, and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, [will He] not much rather [clothe] you, little-faiths?

mkjv@Matthew:7:3 @ And why do you look on the splinter that is in your brother's eye, but do not consider the beam that is in your own eye?

mkjv@Matthew:7:9 @ Or what man is there of you, if his son asks a loaf, will he give him a stone?

mkjv@Matthew:7:12 @ Therefore all things, whatever you desire that men should do to you, do even so to them; for this is the Law and the Prophets.

mkjv@Matthew:7:19 @ Every tree that does not bring forth good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.

mkjv@Matthew:8:27 @ But the men marveled, saying, What kind [of man] is this, that even the winds and the sea obey him!

mkjv@Matthew:9:5 @ For which is easier? To say, [Your] sins are forgiven you, or to say, Arise and walk!

mkjv@Matthew:9:15 @ And Jesus said to them, Can the sons of the bridechamber mourn as long as the bridegroom is with them? But the days will come when the bridegroom shall be taken away from them, and then they shall fast.

mkjv@Matthew:9:16 @ No one puts a piece of new cloth onto an old garment; for that which is put in to fill it up takes from the garment, and the tear is made worse.

mkjv@Matthew:9:24 @ He said to them, Go back, for the little girl is not dead, but sleeps. And they laughed Him to scorn.

mkjv@Matthew:10:2 @ And the names of the twelve apostles are these: First, Simon, who is called Peter, and Andrew his brother; James [the son] of Zebedee and John his brother;

mkjv@Matthew:10:7 @ And as you go, proclaim, saying, The kingdom of Heaven is at hand.

mkjv@Matthew:10:10 @ nor a bag for [the] journey, nor two coats, nor sandals, nor staves. For the workman is worthy of his food.

mkjv@Matthew:10:11 @ And into whatever city or village you enter, inquire who within it is worthy. And there abide until you go away from there.

mkjv@Matthew:10:13 @ And if the house is worthy, let your peace come on it. But if it is not worthy, let your peace return to you.

mkjv@Matthew:10:20 @ For it is not you who speak, but the Spirit of your Father who speaks in you.

mkjv@Matthew:10:24 @ A disciple is not above [his] master, nor the servant above his lord.

mkjv@Matthew:10:25 @ It is enough for the disciple that he is like his master, and the servant like his lord. If they have called the master of the house Beelzebub, how much more those of his household?

mkjv@Matthew:10:26 @ Therefore do not fear them, for there is nothing covered that shall not be revealed, and nothing hidden which shall not be known.

mkjv@Matthew:10:32 @ Then everyone who shall confess Me before men, I will confess him before My Father who is in Heaven.

mkjv@Matthew:10:37 @ He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me. And he who loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me.

mkjv@Matthew:10:38 @ And he who does not take up his cross and follow Me is not worthy of Me.

mkjv@Matthew:11:6 @ And blessed is [he], whoever shall not be offended in Me.

mkjv@Matthew:11:10 @ For this is [the one] of whom it is written, Behold, I send My messenger before Your face, who shall prepare Your way before You.

mkjv@Matthew:11:11 @ Truly I say to you, Among [those] who have been born of women there has not risen a greater one than John the Baptist. But the least in the kingdom of Heaven is greater than he.

mkjv@Matthew:11:12 @ And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of Heaven is taken by violence, and the violent take it by force.

mkjv@Matthew:11:14 @ And if you will receive [it], this is Elijah who is to come.

mkjv@Matthew:11:16 @ But to what shall I compare to this generation? It is like little children sitting in [the] markets and calling to their playmates,

mkjv@Matthew:11:19 @ The Son of man came eating and drinking, and they say, Behold a man who is a glutton and a winebibber, a friend of tax-collectors and sinners. But wisdom was justified by her children.

mkjv@Matthew:11:30 @ For My yoke [is] easy, and My burden is light.

mkjv@Matthew:12:2 @ But when the Pharisees saw, they said to Him, Behold, your disciples do that which it is not lawful to do on the sabbath day.

mkjv@Matthew:12:6 @ But I say to you that [One] greater than the temple is in this place.

mkjv@Matthew:12:8 @ For the Son of man is Lord even of the sabbath.

mkjv@Matthew:12:10 @ And behold, a man having [a]...they asked Him, saying, Is it...

mkjv@Matthew:12:12 @ How much better is a man then than a sheep? Therefore it is lawful to do well on the sabbath days.

mkjv@Matthew:12:18 @ Behold My Child whom I have chosen; My Beloved, in whom My soul is well pleased. I will put My Spirit on Him, and He shall declare judgment to the nations.

mkjv@Matthew:12:23 @...were amazed and said, Is not...

mkjv@Matthew:12:25 @ And Jesus knew their thoughts and said to them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation. And every city or house divided against itself shall not stand.

mkjv@Matthew:12:26 @ And if Satan casts out Satan, he is divided against himself; how then shall his kingdom stand?

mkjv@Matthew:12:30 @ The [one] who is not with Me is against Me, and the [one] who does not gather with Me scatters.

mkjv@Matthew:12:33 @ Either make the tree good and its fruit good, or else make the tree corrupt and its fruit corrupt; for the tree is known by [its] fruit.

mkjv@Matthew:12:45 @ Then he goes and takes with him seven other spirits more evil than himself, and they enter in and live there. And the last [state] of that man is worse than the first. Even so it also shall be to this evil generation.

mkjv@Matthew:12:48 @ And He answered and said to him who told Him, Who is My mother? And who are My brothers?

mkjv@Matthew:12:50 @ For whoever shall do the will of My Father in Heaven, the same is My brother and sister and mother.

mkjv@Matthew:13:11 @ He answered and said to them, Because it is given to you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of Heaven, but it is not given to them.

mkjv@Matthew:13:14 @...fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah which...

mkjv@Matthew:13:19 @ When anyone hears the Word of the kingdom and does not understand [it,] then the wicked one comes and catches away that which was sown in his heart. This is the seed sown by the wayside.

mkjv@Matthew:13:20 @ But that which was sown on the stony places is this: he who hears the Word and immediately receives it with joy.

mkjv@Matthew:13:21 @ But he has no root in himself, and is temporary. For when tribulation or persecution arises on account of the word, he immediately stumbles.

mkjv@Matthew:13:22 @ And that sown into the thorns is this: he who hears the Word; and the anxiety of this world, and the deceit of riches, choke the Word, and he becomes unfruitful.

mkjv@Matthew:13:23 @ But that sown on the good ground is this: he who hears the Word and understands; who also bears fruit and produces one truly a hundredfold; and one sixty; and one thirty.

mkjv@Matthew:13:24 @ He put out another parable to them, saying, The kingdom of heaven is compared to a man who sowed good seed in his field.

mkjv@Matthew:13:31 @ He put out another parable to them, saying, The kingdom of Heaven is like a grain of mustard seed, which a man took and sowed in his field;

mkjv@Matthew:13:32 @ which indeed is the least of all seeds, but when it is grown it is the greatest among herbs and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and lodge in its branches.

mkjv@Matthew:13:33 @ He spoke another parable to them: The kingdom of Heaven is like leaven, which a woman took and hid in three measures of meal until the whole was leavened.

mkjv@Matthew:13:37 @ He answered and said to them, He who sows the good seed is the Son of man;

mkjv@Matthew:13:38 @ the field is the world; the good seed are the sons of the kingdom; but the darnel are the sons of the evil [one].

mkjv@Matthew:13:39 @ The enemy who sowed them is the Devil; the harvest is the end of the world; and the reapers are the angels.

mkjv@Matthew:13:44 @ Again, the kingdom of Heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which when a man has found it, he hides it, and for the joy of it goes and sells all that he has, and buys that field.

mkjv@Matthew:13:45 @ Again, the kingdom of Heaven is like a merchant seeking beautiful pearls;

mkjv@Matthew:13:47 @ Again, the kingdom of Heaven is like a net that was cast into the sea, and gathered some of every kind;

mkjv@Matthew:13:52 @ Then He said to them, Therefore every scribe [who is] instructed to the kingdom of Heaven is like a man who is a householder, who brings out [things] new and old out of his treasure.

mkjv@Matthew:13:55 @ Is not this the carpenter's son? [Is] not his mother called Mary? And his brothers, James and Joses and Simon and Judas,

mkjv@Matthew:13:57 @ And they were offended in Him. But Jesus said to them, A prophet is not without honor, except in his own country and in his own house.

mkjv@Matthew:14:2 @ and said to his servants, This is John the Baptist. He has risen from the dead, and therefore the powerful works [are] working in him.

mkjv@Matthew:14:4 @ For John said to him, It is not lawful for you to have her.

mkjv@Matthew:14:15 @ And evening coming on, His disciples came to Him, saying, The place is deserted and the time has already gone by. Send the crowd away so that they may go into the villages and buy food for themselves.

mkjv@Matthew:14:26 @ And when the disciples saw Him walking on the sea, they were troubled, saying, It is a phantom! And they cried out for fear.

mkjv@Matthew:14:28 @ And Peter answered Him and said, LORD, if it is You, tell me to come to You on the water.

mkjv@Matthew:15:8 @ This people draws near to Me with their mouth, and honors Me with [their] lips, but their heart is far from Me.

mkjv@Matthew:15:17 @ Do you not yet understand that whatever enters in at the mouth goes into the belly, and is cast out into [the] waste-bowl?

mkjv@Matthew:15:22 @ And behold, a woman of Canaan coming out of these borders cried to Him, saying, Have mercy on me, O Lord, Son of David! My daughter is grievously vexed with a demon.

mkjv@Matthew:15:26 @ But He answered and said, It is not good to take the children's bread and to throw [it] to dogs.

mkjv@Matthew:16:2 @ He answered and said to them, When it is evening, you say, Fair weather; for the sky is red.

mkjv@Matthew:16:3 @ And in the morning, Foul weather today; for the sky is red and gloomy. Hypocrites! You can discern the face of the sky, but you cannot [see] the signs of the times!

mkjv@Matthew:16:11 @ How is it that you do not understand that I did not speak to you about loaves, but to beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees?

mkjv@Matthew:16:26 @ For what is a man profited if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?

mkjv@Matthew:17:4 @ And Peter answered and said to Jesus, Lord, it is good for us to be here. If You will, let us make here three tabernacles; one for You, and one for Moses, and one for Elijah.

mkjv@Matthew:17:5 @ While he yet spoke, behold, a bright cloud overshadowed them. And behold a voice out of the cloud which said, This is My beloved Son in whom I am well pleased, hear Him.

mkjv@Matthew:17:15 @ Lord, have mercy on my son, for he is a lunatic and grievously vexed; for oftentimes he falls into the fire, and often into the water.

mkjv@Matthew:18:1 @ At that hour the disciples came to Jesus, saying, Who is the greater in the kingdom of Heaven?

mkjv@Matthew:18:4 @ Therefore whoever shall humble himself like this little child, this one is the greater in the kingdom of Heaven.

mkjv@Matthew:18:7 @ Woe to the world because of offenses! For it is necessary that offenses come; but woe to that man by whom the offense comes!

mkjv@Matthew:18:8 @ And if your hand or your foot causes you to offend, cut them off and throw [them] from you. It is better for you to enter into life lame or maimed, rather than having two hands or two feet to be cast into everlasting fire.

mkjv@Matthew:18:9 @ And if your eye offends you, pluck it out and throw [it] from you. It is better for you to enter into life with one eye, rather than having two eyes to be cast into the hell of fire.

mkjv@Matthew:18:14 @ Even so it is not [the] will of your Father in Heaven that one of these little [ones] should perish.

mkjv@Matthew:19:3 @...and saying to Him, Is it...

mkjv@Matthew:19:10 @ His disciples said to Him, If this is the case of the man with [his] wife, it is not good to marry.

mkjv@Matthew:19:11 @ But He said to them, Not all receive this word, except [those] to whom it is given.

mkjv@Matthew:19:12 @ For there are some eunuchs who were born so from [their] mother's womb; and there are eunuchs who were made eunuchs by men; and there are eunuchs who have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of Heaven's sake. He who is able to receive [it], let him receive it.

mkjv@Matthew:19:14 @ But Jesus said, Allow the little children to come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of Heaven.

mkjv@Matthew:19:24 @ And again I say to you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.

mkjv@Matthew:19:26 @ But Jesus looked on [them] and said to them, With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.

mkjv@Matthew:20:1 @ For the kingdom of Heaven is like a man, a housemaster, who went out early in the morning to hire laborers into his vineyard.

mkjv@Matthew:20:4 @ And he said to them, You also go into the vineyard, and whatever is right I will give you. And they went.

mkjv@Matthew:20:7 @ They said to him, Because no one has hired us. He said to them, You also go into the vineyard, and you shall receive whatever is right.

mkjv@Matthew:20:15 @...want with my own? Is your...

mkjv@Matthew:20:23 @ And He said to them, You shall indeed drink of My cup and be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with; but to sit on My right hand and on My left is not Mine to give, but [to those] for whom it has been prepared by My Father.

mkjv@Matthew:21:10 @ And when He had come into Jerusalem, all the city was moved, saying, Who is this?

mkjv@Matthew:21:11 @ And the crowd said, This is Jesus the prophet, from Nazareth of Galilee.

mkjv@Matthew:21:13 @ And He said to them, It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer; but you have made it a den of thieves.

mkjv@Matthew:21:38 @ But when the vinedressers saw the son, they said among themselves, This is the heir. Come, let us kill him, and get hold of his inheritance.

mkjv@Matthew:21:42 @ Jesus said to them, Did you never read in the Scriptures, The stone which the builders rejected, this One has become the head of [the] corner; this is the Lord's doing, and it is marvelous in our eyes?

mkjv@Matthew:22:2 @ The kingdom of Heaven is like a certain king who made a marriage for his son.

mkjv@Matthew:22:8 @ Then he said to his servants, The wedding is ready, but they who were invited were not worthy.

mkjv@Matthew:22:17 @...what do you think? Is it...

mkjv@Matthew:22:23 @ On that day the Sadducees came to Him, who say that there is no resurrection. And they asked Him,

mkjv@Matthew:22:32 @...and the God of Isaac, and...

mkjv@Matthew:22:38 @ This is the first and great commandment.

mkjv@Matthew:22:42 @ saying, What do you think of Christ? Whose son is he? They say to Him, David's.

mkjv@Matthew:22:45 @ If David then calls Him Lord, how is He his son?

mkjv@Matthew:23:8 @ But you must not be called Rabbi, for One is your teacher, Christ, and you are all brothers.

mkjv@Matthew:23:9 @ And call no one your father on the earth, for One is your Father in Heaven.

mkjv@Matthew:23:10 @ Nor be called teachers, for One is your Teacher, even Christ.

mkjv@Matthew:23:11 @ But he who is greatest among you shall be your servant.

mkjv@Matthew:23:15 @ Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you compass sea and the dry [land] to make one proselyte, and when he is made, you make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves.

mkjv@Matthew:23:16 @ Woe to you, blind guides, saying, Whoever shall swear by the temple, it is nothing; but whoever shall swear by the gold of the temple, he is a debtor.

mkjv@Matthew:23:17 @ Fools and blind! For which is greater, the gold, or the temple that sanctifies the gold?

mkjv@Matthew:23:18 @ And, Whoever shall swear by the altar, it is nothing; but whoever swears by the gift that is on it, [he is] a debtor!

mkjv@Matthew:23:38 @ Behold, your house is left to you desolate.

mkjv@Matthew:24:6 @ And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled, for all [these things] must occur; but the end is not yet.

mkjv@Matthew:24:20 @ But pray that your flight is not in the winter, nor on the sabbath day;

mkjv@Matthew:24:32 @ Now learn a parable of the fig tree. When its branch is still tender and puts out leaves, you know that summer [is] near.

mkjv@Matthew:24:33 @ So you, likewise, when you see all these things, shall know that it is near, [at] the doors.

mkjv@Matthew:24:45 @ Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his Lord has made ruler over His household, to give them food in due season?

mkjv@Matthew:26:2 @ You know that after two days the Passover comes, and the Son of man is betrayed to be crucified.

mkjv@Matthew:26:18 @ And He said, Go into the city to such a man, and say to him, The Master said, My time is at hand. I will keep the Passover at your house with My disciples.

mkjv@Matthew:26:24 @ The Son of man goes, as it has been written of Him, but woe to that man by whom the Son of man is betrayed! It would have been good for that man if he had not been born.

mkjv@Matthew:26:26 @ And as they were eating, Jesus took bread and blessed [it], and broke [it], and gave [it] to the disciples, and said, Take, eat, this is My body.

mkjv@Matthew:26:28 @ For this is My blood of the new covenant, which is shed for many for the remission of sins.

mkjv@Matthew:26:31 @ Then Jesus said to them, All of you will be offended because of Me this night. For it is written, I will smite the Shepherd, and the sheep of the flock shall be scattered abroad.

mkjv@Matthew:26:38 @ Then He said to them, My soul is exceedingly sorrowful, even to death. Wait here and watch with Me.

mkjv@Matthew:26:39 @ And He went a little further and fell on His face, and prayed, saying, O My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me. Yet not as I will, but as You [will].

mkjv@Matthew:26:45 @ Then He came to His disciples and said to them, Sleep on now and take [your] rest. Behold, the hour is at hand, and the Son of man is betrayed into [the] hands of sinners.

mkjv@Matthew:26:46 @ Rise, let us be going; behold, he who is betraying Me is at hand.

mkjv@Matthew:26:48 @ And he who betrayed Him gave them a sign, saying, Whomever I shall kiss, He is the one, lay hold on Him.

mkjv@Matthew:26:66 @ What do you think? They answered and said, He is worthy of death.

mkjv@Matthew:26:68 @ saying, Prophesy to us, Christ; who is the [one] who struck you?

mkjv@Matthew:27:6 @ And the chief priests took the silver pieces, and said, It is not lawful to put them into the treasury, because it is [the] price of blood.

mkjv@Matthew:27:22 @ Pilate said to them, What then shall I do with Jesus, who is called Christ? [They] all said to him, Let Him be crucified.

mkjv@Matthew:27:33 @ And coming to a place called Golgotha, which is called, Place of a Skull,

mkjv@Matthew:27:37 @ And they put up over His head His accusation, written, THIS IS JESUS THE KING OF THE JEWS.

mkjv@Matthew:27:42 the King of Israel, let...

mkjv@Matthew:28:6 @ He is not here, for He has risen, as He said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay.

mkjv@Matthew:28:18 @ And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, All authority is given to Me in Heaven and in earth.

mkjv@Mark:1:2 @ as it is written in the Prophets, Behold, I send My messenger before Your face, who shall prepare Your way before You.

mkjv@Mark:1:7 @ And he proclaimed, saying, There is One coming after me who is mightier than I, the thong of whose sandals I am not worthy to stoop down to loosen.

mkjv@Mark:1:15 @ and saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God draws near. Repent, and believe the gospel.

mkjv@Mark:1:27 @ They all were amazed, so as to question among themselves, saying, What is this? What new doctrine [is] this? For He even commands the unclean spirits with authority, and they obey Him.

mkjv@Mark:2:9 @ Which is easier, to say to the paralytic, [Your] sins are forgiven you; or to say, Arise, and take up your cot and walk?

mkjv@Mark:2:19 @ And Jesus said to them, Can the sons of the bridechamber fast while the bridegroom is with them? As long as they have the bridegroom with them they cannot fast.

mkjv@Mark:2:24 @ And the Pharisees said to Him, Behold, why do they do that which is not lawful on the sabbath day?

mkjv@Mark:2:26 @ How he went into the house of God in [the days of] Abiathar the high priest and ate the showbread, which it is not lawful to eat, except for the priests, and also gave to those with him?

mkjv@Mark:2:28 @ Therefore the Son of man is also Lord of the sabbath.

mkjv@Mark:3:21 @ And hearing, those with Him went out to take hold [of] Him; for they said, He is insane.

mkjv@Mark:3:24 @ And if a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand.

mkjv@Mark:3:25 @ And if a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand.

mkjv@Mark:3:26 @ And if Satan rises up against himself, and is divided, he cannot stand, but has an end.

mkjv@Mark:3:29 @ But he who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never shall have forgiveness, but is liable to eternal condemnation.

mkjv@Mark:3:33 @ And He answered them, saying, Who is My mother, or My brothers?

mkjv@Mark:3:35 @ For whoever does the will of God, the same is My brother and My sister and My mother.

mkjv@Mark:4:11 @ And He said to them, To you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God. But to those outside, all [these] things are [given] in parables

mkjv@Mark:4:15 @ And these are those by the wayside, where the Word is sown. And when they hear, Satan comes immediately and takes away the Word that was sown in their hearts.

mkjv@Mark:4:22 @ For there is nothing hidden which shall not be revealed; nor became covered, but that it might come to the light.

mkjv@Mark:4:26 @ And He said, So is the kingdom of God, as if a man should cast seed into the ground;

mkjv@Mark:4:31 @ [It is] like a grain of mustard seed, which, when it is sown in the earth, is less than all the seeds that are in the earth.

mkjv@Mark:4:41 @ And they feared exceedingly and said to one another, What kind of man is this, that even the winds and the sea obey Him?

mkjv@Mark:5:35 @ While He still spoke, they came from the synagogue ruler's house, saying, Your daughter is dead; why do you still trouble the Teacher?

mkjv@Mark:5:39 @ And going in He said to them, Why do you make a tumult and weep? The girl is not dead, but sleeps.

mkjv@Mark:6:2 @ And when the sabbath day had come, He began to teach in the synagogue. And many hearing [Him], were astonished, saying, Where does this one get these things? And what wisdom [is] this which is given to him, that even such mighty works are done by his hands?

mkjv@Mark:6:3 @ Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary, the brother of James and Joses and Judas and Simon? And are not his sisters here with us? And they were offended at Him.

mkjv@Mark:6:4 @ But Jesus said to them, A prophet is not without honor, except in his native-place, and among his own kin, and in his own house.

mkjv@Mark:6:15 @ Others said [that it was] Elijah. And others said that he is a prophet, or as one of the prophets.

mkjv@Mark:6:16 @ But hearing Herod said, It is John, whom I beheaded. He has risen from the dead!

mkjv@Mark:6:18 @ and John had said to Herod, It is not lawful for you to have your brother's wife.

mkjv@Mark:6:35 @ And [it] now becoming a late hour, His disciples came to Him and said, This is a deserted place and [it is] now a late hour.

mkjv@Mark:7:2 @ And when they saw some of His disciples eating loaves with unclean hands, that is with unwashed hands, they found fault.

mkjv@Mark:7:6 them, Well has Isaiah prophesied...[their] lips, but their heart is far from Me.

mkjv@Mark:7:15 @ There is nothing from outside a man which entering into him can defile [him]. But the things which come out of him, those are the ones that defile the man.

mkjv@Mark:7:20 @ And He said, That which comes out of the man is what defiles the man.

mkjv@Mark:7:27 @ But Jesus said to her, Let the children first be filled. For it is not right to take the children's loaves and to throw [it] to the dogs.

mkjv@Mark:9:5 @ And Peter answered and said to Jesus, Rabbi, it is good [for] us to be here. And let us make three tabernacles, one for You, and one for Moses, and one for Elijah.

mkjv@Mark:9:7 @ And there was a cloud that overshadowed them. And a voice came out of the cloud, saying, This is My beloved Son. Hear Him.

mkjv@Mark:9:13 @ But I say to you that Elijah has indeed come, and they have done to him whatever they desired, as it is written of him.

mkjv@Mark:9:25 @ And seeing that a crowd is running together, Jesus rebuked the unclean spirit, saying to him, Dumb and deaf spirit, I command you, come out of him and enter no more into him!

mkjv@Mark:9:26 @ And [the spirit] cried out, throwing him into convulsions, and came out of him. And he was like one dead, so that many said, He is dead.

mkjv@Mark:9:31 @ For He taught His disciples and said to them, The Son of man is delivered into [the] hands of men, and they shall kill him. And after He is killed, He shall rise the third day.

mkjv@Mark:9:39 @ But Jesus said, Do not forbid him. For there is no one who shall do a work of power in My name who can lightly speak evil of Me.

mkjv@Mark:9:40 @ For he who is not against us is for us.

mkjv@Mark:9:42 @ And whoever shall offend one of [these] little ones who believe in Me, it is better for him that a millstone were hanged around his neck and he were cast into the sea.

mkjv@Mark:9:43 @ And if your hand offends you, cut it off. It is better for you to enter into life maimed than to have two hands to go into hell, into the fire that never shall be quenched

mkjv@Mark:9:44 @ where their worm dies not, and the fire is not quenched.

mkjv@Mark:9:45 @ And if your foot offends you, cut it off. It is better for you to enter into life lame than to have two feet to be cast into hell, into the fire that never shall be quenched

mkjv@Mark:9:46 @ where their worm dies not, and the fire is not quenched.

mkjv@Mark:9:47 @ And if your eye offends you, pluck it out. It is better for you to enter into the kingdom of God with one eye than to have two eyes to be cast into hell fire

mkjv@Mark:9:48 @ where their worm dies not, and the fire is not quenched.

mkjv@Mark:10:2 @...Him and asked Him, Is it...[his] wife?

mkjv@Mark:10:14 @ But when Jesus saw, He was much displeased and said to them, Allow the little children to come to Me and do not hinder [them]. For of such is the kingdom of God.

mkjv@Mark:10:24 @ And the disciples were astonished at His words. But Jesus answering again said to them, Children, how hard it is for those who trust in riches to enter into the kingdom of God!

mkjv@Mark:10:25 @ It is easier [for] a camel to go through the eye of a needle than [for] a rich one to enter into the kingdom of God.

mkjv@Mark:10:29 @ And Jesus answered and said, Truly I say to you, There is no man that has left house or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or lands for my sake and the gospel's sake,

mkjv@Mark:10:40 @ But to sit on My right [hand] and on My left is not Mine to give, but [to those] for whom it is prepared.

mkjv@Mark:10:49 @ And Jesus stood still and commanded him to be called. And they called the blind [man], saying to him, Be of good comfort; rise up, He is calling you.

mkjv@Mark:11:17 @ And [He]...taught, saying to them, Is it...

mkjv@Mark:12:7 @ But those vinedressers said among themselves, This is the heir! Come, let us kill him and the inheritance shall be ours.

mkjv@Mark:12:11 @ this was from the Lord, and it is marvelous in our eyes?

mkjv@Mark:12:14 @ And coming, they said to Him, Teacher, we know that you are true and you care about no one. For you do not look to [the] face of men, but teach the way of God [in] truth. Is it lawful to give tribute to Caesar, or not?

mkjv@Mark:12:16 @ And they brought [it]. And He said to them, Whose image and inscription is this? And they said to Him, Caesar's.

mkjv@Mark:12:18 @ Then the Sadducees came to Him, who say there is no resurrection. And they asked Him, saying,

mkjv@Mark:12:27 @ He is not the God of [the] dead, but the God of [the] living. Therefore you greatly err.

mkjv@Mark:12:28 @ And coming up one of the scribes heard them reasoning, knowing that He had answered them well, he asked Him, Which is [the] first commandment of all?

mkjv@Mark:12:29 @ And Jesus answered him, The first of all the commandments [is], Hear, O Israel, [the] Lord our God is one Lord;

mkjv@Mark:12:31 @ And [the] second [is] like this: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. There is no other commandment greater than these.

mkjv@Mark:12:32 @ And the scribe said to Him, Right, Teacher, according to truth You have spoken, that God is one, and there is no other besides Him.

mkjv@Mark:12:33 @ And to love Him with all the heart, and with all the understanding, and with all the soul, and with all the strength, and to love the neighbor as himself, is more than all the burnt offerings and sacrifices.

mkjv@Mark:12:35 @ And answering, teaching in the temple, Jesus said, How do the scribes say that Christ is the Son of David?

mkjv@Mark:12:37 @ David therefore himself calls Him Lord, and why [then] is He his son? And the great crowd heard Him gladly.

mkjv@Mark:12:42 @ And a certain poor widow came, and she threw in two lepta, which is a kodrantes.

mkjv@Mark:13:11 @ But whenever they lead [you] away and deliver [you] up, take no thought beforehand what you should speak or think. But speak whatever shall be given to you in that hour. For it is not you who speaks, but the Holy Spirit.

mkjv@Mark:13:15 @ And let him who is on the housetop not go down into the house, nor enter to take anything out of his house.

mkjv@Mark:13:16 @ And let him who is in the field not turn back again in order to take up his garment.

mkjv@Mark:13:18 @ And pray that your flight is not in the winter.

mkjv@Mark:13:28 @ And learn the parable of the fig-tree: when her branch is still tender and puts out leaves, you know that summer is near.

mkjv@Mark:13:29 @ So you also, when you see these things happening, you know that it is near, at [the] doors.

mkjv@Mark:13:35 @ Then you watch, for you do not know when the lord of the house is coming, [at] evening, or at midnight, or at cockcrowing, or early;

mkjv@Mark:14:14 @ And wherever he may go in, you say to the housemaster, The Teacher says, Where is the guest room where I shall eat the passover with My disciples?

mkjv@Mark:14:21 @ The Son of man indeed goes, as it has been written of Him, but woe to that man by whom the Son of man is betrayed! It were good for that man if he had never been born.

mkjv@Mark:14:22 @ And [as] they ate, Jesus took a loaf and blessed and broke [it], and He gave to them and said, Take, eat; this is My body.

mkjv@Mark:14:24 @ And He said to them, This is My blood of the New Covenant, which is poured out for many.

mkjv@Mark:14:27 @ And Jesus said to them, All of you will be offended because of Me this night. For it is written, I will smite the Shepherd, and the sheep shall be scattered.

mkjv@Mark:14:34 @ And He said to them, My soul is exceedingly sorrowful to death. Stay here and watch.

mkjv@Mark:14:41 @ And He came the third time and said to them, Sleep on now and take [your] rest. It is enough, the hour has come. Behold, the Son of man has been betrayed into the hands of sinners.

mkjv@Mark:14:42 @ Rise up, let us go. Lo, he who betrays Me is at hand.

mkjv@Mark:14:44 @ And he who betrayed Him had given them a sign, saying, Whomever I shall kiss, [it] is He. Take Him and lead [Him] away safely.

mkjv@Mark:14:58 @ We heard Him say, I will destroy this temple that is made with hands, and within three days I will build another made without hands.

mkjv@Mark:14:69 @ And a servant woman saw him again and began to say to those who stood by, This [one] is of them.

mkjv@Mark:15:16 @ And the soldiers led Him away inside the court, which is [the] praetorium. And they called together all the cohort.

mkjv@Mark:16:6 @ And he said to them, Do not be frightened. You seek Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified. He is risen, He is not here. Behold the place where they laid Him.

mkjv@Mark:16:16 @ He who believes and is baptized will be saved, but he who does not believe will be condemned.

mkjv@Luke:1:13 @ But the angel said to him, Do not fear, Zacharias. For your prayer is heard, and your wife Elizabeth shall bear you a son, and you shall call his name John.

mkjv@Luke:1:18 @ And Zacharias said to the angel, By what shall I know this? For I am old, and my wife is advanced in her days.

mkjv@Luke:1:61 @ And they said to her, There is none of your kindred that is called by this name.

mkjv@Luke:1:63 @ And he asked for a writing tablet and wrote, saying, His name is John. And they all marveled.

mkjv@Luke:2:4 @ And Joseph also went up from Galilee to be taxed (out of [the] city of Nazareth, into Judea, to [the] city of David which is called Bethlehem, because he was of [the] house and family line of David).

mkjv@Luke:2:11 @ For to you is born today, in [the] city of David, a Savior, who is Christ [the] Lord.

mkjv@Luke:2:23 @ (as it is written in [the] Law of the Lord, Every male that opens the womb shall be called holy to the Lord)

mkjv@Luke:2:34 @ And Simeon blessed them and said to Mary His mother, Behold, this One is set for [the]...again of many in Israel, and...

mkjv@Luke:3:4 @ as it is written in [the]...of the words of Isaiah the...] voice of one crying in the wilderness, prepare the way of [the] Lord, make His paths straight.

mkjv@Luke:3:8 @ Therefore bring forth fruits worthy of repentance, and do not begin to say within yourselves, We have Abraham for [our] father. For I say to you that God is able to raise up children to Abraham from these stones.

mkjv@Luke:3:9 @ And now also the axe is laid to the root of the trees. Therefore every tree which does not bring forth good fruit is cut down and cast into the fire.

mkjv@Luke:3:16 @ John answered all, saying, I indeed baptize you with water, but He who is mightier than I comes, the thong of whose sandals I am not worthy to loose. He shall baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire,

mkjv@Luke:4:4 @ And Jesus answered him, saying, It is written that man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God.

mkjv@Luke:4:8 @ And Jesus answered and said to him, Get behind me, Satan! For it is written, You shall worship [the] Lord your God, and Him only shall you serve.

mkjv@Luke:4:10 @ For it is written, He shall give His angels charge over You, to keep You;

mkjv@Luke:4:21 @ And He began to say to them, Today this Scripture is fulfilled in your ears.

mkjv@Luke:4:22 @...mouth. And they said, Is this...

mkjv@Luke:4:24 @ And He said, Truly I say to you, No prophet is accepted in his native-place.

mkjv@Luke:4:34 @ saying, Let [us] alone! What is to us and to You, Jesus of Nazareth? Have You come to destroy us? I know You, who You are, the Holy One of God.

mkjv@Luke:5:21 @ And the scribes and Pharisees began to reason, saying, Who is this who speaks blasphemies? Who can forgive sins, except God alone?

mkjv@Luke:5:23 @ Which is easier, to say, Your sins are forgiven you; or to say, Rise up and walk?

mkjv@Luke:5:34 @ But He said to them, Can you make the sons of the bridechamber fast while the bridegroom is with them?

mkjv@Luke:5:39 @ Also no one having drunk old [wine] immediately desires new, for he says, The old is better.

mkjv@Luke:6:2 @ And certain of the Pharisees said to them, Why do you do that which is not lawful to do on the sabbath days?

mkjv@Luke:6:4 @ how he went into the house of God and took the showbread, and ate (and also gave to those who were with him) which it is not lawful to eat, except for the priests alone?

mkjv@Luke:6:5 @ And He said to them, The Son of man is Lord also of the sabbath.

mkjv@Luke:6:9 @...ask you one thing: Is it...[it]?

mkjv@Luke:6:20 @ And lifting up His eyes to His disciples, He said, Blessed [are] the poor, for yours is the kingdom of God.

mkjv@Luke:6:35 @ But love your enemies, and do good, and lend, hoping for nothing [in return]. And your reward shall be great, and you shall be the sons of the Highest. For He is kind to the unthankful and [to] the evil.

mkjv@Luke:6:36 @ Therefore be merciful, even as your Father is merciful.

mkjv@Luke:6:40 @ The disciple is not above his master, but everyone who is perfect shall be like his master.

mkjv@Luke:6:41 @ And why do you look at the splinter that is in your brother's eye, but do not see the beam that is in [your] own eye?

mkjv@Luke:6:42 @ Or how can you say to your brother, Brother, let me pull out the splinter in your eye, when you yourself do not see the beam that is in your own eye? Hypocrite! First cast out the beam out of your own eye, and then you shall see clearly to pull out the splinter that is in your brother's eye.

mkjv@Luke:6:44 @ For every tree is known by [its] own fruit. For men do not gather figs from thorns, nor do they gather grapes from a bramble bush.

mkjv@Luke:6:47 @ Whoever comes to Me and hears My words, and does them, I will show you to whom he is like.

mkjv@Luke:6:48 @ He is like a man who built a house and dug deep and laid the foundation on a rock; and a flood occurring, the stream burst against that house and could not shake it; for it was founded on a rock.

mkjv@Luke:6:49 @ But he who hears and does not perform, is like a man who built a house on the earth without a foundation, on which the stream burst, and immediately it fell. And the ruin of that house was great.

mkjv@Luke:7:22 @ And answering, Jesus said to them, Go and tell John what you have seen and heard; that the blind see, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the gospel is proclaimed to the poor.

mkjv@Luke:7:23 @ And blessed is [he] who shall not be offended in Me.

mkjv@Luke:7:27 @ This is [he] of whom it is written, Behold, I send My messenger before Your face, who shall prepare Your way before You.

mkjv@Luke:7:28 @ For I say to you, Among [those] who are born of woman there is not a greater prophet than John the Baptist. But he who is least in the kingdom of God is greater than he.

mkjv@Luke:7:39 @ But seeing this, the Pharisee who had invited Him, spoke within himself, saying, This man, if he were a prophet, would have known who and what kind of woman [this is] who touches him, for she is a sinner.

mkjv@Luke:7:47 @ Therefore I say to you, Her sins, which are many, are forgiven, for she loved much. But to whom little is forgiven, he loves little.

mkjv@Luke:7:49 @ And those reclining with [Him] began to say within themselves, Who is this who even forgives sins?

mkjv@Luke:8:10 @ And He said, To you it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God. But to others I speak in parables, so that seeing they might not see and hearing they might not understand.

mkjv@Luke:8:11 @ And the parable is this: The seed is the Word of God.

mkjv@Luke:8:17 @ For nothing is secret that shall not be revealed; nor secret which shall not be known and come to be revealed.

mkjv@Luke:8:25 @ And He said to them, Where is your faith? And being afraid, they marveled, saying to one another, Who then is this One? For He commands even the winds and water, and they obey Him!

mkjv@Luke:8:26 @ And they sailed down to the country of the Gadarenes, which is across from Galilee.

mkjv@Luke:8:28 @ And seeing Jesus, he cried out and fell down before Him and said with a loud voice, What is to me and to You, Jesus, Son of God the Most High? I beseech You, Do not torment me!

mkjv@Luke:8:30 @ And Jesus asked him, saying, What is your name? And he said, Legion; because many demons had entered into him.

mkjv@Luke:8:49 @ He was still speaking when someone came from the synagogue-ruler, saying to him, Your daughter is dead, do not trouble the Teacher.

mkjv@Luke:9:9 @ And Herod said, John I have beheaded, but who is this of whom I hear such things? And he desired to see Him.

mkjv@Luke:9:25 @ For what is a man profited if he gains the whole world and loses himself, or is cast away?

mkjv@Luke:9:33 @ And in their parting from Him, it happened that Peter said to Jesus, Master, it is good for [us] to be here. And let us make three tabernacles, one for You and one for Moses and one for Elijah; not knowing what he said.

mkjv@Luke:9:35 @ And a voice came out of the cloud, saying, This is My Son, the Beloved, hear Him.

mkjv@Luke:9:38 @ And behold, a man cried aloud from the crowd, saying, Teacher, I beseech You, look on my son, for he is my only-born son.

mkjv@Luke:9:48 @ And He said to them, Whoever shall receive this child in My name receives Me. And whoever shall receive Me receives Him who sent Me. For he who is least among you all, he shall be great.

mkjv@Luke:9:50 @ And Jesus said to him, Do not prevent [him], for he who is not against us is for us.

mkjv@Luke:9:62 @ And Jesus said to him, No one, having put his hand to the plow and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God.

mkjv@Luke:10:6 @ And if a son of peace is there, your peace shall rest on it. If not, it shall return to you,

mkjv@Luke:10:7 @ And remain in the same house, eating and drinking the things [shared] by them; for the laborer is worthy of his hire. Do not move from house to house.

mkjv@Luke:10:22 @ All things are delivered to Me by My Father; and no one knows who the Son is except the Father, and who the Father is except the Son, and the one to whom the Son will reveal [Him].

mkjv@Luke:10:26 @ He said to him, What is written in the law? How do you read it?

mkjv@Luke:10:29 @ But he, willing to justify himself, said to Jesus, And who is my neighbor?

mkjv@Luke:10:42 @ But one thing is needful, and Mary has chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her.

mkjv@Luke:11:4 @ and forgive us our sins, for we ourselves also forgive everyone who is indebted to us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

mkjv@Luke:11:7 @ And he answering from inside may say, Do not trouble me. The door is now shut and my children are in bed with me. I cannot rise and give to you.

mkjv@Luke:11:8 @ I say to you, though he will not rise and give to him because he is his friend, yet because of his importunity he will arise and give him as many as he needs.

mkjv@Luke:11:17 @ But knowing their thoughts, He said to them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation. And a house [divided] against a house falls.

mkjv@Luke:11:18 @ If Satan also is divided against himself, how shall his kingdom stand? For you say that I cast out demons through Beelzebub.

mkjv@Luke:11:23 @ He who is not with Me is against Me, and he who does not gather with Me scatters.

mkjv@Luke:11:26 @ And he goes and takes seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and entering in, they dwell there. And the last state of that man is worse than the first.

mkjv@Luke:11:29 @ But the crowds pressing on [Him], He began to say, This is an evil generation. It seeks a sign, and no sign will be given to it, except the sign of Jonah the prophet.

mkjv@Luke:11:34 @ The light of the body is the eye. Therefore when your eye is sound, your whole body also is [full of] light. But when [your eye] is evil, your body also [is full of] darkness.

mkjv@Luke:11:35 @ Therefore take heed that the light in you is not darkness.

mkjv@Luke:11:39 @ And the Lord said to him, Now you Pharisees make the outside of the cup and the platter clean, but your inward part is full of plunder and wickedness.

mkjv@Luke:12:1 @ In the meantime, when there had gathered together an innumerable crowd of people, so as to trample on one another, He began to say to His disciples first, Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy.

mkjv@Luke:12:2 @ For there is nothing covered that shall not be revealed, nor anything hidden that shall not be known.

mkjv@Luke:12:6 @ Are not five sparrows sold for two assaria? And not one of them is forgotten before God.

mkjv@Luke:12:15 @ And He said to them, Watch and keep yourselves from covetousness. For a man's life is not in the abundance of the things which he possesses.

mkjv@Luke:12:21 @ So [is] he who lays up treasure for himself and is not rich toward God.

mkjv@Luke:12:23 @ Life is more than food, and the body [is more] than clothing.

mkjv@Luke:12:28 @ If then God so clothes the grass (which today [is] in the field, and tomorrow is cast into the oven) how much more [will He clothe] you, O little-faiths?

mkjv@Luke:12:32 @ Do not fear, little flock, for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom.

mkjv@Luke:12:42 @ And the Lord said, Who then is that faithful and wise steward whom [his] lord shall set over his houseservants, to give [them their] portion of food in season?

mkjv@Luke:12:48 @ But he not knowing, and doing [things] worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with few [stripes]. For to whomever much is given, of him much shall be required. And to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more.

mkjv@Luke:12:49 @ I have come to send fire on the earth. And what will I do if it is already kindled?

mkjv@Luke:12:50 @ But I have a baptism to be baptized with, and how I am pressed down until it is accomplished!

mkjv@Luke:12:54 @ And He also said to the crowd, When you see a cloud rise out of the west, immediately you say, There is a shower coming. And so it is.

mkjv@Luke:12:57 @ And why, even of yourselves, do you not judge what is right?

mkjv@Luke:13:14 @ And answering, the synagogue ruler, being angry because Jesus had healed on the sabbath day, said to the crowd, There are six days in which it is right to work. Therefore in them come and be healed, and not on the sabbath day.

mkjv@Luke:13:18 @ And He said, What is the kingdom of God like? And to what shall I compare it?

mkjv@Luke:13:19 @ It is like a grain of mustard seed which a man took and threw into his garden. And it grew and became a great tree, and the birds of the air lodged in its branches.

mkjv@Luke:13:21 @ It is like leaven which a woman took and hid in three measures of meal, until the whole was leavened.

mkjv@Luke:13:35 @ Behold, your house is left to you desolate. And truly I say to you, You will not see Me until it come when you say, Blessed [is] He who comes in [the] name of [the] Lord.

mkjv@Luke:14:3 @...lawyers and Pharisees, saying, Is it...[day]?

mkjv@Luke:14:22 @ And the servant said, Lord, [it] is done as you have commanded, and still there is room.

mkjv@Luke:14:29 @ lest perhaps, after he has laid the foundation and is not able to finish, all those seeing begin to mock him,

mkjv@Luke:14:31 @ Or what king, going to make war against another king, does not first sit down [and] consult whether he is able with ten thousand to meet him who comes against him with twenty thousand?

mkjv@Luke:14:32 @ Or else, while the other is still a great way off, he sends a delegation and asks [conditions] of peace.

mkjv@Luke:14:35 @ It is not fit for the land, nor for manure, [but men] throw it out. He who has ears to hear, let him hear.

mkjv@Luke:15:4 @ What man of you, having a hundred sheep, if he loses one of them, does not leave the ninety-nine in the wilderness and go after that which is lost until he finds it?

mkjv@Luke:15:10 @ Likewise I say to you, there is joy before the angels of God over one sinner who repents.

mkjv@Luke:15:12 @ And the younger of them said to [his] father, Father, give me the portion of goods that is coming [to me]. And he divided [his] living to them.

mkjv@Luke:15:24 @ for this my son was dead and is alive again, he was lost and is found. And they began to be merry.

mkjv@Luke:15:31 @ And he said to him, Son, you are always with me, and all that I have is yours.

mkjv@Luke:15:32 @ It was right that we should make merry and be glad, for this brother of yours was dead and is alive again; and was lost, and is found.

mkjv@Luke:16:3 @ And the steward said within himself, What shall I do? For my lord is taking the stewardship away from me. I cannot dig; I am ashamed to beg.

mkjv@Luke:16:10 @ He who is faithful in [the] least is also faithful in much. And he who is unjust in the least is also unjust in much.

mkjv@Luke:16:12 @ And if you have not been faithful in that which is another's, who shall give you that which is your own?

mkjv@Luke:16:15 @ And He said to them, You are those who justify yourselves before men, but God knows your hearts. For that which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God.

mkjv@Luke:16:16 @ The law and the prophets [were] until John. Since that time the kingdom of God is proclaimed, and everyone is pressing into it.

mkjv@Luke:16:17 @ And it is easier [for] the heaven and earth to pass than for one tittle of the law to fail.

mkjv@Luke:16:18 @ Everyone putting away his wife and marrying another commits adultery; and everyone marrying her who is put away from [her] husband commits adultery.

mkjv@Luke:16:25 @ But Abraham said, Son, remember that you in your lifetime received your good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things. But now he is comforted and you are tormented.

mkjv@Luke:16:26 @ And besides all this, there is a great chasm fixed between you and us; so that they desiring to pass from here to you cannot, nor can they pass over to us from there.

mkjv@Luke:17:1 @ And He said to the disciples, It is impossible but that offenses will come. But woe [to him] through whom they come!

mkjv@Luke:17:21 @ Nor shall they say, Lo here! or, behold, there! For behold, the kingdom of God is in your midst.

mkjv@Luke:17:30 @ Even so it shall be in the day when the Son of man is revealed.

mkjv@Luke:17:31 @ In that day he who shall be on the housetop, and his goods in the house, let him not come down to take them away. And likewise, he who is in the field, let him not return to the things behind.

mkjv@Luke:18:1 @ And He also spoke a parable to them to [teach] it is always right to pray, and not to faint,

mkjv@Luke:18:16 @ But Jesus called them and said, Allow the little children to come to Me, and forbid them not. For of such is the kingdom of God.

mkjv@Luke:18:25 @ For it is easier [for] a camel to go through a needle's eye than for a rich one to enter into the kingdom of God.

mkjv@Luke:18:29 @ And He said to them, Truly I say to you, There is no one who has left house, or parents, or brothers, or wife, or children for the sake of the kingdom of God,

mkjv@Luke:19:9 @ And Jesus said to him, This day salvation has come to this house, because he also is a son of Abraham.

mkjv@Luke:19:46 @ saying to them, It is written, My house is a house of prayer, but you have made it a den of thieves.

mkjv@Luke:20:2 @ And they spoke to Him, saying, Tell us, by what authority do you do these things? Or who is he who gave you this authority?

mkjv@Luke:20:14 @ But when the vinedressers saw him, they reasoned among themselves, saying, This is the heir! Come, let us kill him so that the inheritance may be ours.

mkjv@Luke:20:17 @ And He looked at them and said, What then is this which is written, The] Stone which the builders rejected, the same has become [the] Head of [the] corner?

mkjv@Luke:20:22 @ Is it lawful for us to give tribute to Caesar or not?

mkjv@Luke:20:38 @ For He is not God of [the] dead, but of the living. For all live to Him.

mkjv@Luke:20:41 @ And He said to them, How do they say that Christ is the Son of David?

mkjv@Luke:20:44 @ David then calls Him Lord; how then is He his son?

mkjv@Luke:21:24 @ And they shall fall by [the] sword's edge. And shall be led away captive into all nations. And Jerusalem shall be trodden down by the nations until [the] times of [the] nations is fulfilled.

mkjv@Luke:21:30 @ Now when they sprout leaves, seeing [it] you will know that summer is now near.

mkjv@Luke:21:31 @ So also, when you see these things happening, know that the kingdom of God is near.

mkjv@Luke:22:1 @ And the Feast of Unleavened Bread, which is called the Passover, drew near.

mkjv@Luke:22:11 @ And you shall say to the master of the house, The Teacher says to you, Where is the guest room where I shall eat the passover with My disciples?

mkjv@Luke:22:16 @ For I say to you, I will not any more eat of it until it is fulfilled in the kingdom of God.

mkjv@Luke:22:19 @ And He took bread and gave thanks, and He broke [it] and gave [it] to them, saying, This is My body which is given for you, this do in remembrance of Me.

mkjv@Luke:22:20 @ In the same way He took] the cup, after having dined, saying, This cup [is] the new covenant in My blood, which is being poured out for you.

mkjv@Luke:22:22 @ And truly the Son of man goes, as it has been determined, but woe to that man by whom He is betrayed!

mkjv@Luke:22:37 @ For I say to you that this which is written must yet be accomplished in Me, And he was reckoned among the transgressors; for the things concerning Me have an end.

mkjv@Luke:22:38 @ And they said, Lord, behold, here [are] two swords. And He said to them, It is enough.

mkjv@Luke:22:53 @ When I was with you in the temple daily, you did not stretch out your hand on Me. But this is your hour, and the authority of the darkness.

mkjv@Luke:22:59 @ And about an hour afterward, another confidently affirmed, saying, Truly this one was also with him, for he is a Galilean.

mkjv@Luke:22:64 @ And blindfolding Him, [they] struck Him on His face. And they asked Him, saying, Prophesy! Who is it who struck you?

mkjv@Luke:23:6 @ And hearing Galilee, Pilate asked if the man is a Galilean.

mkjv@Luke:23:33 @ And when they came to the place which is called Calvary, they crucified Him and the criminals there, one on [the] right, and one on [the] left.

mkjv@Luke:23:35 @ And the people stood watching. And also the rulers with them, scoffing, saying, He saved others, let Him save Himself, if He is the Christ, the chosen of God.

mkjv@Luke:23:38 @ And an inscription also was written over Him in letters of Greek and Latin and Hebrew, THIS IS THE KING OF THE JEWS.

mkjv@Luke:24:6 @ He is not here, but has risen. Remember how He spoke to you when He was still in Galilee,

mkjv@Luke:24:21 @...was about to redeem Israel. And...

mkjv@Luke:24:29 @ But they constrained Him, saying, Stay with us, for it is toward evening and the day is far spent. And He went in to stay with them.

mkjv@Luke:24:46 @ And He said to them, So it is written, and so it behoved Christ to suffer and to rise from [the] dead the third day,

mkjv@John:1:18 @ No one has seen God at any time; the Only-begotten Son, who is in the bosom of the Father, He has declared [Him].

mkjv@John:1:19 @ And this is the witness of John, when the Jews sent priests and Levites from Jerusalem to ask him, Who are you?

mkjv@John:1:27 @ He it is who, coming after me, who has been before me; of whom I am not worthy to loosen the thong of His sandal.

mkjv@John:1:30 @ This is He of whom I said, After me comes a Man who has been before me, for He preceded me.

mkjv@John:1:33 @ And I did not know Him, but He who sent me to baptize with water, that One said to me, Upon whom you shall see the Spirit descending, and remaining upon Him, He is the One who baptizes with the Holy Spirit.

mkjv@John:1:34 @ And I saw and bore record that this is the Son of God.

mkjv@John:1:38 @ Then Jesus turned and saw them following and said to them, What do you seek? They said to Him, Rabbi (which is called, being translated, Teacher), where do you live?

mkjv@John:1:47 @...of him, Behold an Israelite indeed...

mkjv@John:2:10 @ And [he] said to him, Every man at the beginning sets forth good wine, and when men have drunk well, then that which is worse. You have kept the good wine until now.

mkjv@John:3:2 @ He came to Jesus by night and said to Him, Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher come from God; for no [man] can do these miracles which you do unless God is with him.

mkjv@John:3:3 @ Jesus answered and said to him, Truly, truly, I say to you, Unless a man is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.

mkjv@John:3:4 @ Nicodemus said to Him, How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter the second [time] into his mother's womb and be born?

mkjv@John:3:5 @ Jesus answered, Truly, truly, I say to you, Unless a man is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.

mkjv@John:3:6 @ That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.

mkjv@John:3:8 @ The Spirit breathes where He desires, and you hear His voice, but you do not know from where He comes, and where He goes; so is everyone who is born of the Spirit.

mkjv@John:3:13 @ And no one has ascended up to Heaven except He who came down from Heaven, the Son of man who is in Heaven.

mkjv@John:3:18 @ He who believes on Him is not condemned, but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only-begotten Son of God.

mkjv@John:3:19 @ And this is the condemnation, that the Light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than the Light, because their deeds were evil.

mkjv@John:3:27 @ And John answered and said, A man can receive nothing unless it is given to him from Heaven.

mkjv@John:3:29 @ He who has the bride is [the] bridegroom, but the friend of the bridegroom who stands and hears him rejoices greatly because of the bridegroom's voice. Then my joy is fulfilled.

mkjv@John:3:31 @ He who comes from above is above all; he who is from the earth is earthly and speaks from the earth. He who comes from Heaven is above all,

mkjv@John:3:33 @ He who has received His testimony has set his seal to this, that God is true.

mkjv@John:4:10 @ Jesus answered and said to her, If you knew the gift of God, and who it is that says to you, Give Me to drink, you would have asked of Him, and He would have given you living water.

mkjv@John:4:11 @ The woman said to Him, Sir, you have no vessel, and the well is deep. From where then do you have that living water?

mkjv@John:4:18 @ for you have had five husbands, and [he] whom you now have is not your husband. In that you spoke truly.

mkjv@John:4:20 @ Our fathers worshiped in this mountain, and you say that in Jerusalem is the place where men ought to worship.

mkjv@John:4:21 @ Jesus said to her, Woman, believe Me, the hour is coming when you shall neither worship the Father in this mountain nor yet at Jerusalem.

mkjv@John:4:22 @ You worship what you do not know, we know what we worship, for salvation is of the Jews.

mkjv@John:4:23 @ But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers shall worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father seeks such to worship Him.

mkjv@John:4:25 @ The woman said to Him, I know that Messiah is coming, who is called Christ. When He has come, He will tell us all things.

mkjv@John:4:29 @...that I ever did. Is this...] not the Christ?

mkjv@John:4:34 @ Jesus said to them, My food is to do the will of [Him] who sent Me and to finish His work.

mkjv@John:4:37 @ And in this is the saying true, One sows and another reaps.

mkjv@John:4:42 @ And they said to the woman, Now we believe, not because of your saying, for we have heard [Him] ourselves and know that this is truly the Christ, the Savior of the world.

mkjv@John:5:2 @ Now there is a pool at the Sheep Gate at Jerusalem, which [is] called in Hebrew Bethesda, having five porches.

mkjv@John:5:7 @ The infirm man answered Him, Sir, when the water is troubled, I have no one to put me into the pool. But while I am coming, another steps down before me.

mkjv@John:5:10 @ Therefore the Jews said to him who had been healed, It is the sabbath. It is not lawful for you to take up the bed.

mkjv@John:5:12 @ Then they asked him, Who is the man who said to you, Take up your bed and walk?

mkjv@John:5:25 @ Truly, truly, I say to you, the hour is coming and now is, when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God, and they who hear shall live.

mkjv@John:5:27 @ and has given Him authority to execute judgment also, because He is [the] Son of man.

mkjv@John:5:28 @ Do not marvel at this, for the hour is coming in which all who are in the graves shall hear His voice,

mkjv@John:5:30 @ I can do nothing of My own self. As I hear, I judge, and My judgment is just, because I do not seek My own will, but the will of [the] Father who has sent Me.

mkjv@John:5:31 @ If I bear witness of Myself, My witness is not true.

mkjv@John:5:32 @ There is another who bears witness of Me, and I know that the witness which He witnesses of Me is true.

mkjv@John:5:45 @ Do not think that I will accuse you to the Father; there is [one] who accuses you, Moses, in whom you trust.

mkjv@John:6:9 @ There is a boy here who has five barley loaves and two small fish, but what are these among so many?

mkjv@John:6:12 @ And when they were filled, He said to His disciples, Gather up the fragments left over, so that nothing is lost.

mkjv@John:6:14 @ Then seeing the miracle that Jesus did, those men said, This is truly the Prophet, the [One] coming into the world.

mkjv@John:6:29 @ Jesus answered and said to them, This is the work of God, that you believe on [Him] whom He has sent.

mkjv@John:6:31 @ Our fathers ate the manna in the desert, as it is written, He gave them bread from Heaven to eat.

mkjv@John:6:33 @ For the bread of God is He who comes down from Heaven and gives life to the world.

mkjv@John:6:39 @ And this is the will of the Father who sent Me, that of all which He has given Me I should lose nothing but should raise it up again at the last day.

mkjv@John:6:40 @ And this is the will of Him who sent Me, that everyone who sees the Son and believes on Him should have everlasting life. And I will raise him up at the last day.

mkjv@John:6:42 ...And they said, Is this...

mkjv@John:6:45 @ It is written in the prophets, And they shall all be taught of God. Therefore everyone who hears and learns from the Father comes to Me.

mkjv@John:6:46 @ Not that anyone has seen the Father, except He who is from God, He has seen the Father.

mkjv@John:6:50 @ This is the Bread which comes down from Heaven, so that a man may eat of it and not die.

mkjv@John:6:51 @ I am the Living Bread which came down from Heaven. If anyone eats of this Bread, he shall live forever. And truly the bread that I will give is My flesh, which I will give for the life of the world.

mkjv@John:6:55 @ For My flesh is food indeed, and My blood is drink indeed.

mkjv@John:6:58 @ This is the Bread which came down from Heaven, not as your fathers ate the manna, and died; he who partakes of this Bread shall live forever.

mkjv@John:6:60 @ Then when they had heard, many of His disciples said, This is a hard saying, who can hear it?

mkjv@John:6:63 @ It is the Spirit that makes alive, the flesh profits nothing. The words that I speak to you are spirit and are life.

mkjv@John:6:64 @ But there are some of you who do not believe. For Jesus knew from [the] beginning who they were who did not believe, and who is the one] betraying Him.

mkjv@John:6:70 @ Jesus answered them, Have I not chosen you, the Twelve? And one [of] you is a devil?

mkjv@John:7:6 @ Then Jesus said to them, My time has not yet come, but your time is always ready.

mkjv@John:7:8 @ You go up to this feast; I am not yet going up to this feast; for My time is not yet fulfilled.

mkjv@John:7:11 @ Then the Jews sought Him at the feast and said, Where is He?

mkjv@John:7:12 @ And there was much murmuring among the crowd concerning Him, for some said, He is a good man; others said, No, but he deceives the crowd.

mkjv@John:7:16 @ Jesus answered them and said, My doctrine is not Mine, but His who sent Me.

mkjv@John:7:17 @ If anyone desires to do His will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it is of God, or I speak from Myself.

mkjv@John:7:18 @ He who speaks of himself seeks his own glory, but he who seeks the glory of Him who sent Him is true, and no unrighteousness is in Him.

mkjv@John:7:22 @ Because of this Moses gave you circumcision (not because it is of Moses, but of the fathers,) and you circumcise a man on the sabbath day.

mkjv@John:7:25 @...those from Jerusalem said, Is this...

mkjv@John:7:26 @ But lo, he speaks publicly, and they say nothing to him. Perhaps the rulers truly know that this is the Christ indeed?

mkjv@John:7:28 @ Then Jesus cried in the temple as He taught, saying, You both know Me, and you know from where I come. And I have not come of Myself, but He who sent Me is true, whom you do not know.

mkjv@John:7:35 @...shall not find him? Is he...

mkjv@John:7:36 @ What saying is this that He said, You shall seek Me and shall not find [Me], and where I am, you cannot come?

mkjv@John:7:40 @ Then when they heard the Word, many of the people said, Truly this is the Prophet.

mkjv@John:7:41 @ Others said, This is the Christ. But others said, Does the Christ come out of Galilee?

mkjv@John:7:48 @ Is it not true that] not any of the rulers or of the Pharisees have believed into him?

mkjv@John:7:49 @ But this crowd, not knowing the law, is cursed.

mkjv@John:8:7 @ But as they continued to ask Him, He lifted Himself up and said to them, He who is without sin among you, let him cast the first stone at her.

mkjv@John:8:13 @ Therefore the Pharisees said to Him, You bear record concerning yourself; your witness is not true.

mkjv@John:8:14 @ Jesus answered and said to them, Though I bear record concerning Myself, My witness is true. For I know from where I came, and where I go. But you do not know from where I came, and where I go.

mkjv@John:8:16 @ And yet if I do judge, My judgment is true; for I am not alone, but I and [the] Father who sent Me.

mkjv@John:8:17 @ It is also written in your law that the testimony of two men is true.

mkjv@John:8:19 @ Then they said to Him, Where is your father? Jesus said to them, You neither know Me nor My Father. If you had known Me, you would have known My Father also.

mkjv@John:8:26 @ I have many things to say and to judge of you, but He who sent Me is true, and I speak to the world those things what I heard of Him.

mkjv@John:8:29 @ And He who sent Me is with Me. The Father has not left Me alone, for I always do those things which please Him.

mkjv@John:8:34 @ Jesus answered them, Truly, truly, I say to you, Whoever practices sin is the slave of sin.

mkjv@John:8:39 @ They answered and said to Him, Abraham is our father. Jesus answered them, If you were Abraham's children, you would do the works of Abraham.

mkjv@John:8:44 @ You are of the Devil as father, and the lusts of your father you will do. He was a murderer from [the] beginning, and did not abide in the truth because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks of his own, for he is a liar and the father of it.

mkjv@John:8:47 @ He who is of God hears God's words. Therefore you do not hear [them] because you are not of God.

mkjv@John:8:50 @ And I do not seek My own glory, but there is One who seeks and judges.

mkjv@John:8:54 @ Jesus answered, If I glorify Myself, My glory is nothing; it is My Father who glorifies Me, of whom you say that He is your God.

mkjv@John:9:4 @ I must work the works of Him who sent Me, while it is day. Night comes when no man can work.

mkjv@John:9:7 @ And He said to him, Go, wash in the pool of Siloam (which translated is Sent). Therefore he went and washed and came seeing.

mkjv@John:9:8 @...he was blind, said, Is this...

mkjv@John:9:9 @ Some said, This is he. Others [said], He is like him. He said, I am he.

mkjv@John:9:12 @ Then they said to him, Where is he? He said, I do not know.

mkjv@John:9:16 @ Therefore some of the Pharisees said, This man is not from God, because he does not keep the sabbath. Others said, How can a man, a sinner, do such miracles? And there was a division among them.

mkjv@John:9:17 @ They said to the blind man again, What do you say about him, for he has opened your eyes? He said, He is a prophet.

mkjv@John:9:19 @...they asked them, saying, Is this...

mkjv@John:9:20 @ His parents answered them and said, We know that this is our son, and that he was born blind.

mkjv@John:9:21 @ But by what means he now sees, we do not know. Or who has opened his eyes, we do not know. He is of age, ask him. He will speak for himself.

mkjv@John:9:23 @ Therefore his parents said, He is of age, ask him.

mkjv@John:9:24 @ Then a second time they called the man who was blind and said to him, Give glory to God. We know that this man is a sinner.

mkjv@John:9:25 @ He answered and said, Whether He is a sinner, I do not know; one thing I do know, that being blind, now I see.

mkjv@John:9:30 @ The man answered and said to them, Why, this is a marvelous thing, that you do not know from where He is, and He has opened my eyes.

mkjv@John:9:31 @ But we know that God does not hear sinners, but if anyone is God-fearing and does His will, He hears him.

mkjv@John:9:36 @ And he answered and said, Who is He, Lord, that I might believe on Him?

mkjv@John:9:37 @ And Jesus said to him, You have both seen Him, and it is He who is speaking with you.

mkjv@John:10:1 @ Truly, truly, I say to you, he who does not enter into the sheepfold by the door, but going up by another way, that one is a thief and a robber.

mkjv@John:10:2 @ But he who enters in by the door is the shepherd of the sheep.

mkjv@John:10:12 @ But he who is a hireling and not the shepherd, who does not own the sheep, sees the wolf coming and leaves the sheep and runs away. And the wolf catches them and scatters the sheep.

mkjv@John:10:13 @ The hireling flees, because he is a hireling and does not care for the sheep.

mkjv@John:10:20 @ And many of them said, He has a demon and is insane. Why do you hear him?

mkjv@John:10:21 @ Others said, These are not words of one who has been possessed by a demon. A demon is not able to open [the] eyes of blind ones.

mkjv@John:10:29 @ My Father who gave [them] to me is greater than all, and no one is able to pluck [them] out of My Father's hand.

mkjv@John:10:34 ...Jesus answered them, Is it...

mkjv@John:11:3 @ Then his sisters sent to Him, saying, Lord, behold, he whom You love is sick.

mkjv@John:11:4 @ When Jesus heard, He said, This sickness is not to death, but for the glory of God, so that the Son of God might be glorified by it.

mkjv@John:11:10 @ But if anyone walks in the night, he stumbles because there is no light in him.

mkjv@John:11:14 @ Then Jesus said to them plainly, Lazarus is dead.

mkjv@John:11:31 @ Then the Jews who were with her in the house, and comforted her, when they saw that Mary rose up hastily and went out, [they] followed her, saying, She is going to the tomb to weep there.

mkjv@John:11:39 @ Jesus said, Take away the stone. Martha, the sister of him who died, said to Him, Lord, by this time he stinks. For it is [the] fourth [day].

mkjv@John:11:50 @ nor do you consider that it is expedient for us that one man should die for the people, and not that the whole nation perish.

mkjv@John:12:14 @ And finding an ass colt, Jesus sat on it; as it is written,

mkjv@John:12:27 @ And My soul is troubled, and what shall I say? Father, save Me from this hour? But for this cause I came to this hour.

mkjv@John:12:31 @ Now is [the] judgment of this world. Now shall the prince of this world be cast out.

mkjv@John:12:34 @ The crowd answered Him, We have heard out of the law that Christ lives forever. How do you say, The Son of man must be lifted up? Who is this Son of man?

mkjv@John:12:35 @ Then Jesus said to them, Yet a little while the Light is with you. Walk while you have the Light, lest darkness come upon you. For he who walks in darkness does not know where he goes.

mkjv@John:12:50 @ And I know that His command is life everlasting. Therefore whatever I speak, even as the Father said to Me, so I speak.

mkjv@John:13:10 @ Jesus said to him, He who is bathed has no need except to wash [his] feet, but is clean every whit. And you are clean, but not all.

mkjv@John:13:16 @ Truly, truly, I say to you, A servant is not greater than his master, neither is he who is sent greater than he who sent him.

mkjv@John:13:25 @ And lying on Jesus' breast, he said to him, Lord, who is it?

mkjv@John:13:26 @ Jesus answered, It is he to whom I shall give the morsel when I have dipped [it]. And dipping the morsel, He gave [it] to Judas Iscariot, the [son] of Simon.

mkjv@John:13:31 @ Then when he had left, Jesus said, Now the Son of man is glorified, and God is glorified in him.

mkjv@John:13:32 @ If God is glorified in Him, God shall also glorify Him in Himself, and shall immediately glorify Him.

mkjv@John:14:8 @ Philip said to Him, Lord, show us the Father, and it is enough for us.

mkjv@John:14:21 @ He who has My commandments and keeps them, he it is who loves Me. And he who loves Me shall be loved by My Father, and I will love him and will reveal Myself to him.

mkjv@John:14:22 @ Judas (not Iscariot) said to Him, Lord, how is it that You will reveal Yourself to us and not to the world?

mkjv@John:14:24 @ He who does not love Me does not keep My words, and the Word which you hear is not Mine, but the Father's who sent Me.

mkjv@John:14:28 @ You have heard how I said to you, I go away and I am coming to you [again]. If you loved Me, you would rejoice because I said, I go to the Father, for My Father is greater than I.

mkjv@John:15:1 @ I am the True Vine, and My Father is the Vinedresser.

mkjv@John:15:6 @ If anyone does not abide in Me, he is cast out as a branch and is withered. And they gather and cast [them] into the fire, and they are burned.

mkjv@John:15:8 @ In this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit, so you shall be My disciples.

mkjv@John:15:12 @ This is My commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.

mkjv@John:15:20 @ Remember the word that I said to you, The servant is not greater than his master. If they have persecuted Me, they will also persecute you. If they have kept My saying, they will also keep yours.

mkjv@John:15:25 @ But that the Word might be fulfilled that is written in their law, They hated Me without a cause.

mkjv@John:16:2 @ They shall put you out of [the] synagogue. But an hour is coming that everyone who kills you will think that he bears God service.

mkjv@John:16:7 @ But I tell you the truth, it is expedient for you that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Comforter will not come to you. But if I depart, I will send Him to you.

mkjv@John:16:11 @ concerning judgment, because the ruler of this world is judged.

mkjv@John:16:17 @ Then His disciples said to one another, What is this that He says to us, A little [while] and you will not see Me, and again a little and you will see Me? And, Because I go to the Father?

mkjv@John:16:18 @ Therefore they said, What is this that He says, A little [while]? We do not know what He is saying.

mkjv@John:16:21 @ The woman has grief when she bears, because her hour has come. But when she brings forth the child, she no longer remembers the anguish, because of the joy that a man is born into the world.

mkjv@John:16:25 @ I have spoken these things to you in parables, but the time is coming when I shall no more speak to you in parables, but I will show you plainly of the Father.

mkjv@John:16:32 @ Behold, the hour comes, yea, has now come, that you will be scattered, each man to [his] own things, and you will leave Me alone. And yet I am not alone, because the Father is with Me.

mkjv@John:17:3 @ And this is life eternal, that they might know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent.

mkjv@John:17:12 @ While I was with them in the world, I kept them in Your name. Those that You have given Me I have kept, and none of them is lost, but the son of perdition, that the Scripture might be fulfilled.

mkjv@John:17:17 @ Sanctify them through Your truth. Your Word is truth.

mkjv@John:18:31 @ Then Pilate said to them, You take him and judge him according to your law. Then the Jews said to him, It is not lawful for us to put anyone to death

mkjv@John:18:36 @ Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world. If My kingdom were of this world, then My servants would fight so that I might not be delivered to the Jews. But now My kingdom is not from here.

mkjv@John:18:37 @ Pilate then said to Him, Are you a king then? Jesus answered, You say [it] that I am a king. To this [end] I was born, and for this cause I came into the world, that I should bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice.

mkjv@John:18:38 @ Pilate said to Him, What is truth? And when he had said this, he went out again to the Jews and said to them, I find no fault in him.

mkjv@John:19:17 @ And bearing His cross, He went out to a place called, [The Place] of a Skull (which is called in the Hebrew, Golgotha)

mkjv@John:19:30 @ Then when Jesus had received the sour wine, He said, It is finished! And He bowed [His] head and gave up the spirit.

mkjv@John:19:35 @ And he who saw bore record, and his record is true. And he knows that he speaks true, so that you might believe.

mkjv@John:19:40 @ Then they took the body of Jesus and wound it with linens with the spices, as is the custom of the Jews to bury.

mkjv@John:20:16 @ Jesus said to her, Mary! She turned herself and said to Him, Rabboni! (which is to say, Master!)

mkjv@John:20:31 @ But these are written so that you might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you might have life in His name.

mkjv@John:21:7 @ Then that disciple whom Jesus loves said to Peter, It is the Lord! Then hearing that it is the Lord, Simon Peter girded on [his] coat (for he was naked), and cast himself into the sea.

mkjv@John:21:20 @ Then Peter, turning around, saw the disciple whom Jesus loved following (the one who also leaned on His breast at supper, and said, Lord, who is he who betrays You?)

mkjv@John:21:24 @ This is the disciple who testifies of these things and wrote these things. And we know that his testimony is true.

mkjv@Acts:1:7 @ And He said to them, It is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father has put in His own authority.

mkjv@Acts:1:11 @ who also said, Men of Galilee, why do you stand gazing up into the heaven? This same Jesus who is taken up from you into Heaven, will come in the way you have seen Him going into Heaven.

mkjv@Acts:1:12 @ Then they returned to Jerusalem from [the] mount Of Olive Grove, which is a sabbath day's [journey] from Jerusalem.

mkjv@Acts:1:19 @ And it was known to all the dwellers at Jerusalem, so much so that that field is called in their own dialect, Akeldama, that is to say, Field of Blood.

mkjv@Acts:1:20 @ For it is written in [the] Book of Psalms, Let his estate become forsaken, and he not be living in it. And, Let another take his overseership.

mkjv@Acts:1:21 @ Therefore, it is right that one of these men who have companied with us all [the] time that the Lord Jesus came in and went out among us,

mkjv@Acts:2:15 @ For these are not drunk as you suppose, for it is [the] third hour of the day.

mkjv@Acts:2:16 @ But this is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel:

mkjv@Acts:2:25 @ For David speaks concerning Him, I foresaw the Lord always before me, because He is at my right hand, that I should not be moved.

mkjv@Acts:2:29 @ Men, brothers, it is permitted to say to you with plainness as to the patriarch David, that he is both dead and buried, and his tomb is with us to this day.

mkjv@Acts:2:39 @ For the promise is to you and to your children, and to all those afar off, as many as [the] Lord our God shall call.

mkjv@Acts:3:2 @ And a certain man, who was lame from his mother's womb, was being carried. And they laid him daily at that temple gate which is called Beautiful, to ask alms from those who entered into the temple.

mkjv@Acts:3:11 @ And as the lame one who was healed held Peter and John, all the people ran together to them in the porch that is called Solomon's, greatly wondering.

mkjv@Acts:4:11 @ This is the Stone which you builders have counted worthless, and He has become the Head of [the] Corner.

mkjv@Acts:4:12 @ And there is salvation in no other One; for there is no other name under Heaven given among men by which we must be saved.

mkjv@Acts:4:16 @ saying, What shall we do to these men? For that indeed a notable miracle has been done by them is plain to all those dwelling in Jerusalem. And we cannot deny [it].

mkjv@Acts:4:19 @ But Peter and John answered and said to them, Whether it is right before God to listen to you more than to God, you judge.

mkjv@Acts:4:24 @ And having heard, they lifted up their voice to God with one accord and said, Lord, You [are] the God who made the heaven and earth, and the sea, and all that is in them;

mkjv@Acts:5:17 @ And rising up, the high priest, and all those who were with him (which is the [sect] of the Sadducees) were filled with anger,

mkjv@Acts:5:38 @ And now I say to you, withdraw from these men and let them alone. For if this counsel or this work is of men, it will come to nothing.

mkjv@Acts:5:39 @ But if it is of God, you cannot overthrow it, lest perhaps you be found even to fight against God.

mkjv@Acts:6:2 @ And the Twelve called near the multitude of the disciples and said, It is not pleasing to us, leaving the Word of God, to serve tables.

mkjv@Acts:6:9 @ Then there arose certain of the synagogue which is called [the synagogue] of the Libertines, and Cyrenians, and Alexandrians, and of those from Cilicia and from Asia, disputing with Stephen.

mkjv@Acts:7:33 @ Then the Lord said to him, Loosen the sandal on your feet, for the place where you stand is holy ground.

mkjv@Acts:7:37 the sons of Israel,...] Lord your God shall raise up a Prophet to you from your brothers, [One] like me; you shall hear Him.

mkjv@Acts:7:38 @ This is he who was in the congregation in the wilderness with the Angel who spoke to him in Mount Sinai, and [with] our fathers, who received the living words to give to us,

mkjv@Acts:7:42 @ Then God turned and gave them over to serve the host of the heavens, as it is written in [the]...Prophets: O house of Israel, have...

mkjv@Acts:8:10 @ All gave heed to [him], from the least to the greatest, saying, This one is the great power of God.

mkjv@Acts:8:21 @ You have neither part nor lot in this matter, for your heart is not right in the sight of God.

mkjv@Acts:8:26 @ And the angel of [the] Lord spoke to Philip, saying, Arise and go toward the south, on the way that goes down from Jerusalem to Gaza, which is a deserted [place].

mkjv@Acts:8:33 @ In His humiliation His judgment was taken away, and who shall declare His generation? For His life is taken from the earth.

mkjv@Acts:8:36 @ And as they passed along the way, they came on some water. And the eunuch said, See, here is water, what hinders me [from] being baptized?

mkjv@Acts:8:37 @ Philip said, If you believe with all your heart, it is lawful. And he answered and said, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.

mkjv@Acts:9:11 @ And the Lord [said] to him, Arise and go into the street which is called Straight and inquire in [the] house of Judas for [one] called Saul of Tarsus. For behold, he is praying,

mkjv@Acts:9:15 @...and the sons of Israel....

mkjv@Acts:9:20 @ And immediately he proclaimed Christ in the synagogues, that He is the Son of God.

mkjv@Acts:9:21 @ But all who heard [him]...were amazed and said, Is this...

mkjv@Acts:9:22 @ But Saul increased the more in strength and confounded the Jews who lived at Damascus, proving that this One is the Christ.

mkjv@Acts:9:36 @ And in Joppa was a certain disciple named Tabitha (which translated is called Dorcas). She was full of good works and kind deeds which she did.

mkjv@Acts:9:38 @ And, because Lydda was near Joppa, hearing that Peter is in it, the disciples sent two men to him, begging [him] not to delay to come to them.

mkjv@Acts:10:4 @ And he was gazing at him, and becoming terrified, he said, What is it, lord? And he said to him, Your prayers and your merciful deeds have come up for a memorial before God.

mkjv@Acts:10:5 @ And now send men to Joppa and call for Simon, whose last name is Peter.

mkjv@Acts:10:6 @ He is staying with one Simon a tanner, whose house is by [the] seaside. He will tell you what you must do.

mkjv@Acts:10:14 @ But Peter said, Not so, Lord, for I have never eaten anything that is common or unclean.

mkjv@Acts:10:18 @ And they called and asked if Simon whose last name is Peter was staying there.

mkjv@Acts:10:28 @ And he said to them, You know that it is an unlawful thing for a man, a Jew to keep company with or to come near to one of another nation. But God has shown me not to call any man common or unclean.

mkjv@Acts:10:31 @ And he said, Cornelius, your prayer is heard, and your merciful deeds have been remembered before God.

mkjv@Acts:10:32 @ Therefore send to Joppa and call here Simon whose last name is Peter, he is staying in [the] house of Simon, a tanner by the seaside; who, when he comes, shall speak to you.

mkjv@Acts:10:34 @ Then Peter opened [his] mouth and said, Truly I see that God is no respecter of persons;

mkjv@Acts:10:35 @ but in every nation he who fears Him and works righteousness is accepted with Him.

mkjv@Acts:10:36 @ You know the word which [God] the sons of Israel, preaching...(He is Lord of all!);

mkjv@Acts:10:42 @ And He commanded us to preach to the people, and to testify that it is He who was ordained of God [to be] the Judge of [the] living and [the] dead.

mkjv@Acts:11:13 @ And he declared to us how he had seen an angel in his house, who stood and said to him, Send men to Joppa and call for Simon whose last name is Peter,

mkjv@Acts:12:15 @ And they said to her, You are mad. But she kept on saying that it was so. And they said, It is his angel.

mkjv@Acts:13:26 @ Men, brothers, sons of [the] race of Abraham, and whoever among you fears God, the word of this salvation is sent to you.

mkjv@Acts:13:33 @ this God has fulfilled to us their children, raising up Jesus, as also it is written in the second Psalm, You are My Son, this day I have begotten You.

mkjv@Acts:13:38 @ Therefore be it known to you, men, brothers, that through this One the forgiveness of sins is announced to you.

mkjv@Acts:13:40 @ Therefore beware lest that come on you which is spoken of in the prophets:

mkjv@Acts:15:15 @ And the words of the prophets agree to this; as it is written,

mkjv@Acts:15:19 @ Therefore my judgment is that we do not trouble those who have turned to God from among the nations,

mkjv@Acts:16:12 @ and from there to Philippi, which is the chief city of that part of Macedonia, a colony. And we continued spending time in that city some days.

mkjv@Acts:17:3 @ opening and setting forth that Christ must have suffered, and to have risen again from [the] dead; and that this Jesus whom I preach to you is Christ.

mkjv@Acts:17:7 @ whom Jason has received. And these all act contrary to the decrees of Caesar, saying that there is another king, Jesus.

mkjv@Acts:17:24 @ The God who made the world and all things in it, since He is Lord of Heaven and earth, does not dwell in temples made with hands,

mkjv@Acts:17:25 @ nor is served with men's hands, [as though] He needed anything, [since] He gives life and breath and all things to all.

mkjv@Acts:17:27 @ to seek the Lord, if perhaps they might feel after Him and find Him, though indeed [He] is not far from each one of us.

mkjv@Acts:17:29 @ Then being offspring of God, we ought not to think that the Godhead is like gold or silver or stone, engraved by art and man's imagination.

mkjv@Acts:17:31 @ because He has appointed a day in which He is going to judge the world in righteousness by a Man whom He appointed, having given proof to all [by] raising Him from [the] dead.

mkjv@Acts:18:15 @ But if it is a question of a word and names, and [of] your law, you look [to it]. For I do not wish to be a judge of such things.

mkjv@Acts:18:21 @ but took leave of them, saying, I must by all means keep this feast that is coming in Jerusalem, but I will return again to you, God willing. And he sailed from Ephesus.

mkjv@Acts:19:25 @ And assembling the workmen about such things, he said, Men, you know that from this trade is our wealth.

mkjv@Acts:19:27 @ And not only is this dangerous to us, our share coming into dispute, but also the temple of the great goddess Artemis will be counted for nothing, and her magnificence is also about to be destroyed, whom all Asia and the world worships.

mkjv@Acts:19:35 @ And quieting the crowd, the town clerk said, Men, Ephesians! What one of you does not know that the city of the Ephesians is a worshiper of the great goddess Artemis, and of That Fallen from the Sky?

mkjv@Acts:20:10 @ And Paul went down and fell on him, and embracing [him] said, Do not be terrified, for his soul is in him.

mkjv@Acts:20:32 @ And now, brothers, I commend you to God, and to the word of His grace, which is able to build you up and to give you an inheritance among all those who are sanctified.

mkjv@Acts:20:35 @ I have shown you all things, that working in this way we ought to help the weak, and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that He Himself said, It is more blessed to give than to receive.

mkjv@Acts:21:22 @ What is it therefore? At all events a multitude will come together, for they will hear that you have come.

mkjv@Acts:21:24 @ taking them, be purified with them, and be at expense for them, so that they may shave [their] heads. And all may know that what they have been told about you is nothing, but you yourself also walk orderly and keep the Law.

mkjv@Acts:21:28 ...crying out, Men, Israelites, help!...

mkjv@Acts:21:37 @...said to the chiliarch, Is it...

mkjv@Acts:22:22 @ And they listened to him until this word, and [then] they lifted up their voice, saying, Take such a one from the earth! For it is not fitting that he should live.

mkjv@Acts:22:25 @...centurion who stood by, Is it...

mkjv@Acts:22:26 @ And hearing, coming near the centurion reported to the chiliarch, saying, Watch what you are about to do, for this man is a Roman.

mkjv@Acts:23:5 @ Then Paul said, I did not know, brothers, that he was the high priest; for it is written, You shall not speak evil of the ruler of your people.

mkjv@Acts:23:8 @ For the Sadducees say that there is no resurrection, neither angel, nor spirit; but the Pharisees confess both.

mkjv@Acts:23:19 @ And laying hold of his hand, and drawing aside privately, the chiliarch asked [him], What is [it] that you have to tell me?

mkjv@Acts:24:11 @ You can know that it is not more than twelve days since I went up to Jerusalem to worship.

mkjv@Acts:25:5 @ Then he said, those having power among you may go down with [me]. If there is a thing amiss in this man, let them accuse him.

mkjv@Acts:25:11 @ For if I am an offender or have committed anything worthy of death, I do not refuse to die. But if there is nothing of which these accuse me, no one can deliver me to them. I appeal to Caesar.

mkjv@Acts:25:16 @ To them I answered, It is not the custom of the Romans to deliver any man to destruction before he being accused may have the accusers face to face, and have had freedom to answer for himself concerning the accusation.

mkjv@Acts:25:26 @ about whom I have no certain thing to write of him to [my] lord. Therefore I brought him before you, and especially before you, O king Agrippa, so that, after examination is made, I might have something to write.

mkjv@Acts:26:8 @ Why is it thought a thing incredible with you that God raises [the] dead?

mkjv@Acts:27:10 @ saying, Men, I perceive that this voyage is about to be with much harm and loss, and not only much cargo and of the ship, but also of our souls.

mkjv@Acts:27:34 @ Therefore I beg you to take [some] food, for this is for your deliverance. For not a hair of your head shall perish.

mkjv@Acts:28:4 @ And when the foreigners saw the creature hanging from his hand, they said to one another, No doubt this man is a murderer, whom, being saved from the sea, Justice has not allowed to live.

mkjv@Acts:28:22 @ But we think [it] right to hear from you what you think. For truly as concerning this sect, it is known to us that it is spoken against everywhere.

mkjv@Acts:28:28 @ Therefore be it known to you that the salvation of God is sent to the nations, and they will hear.

mkjv@Romans:1:8 @ First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for you all, that your faith is spoken of throughout the whole world.

mkjv@Romans:1:9 @ For God is my witness, whom I serve with my spirit in the gospel of His Son, that without ceasing I make mention of you

mkjv@Romans:1:12 @ And this is to be comforted together with you by our mutual faith, both yours and mine.

mkjv@Romans:1:15 @ So, as much as is in me [lies], I am ready to preach the gospel to you who are at Rome also.

mkjv@Romans:1:16 @ For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is [the] power of God unto salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.

mkjv@Romans:1:17 @ For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith, as it is written, The just shall live by faith.

mkjv@Romans:1:18 @ For the wrath of God is revealed from Heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness,

mkjv@Romans:1:19 @ because the thing which may be known of God is clearly revealed within them, for God revealed [it] to them.

mkjv@Romans:1:25 @ For they changed the truth of God into a lie, and they worshiped and served the created thing more than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.

mkjv@Romans:1:26 @ For this cause, God gave them up to dishonorable affections. For even their women changed the natural use into that which is against nature.

mkjv@Romans:2:2 @ But know that the judgment of God is according to truth on those who practice such things.

mkjv@Romans:2:11 @ For there is no respect of faces with God.

mkjv@Romans:2:13 @ For it is not the hearers of the Law who [are] just before God, but the doers of the Law will be justified.

mkjv@Romans:2:24 @ For the name of God is blasphemed among the nations because of you, as it is written.

mkjv@Romans:2:27 @ And the uncircumcision which is by nature, if it fulfills the Law, shall it not judge you, who through letter and circumcision [become] transgressors of the Law?

mkjv@Romans:2:28 @ For he is not a Jew who [is one] outwardly, nor [is] circumcision that outwardly in flesh;

mkjv@Romans:3:4 @ Let it not be! But let God be true, and every man a liar; as it is written, That You might be justified in Your sayings, and will overcome when You are judged.

mkjv@Romans:3:8 @ And not [rather], (as we are wrongly accused, and as some affirm that we say), Let us do bad things that good may come? [Their] condemnation is just.

mkjv@Romans:3:10 @ as it is written: There is none righteous, no not one;

mkjv@Romans:3:11 @ there is none that understands, there is none that seeks after God.

mkjv@Romans:3:12 @ They are all gone out of the way, [they] have together become unprofitable, there is none that does good, no, not one.

mkjv@Romans:3:18 @ There is no fear of God before their eyes.

mkjv@Romans:3:22 @ even the righteousness of God through the faith of Jesus Christ, toward all and upon all those who believe. For there is no difference,

mkjv@Romans:3:24 @ being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus;

mkjv@Romans:3:27 @ Then where [is] the boasting? It is excluded. Through what law? Of works? No, but through the law of faith.

mkjv@Romans:3:28 @ Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the works of the law.

mkjv@Romans:4:4 @ But to him working, the reward is not reckoned according to grace, but according to debt.

mkjv@Romans:4:5 @ But to him not working, but believing on Him justifying the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness.

mkjv@Romans:4:14 @ For if they of the Law [are] heirs, faith is made void and the promise is made of no effect;

mkjv@Romans:4:16 @ Therefore [it is] of faith so that [it might be] according to grace; for the promise to be made sure to all the seed, not only to that which is of the Law, but to that also which is of the] faith of Abraham, who is the father of us all

mkjv@Romans:4:24 @ but for us also to whom it is to be imputed, to the ones believing on Him who has raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead;

mkjv@Romans:5:13 @ for until the Law sin was in [the] world, but sin is not imputed [when] there is no law.

mkjv@Romans:5:14 @ But death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over those who had not sinned in the likeness of the transgression of Adam, who is the type of Him who was to come;

mkjv@Romans:6:6 @ knowing this, that our old man is crucified with [Him] in order that the body of sin might be destroyed, that from now on we should not serve sin.

mkjv@Romans:6:16 @ Do you not know that to whom you yield yourselves [as] slaves for obedience, you are slaves to him whom you obey; whether it is of sin to death, or of obedience to righteousness.

mkjv@Romans:7:2 @ For the married woman was bound by law to the living husband. But if the husband is dead, she is set free from the law of [her] husband.

mkjv@Romans:7:3 @ So then [if], while [her] husband lives, she is married to another man, she shall be called an adulteress. But if the husband dies, she is free from the law, [so that] she is no adulteress by becoming another man's wife.

mkjv@Romans:7:12 @ So indeed the Law [is] holy, and the commandment is holy and just and good.

mkjv@Romans:7:14 @ For we know that the law is spiritual, but I am carnal, sold under sin.

mkjv@Romans:7:17 @ But now it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwells in me.

mkjv@Romans:7:18 @ For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh) dwells no good thing. For to will is present with me, but [how] to perform [that which is] good I do not find.

mkjv@Romans:7:21 @ I find then a law: when I will to do the right, evil is present with me.

mkjv@Romans:8:7 @ because the carnal mind [is] enmity against God, for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can [it be].

mkjv@Romans:8:9 @ But you are not in the flesh, but in [the] Spirit, if [the] Spirit of God dwells in you. But if anyone has not [the] Spirit of Christ, he is none of His.

mkjv@Romans:8:24 @ For we are saved by hope. But hope that is seen is not hope; for what anyone sees, why does he also hope [for it]?

mkjv@Romans:8:34 @ Who [is] he condemning? [It is] Christ who has died, but rather also [who is] raised, who is also at [the] right [hand] of God, who also intercedes for us.

mkjv@Romans:8:36 @ As it is written, For Your sake we are killed all the day long. We are counted as sheep of slaughter.

mkjv@Romans:8:39 @ nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

mkjv@Romans:9:13 @ As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated.

mkjv@Romans:9:27 @...of the sons of Israel is...

mkjv@Romans:9:33 @ as it is written, Behold, I lay in Zion a Stumbling-stone and a Rock-of-offense, and everyone believing on Him shall not be put to shame.

mkjv@Romans:10:1 @...prayer to God for Israel is...[it] to be saved.

mkjv@Romans:10:5 @ For Moses writes [of] the righteousness [which] is of the Law, The man who does those things shall live by them.

mkjv@Romans:10:8 @ But what does it say? The word is near you, [even] in your mouth and in your heart; that is, the word of faith which we proclaim;

mkjv@Romans:10:12 @ For there is no difference both of Jew and of Greek, for the same Lord over all is rich to all who call on Him.

mkjv@Romans:10:15 @ And how shall they preach unless they are sent? As it is written, How beautiful [are] the feet of those who preach the gospel of peace and bring glad tidings of good things!

mkjv@Romans:11:6 @ But if by grace, then [it is] no more of works; otherwise grace is no more grace. But if [it is] of works, then it is no more of grace; otherwise work is no more work.

mkjv@Romans:11:8 @ even as it is written, God gave to them a spirit of slumber, eyes not seeing, and ears not hearing until this day.

mkjv@Romans:11:12 @ But if their slipping away [is] the riches of [the] world, and their default is [the] riches of [the] nations, how much more their fullness?

mkjv@Romans:11:23 @ And those also, if they do not continue in unbelief, will be grafted in. For God is able to graft them in again.

mkjv@Romans:11:26 ...And so all Israel shall...

mkjv@Romans:12:3 @ For I say, through the grace given to me, to every one who is among you, not to think [of himself] more highly than he ought to think. But set your mind to be right-minded, even as God has dealt to every man the measure of faith.

mkjv@Romans:12:6 @ Then having gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, if prophecy, according to the proportion of faith;

mkjv@Romans:12:19 @ not avenging yourselves, beloved, but giving place to wrath; for it is written, Vengeance [is] Mine, I will repay, says [the] Lord.

mkjv@Romans:13:1 @ Let every soul be subject to the higher authorities. For there is no authority but of God; the authorities that exist are ordained by God.

mkjv@Romans:13:4 @ For it is a servant of God to you for good. For if you practice evil, be afraid, for it does not bear the sword in vain; for it is a servant of God, a revenger for wrath on him who does evil.

mkjv@Romans:13:9 @ For: Do not commit adultery; do not murder; do not steal; do not bear false witness; do not lust; and if [there is] any other commandment, it is summed up in this word, You shall love your neighbor as yourself.

mkjv@Romans:13:12 @ The night [is] far spent, the day is at hand; therefore let us cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light.

mkjv@Romans:14:1 @ And receive him who is weak in the faith, [but] not to judgments of [your] thoughts.

mkjv@Romans:14:4 @ Who are you that judges another's servant? To his own master he stands or falls. But he will stand, for God is able to make him stand.

mkjv@Romans:14:11 @ For it is written, As] I live, says the Lord, every knee shall bow to Me, and every tongue shall confess to God.

mkjv@Romans:14:15 @ But if your brother is grieved with [your] food, you no longer walk according to love. Do not with your food destroy him for whom Christ died.

mkjv@Romans:14:17 @ for the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in [the] Holy Spirit.

mkjv@Romans:14:21 @ [It is] good neither to eat flesh, nor to drink wine, nor [anything] by which your brother stumbles, or is offended, or is made weak.

mkjv@Romans:14:23 @ But, the one doubting, if he eats, [he] has been condemned, because it is not of faith; and all that [is] not of faith is sin.

mkjv@Romans:15:3 @ For even Christ did not please Himself; but as it is written, The reproaches of those who reproached You fell on Me.

mkjv@Romans:15:9 @ and that the nations might glorify God for [His] mercy, as it is written, For this cause I will confess to You in the nations, and I will praise Your name.

mkjv@Romans:15:15 @ But, brothers, I wrote to you boldly, as reminding you in part, because of the grace that is given to me by God,

mkjv@Romans:15:21 @ but as it is written, To whom nothing was said about Him, they shall see. And they who have not heard shall understand.

mkjv@Romans:15:27 @ Truly it has pleased them, and they are their debtors. For if the nations have been made partakers of their spiritual things, their duty is also to minister to them in fleshly things.

mkjv@Romans:16:1 @ I commend to you Phoebe our sister, who is a servant of the church in Cenchrea,

mkjv@Romans:16:5 @ Likewise [greet] the church that is in their house. Greet my beloved Epenetus, who is the first-fruits of Achaia to Christ.

mkjv@Romans:16:25 @ Now to Him who is able to establish you according to my gospel, and the preaching of Jesus Christ according to the revelation of [the] mystery, having been unvoiced during eternal times;

mkjv@1Corinthians:1:2 @ to the church of God which is in Corinth, to those who are sanctified in Christ Jesus, called out with all those in every place who call on the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, both theirs and ours.

mkjv@1Corinthians:1:13 @ Is Christ divided? Was Paul crucified for you, or were you baptized in the name of Paul?

mkjv@1Corinthians:1:18 @ For the preaching of the cross is foolishness to those being lost, but to us being saved, [it is] the power of God.

mkjv@1Corinthians:1:19 @ For it is written, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and I will set aside the understanding of the perceiving ones.

mkjv@1Corinthians:1:25 @ Because the foolish thing of God is wiser than men, and the weak thing of God is stronger than men.

mkjv@1Corinthians:1:30 @ But of Him you are in Christ Jesus, who of God is made to us wisdom and righteousness and sanctification and redemption;

mkjv@1Corinthians:1:31 @ so that, according as it is written, He who glories, let him glory in [the] Lord.

mkjv@1Corinthians:2:9 @ But as it is written, Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor has it entered into the heart of man, the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.

mkjv@1Corinthians:2:15 @ But he who is spiritual judges all things, yet he himself is judged by no one.

mkjv@1Corinthians:3:5 @ Who then is Paul, and who [is] Apollos, but ministers by whom you believed, even as the Lord gave to each?

mkjv@1Corinthians:3:7 @ So then neither is he who plants anything, nor he who waters, but God who gives the increase.

mkjv@1Corinthians:3:10 @ According to the grace of God which is given to me, as a wise master builder, I have laid the foundation, and another builds [on it]. But let every man be careful how he builds [on it].

mkjv@1Corinthians:3:11 @ For any other foundation can no one lay than the one] being laid, who is Jesus Christ.

mkjv@1Corinthians:3:17 @ If anyone defiles the temple of God, God shall destroy him. For the temple of God is holy, which you are.

mkjv@1Corinthians:3:19 @ For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God; for it is written, He takes the wise in their own craftiness.

mkjv@1Corinthians:3:22 @ whether it is Paul, or Apollos, or Cephas, or [the] world, or life, or death, or things present, or things to come; all are yours,

mkjv@1Corinthians:4:2 @ And the rest, it is sought among stewards that one be found faithful.

mkjv@1Corinthians:4:3 @ But to me it is a very small thing that I should be judged by you, or by a man's day; but I do not judge my own self,

mkjv@1Corinthians:4:4 @ for I know nothing by myself. Yet I have not been justified by this, but He who judges me is [the] Lord.

mkjv@1Corinthians:4:6 @ And these things, brothers, I have [in a figure] transferred to myself and Apollos for your sakes, so that you might learn in us not to think [of men] above that which is written, so that no one of you may [be] puffed up against one another.

mkjv@1Corinthians:4:17 @ For this cause I have sent Timothy to you, who is my beloved son and faithful in [the] Lord, who shall remind you [of] my ways which are] in Christ, as I teach everywhere in every church.

mkjv@1Corinthians:5:1 @ On the whole it is reported [that there is] fornication among you, and such fornication as is not even named among the nations, so as one to have [his] father's wife.

mkjv@1Corinthians:5:7 @ Therefore purge out the old leaven so that you may be a new lump, as you are unleavened. For also Christ our Passover is sacrificed for us.

mkjv@1Corinthians:6:5 @ For I speak to your shame. [Is it] so [that] there is not a wise one among you, not even one in your midst who shall be able to judge between his brother?

mkjv@1Corinthians:6:7 @ Indeed then there is already on the whole a failure among you, that you have lawsuits with yourselves. Why not instead be wronged? Why not instead be defrauded?

mkjv@1Corinthians:6:13 @ Meats for the belly and the belly for meats, but God shall destroy both it and them. But the body [is] not for fornication, but for the Lord; and the Lord is for the body.

mkjv@1Corinthians:6:16 @ Or do you not know that he being joined to a harlot is one body? For He says, The two shall be one flesh.

mkjv@1Corinthians:6:17 @ But he being joined to the Lord is one spirit.

mkjv@1Corinthians:6:18 @ Flee fornication. Every sin that a man does is outside the body, but he who commits fornication sins against [his] own body.

mkjv@1Corinthians:6:19 @ Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit in you, whom you have of God? And you are not your own,

mkjv@1Corinthians:7:8 @ I say therefore to the unmarried and the widows, It is good for them if they remain even as I.

mkjv@1Corinthians:7:9 @ But if they do not have self-control, let them marry; for it is better to marry than to burn.

mkjv@1Corinthians:7:11 @ But if she is indeed separated, let her remain unmarried, or be reconciled to [her] husband. And a husband is not to leave [his] wife.

mkjv@1Corinthians:7:12 @ But to the rest I speak, not the Lord, If any brother has a wife who does not believe, and she is pleased to dwell with him, do not let him put her away.

mkjv@1Corinthians:7:13 @ And the woman who has a husband who does not believe, if he is pleased to dwell with her, do not let her leave him.

mkjv@1Corinthians:7:14 @ For the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the husband; else your children would be unclean, but now they are holy.

mkjv@1Corinthians:7:15 @ But if the unbelieving one separates, let [him] be separated. A brother or a sister is not in bondage in such [cases], but God has called us in peace.

mkjv@1Corinthians:7:19 @ Circumcision is nothing, and uncircumcision is nothing, but the keeping of the commandments of God.

mkjv@1Corinthians:7:22 @ For he who is called a slave in [the] Lord is a freed man of [the] Lord. And likewise, he who is called a free man is a slave of Christ.

mkjv@1Corinthians:7:26 @ Then I think this is good, because of the present necessity; that [it is] good for a man to be so.

mkjv@1Corinthians:7:31 @ And they who use this world are] as not abusing [it], for the fashion of this world is passing away.

mkjv@1Corinthians:7:32 @ But I desire you to be without anxiety. The [one] who is unmarried cares for the things that belong to [the] Lord, how to please the Lord.

mkjv@1Corinthians:7:33 @ But the [one] who is married cares for the things of the world, how to please [his] wife.

mkjv@1Corinthians:7:34 @ The wife and the virgin [are] different. The unmarried woman cares for the things of the Lord, that she may be holy both in body and in spirit. But she who is married cares for the things of the world, how she may please [her husband.

mkjv@1Corinthians:7:35 @ And this I speak for your own profit, not that I may cast a snare on you, but for that which is right, and that you may attend on the Lord without distraction.

mkjv@1Corinthians:7:36 @ But if anyone thinks [it] behaving himself indecently toward his virgin (if she is past [her] prime, and so it ought to be) let him do what he will; he does not sin; let them marry.

mkjv@1Corinthians:7:39 @ The wife is bound by the law as long as her husband lives, but if her husband sleeps in death, she is at liberty to be remarried to whom she will, only in the Lord.

mkjv@1Corinthians:7:40 @ But she is happier if she so remains, according to my judgment. And I also think that I have [the] Spirit of God.

mkjv@1Corinthians:8:4 @ Then concerning the eating of the things sacrificed to idols, we know that an idol [is] nothing in [the] world, and that [there] is no other God except one.

mkjv@1Corinthians:8:7 @ But this knowledge [is] not in all. But some being aware of the idol eat as an idolatrous sacrifice until now, and their conscience being weak is defiled.

mkjv@1Corinthians:9:3 @ My answer to those who examine me is this:

mkjv@1Corinthians:9:9 @ For it is written in the law of Moses, You shall not muzzle an ox threshing grain. Does God take care for oxen?

mkjv@1Corinthians:9:16 @ For though I preach the gospel, no glory is to me. For necessity is laid on me; yea, woe is to me if I do not preach the gospel!

mkjv@1Corinthians:9:18 @ What then is my reward? That when I preach the gospel I may make the gospel of Christ without charge, that I may not abuse my authority in the gospel.

mkjv@1Corinthians:9:25 @ And everyone who strives for the mastery is temperate in all things. Then those truly that they may receive a corruptible crown, but we an incorruptible.

mkjv@1Corinthians:10:7 @ Nor should we be idolaters, even as some of them, as it is written: The people sat down to eat and drink, and rose up to play.

mkjv@1Corinthians:10:11 @ And all these things happened to them [as] examples; and [it] is written for our warning on whom the ends of the world have come.

mkjv@1Corinthians:10:16 @ The cup of blessing which we bless, is it not the communion of the blood of Christ? The bread which we break, is it not the communion of the body of Christ?

mkjv@1Corinthians:10:19 @ What then do I say? That the idol is anything, or that an idolatrous sacrifice is anything?

mkjv@1Corinthians:10:25 @ Eat whatever is sold in the meat market, asking no question for conscience' sake;

mkjv@1Corinthians:10:27 @ If any of those who do not believe invite you [to a feast], and if you are disposed to go, eat whatever is set before you, asking no questions for conscience' sake.

mkjv@1Corinthians:10:28 @ But if anyone says to you, This is slain in sacrifice to idols, do not eat for the sake of him who showed [it], and for conscience' sake; for the earth [is] the Lord's, and the fullness of it;

mkjv@1Corinthians:10:29 @ conscience, I say, not your own, but the other's. For why is my liberty judged by another's conscience?

mkjv@1Corinthians:11:3 @ But I would have you know that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman [is] the man; and the head of Christ [is] God.

mkjv@1Corinthians:11:5 @ But every woman who prays or prophesies with [her] head unveiled dishonors her head; for that is even the same as if she were shaved.

mkjv@1Corinthians:11:6 @ For if the woman is not veiled, let her also be shorn. But [if it] is a shame for a woman to be shorn or shaven, let her be veiled.

mkjv@1Corinthians:11:7 @ For a man indeed ought not to have [his] head covered, because he is the image and glory of God. But the woman is [the] glory of [the] man.

mkjv@1Corinthians:11:8 @ For the man is not of the woman, but the woman of the man.

mkjv@1Corinthians:11:11 @ But neither is the man without the woman, nor the woman without the man, in the Lord.

mkjv@1Corinthians:11:13 @ Judge among yourselves: is it right that a woman pray to God unveiled?

mkjv@1Corinthians:11:14 @ Does not even nature itself teach you that if man has long hair, it is a shame to him?

mkjv@1Corinthians:11:15 @ But if a woman should have long hair, it is a glory to her; for her hair is given to her in place of a veil.

mkjv@1Corinthians:11:20 @ Therefore when you come together into one place, [this] is not to eat [the] Lord's supper.

mkjv@1Corinthians:11:21 @ For in eating each one takes his own supper first; and one is hungry, and another drunken.

mkjv@1Corinthians:11:24 @ And giving thanks, He broke [it] and said, Take, eat; this is My body, which is broken for you; this do in remembrance of Me.

mkjv@1Corinthians:11:25 @ In the same way [He took] the cup also, after supping, saying, This cup is the New Covenant in My blood; as often as you drink it, do this in remembrance of Me.

mkjv@1Corinthians:12:6 @ And there are differences of workings, but it is the same God working all things in all.

mkjv@1Corinthians:12:7 @ But to each one is given the showing forth of the Spirit to [our] profit.

mkjv@1Corinthians:12:8 @ For through the Spirit is given to one a word of wisdom; and to another a word of knowledge, according to the same Spirit;

mkjv@1Corinthians:12:12 @ For as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, [are] one body; so also [is] Christ.

mkjv@1Corinthians:12:14 @ For the body is not one member, but many.

mkjv@1Corinthians:12:15 @ If the foot shall say, Because I am not the hand, I am not of the body; is it therefore not of the body?

mkjv@1Corinthians:12:16 @ And if the ear shall say, Because I am not the eye, I am not of the body; is it therefore not of the body?

mkjv@1Corinthians:12:26 @ And if one member suffers, all the members suffer with [it]; if one member is glorified, all the members rejoice with [it].

mkjv@1Corinthians:13:4 @ Charity has patience, is kind; charity is not envious, is not vain, is not puffed up;

mkjv@1Corinthians:13:5 @ does not behave indecently, does not seek her own, is not easily provoked, thinks no evil.

mkjv@1Corinthians:13:10 @ But when the perfect thing comes, then that which is in part will be caused to cease.

mkjv@1Corinthians:14:7 @ Yet lifeless things giving a sound, whether flute or harp, if they do not give a distinction in the sound, how will it be known what is being piped or harped?

mkjv@1Corinthians:14:14 @ For if I pray in a tongue, my spirit prays, but my mind is unfruitful.

mkjv@1Corinthians:14:15 @ What is it then? I will pray with the spirit, and I will also pray with the mind; I will sing with the spirit, and I will also sing with the mind.

mkjv@1Corinthians:14:17 @ For you truly give thanks well, but the other is not built up.

mkjv@1Corinthians:14:21 @ In the law it is written, By other tongues and other lips I will speak to this people, and even so they will not hear Me, says the Lord.

mkjv@1Corinthians:14:24 @ But if all prophesy, and some unbeliever or one not instructed comes, he is convicted by all, he is judged by all.

mkjv@1Corinthians:14:25 @ And so the secrets of his heart become revealed. And so, falling down on [his] face, he will worship God and report that God is truly among you.

mkjv@1Corinthians:14:26 @ Then how is it, brothers? When you come together, each one of you has a psalm, has a teaching, has a tongue, has a revelation, has an interpretation. Let all things be for building up.

mkjv@1Corinthians:14:28 @ But if there is no interpreter, let him be silent in a church; and let him speak to himself and to God.

mkjv@1Corinthians:14:30 @ If [a revelation] is revealed to another sitting by, let the first be silent.

mkjv@1Corinthians:14:33 @ For God is not [the author] of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.

mkjv@1Corinthians:14:34 @ Let your women be silent in the churches; for it is not permitted to them to speak, but to be in subjection, as the Law also says.

mkjv@1Corinthians:14:35 @ And if they desire to learn anything, let them ask their husbands at home; for it is a shame for a woman to speak in a church.

mkjv@1Corinthians:14:38 @ But if any is ignorant, let him be ignorant.

mkjv@1Corinthians:15:12 @ But if Christ is proclaimed, that He was raised from [the] dead, how do some among you say that there is no resurrection of the dead?

mkjv@1Corinthians:15:13 @ But if there is no resurrection of the dead, neither has Christ been raised.

mkjv@1Corinthians:15:16 @ For if [the] dead are not raised, then Christ is not raised.

mkjv@1Corinthians:15:17 @ And if Christ is not raised, your faith [is] foolish; you are yet in your sins.

mkjv@1Corinthians:15:25 @ for it is right for Him to reign until He has put all the enemies under His feet.

mkjv@1Corinthians:15:27 @ For He put all things under His feet. But when He says that all things have been put under [His feet], it is plain that [it] excepts Him who has put all things under Him.

mkjv@1Corinthians:15:32 @ If according to man I fought with beasts in Ephesus, what advantage is to me if [the] dead are not raised? Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die!

mkjv@1Corinthians:15:36 @ Foolish one! What you sow is not made alive unless it dies.

mkjv@1Corinthians:15:42 @ So also the resurrection of the dead. It is sown in corruption, it is raised in incorruption;

mkjv@1Corinthians:15:43 @ it is sown in dishonor, it is raised in glory; it is sown in weakness, it is raised in power;

mkjv@1Corinthians:15:44 @ it is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body. There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body.

mkjv@1Corinthians:15:45 @ And so it is written, The first man, Adam, became a living soul, the last Adam was a life-giving Spirit.

mkjv@1Corinthians:15:54 @ But when this corruptible shall put on incorruption, and when this mortal shall put on immortality, then will take place the word that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory.

mkjv@1Corinthians:15:58 @ So that, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not without fruit in the Lord.

mkjv@1Corinthians:16:2 @ On the first of the sabbaths let each of you put by himself, storing up what ever he is prospered, so that there may be no collections when I come.

mkjv@1Corinthians:16:4 @ And if it is suitable for me to go also, they shall go with me.

mkjv@1Corinthians:16:10 @ But if Timothy comes, see that he is with you without fear, for he works the work of the Lord, even as I [do].

mkjv@1Corinthians:16:15 @ But I exhort you, brothers. You know the house of Stephanas, that it is the firstfruit of Achaia, and they appointed themselves to ministry to the saints.

mkjv@1Corinthians:16:19 @ The churches of Asia greet you. Aquila and Priscilla greet you much in [the] Lord, with the church that is in their house.

mkjv@2Corinthians:1:1 @ Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God, and Timothy [our] brother, to the church of God which is at Corinth, with all the saints who are in all Achaia.

mkjv@2Corinthians:1:12 @ For our rejoicing is this, the testimony of our conscience, that in simplicity and godly sincerity; not with fleshly wisdom, but by the grace of God; we have had our conduct in the world, and more abundantly toward you.

mkjv@2Corinthians:2:2 @ For if I make you sorry, who then is he who makes me glad, but the same who has been made sorry by me?

mkjv@2Corinthians:2:3 @ And I wrote this to you, lest when I came I should have sorrow from the [ones] of whom I ought to rejoice; having confidence in you all, that my joy is [the joy] of you all.

mkjv@2Corinthians:2:16 @ to the one [we are] the savor of death to death, and to the other we are the savor of life to life. And who is sufficient for these things?

mkjv@2Corinthians:3:15 @ But until this day, when Moses is read, the veil is on their heart.

mkjv@2Corinthians:4:3 @ But also if our gospel is hidden, it is hidden to those being lost,

mkjv@2Corinthians:4:4 @ in whom the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelieving ones, so that the light of the glorious gospel of Christ (who is the image of God) should not dawn on them.

mkjv@2Corinthians:4:13 @ For we, having the same spirit of faith (according as it is written, I believed, and therefore I have spoken); we also believed and therefore speak,

mkjv@2Corinthians:4:16 @ For this cause we do not faint; but though our outward man perishes, yet the inward [man] is being renewed day by day.

mkjv@2Corinthians:6:11 @ O Corinthians, our mouth is opened to you, our heart has been enlarged.

mkjv@2Corinthians:8:10 @ And in this I give [my] judgment; for this is profitable for you, who began before, not only to do, but also to be willing a year ago.

mkjv@2Corinthians:8:12 @ For if the eagerness is present, [it is] acceptable according to [what] one has, [and] not according to [what] one does not have.

mkjv@2Corinthians:8:15 @ as it is written, He [gathering] much, he had nothing left over; and he [gathering] little did not have less.

mkjv@2Corinthians:8:19 @ and not only [so], but also he having been chosen by the churches to travel with us with this gift, which is administered by us to the glory of the Lord Himself, and [as a witness of] your eager mind;

mkjv@2Corinthians:8:20 @ avoiding this, that no man should blame us in this abundance which is administered by us;

mkjv@2Corinthians:9:1 @ For indeed regarding the ministry to the saints, it is not necessary for me to write to you.

mkjv@2Corinthians:9:9 @ As it is written, He scattered; he has given to the poor; his righteousness remains forever.

mkjv@2Corinthians:10:6 @ and having readiness to avenge all disobedience, when your obedience is fulfilled.

mkjv@2Corinthians:10:10 @ For indeed they say, the letters [are] weighty and powerful, but the bodily presence [is] weak, and his speech is contemptible.

mkjv@2Corinthians:10:18 @ For not he who commends himself is approved, but he whom the Lord commends.

mkjv@2Corinthians:11:10 @ The truth of Christ is in me that this boasting shall not be silenced in me in the regions of Achaia.

mkjv@2Corinthians:11:29 @ Who is weak, and I am not weak? Who is caused to stumble, and I do not burn?

mkjv@2Corinthians:11:30 @ If it is right to boast, I will boast [of] the things of my weakness.

mkjv@2Corinthians:11:31 @ The God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who is blessed forever, knows that I do not lie.

mkjv@2Corinthians:12:1 @ Indeed, it is not profitable for me to boast. For I will come to visions and revelations of [the] Lord.

mkjv@2Corinthians:12:4 @ that he was caught up into Paradise and heard unspeakable words, which it is not allowed for a man to utter.

mkjv@2Corinthians:12:9 @ And He said to me, My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore I will rather glory in my weaknesses, that the power of Christ may overshadow me.

mkjv@2Corinthians:12:13 @ For what is it in which you were inferior to the rest of the churches, except that I myself did not burden you? Forgive me this wrong.

mkjv@2Corinthians:13:3 @ Since you seek a proof of Christ speaking in me (who is not weak toward you, but is powerful in you;

mkjv@2Corinthians:13:5 @ examine yourselves, whether you are in the faith, prove your own selves. Do you not know your own selves, that Jesus Christ is in you, unless you are reprobates?

mkjv@Galatians:1:7 @ which is not another, but some are troubling you, and desiring to pervert the gospel of Christ.

mkjv@Galatians:1:11 @ And, brothers, I make known to you the gospel which was preached by me, that it is not according to man.

mkjv@Galatians:2:16 @ knowing that a man is not justified by works of the Law, but through faith [in] Jesus Christ; even we believed in Jesus Christ, that we might be justified by the faith in Christ, and not by works of the Law. For all flesh will not be justified by works of law.

mkjv@Galatians:3:10 @ For as many as are out of works of the Law, these are under a curse; for it is written, Cursed [is] everyone who does not continue in all things which are written in the Book of the Law, to do them.

mkjv@Galatians:3:11 @ But that no one is justified by the Law in the sight of God [is] clear, for, The just shall live by faith.

mkjv@Galatians:3:12 @ But the Law is not of faith; but, The man who does these things shall live in them.

mkjv@Galatians:3:13 @ Christ redeemed us from the curse of the Law, being made a curse for us (for it is written, Cursed [is] everyone having been hanged on a tree);

mkjv@Galatians:3:16 @ And to Abraham and to his Seed the promises were spoken. It does not say, And to seeds, as of many; but as of one, And to your Seed, which is Christ.

mkjv@Galatians:3:20 @ But the Mediator is not [a mediator] of one, but God is one.

mkjv@Galatians:3:28 @ There cannot be Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is no male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

mkjv@Galatians:4:1 @ But I say, Over so long a time the heir is an infant, he does not differ from a slave, though being lord of all;

mkjv@Galatians:4:2 @ but he is under guardians and housemasters until the term appointed before by the father.

mkjv@Galatians:4:22 @ For it is written: Abraham had two sons, the one out of the slave-woman, and one out of the free woman.

mkjv@Galatians:4:24 @ which things are being allegorized; for these are the two covenants, one indeed from Mount Sinai bringing forth to slavery, which is Hagar.

mkjv@Galatians:4:25 @ For Hagar is Mount Sinai in Arabia, and answers to Jerusalem which now is, and is in slavery with her children.

mkjv@Galatians:4:26 @ But the Jerusalem [from] above is free, who is the mother of us all.

mkjv@Galatians:4:27 @ For it is written, Rejoice, barren one not bearing; break forth and shout, you not travailing; for more are the children of the desolate than she having the husband.

mkjv@Galatians:5:3 @ For I testify again to every man that is circumcised, that he is a debtor to do all the Law,

mkjv@Galatians:5:14 @ For all the Law is fulfilled in one word, [even] in this, You shall love your neighbor as yourself.

mkjv@Galatians:5:23 @ meekness, self-control; against such things there is no law.

mkjv@Galatians:6:1 @ Brothers, if a man is overtaken in a fault, you the spiritual ones restore such a one in the spirit of meekness, considering yourself, lest you also be tempted.

mkjv@Galatians:6:6 @ But let him who is taught in the Word share with the [one] teaching in all good things.

mkjv@Galatians:6:7 @ Do not be deceived, God is not mocked. For whatever a man sows, that he also will reap.

mkjv@Galatians:6:14 @ But may it never be for me to boast, except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified to me, and I to the world.

mkjv@Ephesians:1:14 @ who is the earnest of our inheritance, to [the] redemption of the purchased possession, to [the] praise of His glory.

mkjv@Ephesians:1:18 @ the eyes of your understanding being enlightened, that you may know what is the hope of His calling, and what is the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints,

mkjv@Ephesians:1:23 @ which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all.

mkjv@Ephesians:2:4 @ But God, who is rich in mercy, for His great love [with] which He loved us

mkjv@Ephesians:2:11 @ Therefore remember that you, the nations, in time past [were] in [the] flesh, who are called Uncircumcision by that which is called the Circumcision in the flesh made by hands;

mkjv@Ephesians:2:14 @ For He is our peace, He making us both one, and [He] has broken down the middle wall of partition [between us],

mkjv@Ephesians:3:2 @ if you have heard of the dispensation of the grace of God which is given to me toward you,

mkjv@Ephesians:3:5 @ which in other ages was not made known to the sons of men, as it is now revealed to His holy apostles and prophets by the Spirit,

mkjv@Ephesians:3:8 @ This grace is given to me ( who am] less than the least of all saints) to preach the gospel of the unsearchable riches of Christ among the nations,

mkjv@Ephesians:3:13 @ For this reason I desire that you faint not at my tribulations for you, which is your glory.

mkjv@Ephesians:3:15 @ of whom the whole family in Heaven and earth is named,

mkjv@Ephesians:3:20 @ Now to Him who is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us,

mkjv@Ephesians:4:7 @ But to every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ.

mkjv@Ephesians:4:9 @ (Now that He ascended, what is it but that He also descended first into the lower parts of the earth?

mkjv@Ephesians:4:10 @ He who descended is the same also as He who ascended up far above all heavens, that He might fill all things.)

mkjv@Ephesians:4:15 @ But that you, speaking the truth in love, may in all things grow up to Him who is the Head, [even] Christ;

mkjv@Ephesians:4:18 @ having the understanding darkened, being alienated [from] the life of God through the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart.

mkjv@Ephesians:4:21 @ if indeed you have heard Him and were taught by Him, as [the] truth is in Jesus.

mkjv@Ephesians:4:22 @ For you ought to put off the old man (according to your way of living before) who is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts,

mkjv@Ephesians:5:5 @ For you know this, that no fornicator, or unclean person, or covetous [one] (who is an idolater), has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God.

mkjv@Ephesians:5:10 @ proving what is acceptable to the Lord.

mkjv@Ephesians:5:12 @ For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done by them in secret.

mkjv@Ephesians:5:18 @ And do not be drunk with wine, in which is excess, but be filled with the Spirit,

mkjv@Ephesians:5:23 @ For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ [is] the head of the church; and He is the Savior of the body.

mkjv@Ephesians:5:24 @ Therefore as the church is subject to Christ, so [let] the wives [be] to their own husbands in everything.

mkjv@Ephesians:5:32 @ This is a great mystery, but I speak concerning Christ and the church.

mkjv@Ephesians:6:1 @ Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right.

mkjv@Ephesians:6:2 @ Honor your father and mother (which is the first commandment with a promise),

mkjv@Ephesians:6:9 @ And masters, do the same things to them, forbearing threatening, knowing that your Master also is in Heaven. There is no respect of persons with Him.

mkjv@Ephesians:6:17 @ And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God,

mkjv@Philippians:1:7 @ even as it is righteous for me to think this of you all, because you have me in your heart, inasmuch as both in my bonds, and in the defense and confirmation of the gospel, you are all partakers of my grace.

mkjv@Philippians:1:8 @ For God is my witness how greatly I long after you all in [the] bowels of Jesus Christ.

mkjv@Philippians:1:18 @ What then? Nevertheless, in every way, whether in pretense or in truth, Christ is preached. And I rejoice in this. Yet, also I will rejoice.

mkjv@Philippians:1:20 @ according to my earnest expectation and hope that I shall be ashamed in nothing, but as always now Christ shall be magnified in my body with all boldness, whether it is by life or by death.

mkjv@Philippians:1:23 @ For I am pressed together by the two: having a desire to depart and to be with Christ, which is far better.

mkjv@Philippians:1:29 @ For to you it is given on behalf of Christ not only to believe on Him, but also to suffer for His sake,

mkjv@Philippians:2:13 @ For it is God who works in you both to will and to do of [His] good pleasure.

mkjv@Philippians:2:20 @ For I have no one who is like-minded, who will naturally care for [your state].

mkjv@Philippians:3:1 @ Finally, my brothers, rejoice in [the] Lord. To write the same things to you is indeed not grievous to me, but for you [it is] safe.

mkjv@Philippians:3:9 @ and be found in Him; not having my own righteousness, which is of the Law, but through [the] faith of Christ, the righteousness of God by faith,

mkjv@Philippians:3:20 @ For our citizenship is in Heaven, from which also we are looking for the Savior, [the] Lord Jesus Christ,

mkjv@Colossians:1:5 @ for the hope which is laid up for you in Heaven, of which you heard before in the Word of the truth of the gospel,

mkjv@Colossians:1:6 @ which has come to you as [it has] also in all the world, and it is bearing fruit, even also among you, since the day you heard and fully knew the grace of God in truth,

mkjv@Colossians:1:7 @ even as you learned from Epaphras our beloved fellow-servant, who is a faithful minister of Christ for you,

mkjv@Colossians:1:15 @ who is [the] image of the invisible God, [the] First-born of all creation.

mkjv@Colossians:1:17 @ And He is before all things, and by Him all things consist.

mkjv@Colossians:1:18 @ And He is [the] Head of the body, the church, who is [the] Beginning, the First-born from the dead, that He may be pre-eminent in all things.

mkjv@Colossians:1:27 @ [For to them] God would make known what [are] the riches of the glory of this mystery among the nations, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory,

mkjv@Colossians:2:10 @ And you are complete in Him, who is the Head of all principality and power,

mkjv@Colossians:3:1 @ If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is sitting at [the] right hand of God.

mkjv@Colossians:3:5 @ Therefore put to death your members which are on the earth: fornication, uncleanness, passion, evil desire, and covetousness (which is idolatry),

mkjv@Colossians:3:6 @ on account of which things' sake the wrath of God is coming on the sons of disobedience,

mkjv@Colossians:3:11 @ where there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcision and uncircumcision, foreigner, Scythian, slave [or] freeman, but Christ [is] all things in all.

mkjv@Colossians:3:14 @ And above all these things [put on] love, which is [the] bond of perfectness.

mkjv@Colossians:3:18 @ Wives, be subject to [your] own husbands, as is becoming in [the] Lord.

mkjv@Colossians:3:20 @ Children, obey [your] parents in all things, for this is well-pleasing to the Lord.

mkjv@Colossians:3:25 @ But he who does wrong shall receive [justice] for the wrong which he did, and there is no respect of persons.

mkjv@Colossians:4:9 @ along with Onesimus, a faithful and beloved brother, who is [one] of you. They shall make known to you all things here.

mkjv@Colossians:4:11 @ and [greetings from] Jesus, who is called Justus, those being of the circumcision. These alone [are my] fellow-workers for the kingdom of God, who became a comfort to me.

mkjv@Colossians:4:16 @ And when this letter is read before you, cause that it be read also in the church of the Laodiceans, and that you also read the [letter] of Laodicea.

mkjv@1Thessalonians:4:3 @ For this is the will of God, your sanctification, for you to abstain from fornication,

mkjv@2Thessalonians:1:3 @ We are bound to thank God always for you, my brothers, as it is right, because your faith grows exceedingly, and the love of each one of you abounds toward one another;

mkjv@2Thessalonians:2:2 @ that you should not be soon shaken [in] mind or troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word or letter, as through us, as [if] the Day of Christ is at hand.

mkjv@2Thessalonians:2:4 @ who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God, or that is worshiped, so that he sits as God in the temple of God, setting himself forth, that he is God.

mkjv@2Thessalonians:2:7 @ For the mystery of lawlessness is already working, only he [is] now holding back until it comes out of the] midst.

mkjv@2Thessalonians:2:9 @ whose coming is according to the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,

mkjv@2Thessalonians:3:3 @ But the Lord is faithful, who shall establish you and guard [you] from the evil.

mkjv@2Thessalonians:3:17 @ The greeting of Paul by my own hand which is [the] sign in every letter, so I write.

mkjv@1Timothy:1:5 @ But the end of the commandment is love out of a pure heart, and a good conscience, and faith unfeigned,

mkjv@1Timothy:1:10 @ for fornicators, for homosexuals, for slave-traders, for liars, for perjurers, and anything else that is contrary to sound doctrine,

mkjv@1Timothy:3:15 @ But if I should delay, that you may know how you ought to behave in the house of God, which is [the] church of the living God, [the] pillar and foundation of the truth.

mkjv@1Timothy:3:16 @ And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifested in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen by angels, preached among nations, believed on in [the] world, and received up into glory.

mkjv@1Timothy:4:4 @ For every creation of God [is] good, and nothing to be refused if it is received with thanksgiving.

mkjv@1Timothy:4:5 @ For it is sanctified through the Word of God and prayer.

mkjv@1Timothy:4:8 @ For bodily exercise profits a little, but godliness is profitable to all things, having promise of the present life, and of that which is to come.

mkjv@1Timothy:4:10 @ For to this we both labor and suffer reproach, because we trust in the living God, who is the preserver of all men, especially of those who believe.

mkjv@1Timothy:5:4 @ But if any widow has children or grandchildren, let them first learn to be godly to their own house, and give back to [their] forebears what is due them; for that is good and pleasing before God.

mkjv@1Timothy:5:8 @ But if anyone does not provide for [his] own, and especially [his] family, he has denied the faith and is worse than an infidel.

mkjv@1Timothy:6:4 @ he is proud, knowing nothing. [He is] sick concerning doubts and arguments, from which comes envy, strife, evil speakings, evil suspicions,

mkjv@1Timothy:6:5 @ meddling, of men whose minds have been corrupted and deprived of the truth, supposing that gain is godliness. Withdraw from such.

mkjv@1Timothy:6:6 @ But godliness with contentment is great gain.

mkjv@1Timothy:6:10 @ For the love of money is a root of all evils, of which some having lusted after, they were seduced from the faith and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.

mkjv@2Timothy:1:5 @ taking recollection of the unfeigned faith that is in you, which first dwelt in your grandmother Lois, and in your mother Eunice. And I am persuaded that it is in you also.

mkjv@2Timothy:1:6 @ Therefore I remind you to inflame anew the gift of God, which is in you by the putting on of my hands.

mkjv@2Timothy:1:10 @ But it is now having been manifested by the appearing of our Savior Jesus Christ, who has made death of no effect, bringing life and immortality to light through the gospel;

mkjv@2Timothy:1:12 @ For this cause I also suffer these things; but I am not ashamed, for I know whom I have believed, and I am persuaded that He is able to guard My deposit unto that Day.

mkjv@2Timothy:2:5 @ And also if anyone competes, he is not crowned unless he competes lawfully.

mkjv@2Timothy:2:6 @ It is right for the laboring farmer to partake first of the fruits.

mkjv@2Timothy:2:9 @ in which I suffer ill as an evildoer, [even] to bonds. But the Word of God is not chained.

mkjv@2Timothy:2:10 @ Therefore I endure all things for the sake of the elect, that they may also obtain the salvation which is in Christ Jesus with eternal glory.

mkjv@2Timothy:2:11 @ For faithful is the Word, for if we died with [Him], we shall also live with [Him.

mkjv@2Timothy:2:18 @ who have erred concerning the truth, saying that the resurrection is already past, and who overthrow the faith of some.

mkjv@2Timothy:3:16 @ All Scripture [is] God-breathed, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness,

mkjv@2Timothy:4:1 @ Therefore I solemnly witness before God and the Lord Jesus Christ, who is going to judge [the] living and [the] dead according to His appearance and His kingdom,

mkjv@2Timothy:4:6 @ For I am already being poured out, and the time of my release is here.

mkjv@2Timothy:4:8 @ Now there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, shall give me at that Day; and not to me only, but also to all those who love His appearing.

mkjv@2Timothy:4:11 @ Only Luke is with me. Take Mark [and] bring [him] with you, for he is profitable to me for [the] ministry.

mkjv@Titus:1:1 @ Paul, a servant of God and an apostle of Jesus Christ (according to [the] faith of God's elect, in the acknowledging of [the] truth which is according to godliness

mkjv@Titus:1:6 @ if anyone is blameless, husband of one wife, having believing children, not accused of loose behavior, or disobedient.

mkjv@Titus:1:13 @ This witness is true; for which cause convict them sharply, so that they may be sound in the faith,

mkjv@Titus:1:15 @ To the pure all things [are] pure. But to those who are defiled and unbelieving nothing [is] pure, but even their mind and conscience is defiled.

mkjv@Titus:2:8 @ [in] sound speech that cannot be condemned, that he who is opposed may be ashamed, having no evil thing to say of you.

mkjv@Titus:3:11 @ knowing that he who is such has been perverted, and sins, being self-condemned.

mkjv@Hebrews:2:6 @ But one testified in a certain place, saying, What is man, that You are mindful of him; or the son of man, that You visit him?

mkjv@Hebrews:2:11 @ For both He who sanctifies and they who are sanctified [are] all of One, for which cause He is not ashamed to call them brothers,

mkjv@Hebrews:2:18 @ For in that He Himself has suffered, having been tempted, He is able to rescue those who are being tempted.

mkjv@Hebrews:3:4 @ For every house is built by someone, but He who built all things [is] God.

mkjv@Hebrews:3:13 @ But exhort one another daily, while it is called today, lest any of you be hardened through [the] deceitfulness of sin.

mkjv@Hebrews:3:15 @ while it is said, Today if you will hear His voice, harden not your hearts, as in the provocation.

mkjv@Hebrews:4:7 @ He again marks out a certain day, saying in David, Today, (after so long a time). Even as it is said, Today, if you will hear His voice, harden not your hearts.

mkjv@Hebrews:4:12 @ For the word of God [is] living and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to [the] dividing apart of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

mkjv@Hebrews:4:13 @ Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in His sight, but all things [are] naked and opened to the eyes of Him with whom we have to do.

mkjv@Hebrews:5:1 @ For every high priest taken from among men is ordained for men in the things [pertaining] to God, so that he may offer both gifts and sacrifices for sins,

mkjv@Hebrews:5:2 @ who can have compassion on the ignorant and on those who are out of the way. For he himself also is compassed with weakness.

mkjv@Hebrews:5:4 @ And no man takes this honor to himself, but he who is called of God, as Aaron [was].

mkjv@Hebrews:5:13 @ For everyone partaking of milk [is] unskillful [in the] word of righteousness, for he is an infant.

mkjv@Hebrews:6:6 @ and who have fallen away; it is impossible, I say, to renew them again to repentance, since they crucify the Son of God afresh to themselves and put [Him] to an open shame.

mkjv@Hebrews:6:7 @ (For the earth which drinks in the rain that comes often upon it, and brings forth plants fit for those by whom it is dressed, receives blessing from God.

mkjv@Hebrews:7:2 @ To him Abraham also gave a tenth of all. [He was] first by interpretation king of righteousness, and after that also king of Salem, which is king of peace,

mkjv@Hebrews:7:6 @ But he whose descent is not counted from them received tithes from Abraham and blessed him who had the promises.

mkjv@Hebrews:7:7 @ And without all contradiction the lesser is blessed by the better.

mkjv@Hebrews:7:8 @ And here men who die receive tithes; but there he [receives them], of whom it is witnessed that he lives.

mkjv@Hebrews:7:12 @ For the priesthood being changed, there is of necessity a change made in the law also.

mkjv@Hebrews:7:15 @ And it is still far more evident, since there arises another priest after the likeness of Melchizedek,

mkjv@Hebrews:7:16 @ who is made, not according to the law of a fleshly commandment, but according to the power of an endless life.

mkjv@Hebrews:7:18 @ For truly there] is a putting away of the commandment which went before, because of the weakness and unprofitableness of it.

mkjv@Hebrews:7:25 @ Therefore He is able also to save to the uttermost those who come unto God by Him, [since He] ever lives to make intercession for them.

mkjv@Hebrews:8:3 @ For every high priest is appointed to offer gifts and sacrifices. Therefore [it is] necessary that this One have something to offer also.

mkjv@Hebrews:8:6 @ But now He has obtained a more excellent ministry, by so much He is also the Mediator of a better covenant, which was built upon better promises.

mkjv@Hebrews:9:2 @ For the first tabernacle was prepared, in which [was] both the lampstand, and the table, and the setting out of the loaves, which is called Holies.

mkjv@Hebrews:9:3 @ And after the second veil [was] a tabernacle which is called the Holy of Holies,

mkjv@Hebrews:9:11 @ But when Christ had become a high priest of good things to come, by a greater and more perfect tabernacle, not made with hands, that is to say, not of this building

mkjv@Hebrews:9:15 @ And for this cause He is the Mediator of the new covenant, so that by means of death, for the redemption of the transgressions [that were] under the first covenant, those who are called might receive the promise of eternal inheritance.

mkjv@Hebrews:9:17 @ For a covenant [is] affirmed over [those] dead, since it never has force when The one covenanting is living.

mkjv@Hebrews:9:22 @ And almost all things are by the law purged with blood, and without shedding of blood is no remission.

mkjv@Hebrews:9:27 @ And as it is appointed to men once to die, but after this the judgment,

mkjv@Hebrews:10:7 @ Then I said, Lo, I come ( in the] volume of the Book it is written of Me) to do Your will, O God.

mkjv@Hebrews:10:15 @ The Holy Spirit also is a witness to us; for after He had said before,

mkjv@Hebrews:10:20 @ by a new and living way which He has consecrated for us through the veil, that is to say, His flesh;

mkjv@Hebrews:10:23 @ Let us hold fast the profession of [our] faith without wavering (for He is faithful who promised),

mkjv@Hebrews:11:1 @ Now faith is [the] substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

mkjv@Hebrews:11:6 @ But without faith [it is] impossible to please [Him], for he who comes to God must believe that He is and [that] He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.

mkjv@Hebrews:11:12 @ Because of this came into being [from] one, and that of one] having died, even as the stars of the sky in multitude, and as innumerable as the sand which is by the seashore.

mkjv@Hebrews:11:16 @ But now they stretch forth to a better [fatherland], that is, a heavenly one. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for He has prepared a city for them.

mkjv@Hebrews:11:27 @ By faith he left Egypt, not fearing the wrath of the king, for he endured as seeing Him who is invisible.

mkjv@Hebrews:12:1 @ Therefore since we also are surrounded with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight and the sin which so easily besets [us], and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,

mkjv@Hebrews:12:7 @ If you endure chastening, God deals with you as with sons, for what son is he whom the father does not chasten?

mkjv@Hebrews:12:13 @ And make straight paths for your feet, lest that which is lame be turned out of the way, but let it rather be healed.

mkjv@Hebrews:13:11 @ For the bodies of those animals, whose blood is brought into the [Holy of] Holies by the high priest for sin, are burned outside the camp.

mkjv@Hebrews:13:16 @ But do not forget to do good and to share, for with such sacrifices God is well pleased.

mkjv@Hebrews:13:21 @ make you perfect in every good work to do His will, working in you that [which] is well pleasing in His sight through Jesus Christ, to whom [be] glory forever and ever. Amen.

mkjv@James:1:6 @ But let him ask in faith, doubting nothing. For he who doubts is like a wave of [the] sea, driven by the wind and tossed.

mkjv@James:1:13 @ Let no one being tempted say, I am tempted from God. For God is not tempted by evils, and He tempts no one.

mkjv@James:1:14 @ But each one is tempted by his lusts, being drawn away and seduced [by them].

mkjv@James:1:15 @ Then when lust has conceived, [it] brings forth sin. And sin, when it is fully formed, brings forth death.

mkjv@James:1:17 @ Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness nor shadow of turning.

mkjv@James:1:21 @ Therefore putting aside all filthiness and overflowing of evil, receive in meekness the implanted Word, which is able to save your souls.

mkjv@James:1:23 @ For if anyone is a hearer of [the] Word and not a doer, he is like a man studying his natural face in a mirror.

mkjv@James:1:25 @ But whoever looks into the perfect law of liberty and continues [in it], he is not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of [the] work. This one shall be blessed in his doing.

mkjv@James:2:10 @ For whoever shall keep the whole law and yet offend in one [point], he is guilty of all.

mkjv@James:2:15 @ If a brother or sister is naked and destitute of daily food,

mkjv@James:2:17 @ Even so, if it does not have works, faith is dead, being by itself.

mkjv@James:2:19 @ You believe that there is one God, you do well; even the demons believe and tremble.

mkjv@James:2:20 @ But will you know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead?

mkjv@James:2:24 @ You see then how a man is justified by works, and not by faith only.

mkjv@James:2:26 @ For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.

mkjv@James:3:5 @ Even so the tongue is a little member and boasts great things. Behold how little a fire kindles how large a forest!

mkjv@James:3:6 @ And the tongue [is] a fire, a world of iniquity. So the tongue is set among our members, spotting all the body and inflaming the course of nature, and being inflamed by hell.

mkjv@James:3:7 @ For every kind of animals, and of birds, and of reptiles, and of sea-animals, is tamed, and has been tamed by mankind.

mkjv@James:3:15 @ This is not the wisdom coming down from above, but [is] earthly, sensual, devilish.

mkjv@James:3:17 @ But the wisdom that is from above is first truly pure, then peaceable, gentle, easy to be entreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy.

mkjv@James:3:18 @ And [the] fruit of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace.

mkjv@James:4:4 @ Adulterers and adulteresses! Do you not know that the friendship of the world is enmity [with] God? Therefore whoever desires to be a friend of the world is the enemy of God.

mkjv@James:4:12 @ There is one Lawgiver, who is able to save and to destroy. Who are you who judges another?

mkjv@James:4:14 @ who do not know of the morrow. For what [is] your life? For it is a vapor, which appears for a little time, and then disappears.

mkjv@James:4:16 @ But now you boast in your presumptions. All such boasting is evil.

mkjv@James:4:17 @ Therefore to him who knows to do good, and does not do [it], to him it is sin.

mkjv@James:5:11 @ Behold, we count blessed those who endure. You have heard of the patience of Job, and you have seen the end of the Lord, that the Lord is full of pity and of tender mercy.

mkjv@James:5:13 @...afflicted? Let him pray. Is any...

mkjv@James:5:14 @ Is any sick among you? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord.

mkjv@1Peter:1:16 @ because it is written, Be holy, for I am holy.

mkjv@1Peter:1:25 @ but the Word of the Lord endures forever. And this is the Word preached as gospel to you.

mkjv@1Peter:2:6 @ Therefore also it is contained in the Scripture: Behold, I lay in Zion a chief corner Stone, elect, precious, and he who believes on Him shall never be ashamed.

mkjv@1Peter:2:7 @ Therefore to you who believe [is] the honor. But to those who are disobedient, [He is the] Stone which the builders rejected; this One came to be [the] Head of the corner,

mkjv@1Peter:2:15 @ For such is the will of God, doing good to silence the ignorance of foolish men;

mkjv@1Peter:3:4 @ but [let it be] the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, the meek and quiet spirit, which is of great price in the sight of God.

mkjv@1Peter:3:22 @ who is at [the] right [hand] of God, having gone into Heaven, where [the] angels and authorities and powers are being subjected to Him.

mkjv@1Peter:4:3 @ For the time of life which is past is enough for us to have worked out the will of the nations, having gone on in lasciviousness, lusts, excess of wine, parties, carousings, and abominable idolatries.

mkjv@1Peter:4:5 @ But they shall give account to Him who is ready to judge [the] living and [the] dead.

mkjv@1Peter:4:11 @ If anyone speaks, [let it be] as [the] words of God. If anyone ministers, let him do it as of the ability which God gives, so that God may be glorified in all things through Jesus Christ, to whom is the glory, and the might forever and ever. Amen.

mkjv@1Peter:4:12 @ Beloved, do not be astonished at the fiery trial which is to try you, as [though] a strange thing happened to you,

mkjv@1Peter:4:14 @ If you are reviled for [the] name of Christ, [you are] blessed, because the Spirit of God and of glory rests on you. Truly according to them, He is blasphemed, but according to you He is glorified.

mkjv@1Peter:4:18 @ And if the righteous one is scarcely saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear?

mkjv@2Peter:1:9 @ For he] in whom these things are not present is blind and cannot see afar off and has forgotten that he was purged from his sins in the past.

mkjv@2Peter:1:14 @ knowing that the putting off of my tabernacle is soon, as indeed our Lord Jesus Christ made clear to me.

mkjv@2Peter:1:17 @ For He received honor and glory from God [the] Father, when was borne to Him a voice from the excellent glory, This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.

mkjv@2Peter:2:17 @ These are wells without water, clouds driven with a tempest, for whom the blackness of darkness is reserved forever.

mkjv@2Peter:3:4 @ and saying, Where is the promise of His coming? For since [the] fathers fell asleep, all things continue as [they were] from the beginning of creation.

mkjv@2Peter:3:5 @ For this is hidden from them [by their] willing it, that the heavens were of old, and the earth out of the water, and through water, being held together by the word of God,

mkjv@2Peter:3:9 @ The Lord is not slow concerning His promise, as some count slowness, but is long-suffering toward us, not purposing that any [of us] should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

mkjv@1John:1:5 @ And this is the message which we have heard from Him and declare to you, that God is light, and in Him is no darkness at all.

mkjv@1John:1:7 @ But if we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin.

mkjv@1John:1:8 @ If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.

mkjv@1John:1:9 @ If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us [our] sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

mkjv@1John:1:10 @ If we say that we have not sinned, we make Him a liar, and His Word is not in us.

mkjv@1John:2:2 @ And He is [the] propitiation concerning our sins, and not concerning ours only, but also concerning [the sins of] all the world.

mkjv@1John:2:4 @ He who says, I have known Him, and does not keep His commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him.

mkjv@1John:2:5 @ But whoever keeps His Word, truly in this one the love of God is perfected. By this we know that we are in Him.

mkjv@1John:2:7 @ Brothers, I do not write a new commandment to you, but an old commandment which you had from [the] beginning. The old commandment is the word which you have heard from [the] beginning.

mkjv@1John:2:8 @ Again, I write a new commandment to you, which thing is true in Him and in you, because the darkness is passing away, and the true Light now shines.

mkjv@1John:2:9 @ He who says he is in the light and hates his brother is in darkness until now.

mkjv@1John:2:10 @ He who loves his brother abides in the light, and there is no offense in him.

mkjv@1John:2:11 @ But he who hates his brother is in darkness, and walks in darkness, and does not know where he is going, because darkness has blinded his eyes.

mkjv@1John:2:15 @ Do not love the world, nor the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him,

mkjv@1John:2:16 @ because all that [is] in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.

mkjv@1John:2:18 @ Little children, it is the last time. And just as you have heard that antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have risen up, from which we know that it is the last hour.

mkjv@1John:2:21 @ I have not written to you because you do not know the truth, but because you know it, and know that no lie is of the truth.

mkjv@1John:2:22 @ Who is a liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ? He who denies the Father and the Son is antichrist.

mkjv@1John:2:25 @ And this is the promise that He has promised us: everlasting life.

mkjv@1John:2:27 @ But the anointing which you received from Him abides in you, and you do not need anyone to teach you. But as His anointing teaches you concerning all things, and is true and no lie, and as He has taught you, abide in Him.

mkjv@1John:2:28 @ And now, little children, abide in Him, so that when He is revealed, we may have confidence and not be ashamed before Him in His coming.

mkjv@1John:2:29 @ If you know that He is righteous, you know that everyone who does righteousness has been born of Him.

mkjv@1John:3:3 @ And everyone who has this hope on him purifies himself, even as that [One] is pure.

mkjv@1John:3:4 @ Everyone who practices sin also practices lawlessness, for sin is lawlessness.

mkjv@1John:3:5 @ And you know that He was revealed that He might take away our sins, and in Him is no sin.

mkjv@1John:3:7 @ Little children, let no one deceive you. He who does righteousness is righteous, even as that [One] is righteous.

mkjv@1John:3:8 @ He who practices sin is of the Devil, for the Devil sins from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was revealed, that He might undo the works of the Devil.

mkjv@1John:3:10 @ In this the children of God are revealed, and the children of the Devil: everyone not practicing righteousness is not of God, also he who does not love his brother.

mkjv@1John:3:11 @ For this is the message that you have heard from [the] beginning, that we should love one another;

mkjv@1John:3:15 @ Everyone hating his brother is a murderer. And you know that no murderer has everlasting life abiding in him.

mkjv@1John:3:20 @ that if our heart accuses us, God is greater than our heart and knows all things.

mkjv@1John:3:23 @ And this is His commandment, that we should believe on the name of His Son Jesus Christ, and love one another, as He gave us commandment.

mkjv@1John:4:2 @ By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in [the] flesh is of God;

mkjv@1John:4:3 @ and every spirit that does not confess that Jesus Christ has come in [the] flesh is not of God. And this is the antichrist you heard is coming, and even now is already in the world.

mkjv@1John:4:4 @ You are of God, little children, and you have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.

mkjv@1John:4:6 @ We are of God. He who knows God hears us. The one who is not of God does not hear us. From this we know the spirit of truth and the spirit of error.

mkjv@1John:4:7 @ Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God, and everyone who loves has been born of God, and knows God.

mkjv@1John:4:8 @ The one who does not love has not known God. For God is love.

mkjv@1John:4:10 @ In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son [to be] the propitiation concerning our sins.

mkjv@1John:4:12 @ No one has seen God at any time. If we love one another, God dwells in us, and His love is perfected in us.

mkjv@1John:4:15 @ Whoever shall confess that Jesus is the Son of God, God dwells in him and he in God.

mkjv@1John:4:16 @ And we have known and believed the love that God has in us. God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him.

mkjv@1John:4:17 @ In this is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment, that as He is, so also we are in this world.

mkjv@1John:4:18 @ There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear, because fear has torment. He who fears has not been perfected in love.

mkjv@1John:4:20 @ If anyone says, I love God, and hates his brother, he is a liar. For if he does not love his brother whom he has seen, how can he love God whom he has not seen?

mkjv@1John:5:1 @ Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ has been born of God. And everyone who loves Him who begets also loves him who has been born of Him.

mkjv@1John:5:3 @ For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments, and His commandments are not burdensome.

mkjv@1John:5:4 @ For everything that has been born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that overcomes the world, our faith.

mkjv@1John:5:5 @ Who is he who overcomes the world, but he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God?

mkjv@1John:5:6 @ This is He who came through water and blood, Jesus Christ, not by water only, but by the water and blood. And the Spirit is He who bears witness, because the Spirit is the truth.

mkjv@1John:5:9 @ If we receive the witness of men, the witness of God is greater. For this is the witness of God which He has testified about His Son.

mkjv@1John:5:11 @ And this is the record, that God has given to us everlasting life, and this life is in His Son.

mkjv@1John:5:14 @ And this is the confidence that we have toward Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us.

mkjv@1John:5:16 @ If anyone sees his brother sin a sin not to death, he shall ask, and He shall give him life for those that do not sin to death. There is a sin to death, I do not say that he shall pray for it.

mkjv@1John:5:17 @ All unrighteousness is sin, and there is a sin not to death.

mkjv@1John:5:20 @ And we know that the Son of God has come, and [He] has given us an understanding so that we may know Him who is true. And we are in Him that is true, in His Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God, and the everlasting life.

mkjv@2John:1:6 @ And this is love, that we walk according to His commandments. This is the commandment, as you heard from the beginning, that you should walk in it.

mkjv@2John:1:7 @ For many deceivers have entered into the world, who do not confess Jesus Christ coming in [the] flesh. This is the deceiver and the anti-christ.

mkjv@2John:1:11 @ For he who speaks a greeting to him is partaker of his evil deeds.

mkjv@3John:1:3 @ For I rejoiced greatly when [the] brothers came and testified of the truth that is in you, even as you walk in the truth.

mkjv@3John:1:11 @ Beloved, do not imitate the bad, but the good. He who does good is from God, but he who does evil has not seen God.

mkjv@3John:1:12 @ Demetrius has good report by all, and by the truth itself. And we also bear witness, and you know that our witness is true.

mkjv@Revelation:1:4 @ John to the seven churches which are in Asia. Grace to you and peace from Him who is and who was and who [is] coming; and from the seven spirits which are before His throne;

mkjv@Revelation:1:8 @ I am the Alpha and Omega, [the] Beginning and [the] Ending, says the Lord, who is and who was and who [is] to come, the Almighty.

mkjv@Revelation:1:9 @ I, John, [who] also [am] your brother and companion in the affliction, and in the kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ, was in the island that is called Patmos, for the Word of God and for the testimony of Jesus Christ.

mkjv@Revelation:2:7 @ He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To him who overcomes I will give to eat of the Tree of Life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God.

mkjv@Revelation:3:7 @ And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write: He who is holy, He who is true, He who has the key of David, He who opens and no one shuts; and shuts and no one opens, says these things:

mkjv@Revelation:4:8 @ And each one of the four living creatures had six wings about [him], and within being full of eyes. And they had no rest day and night, saying, Holy, holy, holy, Lord God, the Almighty, who was and is and [is] to come.

mkjv@Revelation:5:2 @ And I saw a mighty angel proclaiming with a loud voice, Who is worthy to open the book and to loosen its seals?

mkjv@Revelation:5:12 @ saying with a great voice, Worthy is the Lamb who was slain, to receive power and riches and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and blessing.

mkjv@Revelation:5:13 @ And I heard every creature which is in the Heaven and on the earth, and under the earth, and those that are in the sea, and all who are in them, saying, Blessing and honor and glory and power be to Him sitting on the throne, and to the Lamb forever and ever.

mkjv@Revelation:6:13 @ And the stars of heaven fell to the earth, even as a fig tree casts her untimely figs when she is shaken by a mighty wind.

mkjv@Revelation:6:14 @ And [the] heaven departed like a scroll when it is rolled together. And every mountain and island were moved out of their places.

mkjv@Revelation:7:17 @ For the Lamb who is in the midst of the throne will feed them and will lead them to [the] fountains of living waters. And God will wipe away all tears from their eyes.

mkjv@Revelation:8:11 @ And the name of the star is called Wormwood, and a third [part] of the waters became wormwood. And many men died from the waters, because they were made bitter.

mkjv@Revelation:9:12 @ The first woe is past. Behold, after these things yet come two woes.

mkjv@Revelation:9:19 @ For their authority is in their mouth and in their tails. For their tails [were] like serpents with heads, and with them they do harm.

mkjv@Revelation:10:8 @ And the voice which I heard from Heaven spoke to me again, and said, Go, take the little book which is open in the hand of the angel who stands on the sea and on the earth.

mkjv@Revelation:11:2 @ But leave out the court which is outside the temple, and do not measure it, for it was given to the nations. And they will trample the holy city forty-two months.

mkjv@Revelation:11:5 @ And if anyone will hurt them, fire proceeds out of their mouth and devours their enemies. And if anyone will hurt them, so it is right for him to be killed.

mkjv@Revelation:11:8 @ And their bodies [will lie] in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified.

mkjv@Revelation:11:17 @ saying, We thank You, O Lord God Almighty, who are, and who was, and who is coming, because You took Your great power and reigned.

mkjv@Revelation:12:5 @ And she bore a son, a male, who is going to rule all nations with a rod of iron. And her child was caught up to God and [to] His throne.

mkjv@Revelation:12:10 @ And I heard a great voice saying in Heaven, Now has come the salvation and power and the kingdom of our God, and the authority of His Christ. For the accuser of our brothers is cast down, who accused them before our God day and night.

mkjv@Revelation:12:14 @ And two wings of a great eagle were given to the woman, so that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time and times and half a time, from the serpent's face.

mkjv@Revelation:13:4 @ And they worshiped the dragon who gave authority to the beast. And they worshiped the beast, saying, Who [is] like the beast? Who is able to make war with it?

mkjv@Revelation:13:10 @ He who leads into captivity will go into captivity. If anyone will kill with the sword, he must be killed by a sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints.

mkjv@Revelation:13:18 @ Here is the wisdom. Let him having reason count the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. And its number [is] six hundred [and] sixty-six.

mkjv@Revelation:14:12 @ Here is the patience of the saints. Here [are] the ones who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus.

mkjv@Revelation:15:1 @ And I saw another sign in Heaven, great and marvelous: seven angels with the seven last plagues; for in them is filled up the wrath of God.

mkjv@Revelation:16:5 @ And I heard the angel of the waters say, Righteous is the Lord, who is, and was, and who will be, because You have judged these things,

mkjv@Revelation:16:17 @ And the seventh angel poured out his vial into the air. And a great voice came out of the temple of Heaven, from the throne, saying, It is done!

mkjv@Revelation:17:8 @ The beast that you saw was, and is not, and is about to ascend out of the abyss and go into perdition. And those dwelling on the earth will marvel, those whose names were not written in the Book of Life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is.

mkjv@Revelation:17:11 @ And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goes into perdition.

mkjv@Revelation:17:14 @ These will make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb will overcome them. For He is Lord of lords and King of kings. And those with Him [are] the called and elect and faithful ones.

mkjv@Revelation:17:18 @ And the woman whom you saw is the great city which has a kingdom over the kings of the earth.

mkjv@Revelation:19:8 @ And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white. For the fine linen is the righteousness of the saints.

mkjv@Revelation:19:10 @ And I fell at his feet to worship him. And he said to me, See, do not do it! I am your fellow servant, and of your brothers who have the testimony of Jesus. Worship God, for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.

mkjv@Revelation:19:13 @ And He had been clothed [in] a garment dipped in blood, and His name is called The Word of God.

mkjv@Revelation:20:2 @ And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, who is the Devil and Satan, and bound him a thousand years.

mkjv@Revelation:20:14 @ And death and hell were cast into the Lake of Fire. This is the second death.

mkjv@Revelation:21:6 @ And He said to me, It is done. I am the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End. To him who thirsts I will give of the fountain of the water of life freely.

mkjv@Revelation:21:8 @ But the fearful, and the unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, will have their part in the Lake burning with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.

mkjv@Revelation:21:16 @ And the city lies four-square, and the length is as large as the breadth. And he measured the city with the reed, twelve thousand stadia. The length and the breadth and the height of it are equal.

mkjv@Revelation:21:22 @ And I saw no temple in it, for the Lord God Almighty is its temple, even the Lamb.

mkjv@Revelation:22:10 @ And he said to me, Do not seal the words of the prophecy of this Book; for the time is at hand.

mkjv@Revelation:22:17 @ And the Spirit and the bride say, Come! And let the [one] hearing say, Come! And let the one] who is thirsty come. And he willing, let him take of the water of life freely.

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