geneva@Genesis:41:19 @ Also loe, seuen other kine came vp after them, poore and very euilfauoured, and leanefleshed: I neuer sawe the like in all the lande of Egypt, for euilfauoured.

geneva@Genesis:43:3 an othe, saying, Neuer see...

geneva@Exodus:10:14 @ So the grashoppers went vp vpon all the land of Egypt, and remained in all quarters of Egypt: so grieuous Grashoppers, like to these were neuer before, neither after them shalbe such.

geneva@Exodus:11:6 @ Then there shalbe a great crie throughout all the land of Egypt, such as was neuer none like, nor shalbe.

geneva@Exodus:14:13 @ Then Moses sayde to the people, Feare ye not, stand still, and beholde the saluation of the Lord which he will shew to you this day. For the Egyptians, whome ye haue seene this day, ye shall neuer see them againe.

geneva@Leviticus:6:12 @ But the fire vpon the altar shall burne thereon and neuer be put out: wherefore the Priest shall burne wood on it euery morning, and lay the burnt offering in order vpon it, and he shall burne thereon the fat of the peace offrings.

geneva@Leviticus:6:13 @ The fire shall euer burne vpon the altar, and neuer go out.

geneva@Deuteronomy:28:33 @ The fruite of thy land and all thy labours shall a people, which thou knowest not, eate, and thou shalt neuer but suffer wrong, and violence always:

geneva@Judges:16:7 @ Samson then answered vnto her, If they binde mee with seuen greene cordes, that were neuer dryed, then shall I bee weake, and be as an other man.

geneva@Judges:16:11 @ Then he answered her, If they binde mee with newe ropes that neuer were occupied, then shal I be weake, and be as an other man.

geneva@1Samuel:17:39 @ Then girded Dauid his sword vpon his rayment, and began to go: for he neuer proued it: and Dauid sayde vnto Saul, I can not goe with these: for I am not accustomed. wherefore Dauid put them off him.

geneva@2Samuel:1:22 @ The bow of Ionathan neuer turned backe, neither did the sword of Saul returne emptie from the blood of the slaine, and from the fatte of the mightie.

geneva@2Samuel:3:29 @ Let the blood fall on the head of Ioab, and on all his fathers house, that the house of Ioab be neuer without some that haue running issues, or leper, or that leaneth on a staffe, or that doeth fall on the sworde, or that lacketh bread.

geneva@2Samuel:12:10 @ Now therefore the sworde shall neuer depart from thine house, because thou hast despised me, and taken the wife of Vriah the Hittite to be thy wife.

geneva@2Chronicles:18:6 @ But Iehoshaphat sayde, Is there heere neuer a Prophet more of the Lorde that wee might inquire of him?

geneva@Job:15:30 @ He shall neuer depart out of darkenesse: the flame shall drie vp his branches, and he shall goe away with the breath of his mouth.

geneva@Psalms:10:11 @ He hath said in his heart, God hath forgotten, he hideth away his face, and will neuer see.

geneva@Psalms:104:5 @ He set the earth vpon her foundations, so that it shall neuer moue.

geneva@Psalms:112:6 @ Surely he shall neuer be moued: but the righteous shalbe had in euerlasting remembrance.

geneva@Psalms:119:93 @ I wil neuer forget thy precepts: for by them thou hast quickened me.

geneva@Proverbs:27:20 @ The graue and destruction can neuer be full, so the eyes of man can neuer be satisfied.

geneva@Isaiah:33:20 @ Looke vpon Zion the citie of our solemne feastes: thine eyes shall see Ierusalem a quiet habitation, a Tabernacle that can not be remooued: and the stakes thereof can neuer be taken away, neither shall any of the cordes thereof be broken.

geneva@Isaiah:56:11 @ And these griedy dogs can neuer haue ynough: and these shepheards cannot vnderstand: for they all looke to their owne way, euery one for his aduantage, and for his owne purpose.

geneva@Isaiah:60:20 @ Thy sunne shall neuer goe downe, neither shall thy moone be hid: for the Lord shalbe thine euerlasting light, and the dayes of thy sorowe shalbe ended.

geneva@Isaiah:63:19 @ We haue bene as they, ouer whome thou neuer barest rule, and vpon whom thy Name was not called.

geneva@Jeremiah:23:40 @ And will bring an euerlasting reproche vpon you, and a perpetual shame which shall neuer be forgotten.

geneva@Jeremiah:33:17 @ For thus sayth the Lord, Dauid shall neuer want a man to sit vpon the throne of the house of Israel.

geneva@Ezekiel:5:9 @ And I will doe in thee, that I neuer did before, neither will do any more the like, because of all thine abominations.

geneva@Ezekiel:26:21 @ I will bring thee to nothing, & thou shalt be no more: though thou be sought for, yet shalt thou neuer be found againe, sayth the Lord God.

geneva@Ezekiel:28:19 @ All they that knowe thee among the people, shalbe astonished at thee: thou shalt be a terrour, and neuer shalt thou be any more.

geneva@Joel:2:26 @ So you shal eate and be satisfied and praise the Name of the Lord your God, that hath dealt marueilously with you: and my people shal neuer be ashamed.

geneva@Joel:2:27 @ Ye shal also know, that I am in the middes of Israel, and that I am the Lorde your God and none other, & my people shal neuer be ashamed.

geneva@Amos:8:7 @ The Lorde hath sworne by the excellencie of Iaakob, Surely I will neuer forget any of their workes.

geneva@Matthew:9:33 @ And when the deuill was cast out, the domme spake: then the multitude marueiled, saying, The like was neuer seene in Israel.

geneva@Matthew:21:19 @...and said to it, Neuer fruite...

geneva@Matthew:26:24 @ Surely the Sonne of man goeth his way, as it is written of him: but woe be to that man, by whom the Sonne of man is betrayed: it had bene good for that man, if hee had neuer bene borne.

geneva@Matthew:26:33 @ But Peter aunswered, and sayde vnto him, Though that al men should be offended by thee, yet will I neuer be offended.

geneva@Mark:2:25 @ And he saide to them, Haue yee neuer read what Dauid did when he had neede, and was an hungred, both he, and they that were with him?

geneva@Mark:3:29 @ But hee that blasphemeth against the holy Ghost, shall neuer haue forgiuenesse, but is culpable of eternall damnation.

geneva@Mark:9:43 @ Wherefore, if thine hand cause thee to offend, cut it off: it is better for thee to enter into life, maimed, then hauing two hands, to goe into hell, into the fire that neuer shalbe quenched,

geneva@Mark:9:45 @ Likewise, if thy foote cause thee to offend, cut it off: it is better for thee to go halt into life, then hauing two feete, to be cast into hell, into the fire that neuer shalbe quenched,

geneva@Mark:9:46 @ Where their worme dyeth not, & the fire neuer goeth out.

geneva@Mark:9:48 @ Where their worme dyeth not, and the fire neuer goeth out.

geneva@Mark:11:2 @ And sayd vnto them, Goe your wayes into that towne that is ouer against you, and assoone as ye shall enter into it, ye shall finde a colte tied, whereon neuer man sate: loose him, and bring him.

geneva@Mark:11:14 @...and sayd to it, Neuer man...

geneva@Mark:14:21 @ Truly the Sonne of man goeth his way, as it is written of him: but woe bee to that man, by whome the Sonne of man is betrayed: it had beene good for that man, if hee had neuer beene borne.

geneva@Luke:15:29 @ But he answered & said to his father, Loe, these many yeeres haue I done thee seruice, neither brake I at any time thy commadement, and yet thou neuer gauest mee a kidde that I might make merie with my friends.

geneva@Luke:19:30 @ Saying, Goe ye to the towne which is before you, wherein, assoone as ye are come, ye shall finde a colte tied, whereon neuer man sate: loose him, and bring him hither.

geneva@Luke:23:29 @ For behold, the dayes wil come, when men shall say, Blessed are the barren, and the wombes that neuer bare, and the pappes which neuer gaue sucke.

geneva@Luke:23:53 @ And tooke it downe, & wrapped it in a linnen cloth, and laide it in a tombe hewen out of a rocke, wherein was neuer man yet laide.

geneva@John:4:14 @ But whosoeuer drinketh of the water that I shall giue him, shall neuer be more a thirst: but the water that I shall giue him, shalbe in him a well of water, springing vp into euerlasting life.

geneva@John:7:15 @ And the Iewes marueiled, saving, Howe knoweth this man the Scriptures, seeing that hee neuer learned!

geneva@John:7:46 ...The officers answered, Neuer man...

geneva@John:10:28 @ And I giue vnto them eternall life, & they shall neuer perish, neither shall any plucke them out of mine hand.

geneva@John:11:26 @ And whosoeuer liueth, and beleeueth in me, shall neuer die: Beleeuest thou this?

geneva@1Timothy:6:16 @ Who onely hath immortalitie, and dwelleth in the light that none can attaine vnto, whom neuer man sawe, neither can see, vnto whome bee honour and power euerlasting, Amen.

geneva@2Timothy:3:7 @ Which women are euer learning, and are neuer able to come to the acknowledging of the trueth.

geneva@Jdt:3:9 @ {\cf2 Wherfore doest thou beate vs for them? if they be dead, go thy wayes hence to them, that we may neuer see of thee either sonne or daughter.}

geneva@Jdt:3:15 @ {\cf2 And that I haue neuer polluted my name, nor the name of my father in ye land of my captiuitie: I am ye only daughter of my father, neither hath he any manchild to be his heire, neither any neere kinseman or childe borne of him, to whome I may keepe my selfe for a wife: my seue husbands are now dead, & why should I liue? But if it please not thee that I should die, command to looke on me, and to pitie me that I do no more heare reproch.}

geneva@Wis:8:13 @ {\cf2 So now you seeke the Lorde almightie, but you shall neuer know any thing.}

geneva@Wis:11:1 @ {\cf2 Then sayd Olophernes vnto her, Woman, bee of good comfort: feare not in thine heart: for I neuer hurt any that would serue Nabuchodonosor the King of all the earth.}

geneva@Wis:13:19 @ {\cf2 Surely this thine hope shall neuer departe out of the heartes of men: for they shall remember the power of God for euer.}

geneva@Tob:2:2 @ {\cf2 For we are borne at all aduenture, and we shall be hereafter as though we had neuer bene: for the breath is a smoke in our nostrels, & the wordes as a sparke raised out of our heart,}

geneva@Tob:3:15 @ {\cf2 For glorious is the fruite of good labours, and the roote of wisdome shall neuer fade away.}

geneva@Tob:6:12 @ {\cf2 Wisedome shineth and neuer fadeth away, and is easily seene of them that loue her, and found of such as seeke her,}

geneva@Tob:9:6 @ {\cf2 And though a man be neuer so perfect among the children of men, yet if thy wisdome be not with him, he shalbe nothing regarded.}

geneva@Tob:10:7 @ {\cf2 Of whose wickednes the waste land that smoketh, yet giueth testimonie, and the trees that beare fruite that neuer commeth to ripenes: and for a remembrance of the vnfaithfull soule, there standeth a pillar of salte.}

geneva@Tob:12:10 @ {\cf2 But in punishing them by litle and litle, thou gauest them space to repent, knowing well, that it was an vnrighteous nation & wicked of nature, and that their thought could neuer be altered.}

geneva@Tob:15:17 @ {\cf2 For seeing he is but mortall himselfe, it is but mortall that he maketh with vnrighteous hands: he himselfe is better then they whom he worshippeth: for he liued, but they neuer liued.}

geneva@Sir:7:36 @ {\cf2 Whatsoeuer thou takest in hand, remember the ende, and thou shalt neuer do amisse.}

geneva@Sir:12:10 @ {\cf2 Trust neuer thine enemie: for like as an yron rusteth, so doeth his wickednesse.}

geneva@Sir:14:9 @ {\cf2 A couetous mans eye hath neuer ynough of a portion, and his wicked malice withereth his owne soule.}

geneva@Sir:23:11 @ {\cf2 A man that vseth much swearing, shalbe filled with wickednesse, & the plague shall neuer goe from his house: when he shal offend, his faute shalbe vpon him, and if he knowledge not his sinne, he maketh a double offence: and if he sweare in vaine, hee shall not bee innocent, but his house shalbe full of plagues.}

geneva@Sir:23:15 @ {\cf2 The man that is accustomed to opprobrious wordes, will neuer bee reformed all the dayes of his life.}

geneva@Sir:24:12 @ {\cf2 He created me from the beginning, & before the world, and I shall neuer faile: In the holy habitation haue I serued before him, and so was I stablished in Sion.}

geneva@Sir:28:16 @ {\cf2 Who so hearkeneth vnto it, shall neuer finde rest, and neuer dwell quietly.}

geneva@Sir:33:21 @ {\cf2 In all thy workes bee excellent, that thine honour be neuer stained.}

geneva@Sir:35:7 @ {\cf2 The sacrifice of the righteous is acceptable, and ye remembrance thereof shal neuer be forgotten.}

geneva@Sir:39:9 @ {\cf2 Many shall commend his vnderstanding, and his memorie shall neuer be put out, nor depart away: but his name shall continue from generation to generation.}

geneva@Sir:44:9 @ {\cf2 There are some also which haue no memoriall, and are perished, as though they had neuer bene, and are become as though they had neuer bene borne, and their children after them.}

geneva@Sir:44:13 @ {\cf2 Their seede shall remaine for euer, and their prayse shall neuer be taken away.}

geneva@Bar:2:2 @ {\cf2 To bring vpon vs great plagues, such as neuer came to passe vnder the whole heauen, as they that were done in Ierusalem, according to things, that were written in the Lawe of Moises,}

geneva@1Macc:9:71 @ {\cf2 Which thing he accepted, and did according to his desire, and made an othe, that he would neuer doe him harme all the dayes of his life.}

geneva@2Macc:1:5 @ {\cf2 And heare your praiers, and be reconciled with you, and neuer forsake you in time of trouble.}

geneva@2Macc:6:16 @ {\cf2 And therefore hee neuer withdraweth his mercy from vs: and though he punish with aduersitie, yet doeth he neuer forsake his people.}

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