dourh@Genesis:19:33 @ And they made their father drink wine that night: and the elder went in and lay with her father: but he perceived not neither when his daughter lay down, nor when she rose up.

dourh@Genesis:19:35 @ They made their father drink wine that night also, and the younger daughter went in, and lay with him: and neither then did he perceive when she lay down, nor when she rose up.

dourh@Genesis:21:23 @ Swear therefore by God, that thou wilt not hurt me, nor my posterity, nor my stock: but according to the kindness that I have done to thee, thou shalt do to me, and to the land wherein thou hast lived a stranger.

dourh@Genesis:26:29 @ That thou do us no harm, as we on our part have touched nothing of thine, nor have done any thing to hurt thee: but with peace have sent thee away increased with the blessing of the Lord.

dourh@Genesis:34:14 @ We cannot do what you demand, nor give our sister to one that is uncircumcised, which with us is unlawful and abominable.

dourh@Genesis:37:22 @ Do not take away his life, nor shed his blood: but cast him into this pit, that is in the wilderness, and keep your hands harmless: now he said this, being desirous to deliver him out of their hands and to restore him to his father.

dourh@Genesis:45:6 @ For it is two years since the famine began to be upon the land, and five years more remain, wherein there can be neither ploughing nor reaping.

dourh@Genesis:49:6 @ Let not my soul go into their counsel, nor my glory be in their assembly: "be- cause in their fury they slew a man, and in their selfwill they undermined a wall.

dourh@Genesis:49:10 @ The sceptre shall not be taken away from Juda, nor a ruler from his thigh, till he come that is to be sent, and he shall be the expectation of nations.

dourh@Exodus:4:1 @ Moses answered and said: They will not believe me, nor hear my voice, but they will say: The Lord hath not appeared to thee.

dourh@Exodus:4:8 @ If they will not believe thee, saith he, nor hear the voice of the former sign, they will believe the word of the latter sign.

dourh@Exodus:4:9 @ But if they will not even believe these two signs, nor hear thy voice: take of the river water, and pour it out upon the dry land, and whatsoever thou drawest out of the river shall be turned into blood.

dourh@Exodus:9:30 @ But I know that neither thou, nor thy servants do yet fear the Lord God.

dourh@Exodus:10:6 @ And they shall fill thy houses, and the houses of thy servants, and of all the Egyptians: such a number as thy fathers have not seen, nor thy grandfathers, from the time they were first upon the earth, until this present day. And he turned himself away, and went forth from Pharao.

dourh@Exodus:10:14 @ And they came up over the whole land of Egypt: and rested in all the coasts of the Egyptians innumerable, the like as had not been before that time, nor shall be hereafter.

dourh@Exodus:10:23 @ No man saw his brother, nor moved himself out of the place where he was: but wheresoever the children of Israel dwelt there was light.

dourh@Exodus:11:6 @ And there shall be a great cry in all the land of Egypt, such as neither hath been before, nor shall be hereafter.

dourh@Exodus:12:9 @ You shall not eat thereof any thing raw, nor boiled in water, but only roasted at the fire: you shall eat the head with the feet and entrails thereof.

dourh@Exodus:13:7 @ Unleavened bread shall you eat seven days: there shall not be seen any thing leavened with thee, nor in all thy coasts.

dourh@Exodus:13:22 @ There never failed the pillar of the cloud by day, nor the pillar of fire by night, before the people.

dourh@Exodus:16:18 @ And they measured by the measure of a gomor: neither had he more that had gathered more: nor did he find less that had provided less: but every one had gathered, according to what they were able to eat.

dourh@Exodus:19:24 @ And the Lord said to him: Go, get thee down: and thou shalt come up, thou and Aaron with thee: but let not the priests and the people pass the limits, nor come up to the Lord, lest he kill them.

dourh@Exodus:20:4 @ Thou shalt not make to thyself a graven thing, nor the likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or in the earth beneath, nor of those things that are in the waters under the earth.

dourh@Exodus:20:5 @ Thou shalt not adore them, nor serve them: I am the Lord thy God, mighty, jealous, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me:

dourh@Exodus:20:10 @ But on the seventh day is the sabbath of the Lord thy God: thou shalt do no work on it, thou nor thy son, nor thy daughter, nor thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy beast, nor the stranger that is within thy gates.

dourh@Exodus:20:17 @ Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house: neither shalt thou desire his wife, nor his servant, nor his handmaid, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is his.

dourh@Exodus:20:23 @ You shall not make gods of silver, nor shall you make to yourselves gods of gold.

dourh@Exodus:22:21 @ Thou shalt not molest a stranger, nor afflict him: for yourselves also were strangers in the land of Egypt.

dourh@Exodus:22:25 @ If thou lend money to any of my people that is poor, that dwelleth with thee, thou shalt not be hard upon them as an extortioner, nor oppress them with usuries.

dourh@Exodus:23:24 @ Thou shalt not adore their gods, nor serve them. Thou shalt not do their works, but shalt destroy them, and break their statues.

dourh@Exodus:23:26 @ There shall not be one fruitless nor barren in thy land: I will fill the number of thy days.

dourh@Exodus:23:32 @ Thou shalt not enter into league with them, nor with their gods.

dourh@Exodus:30:9 @ You shall not offer upon it incense of another composition nor oblation, and victim, neither shall you offer libations.

dourh@Exodus:32:18 @ But he answered: It is not the cry of men encouraging to fight, nor the shout of men compelling to flee: but I hear the voice of singers.

dourh@Exodus:34:3 @ Let no man go up with thee: and let not any man be seen throughout all the mount: neither let the oxen nor the sheep feed over against it.

dourh@Exodus:34:10 @ The Lord answered: I will make a covenant in the sight of all. I will do signs such as were never seen upon the earth, nor in any nation: that this people, in the midst of whom thou art, may see the terrible work of the Lord which I will do.

dourh@Exodus:34:28 @ And he was there with the Lord forty days and forty nights: he neither ate bread nor drank water, and he wrote upon the tables the ten words of the covenant.

dourh@Exodus:36:6 @ Moses therefore commanded proclamation to be made by the crier's voice: Let neither man nor woman offer any more for the work of the sanctuary. And so they ceased from offering gifts,

dourh@Leviticus:1:17 @ And he shall break the pinions thereof, and shall not cut, nor divide it with a knife, and shall burn it upon the altar, putting fire under the wood. It is a holocaust and oblation of most sweet savour to the Lord.

dourh@Leviticus:3:17 @ By a perpetual law for your generations, and in all your habitations: neither blood nor fat shall you eat at all.

dourh@Leviticus:5:11 @ And if his hand be not able to offer two turtles, or two young pigeons, he shall offer for his sin the tenth part of an ephi of flour. He shall not put oil upon it, nor put any frankincense thereon, because it is for sin:

dourh@Leviticus:10:9 @ You shall not drink wine nor any thing that may make drunk, thou nor thy sons, when you enter into the tabernacle of the testimony, lest you die: because it is an everlasting precept through your generations:

dourh@Leviticus:11:8 @ The flesh of these you shall not eat, nor shall you touch their carcasses, because they are unclean to you.

dourh@Leviticus:11:26 @ Every beast that hath a hoof, but divideth it not, nor cheweth the cud, shall be unclean: and he that toucheth it, shall be defiled.

dourh@Leviticus:11:43 @ Do not defile your souls, nor touch aught thereof, lest you be unclean,

dourh@Leviticus:13:26 @ But if the colour of the hair be not changed, nor the blemish lower than the other flesh, and the appearance of the leprosy be somewhat obscure, he shall shut him up seven days,

dourh@Leviticus:13:55 @ And when he shall see that the former colour is not returned, nor yet the leprosy spread, he shall judge it unclean, and shall burn it with fire, for the leprosy has taken hold of the outside of the garment, or through the whole.

dourh@Leviticus:17:12 @ Therefore I have said to the children of Israel: No soul of you, nor of the strangers that sojourn among you, shall eat blood.

dourh@Leviticus:18:3 @ You shall not do according to the custom of the land of Egypt, in which you dwelt: neither shall you act according to the manner of the country of Chanaan, into which I will bring you, nor shall you walk in their ordinances.

dourh@Leviticus:18:20 @ Thou shalt not lie with thy neighbour's wife, nor be defiled with mingling of seed.

dourh@Leviticus:18:21 @ Thou shalt not give any of thy seed to be consecrated to the idol Moloch, nor defile the name of thy God: I am the Lord.

dourh@Leviticus:18:23 @ Thou shalt not copulate with any beast, neither shalt thou be defiled with it. A woman shall not lie down to a beast, nor copulate with it: because it is a heinous crime.

dourh@Leviticus:18:26 @ Keep ye my ordinances and my judgments, and do not any of these abominations: neither any of your own nation, nor any stranger that sojourneth among you.

dourh@Leviticus:19:4 @ Turn ye not to idols, nor make to yourselves molten gods. I am the Lord your God.

dourh@Leviticus:19:9 @ When thou reapest the corn of thy land, thou shalt not cut down all that is on the face of the earth to the very ground: nor shalt thou gather the ears that remain.

dourh@Leviticus:19:12 @ Thou shalt not swear falsely by my name, nor profane the name of thy God. I am the Lord.

dourh@Leviticus:19:13 @ Thou shalt not calumniate thy neighbour, nor oppress him by violence. The wages of him that hath been hired by thee shall not abide with thee until the morning.

dourh@Leviticus:19:14 @ Thou shalt not speak evil of the deaf, nor put a stumblingblock before the blind: but thou shalt fear the Lord thy God, because I am the Lord.

dourh@Leviticus:19:15 @ Thou shalt not do that which is unjust, nor judge unjustly. Respect not the person of the poor, nor honour the countenance of the mighty. But judge thy neighbour according to justice.

dourh@Leviticus:19:16 @ Thou shalt not be a detractor nor a whisperer among the people. Thou shalt not stand against the blood of thy neighbour. I am the Lord.

dourh@Leviticus:19:18 @ Seek not revenge, nor be mindful of the injury of thy citizens. Thou shalt love thy friend as thyself. I am the Lord.

dourh@Leviticus:19:20 @ If a man carnally lie with a woman that is a bondservant and marriageable, and yet not redeemed with a price, nor made free: they both shall be scourged, and they shall not be put to death, because she was not a free woman.

dourh@Leviticus:19:26 @ You shall not eat with blood. You shall not divine nor observe dreams.

dourh@Leviticus:19:27 @ Nor shall you cut your hair roundwise: nor shave your beard.

dourh@Leviticus:21:5 @ Neither shall they shave their head, nor their beard, nor make incisions in their flesh.

dourh@Leviticus:21:7 @ They shall not take to wife a harlot or a vile prostitute, nor one that has been put away from her husband: because they are consecrated to their God,

dourh@Leviticus:21:11 @ Nor shall he go in at all to any dead person: not even for his father, or his mother, shall he be defiled:

dourh@Leviticus:21:21 @ Whosoever of the seed of Aaron the priest hath a blemish, he shall not approach to offer sacrifices to the Lord, nor bread to his God.

dourh@Leviticus:21:23 @ Yet so that he enter not within the veil, nor approach to the altar, because he hath a blemish, and he must not defile my sanctuary. I am the Lord who sanctify them.

dourh@Leviticus:22:8 @ That which dieth of itself, and that which was taken by a beast, they shall not eat, nor be defiled therewith, I am the Lord.

dourh@Leviticus:22:12 @ If the daughter of a priest be married to any of the people, she shall not eat of those things that are sanctified, nor of the firstfruits.

dourh@Leviticus:22:22 @ If it be blind, or broken, or have a scar or blisters, or a scab, or a dry scurf: you shall not offer them to the Lord, nor burn any thing of them upon the Lord's altar.

dourh@Leviticus:22:25 @ You shall not offer bread to your God, from the hand of a stranger, nor any other thing that he would give: because they are all corrupted, and defiled: you shall not receive them.

dourh@Leviticus:25:4 @ But in the seventh year there shall be a sabbath to the land, of the resting of the Lord: thou shalt not sow thy field, nor prune thy vineyard.

dourh@Leviticus:25:11 @ Because it is the jubilee and the fiftieth year. You shall not sow, nor reap the things that grow in the field of their own accord, neither shall you gather the firstfruits of the vines,

dourh@Leviticus:25:20 @ But if you say: What shall we eat the seventh year, if we sow not, nor gather our fruits?

dourh@Leviticus:25:36 @ Take not usury of him nor more than thou gavest: fear thy God, that thy brother may live with thee.

dourh@Leviticus:25:37 @ Thou shalt not give him thy money upon usury, nor exact of him any increase of fruits.

dourh@Leviticus:26:1 @ I am the Lord your God: you shall not make to yourselves any idol or graven thing, neither shall you erect pillars, nor set up a remarkable stone in your land, to adore it: for I am the Lord your God.

dourh@Leviticus:26:14 @ But if you will not hear me, nor do all my commandments,

dourh@Leviticus:26:20 @ Your labour shall be spent in vain, the ground shall not bring forth her increase, nor the trees yield their fruit.

dourh@Leviticus:27:10 @ And cannot be changed, that is to say, neither a better for a worse, nor a worse for a better. And if he shall change it: both that which was changed, and that for which it was changed, shall be consecrated to the Lord.

dourh@Leviticus:27:33 @ It shall not be chosen neither good nor bad, neither shall it be changed for another. If any man change it: both that which was changed, and that for which it was changed, shall be sanctified to the Lord, and shall not be redeemed.

dourh@Numbers:5:15 @ He shall bring her to the priest, and shall offer an oblation for her, the tenth part of a measure of barley meal: he shall not pour oil thereon, nor put frank- incense upon it: because it is a sacrifice of jealousy, and an oblation searching out adultery.

dourh@Numbers:6:3 @ They shall abstain from wine, and from every thing that may make a man drunk. They shall not drink vinegar of wine, or of any other drink, nor any thing that is pressed out of the grape: nor shall they eat grapes either fresh or dried.

dourh@Numbers:9:12 @ They shall not leave any thing thereof until morning, a nor break a bone thereof, they shall observe all the ceremonies of the phase.

dourh@Numbers:11:19 @ Not for one day, nor two, nor five, nor ten, no nor for twenty.

dourh@Numbers:11:25 @ And the Lord came down in a cloud, and spoke to him, taking away of the spirit that was in Moses, and giving to the seventy men. And when the spirit had rested on them they prophesied, nor did they cease afterwards.

dourh@Numbers:16:15 @ Moses therefore being very angry, raid to the Lord: Respect not their sacrifices: thou knowest that I have not taken of them so much as a young ass at any time, nor have injured any of them.

dourh@Numbers:18:3 @ And the Levites shall watch to do thy commands, and about all the works of the tabernacle: only they shall not come nigh the vessels of the sanctuary nor the altar, lest both they die, and you also perish with them.

dourh@Numbers:18:22 @ That the children of Israel may not approach any more to the tabernacle, nor commit deadly sin,

dourh@Numbers:19:15 @ The vessel that hath no cover, nor binding over it, shall be unclean.

dourh@Numbers:20:5 @ Why have you made us come up out of Egypt, and have brought us into this wretched place which cannot be sowed, nor bringeth forth figs, nor vines, nor pomegranates, neither is there any water to drink?

dourh@Numbers:20:17 @ And we beseech thee that we may have leave to pass through thy country. We will not go through the fields, nor through the vineyards, we will not drink the waters of thy wells, but we will go by the common highway, neither turning aside to the right hand, nor to the left, till we are past thy borders.

dourh@Numbers:21:5 @ And speaking against God end Moses, they said: Why didst thou bring us out of Egypt, to die in the wilderness? There is no bread, nor have we any waters: our soul now loatheth this very light food.

dourh@Numbers:22:12 @ And God said to Balaam: Thou shalt not go with them, nor shalt thou curse the people: because it is blessed.

dourh@Numbers:23:19 @ God is not a man, that he should lie, nor as the son of man, that he should be changed. Hath he said then, and will he not do? hath he spoken, and will he not fulfil?

dourh@Numbers:23:23 @ There is no soothsaying in Jacob, nor divination in Israel. In their times it shall be told to Jacob and to Israel what God hath wrought.

dourh@Numbers:23:25 @ And Balac said to Balaam: Neither curse, nor bless him.

dourh@Deuteronomy:1:23 @ See the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee: go up and possess it, as the Lord our God hath spoken to thy fathers: fear not, nor be any way discouraged.

dourh@Deuteronomy:2:19 @ And when thou comest nigh the frontiers of the children of Ammon, take heed thou fight not against them, nor once move to battle: for I will not give thee of the land of the children of Ammon, because I have given it to the children of Lot for a possession.

dourh@Deuteronomy:2:27 @ We will pass through thy land, we will go along by the highway: we will not turn aside neither to the right hand nor to the left.

dourh@Deuteronomy:4:21 @ And the Lord was angry with me for your words, and he swore that I should not pass over the Jordan, nor enter into the excellent land, which he will give you.

dourh@Deuteronomy:4:28 @ And there you shah serve gods, that were framed with men's hands: wood and stone, that neither see, nor hear, nor eat, nor smell.

dourh@Deuteronomy:4:31 @ Because the Lord thy God is a merciful God: he will not leave thee, nor altogether destroy thee, nor forget the covenant, by which he swore to thy fathers.

dourh@Deuteronomy:5:8 @ Thou shalt not make to thyself a graven thing, nor the likeness of any things, that are in heaven above, or that are in the earth beneath, or that abide in the waters under the earth.

dourh@Deuteronomy:5:14 @ The seventh is the day of the sabbath, that is, the rest of the Lord thy God. Thou shalt not do any work therein, thou nor thy son nor thy daughter, nor thy manservant nor thy maidservant, nor thy ox, nor thy ass, nor any of thy beasts, nor the stranger that is within thy gates: that thy manservant and thy maidservant may rest, even as thyself.

dourh@Deuteronomy:5:21 @ Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife: nor his house, nor his field, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is his.

dourh@Deuteronomy:5:32 @ Keep therefore and do the things which the Lord God hath commanded you: you shall not go aside neither to the right hand, nor to the left.

dourh@Deuteronomy:7:2 @ And the Lord thy God shall have delivered them to thee, thou shalt utterly destroy them. Thou shalt make no league with them, nor shew mercy to them:

dourh@Deuteronomy:7:3 @ Neither shalt thou make marriages with them. Thou shalt not give thy daughter to his son, nor take his daughter for thy son:

dourh@Deuteronomy:7:14 @ Blessed shalt thou be among all people. No one shall be barren among you of either sex, neither of men nor cattle.

dourh@Deuteronomy:8:3 @ He afflicted thee with want, and gave thee manna for thy food, which neither thou nor thy fathers knew: to shew that m not in bread alone doth man live, but in every word that proceedeth from the mouth of God.

dourh@Deuteronomy:9:9 @ When I went up into the mount to receive the tables of stone, the tables of the covenant which the Lord made with you: and I continued in the mount forty days and nights, neither eating bread, nor drinking water.

dourh@Deuteronomy:9:18 @ And I fell down before the Lord se before, forty days and nights neither eating bread, nor drinking water, for all your sins, which you had committed against the Lord, and had provoked him to wrath:

dourh@Deuteronomy:9:27 @ Remember thy servants Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob: look not on the stubbornness of this people, nor on their wickedness and sin:

dourh@Deuteronomy:10:9 @ Wherefore Levi hath no part nor possession with his brethren: because the Lord himself is his possession, as the Lord thy God promised him.

dourh@Deuteronomy:10:17 @ Because the Lord your God he is the God of gods, and the Lord of lords, a great God and mighty and terrible, a who accepteth no person nor taketh bribes.

dourh@Deuteronomy:11:18 @ And the Lord being angry shut up heaven, that the rain come not down, nor the earth yield her fruit, and you perish quickly from the excellent land, which the Lord will give you.

dourh@Deuteronomy:12:17 @ Thou mayst not eat in thy towns the tithes of thy corn, and thy wine, and thy oil, the firstborn of thy herds and thy cattle, nor any thing that thou vowest, and that thou wilt offer voluntarily, and the firstfruits of thy hands:

dourh@Deuteronomy:12:32 @ What I command thee, that only do thou to the Lord: neither add any thing, nor diminish.

dourh@Deuteronomy:13:6 @ If thy brother the son of thy mother, or thy son, or daughter, or thy wife that is in thy bosom, or thy friend, whom thou lovest as thy own soul, would persuade thee secretly, saying: Let us go, and serve strange gods, which thou knowest not, nor thy fathers,

dourh@Deuteronomy:14:29 @ And the Levite that hath no other part nor possession with thee, and the stranger and the fatherless and the widow, that are within thy gates, shall come and shall eat and be filled: that the Lord thy God may bless thee in all the works of thy hands that thou shalt do.

dourh@Deuteronomy:15:4 @ And there shall be no poor nor beggar among you: that the Lord thy God may bless thee in the land which he will give thee in possession.

dourh@Deuteronomy:15:7 @ If one of thy brethren that dwelleth within the gates of thy city in the land which the Lord thy God will give thee, come to poverty: thou shalt not harden thy heart, nor close thy hand,

dourh@Deuteronomy:16:19 @ And not go aside to either part. Thou shalt not accept person nor gifts: for gifts blind the eyes of the wise, and change the words of the just.

dourh@Deuteronomy:16:21 @ Thou shalt plant no grove, nor any tree near the altar of the Lord thy God:

dourh@Deuteronomy:16:22 @ Neither shalt thou make nor set up to thyself a statue: which things the Lord thy God hateth.

dourh@Deuteronomy:17:11 @ According to his law; and thou shalt follow their sentence: neither shalt thou decline to the right hand nor to the left hand.

dourh@Deuteronomy:17:16 @ And when he is made king, he shall not multiply horses to himself, nor lead back the people into Egypt, being lifted up with the number of his horsemen, especially since the Lord hath commanded you to return no more the same way.

dourh@Deuteronomy:17:17 @ He shall not have many wives, that may allure his mind, nor immense sums of silver and gold.

dourh@Deuteronomy:17:20 @ And that his heart be not lifted up with pride over his brethren, nor decline to the right or to the left, that he and his sons may reign a long time over Israel.

dourh@Deuteronomy:18:1 @ The priests and Levites, and all that are of the same tribe, shall have no part nor inheritance with the rest of Israel, because they shall eat the sacrifices of the Lord, and his oblations,

dourh@Deuteronomy:18:11 @ Nor charmer, nor any one that consulteth pythonic spirits, or fortune tellers, or that seeketh the truth from the dead.

dourh@Deuteronomy:19:14 @ Thou shalt not take nor remove thy neighbour's landmark, which thy predecessors have set in thy possession. which the Lord thy God will give thee in the land that thou shalt receive to possess.

dourh@Deuteronomy:21:3 @ And the ancients of that city which they shall perceive to be nearer than the rest, shall take a heifer of the herd, that hath not drawn in the yoke, nor ploughed the ground,

dourh@Deuteronomy:21:4 @ And they shall bring her into a rough and stony valley, that never was ploughed, nor sown: and there they shall strike off the head of the heifer:

dourh@Deuteronomy:21:7 @ And shall say: Our hands did not shed this blood, nor did our eyes see it.

dourh@Deuteronomy:21:14 @ Rut if afterwards she please thee not, thou shalt let her go free, but thou mayst not sell her for money nor oppress her by might because thou hast humbled her.

dourh@Deuteronomy:22:30 @ No man shall take his father's wife, nor remove his covering.

dourh@Deuteronomy:23:7 @ Thou shalt not abhor the Edomite, because he is thy brother: nor the Egyptian, because thou wast a stranger in his land.

dourh@Deuteronomy:23:17 @ There shall be no whore among the daughters of Israel, nor whoremonger among the sons of Israel.

dourh@Deuteronomy:23:18 @ Thou shalt not offer the hire of a strumpet, nor the price of a dog, in the house of the Lord thy God, whatsoever it be that thou hast vowed: because both these are an abomination to the Lord thy God.

dourh@Deuteronomy:23:19 @ Thou shalt not lend to thy brother money to usury, nor corn, nor any other thing:

dourh@Deuteronomy:24:6 @ Thou shalt not take the nether, nor the upper millstone to pledge: for he hath pledged his life to thee.

dourh@Deuteronomy:24:16 @ The fathers shall not be put to death for the children, nor the children for the fathers, but every one shall die for his own sin.

dourh@Deuteronomy:24:17 @ Thou shalt not pervert the judgment of the stranger nor of the fatherless, neither shalt thou take away the widow's raiment for a pledge.

dourh@Deuteronomy:26:14 @ And thou shalt speak thus in the sight of the Lord thy God: I have taken that which was sanctified out of my house, and I have given it to the Levite, and to the stranger, and to the fatherless, and to the widow, as thou hast commanded me: I have not transgressed thy commandments nor forgotten thy precepts.

dourh@Deuteronomy:26:15 @ I have not eaten of them is my mourning, nor separated them for any uncleanness, nor spent any thing of them in funerals. I have obeyed the voice of the Lord my God, and have done all things as thou hast commanded me.

dourh@Deuteronomy:27:6 @ And of stones not fashioned nor polished: and thou shalt offer upon it holocausts to the Lord thy God:

dourh@Deuteronomy:28:14 @ And turn not away from them neither to the right hand, nor to the left, nor follow strange gods, nor worship them.

dourh@Deuteronomy:28:39 @ Thou shalt plant a vineyard, and dig it, and shalt not drink the wine, nor gather any thing thereof: because it shall be wasted with worms.

dourh@Deuteronomy:28:50 @ A most insolent nation, that will shew no regard to the ancients, nor have pity on the infant,

dourh@Deuteronomy:28:51 @ And will devour the fruit of thy cattle, and the fruits of thy land: until thou be destroyed, and will leave thee no wheat, nor wine, nor oil, nor herds of oxen, nor flocks of sheep: until he destroy thee.

dourh@Deuteronomy:28:56 @ The tender and delicate woman, that could not go upon the ground, nor set down her foot for over much niceness and tenderness, will envy her husband who lieth in her bosom, the flesh of her son, and of her daughter,

dourh@Deuteronomy:28:65 @ Neither shalt thou be quiet, even in those nations, nor shall there be any rest for the sole of thy foot. For the Lord will give thee a fearful heart, and languishing eyes, and a soul consumed with pensiveness:

dourh@Deuteronomy:29:6 @ You have not eaten bread, nor have you drunk wine or strong drink: that you might know that I am the Lord your God.

dourh@Deuteronomy:29:23 @ Burning it with brimstone, and the heat of salt, so that it cannot be sown any more, nor any green thing grow therein, after the example of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrha, Adama and Seboim, which the Lord destroyed in his wrath and indignation:

dourh@Deuteronomy:30:11 @ This commandment, that I command thee this day is not above thee, nor far off from thee:

dourh@Deuteronomy:30:12 @ Nor is it in heaven, that thou shouldst say: Which of us can go up to heaven to bring it unto us, and we may hear and fulfil it in work?

dourh@Deuteronomy:30:13 @ Nor is it beyond the sea: that thou mayst excuse thyself, and say: Which of us can cross the sea, and bring it unto us: that we may hear, and do that which is commanded?

dourh@Deuteronomy:31:6 @ Do manfully and be of good heart: fear not, nor be ye dismayed at their sight: for the Lord thy God he himself is thy leader, and will not leave thee nor forsake thee.

dourh@Deuteronomy:31:8 @ And the Lord who is your leader, he himself will be with thee: he will not leave thee, nor forsake thee: fear not, neither be dismayed.

dourh@Joshua:1:5 @ No man shall be able to resist you all the days of thy life: as I have been with Moses, so will I be with thee: I will not leave thee, nor forsake thee.

dourh@Joshua:6:10 @ But Josue had commanded the people, saying: You shall not shout, nor shall your voice be heard, nor any word go out of your mouth: until the day come wherein I shall say to you: Cry, and shout.

dourh@Joshua:8:1 @ And the Lord said to Josue: Fear not, nor be thou dismayed: take with thee all the multitude of fighting men, arise and go up to the town of Hai. Behold I have delivered into thy hand the king thereof, and the people, and the city, and the land.

dourh@Joshua:10:12 @ Then Josue spoke to the Lord, in the day that he delivered the Amorrhite in the sight of the children of Israel, and he said before them: Move not, O sun, toward Gabaon, nor thou, O moon, toward the valley of Ajalon.

dourh@Joshua:10:14 @ There was not before nor after so long a day, the Lord obeying the voice of a man, and fighting for Israel.

dourh@Joshua:22:26 @ And said: Let us build us an altar, not for holocausts, nor to offer victims,

dourh@Joshua:22:28 @ And if they will say so, they shall answer them: Behold the altar of the Lord, which our fathers made, not for holocausts, nor for sacrifice, but for a testimony between us and you.

dourh@Joshua:23:6 @ Only take courage, and be careful to observe all things that are written in the book of the law of Moses: and turn not aside from them neither to the right hand nor to the left:

dourh@Joshua:24:12 @ And I sent before you hornets: and I drove them out from their places, the two kings of the Amorrhites, not with thy sword nor with thy bow.

dourh@Judges:1:27 @ Manasses also did not destroy Bethsan, and Thanac with their villages, nor the inhabitants of Dor, and Jeblaam, and Mageddo with their villages. And the Chanaanite began to dwell with them.

dourh@Judges:6:5 @ And pitching their tents among them, wasted all things as they were in the blade even to the entrance of Gaza: and they left nothing at all in Israel for sustenance of life, nor sheep, nor oxen, nor asses.

dourh@Judges:11:15 @ Thus saith Jephte: Israel did not take away the land of Moab, nor the land of the children of Ammon:

dourh@Judges:13:4 @ Now therefore beware and drink no wine nor strong drink, and eat not any unclean thing.

dourh@Judges:13:7 @ But he answered thus: Behold thou shalt conceive and bear a son: beware thou drink no wine, nor strong drink, nor eat any unclean thing: for the child shall be a Nazarite of God from his infancy, from his mother's womb until the day of his death.

dourh@Judges:13:14 @ And let her eat nothing that cometh of the vine, neither let her drink wine or strong drink, nor eat any unclean thing: and whatsoever I have commanded her, let her fulfil and observe.

dourh@Judges:13:23 @ And his wife answered him: If the Lord had a mind to kill us, he would not have received a holocaust and libations at our hands, neither would he have shewed us all these things, nor have told us the things that are to come.

dourh@Ruth:1:18 @ Then Noemi, seeing that Ruth was steadfastly determined to go with her, would not be against it, nor persuade her any more to return to her friends:

dourh@1Samuel:1:15 @ Anna answering, said: Not so, my lord: for I am an exceeding unhappy woman, and have drunk neither wine nor any strong drink, but I have poured out my soul before the Lord.

dourh@1Samuel:2:13 @ Nor the office of the priests to the people: but whosoever had offered a sacrifice, the servant of the priest came, while the flesh was in boiling, with a fleshhook of three teeth in his hand,

dourh@1Samuel:3:14 @ Therefore have I sworn to the house of Hell, that the iniquity of his house shall not be expiated with victims nor offerings for ever.

dourh@1Samuel:4:20 @ And when she was upon the point of death, they that stood about her said to her: Fear not, for thou hast borne a son. She answered them not, nor gave heed to them.

dourh@1Samuel:5:5 @ And only the stump of Dagon remained in its place. For this cause neither the priests of Dagon, nor any that go into the temple tread on the threshold of Dagon in Azotus unto this day.

dourh@1Samuel:6:12 @ And the kine took the straight way that leadeth to Bethsames, and they went along the way, lowing as they went: and turned not aside neither to the right hand nor to the left: and the lords of the Philistines followed them as far as the borders of Bethsames.

dourh@1Samuel:9:7 @ And Saul said to his servant: Behold we will go: but what shall we carry to the man of God? the bread is spent in our bags: and we have no present to make to the man of God, nor any thing at all.

dourh@1Samuel:12:4 @ And they said: Thou hast not wronged us, nor oppressed us, nor taken ought at any man's hand.

dourh@1Samuel:12:21 @ And turn not aside after vain things which shall never profit you, nor deliver you, because they are vain.

dourh@1Samuel:13:22 @ And when the day of battle was come, there was neither sword nor spear found in the hand of any of the people that were with Saul and Jonathan, except Saul and Jonathan his son.

dourh@1Samuel:15:3 @ Now therefore go, and smite Amalec, and utterly destroy all that he hath: spare him not, nor covet any thing that is his: but slay both man and woman, child and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass.

dourh@1Samuel:16:7 @ And the Lord said to Samuel: Look not on his countenance, nor on the height of his stature: because I have rejected him, nor do I judge according to the look of man: for man seeth those things that appear, but the Lord beholdeth the heart.

dourh@1Samuel:17:33 @ And Saul said to David: Thou art not able to withstand this Philistine, nor to fight against him: for thou art but a boy, but he is a warrior from his youth.

dourh@1Samuel:20:26 @ And Saul said nothing that day, for he thought it might have happened to him, that he was not clean, nor purified.

dourh@1Samuel:20:27 @ And when the second day after the new moon was come, David's place appeared empty again. And Saul said to Jonathan his son: Why cometh not the son of Isai to meat neither yesterday nor to day?

dourh@1Samuel:20:31 @ For as long as the son of Isai liveth upon earth, thou shalt not be established, nor thy kingdom. Therefore now presently send, and fetch him to me: for he is the son of death.

dourh@1Samuel:21:8 @ And David said to Achimelech: Hast thou here at hand a spear, or a sword? for I brought not my own sword, nor my own weapons with me, for the king's business required haste.

dourh@1Samuel:22:8 @ That all of you have conspired against me, and there is no one to inform me, especially when even my son hath entered into league with the soil of Isai? There is not one of you that pitieth my case, nor that giveth me any information: because my son hath raised up my servant against me, plotting against me to this day.

dourh@1Samuel:24:12 @ Moreover see and know, O my father, the hem of thy robe in my hand, that when I cut, off the hem of thy robe, I would not put out my hand against thee. Reflect, and see, that there is no evil in my hand, nor iniquity, neither have I sinned against thee: but thou liest in wait for my life, to take it away.

dourh@1Samuel:24:22 @ Swear to me by the Lord, that thou wilt not destroy my seed after me, nor take away my name from the house of my father.

dourh@1Samuel:27:9 @ And David wasted all the land, and left neither man nor woman alive: and took away the sheep and the oxen, and the asses, and the camels, and the apparel, and returned and came to Achis.

dourh@1Samuel:27:11 @ And David saved neither man nor woman, neither brought he any of them to Geth, saying: Lest they should speak against us. So did David, and such was his proceeding all the days that he dwelt in the country of the Philistines.

dourh@1Samuel:28:6 @ And he consulted the Lord, and he answered him not, neither by dreams, nor by priests, nor by prophets.

dourh@1Samuel:28:15 @ And Samuel said to Saul: Why hast thou disturbed my rest, that I should be brought up? And Saul said, I am in great distress: for the Philistines fight against me, and God is departed from me, and would not hear me, neither by the hand of prophets, nor by dreams: therefore I have called thee, that thou mayest shew me what I shall do.

dourh@1Samuel:30:12 @ As also a piece of a cake of figs, and two bunches of raisins. And when he had eaten them his spirit returned, and he was refreshed: for he had not eaten bread, nor drunk water three days, and three nights.

dourh@1Samuel:30:15 @ And David said to him: Canst thou bring me to this company? And he said: Swear to me by God, that thou wilt not kill me, nor deliver me into the hands of my master, and I will bring thee to this company. And David swore to him.

dourh@1Samuel:30:19 @ And there was nothing missing small or great, neither of their sons or their daughters, nor of the spoils, and whatsoever they had taken: David recovered all.

dourh@2Samuel:1:21 @ Ye mountains of Gelboe, let neither dew, nor rain come upon you, neither be they fields of firstfruits: for there was cast away the shield of the valiant, the shield of Saul as though he had not been anointed with oil.

dourh@2Samuel:2:19 @ And Asael pursued after Abner, and turned not to the right hand nor to the left from following Abner.

dourh@2Samuel:2:28 @ Then Joab sounded the trumpet, and all the army stood still, and did not pursue after Israel any farther, nor fight any more.

dourh@2Samuel:3:34 @ Thy hands were not bound, nor thy feet laden with fetters: but as men fall before the children of iniquity, so didst thou fall. And all the people repeating it wept over him.

dourh@2Samuel:13:22 @ But Absalom spoke not to Amnon neither good nor evil: for Absalom hated Amnon because he had ravished his sister Thamar.

dourh@2Samuel:14:7 @ And behold the whole kindred rising against thy handmaid, saith: Deliver him that hath slain his brother, that we may kill him for the life of his brother, whom he slew, and that we may destroy the heir: and they seek to quench my spark which is left, and will leave my husband no name, nor remainder upon the earth.

dourh@2Samuel:14:17 @ Then let thy handmaid say, that the word of the Lord the king be made as a sacrifice. For even as an angel of God, so is my lord the king, that he is neither moved with blessing nor cursing: wherefore the Lord thy God is also with thee.

dourh@2Samuel:14:19 @ And the king said: Is not the hand of Joab with thee in all this? The woman answered, and said: By the health of thy soul, my lord, O king, it is neither on the left hand, nor on the right, in all these things which my lord the king hath spoken: for thy servant Joab, he commanded me, and he put all these words into the mouth of thy handmaid.

dourh@2Samuel:17:17 @ And Jonathan and Achimaas stayed by the fountain Rogel: and there went a maid and told them: and they went forward, to carry the message to king David, for they might not be seen, nor enter into the city.

dourh@2Samuel:19:6 @ Thou lovest them that hate thee, and thou hatest them that love thee: and thou hast shewn this day that thou carest not for thy nobles, nor for thy servants: and I now plainly perceive that if Absalom had lived, and all we had been slain, then it would have pleased thee.

dourh@2Samuel:19:19 @ Said to him: Impute not to me, my lord, the iniquity, nor remember the injuries of thy servant on the day that thou, my lord, the king, wentest out of Jerusalem, nor lay it up in thy heart, O king.

dourh@2Samuel:19:24 @ And Miphiboseth the son of Saul came down to meet the king, and he had neither washed his feet, nor trimmed his beard: nor washed his garments from the day that the king went out, until the day of his return in peace.

dourh@2Samuel:20:1 @ And there happened to be there a man of Belial, whose name was Seba, the son of Bochri, a man of Jemini: and he sounded the trumpet, and said: We have no part in David, nor inheritance in the son of Isai: return to thy dwellings, O Israel.

dourh@2Samuel:20:20 @ And Joab answering said: God forbid, God forbid that I should, I do not throw down, nor destroy.

dourh@2Samuel:21:10 @ And Respha the daughter of Aia took haircloth, and spread it under her upon the rock from the beginning of the harvest, till water dropped upon them out of heaven: and suffered neither the birds to tear them by day, nor the beasts by night.

dourh@1Kings:3:8 @ And thy servant is in the midst of the people which thou hast chosen, an immense people, which cannot be numbered nor counted for multitude.

dourh@1Kings:3:11 @ And the Lord said to Solomon: Because thou hast asked this thing, and hast not asked for thyself long life or riches, nor the lives of thy enemies, but hast asked for thyself wisdom to discern judgment,

dourh@1Kings:3:12 @ Behold I have done for thee according to thy words, and have given thee a wise and understanding heart, insomuch that there hath been no one like thee before thee, nor shall arise after thee.

dourh@1Kings:3:26 @ But the woman whose child was alive, said to the king, (for her bowels were moved upon her child,) I beseech thee, my lord, give her the child alive, and do not kill it. But the other said: Let it be neither mine nor thine, but divide it.

dourh@1Kings:5:4 @ But now the Lord my God hath given me rest round about: and there is no adversary nor evil occurrence.

dourh@1Kings:6:7 @ And the house, when it was in building, was built of stones hewed and made ready: so that there was neither hammer nor axe nor any tool of iron heard in the house when it was in building.

dourh@1Kings:8:57 @ The Lord our God be with us, as he was with our fathers, and not leave us, nor cast us off:

dourh@1Kings:10:12 @ And the king made of the thyine trees the rails of the house of the Lord, and of the king's house, and citterns and harps for singers: there were no such thyine trees as these brought, nor seen unto this day.)

dourh@1Kings:10:21 @ Moreover all the vessels, out of which king Solomon drank, were of gold: and all the furniture of the house of the forest of Libanus was of most pure gold: there was no silver, nor was any account made of it in the days of Solomon:

dourh@1Kings:12:24 @ Thus saith the Lord: You shall not go up nor fight against your brethren the children of Israel: let every man return to his house, for this thing is from me. They hearkened to the word of the Lord, and returned from their journey, as the Lord had commanded them.

dourh@1Kings:13:8 @ And the man of God answered the king: If thou wouldst give me half thy house I will not go with thee, nor eat bread, nor drink water in this place:

dourh@1Kings:13:9 @ For so it was enjoined me by the word of the Lord commanding me: Thou shalt not eat bread nor drink water, nor return by the same way that thou camest.

dourh@1Kings:13:16 @ But he said: I must not return, nor go with thee, neither will I eat bread, nor drink water in this place:

dourh@1Kings:13:17 @ Because the Lord spoke to me in the word of the Lord, saying: Thou shalt not eat bread, and thou shalt not drink water there, nor return by the way thou wentest.

dourh@1Kings:13:22 @ And hast returned and eaten bread, and drunk water in the place wherein he commanded thee that thou shouldst not eat bread, nor drink water, thy dead body shall not be brought into the sepulchre of thy fathers.

dourh@1Kings:13:28 @ And he was gone, he found the dead body cast in the way, and the ass and the lion standing by the carcass: the lion had not eaten of the dead body, nor hurt the ass.

dourh@1Kings:16:31 @ Nor was it enough for him to walk in the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nabat: but he also took to wife Jezabel daughter of Ethbaal king of the Sidonians. And he went, and served Baal, and adored him.

dourh@1Kings:17:1 @ And Elias the Thesbite of the inhabitants of Galaad said to Achab: As the Lord liveth the God of Israel, in whose sight I stand, there shall not be dew nor rain these years, but according to the words of my mouth.

dourh@1Kings:17:14 @ For thus saith the Lord the God of Israel: The pot of meal shall not waste, nor the cruse of oil be diminished, until the day wherein the Lord will give rain upon the face of the earth.

dourh@1Kings:18:26 @ And they took the bullock which he gave them, and dressed it: and they called on the name of Baal from morning even till noon, saying: O Baal, hear us. But there was no voice, nor any that answered: and they leaped over the altar that they had made.

dourh@1Kings:18:29 @ And after midday was past, and while they were prophesying, the time was come of offering sacrifice, and there was no voice heard, nor did any one answer, nor regard them as they prayed:

dourh@1Kings:20:8 @ And all the ancients, and all the people said to him: Hearken not to him, nor consent to him.

dourh@2Kings:3:3 @ Nevertheless he stuck to the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nabat, who made Israel to sin, nor did he depart from them.

dourh@2Kings:3:14 @ And Eliseus said to him: As the Lord of hosts liveth, in whose sight I stand, if I did not reverence the face of Josaphat king of Juda, I would not have hearkened to thee, nor looked on thee.

dourh@2Kings:3:17 @ For thus saith the Lord: You shall not see wind, nor rain: and yet this channel shall be filled with waters, and you shall drink, you and your families, and your beasts.

dourh@2Kings:4:23 @ And he said to her: Why dost thou go to him? to day is neither new moon nor sabbath. She answered: I will go.

dourh@2Kings:4:31 @ But Giezi was gone before them, and laid the staff upon the face of the child, and there was no voice nor sense: and he returned to meet him, and told him, saying: The child is not risen.

dourh@2Kings:6:10 @ And the king of Israel sent to the place which the man of God had told him, and prevented him, and looked well to himself there not once nor twice.

dourh@2Kings:10:29 @ But yet he departed not from the sills of Jeroboam the son of Nabat, who made Israel to sin, nor did he forsake the golden calves that were in Bethel and Daniel.

dourh@2Kings:13:23 @ And the Lord had mercy on them, and returned to them because of his covenant, which he had made with Abraham and Isaac and Jacob: and he would not destroy them, nor utterly cast them away, unto this present time.

dourh@2Kings:17:35 @ With whom he made a covenant, and charged them, saying: You shall not fear strange gods, nor shall you adore them, nor worship them, nor sacrifice to them.

dourh@2Kings:18:5 @ He trusted in the Lord the God of Israel: so that after him there was none like him among all the kings of Juda, nor any of them that were before him:

dourh@2Kings:18:12 @ Because they hearkened not to the voice of the Lord their God, but transgressed his covenant: all that Moses the servant of the Lord commanded, they would not hear nor do.

dourh@2Kings:19:32 @ Wherefore thus saith the Lord concerning the king of the Assyrians: He shall not come into this city, nor shoot an arrow into it, nor come before it with shield, nor cast a trench about it.

dourh@2Kings:20:13 @ And Ezechias rejoiced at their coming, and he showed them the house of his aromatical spices, and the gold and the silver, and divers precious odours, and ointments, and the house of his vessels, and all that he had in his treasures. There was nothing in his house, nor in all his dominions that Ezechias shewed them not.

dourh@2Kings:23:22 @ Now there was no such a phase kept from the days of the judges, who judged Israel, nor in all the days of the kings of Israel, and of the kings of Juda,

dourh@1Chronicles:22:13 @ For then thou shalt be able to prosper, if thou keep the commandments, and judgments, which the Lord commanded Moses to teach Israel: take courage and act manfully, fear not, nor be dismayed.

dourh@1Chronicles:28:20 @ And David said to Solomon his son: Act like a man, and take courage, and do: fear not, and be not dismayed: for the Lord my God will be with thee, and will not leave thee, nor forsake thee, till thou hast finished all the work for the service of the house of the Lord.

dourh@2Chronicles:1:11 @ And God said to Solomon: Because this choice hath pleased thy heart, and thou hast not asked riches, and wealth, and glory, nor the lives of them that hate thee, nor many days of life: but hast asked wisdom and knowledge, to be able to judge my people, over which I have made thee king,

dourh@2Chronicles:1:12 @ Wisdom and knowledge are granted to thee: and I will give thee riches, and wealth, and glory, so that none of the kings before thee, nor after thee, shall be like thee.

dourh@2Chronicles:5:14 @ Nor could the priests stand and minister by reason of the cloud. For the glory of the Lord had filled the house of God.

dourh@2Chronicles:6:14 @ He said: O Lord God of Israel, there is no God like thee in heaven nor in earth: who keepest covenant and mercy with thy servants, that walk before thee with all their hearts:

dourh@2Chronicles:10:16 @ And all the people upon the king's speaking roughly, said thus unto him: We have no part in David, nor inheritance in the son of Isai. Return to thy dwellings, O Israel, and do thou, O David, feed thy own house. And Israel went away to their dwellings.

dourh@2Chronicles:11:4 @ Thus saith the Lord: You shall not go up, nor fight against your brethren: let every man return to his own house, for by my will this thing has been done. And when they heard the word of the Lord, they returned, and did not go against Jeroboam,

dourh@2Chronicles:19:7 @ Let the fear of the Lord be with you, and do all things with diligence: for there is no iniquity with the Lord our God, a nor respect of persons, nor desire of gifts.

dourh@2Chronicles:20:17 @ It shall not be you that shall fight, but only stand with confidence, and you shall see the help of the Lord over you, O Juda, and Jerusalem: fear ye not, nor be you dismayed: to morrow you shall go out against them, and the Lord will be with you.

dourh@2Chronicles:20:25 @ Then Josaphat came, and all the people with him to take away the spoils of the dead, and they found among the dead bodies, stuff of various kinds, and garments, and most precious vessels: and they took them for themselves, insomuch that they could not carry all, nor in three days take away the spoils, the booty was so great.

dourh@2Chronicles:21:12 @ And there was a letter brought him from Elias the prophet, in which it was written: Thus saith the Lord the God of David thy father: Because thou hast not walked in the ways of Josaphat thy father nor in the ways of Asa king of Juda,

dourh@2Chronicles:25:4 @ But he slew not their children, as it is written in the book of the law of Moses, where the Lord commanded, saying: The fathers shall not be slain for the children, nor the children for their fathers, but every man shall die for his own sin.

dourh@2Chronicles:29:7 @ They have shut up the doors that were in tile porch, and put out the lamps. and have not burnt incense, nor offered holocausts in the sanctuary of the God of Israel.

dourh@2Chronicles:32:7 @ Behave like men, and take courage: be not afraid nor dismayed for the king of the Assyrians, nor for all the multitude that is with him: for there are many more with us than with him.

dourh@2Chronicles:32:15 @ Therefore let not Ezechias deceive you, nor delude you with a vain persuasion, and do not believe him. For if no god of all the nations and kingdoms, could deliver his people out of my hand, and out of the hand of my fathers, consequently neither shall your God be able to deliver you out of my hand.

dourh@2Chronicles:34:2 @ And he did that which was right in the sight of the Lord, and walked in the ways of David his father: he declined not, neither to the right hand, nor to the left.

dourh@Ezra:4:13 @ And now be it known to the king, that if this city be built up, and the walls thereof repaired, they will not pay tribute nor toll, nor yearly revenues, and this loss will fail upon the kings.

dourh@Ezra:9:12 @ Now therefore give not your daughters to their sons, and take not their daughters for your sons, and seek not their peace, nor their prosperity forever: that you may be strengthened, and may eat the good things of the land, and may have your children your heirs for ever.

dourh@Ezra:9:14 @ That we should not turn away, nor break thy commandments, nor join in marriage with the people of these abominations. Art thou angry with us unto utter destruction, not to leave us a remnant to be saved?

dourh@Nehemiah:2:20 @ And I answered them, and said to them: The God of heaven he helpeth us, and we are his servants: let us rise up and build: but you have no part, nor justice, nor remembrance in Jerusalem.

dourh@Nehemiah:4:11 @ And our enemies said: Let them not know, nor understand, till we come in the midst of them, and kill them, and cause the work to cease.

dourh@Nehemiah:7:61 @ And these are they that came up from Telmela, Thelharsa, Cherub, Addon, and Emmer: and could not shew the house of their fathers, nor their seed, whether they were of Israel.

dourh@Nehemiah:8:9 @ And Nehemias (he is Athersatha) and Esdras the priest and scribe, and the Levites who interpreted to all the people, said: This is a holy day to the Lord our God: do not mourn, nor weep: for all the people wept, when they heard the words of the law.

dourh@Nehemiah:9:31 @ Yet in thy very many mercies thou didst not utterly consume them, nor forsake them: because thou art a merciful and gracious God.

dourh@Nehemiah:9:35 @ And they have not served thee in their kingdoms, and in thy manifold goodness, which thou gavest them, and in the large and fat land, which thou deliveredst before them, nor did they return from their most wicked devices.

dourh@Nehemiah:13:25 @ And I chid them, and laid my curse upon them. And I beat some of them, and shaved off their hair, and made them swear by God that they would not give their daughters to their sons, nor take their daughters for their sons, nor for themselves, saying:

dourh@Esther:2:10 @ And she would not tell him her people nor her country. For Mardochai had charged her to say nothing at all of that:

dourh@Esther:3:2 @ And all the king's servants, that were at the doors of the palace, bent their knees, and worshipped Aman: for so the emperor had commanded them, only Mardochai did not bend his knee, nor worship him.

dourh@Esther:3:5 @ Now when Aman had heard this, and had proved by experience that Mardochai did not bend his knee to him, nor worship him, he was exceeding angry.

dourh@Esther:4:16 @ Go, and gather together all the Jews whom thou shalt find in Susan, and pray ye for me. Neither eat nor drink for three days and three nights: and I with my handmaids will fast in like manner, and then I will go in to the king, against the law, not being called, and expose myself to death and to danger.

dourh@Job:1:22 @ In all these things Job sinned not by his lips, nor spoke he any foolish thing against God.

dourh@Job:3:6 @ Let a darksome whirlwind seize upon that night, let it not be counted in the days of the year, nor numbered in the months.

dourh@Job:3:9 @ Let the stars be darkened with the mist thereof: let it expect light and not see it, nor the rising of the dawning of the day:

dourh@Job:3:10 @ Because it shut not up the doors of the womb that bore me, nor took away evils from my eyes.

dourh@Job:6:10 @ And that this may be my comfort, that afflicting me with sorrow, he spare not, nor I contradict the words of the Holy One.

dourh@Job:6:12 @ My strength is not the strength of stones, nor is my flesh of brass.

dourh@Job:7:8 @ Nor shall the sight of man behold me: thy eyes are upon me, and I shall be no more.

dourh@Job:7:10 @ Nor shall he return my more into his house, neither shall his place know him any more.

dourh@Job:7:19 @ How long wilt thou not spare me, nor suffer me to swallow down my spittle?

dourh@Job:8:20 @ God will not cast away the simple, nor reach out his hand to the evildoer:

dourh@Job:9:32 @ For I shall not answer a man that is like myself: nor one that may be heard with me equally in judgment.

dourh@Job:14:12 @ So man when he is fallen asleep shall not rise again; till the heavens be broken, he shall not awake, nor rise up out of his sleep.

dourh@Job:18:19 @ His seed shall not subsist, nor his offspring among his people, nor any remnants in his country.

dourh@Job:23:6 @ I would not that he should contend with me with much strength, nor overwhelm me with the weight of his greatness.

dourh@Job:34:19 @ Who accepteth not the persons of princes: nor hath regarded the tyrant, when he contended against the poor man: for all are the work of his hands.

dourh@Job:41:3 @ I will not spare him, nor his mighty words, and framed to make supplication.

dourh@Job:41:17 @ When a sword shall lay at him, it shall not be able to hold, nor a spear, nor a breastplate.

dourh@Psalms:1:1 @ Blessed is the man who hath not walked in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stood in the way of sinners, nor sat in the chair of pestilence.

dourh@Psalms:1:5 @ Therefore the wicked shall not rise again in judgment: nor sinners in the council of the just.

dourh@Psalms:5:6 @ Neither shall the wicked dwell near thee: nor shall the unjust abide before thy eyes.

dourh@Psalms:6:2 @ O Lord, rebuke me not in thy indignation, nor chastise me in thy wrath.

dourh@Psalms:7:3 @ Lest at any time he seize upon my soul like a lion, while there is no one to redeem me, nor to save.

dourh@Psalms:15:3 @...deceit in his tongue: Nor hath...

dourh@Psalms:15:5 @ he that hath not put out his money to usury, nor taken bribes against the innocent: He that doth these things shall not be moved for ever.

dourh@Psalms:16:4 @ Their infirmities were multiplied: afterwards they made haste. I will not gather together their meetings for blood offerings: nor will I be mindful of their names by my lips.

dourh@Psalms:16:10 @ Because thou wilt not leave my soul in hell; nor wilt then give thy holy one to see corruption.

dourh@Psalms:19:4 @ There are no speeches nor languages, where their voices are not heard.

dourh@Psalms:22:25 @ Let all the seed of Israel fear him: because he hath not slighted nor despised the supplication of the poor man. Neither hath he turned away his face from me: and when I cried to him he heard me.

dourh@Psalms:24:4 @ The innocent in hands, and clean of heart, who hath not taken his soul in vain, nor sworn deceitfully to his neighbour.

dourh@Psalms:26:9 @ Take not away my soul, O God, with the wicked: nor my life with bloody men:

dourh@Psalms:33:16 @ The king is not saved by a great army: nor shall the giant be saved by his own great strength.

dourh@Psalms:37:1 @ A psalm for David himself. Be not emulous of evildoers; nor envy them that work iniquity.

dourh@Psalms:37:25 @ I have been young, and now am old; and I have not seen the just forsaken, nor his seed seeking bread.

dourh@Psalms:37:33 @ But the Lord will not leave in his hands; nor condemn him when he shall be judged.

dourh@Psalms:38:2 @ Rebuke me not, O Lord, in thy indignation; nor chastise me in thy wrath.

dourh@Psalms:49:8 @ No brother can redeem, nor shall man redeem: he shall not give to God his ransom,

dourh@Psalms:49:9 @ Nor the price of the redemption of his soul: and shall labour for ever,

dourh@Psalms:49:18 @ For when he shall die he shall take nothing away; nor shall his glory descend with him.

dourh@Psalms:50:9 @ I will not take calves out of thy house: nor he goats out of thy flocks.

dourh@Psalms:58:6 @ Which will not hear the voice of the charmers; nor of the wizard that charmeth wisely.

dourh@Psalms:59:5 @ Neither is it my iniquity, nor my sin, O Lord: without iniquity have I run, and directed my steps.

dourh@Psalms:66:20 @ Blessed be God, who hath not turned away my prayer, nor his mercy from me.

dourh@Psalms:69:16 @ Let not the tempest of water drown me, nor the deep swallow me up: and let not the pit shut her mouth upon me.

dourh@Psalms:73:4 @ For there is no regard to their death, nor is there strength in their stripes.

dourh@Psalms:75:7 @ For neither from the east, nor from the west, nor from the desert hills:

dourh@Psalms:78:37 @ But their heart was not right with him: nor were they counted faithful in his covenant.

dourh@Psalms:82:5 @ They have not known nor understood: they walk on in darkness: all the foundations of the earth shall be moved.

dourh@Psalms:89:23 @ The enemy shall have no advantage over him: nor the son of iniquity have power to hurt him.

dourh@Psalms:89:34 @ But my mercy I will not take away from him: nor will I suffer my truth to fail.

dourh@Psalms:91:10 @ There shall no evil come to thee: nor shall the scourge come near thy dwelling.

dourh@Psalms:92:7 @ The senseless man shall not know: nor will the fool understand these things.

dourh@Psalms:103:9 @ He will not always be angry: nor will he threaten for ever.

dourh@Psalms:103:10 @ He hath not dealt with us according to our sins: nor rewarded us according to our iniquities.

dourh@Psalms:109:12 @ May there be none to help him: nor none to pity his fatherless offspring.

dourh@Psalms:114:25 @ The dead shall not praise thee, O Lord: nor any of them that go down to hell.

dourh@Psalms:122:4 @ Behold he shall neither slumber nor sleep, that keepeth Israel.

dourh@Psalms:122:6 @ The sun shall not burn thee by day: nor the moon by night.

dourh@Psalms:130:7 @ Wherewith the mower filleth not his hand: nor he that gathereth sheaves his bosom.

dourh@Psalms:132:1 @ Lord, my heart is not exalted: nor are my eyes lofty. Neither have I walked in great matters, nor in wonderful things above me.

dourh@Psalms:145:14 @ their oxen fat. There is no breach of wall, nor passage, nor crying out in their streets.

dourh@Psalms:148:10 @ He shall not delight in the strength of the horse: nor take pleasure in the legs of a man.

dourh@Proverbs:1:30 @ Nor consented to my counsel, but despised all my reproof.

dourh@Proverbs:3:25 @ Be not afraid of sudden fear, nor of the power of the wicked falling upon thee.

dourh@Proverbs:4:27 @ Decline not to the right hand, nor to the left: turn away thy foot from evil. For the Lord knoweth the ways that are on the right hand: but those are perverse which are on the left hand. But he will make thy courses straight, he will bring forward thy ways in peace.

dourh@Proverbs:6:7 @ Which, although she hath no guide, nor master, nor captain,

dourh@Proverbs:6:35 @ Nor will he yield to any man's prayers, nor will he accept for satisfaction ever so many gifts.

dourh@Proverbs:8:8 @ All my words are just, there is nothing wicked nor perverse in them.

dourh@Proverbs:8:26 @ He had not yet made the earth, nor the rivers, nor the poles of the world.

dourh@Proverbs:15:12 @ A corrupt man loveth not one that reproveth him: nor will he go to the wise.

dourh@Proverbs:17:7 @ Eloquent words do not become a fool, nor lying lips a prince.

dourh@Proverbs:17:26 @ It is no good thing to do hurt to the just: nor to strike the prince, who judgeth right.

dourh@Proverbs:19:10 @ Delicacies are not seemly for a fool: nor for a servant to have rule over princes.

dourh@Proverbs:23:20 @ Be not in the feasts of great drinkers, nor in their revellings, who contribute flesh to eat:

dourh@Proverbs:24:15 @ Lie not in wait, nor seek after wickedness in the house of the just, nor spoil his rest.

dourh@Proverbs:24:19 @ Contend not with the wicked, nor seek to be like the ungodly:

dourh@Proverbs:27:4 @ Anger hath no mercy, nor fury when it breaketh forth: and who can bear the violence of one provoked?

dourh@Proverbs:30:8 @ Remove far from me vanity, and lying words. Give me neither beggary, nor riches: give me only the necessaries of life:

dourh@Ecclesiastes:1:11 @ There is no remembrance of former things: nor indeed of those things which hereafter are to come, shall there be any remembrance with them that shall be in the latter end.

dourh@Ecclesiastes:3:14 @ I have learned that all the works which God hath made, continue for ever: we cannot add any thing, nor take away from those things which God hath made that he may be feared.

dourh@Ecclesiastes:4:3 @ And I judged him happier than them both, that is not yet born, nor hath seen the evils that are done under the sun.

dourh@Ecclesiastes:6:5 @ He hath not seen the sun, nor known the distance of good and evil:

dourh@Ecclesiastes:9:10 @ Whatsoever thy hand is able to do, do it earnestly: for neither work, nor reason, nor wisdom, nor knowledge shall be in hell, whither thou art hastening.

dourh@Ecclesiastes:9:11 @ I turned me to another thing, and I saw that under the sun, the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, nor bread to the wise, nor riches to the learned, nor favour to the skilful: but time and chance in all.

dourh@Ecclesiastes:11:5 @ As thou knowest not what is the way of the spirit, nor how the bones are joined together in the womb of her that is with child: so thou knowest not the works of God, who is the maker of all.

dourh@Songs:2:7 @ I adjure you, O ye daughters of Jerusalem, by the roes, and the harts of the, fields, that you stir not up, nor make the beloved to awake, till she please.

dourh@Songs:3:5 @ I adjure you, O daughters of Jerusalem, by the roes and the harts of the fields, that you stir not up, nor awake my beloved, till she please.

dourh@Songs:8:4 @ I adjure you, O daughters of Jerusalem, that you stir not up, nor awake my love till she please.

dourh@Isaiah:1:6 @ From the sole of the foot unto the top of the head, there is no soundness therein: wounds and bruises and swelling sores: they are not bound up, nor dressed, nor fomented with oil.

dourh@Isaiah:3:7 @ In that day he shall answer, saying: I am no healer, and in my house there is no bread, nor clothing: make me not ruler of the people.

dourh@Isaiah:5:12 @ The harp, and the lyre, and the timbrel, and the pipe, and wine are in your feasts: and the work of the Lord you regard not, nor do you consider the works of his hands.

dourh@Isaiah:5:27 @ There is none that shall faint, nor labour among them: they shall not slumber nor sleep, neither shall the girdle of their loins be loosed, nor the latchet of their shoes be broken.

dourh@Isaiah:8:12 @ Say ye not: A conspiracy: for all that this people speaketh, is a conspiracy: neither fear ye their fear, nor be afraid.

dourh@Isaiah:11:3 @ And he shall be filled with the spirit of the fear of the Lord. He shall not judge according to the sight of the eyes, nor reprove according to the hearing of the ears.

dourh@Isaiah:11:9 @ They shall not hurt, nor shall they kill in all my holy mountain, for the earth is filled with the knowledge of the Lord, as the covering waters of the sea.

dourh@Isaiah:13:17 @ Behold I will stir up the Medes against them, who shall not seek silver, nor desire gold:

dourh@Isaiah:13:20 @ It shall no more be inhabited for ever, and it shall not be founded unto generation and generation: neither shall the Arabian pitch his tents there, nor shall shepherds rest there.

dourh@Isaiah:14:21 @ Prepare his children for slaughter for the iniquity of their fathers: they shall not rise up, nor inherit the land, nor fill the face of the world with cities.

dourh@Isaiah:16:10 @ And gladness and joy shall be taken away from Carmel, and there shall be no rejoicing nor shouting in the vineyards. He shall not tread out wine in the press that was wont to tread it out: the voice of the treaders I have taken away.

dourh@Isaiah:22:2 @ Full of clamour, a populous city, a joyous city: thy slain are not slain by the sword, nor dead in battle.

dourh@Isaiah:22:11 @ And you made a ditch between the two walls for the water of the old pool: and you have not looked up to the maker thereof, nor regarded him even at a distance, that wrought it long ago.

dourh@Isaiah:23:4 @ Be thou ashamed, O Sidon: for the sea speaketh, even the strength of the sea, saying: I have not been in labour, nor have I brought forth, nor have I nourished up young men, nor brought up virgins.

dourh@Isaiah:23:18 @ And her merchandise and her hire shall be sanctified to the Lord: they shall not be kept in store, nor laid up: for her merchandise shall be for them that shall dwell before the Lord, that they may eat unto fulness, and be clothed for a continuance.

dourh@Isaiah:28:28 @ But bread corn shall be broken small: but the thrasher shall not thrash it for ever, neither shall the cart wheel hurt it, nor break it with its teeth.

dourh@Isaiah:30:5 @ They were all confounded at a people that could not profit them: they were no help, nor to any profit, but to confusion and to reproach.

dourh@Isaiah:30:21 @ And thy ears shall hear the word of one admonishing thee behind thy back: This is the way, walk ye in it: and go not aside neither to the right hand, nor to the left.

dourh@Isaiah:31:4 @ For thus saith the Lord to me: Like as the lion roareth, and the lion's whelp upon his prey, and when a multitude of shepherds shall come against him, he will not fear at their voice, nor be afraid of their multitude: so shall the Lord of hosts come down to fight upon mount Sion, and upon the hill thereof.

dourh@Isaiah:35:9 @ No lion shall be there, nor shall any mischievous beast go up by it, nor be found there: but they shall walk there that shall be delivered.

dourh@Isaiah:37:33 @ Wherefore thus saith the Lord concerning the king of the Assyrians: He shall not come into this city, nor shoot an arrow into it, nor come before it with shield, nor cast a trench about it.

dourh@Isaiah:38:11 @ I said: I shall not see the Lord God in the land of the living. I shall behold man no more, nor the inhabitant of rest.

dourh@Isaiah:38:18 @ For hell shall not confess to thee, neither shall death praise thee: nor shall they that go down into the pit, look for thy truth.

dourh@Isaiah:39:2 @ And Ezechias rejoiced at their coming, and he shewed them the storehouses of his aromatical spices, and of the silver, and of the gold, and of the sweet odours, and of the precious ointment, and all the storehouses of his furniture, and all things that were found in his treasures. There was nothing in his house, nor in all his dominion that Ezechias shewed them not.

dourh@Isaiah:40:16 @ And Libanus shall not be enough to burn, nor the beasts thereof sufficient for a burnt offering.

dourh@Isaiah:40:24 @ And surely their stock was neither planted, nor sown, nor rooted in the earth: suddenly he hath blown upon them, and they are withered, and a whirlwind shall take them away as stubble.

dourh@Isaiah:40:28 @ Knowest thou not, or hast thou not heard? the Lord is the everlasting God, who hath created the ends of the earth: he shall not faint, nor labour, neither is there any searching out of his wisdom.

dourh@Isaiah:41:26 @ Who bath declared from the beginning, that we may know: and from time of old, that we may say: Thou art just. There is none that sheweth, nor that foretelleth, nor that heareth your words.

dourh@Isaiah:42:2 @ He shall not cry, nor have respect to person, neither shall his voice be heard abroad.

dourh@Isaiah:42:4 @ He shall not be sad, nor troublesome, till he set judgment in the earth: and the islands shall wait for his law.

dourh@Isaiah:42:8 @ I the Lord, this is my name: I will not give my glory to another, nor my praise to graven things.

dourh@Isaiah:43:23 @ Thou hast not offered me the ram of thy holocaust, nor hast thou glorified me with thy victims: I have not caused thee to serve with oblations, nor wearied thee with incense.

dourh@Isaiah:44:9 @ The makers of idols are all of them nothing, and their best beloved things shall not profit them. They are their witnesses, that they do not see, nor understand, that they may be ashamed.

dourh@Isaiah:44:18 @ They have not known, nor understood: for their eyes are covered that they may not see, and that they may not understand with their heart.

dourh@Isaiah:44:19 @ They do not consider in their mind, nor know, nor have the thought to say: I have burnt part of it in the fire, and I have baked bread upon the coals thereof: I have broiled flesh and have eaten, and of the residue thereof shall I make an idol? shall I fall down before the stock of a tree?

dourh@Isaiah:44:20 @ Part thereof is ashes: his foolish heart adoreth it, and he will not save his soul, nor say: Perhaps there is a lie in my right hand.

dourh@Isaiah:45:13 @ I have raised him up to justice, and I will direct all his ways: he shall build my city, and let go my captives, not for ransom, nor for presents, saith the Lord the God of hosts.

dourh@Isaiah:47:14 @ Behold they are as stubble, fire hath burnt them, they shall not deliver them- selves from the power of the dames: there are no coals wherewith they may be warmed, nor fire, that they may sit thereat.

dourh@Isaiah:48:1 @ Hear ye these things, O house of Jacob, you that are called by the name of Israel, and are come forth out of the waters of Juda, you who swear by the name of the Lord, and make mention of the God of Israel, but not in truth, nor in justice.

dourh@Isaiah:48:8 @ Thou hast neither heard, nor known, neither was thy ear opened of old. For I know that transgressing thou wilt transgress, and I have called thee a transgressor from the womb.

dourh@Isaiah:48:19 @ And thy seed had been as the sand, and the offspring of thy bowels like the gravel thereof: his name should not have perished, nor have been destroyed from before my face.

dourh@Isaiah:49:10 @ They shall not hunger, nor thirst, neither shall the heat nor the sun strike them: for he that is merciful to them, shall be their shepherd, and at the fountains of waters he shall give them drink.

dourh@Isaiah:53:2 @ And he shall grow up as a tender plant before him, and as a root out of a thirsty ground: there is no beauty in him, nor comeliness: and we have seen him, and there was no sightliness, that we should be desirous of him:

dourh@Isaiah:54:4 @ Fear not, for thou shalt not be confounded, nor blush: for thou shalt not be put to shame, because thou shalt forget the shame of thy youth, and shalt remember no more the reproach of thy widowhood.

dourh@Isaiah:55:8 @ For my thoughts are not your thoughts: nor your ways my ways, saith the Lord.

dourh@Isaiah:57:11 @ For whom hast thou been solicitous and afraid, that thou hast lied, and hast not been mindful of me, nor thought on me in thy heart? for I am silent, and as one that seeth not, and thou hast forgotten me.

dourh@Isaiah:59:21 @ This is my covenant with them, saith the Lord: My spirit that is in thee, and my words that I have put in thy mouth, shall not depart out of thy mouth, nor out of the mouth of thy seed, nor out of the mouth of thy seed's seed, saith the Lord, from henceforth and for ever.

dourh@Isaiah:60:11 @ And thy gates shall be open continually: they shall not be shut day nor night, that the strength of the Gentiles may be brought to thee, and their kings may be brought.

dourh@Isaiah:60:18 @ Iniquity shall no more be heard in thy land, wasting nor destruction in thy borders, and salvation shall possess thy walls, and praise thy gates.

dourh@Isaiah:64:4 @ From the beginning of the world they have not heard, nor perceived with the ears: the eye hath not seen, O God, besides thee, what things thou hast prepared for them that wait for thee.

dourh@Isaiah:65:19 @ And I will rejoice in Jerusalem, and joy in my people, and the voice of weeping shall no more be heard in her, nor the voice of crying.

dourh@Isaiah:65:20 @ There shall no more be an infant of days there, nor an old man that shall not fill up his days: for the child shall die a hundred years old, and the sinner being a hundred years old shall be accursed.

dourh@Isaiah:65:23 @ My elect shall not labour in vain, nor bring forth in trouble; for they are the seed of the blessed of the Lord, and their posterity with them.

dourh@Isaiah:65:25 @ The wolf and the lamb shall feed together; the lion and the ox shall eat straw; and dust shall be the serpent's food: they shall not hurt nor kill in all my holy mountain, saith the Lord.

dourh@Jeremiah:2:6 @ And they have not said: Where is the Lord, that made us come up out of the land of Egypt? that led us through the desert, through a land uninhabited and unpassable, through a land of drought, and the image of death, through a land wherein no man walked, nor any man dwelt?

dourh@Jeremiah:4:11 @ At that time it shall be said to this people, and to Jerusalem: A burning wind is in the ways that are in the desert of the way of the daughter of my people, not to fan, nor to cleanse.

dourh@Jeremiah:5:15 @ Behold I will bring upon you a nation from afar, O house of Israel, saith the Lord: a strong nation, an ancient nation, a nation whose language thou shalt not know, nor understand what they say.

dourh@Jeremiah:6:20 @ To what purpose do you bring me frankincense from Saba, and the sweet smelling cane from a far country? your holocausts are not acceptable, nor are your sacrifices pleasing to me.

dourh@Jeremiah:6:25 @ Go not out into the fields, nor walk in the highway: for the sword of the enemy, and fear is on every side.

dourh@Jeremiah:7:16 @ Therefore, do not thou pray for this people, nor take to thee praise and supplication for them: and do not withstand me: for I will not hear thee.

dourh@Jeremiah:7:24 @ But they hearkened not, nor inclined their ear: but walked in their own will, and in the perversity of their wicked heart: and went backward and not forward,

dourh@Jeremiah:7:26 @ And they have not hearkened to me: nor inclined their ear: but have hardened their neck, and have done worse than their fathers.

dourh@Jeremiah:7:28 @ And thou shalt say to them: This is a nation which hath not hearkened to the voice of the Lord their God, nor received instruction: Faith is lost, and is carried away out of their mouth.

dourh@Jeremiah:7:31 @ And they have built the high places of Topeth, which is in the valley of the son of Ennom, to burn their sons, and their daughters in the fire: which I commanded not, nor thought on in my heart.

dourh@Jeremiah:7:32 @ Therefore behold the days shall come, saith the Lord, and it shall no more be called Topeth, nor the valley of the son of Ennom: but the valley of slaughter, and they shall bury in Topeth, because there is no place.

dourh@Jeremiah:10:5 @ They are framed after the likeness of a palm tree, and shall not speak: they must be carried to be removed, because they cannot go. Therefore, fear them not, for they can neither do evil nor good.

dourh@Jeremiah:11:8 @ And they obeyed not, nor inclined their ear: but walked every one in the perverseness of his own wicked heart: and I brought upon them all the words of this covenant, which I commanded them to do, but they did them not.

dourh@Jeremiah:13:14 @ And I will scatter them every man from his brother, and fathers and sons in like manner, saith the Lord: I will not spare, and I will not pardon: nor will I have mercy, but to destroy them.

dourh@Jeremiah:14:14 @ And the Lord said to me: The prophets prophesy falsely in my name: I sent them not, neither have I commanded them, nor have I spoken to them: they prophesy unto you a lying vision, and divination and deceit, and the seduction of their own heart.

dourh@Jeremiah:15:17 @ I sat not in the assembly of jesters, nor did I make a boast of the presence of thy hand: I sat alone, because thou hast filled me with threats.

dourh@Jeremiah:16:5 @ For thus saith the Lord: Enter not into the house of feasting, neither go thou to mourn, nor to comfort them: because I have taken away my peace from this people, saith the Lord, my mercy and commiserations.

dourh@Jeremiah:16:6 @ Both the great and the little shall die in the land: they shall not be buried nor lamented, and men shall not cut themselves, nor make themselves bald for them.

dourh@Jeremiah:16:13 @ So I will cast you forth out of this land, into a land which you know not, nor you fathers: and there you shall serve strange gods day and night, which shall not give you any rest.

dourh@Jeremiah:17:23 @ But they did not hear, nor incline their ear: but hardened their neck, that they might not hear me, and might not receive instruction.

dourh@Jeremiah:18:18 @ And they said: Come, and let us invent devices against Jeremias: for the law shall not perish from the priest, nor counsel from the wise, nor the word from the prophet: come, and let us strike him with the tongue, and let us give no heed to all his words.

dourh@Jeremiah:19:4 @ Because they have forsaken me, and have profaned this place: and have sacrificed therein to strange gods, whom neither they nor their fathers knew, nor the kings of Juda: and they have filled this place with the blood of innocents.

dourh@Jeremiah:19:5 @ And they have built the high places of Baalim, to burn their children with fire for a holocaust to Baalim: which I did not command, nor speak of, neither did it once come into my mind.

dourh@Jeremiah:19:6 @ Therefore behold the days come, saith the Lord, that this place shall no more be called Topheth, nor the valley of the son of Ennom, but the valley of slaughter.

dourh@Jeremiah:20:9 @ Then I said: I will not make mention of him, nor speak any more in his name: and there came in my heart as a burning fire shut up in my bones, and I was wearied, not being able to bear it.

dourh@Jeremiah:21:7 @ And after this, saith the Lord, I will give Sedecias the king of Juda, and his servants, and his people, and such as are left in this city from the pestilence, and the sword, and the famine, into the hand of Nabuchodonosor the king of Babylon, and into the hand of their enemies, and into the hand of them that seek their life, and he shall strike them with the edge of the sword, and he shall not be moved to pity, nor spare them, nor shew mercy on them.

dourh@Jeremiah:22:3 @ Thus saith the Lord: Execute judgement and justice, and deliver him that is oppressed out of the hand of the oppressor: and afflict not the stranger, the fatherless, nor the widow, nor oppress them unjustly: and shed not innocent blood in this place.

dourh@Jeremiah:22:10 @ Weep not for him that is dead, nor bemoan him with your tears: lament him that goeth away, for he shall return no more, nor see his native country.

dourh@Jeremiah:23:32 @ Behold I am against the prophets that have lying dreams, saith the Lord: and tell them, and cause my people to err by their lying, and by their wonders: when I sent them not, nor commanded them, who have not profited this people at all, saith the Lord.

dourh@Jeremiah:25:4 @ And the Lord hath sent to you all his servants the prophets, rising early, and sending, and you have not hearkened, nor inclined your ears to hear.

dourh@Jeremiah:25:6 @ And go not after strange gods to serve them, and adore them: nor provoke me to wrath by the works of your hands, and I will not afflict you.

dourh@Jeremiah:25:33 @ And the slain of the Lord shall be at that day from one end of the earth even to the other end thereof: they shall not be lamented, and they shall not be gathered up, nor buried: they shall lie as dung upon the face of the earth.

dourh@Jeremiah:25:35 @ And the shepherds shall have no way to flee, nor the leaders of the flock to save themselves.

dourh@Jeremiah:32:43 @ And fields shall be purchased in this land: whereof you say that it is desolate, because there remaineth neither man nor beast, and it is given into the hands of the Chaldeans.

dourh@Jeremiah:33:10 @ Thus saith the Lord: There shall be heard again in this place (which you say is desolate, because there is neither man nor beast: in the cities of Juda, and without Jerusalem, which are desolate without man, and without inhabitant, and without beast)

dourh@Jeremiah:33:22 @ As the stars of heaven cannot be numbered, nor the sand of the sea be measured: so will I multiply the seed of David my servant, and the Levites my ministers.

dourh@Jeremiah:34:14 @ At the end of seven years, let ye go every man his brother being a Hebrew, who hath been sold to thee, so he shall serve thee six years: and thou shalt let him go free from thee: and your fathers did not hearken to me, nor did they incline their ear.

dourh@Jeremiah:35:6 @ And they answered: We will not drink wine: because Jonadab the son of Rechab, our father, commanded us, saying: You shall drink no wine, neither you, nor your children, for ever:

dourh@Jeremiah:35:7 @ Neither shall ye build houses, nor sow seed, nor plant vineyards, nor have any: but you shall dwell in tents all your days, that you may live many days upon the face of the earth, in which you are strangers.

dourh@Jeremiah:35:8 @ Therefore we have obeyed the voice of Jonadab the son of Rechab, our father, in all things that he commanded us: so as to drink no wine all our days: neither we, nor our wives, nor our sons, nor our daughters:

dourh@Jeremiah:35:9 @ Nor to build houses to dwell in, nor to have vineyard, or field, or seed:

dourh@Jeremiah:35:15 @ And I have sent to you all my servants the prophets, rising early, and sending and saying: Return ye every man from his wicked way, and make your ways good: and follow not strange gods, nor worship them, and you shall dwell in the land, which I gave you and your fathers: and you have not inclined your ear, nor hearkened to me.

dourh@Jeremiah:36:24 @ And the king and all his servants that heard all these words were not afraid, nor did they rend their garments.

dourh@Jeremiah:37:2 @ But neither he, nor his servants, nor the people of the land did obey the words of the Lord, that he spoke in the hand of Jeremias the prophet.

dourh@Jeremiah:38:16 @ Then king Sedecias swore to Jeremias, in private, saying: As the Lord liveth, that made us this soul, I will not put thee to death, nor will I deliver thee into the hands of these men that seek thy life.

dourh@Jeremiah:42:14 @ Saying: No, but we will go into the land of Egypt: where we shall see no war, nor hear the sound of the trumpet, nor suffer hunger: and there we will dwell.

dourh@Jeremiah:42:17 @ And all the men that set their faces to go into Egypt, to dwell there, shall die by the sword, and by famine, and by pestilence: none of them shall remain, nor escape from the face of the evil that I will bring upon them.

dourh@Jeremiah:44:3 @ Because of the wickedness which they have committed, to provoke me to wrath, and to go and offer sacrifice, and worship other gods, which neither they, nor you, nor your fathers knew.

dourh@Jeremiah:44:5 @ But they heard not, nor inclined their ear to turn from their evil ways, and not to sacrifice to strange gods.

dourh@Jeremiah:44:10 @ They are not cleansed even to this day: neither have they feared, nor walked in the law of the Lord, nor in my commandments, which I set before you and your fathers.

dourh@Jeremiah:46:6 @ Let not the swift flee away, nor the strong think to escape: they are overthrown, and fallen down, towards the north by the river Euphrates.

dourh@Jeremiah:48:11 @ Moab hath been fruitful from his youth, and hath rested upon his lees: and hath not been poured out from vessel to vessel, nor hath gone into captivity: therefore his taste hath remained in him, and his scent is not changed.

dourh@Jeremiah:49:31 @ Arise, and so up to a nation that is at ease, and that dwelleth securely, saith the Lord: they have neither gates, nor bars: they dwell alone.

dourh@Jeremiah:49:33 @ And Asor shall be a habitation for dragons, desolate for ever: no man shall abide there, nor son of man inhabit it.

dourh@Jeremiah:51:26 @ And they shall not take of thee a stone for the corner, nor a stone for foundations, but thou shalt be destroyed for ever, saith the Lord.

dourh@Jeremiah:51:43 @ Her cities are become an astonishment, a land uninhabited and desolate, a land wherein none can dwell, nor son of man pass through it.

dourh@Jeremiah:51:62 @ Thou shalt say: O Lord, thou hast spoken against this place to destroy it: so that there should be neither man nor beast to dwell therein, and that it should be desolate for ever.

dourh@Lamentations:3:33 @ Caph. For he hath not willingly afflicted, nor cast off the children of men.

dourh@Ezekiel:3:6 @ Nor to many nations of a strange speech, and of an unknown tongue, whose words thou canst not understand: and if thou wert sent to them, they would hearken to thee.

dourh@Ezekiel:3:18 @ If, when I say to the wicked, Thou shalt surely die: thou declare it not to him, nor speak to him, that he may be converted from his wicked way, and live: the same wicked man shall die in his iniquity, but I will require his blood at thy hand.

dourh@Ezekiel:7:11 @ Iniquity is risen up into a rod of impiety: nothing of them shall remain, nor of their people, nor of the noise of them: and there shall be no rest among them.

dourh@Ezekiel:7:12 @ The time is come, the day is at hand: let not the buyer rejoice: nor the seller mourn: for wrath is upon all the people thereof.

dourh@Ezekiel:9:5 @ And to the others he said in my hearing: Go ye after him through the city, and strike: let not your eyes spare, nor be ye moved with pity.

dourh@Ezekiel:9:10 @ Therefore neither shall my eye spare, nor will I have pity: I will requite their way upon their head.

dourh@Ezekiel:12:24 @ For there shall be no more any vain visions, nor doubtful divination in the midst of the children of Israel.

dourh@Ezekiel:13:5 @ You have not gone up to face the enemy, nor have you set up a wall for the house of Israel, to stand in battle in the day of the Lord.

dourh@Ezekiel:13:9 @ And my hand shall be upon the prophets that see vain things, and that divine lies: they shall not be in the council of my people, nor shall they be written in the writing of the house of Israel, neither shall they enter into the land of Israel, and you shall know that I am the Lord God.

dourh@Ezekiel:13:23 @ Therefore you shall not see vain things, nor divine divinations any more, and I will deliver my people out of your hand: and you shall know that I am the Lord.

dourh@Ezekiel:14:11 @ That the house of Israel may go no more astray from me, nor be polluted with all their transgressions: but may be my people, and I may be their God, saith the Lord of hosts.

dourh@Ezekiel:14:16 @ If these three men shall be in it, as I live, saith the Lord, they shall deliver neither sons nor daughters: but they only shall be delivered, and the land shall be made desolate.

dourh@Ezekiel:14:18 @ And these three men be in the midst thereof: as I live, saith the Lord God, they shall deliver neither sons nor daughters, but they themselves alone shall be delivered.

dourh@Ezekiel:14:20 @ And Noe, and Daniel, and Job be in the midst thereof: as I live, saith the Lord God, they shall deliver neither son nor daughter: but they shall only deliver their own souls by their justice.

dourh@Ezekiel:16:4 @ And when thou wast born, in the day of thy nativity thy navel wits not cut, neither wast thou washed with water for thy health, nor salted with salt, nor swaddled with clouts.

dourh@Ezekiel:16:16 @ And taking of thy garments thou hast made thee high places sewed together on each side: and hast played the harlot upon them, as hath not been done before, nor shall be hereafter.

dourh@Ezekiel:16:47 @ But neither hast thou walked in their ways, nor hast thou done a little less than they according to their wickednesses: thou hast done almost more wicked things than they in all thy ways

dourh@Ezekiel:17:17 @ And not with a great army, nor with much people shall Pharao fight against him: when he shall cast up mounts, and build forts, to cut off many souls.

dourh@Ezekiel:18:6 @ And hath not eaten upon the mountains, nor lifted up his eyes to the idols of the house of Israel: and hath not defiled his neighbour's wife, nor come near to a menstruous woman:

dourh@Ezekiel:18:8 @ Hath not lent upon usury, nor taken any increase: hath withdrawn his hand from iniquity, and hath executed true judgment between man and man:

dourh@Ezekiel:18:15 @ That hath not eaten upon the mountains, nor lifted up his eyes to the idols of the house of Israel, and hath not defiled his neighbour's wife:

dourh@Ezekiel:18:16 @ And hath not grieved any man, nor withholden the pledge, nor taken away with violence, but hath given his bread to the hungry, and covered the naked with a garment:

dourh@Ezekiel:20:18 @ And I said to their children in the wilderness: Walk not in the statutes of your fathers, and observe not their judgments, nor be ye defiled with their idols:

dourh@Ezekiel:20:21 @ But their children provoked me, they walked not in my commandments, nor observed my judgments to do them: which if a man do, he shell live in them: and they violated my sabbaths: and I threatened to pour out my indignation upon them, and to accomplish my wrath in them in the desert.

dourh@Ezekiel:20:44 @ And you shall know that I am the Lord, when I shall have done well by you for my own name's sake, and not according to your evil ways, nor according to your wicked deeds, O house of Israel, saith the Lord God.

dourh@Ezekiel:22:26 @ Her priests have despised my law, and have defiled my sanctuaries: they have put no difference between holy and profane: nor have distinguished between the polluted and the clean: and they have turned away their eyes from my sabbaths, and I was profaned in the midst of them.

dourh@Ezekiel:23:27 @ And I will put an end to thy wickedness in thee, and thy fornication brought out of the land of Egypt: neither shalt thou lift up thy eyes to them, nor remember Egypt any more.

dourh@Ezekiel:24:14 @ I the Lord have spoken: it shall come to pass, and I will do it: I will not pass by, nor spare, nor be pacified: I will judge thee according to thy ways, and according to thy doings, saith the Lord.

dourh@Ezekiel:24:16 @ Son of man, behold I take from thee the desire of thy eyes with a stroke: and thou shalt not lament, nor weep: neither shall thy tears run down.

dourh@Ezekiel:24:17 @ Sigh in silence, make no mourning for the dead: let the tire of thy head be upon thee, and thy shoes on thy feet, and cover not thy face, nor eat the meat of mourners.

dourh@Ezekiel:24:22 @ And you shall do as I have done: you shall not cover your faces, nor shall you eat the meat of mourners.

dourh@Ezekiel:24:23 @ You shall have crowns on your heads, and shoes on your feet: you shall not lament nor weep, but you shall pine away for your iniquities, and every one shall sigh with his brother.

dourh@Ezekiel:28:24 @ And the house of Israel shall have no more a stumblingblock of bitterness, nor a thorn causing pain on every side round about them, of them that are against them: and they shall know that I am the Lord God.

dourh@Ezekiel:29:5 @ And I will cast thee forth into the desert, and all the fish of thy river: thou shalt fall upon the face of the earth, thou shalt not be taken up, nor gathered together: I have given thee for meat to the beasts of the earth, and to the fowls of the air.

dourh@Ezekiel:29:11 @ The foot of man shall not pass through it, neither shall the foot of beasts go through it: nor shall it be inhabited during forty years.

dourh@Ezekiel:29:18 @ Son of man, Nabuchodonosor king of Babylon hath made his army to undergo hard service against Tyre: every head was made bald, and every shoulder was peeled: and there hath been no reward given him, nor his army for Tyre, for the service that he rendered me against

dourh@Ezekiel:31:14 @ For which cause none of the trees by the waters shall exalt themselves for their height: nor shoot up their tops among the thick branches and leaves, neither shall any of them that are watered stand up in their height: for they are all delivered unto death to the lowest parts of the earth, in the midst of the children of men, with them that go down into the pit.

dourh@Ezekiel:36:14 @ Therefore thou shalt devour men no more, nor destroy thy nation any more, saith the Lord God:

dourh@Ezekiel:36:15 @ Neither will I cause men to hear in thee the shame of the nations any more, nor shalt thou bear the reproach of the people, nor lose thy nation any more, saith the Lord God.

dourh@Ezekiel:37:23 @ Nor shall they be defiled any more with their idols, nor with their abominations, nor with all their iniquities: and I will save them out of all the places in which they have sinned, and I will cleanse them: and they shall be my people, and I will be their God.

dourh@Ezekiel:38:11 @ And thou shalt say: I will go up to the land which is without a wall, I will come to them that are at rest, and dwell securely: all these dwell without a wall, they have no bars nor gates:

dourh@Ezekiel:39:10 @ And they shall not bring wood out of the countries, nor cut down out of the forests: for they shall burn the weapons with fire, and shall make a prey of them to whom they had been a prey, and they shall rob those that robbed them, saith the Lord God.

dourh@Ezekiel:44:20 @ Neither shall they shave their heads, nor wear long heir: but they shall only poll their heads.

dourh@Ezekiel:44:22 @ Neither shall they take to wife a widow, nor one that is divorced, but they shall take virgins of the seed of the house of Israel: but they may take a widow also, that is, the widow of a priest.

dourh@Ezekiel:46:18 @ And the prince shall not take of the people's inheritance by violence, nor of their possession: but out of his own possession he shall give an inheritance to his sons: that my people be not dispersed every man from his possession.

dourh@Ezekiel:48:14 @ And they shall not sell thereof, nor exchange, neither shall the firstfruits of the land be alienated, because they are sanctified to the Lord.

dourh@Daniel:1:8 @ But Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not be defiled with the king's table, nor with the wine which he drank: and he requested the master of the eunuchs that he might not be defiled.

dourh@Daniel:2:11 @ For the thing that thou askest, O king, is difficult; nor can any one be found that can shew it before the king, except the gods, whose conversation is not with men.

dourh@Daniel:3:12 @ Now there are certain Jews whom thou hast set over the works of the province of Babylon, Sidrach, Misach, and Abdenago: these men, O king, have slighted thy decree: they worship not thy gods, nor do they adore the golden statue which thou hast set up.

dourh@Daniel:3:14 @ And Nabuchodonosor the king spoke to them, and said: Is it true, O Sidrach, Misach, and Abdenago, that you do not worship my gods, nor adore the golden statue that I have set up?

dourh@Daniel:3:18 @ But if he will not, be it known to thee, O king, that we will not worship thy gods, nor adore the golden statue which thou hast set up.

dourh@Daniel:3:27 @ And the nobles, and the magistrates, and the judges, and the great men of the king being gathered together, considered these men, that the fire had no power on their bodies, and that not a hair of their head had been singed, nor their garments altered, nor the smell of the fire had passed on them.

dourh@Daniel:3:28 @ Then Nabuchodonosor breaking forth, said: Blessed be the God of them, to wit, of Sidrach, Misach, and Abdenago, who hath sent his angel, and delivered his servants that believed in him: and they changed the king's word, and delivered up their bodies that they might not serve, nor adore any god, except their own God.

dourh@Daniel:5:8 @ Then came in all the king's wise men, but they could neither read the writing, nor declare the interpretation to the king.

dourh@Daniel:5:23 @ But hast lifted thyself up against the Lord of heaven: and the vessels of his house have been brought before thee: and thou, and thy nobles, and thy wives, and thy concubines have drunk wine in them: and thou hast praised the gods of silver, and of gold, and of brass, of iron, and of wood, and of stone, that neither see, nor hear, nor feel: but the God who hath thy breath in his hand, and all thy ways, thou hast not glorified.

dourh@Daniel:6:4 @ And the king thought to set him over all the kingdom: whereupon the princes, and the governors sought to find occasion against Daniel with regard to the king: and they could find no cause, nor suspicion, because he was faithful, and no fault, nor suspicion was found in him

dourh@Daniel:6:8 @ Now, therefore, O king, confirm the sentence, and sign the decree: that what is decreed by the Medes and Persians may not be altered, nor any man be allowed to transgress it.

dourh@Daniel:6:13 @ Then they answered, and said before the king: Daniel, who is of the children of the captivity of Juda, hath not regarded thy law, nor the decree that thou hast made: but three times a day he maketh his prayer.

dourh@Daniel:8:4 @ I saw the ram pushing with his horns against the west, and against the north, and against the south: and no beasts could withstand him, nor be delivered out of his hand: and he did according to his own will, and became great.

dourh@Daniel:10:3 @ I ate no desirable bread, and neither flesh, nor wine entered into my mouth, neither was I anointed with ointment: till the days of three weeks were accomplished.

dourh@Daniel:11:4 @ And when he shall come to his height, his kingdom shall be broken, and it shall be divided towards the four winds of the heaven: but not to his posterity, nor according to his power with which he ruled. For his kingdom shall be rent in pieces, even for strangers, beside these.

dourh@Daniel:11:20 @ And there shall stand up in his place, one most vile, and unworthy of kingly honour: and in a few days he shall be destroyed, not in rage nor in battle.

dourh@Daniel:11:24 @ And he shall enter into rich and plentiful cities: and he shall do that which his fathers never did, nor his fathers' fathers: he shall scatter their spoils, and their prey, and their riches, and shall forecast devices against the best fenced places: and this until a time.

dourh@Daniel:13:9 @ And they perverted their own mind and turned away their eyes that they might not look unto heaven, nor remember just judgments.

dourh@Daniel:14:34 @ And Habacuc said: Lord, I never saw Babylon, nor do I know the den.

dourh@Hosea:1:7 @ And I will have mercy on the house of Juda, and I will save them by the Lord their God: and Iwill not save them by bow, nor by sword, nor by battle, nor by horses, nor by horsemen.

dourh@Hosea:7:10 @ And the pride of Israel shall be humbled before his face: and they have not returned to the Lord their God, nor have they sought him in all these.

dourh@Joel:2:2 @ A day of darkness, and of gloominess, a day of clouds and whirlwinds: a numerous and strong people as the morning spread upon the mountains: the like to it hath not been from the beginning, nor shall be after it even to the years of generation and generation.

dourh@Amos:7:14 @ And Amos answered and said to Amasias: I am not a prophet, nor am I the son of a prophet: but I am a herdsman plucking wild figs.

dourh@Amos:8:11 @ Behold the days come, saith the Lord, and I will send forth a famine into the land: not a famine of bread, nor a thirst of water, but of hearing the word of the Lord.

dourh@Jonah:3:7 @ And he caused it to be proclaimed and published in Ninive from the mouth of the king and of his princes, saying: Let neither men nor beasts, oxen nor sheep, taste any thing: let them not feed, nor drink water.

dourh@Jonah:4:10 @ And the Lord said: Thou art grieved for the ivy, for which thou hast not laboured, nor made it to grow, which in one night came up, and in one night perished.

dourh@Micah:5:7 @ And the remnant of Jacob shall be in the midst of many peoples as a dew from the Lord, and as drops upon the grass, which waiteth not for man, nor tarrieth for the children of men.

dourh@Zephaniah:1:6 @ And them that turn away from following after the Lord, and that have not sought the Lord, nor searched after him.

dourh@Zephaniah:1:12 @ And it shall come to pass at that time, that I will search Jerusalem with lamps, and will visit upon the men that are settled on their lees: that say in their hearts: The Lord will not do good, nor will he do evil.

dourh@Zephaniah:3:6 @ I have destroyed the nations, and their towers are beaten down: I have made their ways desert, so that there is none that passeth by: their cities are desolate, there is not a man remaining, nor any inhabitant.

dourh@Zephaniah:3:13 @ The remnant of Israel shall not do iniquity, nor speak lies, nor shall a deceitful tongue be found in their mouth: for they shall feed, and shall lie down, and there shall be none to make them afraid.

dourh@Zechariah:4:6 @ And he answered, and spoke to me, saying: This is the word of the Lord to Zorobabel, saying: Not with an army, nor by might, but by my spirit, saith the Lord of hosts.

dourh@Zechariah:8:10 @ For before those days there was no hire for men, neither was there hire for beasts, neither was there peace to him that came in, nor to him that went out, because of the tribulation: and I let all men go every one against his neighbour.

dourh@Zechariah:11:16 @ For behold I will raise up a shepherd in the land, who shall not visit what is forsaken, nor seek what is scattered, nor heal what is broken, nor nourish that which standeth, and he shall eat the flesh of the fat ones, and break their hoofs.

dourh@Zechariah:14:7 @ And there shall be one day, which is known to the Lord, not day nor night: and in the time of the evening there shall be light.

dourh@Zechariah:14:18 @ And if the family of Egypt go not up nor come: neither shall it be upon them, but there shall be destruction wherewith the Lord will strike all nations that will not go up to keep the feast of tabernacles.

dourh@Malachi:4:1 @ For behold the day shall come kindled as a furnace: and all the proud, and all that do wickedly shall be stubble: and the day that cometh shall set them on fire, saith the Lord of hosts, it shall not leave them root, nor branch.

dourh@Matthew:5:35 @ Nor by the earth, for it is his footstool: nor by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the great king:

dourh@Matthew:6:20 @ But lay up to yourselves treasures in heaven: where neither the rust nor moth doth consume, and where thieves do not break through, nor steal.

dourh@Matthew:6:25 @ Therefore I say to you, be not solicitous for your life, what you shall eat, nor for your body, what you shall put on. Is not the life more than the meat: and the body more than the raiment?

dourh@Matthew:6:26 @ Behold the birds of the air, for they neither sow, nor do they reap, nor gather into barns: and your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are not you of much more value than they?

dourh@Matthew:10:9 @ Do not possess gold, nor silver, nor money in your purses:

dourh@Matthew:10:10 @ Nor scrip for your journey, nor two coats, nor shoes, nor a staff; for the workman is worthy of his meat.

dourh@Matthew:10:14 @ And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear your words: going forth out of that house or city shake off the dust from your feet.

dourh@Matthew:10:24 @ The disciple is not above the master, nor the servant above his lord.

dourh@Matthew:10:26 @ Therefore fear them not. For nothing is covered that shall not be revealed: nor hid, that shall not be known.

dourh@Matthew:11:18 @ For John came neither eating nor drinking; and they say: He hath a devil.

dourh@Matthew:12:4 @ How he entered into the house of God, and did eat the loaves of proposition, which it was not lawful for him to eat, nor for them that were with him, but for the priests only?

dourh@Matthew:12:19 @ He shall not contend, nor cry out, neither shall any man hear his voice in the streets.

dourh@Matthew:12:32 @ And whosoever shall speak a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but he that shall speak against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, nor in the world to come.

dourh@Matthew:16:10 @ Nor the seven loaves among four thousand men, and how many baskets you took up?

dourh@Matthew:22:29 @ And Jesus answering, said to them: You err, not knowing the Scriptures, nor the power of God.

dourh@Matthew:22:30 @ For in the resurrection they shall neither marry nor be married; but shall be as the angels of God in heaven.

dourh@Matthew:25:13 @ Watch ye therefore, because you know not the day nor the hour.

dourh@Mark:6:8 @ And he commanded them that they should take nothing for the way, but a staff only: no scrip, no bread, nor money in their purse,

dourh@Mark:6:11 @ And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear you; going forth from thence, shake off the dust from your feet for a testimony to them.

dourh@Mark:8:17 @ Which Jesus knowing, saith to them: Why do you reason, because you have no bread? do you not yet know nor understand? have you still your heart blinded?

dourh@Mark:12:24 @ And Jesus answering, saith to them: Do ye not therefore err, because you know not the scriptures, nor the power of God?

dourh@Mark:12:25 @ For when they shall rise again from the dead, they shall neither marry, nor be married, but are as the angels in heaven.

dourh@Mark:13:15 @ And let him that is on the housetop, not go down into the house, nor enter therein to take any thing out of the house:

dourh@Mark:13:32 @ But of that day or hour no man knoweth, neither the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but the Father.

dourh@Mark:14:68 @ But he denied, saying: I neither know nor understand what thou sayest. And he went forth before the court; and the cock crew.

dourh@Luke:1:15 @ For he shall be great before the Lord; and shall drink no wine nor strong drink: and he shall be filled with the Holy Ghost, even from his mother's womb.

dourh@Luke:6:43 @ For there is no good tree that bringeth forth evil fruit; nor an evil tree that bringeth forth good fruit.

dourh@Luke:6:44 @ For every tree is known by its fruit. For men do not gather figs from thorns; nor from a bramble bush do they gather the grape.

dourh@Luke:7:33 @ For John the Baptist came neither eating bread nor drinking wine; and you say: He hath a devil.

dourh@Luke:8:17 @ For there is not any thing secret that shall not be made manifest, nor hidden, that shall not be known and come abroad.

dourh@Luke:9:3 @ And he said to them: Take nothing for your journey; neither staff, nor scrip, nor bread, nor money; neither have two coats.

dourh@Luke:10:4 @ Carry neither purse, nor scrip, nor shoes; and salute no man by the way.

dourh@Luke:12:2 @ For there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed: nor hidden, that shall not be known.

dourh@Luke:12:22 @ And he said to his disciples: Therefore I say to you, be not solicitous for your life, what you shall eat; nor for your body, what you shall put on.

dourh@Luke:12:24 @ Consider the ravens, for they sow not, neither do they reap, neither have they storehouse nor barn, and God feedeth them. How much are you more valuable than they?

dourh@Luke:12:33 @ Sell what you possess and give alms. Make to yourselves bags which grow not old, a treasure in heaven which faileth not: where no thief approacheth, nor moth corrupteth.

dourh@Luke:14:12 @ And he said to him also that had invited him: When thou makest a dinner or a supper, call not thy friends, nor thy brethren, nor thy kinsmen, nor thy neighbours who are rich; lest perhaps they also invite thee again, and a recompense be made to thee.

dourh@Luke:14:35 @ It is neither profitable for the land nor for the dunghill, but shall be cast out. He that hath ears to hear, let him hear.

dourh@Luke:16:26 @ And besides all this, between us and you, there is fixed a great chaos: so that they who would pass from hence to you, cannot, nor from thence come hither.

dourh@Luke:17:23 @ And they will say to you: See here, and see there. Go ye not after, nor follow them:

dourh@Luke:18:2 @ Saying: There was a judge in a certain city, who feared not God, nor regarded man.

dourh@Luke:18:4 @ And he would not for a long time. But afterwards he said within himself: Although I fear not God, nor regard man,

dourh@Luke:20:35 @ But they that shall be accounted worthy of that world, and of the resurrection from the dead, shall neither be married, nor take wives.

dourh@Luke:22:68 @ And if I shall also ask you, you will not answer me, nor let me go.

dourh@Luke:23:15 @ No, nor Herod neither. For I sent you to him, and behold, nothing worthy of death is done to him.

dourh@John:1:13 @ Who are born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.

dourh@John:1:25 @ And they asked him, and said to him: Why then dost thou baptize, if thou be not Christ, nor Elias, nor the prophet?

dourh@John:4:15 @ The woman saith to him: Sir, give me this water, that I may not thirst, nor come hither to draw.

dourh@John:5:37 @ And the Father himself who hath sent me, hath given testimony of me: neither have you heard his voice at any time, nor seen his shape.

dourh@John:6:24 @ When therefore the multitude saw that Jesus was not there, nor his disciples, they took shipping, and came to Capharnaum, seeking for Jesus.

dourh@John:8:19 @ They said therefore to him: Where is thy Father? Jesus answered: Neither me do you know, nor my Father: if you did know me, perhaps you would know my Father also.

dourh@John:9:3 @ Jesus answered: Neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents; but that the works of God should be made manifest in him.

dourh@John:12:40 @ He hath blinded their eyes, and hardened their heart, that they should not see with their eyes, nor understand with their heart, and be converted, and I should heal them.

dourh@John:14:17 @ The spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, nor knoweth him: but you shall know him; because he shall abide with you, and shall be in you.

dourh@John:14:27 @ Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, do I give unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, nor let it be afraid.

dourh@John:16:3 @ And these things will they do to you; because they have not known the Father, nor me.

dourh@Acts:2:27 @ Because thou wilt not leave my soul in hell, nor suffer thy Holy One to see corruption.

dourh@Acts:4:18 @ And calling them, they charged them not to speak at all, nor teach in the name of Jesus.

dourh@Acts:8:21 @ Thou hast no part nor lot in this matter. For thy heart is not right in the sight of God.

dourh@Acts:9:9 @ And he was there three days, without sight, and he did neither eat nor drink.

dourh@Acts:13:27 @ For they that inhabited Jerusalem, and the rulers thereof, not knowing him, nor the voices of the prophets, which are read every sabbath, judging him have fulfilled them.

dourh@Acts:15:10 @ Now therefore, why tempt you God to put a yoke upon the necks of the disciples, which neither our fathers nor we have been able to bear?

dourh@Acts:16:21 @ And preach a fashion which it is not lawful for us to receive nor observe, being Romans.

dourh@Acts:19:37 @ For you have brought hither these men, who are neither guilty of sacrilege, nor of blasphemy against your goddess.

dourh@Acts:21:21 @ Now they have heard of thee that thou teachest those Jews, who are among the Gentiles, to depart from Moses: saying, that they ought not to circumcise their children, nor walk according to the custom.

dourh@Acts:23:8 @ For the Sadducees say that there is no resurrection, neither angel, nor spirit: but the Pharisees confess both.

dourh@Acts:23:12 @ And when day was come, some of the Jews gathered together, and bound themselves under a curse, saying, that they would neither eat, nor drink, till they killed Paul.

dourh@Acts:23:21 @ But do not thou give credit to them; for there lie in wait for him more than forty men of them, who have bound themselves by oath neither to eat, nor to drink, till they have killed him: and they are now ready, looking for a promise from thee.

dourh@Acts:24:12 @ And neither in the temple did they find me disputing with any man, or causing any concourse of the people, neither in the synagogues, nor in the city:

dourh@Acts:24:18 @ In which I was found purified in the temple: neither with multitude, nor with tumult.

dourh@Acts:25:8 @ Paul making answer for himself: Neither against the law of the Jews, nor against the temple, nor against Caesar, have I offended in any thing.

dourh@Acts:27:20 @ And when neither sun nor stars appeared for many days, and no small storm lay on us, all hope of our being saved was now taken away.

dourh@Romans:2:28 @ For it is not he is a Jew, who is so outwardly; nor is that circumcision which is outwardly in the flesh:

dourh@Romans:4:19 @ And he was not weak in faith; neither did he consider his own body now dead, whereas he was almost an hundred years old, nor the dead womb of Sara.

dourh@Romans:8:38 @ For I am sure that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor might,

dourh@Romans:8:39 @ Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

dourh@Romans:9:11 @ For when the children were not yet born, nor had done any good or evil (that the purpose of God, according to election, might stand,)

dourh@Romans:9:16 @ So then it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that sheweth mercy.

dourh@Romans:9:24 @ Even us, whom also he hath called, nor only of the Jews, but also of the Gentiles.

dourh@Romans:14:21 @ It is good not to eat flesh, and not to drink wine, nor any thing whereby thy brother is offended, or scandalized, or made weak.

dourh@1Corinthians:2:9 @ But, as it is written: That eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither hath it entered into the heart of man, what things God hath prepared for them that love him.

dourh@1Corinthians:3:7 @ Therefore, neither he that planteth is any thing, nor he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase.

dourh@1Corinthians:5:8 @ Therefore let us feast, not with the old leaven, nor with the leaven of malice and wickedness; but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth.

dourh@1Corinthians:6:9 @ Know you not that the unjust shall not possess the kingdom of God? Do not err: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers,

dourh@1Corinthians:6:10 @ Nor the effeminate, nor liers with mankind, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor railers, nor extortioners, shall possess the kingdom of God.

dourh@1Corinthians:11:11 @ But yet neither is the man without the woman, nor the woman without the man, in the Lord.

dourh@1Corinthians:11:16 @ But if any man seem to be contentious, we have no such custom, nor the church of God.

dourh@1Corinthians:12:21 @ And the eye cannot say to the hand: I need not thy help; nor again the head to the feet: I have no need of you.

dourh@2Corinthians:4:2 @ But we renounce the hidden things of dishonesty, not walking in craftiness, nor adulterating the word of God; but by manifestation of the truth commending ourselves to every man's conscience, in the sight of God.

dourh@2Corinthians:7:12 @ Wherefore although I wrote to you, it was not for his sake that I did the wrong, nor for him that suffered it; but to manifest our carefulness that we have for you

dourh@Galatians:1:12 @ For neither did I receive it of man, nor did I learn it; but by the revelation of Jesus Christ.

dourh@Galatians:3:15 @ Brethren (I speak after the manner of man,) yet a man's testament, if it be confirmed, no man despiseth, nor addeth to it.

dourh@Galatians:3:28 @ There is neither Jew nor Greek: there is neither bond nor free: there is neither male nor female. For you are all one in Christ Jesus.

dourh@Galatians:4:14 @ You despised not, nor rejected: but received me as an angel of God, even as Christ Jesus.

dourh@Galatians:5:6 @ For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision availeth any thing, nor uncircumcision: but faith that worketh by charity.

dourh@Galatians:6:15 @ For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision availeth any thing, nor uncircumcision, but a new creature.

dourh@Philippians:2:16 @ Holding forth the word of life to my glory in the day of Christ, because I have not run in vain, nor laboured in vain.

dourh@Colossians:3:11 @ Where there is neither Gentile nor Jew, circumcision nor uncircumcision, Barbarian nor Scythian, bond nor free. But Christ is all, and in all.

dourh@1Thessalonians:2:3 @ For our exhortation was not of error, nor of uncleanness, nor in deceit:

dourh@1Thessalonians:2:5 @ For neither have we used, at any time, the speech of flattery, as you know; nor taken an occasion of covetousness, God is witness:

dourh@1Thessalonians:2:6 @ Nor sought we glory of men, neither of you, nor of others. 7 Whereas we might have been burdensome to you, as the apostles of Christ: but we became little ones in the midst of you, as if a nurse should cherish her children:

dourh@1Thessalonians:4:6 @ And that no man overreach, nor circumvent his brother in business: because the Lord is the avenger of all these things, as we have told you before, and have testified.

dourh@1Thessalonians:5:5 @ For all you are the children of light, and children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness. 6 Therefore, let us not sleep, as others do; but let us watch, and be sober.

dourh@2Thessalonians:2:2 @ That you be not easily moved from your sense, nor be terrified, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by epistle, as sent from us, as if the day of the Lord were at hand.

dourh@1Timothy:1:7 @ Desiring to be teachers of the law, understanding neither the things they say, nor whereof they affirm.

dourh@1Timothy:2:12 @ But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to use authority over the man: but to be in silence.

dourh@1Timothy:6:16 @ Who only hath immortality, and inhabiteth light inaccessible, whom no man hath seen, nor can see: to whom be honour and empire everlasting. Amen.

dourh@1Timothy:6:17 @ Charge the rich of this world not to be highminded, nor to trust in the uncertainty of riches, but in the living God, (who giveth us abundantly all things to enjoy,)

dourh@2Timothy:1:8 @ Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord, nor of me his prisoner: but labour with the gospel, according to the power of God,

dourh@Hebrews:7:3 @ Without father, without mother, without genealogy, having neither beginning of days nor end of life, but likened unto the Son of God, continueth a priest for ever.

dourh@Hebrews:9:25 @ Nor yet that he should offer himself often, as the high priest entereth into the holies, every year with the blood of others:

dourh@James:1:17 @ Every best gift, and every perfect gift, is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no change, nor shadow of alteration.

dourh@James:5:12 @ But above all things, my brethren, swear not, neither by heaven, nor by the earth, nor by any other oath. But let your speech be, yea, yea: no, no: that you fall not under judgment.

dourh@1Peter:3:9 @ Not rendering evil for evil, nor railing for railing, but contrariwise, blessing: for unto this are you called, that you may inherit a blessing.

dourh@2Peter:1:8 @ For if these things be with you and abound, they will make you to be neither empty nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.

dourh@1John:2:15 @ Love not the world, nor the things which are in the world. If any man love the world, the charity of the Father is not in him.

dourh@1John:3:6 @ Whosoever abideth in him, sinneth not; and whosoever sinneth, hath not seen him, nor known him.

dourh@1John:3:10 @ In this the children of God are manifest, and the children of the devil. Whosoever is not just, is not of God, nor he that loveth not his brother.

dourh@1John:3:18 @ My little children, let us not love in word, nor in tongue, but in deed, and in truth.

dourh@2John:1:10 @ If any man come to you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into the house nor say to him, God speed you.

dourh@Revelation:3:15 @ I know thy works, that thou art neither cold, nor hot. I would thou wert cold, or hot.

dourh@Revelation:5:3 @ And no man was able, neither in heaven, nor on earth, nor under the earth, to open the book, nor to look on it.

dourh@Revelation:5:4 @ And I wept much, because no man was found worthy to open the book, nor to see it.

dourh@Revelation:7:1 @ After these things, I saw four angels standing on the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth, that they should not blow upon the earth, nor upon the sea, nor on any tree.

dourh@Revelation:7:3 @ Saying: Hurt not the earth, nor the sea, nor the trees, till we sign the servants of our God in their foreheads.

dourh@Revelation:7:16 @ They shall no more hunger nor thirst, neither shall the sun fall on them, nor any heat.

dourh@Revelation:9:4 @ And it was commanded them that they should not hurt the grass of the earth, nor any green thing, nor any tree: but only the men who have not the sign of God on their foreheads.

dourh@Revelation:9:20 @ And the rest of the men, who were not slain by these plagues, did not do penance from the works of their hands, that they should not adore devils, and idols of gold, and silver, and brass, and stone, and wood, which neither can see, nor hear, nor walk:

dourh@Revelation:9:21 @ Neither did they penance from their murders, nor from their sorceries, nor from their fornication, nor from their thefts.

dourh@Revelation:14:11 @ And the smoke of their torments shall ascend up for ever and ever: neither have they rest day nor night, who have adored the beast, and his image, and whoever receiveth the character of his name.

dourh@Revelation:20:4 @ And I saw seats; and they sat upon them; and judgment was given unto them; and the souls of them that were beheaded for the testimony of Jesus, and for the word of God, and who had not adored the beast nor his image, nor received his character on their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.

dourh@Revelation:21:4 @ And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes: and death shall be no more, nor mourning, nor crying, nor sorrow shall be any more, for the former things are passed away.

dourh@Revelation:21:23 @ And the city hath no need of the sun, nor of the moon, to shine in it. For the glory of God hath enlightened it, and the Lamb is the lamp thereof.

dourh@Revelation:22:5 @ And night shall be no more: and they shall not need the light of the lamp, nor the light of the sun, because the Lord God shall enlighten them, and they shall reign for ever and ever.

dourh@Wis:1:47 @ We have sinned before the Lord our God, and have not believed him, nor put our trust in him:

dourh@Wis:2:21 @ Nor have they understood the paths thereof, neither have their children received it, it is far from their face.

dourh@Wis:2:31 @ There is none that is able to know her ways, nor that can search out her paths:

dourh@Wis:3:3 @ Give not thy honour to another, nor thy dignity to a strange nation.

dourh@Wis:3:13 @ And they have not known his justices, nor walked by the ways of God's commandments, neither have they entered by the paths of his truth and justice.

dourh@Wis:3:16 @ Who have neither reverenced the ancient, nor pitied children, and have carried away the beloved of the widow, and have left me all alone without children.

dourh@Wis:5:26 @ Therefore if they fall to the ground, they rise not up again of themselves, nor if a man set them upright, will they stand by themselves, but their gifts shall be set before them, as to the dead.

dourh@Wis:5:33 @ And whether it be evil that one doth unto them, or good, they are not able to recompense it: neither can they set up a king nor put him down:

dourh@Wis:5:34 @ In like manner they can neither give riches, nor requite evil. If a man make a vow to them, and perform it not, they cannot require it.

dourh@Wis:5:35 @ They cannot deliver a man from death nor save the weak from the mighty.

dourh@Wis:5:36 @ They cannot restore the blind man to his sight: nor deliver a man from distress.

dourh@Wis:5:37 @ They shall not pity the widow, nor do good to the fatherless.

dourh@Wis:5:43 @ And when any one of them, drawn away by some passenger, lieth with him, she upbraideth her neighbour, that she was not thought as worthy as herself, nor her cord broken.

dourh@Wis:5:49 @ How then can they be thought to be gods, that can neither deliver themselves from war, nor save themselves from evils?

dourh@Wis:5:52 @ They cannot set up a king over the land, nor give rain to men.

dourh@Wis:5:53 @ They determine no causes, nor deliver countries from oppression; because they can do nothing, and are as daws between heaven and earth.

dourh@Wis:5:62 @ The fire also being sent from above to consume mountains and woods, doth as it is commanded. But these neither in shew, nor in power are like to any one of them.

dourh@Wis:5:63 @ Wherefore it is neither to be thought, nor to be said, that they are gods: since they are neither able to judge causes, nor to do any good to men.

dourh@Wis:5:65 @ For neither can they curse kings, nor bless them.

dourh@Wis:5:66 @ Neither do they shew signs in the heaven to the nations, nor shine as the sun, nor give light as the moon.

dourh@Wis:6:7 @ For in the eight and thirtieth year coming into Egypt, when Ptolemy Evergetes was king, and continuing there a long time, I found there books left, of no small nor contemptible learning.

dourh@Tob:4:26 @ Accept no person against thy own person, nor against thy soul a lie.

dourh@Tob:7:4 @ Seek not of the Lord a pre-eminence, nor of the king the seat of honour.

dourh@Tob:7:8 @ Nor bind sin to sin: for even in one thou shalt not be unpunished.

dourh@Tob:7:16 @ Hate not laborious works, nor husbandry ordained by the most High.

dourh@Tob:7:20 @ Do not transgress against thy friend deferring money, nor despise thy dear brother for the sake of gold.

dourh@Tob:7:22 @ Hurt not the servant that worketh faithfully, nor the hired man that giveth thee his life.

dourh@Tob:7:23 @ Let a wise servant be dear to thee as thy own soul, defraud him not of liberty, nor leave him needy.

dourh@Tob:8:6 @ Despise not a man that turneth away from sin, nor reproach him therewith: remember that we are all worthy of reproof.

dourh@Tob:9:7 @ Look not round about thee in the of the city, nor wander up and down in the streets thereof.

dourh@Tob:9:12 @ Sit not at all with another man's wife, nor repose upon the bed with her:

dourh@Tob:10:22 @ Pride was not made for men: nor wrath for the race of women.

dourh@Tob:16:27 @ He beautified their works for ever, they have neither hungered, nor laboured, and they have not ceased from their works.

dourh@Tob:16:28 @ Nor shall any of them straiten his neighbour at any time.

dourh@Tob:18:5 @ Nothing may be taken away, nor added, neither is it possible to find out the glorious works of God:

dourh@Tob:25:34 @ Give no issue to thy water, no, not a little: nor to a wicked woman liberty to gad abroad.

dourh@Tob:29:30 @ It is a miserable life to go as a guest from house to house: for where a man is a stranger, he shall not deal confidently, nor open his mouth.

dourh@Tob:30:20 @ What good shall an offering do to an idol? for it can neither eat, nor smell:

dourh@Tob:31:8 @ Blessed is the rich man that is found without blemish: and that hath not gone after gold, nor put his trust in money nor in treasures.

dourh@Tob:34:23 @ The most High approveth not the gifts of the wicked: neither hath he respect to the oblations of the unjust, nor will he be pacified for sine by the multitude of their sacrifices.

dourh@Tob:35:17 @ He will not despise the prayers of the fatherless; nor the widow, when she poureth out her complaint.

dourh@Tob:37:12 @ Treat not with a man without religion concerning holiness, nor with an unjust man concerning justice, nor with a woman touching her of whom she is jealous, nor with a coward concerning war, nor with a merchant about traffic, nor with a buyer of selling, nor with an envious man of giving thanks,

dourh@Tob:37:13 @ Nor with the ungodly of piety, nor with the dishonest of honesty, nor with the held labourer of every work

dourh@Tob:37:14 @ Nor with him that worketh by the year of the finishing of the year, nor with an idle servant of much business: give no heed to these in any matter of counsel.

dourh@Tob:38:37 @ And they shall not dwell, nor walk about therein, and they shall not go up into the assembly.

dourh@Tob:42:22 @ Nor can he be diminished, and he hath no need of any counsellor.

dourh@Tob:48:24 @ But God will not leave off his mercy, and he will not destroy, nor abolish his own works, neither will he out up by the roots the offspring of his elect: and he will not utterly take away the seed of him that loveth the Lord.

dourh@Tob:50:17 @ Nor as Joseph, who was a man born prince of his brethren, the support of his family, the ruler of his brethren, the stay of the people:

dourh@Bar:7:8 @ But the children of Ammon and Moab came to Holofernes, saying: The children of Israel trust not in their spears, nor in their arrows, but the mountains are their defense, and the steep hires and precipices guard them.

dourh@Bar:8:15 @ For God will not threaten like man, nor be inflamed to anger like the son of man.

dourh@Bar:9:16 @ For thy power, O Lord, is not in a multitude, nor is thy pleasure in the strength of horses, nor from the beginning have the proud been acceptable to thee: but the prayer of the humble and the meek hath always pleased thee.

dourh@Bar:11:7 @ It is known also what Achior said, nor are we ignorant of what thou hast commanded to be done to him.

dourh@Bar:16:8 @ For their mighty one did not fall by young men, neither did the sons of Titan strike him, nor tall giants oppose themselves to him, but Judith the daughter of Merari weakened him with the beauty of her face.

dourh@Bar:16:30 @ And all the time of her life there was none that troubled Israel, nor many years after her death.

dourh@2Macc:2:36 @ But they answered them not, neither did they cast a stone at them, nor stopped up the secret places,

dourh@2Macc:4:6 @ And when it was day, Judas shewed himself in the plain with three thousand men only, who neither had armour nor swords.

dourh@2Macc:7:15 @ And he spoke to them peaceably: and he swore to them, saying: We will do you no harm nor your friends.

dourh@2Macc:7:18 @ Then fear and trembling fell upon all the people: for they said: There is no truth, nor justice among them: for they have broken the covenant, and the oath which they made.

dourh@2Macc:8:16 @ And that they committed their government to one man every year, to rule over all their country, and they all obey one, and there is no envy, nor jealousy amongst them.

dourh@2Macc:9:55 @ At that time Alcimus was struck: and his works were hindered, and his mouth was stopped, and he was taken with a palsy, so that he could no more speak a word, nor give order concerning his house.

dourh@2Macc:10:46 @ Now when Jonathan, and the people heard these words, they gave no credit to them nor received them: because they remembered the great evil that he had done in Israel, for he had afflicted them exceedingly.

dourh@2Macc:10:73 @ And now how wilt thou be able to abide the horsemen, and so great an army in the plain, where there is no stone, nor rock, nor place to flee to?

dourh@2Macc:12:14 @ But we would not be troublesome to you, nor the rest of our allies and friends in these wars.

dourh@2Macc:12:36 @ And to build up walls in Jerusalem, and raise a mount between the castle and the city, to separate it from the city, that so it might have no communication, and that they might neither buy nor sell.

dourh@2Macc:12:54 @ They have no prince, nor any to help them: now therefore let us make war upon them, and take away the memory of them from amongst mem.

dourh@2Macc:15:19 @ It hath seemed good therefore to us to write to the kings, and countries, that they should do them no harm, nor fight against them, their cities, or countries: and that they should give no aid to them that fight against them.

dourh@AddDaniel:5:10 @ But he that had cast out many unburied, was himself cast forth both unlamented and unburied, neither having foreign burial, nor being partaker of the sepulchre of his fathers.

dourh@AddDaniel:6:6 @ And neither were the sabbaths kept, nor the solemn days of the fathers observed, neither did any man plainly profess himself to be a Jew.

dourh@AddDaniel:6:26 @ For though, for the present time, I should be delivered from the punishments of men, yet should I not escape the hand of the Almighty neither alive nor dead.

dourh@AddDaniel:8:22 @ She said to them: I know not how you were formed in my womb: for I neither gave you breath, nor soul, nor life, neither did I frame the limbs of every one of you.

dourh@AddDaniel:9:16 @ But Machabeus calling together seven thousand that were with him, exhorted them not to be reconciled to the enemies, nor to fear the multitude of the enemies who came wrongfully against them, but to fight manfully:

dourh@AddDaniel:15:3 @ Now one Alcimus, who had been chief priest, but had wilfully defiled himself in the time of mingling with the heathens, seeing that there was no safety for him, nor access to the altar,

dourh@EpJeremiah:3:3 @ And now, O Lord, think of me, and take not revenge of my sins, neither remember my offenses, nor those of my parents.

dourh@EpJeremiah:3:10 @ Wilt thou kill me also, as thou hast already killed seven husbands? At these words she went into an upper chamber of her house: and for three days and three nights did neither eat nor drink:

dourh@EpJeremiah:4:6 @ And all the days of thy life have God in thy mind: and take heed thou never consent to sin, nor transgress the commandments of the Lord our God.

dourh@EpJeremiah:5:2 @ But how I shall get this money, I cannot tell; he knoweth me not, and I know not him: what token shall I give him? nor did I ever know the way which leadeth thither.

dourh@EpJeremiah:6:11 @ And the angel answering, said: Here is one whose name is Raguel, a near kinsman of thy tribe, and he hath a daughter named Sara, but he hath no son nor any other daughter beside her.

dourh@EpJeremiah:7:10 @ Tobias said: I will not eat nor drink here this day, unless thou first grant me my petition, and promise to give me Sara thy daughter.

dourh@1Esd:1:4 @ For wisdom will not enter into a malicious soul, nor dwell in a body subject to sins.

dourh@1Esd:1:14 @ For he created all things that they might be: and he made the nations of the earth for health: and there is no poison of destruction in them, nor kingdom of hell upon the earth.

dourh@1Esd:2:10 @ Let us oppress the poor just man, and not spare the widow, nor honour the ancient grey hairs of the aged.

dourh@1Esd:2:22 @ And they knew not the secrets of God, nor hoped for the wages of justice, nor esteemed the honour of holy souls.

dourh@1Esd:3:14 @ And the eunuch, that hath not wrought iniquity with his hands, nor thought wicked things against God: for the precious gift of faith shall be given to him, and a most acceptable lot in the temple of God.

dourh@1Esd:3:18 @ And if they die quickly, they shall have no hope, nor speech of comfort in the day of trial.

dourh@1Esd:4:3 @ But the multiplied brood of the wicked shall not thrive, and bastard slips shall not take deep root, nor any fast foundation.

dourh@1Esd:4:8 @ For venerable old age is not that of long time, nor counted by the number of years: but the understanding of a man is grey hairs.

dourh@1Esd:4:14 @ For his soul pleased God: therefore he hastened to bring him out of the midst of iniquities: but the people see this, and understand not, nor lay up such things in their hearts:

dourh@1Esd:5:10 @ And as a ship that passeth through the waves: whereof when it is gone by, the trace cannot be found, nor the path of its keel in the waters:

dourh@1Esd:6:5 @ Because being ministers of his kingdom, you have not judged rightly, nor kept the law of justice, nor walked according to the will of God.

dourh@1Esd:8:16 @ When I go into my house, I shall repose myself with her: for her conversation hath no bitterness, nor her company any tediousness, but joy and gladness.

dourh@1Esd:12:14 @ Neither shall king, nor tyrant in thy sight inquire about them whom thou hast destroyed.

dourh@1Esd:14:24 @ So that now they neither keep life, nor marriage undefiled, but one killeth another through envy, or grieveth him by adultery:

dourh@1Esd:15:4 @ For the invention of mischievous men hath not deceived us, nor the shadow of a picture, a fruitless labour, a graven figure with divers colours,

dourh@1Esd:15:9 @ But his care is, not that he shall labour, nor that his life is short, but he striveth with the goldsmiths and silversmiths: and he endeavoureth to do like the workers in brass, and counteth it a glory to make vain things.

dourh@1Esd:15:15 @ For they have esteemed all the idols of the heathens for gods, which neither have the use of eyes to see, nor noses to draw breath, nor ears to hear, nor fingers of hands to handle, and as for their feet, they are slow to walk.

dourh@1Esd:16:12 @ For it was neither herb, nor mollifying plaster that healed them, but thy word, O Lord, which healeth all things.

dourh@1Esd:18:22 @ And he overcame the disturbance, not by strength of body nor with force of arms, but with a word he subdued him that punished them, alleging the oaths and covenant made with the fathers.

dourh@PssSol:1:7 @ And we have not hearkened to thy commandments, nor have we observed nor done as thou hadst commanded us, that it might go well with us.

dourh@PssSol:1:27 @ And made the midst of the furnace like the blowing of a wind bringing dew, and the fire touched them not at all, nor troubled them, nor did them any harm.

dourh@PssSol:6:17 @ And that I have not eaten at Aman's table, nor hath the king's banquet pleased me, and that I have not drunk the wine of the drink offerings:

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