riversident@Matthew:20:21 @ He said to her, She said to him, "Give the command for these two sons of mine to sit one on your right and one on your left in your kingdom."

riversident@Matthew:22:17 @ Tell us therefore what you think. Is it right to pay taxes to Caesar or not?"

riversident@Matthew:27:29 @ twisted together a crown of thorns and put it on his head, put a reed into his right hand, and, going down on their knees before him, made sport of him, shouting, "Hail, King of the Jews!"

riversident@Matthew:27:38 @ At the same time there were crucified along with him two robbers, one on his right and one on his left.

riversident@Mark:5:15 @ When they came to Jesus, they saw the demoniac, the man who had had the legion, sitting there clothed and in his right mind. They were struck with awe.

riversident@Mark:6:18 @ For John had said to Herod, "It is not right for you to have your brother's wife."

riversident@Mark:6:25 @ The girl immediately hurried in and said to the King, "I choose to have you give me right now the head of John the Baptizer on a platter."

riversident@Mark:10:2 @ Some Pharisees came up and asked him, "Is it right for a man to divorce his wife?" They meant to catch him.

riversident@Mark:10:37 @ They said, "Grant that one of us may sit on your right hand and the other on your left hand in your glory."

riversident@Mark:12:14 @ When they came, they said to him, "Teacher, we know that you are true and are not afraid of any one; for you do not look at the social standing of men, but you teach the way of God in truth. Is it right to pay tribute to Caesar or not?

riversident@Mark:15:27 @ With him were crucified also two robbers, one on his right and one on his left.

riversident@Mark:16:5 @ Entering the tomb, they saw a young man sitting on the right side dressed in a white robe, and they were frightened.

riversident@Mark:16:19 @ Then the Lord Jesus, after talking with them, was taken up into heaven and sat down on the right hand of God.

riversident@Luke:1:11 @ There appeared to him an angel of the Lord, standing at the right side of the altar of incense.

riversident@Luke:6:6 @ It happened on another Sabbath that he went into the synagogue and was teaching. There was a man there whose right hand was withered.

riversident@Luke:7:29 @ (All the people, even the tax collectors when they heard him, had confessed that God was right by being baptized with the baptism of John.

riversident@Luke:8:35 @ The people came out to see what had happened. When they came to Jesus, they found the man from whom the demons had gone out sitting at the feet of Jesus, clothed and in his right mind, and they were struck with awe.

riversident@Luke:20:22 @ Is it right for us to give tribute to Caesar or not?"

riversident@Luke:22:50 @ One of them did strike the High Priest's servant and cut off his right ear.

riversident@Luke:23:33 @ When they came to the place called Skull, there they crucified him and the criminals, one on his right and one on his left.

riversident@John:18:10 @ Simon Peter, having a sword, drew it and struck a servant of the High Priest, cutting off his right ear. The servant's name was Malchus.

riversident@Acts:2:25 @ For David says of him, 'I saw the Lord always before my face, for he is at my right hand so that I may not be cast down.

riversident@Acts:2:33 @ Therefore having been exalted to the right hand of God and having received from the Father the promise of the Holy Spirit, he has poured out this which you see and hear.

riversident@Acts:2:34 @ For David did not ascend into the heavens, but he says, 'The Lord said to my Lord, Sit at my right hand,

riversident@Acts:3:7 @ Grasping his right hand he lifted him up. Immediately his feet and ankles became strong,

riversident@Acts:4:19 @ But Peter and John answered them, "Whether it is right in the sight of God to listen to you rather than to God, judge for yourselves.

riversident@Acts:5:31 @ God has exalted him as Leader and Savior at his own right hand to give to Israel change of heart and forgiveness of sins.

riversident@Acts:7:55 @ But he being full of the Holy Spirit looked up into heaven and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at God's right hand,

riversident@Acts:7:56 @ and he said, "I see heaven opened and the Son of Man standing at God's right hand!"

riversident@Acts:8:21 @ You have no part or lot in this matter. For your heart is not right before God.

riversident@Acts:18:17 @ Then they laid hold of Sosthenes, the synagogue Director, and beat him right in front of the judge's seat. But Gallio cared for none of these things.

riversident@Romans:3:4 @ Never. Let God be true, but every man a liar, as it is written, "That thou mayest be proved right in thy words and triumph when thou art judged."

riversident@Romans:8:34 @ Who is there to condemn? Christ Jesus died, or rather was raised, and he is on the right hand of God interceding for us.

riversident@Romans:9:21 @ Has not the potter the right to make from the same lump of clay one vessel for honor and another for dishonor?

riversident@1Corinthians:9:4 @ Have we not the right to eat and drink?

riversident@1Corinthians:9:5 @ Have we not the right to take about with us a sister as wife, as the rest of the apostles do and the brothers of the Lord and Cephas?

riversident@1Corinthians:9:6 @ Or am I only, and Barnabas, without the right not to do manual labor?

riversident@1Corinthians:9:12 @ If others share this right over you, do not we still more? But we have not used this right. No, we endure all things in order not to cause any hindrance to the good news of Christ.

riversident@2Corinthians:6:7 @ with the message of truth, with the power of God; by the weapons of righteousness in the right hand and the left,

riversident@2Corinthians:10:7 @ Look at what is right before your eyes. If any one is confident that he belongs to Christ, let him again consider this regarding himself, that just as he belongs to Christ so also do we.

riversident@Galatians:2:9 @ recognizing the grace given to me, James, Cephas, and John, who were regarded as pillars, gave the right hand of fellowship to me and Barnabas, that we should go to the Gentiles and they to the circumcision.

riversident@Ephesians:1:20 @ which he put forth in Christ when he raised him from the dead and made him sit at his own right hand in the heavenly heights,

riversident@Philippians:1:7 @ So it is right for me to think of you all, because you have me in your hearts, and in my chains and in my defense and in establishing the good news you are all sharers in my privilege.

riversident@Colossians:3:1 @ IF then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things above, where Christ is sitting at the right hand of God.

riversident@Hebrews:1:3 @ who is the reflection of his glory and the expression of his nature and sustains all things by his word of power, and who, when he had made purification from sins, took his seat at the right hand of the Majesty on high,

riversident@Hebrews:1:13 @ To which of the angels did he ever say, "Sit at my right hand till I make thine enemies thy footstool"?

riversident@Hebrews:8:1 @ THE chief point of what I have been saying is this: we have such a High Priest who has taken his seat at the right hand of the throne of Majesty in the heavens,

riversident@Hebrews:10:12 @ But this Priest after offering one sacrifice for sins forever, took his seat at the right hand of God,

riversident@Hebrews:12:2 @ looking to Jesus the beginner and finisher of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured a cross, thinking little of the shame, and has taken his seat at the right hand of the throne of God.

riversident@Hebrews:13:10 @ We have an altar of which those who worship in the Tent have no right to eat.

riversident@1Peter:3:22 @ Now that he has gone into heaven he is at the right hand of God, and angels and authorities and powers have been made subject to him.

riversident@1Peter:5:6 @ Humble yourselves, then, under the mighty hand of God so that he may lift you up at the right time.

riversident@2Peter:1:13 @ I think it right so long as I am in this tent to arouse you by reminding you,

riversident@Revelation:1:16 @ He had in his right hand seven stars, and from his mouth there issued a sharp two-edged sword. His face was like the sun shining in full strength.

riversident@Revelation:1:17 @ When I saw him I fell at his feet as if dead. But he laid his right hand on me and said:

riversident@Revelation:5:1 @ THEN I saw in the right hand of him who was sitting on the throne a book with writing inside and outside and closely sealed with seven seals.

riversident@Revelation:5:7 @ He came and took the book from the right hand of him who was sitting on the throne.

riversident@Revelation:10:2 @ He had in his hand a little book open. He set his right foot on the sea and his left on the land

riversident@Revelation:10:5 @ Then the angel whom I had seen standing on the sea and on the land lifted his right hand to heaven

riversident@Revelation:13:16 @ It causes all, small and great, rich and poor, freemen and slaves, to have a mark put on their right hands or on their foreheads,

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