acv@Genesis:27:19 @ And Jacob said to his father, I am Esau thy firstborn. I have done according as thou bade me. Arise, I pray thee, sit and eat of my venison, that thy soul may bless me.

acv@Exodus:18:14 @ And when Moses' father-in-law saw all that he did to the people, he said, What is this thing that thou do to the people? Why do thou sit by thyself, and all the people stand about thee from morning to evening?

acv@Numbers:32:6 @ And Moses said to the sons of Gad, and to the sons of Reuben, Shall your brothers go to the war, and shall ye sit here?

acv@Deuteronomy:6:7 @ And thou shall teach them diligently to thy sons, and shall talk of them when thou sit in thy house, and when thou walk by the way, and when thou lay down, and when thou rise up.

acv@Deuteronomy:11:19 @ And ye shall teach them to your sons, talking of them when thou sit in thy house, and when thou walk by the way, and when thou lay down, and when thou rise up.

acv@Deuteronomy:23:13 @ And thou shall have a paddle among thy weapons, and it shall be, when thou sit down abroad, thou shall dig with it, and shall turn back and cover that which comes from thee.

acv@Judges:5:10 @ Tell, ye who ride on white donkeys, ye who sit on rich carpets, and ye who walk by the way.

acv@Judges:5:16 @ Why did thou sit among the sheepfolds, to hear the pipings for the flocks? At the watercourses of Reuben there were great searchings of heart.

acv@Ruth:3:18 ...Then she said, Sit still,...

acv@Ruth:4:1, stay, turn aside. Sit down...

acv@Ruth:4:2 @...the city, and said, Sit ye...

acv@Ruth:4:4 @ And I thought to disclose it to thee, saying, Buy it before those who sit here, and before the elders of my people. If thou will redeem it, redeem it, but if thou will not redeem it, then tell me that I may know, for there is none

acv@1Samuel:2:8 @ He raises up the poor out of the dust, he lifts up the needy from the dunghill, to make them sit with rulers, and inherit the throne of glory. For the pillars of the earth are LORD's, and he has set the world upon them.

acv@1Samuel:9:22 @ And Samuel took Saul and his servant, and brought them into the guest-chamber, and made them sit in the chief place among those who were bidden, who were about thirty men.

acv@1Samuel:16:11 @ And Samuel said to Jesse, Are all thy sons here? And he said, There remains yet the youngest, and, behold, he is keeping the sheep. And Samuel said to Jesse, Send and fetch him, for we will not sit down till he comes here.

acv@1Samuel:20:5 @ And David said to Jonathan, Behold, tomorrow is the new moon, and I should not fail to sit with the king to eat. But let me go that I may hide myself in the field to the third day at evening.

acv@1Kings:1:13 @ Go and get thee in to king David, and say to him, Did thou not, my lord, O king, swear to thy handmaid, saying, Assuredly Solomon thy son shall reign after me, and he shall sit upon my throne? Why then does Adonijah reign?

acv@1Kings:1:17 @ And she said to him, My lord, thou swore by LORD thy God to thy handmaid, [saying], Assuredly Solomon thy son shall reign after me, and he shall sit upon my throne.

acv@1Kings:1:20 @ And thou, my lord the king, the eyes of all Israel are upon thee, that thou should tell them who shall sit on the throne of my lord the king after him.

acv@1Kings:1:24 @ And Nathan said, My lord, O king, have thou said, Adonijah shall reign after me, and he shall sit upon my throne?

acv@1Kings:1:27 @ Is this thing done by my lord the king, and thou have not shown to thy servants who should sit on the throne of my lord the king after him?

acv@1Kings:1:30 @ truly as I swore to thee by LORD, the God of Israel, saying, Assuredly Solomon thy son shall reign after me, and he shall sit upon my throne in my stead. Truly so I will do this day.

acv@1Kings:1:35 @ Then ye shall come up after him, and he shall come and sit upon my throne, for he shall be king in my stead. And I have appointed him to be prince over Israel and over Judah.

acv@1Kings:1:48 @ And also thus said the king, Blessed be LORD, the God of Israel, who has given one of my seed to sit on my throne this day, my eyes even seeing it.

acv@1Kings:8:20 @ And LORD has established his word that he spoke, for I have risen up in the place of David my father, and sit on the throne of Israel, as LORD promised, and have built the house for the name of LORD, the God of Israel.

acv@1Kings:8:25 @ Now therefore, O LORD, the God of Israel, keep with thy servant David my father that which thou have promised him, saying, There shall not fail thee a man in my sight to sit on the throne of Israel, if only thy sons take heed to th

acv@2Kings:7:3 @ Now there were four leprous men at the entrance of the gate, and they said one to another, Why do we sit here until we die?

acv@2Kings:7:4 @ If we say, We will enter into the city, then the famine is in the city, and we shall die there. And if we sit still here, we die also. Now therefore come, and let us fall to the army of the Syrians. If they save us alive, we shall

acv@2Kings:10:30 @ And LORD said to Jehu, Because thou have done well in executing that which is right in my eyes, [and] have done to the house of Ahab according to all that was in my heart, thy sons of the fourth generation shall sit on the throne o

acv@2Kings:15:12 @ This was the word of LORD which he spoke to Jehu, saying, Thy sons to the fourth generation shall sit upon the throne of Israel. And so it came to pass.

acv@2Kings:18:27 @ But Rabshakeh said to them, Has my master sent me to thy master, and to thee, to speak these words? [Has he] not [sent me] to the men who sit on the wall, to eat their own dung, and to drink their own urine with you?

acv@1Chronicles:28:5 @ And of all my sons (for LORD has given me many sons), he has chosen Solomon my son to sit upon the throne of the kingdom of LORD over Israel.

acv@2Chronicles:6:10 @ And LORD has performed his word that he spoke. For I have risen up in the place of David my father, and sit on the throne of Israel, as LORD promised, and have built the house for the name of LORD, the God of Israel.

acv@2Chronicles:6:16 @ Now therefore, O LORD, the God of Israel, keep with thy servant David my father that which thou have promised him, saying, There shall not fail thee a man in my sight to sit on the throne of Israel, if only thy sons take heed to th

acv@Psalms:9:4 @ For thou have maintained my right and my cause. Thou sit in the throne judging righteously.

acv@Psalms:26:5 @ I hate the assembly of evil-doers, and will not sit with the wicked.

acv@Psalms:50:20 @ Thou sit and speak against thy brother; thou slander thine own mother's son.

acv@Psalms:69:12 @ Those who sit in the gate talk of me, and [I am] the song of the drunkards.

acv@Psalms:80:1 @ Give ear, O Shepherd of Israel, thou who lead Joseph like a flock. Thou who sit [above] the cherubim, shine forth.

acv@Psalms:110:1 @...says to my lord, Sit thou...

acv@Psalms:123:1 @ To thee do I lift up my eyes, O thou who sit in the heavens.

acv@Psalms:132:12 @ If thy sons will keep my covenant and my testimony that I shall teach them, their sons also shall sit upon thy throne for evermore.

acv@Proverbs:23:1 @ When thou sit to eat with a ruler, consider diligently him who is before thee,

acv@Ecclesiastes:10:6 @ Folly is set in great dignity, and the rich sit in a low place.

acv@Isaiah:3:26 @ And her gates shall lament and mourn, and she shall be desolate and sit upon the ground.

acv@Isaiah:14:13 @ And thou said in thy heart, I will ascend into heaven. I will exalt my throne above the stars of God, and I will sit upon the mount of congregation, in the outermost parts of the north.

acv@Isaiah:16:5 @ And a throne shall be established in loving kindness, and he shall sit on it in truth, in the tent of David, judging, and seeking justice, and swift to do righteousness.

acv@Isaiah:36:12 @ But Rabshakeh said, Has my master sent me to thy master, and to thee, to speak these words, [and] not to the men who sit upon the wall, to eat their own dung, and to drink their own urine with you?

acv@Isaiah:37:16 @ O LORD of hosts, the God of Israel, who sit [above] the cherubim, thou are the God, even thou alone, of all the kingdoms of the earth. Thou have made heaven and earth.

acv@Isaiah:42:7 @ to open the blind eyes, to bring out the prisoners from the dungeon, and those who sit in darkness out of the prison-house.

acv@Isaiah:47:1 daughter of Babylon. Sit on...

acv@Isaiah:47:5 @ Sit thou silent, and get thee into darkness, O daughter of the Chaldeans, for thou shall no more be called The mistress of kingdoms.

acv@Isaiah:47:8 @ Now therefore hear this, thou who are given to pleasures, who sit securely, who say in thy heart, I am, and there is none else besides me. I shall not sit as a widow, nor shall I know the loss of sons.

acv@Isaiah:47:14 @ Behold, they shall be as stubble. The fire shall burn them. They shall not deliver themselves from the power of the flame. It shall not be a coal to warm at, nor a fire to sit before.

acv@Isaiah:52:2 @ Shake thyself from the dust. Arise, sit up, O Jerusalem. Loose thyself from the bonds of thy neck, O captive daughter of Zion.

acv@Isaiah:65:4 @ who sit among the graves, and lodge in the secret places, who eat swine's flesh, and broth of abominable things is in their vessels,

acv@Jeremiah:8:14 @ Why do we sit still? Assemble yourselves, and let us enter into the fortified cities, and let us be silent there. For LORD our God has put us to silence, and given us water of gall to drink, because we have sinned against LORD.

acv@Jeremiah:13:13 @ Then thou shall say to them, Thus says LORD: Behold, I will fill all the inhabitants of this land, even the kings who sit upon David's throne, and the priests, and the prophets, and all the inhabitants of Jerusalem, with drunkennes

acv@Jeremiah:13:18 @ Say thou to the king and to the queen-mother: Humble yourselves. Sit down, for your coronets have come down, even the crown of your glory.

acv@Jeremiah:14:2 @ Judah mourns, and the gates thereof languish. They sit in black upon the ground, and the cry of Jerusalem has gone up.

acv@Jeremiah:15:17 @ I did not sit in the assembly of those who make merry, nor did I rejoice. I sat alone because of thy hand, for thou have filled me with indignation.

acv@Jeremiah:16:8 @ And thou shall not go into the house of feasting to sit with them, to eat and to drink.

acv@Jeremiah:33:17 @ For thus says LORD: David shall never want a man to sit upon the throne of the house of Israel,

acv@Jeremiah:36:15 @...they said to him, Sit down...

acv@Jeremiah:36:30 @ Therefore thus says LORD concerning Jehoiakim king of Judah: He shall have none to sit upon the throne of David. And his dead body shall be cast out in the day to the heat, and in the night to the frost.

acv@Jeremiah:48:18 @ O thou daughter who dwells in Dibon, come down from thy glory, and sit in thirst, for the destroyer of Moab has come up against thee. He has destroyed thy strongholds.

acv@Lamentations:2:10 @ The elders of the daughter of Zion sit upon the ground. They keep silence. They have cast up dust upon their heads. They have girded themselves with sackcloth. The virgins of Jerusalem hang down their heads to the ground.

acv@Lamentations:3:28 @ Let him sit alone and keep silence, because he has laid it upon him.

acv@Ezekiel:26:16 @ Then all the rulers of the sea shall come down from their thrones, and lay aside their robes, and strip off their broidered garments. They shall clothe themselves with trembling. They shall sit upon the ground, and shall tremble ev

acv@Ezekiel:28:2 @ Son of man, say to the ruler of Tyre, Thus says lord LORD: Because thy heart is lifted up, and thou have said, I am a god. I sit in the seat of God, in the midst of the seas. Yet thou are man, and not God, though thou did set thy h

acv@Ezekiel:33:31 @ And they come to thee as the people come, and they sit before thee as my people. And they hear thy words, but do not do them. For with their mouth they show much love, but their heart goes after their gain.

acv@Ezekiel:44:3 @ As for the ruler, he shall sit in it as ruler to eat bread before LORD. He shall enter by the way of the porch of the gate, and shall go out by the way of the same.

acv@Joel:3:12 @ Let the nations bestir themselves, and come up to the valley of Jehoshaphat, for there I will sit to judge all the nations round about.

acv@Amos:3:12 @ Thus says LORD: As the shepherd rescues out of the mouth of the lion two legs, or a piece of an ear, so shall the sons of Israel be rescued who sit in Samaria in the corner of a couch, and on the silken cushions of a bed.

acv@Micah:4:4 @ But they shall sit every man under his vine and under his fig tree, and none shall make them afraid. For the mouth of LORD of hosts has spoken it.

acv@Micah:7:8 @ Rejoice not against me, O my enemy. When I fall, I shall arise. When I sit in darkness, LORD will be a light to me.

acv@Zechariah:3:8 @ Hear now, O Joshua the high priest, thou and thy fellows who sit before thee, for they are men who are a sign. For, behold, I will bring forth my servant the Branch.

acv@Zechariah:6:13 @ even he shall build the temple of LORD. And he shall bear the glory, and shall sit and rule upon his throne. And he shall be a priest upon his throne, and the counsel of peace shall be between them both.

acv@Malachi:3:3 @ And he will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver. And he will purify the sons of Levi, and refine them as gold and silver. And they shall offer to LORD offerings in righteousness.

acv@Matthew:8:11 @ And I say to you, that many will come from east and west, and will sit down with Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, in the kingdom of the heavens,

acv@Matthew:13:2 @ And many multitudes were gathered to him, so as for him (having entered in) to sit in the boat, and all the multitude had stood on the shore.

acv@Matthew:14:19 @ And after commanding the multitudes to sit down on the grass, having taken the five loaves, and the two fishes, having looking up to heaven, he blessed. And having broken them in pieces, he gave the loaves to the disciples, and the

acv@Matthew:15:35 @ And he commanded the multitudes to sit down on the ground.

acv@Matthew:19:28 @ And Jesus said to them, Truly I say to you, that ye who have followed me, in the regeneration when the Son of man will sit on the throne of his glory, ye also will sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.

acv@Matthew:20:23 @ And he says to them, Ye will indeed drink my cup, and ye will be immersed the immersion that I am immersed. But to sit at my right hand and at my left hand is not mine to give, but to whom it has been prepared by my Father.

acv@Matthew:22:44 @...said to my Lord, Sit thou...

acv@Matthew:23:2 @ The scholars and the Pharisees sit on Moses' seat.

acv@Matthew:25:31 @ But when the Son of man comes in his glory, and all the holy agents with him, then he will sit on the throne of his glory.

acv@Matthew:26:36 @...says to his disciples, Sit ye...

acv@Mark:4:1 @ And again he began to teach by the sea. And a great multitude was gathered to him, so as for him, after entering into the boat, to sit on the sea, and all the multitude was by the sea on the land.

acv@Mark:6:39 @ And he commanded them to sit down, all by companies upon the green grass.

acv@Mark:8:6 @ And he commanded the crowd to sit down on the ground. And after taking the seven loaves, having given thanks, he broke in pieces, and gave to his disciples so that they might place before them. And they place before the crowd.

acv@Mark:10:40 @ But to sit at my right hand or at my left hand is not mine to give, but for whom it has been prepared.

acv@Mark:12:36 @...says to my Lord, Sit thou...

acv@Mark:14:32 @...says to his disciples, Sit ye...

acv@Luke:9:14 @ For there were about five thousand men. And he said to his disciples, Make them sit down in groups of fifty each.

acv@Luke:9:15 @ And they did so, and made them all sit down.

acv@Luke:12:37 @ Blessed are those bondmen whom the lord when he comes will find watching. Truly I say to you, that he will gird himself, and will cause them to sit down, and having come, will serve them.

acv@Luke:13:29 @ And they will arrive from the east and west, and from the north and south, and will sit down in the kingdom of God.

acv@Luke:14:8 @ When thou are invited by any man to wedding festivities, do not sit down in the chief place, lest there may be a more honorable man than thou who was invited by him.

acv@Luke:14:10 @ But when thou are invited, having gone, sit down in the last place, so that when he who has invited thee comes, he will say to thee, Friend, go up higher, then it will be esteem to thee in the presence of those dining with thee.

acv@Luke:17:7 @ But which of you having a bondman plowing or feeding livestock, who, when he comes in from the field, will straightaway say, After coming near, sit down?

acv@Luke:20:42 @...said to my Lord, Sit thou...

acv@Luke:21:35 @ For it will come like a trap upon all those who sit upon the face of all the earth.

acv@Luke:22:30 @ that ye may eat and drink at my table in my kingdom, and sit on thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel.

acv@John:6:10 @ And Jesus said, Make the men sit down. Now there was much grass in the place. So the men sat down, in number about five thousand.

acv@Acts:2:30 @ Being therefore a prophet, and knowing that God had sworn with an oath to him, to raise the Christ from the fruit of his loins according to flesh to sit upon his throne.

acv@Acts:2:34 @...said to my Lord, Sit thou...

acv@Acts:8:31 @ And he said, For how can I unless some man may guide me? And he encouraged Philip, after coming up, to sit with him.

acv@Acts:23:3 @ Then Paul said to him, God is going to smite thee, a whitewashed wall. Thou even sit judging me according to the law, and violating law, thou command me to be struck?

acv@2Thessalonians:2:4 @ who opposes and exalts himself against all that is called God or an object of worship, so as for him to sit in the temple of God, as God, displaying himself that he is God.

acv@Hebrews:1:13 @...has he ever said, Sit thou...

acv@James:2:3 @...and say to him, Sit thou...

acv@Revelation:3:21 @ He who overcomes, I will give him to sit with me in my throne, as I also overcame, and sat down with my Father in his throne.

acv@Revelation:9:17 @ And thus I saw the horses in the vision, and those who sit on them having breastplates fiery red, and of hyacinth color, and sulphurous. And the heads of the horses are like heads of lions, and out of their mouths come fire and smo

acv@Revelation:11:16 @ And the twenty-four elders who sit before the throne of God, on their thrones, fell upon their faces and worshiped God,

acv@Revelation:14:6 @ And I saw an agent flying in mid-heaven having eternal good-news to proclaim to those who sit on the earth, and to every nation and tribe and tongue and people,

acv@Revelation:18:7 @ In an amount she glorified herself and lived wantonly, give her so much torment and grief, because she says in her heart, I sit a queen, and am no widow, and will, no, not see grief.

acv@Revelation:19:18 @ so that ye may eat the flesh of kings, and the flesh of captains, and the flesh of mighty men, and the flesh of horses and of those who sit upon them, and the flesh of all men, both freemen and bondmen, and both small and great.

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