mhcc@Genesis:16:1-3 @ Verse 1-3 -...the removal of the cross. Foul...

mhcc@Genesis:26:1-5 @ Verse 1-5 -...a believer by any cross providences...

mhcc@Genesis:39:19-23 @ Verse 19-23 -...cause; who by the cross ascended...**** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@Exodus:1:8-14 @ Verse 8-14 -...may prove the greatest cross to...-masters set over them, not only to burden them, but to afflict them with their burdens. They not only made them serve for Pharaoh's profit, but so that their lives became bitter. The Israelites wonderfully increased. Christianity spread most when it was persecuted: the blood of the martyrs was the seed of the church. They that take counsel against the Lord and his Israel, do but imagine a vain thing, and create greater vexation to themselves.

mhcc@Exodus:15:22-27 @ Verse 22-27 -...tree typical of the cross of...**** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@Numbers:11:31-35 @ Verse 31-35 - God performed his promise to the people, in giving them flesh. How much more diligent men are in collecting the meat that perishes, than in labouring for meat which endures to everlasting life! We are quick-...other a grief and cross to...**** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@Numbers:16:41-50 @ Verse 41-50, which only the cross and...5:8. **** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@Deuteronomy:9:7-29 @ Verse 7-29 - That the Israelites might have no pretence to think that God brought them to Canaan for their righteousness, Moses shows what a miracle of mercy it was, that they had not been destroyed in the wilderness. It is good for us often to remember against ourselves, with sorrow and shame, our former sins; that we may see how much we are indebted to free grace, and may humbly own that we never merited any thing but wrath and the curse at God's hand. For so strong is our propensity to pride, that it will creep in under one pretence or another. We are ready to fancy that our righteousness has got for us the special favour of the Lord, though in reality our wickedness is more plain than our weakness. But when the secret history of every man's life shall be brought forth at the day of judgment, all the world will be proved guilty before God. At present, One pleads for us before the mercy-...but died upon the cross for...-condemned sinners, and beseech for undeserved mercy and for eternal life, as the gift of God in Him. Let us refer all the victory, all the glory, and all the praise, to Him who alone bringeth salvation. **** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@Deuteronomy:20:10-12 @ Verse 10-12 -...or afraid of the cross and...-trees should not be destroyed. God is a better friend to man than he is to himself; and God's law consults our interests and comforts; while our own appetites and passions, which we indulge, are enemies to our welfare. Many of the Divine precepts restrain us from destroying that which is for our life and food. The Jews understand this as forbidding all wilful waste upon any account whatsoever. Every creature of God is good; as nothing is to be refused, so nothing is to be abused. We may live to want what we carelessly waste. **** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@2Samuel:23:8-39 @ Verse 8-39 - David once earnestly longed for the water at the well of Bethlehem. It seems to be an instance of weakness. He was thirsty; with the water of that well he had often refreshed himself when a youth, and it was without due thought that he desired it. Were his valiant men so forward to expose themselves, upon the least hint of their prince's mind, and so eager to please him, and shall not we long to approve ourselves to our Lord Jesus, by ready compliance with his will, as shown us by his word, Spirit, and providence? But David poured out the water as a drink-...Lord. Thus he would cross his..._2__24 **** Matthew Henry's Commentary **** _

mhcc@Psalms:11 @ ****** Psalms 11 ****** *** Outline of Psalms 11 *** David's struggle with, and triumph over a strong temptation to distrust God, and betake himself to indirect means for his own safety, in a time of danger. -...O sinner, to the cross of...__Outline Henry'__12 **** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@Psalms:54:4-7 @ Verse 4-7 to bear our cross without...**** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@Psalms:101 @ ****** Psalms 101 ****** *** Outline of Psalms 101 *** David's vow and profession of godliness. - In this psalm we have David declaring how he intended to regulate his household, and to govern his kingdom, that he might stop wickedness, and encourage godliness. It is also applicable to private families, and is the householder's psalm. It teaches all that have any power, whether more or less, to use it so as to be a terror to evil-...that delights to be cross and...__Outline Henry'__102 **** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@Psalms:119:17-24 @ Verse 17-24 -...the weight of the cross is...

mhcc@Psalms:119:33-40 @ Verse 33-40 -...must come from the cross of...

mhcc@Psalms:122:1-5 @ Verse 1-5 -...should we bear the cross and...

mhcc@Psalms:131 @ ****** Psalms 131 ****** *** Outline of Psalms 131 *** The psalmist's humility. Believers encouraged to trust in God. - The psalmist aimed at nothing high or great, but to be content in every condition God allotted. Humble saints cannot think so well of themselves as others think of them. The love of God reigning in the heart, will subdue self-...things. The child is cross and...__Outline Henry'__132 **** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@Psalms:145:1-9 @ Verse 1-9 -...of God, as the cross of...

mhcc@Psalms:146:5-10 @ Verse 5-10 -...he died on the cross for...**** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@Proverbs:21:9. @ Verse 9. -...with constant prayer, the cross may...10. The evil desires of a wicked man's heart, lead to baseness in his conduct.11. The simple may be made wise by punishments on the wicked, and by instructions to those who are willing to be taught.12. Good men envy not the prosperity of evil-doers; they see there is a curse on them.13. Such as oppress the poor by beating down wages, such as will not relieve according to their ability those in distress, and those in authority who neglect to do justice, stop their ears at the cry of the poor. But doubtless care is to be used in the exercise of charity.14. If money can conquer the fury of the passions, shall reason, the fear of God, and the command of Christ, be too weak to bridle them?15. There is true pleasure only in the practice of religion.16. Of all wanderers in the ways of sin, those are in the most dangerous condition who turn aside into the ways of darkness. Yet there is hope even for them in the all-sufficient Saviour; but let them flee to him without delay.17. A life of worldly pleasure brings ruin on men.18. The righteous is often delivered out of trouble, and the wicked comes in his stead, and so seems as a ransom for him.19. Unbridled passions spoil the comfort of all relations.20. The plenty obtained by prudence, industry, and frugality, is desirable. But the foolish misspend what they have upon their lusts.21. True repentance and faith will lead him that relies on the mercy of God in Christ, to follow after righteousness and mercy in his own conduct.22. Those that have wisdom, often do great things, even against those confident of their strength.23. It is our great concern to keep our souls from being entangled and disquieted.24. Pride and haughtiness make men passionate; such continually deal in wrath, as if it were their trade to be angry.25,26. Here is the misery of the slothful; their hands refuse to labour in an honest calling, by which they might get an honest livelihood; yet their hearts cease not to covet riches, pleasures, and honours, which cannot be obtained without labour. But the righteous and industrious have their desires satisfied.27. When holiness is pretended, but wickedness intended, that especially is an abomination.28. The doom of a false witness is certain.29. A wicked man bids defiance to the terrors of the law and the rebukes of Providence. But a good man asks, What does God require of me?30,31. Means are to be used, but, after all, our safety and salvation are only of the Lord. In our spiritual warfare we must arm ourselves with the whole armour of God; but our strength must be in the Lord, and in the power of his might. **** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@Isaiah:8:9-16 @ Verse 9-16 - The prophet challenges the enemies of the Jews. Their efforts would be vain, and themselves broken to pieces. It concerns us, in time of trouble, to watch against all such fears as put us upon crooked courses for our own security. The believing fear of God preserves against the disquieting fear of man. If we thought rightly of the greatness and glory of God, we should see all the power of our enemies restrained. The Lord, who will be a Sanctuary to those who trust in him, will be a Stone of stumbling, and a Rock of offence, to those who make the creature their fear and their hope. If the things of God be an offence to us, they will undo us. The apostle quotes this as to all who persisted in unbelief of the gospel of Christ, 1st Peter strkjv@2:8. The crucified Emmanuel, who was and is a Stumbling-...The preaching of the cross is...

mhcc@Isaiah:58:1-2 @ Verse 1,2 - The Holy Spirit had hypocrites of every age in view. Self-...thyself; dislike to the cross and...

mhcc@Jeremiah:7:1-16 @ Verse 1-16 -...of sin; and the cross of...

mhcc@Jeremiah:27:1-11 @ Verse 1-11 -...take up a light cross in...-spirited are exposed. It must, in all cases, be our interest to obey God's will.

mhcc@Lamentations:1:12-22 @ Verse 12-22 -...lead us to the cross of...**** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@Daniel:1 @ ****** Daniel 1 ****** *** General Notes on the Book of Daniel *** Daniel was of noble birth, if not one of the royal family of Judah. He was carried captive to Babylon in the fourth year of Jehoiachin, B. C. 606, when a youth. He was there taught the learning of the Chaldeans, and held high offices, both under the Babylonian and Persian empires. He was persecuted for his religion, but was miraculously delivered; and lived to a great age, as he must have been about ninety-...Christ Jesus upon the cross and...*** Outline of Daniel 1 *** The captivity of Daniel and his companions. (_1-7.) Their refusal to eat the king's meat. (_8-16.) Their improvement in wisdom. (_17-21.) *** Commentary ***

mhcc@Hosea:1:1-7 @ Verse 1-7 -...ready to bear any cross the...-ruhamah, "not beloved," or "not having obtained mercy." God showed great mercy, but Israel abused his favours. Sin turns away the mercy of God, even from Israel, his own professing people. If pardoning mercy is denied, no other mercy can be expected. Though some, through unbelief, are broken off, yet God will have a church in this world till the end of time. Our salvation is owing to God's mercy, not to any merit of our own. That salvation is sure, of which he is the Author; and if he will work, none shall hinder.

mhcc@Habakkuk:3:3-15 @ Verse 3-15 -...God suffered on the cross for...

mhcc@Zechariah:6:9-15 @ Verse 9-15 -...upholds all things. The cross was...**** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@Zechariah:12:9-14 @ Verse 9-14 faith upon the cross of...**** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@Matthew:16:24-28 @ Verse 24-28 - A true disciple of Christ is one that does follow him in duty, and shall follow him to glory. He is one that walks in the same way Christ walked in, is led by his Spirit, and treads in his steps, whithersoever he goes. "Let him deny himself." If self-...rashness and folly pull crosses down...-ending happiness or misery! Thousands lose their souls for the most trifling gain, or the most worthless indulgence, nay, often from mere sloth and negligence. Whatever is the object for which men forsake Christ, that is the price at which Satan buys their souls. Yet one soul is worth more than all the world. This is Christ's judgment upon the matter; he knew the price of souls, for he redeemed them; nor would he underrate the world, for he made it. The dying transgressor cannot purchase one hour's respite to seek mercy for his perishing soul. Let us then learn rightly to value our souls, and Christ as the only Saviour of them. **** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@Matthew:27:26-30 @ Verse 26-30 -...terrible and miserable. A cross was...

mhcc@Matthew:27:31-34 @ Verse 31-34 -...Lord, to bear the cross thou...

mhcc@Mark:15:15-21 @ Verse 15-21 -...vilest malefactors. Thus the cross and...21:23. The Roman soldiers mocked our Lord Jesus as a King; thus in the high priest's hall the servants had mocked him as a Prophet and Saviour. Shall a purple or scarlet robe be matter of pride to a Christian, which was matter of reproach and shame to Christ? He wore the crown of thorns which we deserved, that we might wear the crown of glory which he merited. We were by sin liable to everlasting shame and contempt; to deliver us, our Lord Jesus submitted to shame and contempt. He was led forth with the workers of iniquity, though he did no sin. The sufferings of the meek and holy Redeemer, are ever a source of instruction to the believer, of which, in his best hours, he cannot be weary. Did Jesus thus suffer, and shall I, a vile sinner, fret or repine? Shall I indulge anger, or utter reproaches and threats because of troubles and injuries?

mhcc@Luke:23:32-43 @ Verse 32-43 -...the different effects the cross of...-...admit. Christ upon the cross, is...

mhcc@Luke:24:13-27 @ Verse 13-27 -...his glory; but the cross of...

mhcc@John:6:52-59 @ Verse 52-59 -...flesh. Meditating upon the cross of...

mhcc@John:9:39-41 @ Verse 39-41 -...The preaching of the cross was...-conceited and self-confident remains; they reject the gospel of grace, therefore the guilt of their sin remains unpardoned, and the power of their sin remains unbroken. **** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@John:17:1-5 @ Verse 1-5 -...which he endured the cross and...

mhcc@Acts:22:12-21 @ Verse 12-21 - The apostle goes on to relate how he was confirmed in the change he had made. The Lord having chosen the sinner, that he should know his will, he is humbled, enlightened, and brought to the knowledge of Christ and his blessed gospel. Christ is here called that Just One; for he is Jesus Christ the righteous. Those whom God has chosen to know his will, must look to Jesus, for by him God has made known his good-...appointment, though it may cross their...

mhcc@Acts:22:22-30 @ Verse 22-30 -...never shrunk from a cross which...**** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@Acts:26:12-23 @ Verse 12-23 -...and eternal life. The cross of...-block to the Jews, and they were in a rage at Paul's preaching the fulfilling of the Old Testament predictions. Christ should be the first that should rise from the dead; the Head or principal One. Also, it was foretold by the prophets, that the Gentiles should be brought to the knowledge of God by the Messiah; and what in this could the Jews justly be displeased at? Thus the true convert can give a reason of his hope, and a good account of the change manifest in him. Yet for going about and calling on men thus to repent and to be converted, vast numbers have been blamed and persecuted.

mhcc@Acts:27:1-11 @ Verse 1-11 -...not driven backward by cross providences,...

mhcc@Romans:8:32-39 @ Verse 32-39 -...the atonement on the cross for...**** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@2Corinthians:6:11-18 @ Verse 11-18 -...a snare. Those whose cross it..._2__7 **** Matthew Henry's Commentary **** _

mhcc@Galatians:3:1-5 @ Verse 1-5 -...the doctrine of the cross preached,...-important doctrine of Christ crucified, to listen to useless distinctions, mere moral preaching, or wild fancies! The god of this world, by various men and means, has blinded men's eyes, lest they should learn to trust in a crucified Saviour. We may boldly demand where the fruits of the Holy Spirit are most evidently brought forth? whether among those who preach justification by the works of the law, or those who preach the doctrine of faith? Assuredly among the latter.

mhcc@Galatians:6:12-15 @ Verse 12-15 -...might view from the cross on...

mhcc@Philippians:3:1-11 @ Verse 1-11 - Sincere Christians rejoice in Christ Jesus. The prophet calls the false prophets dumb dogs, Isaiah strkjv@56:10. to which the apostle seems to refer. Dogs, for their malice against faithful professors of the gospel of Christ, barking at them and biting them. They urged human works in opposition to the faith of Christ; but Paul calls them evil-workers. He calls them the concision; as they rent the church of Christ, and cut it to pieces. The work of religion is to no purpose, unless the heart is in it, and we must worship God in the strength and grace of the Divine Spirit. They rejoice in Christ Jesus, not in mere outward enjoyments and performances. Nor can we too earnestly guard against those who oppose or abuse the doctrine of free salvation. If the apostle would have gloried and trusted in the flesh, he had as much cause as any man. But the things which he counted gain while a Pharisee, and had reckoned up, those he counted loss for Christ. The apostle did not persuade them to do any thing but what he himself did; or to venture on any thing but that on which he himself ventured his never-...the world, by the cross of...

mhcc@Philippians:3:12-21 @ Verse 12-21 -...The enemies of the cross of...-create our souls unto holiness; to deliver us from our enemies, and to employ our bodies and souls as instruments of righteousness in his service. **** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@Hebrews:2:10-13 @ Verse 10-13 was by the cross, and...22:22. strkjv@18:2. Isaiah strkjv@8:18.

mhcc@1John:4:7-13 @ Verse 7-13 -...the person and the cross of...-creating Spirit. A loving Christian is a perfect Christian; set him to any good duty, and he is perfect to it, he is expert at it. Love oils the wheels of his affections, and sets him on that which is helpful to his brethren. A man that goes about a business with ill will, always does it badly. That God dwells in us and we in him, were words too high for mortals to use, had not God put them before us. But how may it be known whether the testimony to this does proceed from the Holy Ghost? Those who are truly persuaded that they are the sons of God, cannot but call him Abba, Father. From love to him, they hate sin, and whatever disagrees with his will, and they have a sound and hearty desire to do his will. Such testimony is the testimony of the Holy Ghost.

mhcc@3John:1:1-8 @ Verse 1-8 -...the foot of the cross of...-will, after a godly sort, serving God therein, and designing his glory. Those who freely make known Christ's gospel, should be helped by others to whom God gives the means. Those who cannot themselves proclaim it, may yet receive, help, and countenance those who do so.

mhcc@Revelation:21:1-8 @ Verse 1-8 take up the cross of...

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