dby@Genesis:1:14 @...for seasons, and for days and...

dby@Genesis:3:14 dust all the days of...

dby@Genesis:3:17 @ And to Adam he said, Because thou hast hearkened to the voice of thy wife, and eaten of the tree of which I commanded thee saying, Thou shalt not eat of it: cursed be the ground on thy account; with toil shalt thou eat [of] it all the days of thy life;

dby@Genesis:5:4 ...And the days of...

dby@Genesis:5:5 ...And all the days of...

dby@Genesis:5:8 ...And all the days of...

dby@Genesis:5:11 ...And all the days of...

dby@Genesis:5:14 ...And all the days of...

dby@Genesis:5:17 ...And all the days of...-five years; and he died.

dby@Genesis:5:20 ...And all the days of...-two years; and he died.

dby@Genesis:5:23 ...And all the days of...-five years.

dby@Genesis:5:27 ...And all the days of...-nine years; and he died.

dby@Genesis:5:31 ...And all the days of...-seven years; and he died.

dby@Genesis:6:3 flesh; but his days shall...

dby@Genesis:6:4 ...In those days were...[children] to them; these were the heroes, who of old were men of renown.

dby@Genesis:7:4 @...on the earth forty days and...

dby@Genesis:7:10 pass after seven days that...

dby@Genesis:7:12 @...on the earth forty days and...

dby@Genesis:7:17 @...the flood was forty days on...

dby@Genesis:8:3 @...a hundred and fifty days the...

dby@Genesis:8:6 @...the end of forty days that...

dby@Genesis:8:22 ...Henceforth, all the days of...[time] and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night, shall not cease.

dby@Genesis:9:29 ...And all the days of...

dby@Genesis:10:25 @...Peleg, for in his days was...

dby@Genesis:11:32 ...And the days of...

dby@Genesis:14:1 pass in the days of...-lasar, Chedorlaomer the king of Elam, and Tidal the king of nations,

dby@Genesis:17:12 ...And at eight days old...-- he who is born in the house, and he who is bought with money, any stranger who is not of thy seed.

dby@Genesis:21:4 @...son Isaac, being eight days old,...

dby@Genesis:25:7 @...And these are the days of...-five years.

dby@Genesis:25:24 ...And when her days to...

dby@Genesis:26:1 @...had been in the days of...

dby@Genesis:26:15 @...had dug in the days of...

dby@Genesis:26:18 @...had dug in the days of...

dby@Genesis:27:41 his heart, The days of...

dby@Genesis:29:21 @ And Jacob said to Laban, Give [me] wife, for my days are...

dby@Genesis:30:14 @...went out in the days of...-harvest, and found mandrakes in the fields; and he brought them to his mother Leah. And Rachel said to Leah, Give me, I pray thee, of thy son's mandrakes.

dby@Genesis:35:28 ...And the days of...

dby@Genesis:38:12 ...And as the days were...-shearers, to Timnah, he and his friend Hirah the Adullamite.

dby@Genesis:40:4 @ And the captain of the life-guard appointed Joseph to them, that he should attend on them. And they were [several] days in custody.

dby@Genesis:40:13 ...In yet three days will...-bearer.

dby@Genesis:40:19 ...In yet three days will...

dby@Genesis:47:8 @...How many are the days of...

dby@Genesis:47:9 fathers, in the days of...

dby@Genesis:47:28 @...seventeen years; and the days of...-seven years.

dby@Genesis:47:29 ...And the days of...

dby@Genesis:50:3 are fulfilled the days of...

dby@Genesis:50:4 ...And when the days of...

dby@Exodus:7:25 ...And seven days were...

dby@Exodus:12:15 ...Seven days shall...-- that soul shall be cut off from Israel.

dby@Exodus:12:19 ...Seven days shall...-- that soul shall be cut off from the assembly of Israel, whether he be a sojourner, or born in the land.

dby@Exodus:13:6 ...Seven days shalt...

dby@Exodus:15:22 @...and they went three days in...

dby@Exodus:16:26 ...Six days shall...

dby@Exodus:20:9 ...Six days shalt...

dby@Exodus:20:11 ...For in six days Jehovah...

dby@Exodus:20:12 @...thy mother, that thy days may...

dby@Exodus:22:30 @...with thy sheep: seven days shall...

dby@Exodus:23:12 @ -- Six days thou shalt do thy work, but on the seventh day thou shalt rest; that thine ox and thine ass may rest, and the son of thy handmaid, and the stranger may be refreshed.

dby@Exodus:23:26 @...the number of thy days will...

dby@Exodus:24:18 @...on the mountain forty days and...

dby@Exodus:29:35 @...have commanded thee: seven days shalt...

dby@Exodus:29:37 ...Seven days shalt...

dby@Exodus:31:15 ...Six days shall...

dby@Exodus:31:17 @ It shall be a sign between me and the children of Israel for ever; for [in] six days Jehovah made the heavens and the earth, and on the seventh day he rested, and was refreshed.

dby@Exodus:34:18 @ --...shalt thou keep: seven days shalt...

dby@Exodus:34:21 @ -- Six days shalt thou work, but on the seventh day thou shalt rest; in ploughing time and in harvest thou shalt rest.

dby@Exodus:34:28 @ --...there with Jehovah forty days and...-- And he wrote on the tables the words of the covenant, the ten words.

dby@Exodus:35:2 ...Six days shall...

dby@Leviticus:8:33 end: for seven days shall...

dby@Leviticus:12:2 @...days; as in the days of...

dby@Leviticus:12:4 @ And she shall continue thirty-...the sanctuary, until the days of...

dby@Leviticus:12:5 @ And if she bear a female, then she shall be unclean two weeks, as in her separation; and she shall continue sixty-six days in the blood of her cleansing.

dby@Leviticus:12:6 ...And when the days of...-offering, and a young pigeon or a turtle-dove for a sin-offering, to the entrance of the tent of meeting, unto the priest.

dby@Leviticus:13:5 @...shut him up seven days a...

dby@Leviticus:13:33 @ he [that hath the sore] shall shave himself; but the scall shall he not shave; and the priest shall shut up [him that hath] the scall seven days a second time.

dby@Leviticus:13:46 ...All the days that...

dby@Leviticus:13:54 @...shut it up seven days a...

dby@Leviticus:15:13 @...he shall count seven days for...

dby@Leviticus:15:19 @...she shall be seven days in...

dby@Leviticus:15:25 @...her separation, all the days of...[in] the days of her separation: she is unclean.

dby@Leviticus:15:26 @...she lieth all the days of...

dby@Leviticus:22:27 @...forth, shall be seven days under...

dby@Leviticus:23:3 ...Six days shall...

dby@Leviticus:23:6 @...bread to Jehovah; seven days shall...

dby@Leviticus:23:34 @...feast of booths seven days to...

dby@Leviticus:23:36 ...Seven days ye...

dby@Leviticus:23:41 @...feast to Jehovah seven days in...[it is] an everlasting statute throughout your generations; in the seventh month shall ye celebrate it.

dby@Leviticus:25:8 @...years; so that the days of...-nine years.

dby@Leviticus:25:50 @...years, according to the days of...

dby@Leviticus:26:34 @...its sabbaths all the days of...

dby@Leviticus:26:35 ...All the days of...[the days in] which it did not rest on your sabbaths, when ye dwelt therein.

dby@Numbers:6:4 ...All the days of...-stones, even to the skin.

dby@Numbers:6:5 @...his head; until the days be...

dby@Numbers:6:6 ...All the days that...

dby@Numbers:6:8 ...All the days of...

dby@Numbers:6:12 @ And he shall [again]...consecrate to Jehovah the days of...-offering. But the first days are forfeited, for his consecration hath been defiled.

dby@Numbers:6:13 @...the day when the days of...

dby@Numbers:9:18 @ According to the commandment of Jehovah the children of Israel journeyed, and according to the commandment of Jehovah they [remained] encamped; all the days that the cloud dwelt upon the tabernacle they encamped.

dby@Numbers:9:20 was a few days upon...

dby@Numbers:14:34 @...out the land, forty days, each...[from you].

dby@Numbers:28:17 the feast; seven days shall...

dby@Deuteronomy:1:46 @...days, according unto the days that...[there].

dby@Deuteronomy:2:14 ...Now the days in...-barnea, until we had come over the torrent Zered, were thirty-eight years; until the whole generation of the men of war was consumed from the midst of the camp, as Jehovah had sworn unto them.

dby@Deuteronomy:4:9 @ Only take heed to thyself, and keep thy soul diligently, lest thou forget the things that thine eyes have seen (...thy heart all the days of...),

dby@Deuteronomy:4:10 @...fear me all the days that...

dby@Deuteronomy:4:26 @...shall not prolong your days on...

dby@Deuteronomy:4:32 @...ask now of the days that...

dby@Deuteronomy:4:40 @...thou mayest prolong thy days on...

dby@Deuteronomy:5:13 ...Six days shalt...

dby@Deuteronomy:5:16 @...commanded thee; that thy days may...

dby@Deuteronomy:5:33 may prolong your days in...

dby@Deuteronomy:6:2; and that thy days may...

dby@Deuteronomy:9:9 the mountain forty days and...-- I ate no bread and drank no water, --

dby@Deuteronomy:9:11 @...the end of forty days and...

dby@Deuteronomy:9:18 the first, forty days and...-- I ate no bread and drank no water, -- because of all your sin which ye had sinned, in doing what is evil in the eyes of Jehovah, to provoke him to anger.

dby@Deuteronomy:9:25 @...before Jehovah the forty days and...

dby@Deuteronomy:10:10 @...the former days, forty days and...

dby@Deuteronomy:11:9 may prolong your days in...

dby@Deuteronomy:11:21 @...give them, as the days of...[which are] above the earth.

dby@Deuteronomy:12:1 @...possess it, all the days that...

dby@Deuteronomy:12:19 @...the Levite all the days thou...

dby@Deuteronomy:16:3 @...along with it; seven days shalt...--...of Egypt, all the days of...

dby@Deuteronomy:16:8 ...Six days thou...

dby@Deuteronomy:16:15 ...Seven days shalt...

dby@Deuteronomy:17:19 therein all the days of...

dby@Deuteronomy:17:20 @...he may prolong his days in...

dby@Deuteronomy:23:6 @...their prosperity all thy days for...

dby@Deuteronomy:25:15 @...thou have; that thy days may...

dby@Deuteronomy:30:18 @...shall not prolong your days upon...

dby@Deuteronomy:30:20 @ in loving Jehovah thy God, in hearkening to his voice, and in cleaving to him --...the length of thy days... -- that thou mayest dwell in the land which Jehovah swore unto thy fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, to give them.

dby@Deuteronomy:31:14 Moses, Lo, the days are...

dby@Deuteronomy:32:7 ...Remember the days of...

dby@Deuteronomy:32:47 shall prolong your days on...

dby@Deuteronomy:34:8 @...thirty days; and the days of...

dby@Joshua:1:5 @...before thee all the days of...

dby@Joshua:1:11 @...victuals, for in three days ye...

dby@Joshua:3:15 @ and when they that bore the ark were come to the Jordan, and the feet of the priests who bore the ark dipped in the edge of the water (...its banks throughout the days of...),

dby@Joshua:4:14 @...feared Moses, all the days of...

dby@Joshua:9:16 @...the end of three days after...

dby@Joshua:22:3 @...your brethren these many days unto...

dby@Joshua:24:31 @...of the elders whose days were...

dby@Judges:2:7 @...of the elders whose days were...

dby@Judges:2:18 @...their enemies all the days of...

dby@Judges:5:6 @...of Anath, in the days of...

dby@Judges:8:28 @...forty years in the days of...

dby@Judges:11:40 @...Jephthah the Gileadite four days in...

dby@Judges:14:12 within the seven days of...[it] out, then I will give you thirty shirts, and thirty changes of garments.

dby@Judges:14:14 @...could not in three days explain...

dby@Judges:15:1 @...a time, in the days of...-harvest, that Samson visited his wife with a kid of the goats. And he said, I will go in to my wife into the chamber; but her father would not suffer him to go in.

dby@Judges:15:20 @...judged Israel in the days of...

dby@Judges:17:6 ...In those days there...

dby@Judges:18:1 @...Israel, and in those days the...[their lot] had not fallen to them for inheritance among the tribes of Israel.

dby@Judges:21:25 ...In those days there...

dby@Ruth:1:1 pass in the days when...-Judah, to sojourn in the country of Moab, he, and his wife, and his two sons.

dby@1Samuel:1:11 Jehovah all the days of...

dby@1Samuel:1:28 Jehovah: all the days that...

dby@1Samuel:2:31 ...Behold, days come,...

dby@1Samuel:7:13 @...the Philistines all the days of...

dby@1Samuel:7:15 @...judged Israel all the days of...

dby@1Samuel:9:20 @...thou didst lose three days ago,...[set]? Is it not on thee, and on all thy father's house?

dby@1Samuel:10:8 @ And thou shalt go down before me to Gilgal; and behold, I will come down to thee, to offer up burnt-offerings, [and] to sacrifice sacrifices of peace-offerings: seven days shalt thou wait, until I come to thee and inform thee what thou shalt do.

dby@1Samuel:13:11 @...not come within the days appointed,...

dby@1Samuel:14:52 @...the Philistines all the days of...

dby@1Samuel:17:12 @ Now David was the son of that Ephrathite of Bethlehem-...was old in the days of...[in years] among men.

dby@1Samuel:18:26 @ And his servants told David these words; and the thing was right in David's sight to be the king's son-in-law. And the days were not expired,

dby@1Samuel:25:38 @...pass in about ten days that...

dby@1Samuel:28:1 pass in those days that...

dby@1Samuel:30:12 @ and gave him a piece of fig-cake and two raisin-...any water, for three days and...

dby@1Samuel:30:13 @...left me, because three days ago...

dby@2Samuel:1:1 @...that David abode two days in...

dby@2Samuel:7:12 ...When thy days are...

dby@2Samuel:19:34 @...How many are the days of...

dby@2Samuel:21:1 @...a famine in the days of...[his] house of blood, because he slew the Gibeonites.

dby@2Samuel:21:9 @...death in the first days of...

dby@1Kings:2:1 ...And the days of...

dby@1Kings:2:11 ...And the days that...-three years in Jerusalem.

dby@1Kings:4:21 @...served Solomon all the days of...

dby@1Kings:4:25 @ And Judah and Israel dwelt safely, every man under his vine and under his fig-tree, from Dan even to Beer-sheba, all the days of Solomon.

dby@1Kings:8:40 @...fear thee all the days that...

dby@1Kings:8:65 days and seven days, fourteen...

dby@1Kings:10:21 @ And all king Solomon's drinking vessels were of gold, and all the vessels of the house of the forest of Lebanon were of precious gold: none were of silver, [which]...least account in the days of...

dby@1Kings:11:12 ...notwithstanding in thy days I...

dby@1Kings:11:25 Israel all the days of...[did]; and he abhorred Israel, and reigned over Syria.

dby@1Kings:11:34 @...him prince all the days of...

dby@1Kings:14:20 ...And the days that...-two years; and he slept with his fathers. And Nadab his son reigned in his stead.

dby@1Kings:15:5 @...commanded him all the days of...

dby@1Kings:15:6 @...and Jeroboam all the days of...

dby@1Kings:16:15 @ In the twenty-...Judah, Zimri reigned seven days in...[belonged] to the Philistines.

dby@1Kings:16:34 ...In his days Hiel...

dby@1Kings:19:8 @...of that food forty days and...

dby@1Kings:21:29 @...days: in his son's days will...

dby@1Kings:22:46 @...were left in the days of...

dby@2Kings:8:20 ...In his days Edom...

dby@2Kings:10:32 ...In those days Jehovah...

dby@2Kings:12:2 @...of Jehovah, all the days wherein...

dby@2Kings:13:22 @...oppressed Israel all the days of...

dby@2Kings:15:29 ...In the days of...-Pileser king of Assyria came and took Ijon, and Abel-Beth-Maachah, and Janoah, and Kedesh, and Hazor, and Gilead, and Galilee, all the land of Naphtali, and carried them captive to Assyria.

dby@2Kings:15:37 ...In those days Jehovah...

dby@2Kings:18:4 @...made; for to those days the...

dby@2Kings:19:25 @...And that from ancient days I...[into] ruinous heaps.

dby@2Kings:20:1 ...In those days Hezekiah...

dby@2Kings:20:6 @...will add to thy days fifteen...

dby@2Kings:20:17 ...Behold, days come...

dby@2Kings:23:22 @...nor in all the days of...

dby@2Kings:23:29 @ In his days Pharaoh-Nechoh king of Egypt went up against the king of Assyria to the river Euphrates; and king Josiah went against him; but [Nechoh] slew him at Megiddo, when he had seen him.

dby@2Kings:24:1 ...In his days Nebuchadnezzar...

dby@2Kings:25:29 @...him continually all the days of...

dby@2Kings:25:30 @...a portion, all the days of...

dby@1Chronicles:1:19 @...Peleg, for in his days was...

dby@1Chronicles:4:41 came in the days of...

dby@1Chronicles:5:10 ...And in the days of...

dby@1Chronicles:5:17 @...Judah, and in the days of...

dby@1Chronicles:7:2 @...their number in the days of...-two thousand six hundred.

dby@1Chronicles:9:25 @ And their brethren, in their villages, were to come after [every] seven days from time to time with them.

dby@1Chronicles:13:3 @...of it in the days of...

dby@1Chronicles:17:10 ...and since the days that...

dby@1Chronicles:17:11 pass, when thy days are...[to be] with thy fathers, that I will set up thy seed after thee, which shall be of thy sons; and I will establish his kingdom.

dby@1Chronicles:21:12 @...overtaketh thee, or three days the...

dby@1Chronicles:22:9 @...Solomon, and in his days I...

dby@1Chronicles:29:15 @...all our fathers: our days on...[of life].

dby@2Chronicles:6:31 @...thy ways, all the days that...

dby@2Chronicles:9:20 @...least account in the days of...

dby@2Chronicles:13:20 @...strength again in the days of...

dby@2Chronicles:14:1 @...his stead. In his days the...

dby@2Chronicles:20:25 @...and they were three days in...

dby@2Chronicles:21:8 ...In his days Edom...

dby@2Chronicles:24:2 @...of Jehovah all the days of...

dby@2Chronicles:24:14 @ And when they had finished, they brought the rest of the money before the king and Jehoiada; and they made of it vessels for the house of Jehovah, utensils to minister, and with which to offer up, and cups, and utensils of gold and silver. And they offered up burnt-...Jehovah continually all the days of...

dby@2Chronicles:26:5 @...God; and in the days that...

dby@2Chronicles:30:21 @...of unleavened bread seven days with...

dby@2Chronicles:30:23 @...they observed the seven days with...

dby@2Chronicles:32:24 ...In those days Hezekiah...

dby@2Chronicles:32:26 @...upon them in the days of...

dby@2Chronicles:34:33 @ And Josiah removed all the abominations out of all the countries that belonged to the children of Israel, and made to serve all that were found in Israel, --...their God: all his days they...

dby@2Chronicles:35:18 Israel from the days of...

dby@2Chronicles:36:9 @...three months and ten days in...

dby@2Chronicles:36:21 @...its sabbaths. All the days of...

dby@Ezra:4:2 him since the days of...-haddon king of Assyria, who brought us up hither.

dby@Ezra:4:5 @...their purpose, all the days of...

dby@Ezra:4:7 ...And in the days of...

dby@Ezra:6:22 @...of unleavened bread seven days with...

dby@Ezra:9:7 ...Since the days of...

dby@Nehemiah:5:18 @ And that which was prepared daily was one ox [and]...and once in ten days all...

dby@Nehemiah:6:17 ...Moreover in those days the...

dby@Nehemiah:8:17 @...booths. For since the days of...

dby@Nehemiah:9:32 @ And now, our God, the great, the mighty, and the terrible �God, who keepest covenant and loving-...thy people, since the days of...

dby@Nehemiah:12:7 @...their brethren in the days of...

dby@Nehemiah:12:12 ...And in the days of...

dby@Nehemiah:12:22 @...were recorded in the days of...

dby@Nehemiah:12:23 @...chronicles, even until the days of...

dby@Nehemiah:12:26 @...Jozadak, and in the days of...

dby@Nehemiah:12:46 @...of old, in the days of...

dby@Nehemiah:12:47 @...Zerubbabel and in the days of...

dby@Nehemiah:13:15 ...In those days I...

dby@Nehemiah:13:23 ...In those days also...[and] of Moab.

dby@Esther:1:1 pass in the days of...(that is, the Ahasuerus that reigned from India even to Ethiopia, over a hundred and twenty-seven provinces),

dby@Esther:1:5 @...great and small, seven days, in...

dby@Esther:2:12 @ And when every maiden's turn came to go in to king Ahasuerus after that she had been treated for twelve months, according to the manner of the women (for so were the days of their purification accomplished -- six months with oil of myrrh, and six months with spices, and with things for the purifying of the women,

dby@Esther:9:22 @...they should make them days of...

dby@Esther:9:26 @...Therefore they called these days Purim...

dby@Esther:9:27 @...would observe these two days according...

dby@Esther:9:28, and that these days of...

dby@Esther:9:31 confirm these days of...

dby@Job:1:5 @...was so, when the days of...-offerings [according to] the number of them all; for Job said, It may be that my children have sinned, and cursed God in their hearts. Thus did Job continually.

dby@Job:2:13 @...on the ground seven days and...[his] anguish was very great.

dby@Job:3:6 @ That night --...not rejoice among the days of...

dby@Job:7:1 @...his days like the days of...

dby@Job:7:6 ...My days are...

dby@Job:7:16 alone, for my days are...

dby@Job:8:9 @ For we are [but]...know nothing, for our days upon...

dby@Job:9:25 ...And my days are...

dby@Job:10:5 @...thy days as the days of...

dby@Job:10:20 ...Are not my days few?...

dby@Job:12:12 @...and in length of days... understanding.

dby@Job:14:5 ...If his days are...[and] thou hast appointed his bounds which he must not pass,

dby@Job:14:14 @ (If a man die, shall he live [again]?) all the days of my time of toil would I wait, till my change should come:

dby@Job:15:20 ...All his days the...

dby@Job:17:1 @...breath is corrupt, my days are...

dby@Job:17:11 ...My days are...

dby@Job:21:13 ...They spend their days in...

dby@Job:29:2 @...past, as in the days when...+God preserved me;

dby@Job:29:4 @...I was in the days of...+God was over my tent,

dby@Job:29:18 @...nest, and multiply my days as...

dby@Job:30:16 @...poured out in me; days of...

dby@Job:30:25 @...weep for him whose days were...

dby@Job:30:27 @...up, and rest not; days of...

dby@Job:32:7 ...I said, Let days speak,...

dby@Job:33:25 @...shall return to the days of...

dby@Job:36:11 @ If they hearken and serve [him]...they shall accomplish their days in...

dby@Job:38:12 @...Hast thou since thy days commanded...

dby@Job:38:21 @...the number of thy days is...

dby@Psalms:21:4 @ He asked life of thee; thou gavest [it] him, length of days for ever and ever.

dby@Psalms:23:6 @ Surely, goodness and loving-...follow me all the days of...

dby@Psalms:27:4 @ One [thing]...of Jehovah all the days of...[of him] in his temple.

dby@Psalms:37:18 ...Jehovah knoweth the days of...

dby@Psalms:37:19 @...evil, and in the days of...

dby@Psalms:39:5 @...thou hast made my days... [as] hand-breadths, and my lifetime is as nothing before thee; verily, every man, [even] the high placed, is altogether vanity. Selah.

dby@Psalms:44:1 @ {To the chief Musician. Of the sons of Korah. An instruction.}...their days, in the days of...

dby@Psalms:49:5 @...I fear in the days of...[when] the iniquity of my supplanters encompasseth me? --

dby@Psalms:61:6 @...add days to the days of...

dby@Psalms:72:7 ...In his days shall...

dby@Psalms:77:5 ...I consider the days of...

dby@Psalms:78:33 @...And he consumed their days in...

dby@Psalms:89:29 @...his throne as the days of...

dby@Psalms:89:45 ...The days of...

dby@Psalms:90:9 ...For all our days pass...[passing] thought.

dby@Psalms:90:10 ...The days of...

dby@Psalms:90:15 @...glad according to the days... [wherein] thou hast afflicted us, according to the years [wherein] we have seen evil.

dby@Psalms:91:16 ...With length of days will...

dby@Psalms:94:13 @...him rest from the days of...

dby@Psalms:102:3 ...For my days are...

dby@Psalms:102:11 ...My days are...-out shadow, and I, I am withered like grass.

dby@Psalms:103:15 @...As for man, his days are...

dby@Psalms:109:8 ...Let his days be...

dby@Psalms:119:84 @...many shall be the days of...

dby@Psalms:128:5 @...of Jerusalem all the days of...

dby@Psalms:139:16 @ Thine eyes did see my unformed substance, and in thy book all [my members] were written; [during many] days were they fashioned, when [as yet] there was none of them.

dby@Psalms:143:5 ...I remember the days of...

dby@Psalms:144:4 to vanity; his days are...

dby@Proverbs:3:16 ...Length of days is...

dby@Proverbs:9:11 @...For by me thy days shall...

dby@Proverbs:15:15 ...All the days of...

dby@Proverbs:31:12 @...not evil, all the days of...

dby@Ecclesiastes:2:3 @...the heavens all the days of...

dby@Ecclesiastes:2:16 @...already forgotten in the days which...

dby@Ecclesiastes:2:23 ...For all his days are...

dby@Ecclesiastes:5:17 ...All his days also...

dby@Ecclesiastes:5:18 @ Behold what I have seen good and comely: [it is] to eat and to drink, and to enjoy good in all his labour wherewith [man]...the sun, all the days of...

dby@Ecclesiastes:5:20 @...not much remember the days of...[him] with the joy of his heart.

dby@Ecclesiastes:6:3 @ If a man beget a hundred [sons]...years, so that the days of...

dby@Ecclesiastes:6:12 life, all the days of...

dby@Ecclesiastes:7:10 that the former days were...

dby@Ecclesiastes:7:15 @ All [this]...I seen in the days of...[man] that perisheth by his righteousness, and there is a wicked [man] that prolongeth [his days] by his wickedness.

dby@Ecclesiastes:8:13 @ but it shall not be well with the wicked, neither shall he prolong [his] days as a shadow, because he feareth not before God.

dby@Ecclesiastes:8:15 @...of his labour the days of...

dby@Ecclesiastes:9:9 @...the sun, all the days of...

dby@Ecclesiastes:11:8 @ but if a man live many years, [and]...let him remember the days of...

dby@Ecclesiastes:11:9 @...cheer thee in the days of...[things] God will bring thee into judgment.

dby@Ecclesiastes:12:1 @...youth, before the evil days come,...

dby@Isaiah:1:1 @...and Jerusalem in the days of...

dby@Isaiah:7:1 pass in the days of...[that] Rezin the king of Syria, and Pekah the son of Remaliah, king of Israel, came up to Jerusalem to make war against it, but they were not able to fight against it.

dby@Isaiah:7:17 @...upon thy father's house, days which...-- [even] the king of Assyria.

dby@Isaiah:13:22 come, and her days shall...

dby@Isaiah:23:15 @...years, according to the days of...

dby@Isaiah:24:22 @ And they shall be brought together, [as]...prison, and after many days shall...

dby@Isaiah:32:10 @ In a year and [some] days shall ye be troubled, ye careless women; for the vintage shall fail, the ingathering shall not come.

dby@Isaiah:37:26 @...and that from ancient days I...[into] ruinous heaps.

dby@Isaiah:38:1 ...In those days Hezekiah...

dby@Isaiah:38:5 @...will add to thy days fifteen...

dby@Isaiah:38:10 @...the meridian of my days I...

dby@Isaiah:38:20 @ Jehovah was [purposed] to save me. --...stringed instruments all the days of...

dby@Isaiah:39:6 ...Behold, days come...

dby@Isaiah:51:9 @...awake, as in the days of...[as in] the generations of passed ages. Is it not thou that hath hewn Rahab in pieces, [and] pierced the monster?

dby@Isaiah:60:20 @...everlasting light, and the days of...

dby@Isaiah:63:9 @...carried them all the days of...

dby@Isaiah:63:11 @...But he remembered the days of...[and] his people: Where is he that brought them up out of the sea with the shepherds of his flock? Where is he that put his holy Spirit within him,

dby@Isaiah:65:22 @...tree shall be the days of...

dby@Jeremiah:1:2 @...Jehovah came in the days of...

dby@Jeremiah:1:3 @...came also in the days of...

dby@Jeremiah:2:32 @...people have forgotten me days without...

dby@Jeremiah:3:6 @...unto me in the days of...

dby@Jeremiah:3:18 ...In those days the...

dby@Jeremiah:7:32 ...Therefore, behold, days are...

dby@Jeremiah:9:25 ...Behold, days are...[them that are] circumcised with the uncircumcised;

dby@Jeremiah:16:14 ...Therefore, behold, days are...[As] Jehovah liveth, who brought up the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt;

dby@Jeremiah:17:11 @ [As] the partridge sitteth on [eggs] it hath not laid, [so]...the midst of his days shall...

dby@Jeremiah:19:6 ...therefore behold, days come,...

dby@Jeremiah:20:18 @...and sorrow, that my days should...

dby@Jeremiah:23:5 ...Behold, the days come,...

dby@Jeremiah:23:6 ...In his days Judah...

dby@Jeremiah:23:7 ...Therefore behold, days are...[As] Jehovah liveth, who brought up the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt;

dby@Jeremiah:23:20 @...the end of the days ye...

dby@Jeremiah:25:34 @ Howl, ye shepherds, and cry; and wallow yourselves [in the dust]...the flock: for the days of...

dby@Jeremiah:26:18 @...Morasthite prophesied in the days of...[as] a field, and Jerusalem shall become heaps, and the mountain of the house as the high places of a forest.

dby@Jeremiah:30:3 ...For behold, the days come,...

dby@Jeremiah:30:24 @...the end of the days ye...

dby@Jeremiah:31:27 ...Behold, days come,...[with] the seed of man and the seed of beast.

dby@Jeremiah:31:29 ...In those days they...

dby@Jeremiah:31:31 ...Behold, days come,...

dby@Jeremiah:31:38 ...Behold, the days come,...-gate.

dby@Jeremiah:33:14 ...Behold, the days come,...

dby@Jeremiah:33:16 ...In those days shall...

dby@Jeremiah:35:1 @...from Jehovah in the days of...

dby@Jeremiah:35:7 @ neither shall ye build house, nor sow seed, nor plant vineyard, nor shall ye have [any] may live many days in...

dby@Jeremiah:36:2 @...unto thee, from the days of...

dby@Jeremiah:46:26 @...inhabited, as in the days of...

dby@Jeremiah:48:12 ...Therefore behold, days come,...

dby@Jeremiah:49:2 ...Therefore behold, days come,...

dby@Jeremiah:51:47 ...Therefore behold, days are...

dby@Jeremiah:51:52 @ -- Therefore behold, days come, saith Jehovah, that I will punish her graven images; and throughout her land the wounded shall groan.

dby@Jeremiah:52:33 @...him continually all the days of...

dby@Jeremiah:52:34 @...his death, all the days of...

dby@Lamentations:1:7 @...she had in the days of...

dby@Lamentations:2:17 @...had commanded from the days of...

dby@Lamentations:4:18 @...end is near, our days are...

dby@Lamentations:5:21 turned; renew our days as...

dby@Ezekiel:4:4 @...the number of the days that...

dby@Ezekiel:4:8 @...thou hast ended the days of...

dby@Ezekiel:4:9 @ And thou, take unto thee wheat, and barley, and beans, and lentils, and millet, and spelt, and put them in one vessel, and make thee bread thereof, [according to]...three hundred and ninety days shalt...

dby@Ezekiel:5:2 @...the city, when the days of...[and] smite about it with a knife; and a third part thou shalt scatter to the wind, and I will draw out a sword after them.

dby@Ezekiel:12:22 @...of Israel, saying, The days shall...

dby@Ezekiel:12:23 @...say unto them, The days are...

dby@Ezekiel:16:22 @...hast not remembered the days of...

dby@Ezekiel:16:43 @...hast not remembered the days of...[things], behold, therefore, I also will recompense thy way upon [thy] head, saith the Lord Jehovah, and thou shalt not commit this lewdness besides all thine abominations.

dby@Ezekiel:16:60 @...with thee in the days of...

dby@Ezekiel:22:4 @...thou hast caused thy days to...

dby@Ezekiel:22:14 strong, in the days that...[it].

dby@Ezekiel:23:19 @...calling to remembrance the days of...

dby@Ezekiel:38:8 ...After many days shalt...[and] gathered out of many peoples, upon the mountains of Israel which have been a perpetual waste: but it is brought forth out from the peoples, and they shall all of them be dwelling in safety.

dby@Ezekiel:38:16 @ And thou shalt come up against my people Israel as a cloud to cover the land the end of days... -- and I will bring thee against my land, that the nations may know me, when I shall be hallowed in thee, O Gog, before their eyes.

dby@Ezekiel:43:25 ...Seven days shalt...-offering; they shall also offer a young bullock, and a ram out of the flock without blemish.

dby@Ezekiel:43:26 ...Seven days shall...

dby@Ezekiel:43:27 ...And when these days are...-offerings upon the altar, and your peace-offerings; and I will accept you, saith the Lord Jehovah.

dby@Ezekiel:45:23 ...And the seven days of...-...daily for the seven days; and...-goat daily for a sin-offering.

dby@Daniel:1:15 @...the end of ten days their...

dby@Daniel:1:18 @...the end of the days that...

dby@Daniel:2:44 ...And in the days of...

dby@Daniel:4:34 @...the end of the days I...

dby@Daniel:5:11 @...gods; and in the days of...[even] the king thy father, made him master of the scribes, magicians, Chaldeans, [and] astrologers;

dby@Daniel:7:9 @...and the Ancient of days did...[and] its wheels burning fire.

dby@Daniel:7:22 @...until the Ancient of days came,...[places]; and the appointed time arrived, and the saints possessed the kingdom.

dby@Daniel:8:26 is for many days... [to come].

dby@Daniel:10:2 ...In those days I...

dby@Daniel:11:20 @...but in a few days he...

dby@Hosea:1:1 @...Judah, and in the days of...

dby@Hosea:2:13 @...visit upon her the days of...

dby@Hosea:2:15 @...there, as in the days of...

dby@Hosea:3:4 @...Israel shall abide many days without...

dby@Hosea:6:2 ...After two days will...

dby@Hosea:9:7 @...visitation are come; the days of...[it]: the prophet is a fool, the inspired man is mad, because of the greatness of thine iniquity, and the great enmity.

dby@Hosea:9:9 @...themselves as in the days of...

dby@Hosea:10:9 ...From the days of...

dby@Hosea:12:9 @ But I [that am]...tents, as in the days of...

dby@Joel:1:2 @...or even in the days of...

dby@Joel:2:29 @...the handmaids in those days will...

dby@Amos:1:1 @...Judah, and in the days of...

dby@Amos:4:2 @...his holiness, that behold, days shall...-hooks;

dby@Amos:8:11 ...Behold, days come,...

dby@Amos:9:11 as in the days of...

dby@Amos:9:13 ...Behold, the days come,...

dby@Jonah:1:17 @...of the fish three days and...

dby@Micah:1:1 @...the Morasthite in the days of...[and] Hezekiah, kings of Judah, which he saw concerning Samaria and Jerusalem.

dby@Micah:4:1 the end of days... [that] the mountain of Jehovah's house shall be established on the top of the mountains, and shall be lifted up above the hills; and the peoples shall flow unto it.

dby@Micah:5:2 @ (And thou, Bethlehem Ephratah, little to be among the thousands of Judah, out of thee shall he come forth unto me [who is]...of old, from the days of...)

dby@Micah:7:14 @...Gilead, as in the days of...

dby@Micah:7:15 @ -- As in the days of thy coming forth out of the land of Egypt, will I shew them marvellous things.

dby@Micah:7:20 @ Thou wilt perform truth to Jacob, loving-...our fathers, from the days of...

dby@Zephaniah:1:1 @...of Hezekiah, in the days of...

dby@Zechariah:8:9 @...that hear in these days these...

dby@Zechariah:8:10 ...For before those days there...

dby@Zechariah:8:15 @...I thought in these days to...

dby@Zechariah:8:23 @...of hosts: In those days shall...[that] God is with you.

dby@Zechariah:14:5 @ And ye shall flee [by]...the earthquake in the days of...[and] all the holy ones with thee.

dby@Malachi:3:4 @...Jehovah, as in the days of...

dby@Malachi:3:7 ...Since the days of...

dby@Matthew:2:1 @...of Judaea, in the days of...

dby@Matthew:3:1 ...Now in those days comes...

dby@Matthew:4:2 @...and having fasted forty days and...

dby@Matthew:9:15 with them? But days will...

dby@Matthew:11:12 ...But from the days of...[the] violent seize on it.

dby@Matthew:12:40 @...of the earth three days and...

dby@Matthew:15:32 @ But Jesus, having called his disciples to [him]...with me already three days and...

dby@Matthew:17:1 ...And after six days Jesus...[him] Peter, and James, and John his brother, and brings them up into a high mountain apart.

dby@Matthew:23:29 @...had been in the days of...

dby@Matthew:24:22 @...of the elect those days shall...

dby@Matthew:24:29 @...the tribulation of those days the...

dby@Matthew:24:37 ...But as the days of...

dby@Matthew:24:38 @...they were in the days which...

dby@Matthew:26:2 @...know that after two days the...

dby@Matthew:26:61 @...God, and in three days build...

dby@Matthew:27:63 @...still alive, After three days I...

dby@Mark:1:9 pass in those days... [that] Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee, and was baptised by John at the Jordan.

dby@Mark:1:13 the wilderness forty days tempted...

dby@Mark:2:20 ...But days will...

dby@Mark:8:2 @...with me already three days and...

dby@Mark:8:31 @...killed, and after three days rise...[again].

dby@Mark:9:2 ...And after six days Jesus...[him] Peter and James and John, and takes them up on a high mountain by themselves apart. And he was transfigured before them:

dby@Mark:9:31 @...been killed, after three days he...

dby@Mark:10:34 @...him; and after three days he...

dby@Mark:13:19 ...for those days shall...[the] beginning of creation which God created, until now, and never shall be;

dby@Mark:14:58 @...the course of three days I...

dby@Luke:1:5 @...There was in the days of...

dby@Luke:1:23 pass, when the days of...

dby@Luke:1:25 @ Thus has [the] Lord done to me in [these] days in which he looked upon [me] to take away my reproach among men.

dby@Luke:2:1 pass in those days that...

dby@Luke:2:6 @...they were there, the days of...[to her child] were fulfilled,

dby@Luke:2:21 ...And when eight days were...

dby@Luke:2:22 ...And when the days were...[him] to the Lord

dby@Luke:2:46 pass, after three days they...

dby@Luke:4:2 @...devil; and in those days he...

dby@Luke:4:25 Israel in the days of...

dby@Luke:5:35 ...But days will...

dby@Luke:6:12 pass in those days that...

dby@Luke:9:36 @ And as the voice was [heard] one in those days any...

dby@Luke:9:51 pass when the days of...

dby@Luke:13:14 @...crowd, There are six days in...[people] ought to work; in these therefore come and be healed, and not on the sabbath day.

dby@Luke:15:13 @...And after not many days the...

dby@Luke:17:22 @...see one of the days of...[it].

dby@Luke:17:26 be in the days of...

dby@Luke:17:28 @...took place in the days of...

dby@Luke:19:43 ...for days shall...

dby@Luke:21:6 @ [As to]...which ye are beholding, days are...

dby@Luke:21:22 ...for these are days of...

dby@Luke:23:29 ...for behold, days are...[are] the barren, and wombs that have not borne, and breasts that have not given suck.

dby@John:2:19 @...temple, and in three days I...

dby@John:4:43 @...But after the two days he...

dby@John:11:6 @...sick, he remained two days then...

dby@John:11:17 @ Jesus therefore [on] have been four days already...

dby@John:11:39 @...for he is four days... [there].

dby@John:12:1 ...Jesus therefore, six days before...[man] Lazarus, whom Jesus raised from among [the] dead.

dby@John:20:26 ...And eight days after,...[be] to you.

dby@Acts:1:15 ...And in those days Peter,...(the crowd of names [who were] together [was] about a hundred and twenty,)

dby@Acts:2:18 bondwomen in those days will...

dby@Acts:5:36 ...for before these days Theudas...

dby@Acts:5:37 @...the Galilean in the days of...[a number of] people after him; and he perished, and all, as many as obeyed him, were scattered abroad.

dby@Acts:7:45 @ which also our fathers, receiving from their predecessors, brought in with Joshua when they entered into possession of [the lands of] the nations, whom God drove out from [the]...our fathers, until the days of...

dby@Acts:9:9 @...And he was three days without...

dby@Acts:9:23 ...Now when many days were...

dby@Acts:9:37 pass in those days that...[the] upper room.

dby@Acts:9:43 @...that he remained many days in...

dby@Acts:10:30 @...And Cornelius said, Four days ago...[fasting] unto this hour, and the ninth [I was] praying in my house, and lo, a man stood before me in bright clothing,

dby@Acts:11:27 ...Now in these days prophets...

dby@Acts:12:3 @ And seeing that it was pleasing to the Jews, he went on to take Peter also: (and they were the days of unleavened bread:)

dby@Acts:13:31 @...who appeared for many days to...

dby@Acts:15:7 @...that from the earliest days God...

dby@Acts:15:35 ...But after certain days Paul...[and see] how they are getting on.

dby@Acts:20:6 Troas in five days, where...

dby@Acts:21:26 @...signifying the time the days of...

dby@Acts:21:27 @...And when the seven days were...

dby@Acts:21:38 @...Egyptian who before these days raised...

dby@Acts:24:1 ...And after five days came...

dby@Acts:24:11 @...not more than twelve days since...

dby@Acts:25:1 @...the eparchy, after three days went...

dby@Acts:25:13 ...And when certain days had...

dby@Acts:25:14 @...they had spent many days there,...

dby@Acts:28:7 @ Now in the country surrounding that place were the lands belonging to the chief man of the island, by name Publius, who received us and gave [us] hospitality three days in a very friendly way.

dby@Galatians:4:10 ...Ye observe days and...

dby@Ephesians:5:16 @...the time, because the days are...

dby@2Timothy:3:1 @ But this know, that in [the] last days difficult times shall be there;

dby@Hebrews:1:2 @...the end of these days has...[the person of the] Son, whom he has established heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds;

dby@Hebrews:5:7 ...Who in the days of...(and having been heard because of his piety;)

dby@Hebrews:7:3 @...having neither beginning of days nor...

dby@Hebrews:8:8 @...says to them, Behold, days come,...

dby@Hebrews:10:32 mind the earlier days in...

dby@1Peter:3:20 @ heretofore disobedient, when the longsuffering of God waited in [the] days of Noah while the ark was preparing, into which few, that is, eight souls, were saved through water:

dby@2Peter:3:3 @ knowing this first, that there shall come at [the] close of the days mockers with mocking, walking according to their own lusts,

dby@Revelation:2:13 @ I know where thou dwellest, where the throne of Satan [is], even in the days in...[was], who was slain among you, where Satan dwells.

dby@Revelation:9:6 ...And in those days shall...

dby@Revelation:10:7 ...but in the days of...

dby@Revelation:11:6 @...may fall during the days of...

dby@Revelation:11:9 @ And [men]...see their body three days and...

dby@Revelation:11:11 @...And after the three days and...[the] spirit of life from God came into them, and they stood upon their feet; and great fear fell upon those beholding them.

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