CONCORD expressions

mhcc@Leviticus:1:10-17 @ Verse 10-17 - Those who could not offer a bullock, were to bring a sheep or a goat; and those who were not able to do that, were accepted of God, if they brought a turtle-...they are not proper expressions of...**** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@Leviticus:2:12-16 @ Verse 12-16 - Salt is required in all the offerings. God hereby intimates to them that their sacrifices, in themselves, were unsavoury. All religious services must be seasoned with grace. Christianity is the salt of the earth. Directions are given about offering their first-...the Spirit, and the expressions of...**** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@2Samuel:6:12-19 @ Verse 12-19 - It became evident, that happy was the man who had the ark near him. Christ is indeed a Stone of stumbling, and a Rock of offence, to those that are disobedient; but to those that believe, he is a Corner-stone, elect, precious, 1st Peter strkjv@2:6-...David attended with high expressions of...

mhcc@Ezra:8:31-36 @ Verse 31-36 - Enemies laid wait for the Jews, but God protected them. Even the common perils of journeys, call us to go out with prayer, and to return with praise and thanksgiving. But what shall we render when the Lord has led us safely through the pilgrimage of life, through the gloomy vale of death, out of the reach of all our enemies, into everlasting happiness! Among their sacrifices they had a sin-...the church rest. The expressions here...**** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@Job:14:7-15 @ Verse 7-15 -...dry up. All Job's expressions here...

mhcc@Job:38:1-3 @ Verse 1-3 -...repent of his passionate expressions concerning...

mhcc@Psalms:16 @ ****** Psalms 16 ****** *** Outline of Psalms 16 ***...This psalm begins with expressions of...- David flees to God's protection, with cheerful, believing confidence. Those who have avowed that the Lord is their Lord, should often put themselves in mind of what they have done, take the comfort of it, and live up to it. He devotes himself to the honour of God, in the service of the saints. Saints on earth we must be, or we shall never be saints in heaven. Those renewed by the grace of God, and devoted to the glory of God, are saints on earth. The saints in the earth are excellent ones, yet some of them so poor, that they needed to have David's goodness extended to them. David declares his resolution to have no fellowship with the works of darkness; he repeats the solemn choice he had made of God for his portion and happiness, takes to himself the comfort of the choice, and gives God the glory of it. This is the language of a devout and pious soul. Most take the world for their chief good, and place their happiness in the enjoyments of it; but how poor soever my condition is in this world, let me have the love and favour of God, and be accepted of him; let me have a title by promise to life and happiness in the future state; and I have enough. Heaven is an inheritance; we must take that for our home, our rest, our everlasting good, and look upon this world to be no more ours, than the country through which is our road to our Father's house. Those that have God for their portion, have a goodly heritage. Return unto thy rest, O my soul, and look no further. Gracious persons, though they still covet more of God, never covet more than God; but, being satisfied of his loving-kindness, are abundantly satisfied with it: they envy not any their carnal mirth and delights. But so ignorant and foolish are we, that if left to ourselves, we shall forsake our own mercies for lying vanities. God having given David counsel by his word and Spirit, his own thoughts taught him in the night season, and engaged him by faith to live to God. Verses (Verse8-11,.) are quoted by St. Peter in his first sermon, after the pouring out of the Spirit on the day of Pentecost, Acts strkjv@2:25-31. he declared that David in them speaks concerning Christ, and particularly of his resurrection. And Christ being the Head of the body, the church, these verses may be applied to all Christians, guided and animated by the Spirit of Christ; and we may hence learn, that it is our wisdom and duty to set the Lord always before us. And if our eyes are ever toward God, our hearts and tongues may ever rejoice in him. Death destroys the hope of man, but not the hope of a real Christian. Christ's resurrection is an earnest of the believer's resurrection. In this world sorrow is our lot, but in heaven there is joy, a fulness of joy; our pleasures here are for a moment, but those at God's right hand are pleasures for evermore. Through this thy beloved Son, and our dear Saviour, thou wilt show us, O Lord, the path of life; thou wilt justify our souls now, and raise our bodies by thy power at the last day; when earthly sorrow shall end in heavenly joy, pain in everlasting happiness. __Outline Henry'__17 **** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@Psalms:33:1-11 @ Verse 1-11 -...Religious songs are proper expressions of...

mhcc@Song:__1 @ ****** Song of Solomon 1 ****** *** General Notes on the Book of Song of Solomon *** This book is a Divine allegory, which represents the love between Christ and his church of true believers, under figures taken from the relation and affection that subsist between a bridegroom and his espoused bride; an emblem often employed in Scripture, as describing the nearest, firmest, and most sure relation: see Psalms strkjv@45:1-...manner in which some expressions are...*** Outline of Song of Solomon 1 *** The title. (_1.) The church confesses her deformity. (_2-6.) The church beseeches Christ to lead her to the resting-place of his people. (_7,8.) Christ's commendation of the church, Her esteem for Him. (_9-17.) *** Commentary ***

mhcc@Isaiah:2:1-9 @ Verse 1-9 -...nothing answering to these expressions has...

mhcc@Isaiah:13:6-18 @ Verse 6-18 -...shall be darkened. Such expressions are...18:4. All that men have, they would give for their lives, but no man's riches shall be the ransom of his life. Pause here and wonder that men should be thus cruel and inhuman, and see how corrupt the nature of man is become. And that little infants thus suffer, which shows that there is an original guilt, by which life is forfeited as soon as it is begun. The day of the Lord will, indeed, be terrible with wrath and fierce anger, far beyond all here stated. Nor will there be any place for the sinner to flee to, or attempt an escape. But few act as though they believed these things.

mhcc@Isaiah:17:1-11 @ Verse 1-11 -...a foreign soil, are expressions for...

mhcc@Isaiah:60:15-22 @ Verse 15-22 -...chapter are images and expressions used...21:23. strkjv@22:5. Nothing can answer to this but some future glorious state of the church on earth, or the state of the church triumphant in heaven. Those that make God their only light, shall have him their all-sufficient light. And the happiness shall know no change or alloy. No people on earth are all righteous; but there are no mixtures in heaven. They shall be wholly righteous. The spirits of just men shall there be made perfect. The glory of the church shall be to the honour of God. When it shall be finished, it will appear a work of wonder. It may seem too difficult to be brought about, but the God of almighty power has undertaken it. It may seem to be delayed and put off; but the Lord will hasten it in the time appointed by his wisdom, though not in the time prescribed by our folly. Let this hope cheer us under all difficulties, and stir us up to all diligence, that we may have an abundant entrance into this everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. **** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@Isaiah:66:19,20, @ Verse 19,20, -...conversion of sinners. These expressions are...**** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@Jeremiah:48:14-47. @ Verse 14-47. -...all the figures and expressions here...**** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@Ezekiel:16:1-58 @ Verse 1-58 judge of these expressions by...

mhcc@Ezekiel:24:15-27 @ Verse 15-27 -...copy the language and expressions of...**** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@Joel:2:1-14 @ Verse 1-14 -...There must be outward expressions of...-abhorrence; by sorrow for their sins, and separation from them. There is no question but that if we truly repent of our sins, God will forgive them; but whether he will remove affliction is not promised, yet the probability of it should encourage us to repent.

mhcc@Zephaniah:1:1-6 @ Verse 1-6 -...for the wicked. The expressions are...

mhcc@Matthew:5:33-37 @ Verse 33-37 -...well as all those expressions which...

mhcc@Matthew:27:45-50 @ Verse 45-50 -...the use of Scripture expressions in...

mhcc@John:14:12-17 @ Verse 12-17 -...encourage their hearts. The expressions used...

mhcc@Romans:11:1-10 @ Verse 1-10 -...judgments of God, not expressions of...-mindedness.

mhcc@1Corinthians:16:19-24 @ Verse 19-24 -...compliments; but are real expressions of...-will to others, and commend them to the Divine grace and blessing. Every Christian family should be as a Christian church. Wherever two or three are gathered together in the name of Christ, and he is among them, there is a church. Here is a solemn warning. Many who have Christ's name much in their mouths, have no true love to him in their hearts. None love him in truth, who do not love his laws, and keep his commandments. Many are Christians in name, who do not love Christ Jesus the Lord in sincerity. Such are separated from the people of God, and the favour of God. Those who love not the Lord Jesus Christ, must perish without remedy. Let us not rest in any religious profession where there is not the love of Christ, earnest desires for his salvation, gratitude for his mercies, and obedience to his commandments. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ has in it all that is good, for time and for eternity. To wish that our friends may have this grace with them, is wishing them the utmost good. And this we should wish all our friends and brethren in Christ. We can wish them nothing greater, and we should wish them nothing less. True Christianity makes us wish those whom we love, the blessings of both worlds; this is meant in wishing the grace of Christ to be with them. The apostle had dealt plainly with the Corinthians, and told them of their faults with just severity; but he parts in love, and with a solemn profession of his love to them for Christ's sake. May our love be with all who are in Christ Jesus. Let us try whether all things appear worthless to us, when compared with Christ and his righteousness. Do we allow ourselves in any known sin, or in the neglect of any known duty? By such inquiries, faithfully made, we may judge of the state of our souls. Henry'_2_1 **** Matthew Henry's Commentary **** _

mhcc@Philippians:3:12-21 @ Verse 12-21 -...forward towards his point; expressions showing...-create our souls unto holiness; to deliver us from our enemies, and to employ our bodies and souls as instruments of righteousness in his service. **** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@2Thessalonians:1 @ Henry'_1__5 ****** 2nd Thessalonians 1 ****** *** General Notes on the Book of 2nd Thessalonians ***...told that, from some expressions in...-ages of the Christian church, and which show the prophetic spirit the apostle possessed. *** Outline of 2nd Thessalonians 1 *** The apostle blesses God for the growing state of the love and patience of the Thessalonians. (_1-4.) And encourages them to persevere under all their sufferings for Christ, considering his coming at the great day of account. (_5-12.) *** Commentary ***

mhcc@Titus:3:12-15 @ Verse 12-15 -...The apostle concludes with expressions of...**** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@1Peter:5:10-14 @ Verse 10-14 -...Strength of believers. These expressions show..._2_1 **** Matthew Henry's Commentary **** _

mhcc@2John:1:1-3 @ Verse 1-3 -...turns compliments into real expressions of...-will, the spring of all good things. It is grace indeed that any spiritual blessing should be given to sinful mortals. Mercy, free pardon, and forgiveness; for those already rich in grace, need continual forgiveness. Peace, quietness of spirit, and a clear conscience, in assured reconciliation with God, together with all outward prosperity that is really for good: these are desired in truth and love.

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