CONCORD families

mhcc@Genesis:3:20,21 @ Verse 20,21 Him all the families of...-leaves, a covering too narrow for them to wrap themselves in, Isaiah strkjv@28:20. Such are all the rags of our own righteousness. But God made them coats of skin, large, strong, durable, and fit for them: such is the righteousness of Christ; therefore put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ.

mhcc@Genesis:6:12-21 @ Verse 12-21 -...God, we and our families are...

mhcc@Genesis:12:1-3 @ Verse 1-3 - God made choice of Abram, and singled him out from among his fellow-...thee shall all the families of...

mhcc@Genesis:13:5-9 @ Verse 5-9 - Riches not only afford matter for strife, and are the things most commonly striven about; but they also stir up a spirit of contention, by making people proud and covetous. Mine and thine are the great of mischief in families and...

mhcc@Genesis:17:23-27 @ Verse 23-27 -...distinguishing themselves from other families that...-same day. Sincere obedience makes no delay. Not only the doctrines of revelation, but the seals of God's covenant, remind us that we are guilty, polluted sinners. They show us our need of the blood of atonement; they point to the promised Saviour, and teach us to exercise faith in him. They show us that without regeneration, and sanctification by his Spirit, and the mortification of our corrupt and carnal inclinations, we cannot be in covenant with God. But let us remember that the true circumcision is that of the heart, by the Spirit, Romans strkjv@2:28,29. Both under the old and new dispensation, many have had the outward profession, and the outward seal, who were never sealed by the Holy Spirit of promise. **** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@Genesis:18:16-22 @ Verse 16-22 -...taken by masters of families to...

mhcc@Genesis:25:11-18 @ Verse 11-18 -...had twelve sons, whose families became...

mhcc@Genesis:31:1-21 @ Verse 1-21 -...The affairs of these families are...(what are called) the great events of states and kingdoms at that period, are not mentioned. The Bible teaches people the common duties of life, how to serve God, how to enjoy the blessings he bestows, and to do good in the various stations and duties of life. Selfish men consider themselves robbed of all that goes past them, and covetousness will even swallow up natural affection. Men's overvaluing worldly wealth is that error which is the root of covetousness, envy, and all evil. The men of the world stand in each other's way, and every one seems to be taking away from the rest; hence discontent, envy, and discord. But there are possessions that will suffice for all; happy they who seek them in the first place. In all our removals we should have respect to the command and promise of God. If He be with us, we need not fear. The perils which surround us are so many, that nothing else can really encourage our hearts. To remember favoured seasons of communion with God, is very refreshing when in difficulties; and we should often recollect our vows, that we fail not to fulfil them.

mhcc@Genesis:35:1-5 @ Verse 1-5 - Beth-...away strange gods. In families where...-el. Though the Canaanites were very angry against the sons of Jacob for their barbarous usage of the Shechemites, yet they were so kept back by Divine power, that they could not take the opportunity now offered to avenge them. The way of duty is the way of safety. When we are about God's work, we are under special protection; God is with us, while we are with him; and if He be for us, who can be against us? God governs the world more by secret terrors on men's minds than we are aware of.

mhcc@Exodus:11:4-10 @ Verse 4-10 - The death of all the first-born in Egypt at once: this plague had been the first threatened, but is last executed. See how slow God is to wrath. The plague is foretold, the time is fixed; all their to rouse the families at...-block to us, Romans strkjv@10:16. Let us never think the worse of the gospel of Christ for the slights men put upon it. Pharaoh was hardened, yet he was compelled to abate his stern and haughty demands, till the Israelites got full freedom. In like manner the people of God will find that every struggle against their spiritual adversary, made in the might of Jesus Christ, every attempt to overcome him by the blood of the Lamb, and every desire to attain increasing likeness and love to that Lamb, will be rewarded by increasing freedom from the enemy of souls. **** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@Exodus:28:1-5 @ Verse 1-5 -...Hitherto the heads of families were...

mhcc@Leviticus:14:33-53 @ Verse 33-53 -...leprosy of sin ruins families and...

mhcc@Leviticus:23:1-3 @ Verse 1-3 well as by families together,...

mhcc@Leviticus:25:8-22 @ Verse 8-22 -...preserve their tribes and families distinct,...-denial in obedience. Some asked, What shall we eat the seventh year? Thus many Christians anticipate evils, questioning what they shall do, and fearing to proceed in the way of duty. But we have no right to anticipate evils, so as to distress ourselves about them. To carnal minds we may appear to act absurdly, but the path of duty is ever the path of safety.

mhcc@Numbers:1:1-43 @ Verse 1-43 -...and to ascertain their families in...

mhcc@Numbers:4:21-33 @ Verse 21-33 -...of the other two families of...2Corinthians strkjv@5:1,. and the putting it off, 2nd Peter strkjv@1:14. All shall be raised up in the great day, when these vile bodies shall be made like the glorious body of Jesus Christ, and so shall be for ever with the Lord.

mhcc@Numbers:26:1-51 @ Verse 1-51 -...We have here the families registered,...

mhcc@Numbers:26:63-65 @ Verse 63-65 -...causes surprising changes in families and...**** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@Numbers:30:3-16 @ Verse 3-16 -...and in it the families of...**** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@Deuteronomy:2:8-23 @ Verse 8-23 -...estates are transferred to families that...

mhcc@Deuteronomy:28:1-14 @ Verse 1-14 - This chapter is a very large exposition of two words, the blessing and the curse. They are real things and have real effects. The blessings are here put before the curses. God is slow to anger, but swift to show mercy. It is his delight to bless. It is better that we should be drawn to what is good by a child-...of it, in their families and...

mhcc@1Samuel:30:1-6 @ Verse 1-6 -...take care of our families in...

mhcc@2Samuel:6:6-11 @ Verse 6-11 - Uzzah was struck dead for touching the ark. God saw presumption and irreverence in Uzzah's heart. Familiarity, even with that which is most awful, is apt to breed contempt. If it were so great a crime for one to lay hold on the ark of the covenant who had no right to do so, what is it for those to lay claim to the privileges of the covenant that come not up to the terms of it? Obed-edom opened his doors without fear, knowing the ark was a savour of death unto death to those only who treated it wrong. The same hand that punished Uzzah's proud presumption, rewarded Obed-...up religion in their families. It...

mhcc@2Samuel:9:1-8 @ Verse 1-8 -...our friends and their families are...

mhcc@1Kings:14:7-20 @ Verse 7-20 -...out of the worst families, in...

mhcc@2Kings:4:1-7 @ Verse 1-7 -...gospel, or distresses their families more...-sufficiency will only be stayed from the supplying the wants of sinners and saving their souls, when no more apply to him for salvation. The widow must pay her debt with the money she received for her oil. Though her creditors were too hard with her, yet they must be paid, even before she made any provision for her children. It is one of the main laws of the Christian religion, that we pay every just debt, and give every one his own, though we leave ever so little for ourselves; and this, not of constraint, but for conscience' sake. Those who bear an honest mind, cannot with pleasure eat their daily bread, unless it be their own bread. She and her children must live upon the rest; that is, upon the money received for the oil, with which they must put themselves into a way to get an honest livelihood. We cannot now expect miracles, yet we may expect mercies, if we wait on God, and seek to him. Let widows in particular depend upon him. He that has all hearts in his hand, can, without a miracle, send as effectual a supply.

mhcc@2Kings:5:1-8 @ Verse 1-8 blessings to the families where...

mhcc@1Chronicles:3 @ Henry'_1__2 ****** 1st Chronicles 3 ****** *** Outline of 1st Chronicles 3 *** Genealogies. - Of all the families of Israel, none were so illustrious as the family of David: here we have a full account of it. From this family, as concerning the flesh, Christ came. The attentive observer will perceive that the children of the righteous enjoy many advantages. __Outline Henry'_1__4 **** Matthew Henry's Commentary **** _

mhcc@1Chronicles:6 @ Henry'_1__5 ****** 1st Chronicles 6 ****** *** Outline of 1st Chronicles 6 *** Genealogies. -...limit as to the families they...__Outline Henry'_1__7 **** Matthew Henry's Commentary **** _

mhcc@Ezra:2:1-35 @ Verse 1-35 -...was kept of the families that...

mhcc@Nehemiah:8:1-8 @ Verse 1-8 -...families should bring their families with...

mhcc@Psalms:21:1-6 @ Verse 1-6, in whom the families of...

mhcc@Psalms:89:38-52 @ Verse 38-52 -...families, noble families, with families in...2Peter strkjv@3:3,4. The records of the Lord's dealings with the family of David, show us his dealings with his church, and with believers. Their afflictions and distresses may be grievous, but he will not finally cast them off. Self-deceivers abuse this doctrine, and others by a careless walk bring themselves into darkness and distress; yet let the true believer rely on it for encouragement in the path of duty, and in bearing the cross. The psalm ends with praise, even after this sad complaint. Those who give God thanks for what he has done, may give him thanks for what he will do. God will follow those with his mercies, who follow him with praises. **** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@Psalms:109:6-20 @ Verse 6-20 -...deaths, and brings the families and...

mhcc@Psalms:125:1-3 @ Verse 1-3 -...estates, their liberties, their families names,...

mhcc@Proverbs:12:1 @ Verse 1 -...often continued to the families of...8. The apostles showed wisdom by glorying in shame for the name of Christ.9. He that lives in a humble state, who has no one to wait upon him, but gets bread by his own labour, is happier than he that glories in high birth or gay attire, and wants necessaries.

mhcc@Proverbs:26:2. @ Verse 2. -. He that is cursed without cause, the curse shall do him no more harm than the bird that flies over his head.3. Every creature must be dealt with according to its nature, but careless and profligate sinners never will be ruled by reason and persuasion. Man indeed is born like the wild ass's colt; but some, by the grace of God, are changed.4,5. We are to fit our remarks to the man, and address them to his conscience, so as may best end the debate.6-9. Fools are not fit to be trusted, nor to have any honour. Wise sayings, as a foolish man delivers and applies them, lose their usefulness.10. This verse may either declare how the Lord, the Creator of all men, will deal with sinners according to their guilt, or, how the powerful among men should disgrace and punish the wicked.11. The dog is a loathsome emblem of those sinners who return to their vices, 2Peter strkjv@2:22.12. We see many a one who has some little sense, but is proud of it. This describes those who think their spiritual state to be good, when really it is very bad.13. The slothful man hates every thing that requires care and labour. But it is foolish to frighten ourselves from real duties by fancied difficulties. This may be applied to a man slothful in the duties of religion.14. Having seen the slothful man in fear of his work, here we find him in love with his ease. Bodily ease is the sad occasion of many spiritual diseases. He does not care to get forward with his business. Slothful professors turn thus. The world and the flesh are hinges on which they are hung; and though they move in a course of outward services, yet they are not the nearer to heaven.15. The sluggard is now out of his bed, but he might have lain there, for any thing he is likely to bring to pass in his work. It is common for men who will not do their duty, to pretend they cannot. Those that are slothful in religion, will not be at the pains to feed their souls with the bread of life, nor to fetch in promised blessings by prayer.16. He that takes pains in religion, knows he is working for a good Master, and that his labour shall not be in vain.17. To make ourselves busy in other men's matters, is to thrust ourselves into temptation.18,19. He that sins in jest, must repent in earnest, or his sin will be his ruin.20-...the spirit, and puts families and...23. A wicked heart disguising itself, is like a potsherd covered with the dross of silver.

mhcc@Isaiah:28:1-4 @ Verse 1-4 -...and estates, and their families are...

mhcc@Isaiah:65:11-16 @ Verse 11-16 - Here the different states of the godly and wicked, of the Jews who believed, and of those who persisted in unbelief, are set against one another. They prepared a table for that troop of deities which the heathen worship, and poured out drink-...him should all the families of...

mhcc@Jeremiah:22:20-30 @ Verse 20-30 -...depended upon, or flourishing families to...**** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@Jeremiah:33:14-26 @ Verse 14-26 not despise the families which...**** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@Micah:7:1-7 @ Verse 1-7 -...satisfaction in their own families or...

mhcc@Nahum:2:11-13 @ Verse 11-13 -...fraud, that they have families to...-seat, that having peace with him through our Lord Jesus Christ, we may know that he is for us, and that all things shall work together for our everlasting good. **** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@Malachi:2:10-17 @ Verse 10-17 -...wrong conduct in their families springs...**** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@Matthew:12:1-8 @ Verse 1-8 - Being in the corn-...kept at home, and families become...5:14. No law must be understood so as to contradict its own end. And as Christ is the Lord of the sabbath, it is fit the day and the work of it should be dedicated to him.

mhcc@Luke:3:23-38 @ Verse 23-38 whom all the families of...**** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@John:11:1-6 @ Verse 1-6 -...person, even in small families. God...

mhcc@Romans:4:13-22 @ Verse 13-22 -...In Thee shall all families of...

mhcc@1Corinthians:14:34-40 @ Verse 34-40 shows that believing families ought..._1__15 **** Matthew Henry's Commentary **** _

mhcc@Ephesians:6:5-9 @ Verse 5-9 - The duty of servants is summed up in one word, obedience. The servants of old were generally slaves. The apostles were to teach servants and masters their duties, in doing which evils would be lessened, till slavery should be rooted out by the influence of Christianity. Servants are to reverence those over them. They are to be sincere; not pretending obedience when they mean to disobey, but serving faithfully. And they must serve their masters not only when their master's eye is upon them; but must be strict in the discharge of their duty, when he is absent and out of the way. Steady regard to the Lord Jesus Christ will make men faithful and sincere in every station, not grudgingly or by constraint, but from a principle of love to the masters and their concerns. This makes service easy to them, pleasing to their masters, and acceptable to the Lord Christ. God will reward even the meanest drudgery done from a sense of duty, and with a view to glorify him. Here is the duty of masters. Act after the same manner. Be just to servants, as you expect they should be to you; show the like good-will and concern for them, and be careful herein to approve yourselves to God. Be not tyrannical and overbearing. You have a Master to obey, and you and they are but fellow-...each other, and thus families would...

mhcc@1Timothy:3:1-7 @ Verse 1-7 - If a man desired the pastoral office, and from love to Christ, and the souls of men, was ready to deny himself, and undergo hardships by devoting himself to that service, he sought to be employed in a good work, and his desire should be approved, provided he was qualified for the office. A minister must give as little occasion for blame as can be, lest he bring reproach upon his office. He must be sober, temperate, moderate in all his actions, and in the use of all creature-...good to all other families. We...28:20. And he will fit his ministers for their work, and carry them through difficulties with comfort, and reward their faithfulness.

mhcc@1Timothy:5:9-16 @ Verse 9-16 -...those belonging to their families who...

mhcc@2John:1:1-3 @ Verse 1-3 - Religion turns compliments into real expressions of respect and love. And old disciple is honourable; an old apostle and leader of disciples is more so. The letter is to a noble Christian matron, and her children; it is well that the gospel should get among such: some noble persons are called. Families are to be encouraged and directed in their love and duties at home. Those who love truth and piety in themselves, should love it in others; and the Christians loved this lady, not for her rank, but for her holiness. And where religion truly dwells, it will abide for ever. From the Divine Persons of the Godhead, the apostle craves grace, Divine favour, and good-will, the spring of all good things. It is grace indeed that any spiritual blessing should be given to sinful mortals. Mercy, free pardon, and forgiveness; for those already rich in grace, need continual forgiveness. Peace, quietness of spirit, and a clear conscience, in assured reconciliation with God, together with all outward prosperity that is really for good: these are desired in truth and love.

mhcc@2John:1:4-6 @ Verse 4-6 -...May God bless such families more...

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