apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:1:52 @...his people for their great ungodliness,...

apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:1:54 @...of the Lord, both great and...

apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:2:9 gifts of a great number...

apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:3:1 @...reigned, he made a great feast...

apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:3:5 @...give great gifts, and great things...

apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:4:14 is not the great king,...

apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:4:28 not the king great in...

apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:4:34 @...are not women strong? great is...

apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:4:35 @...maketh these things? therefore great is...

apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:4:41 @ And with that he held his peace. And all the people then shouted, and said, Great is Truth, and mighty above all things.

apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:5:63 @...this with weeping and great crying....

apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:6:9 unto the Lord, great and...

apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:6:10 are done with great speed,...

apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:6:14 @...a king of Israel great and...

apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:8:7 @...For Esdras had very great skill,...

apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:8:70 @...the rulers and the great men...

apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:8:76 @...been and are in great sin,...

apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:8:86 @...our wicked works and great sins;...

apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:8:91 @...children: for there was great weeping...

apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:9:2 @...water, mourning for the great iniquities...

apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:9:54 @...nothing, and to make great cheer;...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:1:17 @...and horsemen, and a great navy,...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:1:20 @...and Jerusalem with a great multitude,...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:1:24, having made a great massacre,...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:1:25 @...Therefore there was a great mourning...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:1:29 @...unto Jerusalem with a great multitude,...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:1:33 @...of David with a great and...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:1:64 @...And there was very great wrath...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:2:17 @...and an honourable and great man...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:2:32 @...pursued after them a great number,...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:2:51 shall ye receive great honour...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:2:70 @...and all Israel made great lamentation...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:3:3 @...he gat his people great honour,...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:3:10 @...Gentiles together, and a great host...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:3:17 fight against so great a...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:3:18 deliver with a great multitude,...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:3:25 @...brethren, and an exceeding great dread,...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:4:23 @...of the sea, and great riches....

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:4:25 @...Thus Israel had a great deliverance...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:4:39 @...their clothes, and made great lamentation,...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:4:58 @...Thus was there very great gladness...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:5:3 @...he gave them a great overthrow,...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:5:16 @...words, there assembled a great congregation...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:5:23 @...them into Judea with great joy....

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:5:31 @...with trumpets, and a great sound,...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:5:34 @...smote them with a great slaughter;...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:5:38 @...them, even a very great host....

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:5:45 @...their stuff, a very great host,...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:5:46 @ Now when they came unto Ephron, (this was a great city in the way as they should go, very well fortified) they could not turn from it, either on the right hand or the left, but must needs pass through the midst of it.

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:5:52 @...over Jordan into the great plain...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:5:61 @...Thus was there a great overthrow...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:6:4 @...and departed thence with great heaviness,...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:6:6 @...forth first with a great power...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:6:11 @...I come, and how great a...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:6:13 @...behold, I perish through great grief...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:6:41 @...the army was very great and...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:7:8 @...flood, and was a great man...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:7:10 @...and came with a great power...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:7:11 @...were come with a great power....

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:7:19 @...cast them into the great pit....

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:7:27 Jerusalem with a great force;...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:7:35 @...went out in a great rage....

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:7:48 a day of great gladness....

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:8:2 @...they were men of great valour....

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:8:4 @...and given them a great overthrow,...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:8:6 @...chariots, and a very great army,...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:8:7 @...him should pay a great tribute,...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:8:19 @...which was a very great journey,...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:9:6 to he so great were...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:9:20 @...and all Israel made great lamentation...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:9:24 @...was there a very great famine,...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:9:27 @...So was there a great affliction...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:9:37 @...of one of the great princes...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:9:39 @...was much ado and great carriage:...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:9:43 @...of Jordan with a great power....

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:9:56 that time with great torment....

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:9:60 @...and came with a great host,...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:10:2 @...gathered together an exceeding great host,...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:10:19 a man of great power,...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:10:46 @...because they remembered the great evil...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:10:48 @...Then gathered king Alexander great forces,...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:10:58 @...marriage at Ptolemais with great glory,...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:10:69 @...who gathered together a great host,...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:10:73 @...the horsemen and so great a...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:10:77 @...because he had a great number...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:10:86 @...and met him with great pomp....

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:11:1 @...Egypt gathered together a great host,...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:11:6 @...met the king with great pomp...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:11:22 @...him at Ptolemais in great haste....

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:11:51 @...returned to Jerusalem, having great spoils....

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:11:63 Galilee, with a great power,...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:12:13 @...ourselves, we have had great troubles...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:12:36 @...higher, and raising a great mount...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:12:42 @...Jonathan came with so great a...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:12:44 @...this people to so great trouble,...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:12:49 @...Galilee, and into the great plain,...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:12:52 @...wherefore all Israel made great lamentation....

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:13:1 @...had gathered together a great host...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:13:2 @...the people was in great trembling...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:13:3 @...Ye yourselves know what great things...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:13:11 @...and with him a great power,...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:13:12 @...from Ptolemaus with a great power...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:13:17 @...should procure to himself great hatred...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:13:22 @...there fell a very great snow,...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:13:26 @...And all Israel made great lamentation...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:13:29 @...the which he set great pillars,...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:13:32 @...Asia, and brought a great calamity...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:13:33 @...with high towers, and great walls,...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:13:44 @...whereupon there was a great uproar...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:13:49 @...of victuals, and a great number...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:13:51 @...there was destroyed a great enemy...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:14:7 @...And gathered together a great number...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:14:11 @...and Israel rejoiced with great joy:...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:14:24 Rome with a great shield...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:14:28 @...At Saramel in the great congregation...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:14:29 @...nation did their nation great honour:...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:14:39 @...and honoured him with great honour....

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:15:9 @...and thy temple, with great honour,...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:15:29 @...have wasted, and done great hurt...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:15:32 @...silver plate, and his great attendance,...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:15:35 @...Gazera, albeit they did great harm...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:16:5 @...plain, behold, a mighty great host...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:16:15 @...built, made them a great banquet:...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:16:17 @...doing he committed a great treachery,...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:1:14 @...pillar of fire, and great wonders...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:2:42 @...the mount Sion a great people,...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:2:48 @...of things, and how great wonders...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:3:12 @...children, and were a great people,...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:3:16 Jacob became a great multitude....

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:4:7 @...should ask thee how great dwellings...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:4:31 by thyself, how great fruit...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:4:32 @...are without number, how great a...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:5:1 taken in a great number,...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:6:14 it were a great motion;...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:6:44 @...For immediately there was great and...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:7:66 @...that he is of great mercy,...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:8:14 @...him which with so great labour...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:8:50 @...they have walked in great pride....

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:9:21 @...a plant of a great people....

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:9:22 plant; for with great labour...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:9:45 @...neighbours: and we gave great honour...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:9:46 @...I nourished him with great travail....

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:10:11 @...that hath lost so great a...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:10:24 @...therefore shake off thy great heaviness,...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:10:26 @...suddenly she made a great cry...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:10:39 @...thy people, and makest great lamentation...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:11:13 @...reigned, and had a great time;...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:11:40 @...over the world with great fearfulness,...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:12:3 mind, and from great fear,...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:12:5 me, for the great fear...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:12:18 @...kingdom there shall arise great strivings,...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:12:26 @...thou sawest that the great head...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:13:6 @...had graved himself a great mountain,...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:13:11 @...flaming breath, and the great tempest;...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:13:13 @...was I sick through great fear,...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:13:19 @...are they come into great perils...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:13:26 @...Highest hath kept a great season,...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:13:45 there was a great way...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:13:50 @...shall he shew them great wonders....

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:15:19 @...of bread, and for great tribulation....

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:15:30 @...the wood, and with great power...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:15:31 @...themselves, conspiring together in great power...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:15:35 @...shall smite down a great multitude...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:15:37 @...And there shall be great fearfulness...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:15:38 @...then shall there come great storms...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:15:40 ...The great and...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:15:41 @...with the abundance of great waters....

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:16:18 @...beginning of famine and great death;...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:16:21, sword, famine, and great confusion....

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:16:38 @...hours of her birth great pains...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:16:68 @...burning wrath of a great multitude...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:16:70 @...the next cities, a great insurrection...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:1:11 @...hath delivered us from great perils,...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:1:22, there was a great fire...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:1:31 poured on the great stones....

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:2:18 @...delivered us out of great troubles,...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:2:19 @...the purification of the great temple,...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:2:27 @...will undertake gladly this great pains;...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:3:11 @...Tobias, a man of great dignity,...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:3:24 @...all power, caused a great apparition,...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:3:27 @...and was compassed with great darkness:...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:3:28 @...lately came with a great train...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:3:33 @...Onias the high priest great thanks,...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:3:35 @...the Lord, and made great vows...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:3:36 @...the works of the great God,...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:4:22 @...torch alight, and with great shoutings:...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:4:35 @...of other nations, took great indignation,...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:4:50 @...malice, and being a great traitor...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:5:20 @...Almighty, so again, the great Lord...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:5:26 with weapons slew great multitudes....

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:6:13 @...a token of his great goodness,...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:7:17 @...while, and behold his great power,...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:8:9 @...matters of war had great experience....

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:8:16 @...nor to fear the great multitude...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:8:20 @...and so received a great booty....

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:8:35 @...unto Antioch having very great dishonour,...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:9:11 leave off his great pride,...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:9:20 @...contentment, I give very great thanks...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:9:22 @...mine health, but having great hope...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:10:24 @...he had gathered a great multitude...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:10:38 @...who had done so great things...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:12:15, calling upon the great Lord...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:12:27 @...mightily: wherein also was great provision...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:12:45 @...perceived that there was great favour...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:13:1 @...was coming with a great power...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:13:3 @...with them, and with great dissimulation...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:14:1 @...of Tripolis with a great power...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:14:13 @...high priest of the great temple....

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:14:31 @...policy, came into the great and...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:15:29 @...Then they made a great shout...

apocrypha_kjv@AdditionsToEsther:10:9 @...hath wrought signs and great wonders,...

apocrypha_kjv@AdditionsToEsther:11:3 of Susa, a great man,...

apocrypha_kjv@AdditionsToEsther:11:6 ...And, behold, two great dragons...

apocrypha_kjv@AdditionsToEsther:11:8 @...and anguish, affliction and great uproar,...

apocrypha_kjv@AdditionsToEsther:11:10 @...fountain, was made a great flood,...

apocrypha_kjv@AdditionsToEsther:12:6 @...Agagite, who was in great honour...

apocrypha_kjv@AdditionsToEsther:13:1 @...letters was this: The great king...

apocrypha_kjv@AdditionsToEsther:16:1 ...The great king...

apocrypha_kjv@AdditionsToEsther:16:2 @...are honoured with the great bounty...

apocrypha_kjv@AdditionsToEsther:16:12 @...he, not bearing his great dignity,...

apocrypha_kjv@Baruch:2:2 @...To bring upon us great plagues,...

apocrypha_kjv@Baruch:2:11 @...with wonders, and with great power,...

apocrypha_kjv@Baruch:2:25 @...and they died in great miseries...

apocrypha_kjv@Baruch:2:27 @...according to all that great mercy...

apocrypha_kjv@Baruch:2:29 @...voice, surely this very great multitude...

apocrypha_kjv@Baruch:3:24 ...O Israel, how great is...

apocrypha_kjv@Baruch:3:26 @...that were of so great stature,...

apocrypha_kjv@Baruch:4:9 @...hath brought upon me great mourning;...

apocrypha_kjv@Baruch:4:24 @...come upon you with great glory,...

apocrypha_kjv@Baruch:4:34 @...the rejoicing of her great multitude,...

apocrypha_kjv@Baruch:4:35 @...of devils for a great time....

apocrypha_kjv@Bel:1:3 @...him every day twelve great measures...

apocrypha_kjv@Bel:1:18 @ And as soon as he had opened the dour, the king looked upon the table, and cried with a loud voice, Great art thou, O Bel, and with thee is no deceit at all.

apocrypha_kjv@Bel:1:23 there was a great dragon,...

apocrypha_kjv@Bel:1:28 @...heard that, they took great indignation,...

apocrypha_kjv@Bel:1:41 @ Then cried the king with a loud voice, saying, Great art Lord God of Daniel, and there is none other beside thee.

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:1 @ [A Prologue made by an uncertain Author]...indeed a man of great learning,...[The Prologue of the Wisdom of Jesus the Son of BenSira.] interpret it; using great watchfulness...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:1:7 @ [...who hath understood her great... experience?]

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:4:7 @...thy head to a great man....

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:5:15 @...any thing in a great matter...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:8:8 @...and how to serve great men...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:10:24 @...there none of them greater than...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:11:1 @...him to sit among great men....

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:17:29 ...How great is...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:20:27 @...hath understanding will please great men....

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:20:28 @...and he that pleaseth great men...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:23:14 @...when thou sittest among great men....

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:23:28 ...It is great glory...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:24:29 @...counsels profounder than the great deep....

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:25:10 ...O how great is...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:26:8 @...a gadder abroad causeth great anger,...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:28:14 @...overthrown the houses of great men....

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:31:3 ...The rich hath great labour...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:32:9 @...If thou be among great men,...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:33:18 @...Hear me, O ye great men...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:38:3 the sight of great men...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:38:16 @...if thou hadst suffered great harm...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:38:17 @...Weep bitterly, and make great moan,...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:38:27 @...are diligent to make great variety,...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:39:4 @...He shall serve among great men,...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:39:6 ...When the great Lord...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:40:1 @ Great travail is created for every man, and an heavy yoke is upon the sons of Adam, from the day that they go out of their mother's womb, till the day that they return to the mother of all things.

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:40:13 @...with noise, like a great thunder...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:41:12 @...thee above a thousand great treasures...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:43:5 @ Great is the Lord that made it; and at his commandment runneth hastily.

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:43:15 ...By his great power...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:43:28 @...him? for he is great above...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:44:2 them through his great power...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:44:19 ...Abraham was a great father...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:46:1 @...his name was made great for...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:46:2 ...How great glory...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:46:5 @...every side; and the great Lord...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:46:17 @...heaven, and with a great noise...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:48:22 @...the prophet, who was great and...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:49:16 @...and Seth were in great honour...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:50:16 @...trumpets, and made a great noise...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:50:18 @...with their voices, with great variety...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:51:28 @...Get learning with a great sum...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:1:1 @...reigned in Nineve, the great city;...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:1:5 @...king Arphaxad in the great plain,...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:1:8 @...higher Galilee, and the great plain...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:1:16 @...nations being a very great multitude...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:2:5 ...Thus saith the great king,...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:2:16 @...ranged them, as a great army...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:2:17 @...their carriages, a very great number;...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:2:20 ...A great number...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:3:2 @...servants of Nabuchodonosor the great king...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:3:9 @...Judea, over against the great strait...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:4:9 @...great fervency, and with great vehemency...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:5:10 @...and became there a great multitude,...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:7:2 @...among them, a very great multitude....

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:7:18 @...pitched to a very great multitude....

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:7:24 have done us great injury,...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:7:25 @...them with thirst and great destruction....

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:7:29 ...Then there was great weeping...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:8:19 @...spoil, and had a great fall...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:12:20 ...And Holofernes took great delight...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:14:19 @...cry and a very great noise...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:15:5 @ Now when the children of Israel heard it, they all fell upon them with one consent, and slew them unto Chobai: likewise also they that came from Jerusalem, and from all the hill country, (for men had told them what things were done in the camp of their enemies)...chased them with a great slaughter,...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:15:9 @...Israel, thou art the great rejoicing...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:16:13 @...O Lord, thou art great and...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:16:16 @...feareth the Lord is great at...

apocrypha_kjv@PrayerOfManasses:1 @...unworthy, according to thy great mercy....

apocrypha_kjv@Susanna:1:4 @...Now Joacim was a great rich...

apocrypha_kjv@Susanna:1:64 @...was Daniel had in great reputation...

apocrypha_kjv@Tobit:3:16 @...the majesty of the great God....

apocrypha_kjv@Tobit:4:13 @...lewdness is decay and great want:...

apocrypha_kjv@Tobit:5:13 @...Jonathas, sons of that great Samaias,...

apocrypha_kjv@Tobit:8:16 according to thy great mercy....

apocrypha_kjv@Tobit:11:15 @...told his father the great things...

apocrypha_kjv@Tobit:11:19 @...kept seven days with great joy....

apocrypha_kjv@Tobit:12:22 @...Then they confessed the great and...

apocrypha_kjv@Tobit:13:11 @...shall praise thee with great joy....

apocrypha_kjv@Tobit:13:15 @...soul bless God the great King....

apocrypha_kjv@Wisdom:5:1 @...righteous man stand in great boldness...

apocrypha_kjv@Wisdom:6:14 @...early shall have no great travail:...

apocrypha_kjv@Wisdom:8:11 the sight of great men....

apocrypha_kjv@Wisdom:8:18 ...And great pleasure...

apocrypha_kjv@Wisdom:11:21 @...thou canst shew thy great strength...

apocrypha_kjv@Wisdom:12:18 @...and orderest us with great favour:...

apocrypha_kjv@Wisdom:12:21 ...With how great circumspection...

apocrypha_kjv@Wisdom:14:22 @...of ignorance, those so great plagues...

apocrypha_kjv@Wisdom:17:1 ...For great are...

apocrypha_kjv@Wisdom:18:1 @...saints had a very great light,...

apocrypha_kjv@Wisdom:19:17 @...compassed about with horrible great darkness,...

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