bwe@Matthew:1:20 @...thinking about this, he had a...

bwe@Matthew:1:22 ...All of this had been...

bwe@Matthew:1:25 @...until her first son had been...

bwe@Matthew:2:9 @...the star, which they had seen...

bwe@Matthew:2:13 had gone, Joseph had a...

bwe@Matthew:2:16 @...what the wise men had told...

bwe@Matthew:2:19 @...Herod died. Then Joseph had a...

bwe@Matthew:2:23 @...of God long ago had said,...

bwe@Matthew:3:1 ...After some years had passed,...

bwe@Matthew:3:6 @...the wrong things they had... done.

bwe@Matthew:4:24 any way, or had bad...

bwe@Matthew:7:29 @...them as if he had the...

bwe@Matthew:8:2 ...A man who had leprosy...<FI>a bad skin disease<Fi> came and kneeled in front of Jesus and worshipped him. He said to Jesus, Sir, I know you can heal me if you want to.

bwe@Matthew:8:16 @...evening, many people who had bad...

bwe@Matthew:8:28 meet him. They had bad...

bwe@Matthew:8:33 the men who had the...

bwe@Matthew:9:8 @...They praised God who had given...

bwe@Matthew:9:20 ...A woman had a...

bwe@Matthew:9:32 @...could not talk He had a...

bwe@Matthew:11:20 @...the towns where he had done...

bwe@Matthew:11:21 @...I did in you had been...

bwe@Matthew:11:23 @...I did in you had been...

bwe@Matthew:12:11 @...If one of you had a...

bwe@Matthew:12:22 Jesus. The man had a...

bwe@Matthew:13:6 @...They died because they had no...

bwe@Matthew:13:46 @...and sold everything he had and...

bwe@Matthew:13:53 ...When Jesus had finished...

bwe@Matthew:14:3 ...Herod had taken...

bwe@Matthew:14:4 ...John had said...

bwe@Matthew:14:9 @...people who were there had heard...

bwe@Matthew:14:20 @...They all ate and had enough....

bwe@Matthew:14:23 ...After he had sent...

bwe@Matthew:15:30 @...saw that people who had not...

bwe@Matthew:15:36 @...They all ate and had enough....

bwe@Matthew:16:5 @...sea, they found they had forgotten...

bwe@Matthew:18:2 @...child to him. He had the...

bwe@Matthew:18:31 @...their master everything that had been...

bwe@Matthew:19:1 ...When Jesus had finished...

bwe@Matthew:20:5 @...the same as he had done...

bwe@Matthew:21:28 @...about this? A man had two...

bwe@Matthew:22:3 the people who had been...

bwe@Matthew:22:7 @...kill the men who had killed...

bwe@Matthew:23:30 @...You say, "If we had lived...

bwe@Matthew:25:16 more than he had at...

bwe@Matthew:25:17 more than he had at...

bwe@Matthew:25:18 @...But the man who had only...

bwe@Matthew:25:19 @...He asked what they had done...

bwe@Matthew:25:20 ...The servant who had been...

bwe@Matthew:25:22 ...The servant who had been...

bwe@Matthew:25:24 ...The servant who had been...

bwe@Matthew:25:27 @...home, I would have had my...

bwe@Matthew:26:1 ...When Jesus had finished...

bwe@Matthew:26:6 @...Simon, a man who had leprosy,...

bwe@Matthew:26:7 @...came to him. She had a...

bwe@Matthew:26:24 @...that man if he had not...

bwe@Matthew:26:47 @...leaders of the people had sent...

bwe@Matthew:26:48 them catch Jesus had told...

bwe@Matthew:26:57 @...scribes and the leaders had met...

bwe@Matthew:26:59 to say Jesus had done...

bwe@Matthew:26:75 @...Peter remembered that Jesus had said,...

bwe@Matthew:27:3 @...sorry for what he had done,...

bwe@Matthew:27:18 @...that was why they had brought...

bwe@Matthew:27:31 ...After they had made...

bwe@Matthew:27:38 @...nailed to crosses. They had stolen...

bwe@Matthew:27:52 @...of Gods people who had died...

bwe@Matthew:27:55 @...Jesus from Galilee and had helped...

bwe@Matthew:27:60 @...own new grave which had been...

bwe@Matthew:28:11 @...of the soldiers who had guarded...

bwe@Matthew:28:12 ...The chief priests had a...

bwe@Matthew:28:16 @...the hill where Jesus had told...

bwe@Mark:1:22 @...them as if he had the...

bwe@Mark:1:23 ...A man who had a...

bwe@Mark:1:30 @...was lying down. She had a...

bwe@Mark:1:32 @...people and those who had bad...

bwe@Mark:1:45 @...told everyone everywhere what had happened...

bwe@Mark:3:8 @...and Sidon. They also had heard...

bwe@Mark:4:6 @...They died because they had no...

bwe@Mark:5:2 him. The man had a...

bwe@Mark:5:4 ...Many times people had tied...

bwe@Mark:5:8 @...said this because Jesus had said...

bwe@Mark:5:14 @...out to see what had... happened.

bwe@Mark:5:15 @...saw the man who had the...

bwe@Mark:5:16 told them what had happened...

bwe@Mark:5:20 @...Ten Towns what Jesus had done...

bwe@Mark:5:25 @...A woman among them had a...

bwe@Mark:5:26 @...all the money she had to...

bwe@Mark:5:32 @...around to see who had done...

bwe@Mark:5:33 @...trembled. She knew what had happened...

bwe@Mark:5:38 @...because the rulers daughter had... died.

bwe@Mark:6:17 please Herodias. Herod had married...

bwe@Mark:6:18 ...John had told...

bwe@Mark:6:26 @...people at the feast had heard...

bwe@Mark:6:30 @...told him all they had done...

bwe@Mark:6:42 @...They all ate and had... enough.

bwe@Mark:6:46 ...When he had sent...

bwe@Mark:7:2 @...disciples eating food. They had not...

bwe@Mark:7:24 @...before him. Her daughter had a...

bwe@Mark:7:25 @...not a Jew and had been...

bwe@Mark:7:29 @...that the bad spirit had left....

bwe@Mark:8:1 @...people came together. They had nothing...

bwe@Mark:8:7 ...They had a...

bwe@Mark:8:8 @...The people ate and had enough....

bwe@Mark:8:14 take food. They had only...

bwe@Mark:9:21 @...How long has he had this...

bwe@Mark:9:34 @...on the road they had been...

bwe@Mark:9:36 @...took a child and had him...

bwe@Mark:11:6 @...disciples said what Jesus had told...

bwe@Mark:11:13 see if it had figs....

bwe@Mark:11:20 @...They saw that it had died...

bwe@Mark:12:12 @...They knew that Jesus had spoken...

bwe@Mark:12:22 @...married her. They all had no...

bwe@Mark:12:23 @...All seven of them had married...

bwe@Mark:12:44 @...she gave everything she had. She...

bwe@Mark:14:3 @...came to him. She had a...

bwe@Mark:14:12 it. The sheep had to...

bwe@Mark:14:16 @...everything just as he had said....

bwe@Mark:14:21 @...that man if he had not...

bwe@Mark:14:43 @...scribes, and the leaders had sent...

bwe@Mark:14:44 them catch Jesus had told...

bwe@Mark:14:51 @...went with Jesus. He had a...

bwe@Mark:14:55 to say Jesus had done...

bwe@Mark:14:72 @...Peter remembered that Jesus had said,...

bwe@Mark:15:7 the city. He had killed...

bwe@Mark:15:20 ...When they had made...

bwe@Mark:15:26 @...put the complaint they had against...

bwe@Mark:15:41 @...Some other women who had come...

bwe@Mark:15:46 a grave that had been...

bwe@Mark:16:9 Mary Magdalene. Jesus had driven...

bwe@Mark:16:10 @...the disciples that she had seen...

bwe@Mark:16:11 @...he was living. She had seen...

bwe@Mark:16:19 @...after the Lord Jesus had talked...

bwe@Luke:1:7 ...But they had no...

bwe@Luke:1:9 ...The priests had a...<FI>that smells sweet when it is burned<Fi>.

bwe@Luke:1:22 @...They knew that he had seen...

bwe@Luke:1:57 be born. She had a...

bwe@Luke:1:58 @...heard that the Lord had been...

bwe@Luke:2:17 @...told what the angel had said...

bwe@Luke:2:18 what the shepherds had told...

bwe@Luke:2:20 @...was just as they had been...

bwe@Luke:2:26 @...not die before he had seen...

bwe@Luke:2:36 @...was very old. She had been...

bwe@Luke:2:37 @...husband died. Now she had been...-four years. She did not leave the temple, but worshipped day and night. She talked with God and fasted <FI>did not eat food for a time<Fi>.

bwe@Luke:2:49 @...not know that I had to...

bwe@Luke:3:1 ...Tiberius Caesar had been...

bwe@Luke:3:19 @...the ruler that he had done...

bwe@Luke:3:21 @...all the other people had been...

bwe@Luke:4:14 ...Jesus had the...

bwe@Luke:4:16 Nazareth where he had grown...

bwe@Luke:4:27 @...many people in Israel had leprosy...<FI>a bad skin disease<Fi>. None of them was healed. The only one who was healed was Naaman from the country of Syria.

bwe@Luke:4:32 @...them as if he had the...

bwe@Luke:4:33 ...A man who had a...

bwe@Luke:5:9 many fish they had caught....

bwe@Luke:5:12 was there who had leprosy,...

bwe@Luke:5:17 @...from Jerusalem. Jesus had the...

bwe@Luke:5:39 after he has had old...

bwe@Luke:6:24 @...trouble. You have already had your...

bwe@Luke:7:2 ...An army officer had a...

bwe@Luke:7:10 @...that the servant who had been...

bwe@Luke:7:12 @...out a man who had died....

bwe@Luke:7:17 heard what Jesus had... done.

bwe@Luke:7:21 @...who were sick or had troubles...

bwe@Luke:7:24 ...When Johns messengers had gone...

bwe@Luke:7:29 @...they heard that. They had been...

bwe@Luke:7:39 ...The Pharisee who had asked...

bwe@Luke:8:2 @...Magdalene. Seven bad spirits had gone...

bwe@Luke:8:8 sowed. When Jesus had said...

bwe@Luke:8:27 @...spirits in him. He had not...

bwe@Luke:8:29 @...had guarded him. They had tied...

bwe@Luke:8:30 @...because many bad spirits had gone...

bwe@Luke:8:35 @...feet of Jesus. He had clothes...

bwe@Luke:8:36 @...people how the man had been...

bwe@Luke:8:38 @...whom the bad spirits had gone...

bwe@Luke:8:39 @...the town what Jesus had done...

bwe@Luke:8:42 ...He had only...

bwe@Luke:8:43 @...doctors, but no one had been...

bwe@Luke:8:47 @...told him that she had been...

bwe@Luke:8:52 @...of noise because she had died....

bwe@Luke:9:7 @...said John the Baptizer had risen...

bwe@Luke:9:8 @...old prophets of God had risen...

bwe@Luke:9:10 @...told Jesus all they had done....

bwe@Luke:9:17 @...They all ate and had enough....

bwe@Luke:9:36 @...that time what they had... seen.

bwe@Luke:10:13 @...I did in you had been...

bwe@Luke:10:17 @...The seventy men Jesus had sent...

bwe@Luke:10:34 @...up the sores he had from...

bwe@Luke:10:39 ...She had a...

bwe@Luke:11:1 @...with God. When he had finished,...

bwe@Luke:12:1 @...Many thousands of people had gathered....

bwe@Luke:12:16 @...said, A rich man had a...

bwe@Luke:13:1 @...Pilate had done. He had killed...

bwe@Luke:13:6 @...this story: A man had a...

bwe@Luke:13:11 @...for eighteen years. She had to...

bwe@Luke:13:14 @...was angry because Jesus had healed...

bwe@Luke:13:17 @...that, all those who had talked...

bwe@Luke:14:12 the man who had asked...

bwe@Luke:14:17 @...tell the people who had been...

bwe@Luke:15:11 @...also said, A man had two...

bwe@Luke:15:12 @...father divided all he had between...

bwe@Luke:15:15 the country who had a...

bwe@Luke:16:1 @...said, A rich man had a...

bwe@Luke:16:20 his door. He had many...

bwe@Luke:16:25 were living. Lazarus had a...

bwe@Luke:16:30 @...if a man who had died...

bwe@Luke:17:12 @...village, ten men who had leprosy...

bwe@Luke:19:15 @...much money each one had made...

bwe@Luke:19:23 @...home I would have had my...

bwe@Luke:19:28 ...When Jesus had said...

bwe@Luke:19:32 just as Jesus had... said.

bwe@Luke:19:37 @...the big works they had... seen.

bwe@Luke:20:19 @...They understood that he had told...

bwe@Luke:20:31 @...married her. They all had no...

bwe@Luke:20:33 @...All seven of them had married...

bwe@Luke:21:4 @...she gave everything she had. She...

bwe@Luke:22:7 it. The sheep had to...

bwe@Luke:22:13 @...just the way Jesus had said....

bwe@Luke:22:20 @...the cup after they had eaten....

bwe@Luke:22:52 @...leaders of the people had come...

bwe@Luke:22:61 @...remembered that the Lord had said...

bwe@Luke:23:8 @...about him. And he had wanted...

bwe@Luke:23:12 Before that, they had hated...

bwe@Luke:23:19 @ ( the city. He had killed...)

bwe@Luke:23:25 @ He let the other man go free. (...because he fought and had killed...) And Pilate did to Jesus what they wanted him to do.

bwe@Luke:23:29 @...or who have never had a...

bwe@Luke:23:46 @...your hands! When he had said...

bwe@Luke:23:49 @...and the women who had come...

bwe@Luke:23:51 ...He had not...

bwe@Luke:23:53 @...a rock. No one had ever...

bwe@Luke:23:55 ...Some women had come...

bwe@Luke:24:1 @...them the things they had made...

bwe@Luke:24:8 @...they remembered what he had... said.

bwe@Luke:24:11 @...left, wondering about what had... happened.

bwe@Luke:24:13 @...all the things that had... happened.

bwe@Luke:24:18 @...prophet of God. He had power...

bwe@Luke:24:25 ...Christ had to...

bwe@Luke:24:26 @...of God long ago had written...

bwe@Luke:24:34 @...Emmaus told them what had happened...

bwe@John:1:24 @...was the Pharisees who had sent...

bwe@John:2:6 @...there because the Jews had a...

bwe@John:2:9 @...knew. When the man had tasted...

bwe@John:2:10 @...feast. When people have had all...

bwe@John:2:22 @...also believed what Jesus had said...

bwe@John:4:1 @ The Pharisees heard that Jesus was getting people to follow him and was baptizing them. (Jesus disciples baptized them, not he himself.) He now had more followers than John.

bwe@John:4:2 @...Lord knew that they had heard...

bwe@John:4:3 ...He had to...

bwe@John:4:7 ...His disciples had gone...

bwe@John:4:17 ...You have had five...

bwe@John:4:26 ...When Jesus had said...

bwe@John:4:44 @...feast in Jerusalem. They had been...

bwe@John:4:45 @...the place where he had changed...

bwe@John:4:46 @...He heard that Jesus had come...

bwe@John:5:1 @...After that, the Jews had a...

bwe@John:5:2 @...water hole Bethesda. It had five...

bwe@John:5:5 was there who had been...

bwe@John:5:6 @...He knew that he had been...

bwe@John:5:13 @...the place and Jesus had gone...

bwe@John:5:15 was Jesus who had healed...

bwe@John:5:18 kill Jesus. He had broken...

bwe@John:6:2 @...the big works he had done...

bwe@John:6:11 @...the fish. The people had all...

bwe@John:6:12 ...When they had eaten...

bwe@John:6:13 @...after all the people had eaten...

bwe@John:6:17 @...dark, but Jesus had not...

bwe@John:6:22 boat only. They had seen...

bwe@John:6:23 @...bread, after the Lord had thanked...

bwe@John:7:2 @...Every year the Jews had a...

bwe@John:7:39 @...Holy Spirit because Jesus had not...

bwe@John:8:3 @...woman to Jesus. They had caught...

bwe@John:9:1 @...saw a man who had been...

bwe@John:9:6 ...When Jesus had said...

bwe@John:9:8 @...neighbours and other people had seen...

bwe@John:9:11 @...Siloam. And when I had washed...

bwe@John:9:13 @...Pharisees the man who had been...

bwe@John:9:17 @...asked the man who had been...

bwe@John:9:18 @...believe that first he had been...

bwe@John:9:22 @...leaders of the Jews had already...

bwe@John:9:24 @...called the man who had been...

bwe@John:9:30 ...The man who had been...

bwe@John:9:35 @...heard that the people had put...

bwe@John:11:13 @...Jesus meant that Lazarus had died....

bwe@John:11:17 @...he found that Lazarus had been...

bwe@John:11:19 ...Many Jews had come...

bwe@John:11:21 @...Jesus, Lord, if you had been...

bwe@John:11:28 ...When she had said...

bwe@John:11:30 @...same place where Martha had met...

bwe@John:11:32 @...said, Lord, if you had been...

bwe@John:11:43 ...When he had said...

bwe@John:11:44 @...The cloth that they had buried...

bwe@John:11:45 @...of the Jews who had come...

bwe@John:11:46 @...told them what Jesus had... done.

bwe@John:11:55 @...went to Jerusalem. They had to...

bwe@John:11:57 @...priest and the Pharisees had told...

bwe@John:12:1 @...the Lazarus that Jesus had raised...

bwe@John:12:3 ...Mary had a...

bwe@John:12:9 @...see Lazarus, whom Jesus had raised...

bwe@John:12:16 @...They remembered that people had done...

bwe@John:12:17 @...him from death. They had talked...

bwe@John:12:18 meet Jesus. They had heard...

bwe@John:12:36 you. When Jesus had said...

bwe@John:12:37 ...Even though they had seen...

bwe@John:13:1 @...this world. The time had come...

bwe@John:13:2 @...eating together. The devil had already...(Judas was the son of Simon Iscariot.)

bwe@John:13:3 @...hands. He knew he had come...

bwe@John:13:4 @...stood up where he had been...

bwe@John:13:5 @...with the towel he had tied...

bwe@John:13:12 ...After Jesus had finished...

bwe@John:13:21 ...When Jesus had said...

bwe@John:13:27 ...Right after Jesus had given...

bwe@John:13:29 ...Judas had the...

bwe@John:13:30 @...out right after he had taken...

bwe@John:13:31 ...When he had gone...

bwe@John:15:22 them. If I had not...

bwe@John:17:1 ...When Jesus had said...

bwe@John:18:1 ...When Jesus had finished...

bwe@John:18:2 ...Jesus had gone...

bwe@John:18:3 @...guards with Judas. They had lamps,...

bwe@John:18:5 he. Judas, who had given...

bwe@John:18:9 @...words came true. He had said,...

bwe@John:18:10 ...Simon Peter had a...

bwe@John:18:14 @...of the Jews. He had said,...

bwe@John:18:18 @...servants and the officers had made...

bwe@John:18:22 ...When he had said...

bwe@John:18:26 whose ear Peter had cut...

bwe@John:18:32 @...Jesus came true. He had said...

bwe@John:18:38 truth? When he had said...

bwe@John:18:40 @...was a man who had stolen...

bwe@John:19:1 @...Pilate took Jesus and had him...

bwe@John:19:5 @...on his head and had the...

bwe@John:19:23 ...When the soldiers had nailed...

bwe@John:19:28 knew that everything had happened...

bwe@John:19:31 @...legs of those who had been...

bwe@John:19:38 @...Jews. After all this had happened,...

bwe@John:19:39 @...was the one who had come...-smelling spices called myrrh and aloes. It was mixed together.

bwe@John:19:41 @...the rock. No one had ever...

bwe@John:20:1 @...saw that the stone had been...

bwe@John:20:7 @...the small cloth that had been...

bwe@John:20:12 @...sitting where Jesus body had been....

bwe@John:20:14 ...When she had said...

bwe@John:20:18 @...told them what he had said...

bwe@John:20:20 ...When he had said...

bwe@John:20:22 ...When he had said...

bwe@John:21:7 @...and his belt. He had taken...

bwe@John:21:14 @...the disciples after he had risen...

bwe@John:21:15 ...After they had eaten,...

bwe@John:21:19 great. When he had finished...

bwe@John:21:20 @...the supper table. He had said...

bwe@John:21:23 @...not die. But he had said,...

bwe@Acts:1:2 the apostles he had... chosen.

bwe@Acts:1:6 ...When they had come...

bwe@Acts:1:9 ...When Jesus had said...

bwe@Acts:1:17 of us. He had his...(

bwe@Acts:1:23 @...Joseph, named Barsabbas, who had another...

bwe@Acts:2:5 @...staying in Jerusalem. They had come...

bwe@Acts:2:23 @...just the way God had planned...

bwe@Acts:2:30 @...He knew that God had promised...

bwe@Acts:2:33 @...Holy Spirit as he had promised....

bwe@Acts:2:37 They knew they had done...

bwe@Acts:2:44 @...together; and everything they had was...

bwe@Acts:3:2 @...was a man who had been...

bwe@Acts:3:10 @...much surprised at what had happened...

bwe@Acts:3:18 @...all the prophets he had told...

bwe@Acts:4:13 @...that Peter and John had been...

bwe@Acts:4:14 @...saw the man who had been...

bwe@Acts:4:21 @...praised God for what had been...

bwe@Acts:4:22 ...The man who had been...

bwe@Acts:4:23 @...chief priests and leaders had said...

bwe@Acts:4:28 @...only did what you had already...

bwe@Acts:4:31 ...When they had talked...

bwe@Acts:4:32 @...mine. But everything they had was...

bwe@Acts:4:37 ...He had a...

bwe@Acts:5:1 @...wife knew what he had... done.

bwe@Acts:5:4 you. When you had the...

bwe@Acts:5:7 @...did not know what had... happened.

bwe@Acts:5:35 @...Men of Israel, you had better...

bwe@Acts:5:36 @...a great man. He had about...

bwe@Acts:5:40 the apostles and had them...

bwe@Acts:6:5 @...Nicolaus from Antioch who had joined...

bwe@Acts:6:6 @...apostles. When the apostles had talked...<FI>to bless them<Fi>.

bwe@Acts:7:8 @...son Jacob, and Jacob had twelve...

bwe@Acts:7:11 @...much trouble. Our fathers had nothing...

bwe@Acts:7:16 @...Hamor in Shechem. He had paid...

bwe@Acts:7:17 @...The family of Jacob had become...

bwe@Acts:7:19 @...a hard time. They had to...

bwe@Acts:7:30 ...When forty years had passed,...

bwe@Acts:7:36 @...out of Egypt. He had done...

bwe@Acts:7:41 @...very happy. What they had made...

bwe@Acts:7:44 ...Our fathers had the...

bwe@Acts:7:58 @ They put him out of the city and threw stones at him. (Those who had talked against him laid their clothes down by the feet of a young man named Saul.)

bwe@Acts:8:1 people at Jerusalem had much...

bwe@Acts:8:11 ...He had fooled...

bwe@Acts:8:16 @...the Holy Spirit. They had only...

bwe@Acts:8:27 @...of her money. He had gone...

bwe@Acts:8:33 @...a proper trial. He had no...

bwe@Acts:9:7 ...The men who had come...

bwe@Acts:9:18 @...kind of skin which had covered...

bwe@Acts:9:19 ...And when he had eaten...

bwe@Acts:9:33 @...not stand up. He had been...

bwe@Acts:9:39 @...and coats that Dorcas had made...

bwe@Acts:10:7 @...which spoke to him had gone,...

bwe@Acts:10:17 whom Cornelius sent had asked...

bwe@Acts:10:19 @...thinking about what he had seen....

bwe@Acts:10:21 @...the men whom Cornelius had sent...

bwe@Acts:10:23 @...said, Come in. He had them...

bwe@Acts:10:24 @...waiting for them. He had called...

bwe@Acts:10:27 @...saw many people who had come...

bwe@Acts:10:30 @...talking with God. I had not...

bwe@Acts:10:41 @...saw him. But God had chosen...

bwe@Acts:11:1 @...who were not Jews had also...

bwe@Acts:11:4 them all that had happened...

bwe@Acts:11:11 @...where we were. They had come...

bwe@Acts:11:13 @...told us that he had seen...

bwe@Acts:11:15 @...them just as he had come...

bwe@Acts:11:19 @...Some of the people had gone...

bwe@Acts:11:23 @...there, he saw what had been...

bwe@Acts:11:28 @...told them the Spirit had shown...(This trouble came when Claudius Caesar was ruler.)

bwe@Acts:12:3 @...Jewish feast which they had each...(It was called the Passover Feast.)

bwe@Acts:12:4 ...After Herod had caught...

bwe@Acts:12:9 @...that what the angel had done...

bwe@Acts:12:17 @...them how the Lord had brought...

bwe@Acts:12:19 @...looked for him and had not...

bwe@Acts:12:25 @...from Jerusalem when they had finished...

bwe@Acts:13:12 @...The ruler saw what had happened....

bwe@Acts:13:20 @...hundred and fifty years had... passed.

bwe@Acts:13:27 @...did what the prophets had said...

bwe@Acts:13:29 @...things that the prophets had written...

bwe@Acts:13:31 ...People had come...

bwe@Acts:13:46 @...leaders. They said, We had to...

bwe@Acts:13:48 @...message. All those who had been...

bwe@Acts:14:1 @...Barnabas did as they had done...

bwe@Acts:14:8 his feet. He had never...

bwe@Acts:14:11 @...people saw what Paul had done,...

bwe@Acts:14:17 @...But even then he had some...

bwe@Acts:14:26 @...this work. Now they had finished...

bwe@Acts:14:27 @...them all that God had done...

bwe@Acts:15:4 @...told all that God had done...

bwe@Acts:15:12 @...wonderful things that God had helped...

bwe@Acts:15:13 ...When they had finished...

bwe@Acts:15:33 @...back to those who had sent...

bwe@Acts:15:38 @...were at Pamphylia. He had not...

bwe@Acts:16:4 leaders at Jerusalem had said...

bwe@Acts:16:9 @...In the night Paul had a...

bwe@Acts:16:10 @...believed that the Lord had called...

bwe@Acts:16:13 the women who had come...

bwe@Acts:16:16 @...met a girl who had a...

bwe@Acts:16:19 @...masters saw that they had lost...

bwe@Acts:16:20 ...When they had brought...

bwe@Acts:16:27 @...that all the prisoners had run...

bwe@Acts:16:33 ...Paul and Silas had sores...

bwe@Acts:16:39 @...sorry for what they had done....

bwe@Acts:17:1 @...Thessalonica. Here the Jews had a...

bwe@Acts:17:2 ...As he had done...

bwe@Acts:17:32 @...Athens heard that someone had been...

bwe@Acts:18:2 @...because Claudius the ruler had ordered...

bwe@Acts:18:3 ...Pauls work had been...

bwe@Acts:18:18 @...This was because he had made...

bwe@Acts:18:25 ...This man had been...

bwe@Acts:19:11 @...healed. Also, people who had bad...

bwe@Acts:19:13 to place. They had power...-doctors. They tried to make people free from bad spirits by using the name of the Lord Jesus. They said to the spirits, I tell you, in the name of Jesus, the one Paul talks about, come out!

bwe@Acts:19:14 @...a chief priest. He had seven...

bwe@Acts:19:16 @...And the man who had the...

bwe@Acts:19:17 @...all feared. And they had great...

bwe@Acts:19:19 ...Many had been...-...All the books together had cost...50,000 silver coins.

bwe@Acts:19:29 @...Gaius and Aristarchus. They had travelled...

bwe@Acts:19:32 @...not know why they had come...

bwe@Acts:19:41 ...When he had said...

bwe@Acts:20:19 @...the Lord when I had troubles...

bwe@Acts:20:36 ...When Paul had said...

bwe@Acts:20:38 @...of all because he had said...

bwe@Acts:21:1 ...When we had said...

bwe@Acts:21:5 @...When the seven days had passed,...

bwe@Acts:21:9 ...He had four...

bwe@Acts:21:19 the things God had done...

bwe@Acts:21:29 @...they thought that Paul had brought...

bwe@Acts:21:33 @...and took Paul. He had him...

bwe@Acts:22:4 @...even killed them. I had men...

bwe@Acts:22:25 ...When they had tied...

bwe@Acts:22:29 @...a Roman, because he had tied...

bwe@Acts:22:30 @...the next day he had Paul...

bwe@Acts:23:7 ...When he had said...

bwe@Acts:23:12 @...or drink until they had killed...

bwe@Acts:23:28 @...out what complaint they had against...

bwe@Acts:23:29 @...their law. But he had not...

bwe@Acts:23:31 @...took Paul as they had been...

bwe@Acts:24:17 @...few years and I had come...

bwe@Acts:24:18 the temple. I had made...

bwe@Acts:24:27 Felixs place. Felix had wanted...

bwe@Acts:25:2 @...told him what they had against...

bwe@Acts:25:3 @...come to Jerusalem. They had made...

bwe@Acts:25:6 the court and had Paul...

bwe@Acts:25:7 @...the Jewish leaders who had come...

bwe@Acts:25:17 the court and had the...

bwe@Acts:25:19 ...But instead, they had a...

bwe@Acts:25:21 @...his case. So I had him...

bwe@Acts:25:25 @...found out that he had not...

bwe@Acts:26:12 @...Damascus. The chief priests had given...

bwe@Acts:26:32 @...go free if he had not...

bwe@Acts:27:8 ...We had trouble...

bwe@Acts:27:13 @...little, they thought they had what...

bwe@Acts:27:16 @...called Clauda. There we had a...

bwe@Acts:27:21 @...leave. So you have had much...

bwe@Acts:27:35 ...When he had said...

bwe@Acts:28:11 @...Twin Brothers. After we had been...

bwe@Acts:28:13 @...of Rhegium. When we had been...

bwe@Acts:28:14 @...the Christians at Rome had heard...

bwe@Acts:28:17 Rome. When they had come,...

bwe@Acts:28:19 @...go free, so I had to...

bwe@Acts:28:29 ...When Paul had said...

bwe@Romans:1:4 @...was Gods Son. He had Gods...

bwe@Romans:4:17 @...true even though they had not...

bwe@Romans:4:18 @...of many nations. God had told...

bwe@Romans:4:19 @...Sarah, even though she had never...

bwe@Romans:4:21 do what he had promised...

bwe@Romans:7:7 wrong if there had been...

bwe@Romans:7:9 ...Once I had no...

bwe@Romans:8:22 @...been crying. It has had much...

bwe@Romans:8:30 @...himself as if they had never...

bwe@Romans:9:9 @...not all. Rebecca also had children....

bwe@Romans:9:11 @...not yet born, they had done...

bwe@Romans:9:28 @...our children. If he had not,...

bwe@Romans:15:19 ...I had the...

bwe@Romans:15:20 where another man had started...

bwe@1Corinthians:1:26 @...Not many of you had power....

bwe@1Corinthians:11:25 @...same way, after they had eaten,...

bwe@2Corinthians:1:7 @...about the trouble we had in...

bwe@2Corinthians:1:8 @...really felt our time had come...

bwe@2Corinthians:1:13 @...Then you would have had a...

bwe@2Corinthians:2:1 again if I had to...

bwe@2Corinthians:2:9 @...And if I have had anything...

bwe@2Corinthians:5:18 @...the wrong things they had done....

bwe@2Corinthians:7:4 @...for our bodies. We had all...

bwe@2Corinthians:7:6 @...sorry for what you had done....8,

bwe@2Corinthians:7:11 @...of the man who had the...

bwe@2Corinthians:7:13 And really, I had nothing...

bwe@2Corinthians:8:15 @...did not have much, had enough....

bwe@2Corinthians:11:4 @...not the ones you had first,...

bwe@2Corinthians:11:25 @...water. I have had hard...

bwe@2Corinthians:11:26 @...thirsty. I have often had nothing...

bwe@2Corinthians:11:31 @...for king Aretas. He had the...

bwe@Galatians:1:21 ...After I had been...

bwe@Galatians:1:22 @...not know me. They had never...

bwe@Galatians:1:24 @...praised God for what had happened...

bwe@Galatians:2:2 @ God showed me that I should go. And I told them about the good news which I tell to people who are not Jews. I told those who seemed to be church leaders when I was alone with them. I did not want my work to come to nothing-the work I had done or the work I was doing.

bwe@Galatians:2:9 @...They saw that God had blessed...

bwe@Galatians:2:11 face that he had done...

bwe@Galatians:2:12 came whom James had sent....

bwe@Galatians:2:17 how much we had been...

bwe@Galatians:3:1 @...just as if you had seen...

bwe@Galatians:3:21 @...not! If a law had been...

bwe@Galatians:4:4 @...the time when men had to...

bwe@Galatians:4:22 @...writings say that Abraham had two...

bwe@Galatians:4:27 @...woman who has not had a...

bwe@Ephesians:1:13 @...Holy Spirit whom God had promised....

bwe@Ephesians:1:19 @...Christ from death and had him...

bwe@Ephesians:2:5 @...the wrong things we had done....

bwe@Ephesians:2:12 @...promised to them. You had no...

bwe@Ephesians:4:8 @...he took those he had won...

bwe@Philippians:3:5 ...I had the...

bwe@Philippians:4:9 before, but you had no...

bwe@Colossians:2:13 @...and because your lives had not...

bwe@Colossians:2:15 @...He showed that they had no...

bwe@1Thessalonians:1:4 @...It had power. It had the...

bwe@1Thessalonians:1:5 the Lord. You had much...

bwe@1Thessalonians:2:2 @...As you know, we had much...

bwe@1Thessalonians:2:6 @...of Christ, and we had the...

bwe@1Thessalonians:3:5 @...was afraid that Satan had tried...

bwe@1Timothy:1:14 @...believed in him and had the...

bwe@2Timothy:1:9 Christ Jesus. He had this...

bwe@Hebrews:2:14 @...But because Jesus also had a...

bwe@Hebrews:2:17 ...So he had to...

bwe@Hebrews:2:18 ...He had a...

bwe@Hebrews:3:17 @...with the people who had done...

bwe@Hebrews:4:3 @...finished ever since he had made...

bwe@Hebrews:4:8 ...If Joshua had led...

bwe@Hebrews:6:4 ...Some people had light...

bwe@Hebrews:6:5 ...They had the...

bwe@Hebrews:6:15 @...he got what God had promised...

bwe@Hebrews:8:7 @...If the first agreement had been...

bwe@Hebrews:8:8 ...When the people had done...

bwe@Hebrews:9:1 @...about worship. And it had a...

bwe@Hebrews:9:4 @ In the Most Holy Place was a pan made of gold. In this pan a fire could burn to make a sweet-...and the stones which had Gods...

bwe@Hebrews:9:7 @...the wrong things he had done...

bwe@Hebrews:9:21 @...on the house he had made...

bwe@Hebrews:9:23 @...the things in heaven had to...

bwe@Hebrews:9:26 @...him, he would have had to...

bwe@Hebrews:10:2 @...the wrong things they had... done.

bwe@Hebrews:10:28 @...people proved that he had broken...

bwe@Hebrews:10:32 @...strong, even though you had to...

bwe@Hebrews:10:33 @...stood with others who had wrong...

bwe@Hebrews:10:34 @...You knew that you had better...

bwe@Hebrews:11:5 @...find him because God had taken...

bwe@Hebrews:11:7 @...would happen. These things had never...<FI>from the big flood<Fi>. By believing God he showed that the other people were wrong. He was put right with God because he believed.

bwe@Hebrews:11:9 @...Isaac and Jacob. They had the...

bwe@Hebrews:11:11 do what he had... promised.

bwe@Hebrews:11:13 @...get the things God had promised...

bwe@Hebrews:11:15 ...If they had wanted...

bwe@Hebrews:11:17 @...son, even though God had made...

bwe@Hebrews:11:18 ...God had said...

bwe@Hebrews:11:35 ...Women had children...

bwe@Hebrews:11:39 @...All of these people had good...

bwe@James:5:5 ...You have had a...

bwe@James:5:7 @...time until it has had the...

bwe@1Peter:3:18 @...died, but his spirit had new...

bwe@2Peter:2:20 @...more trouble than they had at...

bwe@2Peter:2:21 @...for them if they had never...

bwe@1John:2:7 old law. You had it...

bwe@1John:2:19 @...with us. If they had belonged...

bwe@2John:1:5 @...the same law we had from...

bwe@Jude:1:7 @...happen. The people there had wrong...

bwe@Jude:1:9 @...Michael the chief angel had a...

bwe@Revelation:1:16 @...his right hand he had seven...

bwe@Revelation:1:17 @...him as if I had died....

bwe@Revelation:4:1 @...same voice that I had heard...

bwe@Revelation:4:4 @ Around his throne I saw twenty-four other thrones. On them sat twenty-...wore white clothes and had gold...

bwe@Revelation:4:6 @...four living beings. They had many...

bwe@Revelation:4:7 @...cow. The third one had the...

bwe@Revelation:4:8 @...had six wings. They had many...

bwe@Revelation:5:1 @...the chief chair. It had writing...

bwe@Revelation:5:6 @...had been killed. It had seven...

bwe@Revelation:5:8 @ And when he took the book, the four living beings and the twenty-...Every one of them had a...

bwe@Revelation:6:2 @...who rode on it had a...

bwe@Revelation:6:5 @...who rode on it had scales...

bwe@Revelation:6:9 @...incense is burned. They had been...

bwe@Revelation:6:11 killed as they had... been.

bwe@Revelation:7:2 @...the four angels. They had been...

bwe@Revelation:7:9 @...white clothes and they had palm...

bwe@Revelation:7:14 @...the people who have had much...

bwe@Revelation:8:3 the altar. He had a...

bwe@Revelation:8:6 @...The seven angels who had the...

bwe@Revelation:8:12 @...part of the day had no...

bwe@Revelation:9:1 @...saw a star that had fallen...

bwe@Revelation:9:7 crowns. And they had faces...

bwe@Revelation:9:10 ...The locusts had tails...

bwe@Revelation:9:14 @...the sixth angel who had the...

bwe@Revelation:9:20 @...stop worshipping what they had made...

bwe@Revelation:10:2 @...In his hand he had a...

bwe@Revelation:10:4 @...When the seven thunders had spoken,...

bwe@Revelation:10:10 @...mouth. But when I had eaten...

bwe@Revelation:11:10 @...two men from God had troubled...

bwe@Revelation:12:1 @...On her head she had twelve...

bwe@Revelation:12:3 @...and ten horns. He had seven...

bwe@Revelation:12:6 @...the wilderness. There God had made...-two months.

bwe@Revelation:12:13 @...whom a baby boy had been...

bwe@Revelation:12:16 @...river which the dragon had poured...

bwe@Revelation:13:1 @...On its heads it had names...

bwe@Revelation:13:2 a leopard. It had feet...

bwe@Revelation:13:3 @...One of its heads had a...

bwe@Revelation:13:4 @...the dragon because he had given...

bwe@Revelation:13:11 @...of the earth. It had two...

bwe@Revelation:14:1 @ The song of the 144,000 Then I looked and saw the Lamb standing on a hill called Zion. With him were one hundred and forty-four thousand people. They had his name and the name of his Father written on their foreheads.

bwe@Revelation:14:4 @...people who have not had sex...

bwe@Revelation:14:6 @...across the sky. He had good...

bwe@Revelation:14:14 @...the cloud. He had a...

bwe@Revelation:14:17 heaven. He also had a...

bwe@Revelation:14:18 the angel who had the...

bwe@Revelation:15:1 @...of glass and they had the...

bwe@Revelation:16:2 @...on the people who had the...

bwe@Revelation:16:3 the sea that had life...

bwe@Revelation:16:9 @...cursing him because he had the...

bwe@Revelation:16:18 @...shook more than it had ever...

bwe@Revelation:17:1 @...the seven angels who had carried...

bwe@Revelation:17:3 @...all over it. It had seven...

bwe@Revelation:17:6 @...blood of people who had been...

bwe@Revelation:18:1 @...from the sky. He had much...

bwe@Revelation:18:19 @...All the men who had boats...

bwe@Revelation:19:12 @...were many crowns. He had a...

bwe@Revelation:19:13 @...He wore clothes that had been...

bwe@Revelation:19:20 @...fooled the people who had the...

bwe@Revelation:20:1 @...In his hand he had the...

bwe@Revelation:20:4 @...its idol. And they had not...

bwe@Revelation:20:12 the things they had done,...

bwe@Revelation:20:13 the things he had... done.

bwe@Revelation:21:1 @...and the first earth had gone...

bwe@Revelation:21:12 @...big and high. It had twelve...

bwe@Revelation:21:14 @...wall of the city had twelve...

bwe@Revelation:21:15 @...who talked to me had a...

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