apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:1:3 ...And he spake...

apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:1:7 @...king's allowance, according as he promised,...

apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:1:31 ...Then gat he up...

apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:1:33 @...and the things that he had...

apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:1:34 @...Josias his father, when he was...

apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:1:35 ...And he reigned...

apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:1:36 ...And he set...

apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:1:38 @...but Zaraces his brother he apprehended,...

apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:1:39 @...Judea and Jerusalem; and he did...

apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:1:43 @...reigned in his stead: he was...

apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:1:46 @...twenty years old; and he reigned...

apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:1:47 ...And he did...

apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:1:48 @...his neck, his heart, he transgressed...

apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:1:50 them back, because he spared...

apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:1:53 @...child, among them; for he delivered...

apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:1:56 @...slain with the sword he carried...

apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:2:1 @...might be accomplished, that he had...

apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:2:2 @...of the Persians, and he made...

apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:2:5 @...Lord of Israel: for he is...

apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:2:11 @...had brought them forth, he delivered...

apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:3:1 @...Now when Darius reigned, he made...

apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:3:5 speak a sentence: he that...

apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:3:7 ...And he shall...

apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:3:13 @...unto him, and so he read...

apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:3:14 ...And sending forth he called...

apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:3:16 ...And he said,...

apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:3:17 ...And he said...

apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:3:18 ...And he said...

apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:3:24 @...had so spoken, he held his...

apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:4:3 @...over them; and whatsoever he commandeth...

apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:4:4 @...they do it: if he send...

apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:4:7 @...kill, they kill; if he command...

apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:4:8 @...they make desolate; if he command...

apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:4:9 @...they cut down; if he command...

apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:4:10 @...furthermore he lieth down, he eateth...

apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:4:12 obeyed? And he held his...

apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:4:21 @ He sticketh not to spend his life with his wife. and remembereth neither father, nor mother, nor country.

apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:4:24 @...stolen, spoiled, and robbed, he bringeth...

apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:4:31 @...she laughed upon him, he laughed...

apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:4:33 upon another: so he began...

apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:4:34 @...for he compasseth the heavens round...

apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:4:35 ...Is he not...

apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:4:41 @...And with that he held his...

apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:4:43 ...Then said he unto...

apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:4:44 @...Cyrus set apart, when he vowed...

apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:4:48 @ He wrote letters also unto the lieutenants that were in Celosyria and Phenice, and unto them in Libanus, that they should bring cedar wood from Libanus unto Jerusalem, and that they should build the city with him.

apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:4:49 ...Moreover he wrote...

apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:4:54 @ He wrote also concerning. the charges, and the priests' vestments wherein they minister;

apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:4:56 ...And he commanded...

apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:4:57 @...commandment, the same charged he also...

apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:4:58 @...up his face to heaven toward...

apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:4:61 ...And so he took...

apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:4:62 @...of their fathers, because he had...

apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:5:3 @...their brethren played, and he made...

apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:6:15 @...which is in heaven, he gave...

apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:6:19 ...With commandment that he should...

apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:6:27 ...And also he commanded...

apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:6:32 @...tree be taken, and he thereon...

apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:7:15 ...For that he had...

apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:8:4 @...did him honour: for he found...

apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:8:7 @...great skill, so that he omitted...

apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:8:80 @...of our Lord; but he made...

apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:9:39 @...priest and reader, that he would...

apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:9:41 @...and the multitude gave heed unto...

apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:9:45 @...before the multitude: for he sat...

apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:9:46 ...And when he opened...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:1:1 @...Persians and Medes, that he reigned...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:1:3 @...was exalted and his heart was...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:1:4 ...And he gathered...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:1:5 @...sick, and perceived that he should...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:1:6 @...kingdom among them, while he was...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:1:10 @...hostage at Rome, and he reigned...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:1:16 @...reign over Egypt that he might...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:1:17 ...Wherefore he entered...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:1:19 of Egypt and he took...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:1:20 @...Antiochus had smitten Egypt, he returned...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:1:22 @...the temple, all which he pulled...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:1:23 @...the hidden treasures which he found....

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:1:24 @...had taken all away, he went...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:1:30 @...had given him credence, he fell...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:1:31 @...spoils of the city, he set...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:1:50 @...the king, he said, he should...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:1:51 @...the selfsame manner wrote he to...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:2:2 ...And he had...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:2:6 ...And when he saw...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:2:7 @ He said, Woe is me! wherefore was I born to see this misery of my people, and of the holy city, and to dwell there, when it was delivered into the hand of the enemy, and the sanctuary into the hand of strangers?

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:2:23 ...Now when he had...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:2:24 @...according to judgment: wherefore he ran,...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:2:25 @...time, and the altar he pulled...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:2:26 ...Thus dealt he zealously...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:2:28 ...So he and...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:2:49 @...that Mattathias should die, he said...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:2:63 @...not be found, because he is...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:2:65 @...ear unto him alway: he shall...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:2:66 @...As for Judas Maccabeus, he hath...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:2:69 ...So he blessed...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:2:70 ...And he died...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:3:3 @...harness about him, and he made...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:3:4 ...In his acts he was...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:3:5 @ For He pursued the wicked, and sought them out, and burnt up those that vexed his people.

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:3:7 @ He grieved also many kings, and made Jacob glad with his acts, and his memorial is blessed for ever.

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:3:8 ...Moreover he went...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:3:9 @...of the earth, and he received...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:3:11 him, and so he smote...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:3:12 @...sword also, and therewith he fought...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:3:14 @ He said, I will get me a name and honour in the kingdom; for I will go fight with Judas and them that are with him, who despise the king's commandment.

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:3:15 @...of the ungodly to help him,...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:3:16 ...And when he came...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:3:23 @...had left off speaking, he leapt...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:3:27 @...full of indignation: wherefore he sent...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:3:28 be ready whensoever he should...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:3:29 @...dissension and plague, which he had...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:3:30 @...he did before: for he had...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:3:31 @...perplexed in his mind, he determined...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:3:32 ...So he left...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:3:33 @...his son Antiochus, until he came...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:3:34 @...of all things that he would...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:3:35 ...To wit, that he should...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:3:36 ...And that he should...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:3:37 @...passed the river Euphrates, he went...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:3:39 ...And with them he sent...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:3:56 @...or were fearful, those he commanded...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:4:2 ...To the end he might...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:4:3 with him, that he might...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:4:5 @...the mountains: for said he, These...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:4:27 @...neither such things as he would...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:4:28 @...five thousand horsemen, that he might...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:4:30 @...saw that mighty army, he prayed...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:4:35 @...greater than it was, he purposed...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:4:41 the fortress, until he had...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:4:42 ...So he chose...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:5:3 @...they besieged Gael: and he gave...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:5:4 ...Also he remembered...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:5:5 @ He shut them up therefore in the towers, and encamped against them, and destroyed them utterly, and burned the towers of that place with fire, and all that were therein.

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:5:6 @...children of Ammon, where he found...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:5:7 @...discomfited before him; and he smote...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:5:8 @...the towns belonging thereto, he returned...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:5:18 ...So he left...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:5:19 @...not war against the heathen until...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:5:21 @...heathen, so that the heathen were...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:5:22 @...thousand men, whose spoils he took....

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:5:23 @...that they had, took he away...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:5:28 @...had won the city, he slew...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:5:29 @...night, and went till he came...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:5:32 @ He said unto his host, Fight this day for your brethren.

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:5:33 ...So he went...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:5:34 @...fled from him: wherefore he smote...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:5:35 @...he had assaulted it he took...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:5:39 @...hired the Arabians to help them...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:5:40 withstand him; for he will...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:5:41 ...But if he be...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:5:42 @...the brook: unto whom he gave...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:5:43 @...him: then all the heathen, being...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:5:49 the place where he was....

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:5:65 @...toward the south, where he smote...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:5:66 ...From thence he removed...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:5:68 @...and spoiled their cities, he returned...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:6:3 spoil it; but he was...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:6:4 @...departed thence with great heaviness, and...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:6:7 @...down the abomination, which he had...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:6:8 @...not befallen him as he looked...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:6:9 @...he made account that he should...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:6:10 @...mine eyes, and my heart faileth...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:6:14 @...of his friends, who he made...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:6:15 @...signet, to the end he should...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:6:17 @...stead, and his name he called...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:6:20 @...and fiftieth year, and he made...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:6:23 @...and to do as he would...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:6:28 @...the king heard this, he was...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:6:44 @...jeopardy, to the end he might...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:6:45 ...Wherefore he ran...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:6:46 @...upon him, and there he died....

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:6:49 @...that were in Bethsura he made...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:6:51 @...As for the sanctuary, he besieged...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:6:55 @...his son Antiochus, that he might...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:6:56 @...with him, and that he sought...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:6:57 ...Wherefore he went...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:6:60 @...princes were content: wherefore he sent...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:6:62 @...broke his oath that he had...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:6:63 @...of the city: so he fought...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:7:2 ...And as he entered...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:7:3 @...when he knew it, he said,...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:7:7 @...and see what havock he hath...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:7:9 @...priest, and commanded that he should...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:7:14 @...with this army, and he will...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:7:15 ...So he spake...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:7:16 the words which he wrote,...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:7:19 @...he had slain them, he cast...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:7:20 ...Then committed he the...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:7:24 @ He went out into all the coasts of Judea round about, and took vengeance of them that had revolted from him, so that they durst no more go forth into the country.

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:7:25 @...worst of them that he could....

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:7:29 @ He came therefore to Judas, and they saluted one another peaceably. Howbeit the enemies were prepared to take away Judas by violence.

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:7:30 @...unto him with deceit, he was...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:7:31 ...Nicanor also, when he saw...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:7:34 ...But he mocked...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:7:35 and with that he went...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:7:40 @...thousand men, and there he prayed,...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:7:42 may know that he hath...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:7:43 was discomfited, and he himself...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:7:44 @...Nicanor's host saw that he was...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:7:47 @...his right hand, which he stretched...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:8:7 @...alive, and covenanted that he and...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:9:1 @...were slain in battle, he sent...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:9:6 @...the other army to he so...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:9:7 @...much distressed, for that he had...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:9:8 @...unto them that remained he said,...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:9:12 ...As for Bacchides, he was...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:9:14 @...on the right side, he took...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:9:22 @...the noble acts which he did,...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:9:32 @...Bacchides gat knowledge thereof, he sought...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:9:34 @...Which when Bacchides understood, he came...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:9:36 @...John, and all that he had,...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:9:43 @...when Bacchides heard hereof, he came...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:9:47 smite Bacchides, but he turned...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:9:50 @...and Taphon, these did he strengthen...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:9:51 ...And in them he set...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:9:52 @ He fortified also the city Bethsura, and Gazera, and the tower, and put forces in them, and provision of victuals.

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:9:53 ...Besides, he took...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:9:54 @...should be pulled down; he pulled...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:9:55 @...a palsy, so that he could...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:9:57 @...that Alcimus was dead, he returned...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:9:63 @...thing when Bacchides knew, he gathered...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:9:64 ...Then went he and...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:9:65 @...a certain number went he forth....

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:9:66 ...And he smote...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:9:67 ...And when he began...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:9:69 @...the country, inasmuch as he slew...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:9:70 @...him, to the end he should...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:9:71 @...sware unto him that he would...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:9:72 @...own land, neither came he any...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:9:73 @...govern the people; and he destroyed...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:10:1 @...him, by means whereof he reigned...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:10:2 @...king Demetrius heard thereof, he gathered...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:10:3 @...loving words, so as he magnified...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:10:4 @...peace with him, before he join...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:10:5 ...Else he will...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:10:6 @...aid him in battle: he commanded...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:10:9 @...hostages unto Jonathan, and he delivered...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:10:11 ...And he commanded...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:10:15 @...and noble acts which he and...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:10:16 @ He said, Shall we find such another man? now therefore we will make him our friend and confederate.

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:10:17 ...Upon this he wrote...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:10:20 @ Wherefore now this day we ordain thee to be the high priest of thy nation, and to be called the king's friend; (and therewithal he sent him a purple robe and a crown of gold:) and require thee to take our part, and keep friendship with us.

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:10:22 @...Whereof when Demetrius heard, he was...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:10:25 @ He sent unto them therefore to this effect: King Demetrius unto the people of the Jews sendeth greeting:

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:10:32 such men as he shall...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:10:46 @...done in Israel; for he had...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:10:47 @...were well pleased, because he was...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:10:50 ...And he continued...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:10:53 @...battle with him, both he and...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:10:58 @...daughter Cleopatra, and celebrated her marriage...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:10:59 @...written unto Jonathan, that he should...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:10:60 @...honourably to Ptolemais, where he met...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:10:63 ...And he made...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:10:64 @...his accusers saw that he was...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:10:68 @...king Alexander heard tell, he was...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:10:74 @...met him for to help him....

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:10:75 ...And he pitched...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:10:77 @...of horsemen, in whom he put...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:10:84 @...were fled into it, he burned...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:10:88 @...ALexander heard these things, he honoured...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:10:89 @...of the king's blood: he gave...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:11:2 to do, because he was...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:11:3 @...entered into the cities, he set...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:11:4 the way where he should...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:11:5 @...him: but the king held his...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:11:7 ...Afterward Jonathan, when he had...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:11:9 ...Whereupon he sent...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:11:10 @...daughter unto him, for he sought...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:11:11 @...he slander him, because he was...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:11:12 @...from him, and gave her to...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:11:13 @...two crowns upon his head, the...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:11:15 @...Alexander heard of this, he came...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:11:20 @...was in Jerusalem: and he made...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:11:22 @...wrote unto Jonathan, that he should...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:11:23 @...besiege it still: and he chose...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:11:24 @...unto the king, where he found...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:11:27 @...all the honours that he had...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:11:28 of Samaria; and he promised...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:11:38 @...the isles of the heathen: wherefore...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:11:40 @...with him, and there he remained...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:11:41 @...unto king Demetrius, that he would...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:11:53 the benefits which he had...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:11:58 ...Upon this he sent...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:11:59 @...His brother Simon also he made...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:11:60 him: and when he came...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:11:61 @...shut him out; wherefore he laid...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:11:62 @...made supplication unto Jonathan, he made...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:11:64 @ He went to meet them, and left Simon his brother in the country.

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:11:66 @...peace with him, which he granted...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:11:72 @...turning again to battle, he put...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:12:1 @...that time served him, he chose...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:12:2 @ He sent letters also to the Lacedemonians, and to other places, for the same purpose.

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:12:16 @...of Antiochus, and Antipater he son...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:12:25 of Amathis: for he gave...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:12:26 @ He sent spies also unto their tents, who came again, and told him that they were appointed to come upon them in the night season.

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:12:27 @...ready to fight: also he sent...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:12:32 ...And removing thence, he came...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:12:33 @...there adjoining, from whence he turned...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:12:34 @...took Demetrius' part; wherefore he set...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:12:35 @...of the people together, he consulted...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:12:39 @...Antiochus the king, that he might...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:12:40 @...might kill him. So he removed,...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:12:42 great a force, he durst...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:12:44 ...Unto Jonathan also he said,...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:12:46 @...believing him did as he bade...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:12:47 @...thousand men, of whom he sent...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:13:2 @...great trembling and fear, he went...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:13:10 @...walls of Jerusalem, and he fortified...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:13:11 ...Also he sent...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:13:14 @...join battle with him, he sent...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:13:15 for money that he is...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:13:16 @...he is at liberty he may...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:13:17 @...the children, lest peradventure he should...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:13:19 @...Tryphon dissembled neither would he let...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:13:20 every place, wheresoever he went....

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:13:21 the end that he should...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:13:22 @...he came not. So he departed,...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:13:23 @...came near to Bascama he slew...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:13:28 ...Moreover he set...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:13:29 @...and upon the pillars he made...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:13:30 the sepulchre which he made...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:13:32 ...And he reigned...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:13:34 @...Demetrius, to the end he should...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:13:43 @...besieged it round about; he made...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:13:48 ...Yea, he put...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:13:50 @...them out from thence, he cleansed...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:13:52 was, and there he dwelt...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:13:53 @...all the hosts; and he dwelt...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:14:2 @...entered within his borders, he sent...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:14:3 Arsaces, by whom he was...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:14:4 @...days of Simon; for he sought...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:14:5 in this, that he took...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:14:7 @...out of the which he took...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:14:10 @ He provided victuals for the cities, and set in them all manner of munition, so that his honourable name was renowned unto the end of the world.

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:14:11 @ He made peace in the land, and Israel rejoiced with great joy:

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:14:14 and wicked person he took...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:14:15 @ He beautified the sanctuary, and multiplied vessels of the temple.

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:14:26 ...For he and...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:14:33 @...had been before; but he set...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:14:34 @...had dwelt before: but he placed...)

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:14:35 @...nation, and for that he sought...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:14:37 ...But he placed...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:14:40 ...For he had heard say,...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:14:42 @...fortresses, that, I say, he should...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:14:43 @...his name, and that he should...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:14:45 @...any of these things, he should...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:15:11 @...pursued by king Antiochus, he fled...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:15:12 ...For he saw...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:15:14 sea, neither suffered he any...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:15:21 @...the high priest, that he may...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:15:22 @...The same things wrote he likewise...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:15:25 @...shut up Tryphon, that he could...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:15:27 @...all the covenants which he had...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:15:28 ...Furthermore he sent...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:15:32 @...and his great attendance, he was...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:15:36 @...and of all that he had...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:15:39 @...for the king himself, he pursued...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:15:41 @...had built up Cedrou, he set...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:16:4 ...So he chose...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:16:6 @...over the water brook, he went...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:16:7 ...That done, he divided...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:16:9 @...followed after them, until he came...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:16:10 @...two thousand men. Afterward he returned...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:16:11 @...Abubus made captain, and he had...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:16:12 ...For he was...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:16:13 @...heart being lifted up, he thought...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:16:14 @...them; at which time he came...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:16:15 @...a great banquet: howbeit he had...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:16:17 ...In which doing he committed...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:16:18 aid him, and he would...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:16:19 @...come unto him, that he might...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:16:20 ...And others he sent...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:16:22 @...and slew them; for he knew...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:16:23 @...of the walls which he made,...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:16:24 @...priesthood, from the time he was...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:1:2 @...the son of And he spake...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:1:7 @...Am not I even he that...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:2:34 everlasting rest; for he is...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:2:43 of their heads he set...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:2:45 @ He answered and said unto me, These be they that have put off the mortal clothing, and put on the immortal, and have confessed the name of God: now are they crowned, and receive palms.

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:2:47 ...So he answered...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:3:5 @...breath of life, and he was...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:3:7 thy way: which he transgressed,...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:4:3 @...Yea, my lord. And he answered...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:4:5 lord. Then said he unto...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:4:7 ...And he said...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:4:10 @ He said moreover unto me, Thine own things, and such as are grown up with thee, canst thou not know;

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:4:13 @ He answered me, and said, I went into a forest into a plain, and the trees took counsel,

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:4:20 ...Then answered he me,...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:4:21 @...that are above the height of...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:4:25 ...What will he then...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:4:26 ...Then answered he me,...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:4:34 ...And he answered...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:4:36 @...filled in you: for he hath...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:4:37 @...numbered the times; and he doth...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:4:40 @...her nine months, if her womb...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:4:41 @...can she not. And he said...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:4:47 ...And he said...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:4:50 ...Then said he unto...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:4:52 @ He answered me, and said, As for the tokens whereof thou askest me, I may tell thee of them in part: but as touching thy life, I am not sent to shew thee; for I do not know it.

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:5:6 ...And even he shall...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:5:19 @...nigh me. And he heard what...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:5:33 @...that people better than he that...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:5:35 ...And he said...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:5:36 ...And he said...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:5:38 @...know these things, but he that...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:5:40 ...Then said he unto...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:5:42 ...And he said...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:5:44 ...Then answered he me,...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:5:46 after another? pray her therefore...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:5:48 ...Then said he unto...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:5:51 @ He answered me, and said, Ask a woman that beareth children, and she shall tell thee.

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:6:1 ...And he said...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:6:8 @...hand held first the heel of...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:6:13 @...upon thy feet, and hear a...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:6:29 ...And when he talked...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:6:30 @...And these words said he unto...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:6:32 @...seen thy righteous dealing, he hath...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:6:33 ...And therefore hath he sent...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:6:35 @...the three weeks which he told...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:6:51 @...the third day, that he should...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:7:2, Up, Esdras, and hear the...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:7:3 God. Then said he unto...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:7:5 @...the narrow, how could he come...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:7:9 @...before it, how shall he receive...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:7:10, Lord. Then said he unto...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:7:19 ...And he said...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:7:23 @...the most High, that he is...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:7:39 @...for the dead, that he might...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:7:42 @ He answered me, and said, This present life is not the end where much glory doth abide; therefore have they prayed for the weak.

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:7:57 ...Then answered he me,...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:7:58 @...he get the victory, he shall...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:7:59 @...unto the people while he lived,...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:7:62 @...called merciful, in that he hath...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:7:64 ...And that he is...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:7:65 @...he is bountiful, for he is...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:7:66 @...of great mercy, for he multiplieth...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:7:67 ...For if he shall...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:7:68 @...he pardoneth; for if he did...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:7:69 @...And being judge, if he should...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:8:1 ...And he answered...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:8:19 @...words of Esdras, before he was...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:8:35 @...that be born, but he hath...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:8:37 ...Then answered he me,...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:8:46 ...Then answered he me,...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:9:1 @ He answered me then, and said, Measure thou the time diligently in itself: and when thou seest part of the signs past, which I have told thee before,

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:9:2 @...visit the world which he made....

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:9:17 ...And he answered...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:9:26 @...did eat of the herbs of...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:9:47 the time that he should...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:10:1 @...into his wedding chamber, he fell...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:10:28 the first? for he hath...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:10:29 @...speaking these words behold, he came...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:10:30 @...taken from me: and he took...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:10:33 ...And he said...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:10:38 @ He answered me then, and said, Hear me, and I shall inform thee, and tell thee wherefore thou art afraid: for the Highest will reveal many secret things unto thee.

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:10:39 @ He hath seen that thy way is right: for that thou sorrowest continually for thy people, and makest great lamentation for Sion.

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:10:50 @...and the comeliness of her beauty:...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:10:59 @...and another, like as he commanded...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:11:37 @...and I saw that he sent...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:11:40 long time dwelt he upon...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:12:6 @...beseech the Highest, that he will...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:12:10 ...And he said...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:12:28 the last shall he fall...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:12:32 @...wickedness unto the end: he shall...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:12:33 ...For he shall...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:12:34 @...upon my borders, and he shall...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:12:39 @...thee. And with that he went...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:13:3 @...of heaven: and when he turned...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:13:6 @...I beheld, and, lo, he had...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:13:9 @...up his hand, nor held sword,...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:13:10 @...out of his tongue he cast...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:13:20 @...the last days. And he answered...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:13:23 @ He that shall endure the peril in that time hath kept himself: they that be fallen into danger are such as have works, and faith toward the Almighty.

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:13:26 @...deliver his creature: and he shall...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:13:28 ...And that he held neither...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:13:30 ...And he shall...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:13:35 ...But he shall...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:13:38 @...unto a flame: and he shall...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:13:39 @...whereas thou sawest that he gathered...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:13:40 @...led away captive, and he carried...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:13:49 @...that are gathered together, he shall...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:13:50 ...And then shall he shew...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:13:52 ...And he said...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:13:57 @...of his wonders which he did...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:13:58 ...And because he governeth...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:14:3 ...Then said he unto...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:14:23 ...And he answered...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:14:27 @...went I forth, as he commanded,...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:14:32 @...time the thing that he had...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:14:37 @...the five men, as he commanded...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:14:39 mouth, and, behold, he reached...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:15:26 @...him, and therefore delivereth he them...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:15:39 @...and the cloud which he raised...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:16:5, and what is he that...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:16:8 @...plagues and who is he that...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:16:9 @...wrath, and who is he that...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:16:10 @...who shall not fear? he shall...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:16:13 @...bow, his arrows that he shooteth...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:16:41 @...that fleeth away: and he that...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:16:42 @...he that buildeth, as he that...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:16:43 @...planteth the vineyard, as he that...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:16:50 her face, when he cometh...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:16:53 @...of fire upon his head, which...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:16:56 @...the stars made, and he knoweth...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:16:57 @...and the treasures thereof; he hath...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:16:58 @...with his word hath he hanged...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:16:59 @...upon the waters hath he founded...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:16:60 @...In the desert hath he made...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:16:61, and put his heart in...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:16:63 think in your hearts, even...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:16:64 @...all your works, and he will...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:1:2 @...remember his covenant that he made...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:1:12 ...For he cast...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:1:14 @...though he would marry her, came...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:1:15 @...had set forth, and he was...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:1:18 @...offered sacrifice, after that he had...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:1:21 ...Then commanded he them...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:1:34 @...made it holy, after he had...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:1:35 @...thereof on those whom he would...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:2:3 @...other such speeches exhorted he them,...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:2:4 @...up, and saw the heritage of...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:2:5 hollow cave, wherein he laid...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:2:7 @...Which when Jeremy perceived, he blamed...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:2:9 @...was also declared, that he being...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:2:13 @...of Neemias; and how he founding...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:2:18 @...the holy place: for he hath...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:2:29 @...the whole building; but he that...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:3:5 @...could not overcome Onias, he gat...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:3:7 @...of the money whereof he was...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:3:9, and declared wherefore he came,...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:3:14 which he appointed he entered...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:3:15 @...concerning things given to he kept,...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:3:17 @...upon him, what sorrow he had...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:3:24 ...Now as he was...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:3:25 @...and it seemed that he that...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:3:29 ...For he by...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:3:31 @...friends prayed Onias, that he would...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:3:35 ...So Heliodorus, after he had...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:3:36 @...the great God, which he had...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:3:37 @...once again to Jerusalem, he said,...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:3:38 @...him well scourged, if he escape...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:3:39 @...and defendeth it; and he beateth...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:4:1 @...slandered Onias, as if he ha...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:4:2 ...Thus was he bold...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:4:5 @ He went to the king, not to be an accuser of his countrymen, but seeking the good of all, both publick and private:

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:4:6 ...For he saw...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:4:9 @...the fashions of the heathen, and...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:4:10 @...his hand the rule he forthwith...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:4:11 @...according to the law, he brought...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:4:12 ...For he built...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:4:21 @...his own safety: whereupon he came...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:4:22 ...Where he was...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:4:24 @...of the king, when he had...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:4:25 ...So he came...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:4:27 @...promised unto the king, he took...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:4:32 Andronicus, and some he sold...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:4:33 @...knew of a surety, he reproved...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:4:34 @...the sanctuary: whom forthwith he shut...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:4:38 @...him his punishment, as he had...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:4:45 @...him much money, if he would...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:4:47 @...been judged innocent, them he condemned...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:5:6 @...not his countrymen, whom he conquered....

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:5:7 @...Howbeit for all this he obtained...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:5:8 @...his country and countrymen, he was...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:5:9 ...Thus he that...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:5:10 ...And he that...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:5:11 a furious mind, he took...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:5:15 ...Yet was he not...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:5:16 @...honour of the place, he gave...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:5:17 @...Antiochus in mind, that he considered...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:5:18, as soon as he had...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:5:21 @...and eight hundred talents, he departed...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:5:22 @...manners more barbarous than he that...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:5:24 @ He sent also that detestable ringleader Apollonius with an army of two and twenty thousand, commanding him to slay all those that were in their best age, and to sell the women and the younger sort:

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:5:25 @...Jews keeping holy day, he commanded...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:5:26 ...And so he slew...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:6:14 @...their sins, so dealeth he with...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:6:15 @...height of sin, afterwards he should...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:6:16 @...with adversity, yet doth he never...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:6:21 @...and make as if he did...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:6:22 @...That in so doing he might...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:6:23 @...given by God: therefore he answered...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:6:28 @...said these words, immediately he went...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:6:30 die with stripes, he groaned,...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:7:4 @...Which forthwith being heated, he commanded...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:7:5 all his members, he commanded...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:7:6 @...faces, declared, saying, And he shall...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:7:8 @...and said, No. Wherefore he also...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:7:9 the last gasp, he said,...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:7:10 @...when he was required, he put...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:7:12's courage, for that he nothing...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:7:14 @...was ready to die he said...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:7:16 ...Then looked he unto...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:7:17 @...his great power, how he will...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:7:24 @...fathers; and that also he would...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:7:26 @...that she would counsel her son....

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:7:33 @...and correction, yet shall he be...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:7:37 @...plagues mayest confess, that he alone...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:7:39 @...took it grievously that he was...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:8:2 @...upon the Lord, that he would...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:8:3 @...with the ground; and hear the...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:8:4 @...his name; and that he would...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:8:5 withstood by the heathen: for...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:8:6 ...Therefore he came...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:8:7 ...But specially took he advantage...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:8:8 @...still more and more, he wrote...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:8:9 @...Jews; and with him he joined...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:8:11 ...Wherefore immediately he sent...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:8:12 @...of Nicanor's coming, and he had...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:8:15 @...yet for the covenants he had...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:8:19 @...recounted unto them what helps their...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:8:20 @...that they had from heaven, and...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:8:21 and the country, he divided...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:8:23 @...them this watchword, The help of...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:8:33 @...little house; and so he received...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:8:35 @...and discharging his company, he came...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:8:36 @...followed the laws that he gave...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:9:2 ...For he had...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:9:3 ...Now when he came...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:9:4 this sort, That he would...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:9:5 @...or as soon as he had...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:9:6 @...that most justly: for he had...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:9:7 @...came to pass that he fell...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:9:8 @...a little afore thought he might...(so proud was he beyond the condition of man) and weigh the high mountains in a balance, was now cast on the ground, and carried in an horselitter, shewing forth unto all the manifest power of God.

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:9:9 @...wicked man, and whiles he lived...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:9:10 the stars of heaven, no...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:9:11 @...Here therefore, being plagued, he began...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:9:12 @...think of himself if he were...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:9:14 @ That the holy city (to the which he was going in haste to lay it even with the ground, and to make it a common buryingplace,) he would set at liberty:

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:9:15 @...fowls and wild beasts, he would...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:9:16 @...before he had spoiled, he would...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:9:17 @...Yea, and that also he would...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:9:18 @...despairing of his health, he wrote...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:9:23 @...father, at what time he led...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:9:27 @...I am persuaded that he understanding...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:9:28 @...other men, so died he a...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:10:4 @...more against him, that he himself...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:10:11 @...come to the crown, he set...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:10:13 @...was so discouraged, that he poisoned...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:10:14 @...governor of the holds, he hired...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:10:16 @...he would be their helper; and...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:10:21 @...Maccabeus what was done, he called...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:10:22 ...So he slew...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:10:23 @...he took in hand, he slew...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:10:24 @...few, came as though he would...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:10:25 @...sprinkled earth upon their heads, and...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:10:32 @...As for Timotheus himself, he fled...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:11:2 @...with all the horsemen, he came...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:11:5 @...about five furlongs, and he laid...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:11:6 @...besought the Lord that he would...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:11:13 @...Almighty God helped them, he sent...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:11:14 @...persuade the king that he must...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:11:18 @...have declared them, and he hath...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:11:32 @...sent also Menelaus, that he may...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:11:36 @...touching such things as he judged...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:12:5 @...done unto his countrymen, he commanded...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:12:6 @...those that fled thither he slew....

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:12:7 @...went backward, as if he would...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:12:8 ...But when he heard that...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:12:9 @ He came upon the Jamnites also by night, and set fire on the haven and the navy, so that the light of the fire was seen at Jerusalem two hundred and forty furlongs off.

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:12:13 @ He went also about to make a bridge to a certain strong city, which was fenced about with walls, and inhabited by people of divers countries; and the name of it was Caspis.

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:12:18 @...had dispatched any thing, he departed...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:12:21 @...knowledge of Judas' coming, he sent...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:12:23 @...wicked wretches, of whom he slew...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:12:24 @...with his life, because he had...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:12:25 @...with many words that he would...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:12:26 @...of Atargatis, and there he slew...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:12:27 ...And after he had...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:12:35 force; and when he would...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:12:36 @...himself to be their helper and...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:12:37 @...unawares upon Gorgias' men, he put...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:12:43 @...and honestly, in that he was...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:12:44 ...For if he had...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:12:45 @...and good thought. Whereupon he made...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:13:3 @...the country, but because he thought...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:13:8 @...and ashes were holy, he received...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:13:10 @...he would now also help them,...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:13:11 ...And that he would...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:13:14, and the commonwealth, he camped...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:13:15 @...and choice young men he went...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:13:18 @...manliness of the Jews, he went...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:13:19 @...of the Jews: but he was...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:13:21 the enemies; therefore he was...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:14:3 @...that by no means he could...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:14:4 that day he held his...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:14:5 @...and what they intended, he answered...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:14:6 @...of the Jews that he called...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:14:12 @...him governor over Judea, he sent...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:14:19 ...Wherefore he sent...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:14:24 @...of his sight: for he love...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:14:25 beget children: so he married,...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:14:26 @...the state; for that he had...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:14:27 @...and commanding him that he should...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:14:28 @...took it grievously that he should...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:14:29 @...dealing against the king, he watched...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:14:30 @...came not of good, he gathered...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:14:31 @...the other, knowing that he was...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:14:32 @...the man was whom he sought,...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:14:33 @ He stretched out his right hand toward the temple, and made an oath in this manner: If ye will not deliver me Judas as a prisoner, I will lay this temple of God even with the ground, and I will break down the altar, and erect a notable temple unto Bacchus.

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:14:34 @...up their hands toward heaven, and...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:14:38 @...themselves with the Gentiles, he had...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:14:39 @...declare the hate that he bare...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:14:40 ...For he thought...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:14:41 @...brought to burn it, he being...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:14:43 @...rushing within the doors, he ran...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:14:44 @...a space being made, he fell...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:14:45 @...wounds were grievous, yet he ran...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:14:46 @...restore him those again, he thus...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:15:5 @...the king's business. Yet he obtained...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:15:8 @...they had received from heaven, and...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:15:9 @...that they won afore, he made...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:15:10 @...the falsehood of the heathen, and...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:15:11 @...words: and beside that, he told...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:15:21 @...seemeth good to him, he giveth...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:15:22 @...Therefore in his prayer he said...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:15:24 @...people to blaspheme. And he ended...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:15:31 @...priests before the altar, he sent...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:15:32 @...which with proud brags he had...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:15:33 @...of that ungodly Nicanor, he commanded...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:15:34 @...Lord, saying, Blessed be he that...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:15:35 @...unto all of the help of...

apocrypha_kjv@AdditionsToEsther:10:10 ...Therefore hath he made...

apocrypha_kjv@AdditionsToEsther:11:1 @...Cleopatra, Dositheus, who said he was...

apocrypha_kjv@AdditionsToEsther:11:4 @ He was also one of the captives, which Nabuchodonosor the king of Babylon carried from Jerusalem with Jechonias king of Judea; and this was his dream:

apocrypha_kjv@AdditionsToEsther:11:12 do, was awake, he bare...

apocrypha_kjv@AdditionsToEsther:12:2 @...the king; and so he certified...

apocrypha_kjv@AdditionsToEsther:12:5 @...court, and for this he rewarded...

apocrypha_kjv@AdditionsToEsther:15:6 @...and precious stones; and he was...

apocrypha_kjv@AdditionsToEsther:15:7 @...bowed herself upon the head of...

apocrypha_kjv@AdditionsToEsther:16:11 @...every nation, as that he was...

apocrypha_kjv@AdditionsToEsther:16:14 @...For by these means he thought,...

apocrypha_kjv@AdditionsToEsther:16:18 ...For he that...

apocrypha_kjv@Baruch:1:8 @...the same time when he received...

apocrypha_kjv@Baruch:1:18 the commandments that he gave...

apocrypha_kjv@Baruch:1:20 the time that he brought...

apocrypha_kjv@Baruch:1:21 @...of the prophets, whom he sent...

apocrypha_kjv@Baruch:2:1 @...good his word, which he pronounced...

apocrypha_kjv@Baruch:2:4 ...Moreover he hath...

apocrypha_kjv@Baruch:2:9 @...all his works which he hath...

apocrypha_kjv@Baruch:2:10 @...of the Lord, that he hath...

apocrypha_kjv@Baruch:3:27 @...Lord choose, neither gave he the...

apocrypha_kjv@Baruch:3:32 @...out with his understanding: he that...

apocrypha_kjv@Baruch:3:33 @ He that sendeth forth light, and it goeth, calleth it again, and it obeyeth him with fear.

apocrypha_kjv@Baruch:3:34, and rejoiced: when he calleth...

apocrypha_kjv@Baruch:3:36 @ He hath found out all the way of knowledge, and hath given it unto Jacob his servant, and to Israel his beloved.

apocrypha_kjv@Baruch:3:37 ...Afterward did he shew...

apocrypha_kjv@Baruch:4:15 ...For he hath...

apocrypha_kjv@Baruch:4:18 ...For he that...

apocrypha_kjv@Baruch:4:21 @...unto the Lord, and he will...

apocrypha_kjv@Baruch:4:22 the Everlasting, that he will...

apocrypha_kjv@Baruch:4:29 ...For he that...

apocrypha_kjv@Baruch:4:30 @...heart, O Jerusalem: for he that...

apocrypha_kjv@Bel:1:6 @...thou not how much he eateth...

apocrypha_kjv@Bel:1:9 @...Daniel shall die: for he hath...

apocrypha_kjv@Bel:1:17 @...the seals whole? And he said,...

apocrypha_kjv@Bel:1:18 @...And as soon as he had...

apocrypha_kjv@Bel:1:19 @...held the king that he should...

apocrypha_kjv@Bel:1:24 @...canst not say that he is...

apocrypha_kjv@Bel:1:25 @...Lord my God: for he is...

apocrypha_kjv@Bel:1:27 @...made lumps thereof: this he put...

apocrypha_kjv@Bel:1:28 @...he hath destroyed Bel, he hath...

apocrypha_kjv@Bel:1:30 @...him sore, being constrained, he delivered...

apocrypha_kjv@Bel:1:31 @...the lions' den: where he was...

apocrypha_kjv@Bel:1:40 @...came to the den, he looked...

apocrypha_kjv@Bel:1:42 ...And he drew...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:1 @ [A Prologue made by an uncertain Author]...what plagues he had heaped upon...[The Prologue of the Wisdom of Jesus the Son of BenSira.] grandfather Jesus, when he had...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:1:9 @...numbered her, and poured her out...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:1:10 @...and he hath given her to...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:1:13 the last, and he shall...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:1:24 @ He will hide his words for a time, and the lips of many shall declare his wisdom.

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:2:6 @...him, and he will help thee;...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:2:10 @...forsaken? or whom did he ever...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:2:13 @...believeth not; therefore shall he not...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:3:4 ...And he that...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:3:5 @...he maketh his prayer, he shall...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:3:6 @...a long life; and he that...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:3:7 @ He that feareth the Lord will honour his father, and will do service unto his parents, as to his masters.

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:3:12 @...not as long as he liveth....

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:3:16 a blasphemer; and he that...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:3:20 @...Lord is great, and he is...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:3:26 the last; and he that...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:3:31 @...and when he falleth, he shall...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:4:6 @...his prayer shall be heard of...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:4:10 @...the most High, and he shall...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:4:12 @...they that seek to her early...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:4:13 ...He that holdeth her fast...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:4:15 @...he that attendeth unto her shall...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:4:16 @...his generation shall hold her in...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:4:19 ...But if he go...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:5:4 @...the Lord is longsuffering, he will...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:5:6 @...His mercy is great; he will...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:6:11 @...But in thy prosperity he will...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:6:12 @...thou be brought low, he will...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:6:14 @...a strong defence: and he that...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:6:17 @...friendship aright: for as he is,...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:6:20 @...unpleasant to the unlearned: he that...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:6:21 @...and he will cast her from...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:6:37 @...he shall establish thine heart, and...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:7:9 @...the most high God, he will...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:8:2 @...many, and perverted the hearts of...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:8:11 @ Rise not up [in anger] injurious person, lest he lie...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:8:15 @...grievous unto thee: for he will...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:8:16 @...there is no help, he will...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:8:17 @...with a fool; for he cannot...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:8:18 @...thou knowest not what he will...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:8:19 every man, lest he requite...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:9:13 @...make no fault, lest he take...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:9:18 his city; and he that...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:10:4 @...and in due time he will...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:10:5 @...of the scribe shall he lay...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:10:9 @...because while he liveth he casteth...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:10:10 @...a long disease; and he that...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:10:11 @...a man is dead, he shall...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:10:13 @...beginning of sin, and he that...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:10:17 @ He took some of them away, and destroyed them, and hath made their memorial to cease from the earth.

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:10:20 ...Among brethren he that...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:10:22 ...Whether he be...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:10:24 @...of them greater than he that...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:10:25 @...will not grudge when he is...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:10:27 all things, than he that...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:10:31 @...more in riches? and he that...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:11:19 @...upon him, and that he must...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:11:22 @...the godly, and suddenly he maketh...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:11:30 @ Like as a partridge taken [and kept] a spy, watcheth he for...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:11:31 ...For he lieth...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:11:33 @...he worketh wickedness; lest he bring...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:11:34 @...into thine house, and he will...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:12:5 @...not unto him, lest he overmaster...[else] thou shalt receive twice as much evil for all the good thou shalt have done unto him.

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:12:11 @...crouching, yet take good heed and...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:12:12 @...thy right hand, lest he seek...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:12:15 @...thou begin to fall, he will...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:12:16 @...if he find opportunity, he will...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:12:17 thee, yet shall he undermine...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:12:18 @...He will shake his head, and...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:13:1 defiled therewith; and he that...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:13:3 @...poor is wronged, and he must...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:13:4 @...if thou have nothing, he will...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:13:5 with thee: yea, he will...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:13:6 @...put thee in hope; he will...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:13:7 @...thee, and shake his head at...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:13:9 @...much the more will he invite...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:13:11 @...with much communication will he tempt...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:13:12 ...But cruelly he will...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:13:22 @...they rebuked him too; he spake...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:13:23 @...he stumble, they will help to...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:14:2 ...Blessed is he whose...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:14:4 @ He that gathereth by defrauding his own soul gathereth for others, that shall spend his goods riotously.

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:14:5 @...will he be good? he shall...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:14:6 none worse than he that...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:14:7 @...and at the last he will...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:14:8 @...hath a wicked eye; he turneth...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:14:10 @ A wicked eye envieth [his] bread, and he is a niggard at his table.

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:14:21 @...also have understanding in her secrets....

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:14:23 @...shall also hearken at her doors....

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:14:24 @...fasten a pin in her walls....

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:14:25 @...his tent nigh unto her, and...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:14:26 @...and shall lodge under her branches....

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:14:27 her glory shall he dwell....

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:15:1 @...will do good, and he that...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:15:4 @...and shall rely upon her, and...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:15:6 @ He shall find joy and a crown of gladness, and she shall cause him to inherit an everlasting name.

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:15:11 the things that he hateth....

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:15:12 to err: for he hath...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:15:14 @ He himself made man from the beginning, and left him in the hand of his counsel;

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:15:16 @ He hath set fire and water before thee: stretch forth thy hand unto whether thou wilt.

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:15:18 @...Lord is great, and he is...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:15:19 @...that fear him, and he knoweth...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:15:20 wickedly, neither hath he given...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:16:7 @ He was not pacified toward the old giants, who fell away in the strength of their foolishness.

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:16:8 ...Neither spared he the...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:16:9 @ He pitied not the people of perdition, who were taken away in their sins:

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:16:11 @...wrath are with him; he is...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:16:12 his correction also: he judgeth...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:16:15 @...Lord hardened Pharaoh, that he should...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:16:16 every creature; and he hath...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:16:18 @...shall be moved when he shall...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:16:23 @ He that wanteth understanding will think upon vain things: and a foolish man erring imagineth follies.

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:16:26 @...time he made them he disposed...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:16:27 @ He garnished his works for ever, and in his hand are the chief of them unto all generations: they neither labour, nor are weary, nor cease from their works.

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:16:30 @...of living things hath he covered...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:17:2 @ He gave them few days, and a short time, and power also over the things therein.

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:17:3 @ He endued them with strength by themselves, and made them according to his image,

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:17:5 the sixth place he imparted...]

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:17:6 @...and a heart, gave he them...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:17:7 ...Withal he filled...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:17:8 @...upon their hearts, that he might...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:17:9 @ He gave them to glory in his marvellous acts for ever, that they might declare his works with understanding.

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:17:11 ...Beside this he gave...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:17:12 @ He made an everlasting covenant with them, and shewed them his judgments.

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:17:14 @...of all unrighteousness; and he gave...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:17:17 @...of the whole earth he set...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:17:18 @...Whom, being his firstborn, he nourisheth...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:17:22 @...signet with him, and he will...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:17:23 ...Afterwards he will...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:17:24 @...unto them that repent, he granted...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:17:26 @...into the light of health, and...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:17:32 @...of the height of heaven; and...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:18:1 @ He that liveth for ever Hath created all things in general.

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:18:3 @...obey his will: for he is...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:18:4 ...To whom hath he given...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:18:7 @...he leaveth off, then he shall...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:18:12 be evil; therefore he multiplied...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:18:13 upon all flesh: he reproveth,...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:18:14 @ He hath mercy on them that receive discipline, and that diligently seek after his judgments.

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:18:24 @...time of vengeance, when he shall...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:18:27 @...the day of sinning he will...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:19:1 @...not be rich: and he that...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:19:2 fall away: and he that...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:19:4 is lightminded; and he that...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:19:5 @...shall be condemned: but he that...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:19:6 without strife; and he that...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:19:9 @...and when time cometh he will...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:19:13 @...have done it, that he do...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:19:14 @...if he have, that he speak...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:19:16 @...heart; and who is he that...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:19:21 @...afterward he do it, he angereth...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:19:24 @ He that hath small understanding, and feareth God, is better than one that hath much wisdom, and transgresseth the law of the most High.

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:19:26 @...head sadly; but inwardly he is...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:19:27 @...he is not known, he will...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:19:28 @...when he findeth opportunity he will...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:19:30 @...and gait, shew what he is....

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:20:1 @...holdeth his tongue, and he is...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:20:2 angry secretly: and he that...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:20:4 @...a virgin; so is he that...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:20:6 @...holdeth his tongue, because he hath...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:20:7 @...hold his tongue till he see...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:20:8 @...shall be abhorred; and he that...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:20:14 @...for his necessity: for he looketh...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:20:15 @...and to morrow will he ask...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:20:17 @...unto him as if he had...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:20:20 @...a fool's mouth; for he will...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:20:21 @...when he taketh rest, he shall...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:20:27 @...with his words: and he that...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:20:28 @...increase his heap: and he that...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:20:29 @...up his mouth that he cannot...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:20:31 ...Better is he that...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:20:32 @...Lord is better than he that...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:21:6 @...way of sinners: but he that...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:21:7 @...of understanding knoweth when he slippeth....

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:21:8 @ He that buildeth his house with other men's money is like one that gathereth himself stones for the tomb of his burial.

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:21:11 @ He that keepeth the law of the Lord getteth the understanding thereof: and the perfection of the fear of the Lord is wisdom.

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:21:12 @ He that is not wise will not be taught: but there is a wisdom which multiplieth bitterness.

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:21:14 @...knowledge as long as he liveth....

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:21:15 displeaseth him, and he casteth...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:21:23 @...into the house: but he that...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:21:27 @...the ungodly curseth Satan, he curseth...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:21:28 @...and is hated wheresoever he dwelleth....

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:22:7 @...potsherd together, and as he that...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:22:8 @...hath told his tale, he will...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:22:11 @...for the dead, for he is...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:22:19 @...maketh it to shew her knowledge....

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:22:20 @...frayeth them away: and he that...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:23:7 @...discipline of the mouth: he that...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:23:10 @...a blue mark: so he that...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:23:11 @...he swear in vain, he shall...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:23:16 @...will never cease till he hath...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:23:17 @...not leave off till he die....

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:23:20 @...after they were perfected he looked...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:23:21 @...where he suspecteth not he shall...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:24:8 a commandment, and he that...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:24:9 @ He created me from the beginning before the world, and I shall never fail.

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:24:11 the beloved city he gave...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:24:22 @ He that obeyeth me shall never be confounded, and they that work by me shall not do amiss.

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:24:24 the Lord; that he may...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:24:25 @ He filleth all things with his wisdom, as Phison and as Tigris in the time of the new fruits.

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:24:26 @ He maketh the understanding to abound like Euphrates, and as Jordan in the time of the harvest.

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:24:27 @ He maketh the doctrine of knowledge appear as the light, and as Geon in the time of vintage.

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:25:7 @...of his children; and he that...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:25:9 @...hath found prudence, and he that...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:25:10 @...O how great is he that...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:25:11 @...holdeth it, whereto shall he be...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:25:18 @...neighbours; and when he heareth it...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:26:2 @...rejoiceth her husband, and he shall...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:26:4 @...heart toward the Lord, he shall...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:26:7 as though he held a...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:26:12 @...sit down, and open her quiver...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:27:1 @...a small matter; and he that...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:27:20 too far off; he is...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:27:21 @...may be reconcilement: but he that...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:27:22 @...eyes worketh evil: and he that...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:27:23 @...but at the last he will...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:27:26 @...shall fall therein: and he that...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:27:27 @...fall upon him, and he shall...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:28:1 @...from the Lord, and he will...[in remembrance.]

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:28:2 @...neighbour the hurt that he hath...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:28:3 @...against another, and doth he seek...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:28:4 himself: and doth he ask...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:28:5 ...If he that...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:28:19 @...hath been bound in her bands....

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:29:1 @...unto his neighbour; and he that...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:29:5 @...when he should repay, he will...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:29:6 @...railings; and for honour he will...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:29:14 @...for his neighbour: but he that...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:29:15 @...of thy surety, for he hath...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:29:17 ...And he that...[in danger] that delivered him.

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:29:19 @...fall into suretiship: and he that...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:30:1 @...feel the rod, that he may...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:30:2 @ He that chastiseth his son shall have joy in him, and shall rejoice of him among his acquaintance.

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:30:3 @...and before his friends he shall...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:30:4 @...were not dead: for he hath...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:30:5 @...and when he died, he was...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:30:6 @ He left behind him an avenger against his enemies, and one that shall requite kindness to his friends.

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:30:7 @ He that maketh too much of his son shall bind up his wounds; and his bowels will be troubled at every cry.

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:30:9 with him, and he will...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:30:12 a child, lest he wax...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:30:19 @...nor smell: so is he that...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:30:20 @ He seeth with his eyes and groaneth, as an eunuch that embraceth a virgin and sigheth.

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:31:3 @...and when he resteth, he is...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:31:4 @...when he leaveth off, he is...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:31:5 @...not be justified, and he that...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:31:9 @...for wonderful things hath he done...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:31:19 well nurtured, and he fetcheth...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:31:20 @...cometh of moderate eating: he riseth...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:31:30 @...of a fool till he offend:...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:32:15 @ He that seeketh the law shall be filled therewith: but the hypocrite will be offended thereat.

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:32:18 @...even when of himself he hath...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:32:24 the commandment; and he that...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:33:1 temptation even again he will...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:33:2 @...not the law; but he that...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:33:6 a mocking friend, he neigheth...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:33:8 @...they were distinguished: and he altered...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:33:9 @...some of them hath he made...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:33:12 @...some of them hath he cursed...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:33:25 @...let him go idle, he shall...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:33:27 @...him to labour, that he be...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:33:28 @...obedient, put on more heavy fetters....

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:33:31 @...entreat him evil, and he run...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:34:9 @...knoweth many things; and he that...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:34:10 @...experience knoweth little: but he that...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:34:14 @...nor be afraid; for he is...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:34:15 @...Lord: to whom doth he look?...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:34:16 @...from stumbling, and an help from...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:34:17 @...the eyes: he giveth health, life,...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:34:18 @ He that sacrificeth of a thing wrongfully gotten, his offering is ridiculous; and the gifts of unjust men are not accepted.

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:34:19 @...the wicked; neither is he pacified...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:34:21 @...needy is their life: he that...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:34:22 slayeth him; and he that...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:34:25 @...a dead body, if he touch...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:35:1 @...enough: he that taketh heed to...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:35:2 @...offereth fine flour; and he that...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:35:10 @...most High according as he hath...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:35:12 @...with gifts; for such he will...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:35:13 @...poor man, but will hear the...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:35:14 @...when she poureth out her complaint....

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:35:16 @ He that serveth the Lord shall be accepted with favour, and his prayer shall reach unto the clouds.

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:35:17 @...till it come nigh, he will...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:35:18 the heathen; till he have...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:35:19 their devices; till he have...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:36:24 @...beginneth a possession, a help like...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:36:25 @...possession is spoiled: and he that...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:37:8 @...counsel for himself; lest he cast...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:37:9 good: and afterward he stand...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:37:15 @...the most High, that he will...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:37:20 @...words, and is hated: he shall...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:37:21 @...from the Lord, because he is...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:37:31 @...but he that taketh heed prolongeth...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:38:2 @...High cometh healing, and he shall...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:38:3 @...sight of great men he shall...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:38:4 @...of the earth; and he that...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:38:6 @...given men skill, that he might...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:38:7 ...With such doth he heal...[men,] and taketh away their pains.

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:38:9 @...unto the Lord, and he will...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:38:14 @...unto the Lord, that he would...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:38:15 @ He that sinneth before his Maker, let him fall into the hand of the physician.

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:38:17 @...and use lamentation, as he is...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:38:24 @...opportunity of leisure: and he that...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:38:25 ...How can he get...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:38:26 @ He giveth his mind to make furrows; and is diligent to give the kine fodder.

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:38:28 @...thing that he maketh; he setteth...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:38:30 @...lead it over; and he is...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:39:1 ...But he that...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:39:2 @...where subtil parables are, he will...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:39:3 @ He will seek out the secrets of grave sentences, and be conversant in dark parables.

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:39:4 @...through strange countries; for he hath...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:39:5 @...He will give his heart to...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:39:6 @...the spirit of understanding: he shall...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:39:7 his secrets shall he meditate....

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:39:8 @...shew forth that which he hath...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:39:11 @...and if he live, he shall...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:39:16 @...exceeding good, and whatsoever he commandeth...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:39:18 @...none can hinder, when he will...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:39:20 @ He seeth from everlasting to everlasting; and there is nothing wonderful before him.

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:39:21 @...wherefore is that? for he hath...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:39:23 @...saltness: so shall the heathen inherit...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:39:33 @...Lord are good: and he will...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:40:6 @...his heart, as if he were...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:40:7 @...When all is safe, he awaketh,...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:40:14 @...he openeth his hand he shall...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:40:18 @...a sweet life: but he that...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:40:29 @...for a life; for he polluteth...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:42:18 @...may be known, and he beholdeth...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:42:19 @ He declareth the things that are past, and for to come, and revealeth the steps of hidden things.

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:42:21 @...he be diminished, and he hath...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:42:24 against another: and he hath...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:43:6 @...also to serve in her season...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:43:13 ...By his commandment he maketh...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:43:15 @...By his great power he maketh...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:43:17 @...whirlwind: as birds flying he scattereth...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:43:19 @...hoarfrost also as salt he poureth...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:43:23 ...By his counsel he appeaseth...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:43:27 @...short: wherefore in sum, he is...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:43:28 magnify him? for he is...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:43:30 @...for even yet will he far...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:43:31 @...can magnify him as he is?...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:43:33 the godly hath he given...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:44:17 @...the time of wrath he was...[for the world;] therefore was he left as a remnant unto the earth, when the flood came.

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:44:20 @...when he was proved, he was...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:44:21 @...his seed, and that he would...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:44:22 ...With Isaac did he establish...[for Abraham his father's sake]...the twelve tribes did he part...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:45:1 ...And he brought...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:45:2 @ He made him like to the glorious saints, and magnified him, so that his enemies stood in fear of him.

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:45:3 @...wonders to cease, and he made...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:45:4 @ He sanctified him in his faithfuless and meekness, and chose him out of all men.

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:45:5 and knowledge, that he might...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:45:6 @ He exalted Aaron, an holy man like unto him, even his brother, of the tribe of Levi.

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:45:7 @...priesthood among the people; he beautified...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:45:8 @ He put upon him perfect glory; and strengthened him with rich garments, with breeches, with a long robe, and the ephod.

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:45:9 @...made that might be heard in...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:45:12 @ He set a crown of gold upon the mitre, wherein was engraved Holiness, an ornament of honour, a costly work, the desires of the eyes, goodly and beautiful.

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:45:16 @ He chose him out of all men living to offer sacrifices to the Lord, incense, and a sweet savour, for a memorial, to make reconciliation for his people.

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:45:17 @...statutes of judgments, that he should...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:45:19 @...indignation were they consumed: he did...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:45:20 @...of the increase; especially he prepared...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:45:21 @...of the Lord, which he gave...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:45:22 inheritance, neither had he any...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:45:23 @...with good courage of heart: when...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:45:24 @...his people, and that he and...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:46:1 @...up against them, that he might...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:46:2 @...glory gat he, when he did...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:46:5 @...and the great Lord heard him....

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:46:6 @...hailstones of mighty power he made...[of Beth-horon]...of the Lord, and he followed...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:46:7 @...a work of mercy, he and...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:46:9 @...old age: so that he entered...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:46:14 of the Lord he judged...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:46:15 @...and by his word he was...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:46:16 @...on every side, when he offered...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:46:18 ...And he destroyed...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:46:19 @...before his long sleep he made...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:46:20 @...And after his death he prophesied,...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:47:3 @ He played with lions as with kids, and with bears as with lambs.

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:47:4 @...from the people, when he lifted...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:47:5 @...most high Lord; and he gave...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:47:6 @...the Lord, in that he gave...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:47:7 ...For he destroyed...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:47:8 @...with his whole heart he sung...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:47:9 @ He set singers also before the altar, that by their voices they might make sweet melody, and daily sing praises in their songs.

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:47:10 @ He beautified their feasts, and set in order the solemn times until the end, that they might praise his holy name, and that the temple might sound from morning.

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:47:11 @...his horn for ever: he gave...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:47:12 @...and for his sake he dwelt...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:47:13 @...round about him, that he might...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:47:22 @...not take away: wherefore he gave...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:47:23 @...and of his seed he left...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:48:2 @...and by his zeal he diminished...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:48:3 @...he shut up the heaven, and...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:48:12 @...spirit: whilst he lived, he was...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:48:14 @ He did wonders in his life, and at his death were his works marvellous.

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:48:17 @...into the midst thereof: he digged...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:48:21 @ He smote the host of the Assyrians, and his angel destroyed them.

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:48:23 @...sun went backward, and he lengthened...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:48:24 the last, and he comforted...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:48:25 @ He shewed what should come to pass for ever, and secret things or ever they came.

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:49:2 @ He behaved himself uprightly in the conversion of the people, and took away the abominations of iniquity.

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:49:3 @...time of the ungodly he established...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:49:5 ...Therefore he gave...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:49:7 @...and destroy; and that he might...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:49:9 ...For he made...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:49:11 @...we magnify Zorobabel? even he was...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:49:14 @...created like Enoch; for he was...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:50:4 @ He took care of the temple that it should not fall, and fortified the city against besieging:

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:50:5 ...How was he honoured...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:50:6 @ He was as the morning star in the midst of a cloud, and as the moon at the full:

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:50:11 the holy altar, he made...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:50:12 @...himself stood by the hearth of...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:50:14 the altar, that he might...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:50:15 @...blood of the grape, he poured...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:50:20 ...Then he went...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:50:23 @...grant us joyfulness of heart, and...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:50:24 ...That he would...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:50:28 @...them up in his heart shall...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:50:29 @...if he do them, he shall...[A Prayer of Jesus the son of BenSira.]

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:51:10 @...of my Lord, that he would...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:51:30 @...and in his time he will...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:1:4 @...were raised to the height of...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:1:11 @...afraid of him: yea, he was...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:1:12 @...and Syria, and that he would...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:1:13 his battle: for he overthrew...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:1:15 @ He took also Arphaxad in the mountains of Ragau, and smote him through with his darts, and destroyed him utterly that day.

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:1:16 @...ease, and banqueted, both he and...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:2:1 @...that he should, as he said,...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:2:2 ...So he called...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:2:4 ...And when he had...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:2:15 ...And he mustered...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:2:16 ...And he ranged...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:2:17 ...And he took...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:2:19 ...Then he went...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:2:22 ...Then he took...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:2:24 ...Then he went...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:2:25 ...And he took...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:2:26 @ He compassed also all the children of Madian, and burned up their tabernacles, and spoiled their sheepcotes.

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:2:27 @...flocks and herds, also he spoiled...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:3:6 @...the sea coast, both he and...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:3:8 @...down their groves: for he had...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:3:9 ...Also he came...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:3:10 @...a whole month, that he might...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:4:1 @...and after what manner he had...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:4:12 consent earnestly, that he would...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:4:15 @...all their power, that he would...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:5:2 ...Wherewith he was...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:5:3 ...And he said...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:5:12 @...unto their God, and he smote...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:5:18 @...from the way which he appointed...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:5:22 Moab, spake that he should...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:6:3 @ He will send his power, and will destroy them from the face of the earth, and their God shall not deliver them: but we his servants will destroy them as one man; for they are not able to sustain the power of our horses.

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:6:4 @...all the earth: for he said,...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:6:17 @...all the words that he had...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:7:7 @...war over them, and he himself...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:7:16 @...all his servants, and he appointed...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:7:28 @...of our fathers, that he do...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:7:30 @...mercy toward us; for he will...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:7:32 ...And he dispersed...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:8:3 @...upon his head, and he fell...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:8:9 @...unto them, and that he had...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:8:14 @...perceive the things that he thinketh:...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:8:15 defend us when he will,...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:8:16 @...son of man, that he should...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:8:17, and he will hear our...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:8:20 @...therefore we trust that he will...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:8:21 @...shall be spoiled; and he will...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:8:22 @...he turn upon our heads among...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:8:25 @...trieth us, even as he did...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:8:26 @...Mesopotamia of Syria, when he kept...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:8:27 @...their hearts, neither hath he taken...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:10:13 @...him a way, whereby he shall...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:10:16 thy word; and he will...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:10:22 @...him of her; and he came...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:11:9 @...unto them all that he had...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:11:17 @...pray unto God, and he will...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:12:1 @...they should prepare for her of...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:12:4 @...hand the things that he hath...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:12:11 @...charge over all that he had,...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:12:13 @...came to her, and he said,...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:12:16 @...from the day that he had...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:12:20 one day since he was...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:13:2 @...upon his bed: for he was...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:13:11 @...against the enemy, as he hath...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:13:14 @...God, I say, for he hath...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:13:15 @...behold the canopy, wherein he did...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:13:16 @...destruction, and yet hath he not...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:14:5 @...Achior the Ammonite, that he may...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:14:6 @...assembly of the people, he fell...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:14:7 all nations, which hearing thy...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:14:10 @...of Israel had done, he believed...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:14:14 @...for he thought that he had...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:14:15 @...floor dead, and his head was...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:14:16 ...Therefore he cried...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:14:17 @...he found her not, he leaped...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:16:3 @...midst of the people he hath...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:16:4 @...mountains from the north, he came...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:16:5 ...He bragged that he would...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:16:16 @...thy burnt offering: but he that...

apocrypha_kjv@LetterOfJeremiah:6:14 @...a sceptre, as though he were...

apocrypha_kjv@LetterOfJeremiah:6:15 @ He hath also in his right hand a dagger and an ax: but cannot deliver himself from war and thieves.

apocrypha_kjv@LetterOfJeremiah:6:41 @...may speak, as though he were...

apocrypha_kjv@LetterOfJeremiah:6:73 @...hath none idols: for he shall...

apocrypha_kjv@PrayerOfAzariah:66 @...of the fire hath he delivered...

apocrypha_kjv@PrayerOfAzariah:67 @...unto the Lord, because he is...

apocrypha_kjv@Susanna:1:2 ...And he took...

apocrypha_kjv@Susanna:1:4 @...resorted the Jews; because he was...

apocrypha_kjv@Susanna:1:39 @...could not hold: for he was...

apocrypha_kjv@Susanna:1:48 ...So he standing...

apocrypha_kjv@Susanna:1:52 @...asunder one from another, he called...

apocrypha_kjv@Susanna:1:56 ...So he put...

apocrypha_kjv@Susanna:1:59 @...thee in two, that he may...

apocrypha_kjv@Tobit:1:18 @...for in his wrath he killed...

apocrypha_kjv@Tobit:1:22 unto him: and he was...

apocrypha_kjv@Tobit:2:3 ...But he came...

apocrypha_kjv@Tobit:2:6 @...prophecy of Amos, as he said,...

apocrypha_kjv@Tobit:2:8 @...away; and yet, lo, he burieth...

apocrypha_kjv@Tobit:3:15 @...of me, that I hear no...

apocrypha_kjv@Tobit:4:1 @...remembered the money which he had...

apocrypha_kjv@Tobit:4:3 @...please her, and grieve her not....

apocrypha_kjv@Tobit:4:14 @...if thou serve God, he will...

apocrypha_kjv@Tobit:4:19 @...whom he will, as he will;...

apocrypha_kjv@Tobit:5:3 ...Then he gave...

apocrypha_kjv@Tobit:5:4 seek a man, he found...

apocrypha_kjv@Tobit:5:5 @...he knew not; and he said...

apocrypha_kjv@Tobit:5:8 @...he is, and whether he be...

apocrypha_kjv@Tobit:5:9 @...he called him, and he came...

apocrypha_kjv@Tobit:5:11 ...To whom he said,...

apocrypha_kjv@Tobit:5:12 ...Then he said,...

apocrypha_kjv@Tobit:5:16 @...God, which dwelleth in heaven, prosper...

apocrypha_kjv@Tobit:5:17 @...away our son? is he not...

apocrypha_kjv@Tobit:5:20 care, my sister; he shall...

apocrypha_kjv@Tobit:5:21 @...shall be prosperous, and he shall...

apocrypha_kjv@Tobit:6:7 @...unto him, Touching the heart and...

apocrypha_kjv@Tobit:6:8 his eyes, and he shall...

apocrypha_kjv@Tobit:6:10 @...I will speak for her, that...

apocrypha_kjv@Tobit:6:12 of Moses, but he shall...

apocrypha_kjv@Tobit:6:17 @...loved her, and his heart was...

apocrypha_kjv@Tobit:7:4 @...Then said he, Is he in...

apocrypha_kjv@Tobit:7:5 @...alive, and in good health: and...

apocrypha_kjv@Tobit:7:7 @...that Tobit was blind, he was...

apocrypha_kjv@Tobit:7:9 ...So he communicated...

apocrypha_kjv@Tobit:7:13 thy father. And he blessed...

apocrypha_kjv@Tobit:7:17 @...received the tears of her daughter,...

apocrypha_kjv@Tobit:8:2 @...perfumes, and put the heart and...

apocrypha_kjv@Tobit:8:3 @...evil spirit had smelled, he fled...

apocrypha_kjv@Tobit:8:10 @...Saying, I fear lest he also...

apocrypha_kjv@Tobit:8:12 @...he be alive: if he be...

apocrypha_kjv@Tobit:8:14 @...and told them that he was...

apocrypha_kjv@Tobit:8:19 ...And he kept...

apocrypha_kjv@Tobit:8:20 an oath, that he should...

apocrypha_kjv@Tobit:8:21 ...And then he should...

apocrypha_kjv@Tobit:9:4 @...if I tarry long, he will...

apocrypha_kjv@Tobit:10:3 ...Therefore he was...

apocrypha_kjv@Tobit:10:4 @...son is dead, seeing he stayeth...

apocrypha_kjv@Tobit:10:6 @...take no care, for he is...

apocrypha_kjv@Tobit:10:7 @...Raguel had sworn that he should...

apocrypha_kjv@Tobit:10:11 @...saying, The God of heaven give...

apocrypha_kjv@Tobit:10:12 @...are do not entreat her evil....

apocrypha_kjv@Tobit:11:1 @...way, praising God that he had...

apocrypha_kjv@Tobit:11:8 @...shall fall away, and he shall...

apocrypha_kjv@Tobit:11:11 @...of his father: and he strake...

apocrypha_kjv@Tobit:11:12 @...eyes began to smart, he rubbed...

apocrypha_kjv@Tobit:11:13 @...he saw his son, he fell...

apocrypha_kjv@Tobit:11:14 ...And he wept,...

apocrypha_kjv@Tobit:11:16 @...him go marvelled, because he had...

apocrypha_kjv@Tobit:11:17 law, he blessed her, saying,...

apocrypha_kjv@Tobit:12:3 @...the money, and likewise healed thee....

apocrypha_kjv@Tobit:12:5 @...called the angel, and he said...

apocrypha_kjv@Tobit:12:6 @...for the things which he hath...

apocrypha_kjv@Tobit:12:17 ...But he said...

apocrypha_kjv@Tobit:13:2 @...he leadeth down to hell, and...

apocrypha_kjv@Tobit:13:3 @...children of Israel: for he hath...

apocrypha_kjv@Tobit:13:4 our Lord, and he is...

apocrypha_kjv@Tobit:13:5 @...all nations, among whom he hath...

apocrypha_kjv@Tobit:13:6 @...who can tell if he will...

apocrypha_kjv@Tobit:13:9 @...Jerusalem, the holy city, he will...

apocrypha_kjv@Tobit:13:10 the Lord, for he is...

apocrypha_kjv@Tobit:14:2 @...he gave alms, and he increased...

apocrypha_kjv@Tobit:14:3 @...he was very aged he called...

apocrypha_kjv@Tobit:14:10 @...had his reward: for he went...

apocrypha_kjv@Tobit:14:11 @...fifty years old; and he buried...

apocrypha_kjv@Tobit:14:12 @...was dead, he buried her with...

apocrypha_kjv@Tobit:14:13 law honourably, and he inherited...

apocrypha_kjv@Tobit:14:14 ...And he died...

apocrypha_kjv@Tobit:14:15 @...and before his death he rejoiced...

apocrypha_kjv@Wisdom:1:2 ...For he will...

apocrypha_kjv@Wisdom:1:8 ...Therefore he that...

apocrypha_kjv@Wisdom:1:13 @...not death: neither hath he pleasure...

apocrypha_kjv@Wisdom:1:14 @...of the world were healthful; and...

apocrypha_kjv@Wisdom:2:12 @...contrary to our doings: he upbraideth...

apocrypha_kjv@Wisdom:2:13 @...knowledge of God: and he calleth...

apocrypha_kjv@Wisdom:2:14 @ He was made to reprove our thoughts.

apocrypha_kjv@Wisdom:2:15 @ He is grievous unto us even to behold: for his life is not like other men's, his ways are of another fashion.

apocrypha_kjv@Wisdom:2:16 @...ways as from filthiness: he pronounceth...

apocrypha_kjv@Wisdom:2:18 @...of God, he will help him,...

apocrypha_kjv@Wisdom:2:20 his own saying he shall...

apocrypha_kjv@Wisdom:3:6 the furnace hath he tried...

apocrypha_kjv@Wisdom:3:9 his saints, and he hath...

apocrypha_kjv@Wisdom:3:11 @...despiseth wisdom and nurture, he is...

apocrypha_kjv@Wisdom:4:7 @...with death, yet shall he be...

apocrypha_kjv@Wisdom:4:10 @...that living among sinners he was...

apocrypha_kjv@Wisdom:4:11 ...Yea speedily was he taken...

apocrypha_kjv@Wisdom:4:14 @...the Lord: therefore hasted he to...

apocrypha_kjv@Wisdom:4:15 @...his saints, and that he hath...

apocrypha_kjv@Wisdom:4:19 @...shall be speechless; and he shall...

apocrypha_kjv@Wisdom:5:5 ...How is he numbered...

apocrypha_kjv@Wisdom:5:16 @...with his arm shall he protect...

apocrypha_kjv@Wisdom:5:17 @ He shall take to him his jealousy for complete armour, and make the creature his weapon for the revenge of his enemies.

apocrypha_kjv@Wisdom:5:18 @...judgment instead of an helmet....

apocrypha_kjv@Wisdom:5:19 @ He shall take holiness for an invincible shield.

apocrypha_kjv@Wisdom:5:20 @...His severe wrath shall he sharpen...

apocrypha_kjv@Wisdom:6:5 @...Horribly and speedily shall he come...

apocrypha_kjv@Wisdom:6:7 @...any man's greatness: for he hath...

apocrypha_kjv@Wisdom:6:14 @...for he shall find her sitting...

apocrypha_kjv@Wisdom:7:15 because it is he that...

apocrypha_kjv@Wisdom:7:17 ...For he hath...

apocrypha_kjv@Wisdom:9:2 @...through thy wisdom, that he should...

apocrypha_kjv@Wisdom:9:6 not with him, he shall...

apocrypha_kjv@Wisdom:9:13 @...For what man is he that...

apocrypha_kjv@Wisdom:10:3 the fury wherewith he murdered...

apocrypha_kjv@Wisdom:10:12 @...him the victory; that he might...

apocrypha_kjv@Wisdom:11:14 @...respected with scorn, when he was...

apocrypha_kjv@Wisdom:11:16 @...the same also shall he be...

apocrypha_kjv@Wisdom:12:26 that correction, wherein he dallied...

apocrypha_kjv@Wisdom:13:4 @...them, how much mightier he is...

apocrypha_kjv@Wisdom:13:11 @...that felleth timber, after he hath...

apocrypha_kjv@Wisdom:13:13 @...carved it diligently, when he had...

apocrypha_kjv@Wisdom:13:15 ...And when he had...

apocrypha_kjv@Wisdom:13:16 was unable to help itself;...

apocrypha_kjv@Wisdom:13:17 ...Then maketh he prayer...

apocrypha_kjv@Wisdom:13:18 @...for a good journey he asketh...

apocrypha_kjv@Wisdom:14:8 @...made it: he, because he made...

apocrypha_kjv@Wisdom:14:15 @...with untimely mourning, when he hath...

apocrypha_kjv@Wisdom:14:17 @...was absent, as if he were...

apocrypha_kjv@Wisdom:15:7 @...of the same clay he maketh...

apocrypha_kjv@Wisdom:15:8 @...the same clay, even he which...

apocrypha_kjv@Wisdom:15:9 is, not that he shall...

apocrypha_kjv@Wisdom:15:11 ...Forasmuch as he knew...

apocrypha_kjv@Wisdom:15:16 made them, and he that...

apocrypha_kjv@Wisdom:15:17 @...which he worshippeth: whereas he lived...

apocrypha_kjv@Wisdom:16:7 the thing that he saw,...

apocrypha_kjv@Wisdom:17:17 @...labourer in the field, he was...

apocrypha_kjv@Wisdom:18:21 end, declaring that he was...

apocrypha_kjv@Wisdom:18:22 ...So he overcame...

apocrypha_kjv@Wisdom:18:23 @...upon another, standing between, he stayed...

apocrypha_kjv@Wisdom:19:1 @...unto the end: for he knew...

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