CONCORD hearing

wmth@Matthew:2:9 ...After hearing what...

wmth@Matthew:2:22 ...But hearing that...

wmth@Matthew:13:13 @...not see, and while hearing they...

wmth@Matthew:17:6 ...On hearing this...

wmth@Matthew:19:22 ...On hearing those...

wmth@Mark:3:8 @...Him a vast crowd, hearing of...

wmth@Mark:3:21 @ Hearing of this, His relatives came to seize Him by force, for they said, »He is out of his mind.«

wmth@Mark:10:41 ...The other ten, hearing of...

wmth@Mark:10:47 @ Hearing that it was Jesus the Nazarene, he began to cry out, »Son of David, Jesus, have pity on me.«

wmth@Mark:15:35 @...Some of the bystanders, hearing Him,...»Listen, he is calling for Elijah!«

wmth@Luke:7:1 @...these things in the hearing of...

wmth@Luke:7:3 ...and the Captain, hearing about...

wmth@Luke:8:13 @...the people who on hearing the...

wmth@Luke:18:23 ...But on hearing these...

wmth@Luke:20:45 ...Then, in the hearing of...

wmth@Luke:23:6 ...On hearing this,...»Is this man a Galilaean?«

wmth@John:7:30 ...On hearing this...

wmth@John:7:51 @ »Does our Law,« he asked, »...a man without first hearing what...«

wmth@John:11:29 ...So she, on hearing that,...

wmth@John:12:12 @...come to the Festival, hearing that...

wmth@John:19:13 ...On hearing this,...–or in Hebrew, Gabbatha.

wmth@Acts:4:24 ...And they, upon hearing the...»O Sovereign Lord, it is Thou who didst make Heaven and earth and sea, and all that is in them,

wmth@Acts:5:5 ...Upon hearing these...-struck.

wmth@Acts:9:7 @...standing dumb with amazement, hearing a...

wmth@Acts:10:23 ...Upon hearing this,...

wmth@Acts:17:21 @ (...leisure to telling or hearing about...)

wmth@Acts:18:26 @...Priscilla and Aquila, after hearing him,...

wmth@Acts:19:5 ...On hearing this,...

wmth@Acts:22:2 ...And on hearing him...

wmth@Acts:22:26 ...On hearing this...»What are you intending to do?« he said. »This man is a Roman citizen.«

wmth@Acts:23:2 ...On hearing this...

wmth@Acts:23:19 @...withdrew out of the hearing of...»What have you to tell me?«

wmth@Acts:28:15 @...Meanwhile the brethren there, hearing of...

wmth@1Corinthians:12:17 @...eye, where would the hearing be?...

wmth@2Timothy:2:2 me in the hearing of...

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