rsv@Genesis:14:2 ...these kings made...(that is, Zo'ar).

rsv@Genesis:14:5 @ In the fourteenth year Ched-or-lao'mer and the kings who were with him came and subdued the Reph'aim in Ash'teroth-karna'im, the Zuzim in Ham, the Emim in Sha'veh-kiriatha'im,

rsv@Genesis:14:9 @ with Ched-or-...king of Ella'sar, four kings against...

rsv@Genesis:14:10 @...pits; and as the kings of...

rsv@Genesis:14:17 @ After his return from the defeat of Ched-or-lao'mer and the kings who were with him, the king of Sodom went out to meet him at the Valley of Shaveh (that is, the King's Valley).

rsv@Genesis:17:6 @...nations of you, and kings shall...

rsv@Genesis:17:16 @...a mother of nations; kings of...

rsv@Genesis:35:11 @...come from you, and kings shall...

rsv@Genesis:36:31 ...These are the kings who...

rsv@Numbers:31:8 @...and Reba, the five kings of...

rsv@Deuteronomy:3:8 @...hand of the two kings of...

rsv@Deuteronomy:4:47 @...of Bashan, the two kings of...

rsv@Deuteronomy:7:24 @...he will give their kings into...

rsv@Deuteronomy:31:4 @...Sihon and Og, the kings of...

rsv@Joshua:2:10 @...did to the two kings of...

rsv@Joshua:5:1 @...west, and all the kings of...

rsv@Joshua:9:1 ...When all the kings who...

rsv@Joshua:9:10 @...did to the two kings of...

rsv@Joshua:10:5 ...Then the five kings of...

rsv@Joshua:10:6; for all the kings of...

rsv@Joshua:10:16 ...These five kings fled,...

rsv@Joshua:10:17 @...told Joshua, "The five kings have...

rsv@Joshua:10:22 @...and bring those five kings out...

rsv@Joshua:10:23 @...and brought those five kings out...

rsv@Joshua:10:24 @...the necks of these kings." Then...

rsv@Joshua:10:42 @...Joshua took all these kings and...

rsv@Joshua:11:2 ...and to the kings who...-dor on the west,

rsv@Joshua:11:5 ...And all these kings joined...

rsv@Joshua:12:1 @...Now these are the kings of...

rsv@Joshua:12:7 @...And these are the kings of...-gad in the valley of Lebanon to Mount Halak, that rises toward Se'ir (and Joshua gave their land to the tribes of Israel as a possession according to their allotments,

rsv@Joshua:24:12 @...before you, the two kings of...

rsv@Judges:1:7 @ And Ado'ni-be'zek said, "Seventy kings with their thumbs and their great toes cut off used to pick up scraps under my table; as I have done, so God has requited me." And they brought him to Jerusalem, and he died there.

rsv@Judges:5:19 @...fought; then fought the kings of...

rsv@Judges:8:5 @...Zebah and Zalmun'na, the kings of...

rsv@Judges:8:12 @...and took the two kings of...

rsv@Judges:8:26 @...garments worn by the kings of...

rsv@1Samuel:14:47 @...against Edom, against the kings of...

rsv@1Samuel:27:6 @...has belonged to the kings of...

rsv@2Samuel:10:19 @...And when all the kings who...

rsv@2Samuel:11:1 @...year, the time when kings go...

rsv@1Kings:4:24 @...Gaza, over all the kings west...

rsv@1Kings:4:34 @...and from all the kings of...

rsv@1Kings:10:15 @...and from all the kings of...

rsv@1Kings:10:23 @...Solomon excelled all the kings of...

rsv@1Kings:10:29 @...the Hittites and the kings of...

rsv@1Kings:14:19 @ Now the rest of the acts of Jerobo'am, how he warred and how he reigned, behold, they are written in the Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Israel.

rsv@1Kings:14:29 @ Now the rest of the acts of Rehobo'am, and all that he did, are they not written in the Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Judah?

rsv@1Kings:15:7 @ The rest of the acts of Abi'jam, and all that he did, are they not written in the Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Judah? And there was war between Abi'jam and Jerobo'am.

rsv@1Kings:15:23 @ Now the rest of all the acts of Asa, all his might, and all that he did, and the cities which he built, are they not written in the Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Judah? But in his old age he was diseased in his feet.

rsv@1Kings:15:31 @ Now the rest of the acts of Nadab, and all that he did, are they not written in the Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Israel?

rsv@1Kings:16:5 @ Now the rest of the acts of Ba'asha, and what he did, and his might, are they not written in the Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Israel?

rsv@1Kings:16:14 @ Now the rest of the acts of Elah, and all that he did, are they not written in the Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Israel?

rsv@1Kings:16:20 @ Now the rest of the acts of Zimri, and the conspiracy which he made, are they not written in the Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Israel?

rsv@1Kings:16:27 @ Now the rest of the acts of Omri which he did, and the might that he showed, are they not written in the Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Israel?

rsv@1Kings:16:33 @...anger than all the kings of...

rsv@1Kings:20:1 @ Ben-ha'dad the king of Syria gathered all his army together; thirty-two kings were with him, and horses and chariots; and he went up and besieged Sama'ria, and fought against it.

rsv@1Kings:20:12 @ When Ben-...was drinking with the kings in...

rsv@1Kings:20:16 @ And they went out at noon, while Ben-ha'dad was drinking himself drunk in the booths, he and the thirty-two kings who helped him.

rsv@1Kings:20:31 @...of Israel are merciful kings; let...

rsv@1Kings:22:39 @ Now the rest of the acts of Ahab, and all that he did, and the ivory house which he built, and all the cities that he built, are they not written in the Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Israel?

rsv@1Kings:22:45 @ Now the rest of the acts of Jehosh'aphat, and his might that he showed, and how he warred, are they not written in the Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Judah?

rsv@2Kings:1:18 @ Now the rest of the acts of Ahazi'ah which he did, are they not written in the Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Israel?

rsv@2Kings:3:10 @...has called these three kings to...

rsv@2Kings:3:13 @...has called these three kings to...

rsv@2Kings:3:21 @...Moabites heard that the kings had...

rsv@2Kings:3:23 @..."This is blood; the kings have...

rsv@2Kings:7:6 @...the Hittites and the kings of...

rsv@2Kings:8:18 @...the way of the kings of...

rsv@2Kings:8:23 @ Now the rest of the acts of Joram, and all that he did, are they not written in the Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Judah?

rsv@2Kings:10:4 @...said, "Behold, the two kings could...

rsv@2Kings:10:34 @ Now the rest of the acts of Jehu, and all that he did, and all his might, are they not written in the Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Israel?

rsv@2Kings:12:18 @...Ahazi'ah, his fathers, the kings of...

rsv@2Kings:12:19 @ Now the rest of the acts of Jo'ash, and all that he did, are they not written in the Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Judah?

rsv@2Kings:13:8 @ Now the rest of the acts of Jeho'ahaz and all that he did, and his might, are they not written in the Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Israel?

rsv@2Kings:13:12 @ Now the rest of the acts of Jo'ash, and all that he did, and the might with which he fought against Amazi'ah king of Judah, are they not written in the Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Israel?

rsv@2Kings:13:13 Sama'ria with the kings of...

rsv@2Kings:14:15 @ Now the rest of the acts of Jeho'ash which he did, and his might, and how he fought with Amazi'ah king of Judah, are they not written in the Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Israel?

rsv@2Kings:14:16 Sama'ria with the kings of...

rsv@2Kings:14:18 @ Now the rest of the deeds of Amazi'ah, are they not written in the Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Judah?

rsv@2Kings:14:28 @ Now the rest of the acts of Jerobo'am, and all that he did, and his might, how he fought, and how he recovered for Israel Damascus and Hamath, which had belonged to Judah, are they not written in the Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Israel?

rsv@2Kings:14:29 @...with his fathers, the kings of...

rsv@2Kings:15:6 @ Now the rest of the acts of Azari'ah, and all that he did, are they not written in the Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Judah?

rsv@2Kings:15:11 @ Now the rest of the deeds of Zechari'ah, behold, they are written in the Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Israel.

rsv@2Kings:15:15 @ Now the rest of the deeds of Shallum, and the conspiracy which he made, behold, they are written in the Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Israel.

rsv@2Kings:15:21 @ Now the rest of the deeds of Men'ahem, and all that he did, are they not written in the Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Israel?

rsv@2Kings:15:26 @ Now the rest of the deeds of Pekahi'ah, and all that he did, behold, they are written in the Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Israel.

rsv@2Kings:15:31 @ Now the rest of the acts of Pekah, and all that he did, behold, they are written in the Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Israel.

rsv@2Kings:15:36 @ Now the rest of the acts of Jotham, and all that he did, are they not written in the Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Judah?

rsv@2Kings:16:3 @...the way of the kings of...

rsv@2Kings:16:19 @ Now the rest of the acts of Ahaz which he did, are they not written in the Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Judah?

rsv@2Kings:17:2 @...yet not as the kings of...

rsv@2Kings:17:8 @...the customs which the kings of...

rsv@2Kings:18:5 @...him among all the kings of...

rsv@2Kings:19:11 @...have heard what the kings of...

rsv@2Kings:19:17 @...truth, O LORD, the kings of...

rsv@2Kings:20:20 @ The rest of the deeds of Hezeki'ah, and all his might, and how he made the pool and the conduit and brought water into the city, are they not written in the Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Judah?

rsv@2Kings:21:17 @ Now the rest of the acts of Manas'seh, and all that he did, and the sin that he committed, are they not written in the Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Judah?

rsv@2Kings:21:25 @ Now the rest of the acts of Amon which he did, are they not written in the Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Judah?

rsv@2Kings:23:5 @...idolatrous priests whom the kings of...

rsv@2Kings:23:11 @...the horses that the kings of...-melech the chamberlain, which was in the precincts; and he burned the chariots of the sun with fire.

rsv@2Kings:23:12 @...of Ahaz, which the kings of...

rsv@2Kings:23:19 @...cities of Sama'ria, which kings of...

rsv@2Kings:23:22 @...Israel or of the kings of...

rsv@2Kings:23:28 @ Now the rest of the acts of Josi'ah, and all that he did, are they not written in the Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Judah?

rsv@2Kings:24:5 @ Now the rest of the deeds of Jehoi'akim, and all that he did, are they not written in the Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Judah?

rsv@2Kings:25:28 @...the seats of the kings who...

rsv@1Chronicles:1:43 ...These are the kings who...

rsv@1Chronicles:9:1 @ So all Israel was enrolled by genealogies; and these are written in the Book of the Kings of Israel. And Judah was taken into exile in Babylon because of their unfaithfulness.

rsv@1Chronicles:16:21 @...oppress them; he rebuked kings on...

rsv@1Chronicles:19:9 @...the city, and the kings who...

rsv@1Chronicles:20:1 @...year, the time when kings go...

rsv@2Chronicles:1:12 none of the kings had...

rsv@2Chronicles:1:17 @...the Hittites and the kings of...

rsv@2Chronicles:9:14 @...brought; and all the kings of...

rsv@2Chronicles:9:22 @...Solomon excelled all the kings of...

rsv@2Chronicles:9:23 ...And all the kings of...

rsv@2Chronicles:9:26 @...ruled over all the kings from...

rsv@2Chronicles:16:11 @ The acts of Asa, from first to last, are written in the Book of the Kings of Judah and Israel.

rsv@2Chronicles:20:34 @ Now the rest of the acts of Jehosh'aphat, from first to last, are written in the chronicles of Jehu the son of Hana'ni, which are recorded in the Book of the Kings of Israel.

rsv@2Chronicles:21:6 @...the way of the kings of...

rsv@2Chronicles:21:13 @...the way of the kings of...

rsv@2Chronicles:25:26 @ Now the rest of the deeds of Amazi'ah, from first to last, are they not written in the Book of the Kings of Judah and Israel?

rsv@2Chronicles:27:7 @ Now the rest of the acts of Jotham, and all his wars, and his ways, behold, they are written in the Book of the Kings of Israel and Judah.

rsv@2Chronicles:28:2 @...the ways of the kings of...

rsv@2Chronicles:28:23 @...the gods of the kings of...

rsv@2Chronicles:28:26 @ Now the rest of his acts and all his ways, from first to last, behold, they are written in the Book of the Kings of Judah and Israel.

rsv@2Chronicles:28:27 @...the tombs of the kings of...

rsv@2Chronicles:30:6 @...the hand of the kings of...

rsv@2Chronicles:32:4 @...saying, "Why should the kings of...

rsv@2Chronicles:32:32 @ Now the rest of the acts of Hezeki'ah, and his good deeds, behold, they are written in the vision of Isaiah the prophet the son of Amoz, in the Book of the Kings of Judah and Israel.

rsv@2Chronicles:33:18 @ Now the rest of the acts of Manas'seh, and his prayer to his God, and the words of the seers who spoke to him in the name of the LORD the God of Israel, behold, they are in the Chronicles of the Kings of Israel.

rsv@2Chronicles:34:11 @...the buildings which the kings of...

rsv@2Chronicles:35:18 @...prophet; none of the kings of...

rsv@2Chronicles:35:27 @ and his acts, first and last, behold, they are written in the Book of the Kings of Israel and Judah.

rsv@2Chronicles:36:8 @ Now the rest of the acts of Jehoi'akim, and the abominations which he did, and what was found against him, behold, they are written in the Book of the Kings of Israel and Judah; and Jehoi'achin his son reigned in his stead.

rsv@Ezra:4:15 @...rebellious city, hurtful to kings and...

rsv@Ezra:4:20 ...And mighty kings have...

rsv@Ezra:9:7 @...the hand of the kings of...

rsv@Ezra:9:9 @...steadfast love before the kings of...

rsv@Nehemiah:9:24 @...their hands, with their kings and...

rsv@Nehemiah:9:32 @...the time of the kings of...

rsv@Nehemiah:9:37 @...yield goes to the kings whom...

rsv@Esther:10:2 @...the Chronicles of the kings of...

rsv@Job:3:14 ...with kings and...

rsv@Job:36:7 @...the righteous, but with kings upon...

rsv@Psalms:2:2 ...The kings of...

rsv@Psalms:45:10 ...daughters of kings are...

rsv@Psalms:48:5 ...For lo, the kings assembled,...

rsv@Psalms:68:13 ..."The kings of...

rsv@Psalms:68:15 @...When the Almighty scattered kings there,...

rsv@Psalms:68:30 @...thy temple at Jerusalem kings bear...

rsv@Psalms:72:11 @...him tribute, may the kings of...

rsv@Psalms:72:12 ...May all kings fall...

rsv@Psalms:76:12 @ Make your vows to the LORD your God, and perform them; let all around him bring gifts to him who is to be feared, [ (Psalms strkjv@76:13) terrible to the kings of...]

rsv@Psalms:89:28 @ And I will make him the first-...the highest of the kings of...

rsv@Psalms:102:16 @...LORD, and all the kings of...

rsv@Psalms:105:14 @...oppress them; he rebuked kings on...

rsv@Psalms:110:6 @...hand; he will shatter kings on...

rsv@Psalms:138:5 ...All the kings of...

rsv@Psalms:148:11 @ Kings of the earth and all peoples, princes and all rulers of the earth!

rsv@Psalms:149:8 bind their kings with...

rsv@Proverbs:8:15 ...By me kings reign,...

rsv@Proverbs:16:12 an abomination to kings to...

rsv@Proverbs:25:2 @...but the glory of kings is...

rsv@Proverbs:25:3 the mind of kings is...

rsv@Proverbs:31:4 is not for kings to...

rsv@Ecclesiastes:2:8 @...and the treasure of kings and...

rsv@Isaiah:1:1 @...Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezeki'ah, kings of...

rsv@Isaiah:7:16 before whose two kings you...

rsv@Isaiah:14:9 @...thrones all who were kings of...

rsv@Isaiah:14:18 ...All the kings of...

rsv@Isaiah:24:21 heaven, and the kings of...

rsv@Isaiah:37:11 @...have heard what the kings of...

rsv@Isaiah:37:18 @...truth, O LORD, the kings of...

rsv@Isaiah:41:2 that he tramples kings under...

rsv@Isaiah:49:23 @ Kings shall be your foster fathers, and their queens your nursing mothers. With their faces to the ground they shall bow down to you, and lick the dust of your feet. Then you will know that I am the LORD; those who wait for me shall not be put to shame."

rsv@Isaiah:52:15 @...he startle many nations; kings shall...

rsv@Isaiah:60:3 your light, and kings to...

rsv@Isaiah:60:10 @...your walls, and their kings shall...

rsv@Isaiah:60:11 @...the nations, with their kings led...

rsv@Isaiah:62:2 @...vindication, and all the kings your...

rsv@Jeremiah:1:18 @...whole land, against the kings of...

rsv@Jeremiah:8:1 @...the bones of the kings of...

rsv@Jeremiah:13:13 @ Then you shall say to them, `...of this land: the kings who...

rsv@Jeremiah:17:19 @...Gate, by which the kings of...

rsv@Jeremiah:17:20 @ and say: `...of the LORD, you kings of...

rsv@Jeremiah:17:25 @...gates of this city kings who...

rsv@Jeremiah:19:3 @ You shall say, `...of the LORD, O kings of...

rsv@Jeremiah:19:4 @...their fathers nor the kings of...

rsv@Jeremiah:19:13 @...the houses of the kings of...--all the houses upon whose roofs incense has been burned to all the host of heaven, and drink offerings have been poured out to other gods--shall be defiled like the place of Topheth.'"

rsv@Jeremiah:20:5 @...the treasures of the kings of...

rsv@Jeremiah:22:4 @...gates of this house kings who...

rsv@Jeremiah:25:14 @...many nations and great kings shall...

rsv@Jeremiah:25:18 @...cities of Judah, its kings and...

rsv@Jeremiah:25:20 @...Uz and all the kings of...(Ash'kelon, Gaza, Ekron, and the remnant of Ashdod);

rsv@Jeremiah:25:22 @...of Sidon, and the kings of...

rsv@Jeremiah:25:24 @...Arabia and all the kings of...

rsv@Jeremiah:25:25 @...Elam, and all the kings of...

rsv@Jeremiah:25:26 ...all the kings of...

rsv@Jeremiah:27:7 @...many nations and great kings shall...

rsv@Jeremiah:32:32 @ because of all the evil of the sons of Israel and the sons of Judah which they did to provoke me to anger--their kings and their princes, their priests and their prophets, the men of Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem.

rsv@Jeremiah:33:4 @...the houses of the kings of...

rsv@Jeremiah:34:5 @...your fathers, the former kings who...

rsv@Jeremiah:44:9 @...the wickedness of the kings of...

rsv@Jeremiah:44:17 @...and our fathers, our kings and...

rsv@Jeremiah:44:21 @...and your fathers, your kings and...

rsv@Jeremiah:50:41 @...mighty nation and many kings are...

rsv@Jeremiah:51:11 @...the spirit of the kings of...

rsv@Jeremiah:51:28 @...war against her, the kings of...

rsv@Jeremiah:52:32 @...the seats of the kings who...

rsv@Lamentations:4:12 ...The kings of...

rsv@Ezekiel:27:33 @...merchandise you enriched the kings of...

rsv@Ezekiel:27:35 you; and their kings are...

rsv@Ezekiel:32:10 you, and their kings shall...

rsv@Ezekiel:32:29 @..."Edom is there, her kings and...

rsv@Ezekiel:43:9 @...dead bodies of their kings far...

rsv@Daniel:2:21 @...kings and sets up kings; he...

rsv@Daniel:2:44 @...the days of those kings the...

rsv@Daniel:7:17 @ `...great beasts are four kings who...

rsv@Daniel:7:24 @...of this kingdom ten kings shall...

rsv@Daniel:8:20 @...horns, these are the kings of...

rsv@Daniel:11:2 @...truth. Behold, three more kings shall...

rsv@Hosea:1:1 @ The word of the LORD that came to Hose'a the son of Be-...Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezeki'ah, kings of...

rsv@Hosea:7:7 @...their rulers. All their kings have...

rsv@Hosea:13:11 @...I have given you kings in...

rsv@Micah:1:1 @...Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezeki'ah, kings of...

rsv@Micah:1:14 @ Therefore you shall give parting gifts to Mo'resheth-...deceitful thing to the kings of...

rsv@Habakkuk:1:10 ...At kings they...

rsv@Matthew:10:18 @...dragged before governors and kings for...

rsv@Matthew:17:24 @...Simon? From whom do kings of...

rsv@Mark:13:9 @...stand before governors and kings for...

rsv@Luke:10:24 @...that many prophets and kings desired...

rsv@Luke:21:12 @...will be brought before kings and...

rsv@Luke:22:25 @...said to them, "The kings of...

rsv@Acts:4:26 ...The kings of...--

rsv@Acts:9:15 @...before the Gentiles and kings and...

rsv@1Timothy:2:2 ...for kings and...

rsv@1Timothy:6:15 @...Sovereign, the King of kings and...

rsv@Hebrews:7:1 @...the slaughter of the kings and...

rsv@Revelation:1:5 @ and from Jesus Christ the faithful witness, the first-...and the ruler of kings on...

rsv@Revelation:6:15 ...Then the kings of...

rsv@Revelation:16:12 @...the way for the kings from...

rsv@Revelation:16:14 @...go abroad to the kings of...

rsv@Revelation:17:2 ...with whom the kings of...

rsv@Revelation:17:12 receive authority as kings for...

rsv@Revelation:17:18 @...has dominion over the kings of...

rsv@Revelation:18:3 @...impure passion, and the kings of...

rsv@Revelation:18:9 ...And the kings of...

rsv@Revelation:19:16 inscribed, King of kings and...

rsv@Revelation:19:19 @...the beast and the kings of...

rsv@Revelation:21:24 @...nations walk; and the kings of...

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[BookofCONCORD] [CONCORD:-1] [CONCORD:kings] [CONCORD:1] [Discuss] Tag kings [Audio][Presentation]