apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:1:32 @...Josias, and the chief men with...

apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:1:53 @...Who slew their young men with...

apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:2:27 ...And the men therein...

apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:2:28 @...commanded to hinder those men from...

apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:3:18! it causeth all men to...

apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:4:2 men, do not men excel...

apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:4:17 @...and without women cannot men be....

apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:4:18 ...Yea, and if men have...

apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:4:19 @...and have not all men more...

apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:4:37 @...all the children of men are...

apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:4:39 @...wicked things; and all men do...

apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:5:1 @...and daughters, with their menservants and...

apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:5:4 @...the names of the men which...

apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:5:39 @...the kindred of these men was...

apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:5:42 @...and seven: the singing men and...

apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:6:29 be given these men for...

apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:8:27 @...God, and gathered together men of...

apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:8:44 @...Zacharias, and Mosollamon, principal men and...

apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:8:46 send us such men as...

apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:8:47 @...brought unto us skilful men of...

apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:8:49 @...ordained, and the principal men for...

apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:8:50 unto the young men before...

apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:8:54 @...and Assanias, and ten men of...

apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:8:59 @...and to the principal men of...

apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:8:70 @...rulers and the great men have...

apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:8:91 @...very great multitude of men and...

apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:9:16 @...unto him the principal men of...

apocrypha_kjv@1Esdras:9:41 @...unto midday, before both men and...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:1:26 @...the virgins and young men were...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:2:9 @...the streets, her young men with...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:2:18 @...done, yea, and the men of...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:2:25 @...king's commissioner, who compelled men to...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:2:42 @...Assideans who were mighty men of...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:2:44 @...their anger, and wicked men in...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:2:64 @...valiant and shew yourselves men in...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:3:24 @...slain about eight hundred men of...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:3:38 @...Nicanor, and Gorgias, mighty men of...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:4:2 @...them suddenly. And the men of...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:4:3 @...removed, and the valiant men with...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:4:8 @...said Judas to the men that...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:4:28 @...together threescore thousand choice men of...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:4:41 @...Then Judas appointed certain men to...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:5:20 @...unto Judas eight thousand men for...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:5:38 ...So Judas sent men to...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:5:59 @...came Gorgias and his men out...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:5:62 ...Moreover these men came...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:6:21 @...unto whom some ungodly men of...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:7:1 @...up with a few men unto...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:7:5 @...the wicked and ungodly men of...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:7:19 @...took many of the men that...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:8:2 @...And that they were men of...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:8:15 @...three hundred and twenty men sat...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:9:5 @...and three thousand chosen men with...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:9:58 @...Then all the ungodly men held...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:9:61 @...they took of the men of...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:9:69 @...wroth at the wicked men that...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:9:73 @...he destroyed the ungodly men out...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:10:32 @...set in it such men as...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:10:36 @...forces about thirty thousand men of...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:10:61 @...pestilent fellows of Israel, men of...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:10:74 @...and choosing ten thousand men he...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:10:86 @...against Ascalon, where the men of...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:11:25 @...And though certain ungodly men of...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:11:40 @...done, and how his men of...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:11:43 @...if thou send me men to...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:11:44 @...him three thousand strong men unto...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:11:55 @...unto him all the men of...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:11:62 @...sons of their chief men for...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:11:68 @...plain, who, having laid men in...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:11:73 @...Now when his own men that...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:12:27 @...down, Jonathan commanded his men to...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:12:28 @...that Jonathan and his men were...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:12:36 @...might be alone, that men might...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:12:41 @...him with forty thousand men chosen...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:12:43, and commanded his men of...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:12:45 @...and choose a few men to...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:13:10 @...gathered together all the men of...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:13:48, and placed such men there...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:14:9 @...things, and the young men put...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:14:23 @...people to entertain the men honourably,...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:14:32 @...and armed the valiant men of...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:15:3 @...Forasmuch as certain pestilent men have...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:15:13 @...hundred and twenty thousand men of...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:15:26 @...him two thousand chosen men to...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:16:4 @...the country twenty thousand men of...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:16:6 @...himself, and then the men seeing...

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:16:15 @...howbeit he had hid men there....

apocrypha_kjv@1Maccabees:16:16 @...largely, Ptolemee and his men rose...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:3:18 @...tremble, and troubledst the men of...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:5:12 @...the same time shall men hope,...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:6:26 ...And the men that...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:7:29 @...Christ die, and all men that...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:7:47 @...profit is it for men now...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:7:68 @...ten thousandth part of men should...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:8:59 @...not his will that men should...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:10:22 @...bondage, and our strong men are...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:14:22 thy law, that men may...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:15:18 @...shall be destroyed, and men shall...

apocrypha_kjv@2Esdras:15:36 ...And dung of men unto...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:1:36 @...a cleansing: but many men call...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:3:26 @...Moreover two other young men appeared...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:3:33 @...atonement, the same young men in...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:3:34 @...heaven, declare unto all men the...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:3:36 @...testified he to all men the...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:4:12 @...brought the chief young men under...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:4:44 @...came to Tyrus, three men that...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:5:12 ...And commanded his men of...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:5:25, he commanded his men to...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:8:16 @...So Maccabeus called his men together...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:10:29 @...from heaven five comely men upon...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:10:35 early twenty young men of...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:12:3 ...The men of...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:12:10 @...fewer than five thousand men on...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:12:20 @...hundred and twenty thousand men of...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:12:27 @...and the strong young men kept...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:12:33 @...out with three thousand men of...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:12:41 ...All men therefore...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:13:6 @...crime, there did all men thrust...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:13:15 about four thousand men, and...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:14:22 ...Ludas placed armed men ready...

apocrypha_kjv@2Maccabees:14:39 @...sent above five hundred men of...

apocrypha_kjv@Baruch:2:1 @...princes, and against the men of...

apocrypha_kjv@Baruch:3:17 @...silver and gold, wherein men trust,...

apocrypha_kjv@Baruch:3:20 ...Young men have...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:1 @ [A Prologue made by an uncertain Author]...ancient godly stories of men that...[The Prologue of the Wisdom of Jesus the Son of BenSira.] Whereas many and great things have been delivered unto us by the law and the prophets, and by others that have followed their steps, for the which things Israel ought to be commended for learning and wisdom; and whereof not only the readers must needs become skilful themselves, but also they that desire to learn be able to profit them which are without, both by speaking and writing: my grandfather Jesus, when he had much given himself to the reading of the law, and the prophets, and other books of our fathers, and had gotten therein good judgment, was drawn on also himself to write something pertaining to learning and wisdom; to the intent that those which are desirous to learn, and are addicted to these things, might profit much more in living according to the law. Wherefore let me intreat you to read it with favour and attention, and to pardon us, wherein we may seem to come short of some words, which we have laboured to interpret. For the same things uttered in Hebrew, and translated into another tongue, have not the same force in them: and not only these things, but the law itself, and the prophets, and the rest of the books, have no small difference, when they are spoken in their own language. For in the eight and thirtieth year coming into Egypt, when Euergetes was king, and continuing there some time, I found a book of no small learning: therefore I thought it most necessary for me to bestow some diligence and travail to interpret it; using great watchfulness and skill in that space to bring the book to an end, and set it forth for them also, which in a strange country are willing to learn, being prepared before in manners to live after the law.

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:1:16 @...of wisdom, and filleth men with...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:2:5 @...the fire, and acceptable men in...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:3:23 @...shewed unto thee than men understand....

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:8:8 to serve great men with...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:9:16 ...And let just men eat...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:11:4 @...and his works among men are...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:11:6 @...honourable delivered into other men's hands....

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:11:8 @...the cause: neither interrupt men in...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:13:22 spoken, and yet men justify...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:15:7 ...But foolish men shall...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:15:8 @...far from pride, and men that...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:17:32 @...of heaven; and all men are...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:19:2 @...and women will make men of...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:20:28 @...he that pleaseth great men shall...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:21:4 @...the house of proud men shall...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:22:12 ...Seven days do men mourn...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:23:16 ...Two sorts of men multiply...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:25:2 ...Three sorts of men my...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:25:4 @...hairs, and for ancient men to...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:25:5 @...understanding and counsel to men of...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:26:28 @...that suffereth poverty; and men of...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:27:12 @...but be continually among men of...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:29:18 @...of the sea: mighty men hath...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:31:23 @...liberal of his meat, men shall...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:31:27 @...was made to make men glad....

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:32:9 @...them; and when ancient men are...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:33:10 ...And all men are...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:33:18, O ye great men of...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:34:18 @...the gifts of unjust men are...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:35:19 the works of men according...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:38:3 @...the sight of great men he...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:38:6 @...And he hath given men skill,...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:41:11 ...The mourning of men is...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:42:8 @...and approved of all men living....

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:44:3 @...rule in their kingdoms, men renowned...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:44:6 ...Rich men furnished...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:45:16 @...him out of all men living...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:45:18 @...the wilderness, even the men that...

apocrypha_kjv@BenSira:48:6 destruction, and honorable men from...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:1:16 @...very great multitude of men of...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:2:5 @...and take with thee men that...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:2:15 @...he mustered the chosen men for...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:2:27 @...smote all their young men with...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:3:5 ...So the men came...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:3:6 @...out of them chosen men for...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:4:7 @...was straight, for two men at...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:5:22 @...murmured, and the chief men of...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:6:1 @...when the tumult of men that...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:6:12 ...And when the men of...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:7:2 @...the baggage, and other men that...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:7:4 @...neighbour, Now will these men lick...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:7:7 @...and set garrisons of men of...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:7:12 @...and keep all the men of...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:7:22 @...their women and young men fainted...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:10:4 @...the eyes of all men that...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:10:9 @...they commanded the young men to...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:10:10 @...with her; and the men of...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:10:14 ...Now when the men heard...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:10:17 @...of them an hundred men to...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:11:7 @...thing: for not only men shall...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:11:9 @...his words; for the men of...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:13:12 ...Now when the men of...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:15:5 @ Now when the children of Israel heard it, they all fell upon them with one consent, and slew them unto Chobai: likewise also they that came from Jerusalem, and from all the hill country, (for men had told them what things were done in the camp of their enemies) and they that were in Galaad, and in Galilee, chased them with a great slaughter, until they were past Damascus and the borders thereof.

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:15:13 @...women: and all the men of...

apocrypha_kjv@Judith:16:5 @...and kill my young men with...

apocrypha_kjv@LetterOfJeremiah:6:11 @...and deck them as men with...[being] gods of silver, and gods of gold, and wood.

apocrypha_kjv@LetterOfJeremiah:6:26 @...whereby they declare unto men that...

apocrypha_kjv@LetterOfJeremiah:6:32 @...before their gods, as men do...

apocrypha_kjv@LetterOfJeremiah:6:49 ...How then cannot men perceive...

apocrypha_kjv@PrayerOfAzariah:65 holy and humble men of...

apocrypha_kjv@PrayerOfManasses:1 @...of the evils of men. Thou,...

apocrypha_kjv@Susanna:1:32 ...And these wicked men commanded...(for she was covered) that they might be filled with her beauty.

apocrypha_kjv@Susanna:1:43 @...such things as these men have...

apocrypha_kjv@Tobit:13:8 ...Let all men speak,...

apocrypha_kjv@Wisdom:1:16 ...But ungodly men with...

apocrypha_kjv@Wisdom:4:2 @...When it is present, men take...

apocrypha_kjv@Wisdom:6:6 @...the meanest: but mighty men shall...

apocrypha_kjv@Wisdom:7:6 ...For all men have...

apocrypha_kjv@Wisdom:7:14 a treasure unto men that...

apocrypha_kjv@Wisdom:9:14 @...the thoughts of mortal men are...

apocrypha_kjv@Wisdom:9:18 were reformed, and men were...

apocrypha_kjv@Wisdom:12:17 ...For when men will...

apocrypha_kjv@Wisdom:12:23 ...Wherefore, whereas men have...

apocrypha_kjv@Wisdom:13:1 @...Surely vain are all men by...

apocrypha_kjv@Wisdom:14:5 @...idle, and therefore do men commit...

apocrypha_kjv@Wisdom:14:14 @...the vain glory of men they...

apocrypha_kjv@Wisdom:14:17 ...Whom men could...

apocrypha_kjv@Wisdom:14:25 @...there reigned in all men without...

apocrypha_kjv@Wisdom:15:4 @...the mischievous invention of men deceive...

apocrypha_kjv@Wisdom:17:2 ...For when unrighteous men thought...[there] exiled from the eternal providence.

apocrypha_kjv@Wisdom:18:9 @...righteous children of good men did...

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