jps@Genesis:1:28 @...blessed them; and God said unto...

jps@Genesis:3:1 @...woman: 'Yea, hath God said: Ye...

jps@Genesis:3:2 ...And the woman said unto...

jps@Genesis:3:4 ...And the serpent said unto...

jps@Genesis:3:9 @...unto the man, and said unto...

jps@Genesis:3:13 @...done?' And the woman said: 'The...

jps@Genesis:3:14 @...And the LORD God said unto...

jps@Genesis:4:6 ...And the LORD said unto...

jps@Genesis:4:9 @...thy brother?' And he said: 'I...

jps@Genesis:4:13 ...And Cain said unto...

jps@Genesis:4:15 ...And the LORD said unto...

jps@Genesis:4:23 ...And Lamech said unto...

jps@Genesis:6:13 ...And God said unto...

jps@Genesis:7:1 ...And the LORD said unto...

jps@Genesis:8:21 @...savour; and the LORD said in...

jps@Genesis:9:1 @...and his sons, and said unto...

jps@Genesis:9:17 ...And God said unto...

jps@Genesis:11:3 ...And they said one...

jps@Genesis:12:1 ...Now the LORD said unto...

jps@Genesis:12:11 @...into Egypt, that he said unto...

jps@Genesis:13:8 ...And Abram said unto...

jps@Genesis:13:14 ...And the LORD said unto...

jps@Genesis:14:21 @...the king of Sodom said unto...

jps@Genesis:14:22 ...And Abram said to...

jps@Genesis:15:5 @...count them'; and He said unto...

jps@Genesis:15:7 ...And He said unto...

jps@Genesis:15:9 ...And He said unto...-goat of three years old, and a ram of three years old, and a turtle-dove, and a young pigeon.'

jps@Genesis:15:13 ...And He said unto...

jps@Genesis:16:2 ...And Sarai said unto...

jps@Genesis:16:5 ...And Sarai said unto...

jps@Genesis:16:6 ...But Abram said unto...

jps@Genesis:16:9 @...angel of the LORD said unto...

jps@Genesis:16:10 @...angel of the LORD said unto...

jps@Genesis:16:11 @...angel of the LORD said unto...

jps@Genesis:17:1 @...appeared to Abram, and said unto...

jps@Genesis:17:9 ...And God said unto...

jps@Genesis:17:15 ...And God said unto...

jps@Genesis:17:17 @...face, and laughed, and said in...

jps@Genesis:17:18 ...And Abraham said unto...

jps@Genesis:17:23, as God had said unto...

jps@Genesis:18:9 @...thy wife?' And he said: 'Behold,...

jps@Genesis:18:13 ...And the LORD said unto...

jps@Genesis:19:5 @...called unto Lot, and said unto...

jps@Genesis:19:12 ...And the men said unto...-in-law, and thy sons, and thy daughters, and whomsoever thou hast in the city; bring them out of the place;

jps@Genesis:19:18 ...And Lot said unto...

jps@Genesis:19:21 ...And he said unto...

jps@Genesis:19:31 @ And the first-born said unto the younger: 'Our father is old, and there is not a man in the earth to come in unto us after the manner of all the earth.

jps@Genesis:19:34 @ And it came to pass on the morrow, that the first-born said unto the younger: 'Behold, I lay yesternight with my father. Let us make him drink wine this night also; and go thou in, and lie with him, that we may preserve seed of our father.'

jps@Genesis:20:2 ...And Abraham said of...

jps@Genesis:20:3 @...of the night, and said to...

jps@Genesis:20:5 @...she, even she herself said: He...

jps@Genesis:20:6 ...And God said unto...

jps@Genesis:20:9 @...Abimelech called Abraham, and said unto...

jps@Genesis:20:10 ...And Abimelech said unto...

jps@Genesis:20:13 @...father's house, that I said unto...

jps@Genesis:21:7 @...said: 'Who would have said unto...

jps@Genesis:21:10 ...Wherefore she said unto...

jps@Genesis:21:12 ...And God said unto...

jps@Genesis:21:17 @...out of heaven, and said unto...

jps@Genesis:21:29 ...And Abimelech said unto...-lambs which thou hast set by themselves?'

jps@Genesis:22:1 @...him: 'Abraham'; and he said: 'Here...

jps@Genesis:22:5 ...And Abraham said unto...

jps@Genesis:22:14 @ And Abraham called the name of that place Adonai-... as it is said to...

jps@Genesis:24:2 ...And Abraham said unto...

jps@Genesis:24:5 ...And the servant said unto...

jps@Genesis:24:6 ...And Abraham said unto...

jps@Genesis:24:24 ...And she said unto...

jps@Genesis:24:25 ...She said moreover...

jps@Genesis:24:39 ...And I said unto...

jps@Genesis:24:40 ...And he said unto...

jps@Genesis:24:45 @...and drew. And I said unto...

jps@Genesis:24:56 ...And he said unto...

jps@Genesis:24:58 @...this man?' And she said: 'I...

jps@Genesis:24:60 @...they blessed Rebekah, and said unto...

jps@Genesis:24:65' And the servant said: 'It...

jps@Genesis:25:23 ...And the LORD said unto...

jps@Genesis:25:30 ...And Esau said to...

jps@Genesis:26:9 @...unto him: 'Because I said: Lest...

jps@Genesis:26:16 ...And Abimelech said unto...

jps@Genesis:26:27 ...And Isaac said unto...

jps@Genesis:26:32 @...they had digged, and said unto...

jps@Genesis:27:1 @...'My son'; and he said unto...

jps@Genesis:27:11 ...And Jacob said to...

jps@Genesis:27:13 ...And his mother said unto...

jps@Genesis:27:19 ...And Jacob said unto...-born; I have done according as thou badest me. Arise, I pray thee, sit and eat of my venison, that thy soul may bless me.'

jps@Genesis:27:20 son?' And he said: 'Because...

jps@Genesis:27:21 ...And Isaac said unto...

jps@Genesis:27:26 @...And his father Isaac said unto...

jps@Genesis:27:31 @...his father; and he said unto...

jps@Genesis:27:32 thou?' And he said: 'I...-born, Esau.'

jps@Genesis:27:34 @...and bitter cry, and said unto...

jps@Genesis:27:37 @...And Isaac answered and said unto...

jps@Genesis:27:38 ...And Esau said unto...

jps@Genesis:27:39 @...his father answered and said unto...

jps@Genesis:27:41 @...blessed him. And Esau said in...

jps@Genesis:27:42 @...her younger son, and said unto...

jps@Genesis:27:46 ...And Rebekah said to...

jps@Genesis:28:1 @...and charged him, and said unto...

jps@Genesis:29:4 @...are ye?' And they said: 'Of...

jps@Genesis:29:5 @...of Nahor?' And they said: 'We...

jps@Genesis:29:6 @...with him?' And they said: 'It...

jps@Genesis:29:14 ...And Laban said to...

jps@Genesis:29:15 ...And Laban said unto...

jps@Genesis:29:21 ...And Jacob said unto...

jps@Genesis:29:25 @...was Leah; and he said to...

jps@Genesis:30:1 @...her sister; and she said unto...

jps@Genesis:30:14 @...mother Leah. Then Rachel said to...

jps@Genesis:30:15 @...mandrakes also?' And Rachel said: 'Therefore...-night for thy son's mandrakes.'

jps@Genesis:30:25 @...borne Joseph, that Jacob said unto...

jps@Genesis:30:27 ...And Laban said unto...--I have observed the signs, and the LORD hath blessed me for thy sake.'

jps@Genesis:30:29 ...And he said unto...

jps@Genesis:31:3 ...And the LORD said unto...

jps@Genesis:31:5 ...and said unto...

jps@Genesis:31:8 @...speckled; and if he said thus:...

jps@Genesis:31:11 @...dream: Jacob; and I said: Here...

jps@Genesis:31:14 @...and Leah answered and said unto...

jps@Genesis:31:16 @...then, whatsoever God hath said unto...

jps@Genesis:31:24 @...of the night, and said unto...

jps@Genesis:31:26 ...And Laban said to...

jps@Genesis:31:31 @...was afraid; for I said: Lest...

jps@Genesis:31:35 ...And she said to...

jps@Genesis:31:36 @...And Jacob answered and said to...

jps@Genesis:31:43 @...And Laban answered and said unto...

jps@Genesis:31:46 ...And Jacob said unto...

jps@Genesis:31:51 ...And Laban said to...

jps@Genesis:32:2 ...And Jacob said when...

jps@Genesis:32:16 @...drove by itself; and said unto...

jps@Genesis:32:27 ...And he said unto...

jps@Genesis:33:13 ...And he said unto...

jps@Genesis:34:11 ...And Shechem said unto...

jps@Genesis:34:14 ...and said unto...

jps@Genesis:34:30 ...And Jacob said to...

jps@Genesis:35:1 ...And God said unto...-el, and dwell there; and make there an altar unto God, who appeared unto thee when thou didst flee from the face of Esau thy brother.'

jps@Genesis:35:2 ...Then Jacob said unto...

jps@Genesis:35:10 ...And God said unto...

jps@Genesis:35:11 ...And God said unto...

jps@Genesis:35:17 @ And it came to pass, when she was in hard labour, that the mid-wife said unto her: 'Fear not; for this also is a son for thee.'

jps@Genesis:37:6 ...And he said unto...

jps@Genesis:37:8 ...And his brethren said to...

jps@Genesis:37:10 @...father rebuked him, and said unto...

jps@Genesis:37:13 @...unto them.' And he said to...

jps@Genesis:37:14 ...And he said to...

jps@Genesis:37:19 ...And they said one...

jps@Genesis:37:22 ...And Reuben said unto...--that he might deliver him out of their hand, to restore him to his father.

jps@Genesis:37:26 ...And Judah said unto...

jps@Genesis:38:8 ...And Judah said unto...

jps@Genesis:38:11 ...Then said Judah...-in-...grown up'; for he said: 'Lest...

jps@Genesis:39:8 @...But he refused, and said unto...

jps@Genesis:40:8 @...interpret it.' And Joseph said unto...

jps@Genesis:40:9 @...dream to Joseph, and said to...

jps@Genesis:40:12 ...And Joseph said unto...

jps@Genesis:40:16 @...interpretation was good, he said unto...

jps@Genesis:41:15 ...And Pharaoh said unto...

jps@Genesis:41:25 ...And Joseph said unto...

jps@Genesis:41:38 ...And Pharaoh said unto...

jps@Genesis:41:39 ...And Pharaoh said unto...

jps@Genesis:41:41 ...And Pharaoh said unto...

jps@Genesis:41:44 ...And Pharaoh said unto...

jps@Genesis:41:55 @...for bread; and Pharaoh said unto...

jps@Genesis:42:1 Egypt, and Jacob said unto...

jps@Genesis:42:7 @...come ye?' And they said: 'From...

jps@Genesis:42:9 @...dreamed of them, and said unto...

jps@Genesis:42:10 ...And they said unto...

jps@Genesis:42:12 ...And he said unto...

jps@Genesis:42:14 ...And Joseph said unto...

jps@Genesis:42:18 ...And Joseph said unto...

jps@Genesis:42:21 ...And they said one...

jps@Genesis:42:28 ...And he said unto...

jps@Genesis:42:31 ...And we said unto...

jps@Genesis:42:33 @...lord of the land, said unto...

jps@Genesis:42:36 @...And Jacob their father said unto...

jps@Genesis:43:2 @...Egypt, that their father said unto...

jps@Genesis:43:5 @...down, for the man said unto...

jps@Genesis:43:8 ...And Judah said unto...

jps@Genesis:43:11 @...And their father Israel said unto...

jps@Genesis:43:16 @...Benjamin with them, he said to...

jps@Genesis:44:4 @...yet far off, Joseph said unto...

jps@Genesis:44:7 ...And they said unto...

jps@Genesis:44:15 ...And Joseph said unto...

jps@Genesis:44:20 ...And we said unto...

jps@Genesis:44:22 ...And we said unto...

jps@Genesis:44:27 @...thy servant my father said unto...

jps@Genesis:45:3 ...And Joseph said unto...

jps@Genesis:45:4 @...came near. And he said: 'I...

jps@Genesis:45:17 ...And Pharaoh said unto...

jps@Genesis:45:24 @...they departed; and he said unto...

jps@Genesis:45:27 @...Joseph, which he had said unto...

jps@Genesis:46:30 ...And Israel said unto...

jps@Genesis:46:31 ...And Joseph said unto...

jps@Genesis:47:3 @...your occupation?' And they said unto...

jps@Genesis:47:4 ...And they said unto...

jps@Genesis:47:8 ...And Pharaoh said unto...

jps@Genesis:47:9 ...And Jacob said unto...

jps@Genesis:47:18 @...the second year, and said unto...

jps@Genesis:47:23 ...Then Joseph said unto...

jps@Genesis:47:29 @...his son Joseph, and said unto...

jps@Genesis:48:1 @...these things, that one said to...

jps@Genesis:48:3 ...And Jacob said unto...

jps@Genesis:48:4 ...and said unto...

jps@Genesis:48:9 here.' And he said: 'Bring...

jps@Genesis:48:11 ...And Israel said unto...

jps@Genesis:48:18 ...And Joseph said unto...-born; put thy right hand upon his head.'

jps@Genesis:48:21 ...And Israel said unto...

jps@Genesis:49:29 @...he charged them, and said unto...

jps@Genesis:50:19 ...And Joseph said unto...

jps@Genesis:50:24 ...And Joseph said unto...

jps@Exodus:1:9 ...And he said unto...

jps@Exodus:1:18 @...for the midwives, and said unto...- children alive?'

jps@Exodus:1:19 ...And the midwives said unto...

jps@Exodus:2:7 ...Then said his...

jps@Exodus:2:8 ...And Pharaoh's daughter said to...

jps@Exodus:2:9 ...And Pharaoh's daughter said unto...

jps@Exodus:2:13 @...striving together; and he said to...

jps@Exodus:2:20 ...And he said unto...

jps@Exodus:3:11 ...And Moses said unto...

jps@Exodus:3:13 ...And Moses said unto...

jps@Exodus:3:14 @...I AM'; and He said: 'Thus...

jps@Exodus:3:15 ...And God said moreover...

jps@Exodus:4:2 @...thy hand?' And he said: 'A...

jps@Exodus:4:4 ...And the LORD said unto...--and he put forth his hand, and laid hold of it, and it became a rod in his hand--

jps@Exodus:4:6 ...And the LORD said furthermore...

jps@Exodus:4:10 ...And Moses said unto...

jps@Exodus:4:11 ...And the LORD said unto...

jps@Exodus:4:18 @ And Moses went and returned to Jethro his father-in-...yet alive.' And Jethro said to...

jps@Exodus:4:19 ...And the LORD said unto...

jps@Exodus:4:21 ...And the LORD said unto...

jps@Exodus:4:23 ...And I have said unto...-born.'--

jps@Exodus:4:27 ...And the LORD said to...

jps@Exodus:5:1 @...and Aaron came, and said unto...

jps@Exodus:5:4 @...the king of Egypt said unto...

jps@Exodus:5:21 ...and they said unto...

jps@Exodus:6:1 ...And the LORD said unto...

jps@Exodus:6:2 @...spoke unto Moses, and said unto...

jps@Exodus:6:30 ...And Moses said before...

jps@Exodus:7:1 ...And the LORD said unto...

jps@Exodus:7:14 ...And the LORD said unto...

jps@Exodus:7:19 ...And the LORD said unto...

jps@Exodus:8:5 ...And the LORD said unto...

jps@Exodus:8:9 ...And Moses said unto...

jps@Exodus:8:16 ...And the LORD said unto...

jps@Exodus:8:19 ...Then the magicians said unto...

jps@Exodus:8:20 ...And the LORD said unto...

jps@Exodus:9:1 ...Then the LORD said unto...

jps@Exodus:9:8 ...And the LORD said unto...

jps@Exodus:9:13 ...And the LORD said unto...

jps@Exodus:9:22 ...And the LORD said unto...

jps@Exodus:9:27 @...Moses and Aaron, and said unto...

jps@Exodus:9:29 ...And Moses said unto...

jps@Exodus:10:1 ...And the LORD said unto...

jps@Exodus:10:3 unto Pharaoh, and said unto...

jps@Exodus:10:7 ...And Pharaoh's servants said unto...

jps@Exodus:10:8 @...unto Pharaoh; and he said unto...

jps@Exodus:10:10 ...And he said unto...

jps@Exodus:10:12 ...And the LORD said unto...

jps@Exodus:10:21 ...And the LORD said unto...

jps@Exodus:10:28 ...And Pharaoh said unto...

jps@Exodus:11:1 ...And the LORD said unto...

jps@Exodus:11:9 ...And the LORD said unto...

jps@Exodus:12:21 @...elders of Israel, and said unto...

jps@Exodus:12:43 ...And the LORD said unto...

jps@Exodus:13:3 ...And Moses said unto...

jps@Exodus:14:11 ...And they said unto...

jps@Exodus:14:13 ...And Moses said unto...- day; for whereas ye have seen the Egyptians to-day, ye shall see them again no more for ever.

jps@Exodus:14:15 ...And the LORD said unto...

jps@Exodus:14:26 ...And the LORD said unto...

jps@Exodus:16:3 @...the children of Israel said unto...-pots, when we did eat bread to the full; for ye have brought us forth into this wilderness, to kill this whole assembly with hunger.'

jps@Exodus:16:4 ...Then said the...

jps@Exodus:16:6 @...And Moses and Aaron said unto...

jps@Exodus:16:9 ...And Moses said unto...

jps@Exodus:16:15 @...Israel saw it, they said was. And Moses said unto...

jps@Exodus:16:19 ...And Moses said unto...

jps@Exodus:16:23 ...And he said unto...-morrow is a solemn rest, a holy sabbath unto the LORD. Bake that which ye will bake, and seethe that which ye will seethe; and all that remaineth over lay up for you to be kept until the morning.'

jps@Exodus:16:28 ...And the LORD said unto...

jps@Exodus:16:33 ...And Moses said unto...

jps@Exodus:17:2 @...may drink.' And Moses said unto...

jps@Exodus:17:5 ...And the LORD said unto...

jps@Exodus:17:9 ...And Moses said unto...

jps@Exodus:17:10 @...did as Moses had said to...

jps@Exodus:17:14 ...And the LORD said unto...

jps@Exodus:18:6 ...and he said unto...-in-law Jethro am coming unto thee, and thy wife, and her two sons with her.'

jps@Exodus:18:15 ...And Moses said unto...-in-law: 'Because the people come unto me to inquire of God;

jps@Exodus:18:17 @ And Moses' father-in-law said unto him: 'The thing that thou doest is not good.

jps@Exodus:19:9 ...And the LORD said unto...

jps@Exodus:19:10 ...And the LORD said unto...-day and to-morrow, and let them wash their garments,

jps@Exodus:19:15 ...And he said unto...

jps@Exodus:19:21 ...And the LORD said unto...

jps@Exodus:19:23 ...And Moses said unto...

jps@Exodus:19:24 ...And the LORD said unto...

jps@Exodus:20:19 ...And they said unto...

jps@Exodus:20:20 ...And Moses said unto...

jps@Exodus:20:22 ...And the LORD said unto...

jps@Exodus:23:13 @...things that I have said unto...

jps@Exodus:24:12 ...And the LORD said unto...

jps@Exodus:30:34 ...And the LORD said unto...

jps@Exodus:32:1 @...together unto Aaron, and said unto...

jps@Exodus:32:2 ...And Aaron said unto...

jps@Exodus:32:9 ...And the LORD said unto...

jps@Exodus:32:14 @...the evil which He said He...

jps@Exodus:32:17 they shouted, he said unto...

jps@Exodus:32:21 ...And Moses said unto...

jps@Exodus:32:23 ...So they said unto...

jps@Exodus:32:24 ...And I said unto...

jps@Exodus:32:27 ...And he said unto...

jps@Exodus:32:30 @...the morrow, that Moses said unto...

jps@Exodus:32:33 ...And the LORD said unto...

jps@Exodus:33:5 ...And the LORD said unto...

jps@Exodus:33:12 Yet Thou hast said: I...

jps@Exodus:33:15 ...And he said unto...

jps@Exodus:33:17 ...And the LORD said unto...

jps@Exodus:34:1 ...And the LORD said unto...

jps@Exodus:34:27 ...And the LORD said unto...

jps@Exodus:35:1 @...children of Israel, and said unto...

jps@Exodus:35:30 ...And Moses said unto...

jps@Leviticus:8:5 ...And Moses said unto...

jps@Leviticus:8:31 ...And Moses said unto...

jps@Leviticus:9:2 ...and he said unto...-calf for a sin-offering, and a ram for a burnt-offering, without blemish, and offer them before the LORD.

jps@Leviticus:9:7 ...And Moses said unto...-offering, and thy burnt-offering, and make atonement for thyself, and for the people; and present the offering of the people, and make atonement for them; as the LORD commanded.'

jps@Leviticus:10:3 ...Then Moses said unto...

jps@Leviticus:10:4 @...uncle of Aaron, and said unto...

jps@Leviticus:10:6 ...And Moses said unto...

jps@Leviticus:16:2 ...and the LORD said unto...-cover which is upon the ark; that he die not; for I appear in the cloud upon the ark-cover.

jps@Leviticus:17:12 ...Therefore I said unto...

jps@Leviticus:17:14 thereof; therefore I said unto...

jps@Leviticus:20:24 ...But I have said unto...

jps@Leviticus:21:1 ...And the LORD said unto...

jps@Numbers:3:40 ...And the LORD said unto...-born males of the children of Israel from a month old and upward, and take the number of their names.

jps@Numbers:7:11 ...And the LORD said unto...

jps@Numbers:9:7 ...And those men said unto...

jps@Numbers:9:8 ...And Moses said unto...

jps@Numbers:10:29 ...And Moses said unto...-in-...of which the LORD said: I...

jps@Numbers:10:30 ...And he said unto...

jps@Numbers:11:11 ...And Moses said unto...

jps@Numbers:11:16 ...And the LORD said unto...

jps@Numbers:11:23 ...And the LORD said unto...

jps@Numbers:11:29 ...And Moses said unto...

jps@Numbers:12:11 ...And Aaron said unto...

jps@Numbers:12:14 ...And the LORD said unto...

jps@Numbers:13:17 of Canaan, and said unto...

jps@Numbers:14:2 @...and the whole congregation said unto...

jps@Numbers:14:4 ...And they said one...

jps@Numbers:14:11 ...And the LORD said unto...

jps@Numbers:14:13 ...And Moses said unto...--for Thou broughtest up this people in Thy might from among them--

jps@Numbers:14:31 @...little ones, that ye said would...

jps@Numbers:15:35 ...And the LORD said unto...

jps@Numbers:16:3 @...and against Aaron, and said unto...

jps@Numbers:16:8 ...And Moses said unto...

jps@Numbers:16:15 @...was very wroth, and said unto...

jps@Numbers:16:16 ...And Moses said unto...-morrow;

jps@Numbers:16:46 ...And Moses said unto...-pan, and put fire therein from off the altar, and lay incense thereon, and carry it quickly unto the congregation, and make atonement for them; for there is wrath gone out from the LORD: the plague is begun.'

jps@Numbers:17:10 ...And the LORD said unto...

jps@Numbers:18:1 ...And the LORD said unto...

jps@Numbers:18:20 ...And the LORD said unto...

jps@Numbers:18:24 @...inheritance; therefore I have said unto...

jps@Numbers:20:10 @...the rock, and he said unto...

jps@Numbers:20:12 ...And the LORD said unto...

jps@Numbers:20:18 ...And Edom said unto...

jps@Numbers:20:19 @...the children of Israel said unto...

jps@Numbers:21:8 ...And the LORD said unto...

jps@Numbers:21:14 ...wherefore it is said in...

jps@Numbers:21:16 @...well whereof the LORD said unto...

jps@Numbers:21:34 ...And the LORD said unto...

jps@Numbers:22:4 ...And Moab said unto...--And Balak the son of Zippor was king of Moab at that time.--

jps@Numbers:22:8 ...And he said unto...

jps@Numbers:22:10 ...And Balaam said unto...

jps@Numbers:22:12 ...And God said unto...

jps@Numbers:22:13 the morning, and said unto...

jps@Numbers:22:16 @...came to Balaam, and said to...

jps@Numbers:22:18 @...And Balaam answered and said unto...

jps@Numbers:22:20 @...Balaam at night, and said unto...

jps@Numbers:22:28 @...the ass, and she said unto...

jps@Numbers:22:29 ...And Balaam said unto...

jps@Numbers:22:30 ...And the ass said unto...

jps@Numbers:22:32 @...angel of the LORD said unto...

jps@Numbers:22:34 ...And Balaam said unto...

jps@Numbers:22:35 @...angel of the LORD said unto...

jps@Numbers:22:37 ...And Balak said unto...

jps@Numbers:22:38 ...And Balaam said unto...

jps@Numbers:23:1 ...And Balaam said unto...

jps@Numbers:23:3 ...And Balaam said unto...-offering, and I will go; peradventure the LORD will come to meet me; and whatsoever He showeth me I will tell thee.' And he went to a bare height.

jps@Numbers:23:4 @...met Balaam; and he said unto...

jps@Numbers:23:11 ...And Balak said unto...

jps@Numbers:23:13 ...And Balak said unto...

jps@Numbers:23:15 ...And he said unto...-offering, while I go toward a meeting yonder.'

jps@Numbers:23:17 @ And he came to him, and, lo, he stood by his burnt-...with him. And Balak said unto...

jps@Numbers:23:23 @...Israel; now is it said of...

jps@Numbers:23:25 ...And Balak said unto...

jps@Numbers:23:26 @...But Balaam answered and said unto...

jps@Numbers:23:27 ...And Balak said unto...

jps@Numbers:23:29 ...And Balaam said unto...

jps@Numbers:24:10 @...hands together; and Balak said unto...

jps@Numbers:24:12 ...And Balaam said unto...

jps@Numbers:25:4 ...And the LORD said unto...

jps@Numbers:25:5 ...And Moses said unto...

jps@Numbers:26:65 @...For the LORD had said of...

jps@Numbers:27:12 ...And the LORD said unto...

jps@Numbers:27:18 ...And the LORD said unto...

jps@Numbers:31:15 ...And Moses said unto...

jps@Numbers:31:21 @...And Eleazar the priest said unto...

jps@Numbers:31:49 ...and they said unto...

jps@Numbers:32:6 ...And Moses said unto...

jps@Numbers:32:20 ...And Moses said unto...

jps@Numbers:32:29 ...And Moses said unto...

jps@Numbers:32:31 @...'As the LORD hath said unto...

jps@Deuteronomy:1:20 ...And I said unto...-country of the Amorites, which the LORD our God giveth unto us.

jps@Deuteronomy:1:29 ...Then I said unto...

jps@Deuteronomy:1:39 @...little ones, that ye said should...

jps@Deuteronomy:1:41 @...Then ye answered and said unto...-country.

jps@Deuteronomy:1:42 ...And the LORD said unto...

jps@Deuteronomy:2:9 ...And the LORD said unto...--

jps@Deuteronomy:2:31 ...And the LORD said unto...

jps@Deuteronomy:3:2 ...And the LORD said unto...

jps@Deuteronomy:3:26; and the LORD said unto...

jps@Deuteronomy:4:10 @...Horeb, when the LORD said unto...

jps@Deuteronomy:5:1 @...unto all Israel, and said unto...

jps@Deuteronomy:5:28 @...thee; they have well said all...

jps@Deuteronomy:9:12 ...And the LORD said unto...

jps@Deuteronomy:9:25 @...because the LORD had said He...

jps@Deuteronomy:10:1 @...that time the LORD said unto...

jps@Deuteronomy:10:11 ...And the LORD said unto...

jps@Deuteronomy:17:16 the LORD hath said unto...

jps@Deuteronomy:18:17 'They have well said that...

jps@Deuteronomy:28:68 @...the way whereof I said unto...

jps@Deuteronomy:29:2 @...unto all Israel, and said unto...

jps@Deuteronomy:31:2 @...and the LORD hath said unto...

jps@Deuteronomy:31:7 @...called unto Joshua, and said unto...

jps@Deuteronomy:31:14 ...And the LORD said unto...

jps@Deuteronomy:31:16 ...And the LORD said unto...

jps@Deuteronomy:32:46 ...he said unto...

jps@Deuteronomy:33:9 ...Who said of...

jps@Deuteronomy:34:4 ...And the LORD said unto...

jps@Joshua:2:9 ...and she said unto...

jps@Joshua:2:14 ...And the men said unto...

jps@Joshua:2:16 ...And she said unto...

jps@Joshua:2:17 ...And the men said unto...

jps@Joshua:2:24 ...And they said unto...

jps@Joshua:3:5 ...And Joshua said unto...-morrow the LORD will do wonders among you.'

jps@Joshua:3:7 ...And the LORD said unto...

jps@Joshua:3:9 ...And Joshua said unto...

jps@Joshua:4:5 ...and Joshua said unto...

jps@Joshua:5:2 @...that time the LORD said unto...

jps@Joshua:5:9 ...And the LORD said unto...

jps@Joshua:5:13 @...went unto him, and said unto...

jps@Joshua:5:14 @...and bowed down, and said unto...

jps@Joshua:5:15 @...of the LORD'S host said unto...

jps@Joshua:6:2 ...And the LORD said unto...

jps@Joshua:6:6 @...called the priests, and said unto...

jps@Joshua:6:7 ...And he said unto...

jps@Joshua:6:16 @...the horns, that Joshua said unto...

jps@Joshua:6:22 ...And Joshua said unto...

jps@Joshua:7:3 @...returned to Joshua, and said unto...

jps@Joshua:7:10 ...And the LORD said unto...

jps@Joshua:7:19 ...And Joshua said unto...

jps@Joshua:8:1 ...And the LORD said unto...

jps@Joshua:8:18 ...And the LORD said unto...

jps@Joshua:9:6 at Gilgal, and said unto...

jps@Joshua:9:7 @...the men of Israel said unto...

jps@Joshua:9:8 @...thy servants.' And Joshua said unto...

jps@Joshua:9:9 ...And they said unto...

jps@Joshua:9:19 @...But all the princes said unto...

jps@Joshua:9:21 ...And the princes said concerning...

jps@Joshua:10:8 ...And the LORD said unto...

jps@Joshua:10:12 @...of Israel; and he said in...

jps@Joshua:10:22 ...Then said Joshua:...

jps@Joshua:10:24 of Israel, and said unto...

jps@Joshua:10:25 ...And Joshua said unto...

jps@Joshua:11:6 ...And the LORD said unto...-morrow at this time will I deliver them up all slain before Israel; thou shalt hough their horses, and burn their chariots with fire.'

jps@Joshua:13:1 @...years; and the LORD said unto...

jps@Joshua:14:6 @...of Jephunneh the Kenizzite said unto...-barnea.

jps@Joshua:15:18 @...her ass; and Caleb said unto...

jps@Joshua:17:15 ...And Joshua said unto...-country of Ephraim is too narrow for thee.'

jps@Joshua:18:3 ...And Joshua said unto...

jps@Joshua:22:2 ...and said unto...

jps@Joshua:22:28 ...Therefore said we:...-offering, nor for sacrifice; but it is a witness between us and you.

jps@Joshua:22:31 @...of Eleazar the priest said unto...

jps@Joshua:23:2 @...for their officers, and said unto...

jps@Joshua:24:2 ...And Joshua said unto...

jps@Joshua:24:19 ...And Joshua said unto...

jps@Joshua:24:21 ...And the people said unto...

jps@Joshua:24:22 ...And Joshua said unto...--And they said: 'We are witnesses.'--

jps@Joshua:24:24 ...And the people said unto...

jps@Joshua:24:27 ...And Joshua said unto...

jps@Judges:1:3 ...And Judah said unto...

jps@Judges:1:14 @...her ass; and Caleb said unto...

jps@Judges:1:15 ...And she said unto...

jps@Judges:1:24 @...the city, and they said unto...

jps@Judges:3:28 ...And he said unto...

jps@Judges:4:6 @ And she sent and called Barak the son of Abinoam out of Kedesh-naphtali, and said unto him: 'Hath not the LORD, the God of Israel, commanded, saying: Go and draw toward mount Tabor, and take with thee ten thousand men of the children of Naphtali and of the children of Zebulun?

jps@Judges:4:8 ...And Barak said unto...

jps@Judges:4:14 ...And Deborah said unto...

jps@Judges:4:18 meet Sisera, and said unto...

jps@Judges:4:19 ...And he said unto...

jps@Judges:4:20 ...And he said unto...

jps@Judges:4:22 meet him, and said unto...-pin was in his temples.

jps@Judges:5:23 ...'Curse ye Meroz', said the...

jps@Judges:6:8 @...of Israel; and he said unto...

jps@Judges:6:10 ...And I said unto...

jps@Judges:6:12 @...appeared unto him, and said unto...

jps@Judges:6:13 ...And Gideon said unto...

jps@Judges:6:15 ...And he said unto...

jps@Judges:6:16 ...And the LORD said unto...

jps@Judges:6:17 ...And he said unto...

jps@Judges:6:20 @...the angel of God said unto...

jps@Judges:6:23 ...And the LORD said unto...

jps@Judges:6:25 @...night, that the LORD said unto...

jps@Judges:6:29 @...inquired and asked, they said: 'Gideon...

jps@Judges:6:30 of the city said unto...

jps@Judges:6:31 ...And Joash said unto...

jps@Judges:6:36 ...And Gideon said unto...

jps@Judges:6:39 ...And Gideon said unto...

jps@Judges:7:2 ...And the LORD said unto...

jps@Judges:7:4 ...And the LORD said unto...

jps@Judges:7:5 @...water; and the LORD said unto...

jps@Judges:7:7 ...And the LORD said unto...

jps@Judges:7:9 @...night, that the LORD said unto...

jps@Judges:7:17 ...And he said unto...

jps@Judges:8:1 @...the men of Ephraim said unto...

jps@Judges:8:2 ...And he said unto...

jps@Judges:8:3 @...him, when he had said... that.

jps@Judges:8:5 ...And he said unto...

jps@Judges:8:18 ...Then said he...

jps@Judges:8:20 ...And he said unto...-born: 'Up, and slay them.' But the youth drew not his sword; for he feared, because he was yet a youth.

jps@Judges:8:22 @...the men of Israel said unto...

jps@Judges:8:23 ...And Gideon said unto...

jps@Judges:8:24 ...And Gideon said unto...-rings of his spoil.'--For they had golden ear-rings, because they were Ishmaelites.

jps@Judges:9:7 @...voice, and cried, and said unto...

jps@Judges:9:8 @...over them; and they said unto...-tree: Reign thou over us.

jps@Judges:9:9 @ But the olive-tree said unto them: Should I leave my fatness, seeing that by me they honour God and man, and go to hold sway over the trees?

jps@Judges:9:10 ...And the trees said to...-tree: Come thou, and reign over us.

jps@Judges:9:11 @ But the fig-tree said unto them: Should I leave my sweetness, and my good fruitage, and go to hold sway over the trees?

jps@Judges:9:12 ...And the trees said unto...

jps@Judges:9:13 ...And the vine said unto...

jps@Judges:9:14 ...Then said all...

jps@Judges:9:15 ...And the bramble said unto...

jps@Judges:9:29 @...remove Abimelech.' And he said to...

jps@Judges:9:36 @...the mountains.' And Zebul said unto...

jps@Judges:9:38 @...thy mouth, that thou saidst: Who...

jps@Judges:9:48 @...his shoulder; and he said unto...

jps@Judges:9:54 @ Then he called hastily unto the young man his armour-bearer, and said unto him: 'Draw thy sword, and kill me, that men say not of me: A woman slew him.' And his young man thrust him through, and he died.

jps@Judges:10:11 ...And the LORD said unto...

jps@Judges:10:15 @...the children of Israel said unto...

jps@Judges:10:18 @...the princes of Gilead, said one...

jps@Judges:11:2 @...drove out Jephthah, and said unto...

jps@Judges:11:6 ...And they said unto...

jps@Judges:11:7 ...And Jephthah said unto...

jps@Judges:11:8 @...the elders of Gilead said unto...

jps@Judges:11:9 ...And Jephthah said unto...

jps@Judges:11:10 @...the elders of Gilead said unto...

jps@Judges:11:15 ...and he said unto...

jps@Judges:11:19 @...of Heshbon; and Israel said unto...

jps@Judges:11:36 ...And she said unto...

jps@Judges:11:37 ...And she said unto...

jps@Judges:12:1 Zaphon; and they said unto...

jps@Judges:12:2 ...And Jephthah said unto...

jps@Judges:12:5 @...the men of Gilead said unto...

jps@Judges:12:6 Shibboleth'; and he said 'Sibboleth';...

jps@Judges:13:3 @...unto the woman, and said unto...

jps@Judges:13:7 ...but he said unto...

jps@Judges:13:10 @...told her husband, and said unto...

jps@Judges:13:11 @...the woman?' And he said: 'I...

jps@Judges:13:13 @...'Of all that I said unto...

jps@Judges:13:15 ...And Manoah said unto...

jps@Judges:13:16 @...angel of the LORD said unto...-offering, thou must offer it unto the LORD.' For Manoah knew not that he was the angel of the LORD.

jps@Judges:13:17 ...And Manoah said unto...

jps@Judges:13:18 @...angel of the LORD said unto...

jps@Judges:13:22 ...And Manoah said unto...

jps@Judges:13:23 ...But his wife said unto...-offering and a meal- offering at our hand, neither would He have shown us all these things, nor would at this time have told such things as these.'

jps@Judges:14:3 @...uncircumcised Philistines?' And Samson said unto...

jps@Judges:14:12 ...And Samson said unto...

jps@Judges:14:13 @...of raiment.' And they said unto...

jps@Judges:14:14 ...And he said unto...

jps@Judges:14:15 @...seventh day, that they said unto...

jps@Judges:14:16 me?' And he said unto...

jps@Judges:14:18 @...a lion? And he said unto...

jps@Judges:15:3 ...And Samson said unto...

jps@Judges:15:7 ...And Samson said unto...

jps@Judges:15:11 @...unto us?' And he said unto...

jps@Judges:15:12 @...the Philistines.' And Samson said unto...

jps@Judges:16:5 @...up unto her, and said unto...

jps@Judges:16:6 ...And Delilah said to...

jps@Judges:16:7 ...And Samson said unto...

jps@Judges:16:9 @ Now she had liers-in-...inner chamber. And she said unto...

jps@Judges:16:10 ...And Delilah said unto...

jps@Judges:16:11 ...And he said unto...

jps@Judges:16:12 @...bound him therewith, and said unto...-in-wait were abiding in the inner chamber. And he broke them from off his arms like a thread.

jps@Judges:16:13 bound.' And he said unto...

jps@Judges:16:14 @...with the pin, and said unto...

jps@Judges:16:15 ...And she said unto...

jps@Judges:16:17 @...all his heart, and said unto...

jps@Judges:16:26 ...And Samson said unto...

jps@Judges:17:2' And his mother said: 'Blessed...

jps@Judges:17:9 @...comest thou?' And he said unto...-lehem in Judah, and I go to sojourn where I may find a place.'

jps@Judges:17:10 ...And Micah said unto...

jps@Judges:17:13 ...Then said Micah:...

jps@Judges:18:2 it; and they said unto...-country of Ephraim, unto the house of Micah, and lodged there.

jps@Judges:18:3 @...turned aside thither, and said unto...

jps@Judges:18:4 ...And he said unto...

jps@Judges:18:5 ...And they said unto...

jps@Judges:18:6 ...And the priest said unto...

jps@Judges:18:8 @...Eshtaol; and their brethren said unto...

jps@Judges:18:14 of Laish, and said unto...

jps@Judges:18:18 @...molten image, the priest said unto...

jps@Judges:18:19 ...And they said unto...

jps@Judges:18:23 @...turned their faces, and said unto...

jps@Judges:18:25 @...the children of Dan said unto...

jps@Judges:19:5 @...and the damsel's father said unto...-in-law: 'Stay thy heart with a morsel of bread, and afterward ye shall go your way.'

jps@Judges:19:6 @...and the damsel's father said unto...

jps@Judges:19:9 @ And when the man rose up to depart, he, and his concubine, and his servant, his father-in-law, the damsel's father, said unto him: 'Behold, now the day draweth toward evening; tarry, I pray you, all night; behold, the day groweth to an end; lodge here, that thy heart may be merry; and to-morrow get you early on your way, that thou mayest go home.'

jps@Judges:19:11 @ When they were by Jebus--the day was far spent--the servant said unto his master: 'Come, I pray thee, and let us turn aside into this city of the Jebusites, and lodge in it.'

jps@Judges:19:12 ...And his master said unto...

jps@Judges:19:13 ...And he said unto...

jps@Judges:19:18 ...And he said unto...-lehem in Judah unto the farther side of the hill-country of Ephraim; from thence am I, and I went to Beth-lehem in Judah, and I am now going to the house of the LORD; and there is no man that taketh me into his house.

jps@Judges:19:23 @...out unto them, and said unto...

jps@Judges:19:28 ...And he said unto...

jps@Ruth:1:8 ...And Naomi said unto...-in-law: 'Go, return each of you to her mother's house; the LORD deal kindly with you, as ye have dealt with the dead, and with me.

jps@Ruth:1:10 ...And they said unto...

jps@Ruth:1:20 ...And she said unto...

jps@Ruth:2:2 @...find favour.' And she said unto...

jps@Ruth:2:4 @ And, behold, Boaz came from Beth-lehem, and said unto the reapers: 'The LORD be with you.' And they answered him: 'The LORD bless thee.'

jps@Ruth:2:5 ...Then said Boaz...

jps@Ruth:2:8 ...Then said Boaz...

jps@Ruth:2:10 the ground, and said unto...

jps@Ruth:2:11 @...And Boaz answered and said unto...-in-law since the death of thy husband; and how thou hast left thy father and thy mother, and the land of thy nativity, and art come unto a people that thou knewest not heretofore.

jps@Ruth:2:14 ...And Boaz said unto...-time: 'Come hither, and eat of the bread, and dip thy morsel in the vinegar.' And she sat beside the reapers; and they reached her parched corn, and she did eat and was satisfied, and left thereof.

jps@Ruth:2:19 @ And her mother-in-law said unto her: 'Where hast thou gleaned to-day? and where wroughtest thou? blessed be he that did take knowledge of thee.' And she told her mother-in-...she had wrought, and said: 'The...-day is Boaz.'

jps@Ruth:2:20 ...And Naomi said unto...-in-...the dead.' And Naomi said unto...

jps@Ruth:2:21 @...Moabitess said: 'Yea, he said unto...

jps@Ruth:2:22 ...And Naomi said unto...-in-law: 'It is good, my daughter, that thou go out with his maidens, and that thou be not met in any other field.'

jps@Ruth:3:1 @ And Naomi her mother-in-law said unto her: 'My daughter, shall I not seek rest for thee, that it may be well with thee?

jps@Ruth:3:5 ...And she said unto...

jps@Ruth:3:17 @...he me; for he said to...-in-law.'

jps@Ruth:3:18 ...Then said she:...

jps@Ruth:4:3 ...And he said unto...

jps@Ruth:4:5 ...Then said Boaz:...--hast thou also bought of Ruth the Moabitess, the wife of the dead, to raise up the name of the dead upon his inheritance?'

jps@Ruth:4:8 @...So the near kinsman said unto...

jps@Ruth:4:9 ...And Boaz said unto...

jps@Ruth:4:14 ...And the women said unto...

jps@1Samuel:1:8 @...And Elkanah her husband said unto...

jps@1Samuel:1:14 ...And Eli said unto...

jps@1Samuel:1:22 @...not up; for she said unto...

jps@1Samuel:1:23 @...And Elkanah her husband said unto...

jps@1Samuel:2:15 @...priest's servant came, and said to...

jps@1Samuel:2:16 @...And if the man said unto...

jps@1Samuel:2:23 ...And he said unto...

jps@1Samuel:2:27 @...God unto Eli, and said unto...

jps@1Samuel:2:30 @...of Israel, saith: I said indeed...

jps@1Samuel:3:9 ...Therefore Eli said unto...

jps@1Samuel:3:11 ...And the LORD said to...

jps@1Samuel:4:16 ...And the man said unto...-...the army.' And he said: 'How...

jps@1Samuel:4:20 @...that stood by her said unto...

jps@1Samuel:6:4 ...Then said Him?' And they said: 'Five...

jps@1Samuel:7:6 @...on that day, and said there:...

jps@1Samuel:7:8 @...the children of Israel said to...

jps@1Samuel:8:5 ...And they said unto...

jps@1Samuel:8:7 ...And the LORD said unto...

jps@1Samuel:8:22 @...a king.' And Samuel said unto...

jps@1Samuel:9:3 @...were lost. And Kish said to...

jps@1Samuel:9:5 of Zuph, Saul said to...

jps@1Samuel:9:6 ...And he said unto...

jps@1Samuel:9:7 ...Then said Saul...

jps@1Samuel:9:10 his servant: 'Well said; come,...

jps@1Samuel:9:11 draw water, and said unto...

jps@1Samuel:9:17 of whom I said unto...

jps@1Samuel:9:23 @...thee, of which I said unto...

jps@1Samuel:9:27 @...of the city, Samuel said to...--and he passed on--but stand thou still at this time, that I may cause thee to hear the word of God.'

jps@1Samuel:10:11 @...prophets, then the people said one...

jps@1Samuel:10:14 @...went ye?' And he said: 'To...

jps@1Samuel:10:15 @...pray thee, what Samuel said unto...

jps@1Samuel:10:16 ...And Saul said unto...

jps@1Samuel:10:18 ...And he said unto...

jps@1Samuel:10:19 @...distresses; and ye have said unto...

jps@1Samuel:10:24 @...the people shouted, and said: 'Long...

jps@1Samuel:11:1 @ Then Nahash the Ammonite came up, and encamped against Jabesh-...the men of Jabesh said unto...

jps@1Samuel:11:2 @...And Nahash the Ammonite said unto...

jps@1Samuel:11:3 @...the elders of Jabesh said unto...

jps@1Samuel:11:9 ...And they said unto...-gilead: To-morrow, by the time the sun is hot, ye shall have deliverance.' And the messengers came and told the men of Jabesh; and they were glad.

jps@1Samuel:11:12 @...'Who is he that said: Shall...

jps@1Samuel:11:14 ...Then said Samuel...

jps@1Samuel:12:1 all that ye said unto...

jps@1Samuel:12:5 hand.' And they said: 'He...

jps@1Samuel:12:6 ...And Samuel said unto...

jps@1Samuel:12:12 @...came against you, ye said unto...

jps@1Samuel:12:19 @...And all the people said unto...

jps@1Samuel:12:20 ...And Samuel said unto...

jps@1Samuel:13:12 ...therefore said I:...-offering.'

jps@1Samuel:13:13 ...And Samuel said to...

jps@1Samuel:14:1 @...the son of Saul said unto...

jps@1Samuel:14:6 ...And Jonathan said to...

jps@1Samuel:14:7 @ And his armour-bearer said unto him: 'Do all that is in thy heart; turn thee, behold I am with thee according to thy heart.'

jps@1Samuel:14:8 ...Then said Jonathan:...

jps@1Samuel:14:12 @ And the men of the garrison spoke to Jonathan and his armour-...a thing.' And Jonathan said unto...-bearer: 'Come up after me; for the LORD hath delivered them into the hand of Israel.'

jps@1Samuel:14:17 ...Then said Saul...-bearer were not there.

jps@1Samuel:14:18 ...And Saul said unto...

jps@1Samuel:14:19 @...and increased; and Saul said unto...

jps@1Samuel:14:29 ...Then said Jonathan:...

jps@1Samuel:14:36 @...good unto thee.' Then said the...

jps@1Samuel:14:40 @...side.' And the people said unto...

jps@1Samuel:14:41 ...Therefore Saul said unto...

jps@1Samuel:14:43 @...Jonathan told him, and said: 'I...

jps@1Samuel:14:45 ...And the people said unto...

jps@1Samuel:15:1 ...And Samuel said unto...

jps@1Samuel:15:6 ...And Saul said unto...

jps@1Samuel:15:13 Saul; and Saul said unto...

jps@1Samuel:15:16 @...this night.' And he said unto...

jps@1Samuel:15:20 ...And Saul said unto...

jps@1Samuel:15:24 ...And Saul said unto...

jps@1Samuel:15:26 ...And Samuel said unto...

jps@1Samuel:15:28 ...And Samuel said unto...

jps@1Samuel:15:32 chains. And Agag said: 'Surely...

jps@1Samuel:16:1 ...And the LORD said unto...-lehemite; for I have provided Me a king among his sons.'

jps@1Samuel:16:7 ...But the LORD said unto...

jps@1Samuel:16:10 @...before Samuel. And Samuel said unto...

jps@1Samuel:16:11 @...the sheep.' And Samuel said unto...

jps@1Samuel:16:15 ...And Saul's servants said unto...

jps@1Samuel:16:17 ...And Saul said unto...

jps@1Samuel:17:8 @...armies of Israel, and said unto...

jps@1Samuel:17:17 ...And Jesse said unto...

jps@1Samuel:17:32 ...And David said to...

jps@1Samuel:17:33 ...And Saul said to...

jps@1Samuel:17:34 ...And David said unto...

jps@1Samuel:17:37 @...this Philistine.' And Saul said unto...

jps@1Samuel:17:39 @...tried it. And David said unto...

jps@1Samuel:17:43 ...And the Philistine said unto...

jps@1Samuel:17:44 ...And the Philistine said to...

jps@1Samuel:17:45 ...Then said David...

jps@1Samuel:17:55 @...this youth?' And Abner said: 'As...

jps@1Samuel:17:58 ...And Saul said to...-lehemite.'

jps@1Samuel:18:17 @...LORD'S battles.' For Saul said: 'Let...

jps@1Samuel:18:18 ...And David said unto...-in-law to the king?'

jps@1Samuel:18:21 @...against him.' Wherefore Saul said to...-in-law through the one of the twain.'

jps@1Samuel:19:4 @...Saul his father, and said unto...

jps@1Samuel:19:17 @...Michal answered Saul: 'He said unto...

jps@1Samuel:20:1 @...Ramah, and came and said before...

jps@1Samuel:20:2 ...And he said unto...

jps@1Samuel:20:4 ...Then said Jonathan...

jps@1Samuel:20:5 ...And David said unto...-morrow is the new moon, when I should sit with the king to eat; so let me go, that I may hide myself in the field unto the third day at even.

jps@1Samuel:20:10 ...Then said David...

jps@1Samuel:20:11 ...And Jonathan said unto...

jps@1Samuel:20:12 ...And Jonathan said unto...--when I have sounded my father about this time to-morrow, or the third day, behold, if there be good toward David, shall I not then send unto thee, and disclose it unto thee?

jps@1Samuel:20:18 ...And Jonathan said unto...-morrow is the new moon; and thou wilt be missed, thy seat will be empty.

jps@1Samuel:20:27 @...was empty; and Saul said unto...-day?'

jps@1Samuel:20:30 @...against Jonathan, and he said unto...

jps@1Samuel:20:32 @...Saul his father, and said unto...

jps@1Samuel:20:36 ...And he said unto...

jps@1Samuel:20:40 @...unto his lad, and said unto...

jps@1Samuel:20:42 ...And Jonathan said to...

jps@1Samuel:21:1 David trembling, and said unto...

jps@1Samuel:21:2 @...a business, and hath said unto...

jps@1Samuel:21:5 @...answered the priest, and said unto...-day, when there shall be holy bread in their vessels?'

jps@1Samuel:21:8 ...And David said unto...

jps@1Samuel:21:11 @...the servants of Achish said unto...

jps@1Samuel:21:14 ...Then said Achish...

jps@1Samuel:22:3 @...of Moab; and he said unto...

jps@1Samuel:22:5 @...And the prophet Gad said unto...

jps@1Samuel:22:7 ...And Saul said unto...

jps@1Samuel:22:13 ...And Saul said unto...

jps@1Samuel:22:17 ...And the king said unto...

jps@1Samuel:22:18 ...And the king said to...

jps@1Samuel:22:22 ...And David said unto...

jps@1Samuel:23:2 @...Philistines?' And the LORD said unto...

jps@1Samuel:23:3 ...And David's men said unto...

jps@1Samuel:23:9 @...against him; and he said to...

jps@1Samuel:23:10 ...Then said David:...

jps@1Samuel:23:12 @...Saul?' And the LORD said: 'They...

jps@1Samuel:23:17 ...And he said unto...

jps@1Samuel:24:4 @...which the LORD hath said unto...

jps@1Samuel:24:6 ...And he said unto...

jps@1Samuel:24:9 ...And David said to...

jps@1Samuel:24:17 ...And he said to...

jps@1Samuel:25:5 @...young men, and David said unto...

jps@1Samuel:25:13 ...And David said unto...

jps@1Samuel:25:19 ...And she said unto...

jps@1Samuel:25:32 ...And David said to...

jps@1Samuel:25:35 @...brought him; and he said unto...

jps@1Samuel:26:6 @...the camp?' And Abishai said: 'I...

jps@1Samuel:26:8 ...Then said Abishai...

jps@1Samuel:26:9 ...And David said to...

jps@1Samuel:26:15 ...And David said to...

jps@1Samuel:26:21 ...Then said Saul:...

jps@1Samuel:26:25 ...Then Saul said to...

jps@1Samuel:27:1 ...And David said in...

jps@1Samuel:27:5 ...And David said unto...

jps@1Samuel:28:1 @...with Israel. And Achish said unto...

jps@1Samuel:28:2 @...will do.' And Achish said to...

jps@1Samuel:28:7 @...her.' And his servants said to...-dor.'

jps@1Samuel:28:9 ...And the woman said unto...

jps@1Samuel:28:11 @...unto thee?' And he said: 'Bring...

jps@1Samuel:28:13 @...thou?' And the woman said unto...

jps@1Samuel:28:14 @...he of?' And she said: 'An...

jps@1Samuel:28:15 ...And Samuel said to...

jps@1Samuel:28:21 @...was sore affrighted, and said unto...

jps@1Samuel:29:3 @...Hebrews here?' And Achish said unto...

jps@1Samuel:29:4 @...princes of the Philistines said unto...

jps@1Samuel:29:6 @...Achish called David, and said unto...

jps@1Samuel:29:8 ...And David said unto...

jps@1Samuel:29:9 @...of the Philistines have said: He...

jps@1Samuel:30:7 ...And David said to...

jps@1Samuel:30:13 thou?' And he said: 'I...

jps@1Samuel:30:15 @...this troop?' And he said: 'Swear...

jps@1Samuel:30:23 ...Then said David:...

jps@1Samuel:31:4 ...Then said Saul...-bearer: 'Draw thy sword, and thrust me through therewith; lest these uncircumcised come and thrust me through, and make a mock of me.' But his armour-bearer would not; for he was sore afraid. Therefore Saul took his sword, and fell upon it.

jps@2Samuel:1:3 @...comest thou?' And he said unto...

jps@2Samuel:1:4 ...And David said unto...

jps@2Samuel:1:5 ...And David said unto...

jps@2Samuel:1:8 ...And he said unto...

jps@2Samuel:1:9 ...And he said unto...

jps@2Samuel:1:13 ...And David said unto...

jps@2Samuel:1:14 ...And David said unto...

jps@2Samuel:1:16 ...And David said unto...

jps@2Samuel:2:1 @...go up?' And He said: 'Unto...

jps@2Samuel:2:5 @ And David sent messengers unto the men of Jabesh-gilead, and said unto them: 'Blessed be ye of the LORD, that ye have shown this kindness unto your lord, even unto Saul, and have buried him.

jps@2Samuel:2:14 @...before us.' And Joab said: 'Let...

jps@2Samuel:2:21 ...And Abner said to...

jps@2Samuel:2:22 ...And Abner said again...

jps@2Samuel:3:7 @ Now Saul had a concubine, whose name was Rizpah, the daughter of Aiah; and Ish-bosheth said to Abner: 'Wherefore hast thou gone in unto my father's concubine?'

jps@2Samuel:3:16 @...her to Bahurim. Then said Abner...

jps@2Samuel:3:21 ...And Abner said unto...

jps@2Samuel:3:31 ...And David said to...

jps@2Samuel:3:38 ...And the king said unto...

jps@2Samuel:4:8 @ And they brought the head of Ish-...David to Hebron, and said to...-bosheth the son of Saul thine enemy, who sought thy life; and the LORD hath avenged my lord the king this day of Saul, and of his seed.'

jps@2Samuel:4:9 @...Rimmon the Beerothite, and said unto...

jps@2Samuel:5:2 @...Israel; and the LORD said to...

jps@2Samuel:5:8 ...And David said on...--.' Wherefore they say: 'There are the blind and the lame; he cannot come into the house.'

jps@2Samuel:5:19 @...hand?' And the LORD said unto...

jps@2Samuel:6:21 ...And David said unto...

jps@2Samuel:7:2 ...that the king said unto...

jps@2Samuel:7:3 ...And Nathan said to...

jps@2Samuel:9:2 @...thou Ziba?' And he said: 'Thy...

jps@2Samuel:9:3 @...unto him?' And Ziba said unto...

jps@2Samuel:9:4 he?' And Ziba said unto...-debar.'

jps@2Samuel:9:7 ...And David said unto...

jps@2Samuel:9:9 @...Ziba, Saul's servant, and said unto...

jps@2Samuel:9:11 ...Then said Ziba...

jps@2Samuel:10:3 @...the children of Ammon said unto...

jps@2Samuel:11:8 ...And David said to...

jps@2Samuel:11:10 @...unto his house', David said unto...

jps@2Samuel:11:11 ...And Uriah said unto...

jps@2Samuel:11:12 ...And David said to...-day also, and to-morrow I will let thee depart.' So Uriah abode in Jerusalem that day, and the morrow.

jps@2Samuel:11:23 ...And the messenger said unto...

jps@2Samuel:11:25 ...Then David said unto...

jps@2Samuel:12:1 @...came unto him, and said unto...

jps@2Samuel:12:5 @...the man; and he said to...

jps@2Samuel:12:7 ...And Nathan said to...

jps@2Samuel:12:13 @...the LORD.' And Nathan said unto...

jps@2Samuel:12:19 @...child dead?' And they said: 'He...

jps@2Samuel:12:21 ...Then said his...

jps@2Samuel:13:4 @...tell me?' And Amnon said unto...

jps@2Samuel:13:5 ...And Jonadab said unto...

jps@2Samuel:13:6 see him, Amnon said unto...

jps@2Samuel:13:10 ...And Amnon said unto...

jps@2Samuel:13:11 @...hold of her, and said unto...

jps@2Samuel:13:15 @...loved her. And Amnon said unto...

jps@2Samuel:13:16 ...And she said unto...

jps@2Samuel:13:20 @...And Absalom her brother said unto...

jps@2Samuel:13:25 ...And the king said to...

jps@2Samuel:13:26' And the king said unto...

jps@2Samuel:13:35 @...come; as thy servant said, so...

jps@2Samuel:14:2 @...a wise woman, and said unto...

jps@2Samuel:14:5 ...And the king said unto...

jps@2Samuel:14:8 ...And the king said unto...

jps@2Samuel:14:9 @...the woman of Tekoa said unto...

jps@2Samuel:14:11 son.' And he said: 'As...

jps@2Samuel:14:18 @...thee.' And the woman said: 'Let...

jps@2Samuel:14:21 ...And the king said unto...

jps@2Samuel:14:30 ...Therefore he said unto...

jps@2Samuel:14:31 @...unto his house, and said unto...

jps@2Samuel:15:3 ...And Absalom said unto...

jps@2Samuel:15:4 ...Absalom said moreover:...

jps@2Samuel:15:7 @...forty years, that Absalom said unto...

jps@2Samuel:15:9 ...And the king said unto...

jps@2Samuel:15:14 ...And David said unto...

jps@2Samuel:15:15 @...And the king's servants said unto...

jps@2Samuel:15:19 ...Then said the...

jps@2Samuel:15:22 ...And David said to...

jps@2Samuel:15:25 ...And the king said unto...

jps@2Samuel:15:27 ...The king said also...

jps@2Samuel:15:33 ...And David said unto...

jps@2Samuel:16:2 these?' And Ziba said: 'The...

jps@2Samuel:16:3 @...master's son?' And Ziba said unto...-day will the house of Israel restore me the kingdom of my father.'

jps@2Samuel:16:4 @...unto Mephibosheth.' And Ziba said: 'I...

jps@2Samuel:16:7 ...And thus said Shimei...

jps@2Samuel:16:9 ...Then said Abishai...

jps@2Samuel:16:10 @...because the LORD hath said unto...

jps@2Samuel:16:11 ...And David said to...

jps@2Samuel:16:16 @...unto Absalom, that Hushai said unto...

jps@2Samuel:16:17 ...And Absalom said to...

jps@2Samuel:16:18 ...And Hushai said unto...

jps@2Samuel:16:20 ...Then said Absalom...

jps@2Samuel:16:21 ...And Ahithophel said unto...

jps@2Samuel:17:1 ...Moreover Ahithophel said unto...

jps@2Samuel:17:5 ...Then said Absalom:...

jps@2Samuel:17:7 ...And Hushai said unto...

jps@2Samuel:17:8 ...Hushai said moreover:...

jps@2Samuel:17:15 ...Then said Hushai...

jps@2Samuel:17:20 @...Jonathan?' And the woman said unto...

jps@2Samuel:17:21 @...king David; and they said unto...

jps@2Samuel:18:2 @...Gittite. And the king said unto...

jps@2Samuel:18:4 ...And the king said unto...-side, and all the people went out by hundreds and by thousands.

jps@2Samuel:18:11 ...And Joab said unto...

jps@2Samuel:18:12 ...And the man said unto...

jps@2Samuel:18:14 ...Then said Joab:...

jps@2Samuel:18:19 ...Then said Ahimaaz...

jps@2Samuel:18:20 ...And Joab said unto...

jps@2Samuel:18:21 ...Then said Joab...

jps@2Samuel:18:22 @...the Cushite.' And Joab said: 'Wherefore...

jps@2Samuel:18:23 @...will run.' And he said unto...

jps@2Samuel:18:28 the earth, and said: 'Blessed...

jps@2Samuel:18:32 ...And the king said unto...

jps@2Samuel:19:19 ...And he said unto...

jps@2Samuel:19:23 ...And the king said unto...

jps@2Samuel:19:25 @...king, that the king said unto...

jps@2Samuel:19:29 ...And the king said unto...

jps@2Samuel:19:30 ...And Mephibosheth said unto...

jps@2Samuel:19:33 ...And the king said unto...

jps@2Samuel:19:34 ...And Barzillai said unto...

jps@2Samuel:19:41 the king, and said unto...

jps@2Samuel:20:4 ...Then said the...

jps@2Samuel:20:6 ...And David said to...

jps@2Samuel:20:9 ...And Joab said to...

jps@2Samuel:20:17 @...'I am.' Then she said unto...

jps@2Samuel:20:21 @ The matter is not so; but a man of the' And the woman said unto...

jps@2Samuel:21:2 @...called the Gibeonites, and said unto...--now the Gibeonites were not of the children of Israel, but of the remnant of the Amorites; and the children of Israel had sworn unto them; and Saul sought to slay them in his zeal for the children of Israel and Judah--

jps@2Samuel:21:3 ...and David said unto...

jps@2Samuel:21:4 Israel.' And he said: 'What...

jps@2Samuel:21:5 ...And they said unto...

jps@2Samuel:24:2 ...And the king said to...-sheba, and number ye the people, that I may know the sum of the people.'

jps@2Samuel:24:3 ...And Joab said unto...

jps@2Samuel:24:10 @...the people. And David said unto...

jps@2Samuel:24:13 @...and told him, and said unto...

jps@2Samuel:24:14 ...And David said unto...

jps@2Samuel:24:16 @...of the evil, and said to...-floor of Araunah the Jebusite.

jps@2Samuel:24:18 to David, and said unto...-floor of Araunah the Jebusite.'

jps@2Samuel:24:22 ...And Araunah said unto...-offering, and the threshing-instruments and the furniture of the oxen for the wood.'

jps@2Samuel:24:23 @...the king. And Araunah said unto...

jps@2Samuel:24:24 ...And the king said unto...-offerings unto the LORD my God which cost me nothing.' So David bought the threshing-floor and the oxen for fifty shekels of silver.

jps@1Kings:1:2 ...Wherefore his servants said unto...

jps@1Kings:1:17 ...And she said unto...

jps@1Kings:1:33 ...And the king said unto...

jps@1Kings:1:43 @...And Jonathan answered and said to...

jps@1Kings:1:48 ...And also thus said the...

jps@1Kings:1:53 @...king Solomon; and Solomon said unto...

jps@1Kings:2:4 @...shall not fail thee, said He,...

jps@1Kings:2:14 @...unto thee.' And she said: 'Say...

jps@1Kings:2:16 not.' And she said unto...

jps@1Kings:2:20 @...not.' And the king said unto...

jps@1Kings:2:22 @...king Solomon answered and said unto...

jps@1Kings:2:26 @...unto Abiathar the priest said the...

jps@1Kings:2:30 @...the king, saying: 'Thus said Joab,...

jps@1Kings:2:31 @...'Do as he hath said, and...

jps@1Kings:2:36 @...called for Shimei, and said unto...

jps@1Kings:2:38 @...lord the king hath said, so...

jps@1Kings:2:42 @...surely die? and thou saidst unto...

jps@1Kings:2:44 ...The king said moreover...

jps@1Kings:3:11 ...And God said unto...

jps@1Kings:3:23 ...Then said the...

jps@1Kings:8:12 @...Solomon: The LORD hath said that...

jps@1Kings:8:18 ...But the LORD said unto...

jps@1Kings:9:3 ...And the LORD said unto...

jps@1Kings:10:6 ...And she said to...

jps@1Kings:11:2 @...concerning which the LORD said unto...

jps@1Kings:11:11 ...Wherefore the LORD said unto...

jps@1Kings:11:21 was dead, Hadad said to...

jps@1Kings:11:22 ...Then Pharaoh said unto...

jps@1Kings:11:31 ...And he said to...--

jps@1Kings:12:5 ...And he said unto...

jps@1Kings:12:9 ...And he said unto...

jps@1Kings:12:26 ...And Jeroboam said in...

jps@1Kings:12:28 @...of gold; and he said unto...

jps@1Kings:13:6 @...the king answered and said unto...

jps@1Kings:13:7 ...And the king said unto...

jps@1Kings:13:8 @...the man of God said unto...

jps@1Kings:13:12 ...And their father said unto...

jps@1Kings:13:13 ...And he said unto...

jps@1Kings:13:14 @...from Judah?' And he said: 'I...

jps@1Kings:13:15 ...Then he said unto...

jps@1Kings:13:17 ...For it was said to...

jps@1Kings:13:18 ...And he said unto...--He lied unto him.--

jps@1Kings:13:22 of which He said to...

jps@1Kings:14:2 ...And Jeroboam said to...

jps@1Kings:14:5 @...Now the LORD had said unto...

jps@1Kings:17:1 @...the settlers of Gilead, said unto...

jps@1Kings:17:13 as thou hast said; but...

jps@1Kings:17:18 ...And she said unto...

jps@1Kings:17:19 ...And he said unto...

jps@1Kings:17:24 ...And the woman said to...

jps@1Kings:18:5 ...And Ahab said unto...

jps@1Kings:18:17 @...saw Elijah, that Ahab said unto...

jps@1Kings:18:22 ...Then said Elijah...

jps@1Kings:18:25 ...And Elijah said unto...

jps@1Kings:18:30 ...And Elijah said unto...

jps@1Kings:18:40 ...And Elijah said unto...

jps@1Kings:18:41 ...And Elijah said unto...

jps@1Kings:18:43 nothing.' And he said: 'Go...

jps@1Kings:19:5 @ And he lay down and slept under a broom-...angel touched him, and said unto...

jps@1Kings:19:9 him, and He said unto...

jps@1Kings:19:15 ...And the LORD said unto...

jps@1Kings:19:20 @...follow thee.' And he said unto...

jps@1Kings:20:3 ...and said unto...-hadad: Thy silver and thy gold is mine; thy wives also and thy children, even the goodliest, are mine.'

jps@1Kings:20:8 @...and all the people said unto...

jps@1Kings:20:9 ...Wherefore he said unto...-hadad: 'Tell my lord the king: All that thou didst send for to thy servant at the first I will do; but this thing I may not do.' And the messengers departed, and brought him back word.

jps@1Kings:20:12 @ And it came to pass, when Ben-...the booths, that he said unto...

jps@1Kings:20:22 @...king of Israel, and said unto...

jps@1Kings:20:23 @...the king of Aram said unto...

jps@1Kings:20:31 ...And his servants said unto...

jps@1Kings:20:34 @ And Ben-hadad said unto him: 'The cities which my father took from thy father I will restore; and thou shalt make streets for thee in Damascus, as my father made in Samaria.' 'And I,said Ahab, will let thee go with this covenant.' So he made a covenant with him, and let him go.

jps@1Kings:20:35 @...sons of the prophets said unto...

jps@1Kings:20:36 ...Then said he...

jps@1Kings:20:40 @...the king of Israel said unto...

jps@1Kings:20:42 ...And he said unto...

jps@1Kings:21:3 ...And Naboth said to...

jps@1Kings:21:5 @...came to him, and said unto...

jps@1Kings:21:6 @...Naboth the Jezreelite, and said unto...

jps@1Kings:21:7 @...And Jezebel his wife said unto...

jps@1Kings:21:15 @...was dead, that Jezebel said to...

jps@1Kings:21:20 ...And Ahab said to...

jps@1Kings:22:3 @...the king of Israel said unto...-gilead is ours, and we are still, and take it not out of the hand of the king of Aram?'

jps@1Kings:22:4 ...And he said unto...-gilead?' And Jehoshaphat said to the king of Israel: 'I am as thou art, my people as thy people, my horses as thy horses.'

jps@1Kings:22:5 ...And Jehoshaphat said unto...

jps@1Kings:22:6 @...four hundred men, and said unto...-...I forbear?' And they said: 'Go...

jps@1Kings:22:8 @...but evil.' And Jehoshaphat said: 'Let...

jps@1Kings:22:15 @...the king, the king said unto...-gilead to battle, or shall we forbear?' And he answered him: 'Go up, and prosper; and the LORD will deliver it into the hand of the king.'

jps@1Kings:22:16 ...And the king said unto...

jps@1Kings:22:18 @...the king of Israel said to...

jps@1Kings:22:22 @...his prophets. And He said: Thou...

jps@1Kings:22:30 @...the king of Israel said unto...

jps@1Kings:22:34 @...the breastplate; wherefore he said unto...

jps@1Kings:22:49 ...Then said Ahaziah...

jps@2Kings:1:2 @...he sent messengers, and said unto...-zebub the god of Ekron whether I shall recover of this sickness.'

jps@2Kings:1:3 @...angel of the LORD said to...-zebub the god of Ekron?

jps@2Kings:1:5 @...unto him, and he said unto...

jps@2Kings:1:6 meet us, and said unto...-zebub the god of Ekron? therefore thou shalt not come down from the bed whither thou art gone up, but shalt surely die.'

jps@2Kings:1:7 ...And he said unto...

jps@2Kings:1:10 @...And Elijah answered and said to...

jps@2Kings:1:11 @...thus hath the king said: Come...

jps@2Kings:1:12 @...And Elijah answered and said unto...

jps@2Kings:1:13 @...and besought him, and said unto...

jps@2Kings:1:15 @...angel of the LORD said unto...

jps@2Kings:1:16 ...And he said unto...-zebub the god of Ekron, is it because there is no God in Israel to inquire of His word? therefore thou shalt not come down from the bed whether thou art gone up, but shalt surely die.'

jps@2Kings:2:2 ...And Elijah said unto...-el.' And Elisha said: 'As the LORD liveth, and as thy soul liveth, I will not leave thee.' So they went down to Beth-el.--

jps@2Kings:2:3 @ And the sons of the prophets that were at Beth-...forth to Elisha, and said unto...-day?' And he said: 'Yea, I know it; hold ye your peace.'--

jps@2Kings:2:4 Jericho.' And he said: 'As...--

jps@2Kings:2:5 @...near to Elisha, and said unto...-day?' And he answered: 'Yea, I know it; hold ye your peace.'--

jps@2Kings:2:6 @...the Jordan.' And he said: 'As...

jps@2Kings:2:9 @...from thee.' And Elisha said: 'I...

jps@2Kings:2:16 @...some valley.' And he said: 'Ye...

jps@2Kings:2:18 Jericho; and he said unto...

jps@2Kings:2:19 of the city said unto...

jps@2Kings:2:23 @ And he went up from thence unto Beth-...and mocked him, and said unto...

jps@2Kings:3:13 @...the king of Israel said unto...

jps@2Kings:4:2 @...the house?' And she said: 'Thy...

jps@2Kings:4:6 @...a vessel.' And he said unto...

jps@2Kings:4:9 ...And she said unto...

jps@2Kings:4:12 ...And he said to...

jps@2Kings:4:13 ...And he said unto...

jps@2Kings:4:17 @...round, as Elisha had said unto...

jps@2Kings:4:19 head.' And he said to...

jps@2Kings:4:24 @...saddled an ass, and said to...

jps@2Kings:4:25 @...afar off, that he said to...

jps@2Kings:4:29 ...Then he said to...

jps@2Kings:4:38 @...before him; and he said unto...

jps@2Kings:5:3 ...And she said unto...

jps@2Kings:5:4 @...saying: 'Thus and thus said the...

jps@2Kings:5:19 ...And he said unto...

jps@2Kings:5:25 @...thou, Gehazi?' And he said: 'Thy...

jps@2Kings:5:26 ...And he said unto...-servants and maid-servants?

jps@2Kings:6:1 @...sons of the prophets said unto...

jps@2Kings:6:11 @...called his servants, and said unto...

jps@2Kings:6:15 And his servant said unto...

jps@2Kings:6:19 ...And Elisha said unto...

jps@2Kings:6:21 @...the king of Israel said unto...

jps@2Kings:6:28 @...she answered: 'This woman said unto...-day, and we will eat my son to-morrow.

jps@2Kings:6:29 him; and I said unto...

jps@2Kings:6:32 @...came to him, he said to...

jps@2Kings:7:3 @...the gate; and they said one...

jps@2Kings:7:6 @...great host; and they said one...

jps@2Kings:7:9 ...Then they said one...

jps@2Kings:7:12 the night, and said unto...

jps@2Kings:8:8 ...And the king said unto...

jps@2Kings:8:10 ...And Elisha said unto...

jps@2Kings:8:14 @...said to him: 'What said Elisha...

jps@2Kings:9:1 @...of the prophets, and said unto...-gilead.

jps@2Kings:9:6 @...on his head, and said unto...

jps@2Kings:9:11 thee?' And he said unto...

jps@2Kings:9:23 @...hands, and fled, and said to...

jps@2Kings:9:25 ...Then said...

jps@2Kings:10:9 @...out, and stood, and said to...

jps@2Kings:10:15 @...'If it be, said Jehu,...

jps@2Kings:10:18 @...the people together, and said unto...

jps@2Kings:10:22 ...And he said unto...

jps@2Kings:10:23 @...of Baal; and he said unto...

jps@2Kings:10:25 @ And it came to pass, as soon as he had made an end of offering the burnt-offering, that Jehu said to the guard and to the captains: 'Go in, and slay them; let none come forth.' And they smote them with the edge of the sword; and the guard and the captains cast them out, and went to the city of the house of Baal.

jps@2Kings:10:30 ...And the LORD said unto...

jps@2Kings:11:15 @...sword'; for the priest said: 'Let...

jps@2Kings:12:4 ...And Jehoash said to...

jps@2Kings:12:7 @...the other priests, and said unto...

jps@2Kings:13:15 ...And Elisha said unto...

jps@2Kings:13:16 ...And he said to...

jps@2Kings:13:18 @...took them. And he said unto...

jps@2Kings:14:27 ...And the LORD said not...

jps@2Kings:17:12 @...whereof the LORD had said unto...

jps@2Kings:18:19 @ And Rab-shakeh said unto them: 'Say ye now to Hezekiah: Thus saith the great king, the king of Assyria: What confidence is this wherein thou trustest?

jps@2Kings:18:22 @...taken away, and hath said to...

jps@2Kings:18:25 @...destroy it? The LORD said unto...

jps@2Kings:18:26 ...Then said Eliakim...-shakeh: 'Speak, I pray thee, to thy servants in the Aramean language; for we understand it; and speak not with us in the Jews' language, in the ears of the people that are on the wall.'

jps@2Kings:18:27 @ But Rab-shakeh said unto them: 'Hath my master sent me to thy master, and to thee, to speak these words? hath he not sent me to the men that sit on the wall, to eat their own dung, and to drink their own water with you?'

jps@2Kings:19:3 ...And they said unto...

jps@2Kings:19:6 ...And Isaiah said unto...

jps@2Kings:20:1 @...came to him, and said unto...

jps@2Kings:20:8 ...And Hezekiah said unto...

jps@2Kings:20:14 @...unto thee?' And Hezekiah said: 'They...

jps@2Kings:20:16 ...And Isaiah said unto...

jps@2Kings:20:19 @...thou hast spoken.' He said moreover:...

jps@2Kings:21:7 @...of which the LORD said to...

jps@2Kings:22:8 @...Hilkiah the high priest said unto...

jps@2Kings:22:15 ...And she said unto...

jps@2Kings:25:24 their men, and said unto...

jps@1Chronicles:10:4 ...Then said Saul...-bearer: 'Draw thy sword, and thrust me through therewith; lest these uncircumcised come and make a mock of me.' But his armour-bearer would not; for he was sore afraid. Therefore Saul took his sword, and fell upon it.

jps@1Chronicles:11:2 @...the LORD thy God said unto...

jps@1Chronicles:11:5 @...the inhabitants of Jebus said to...

jps@1Chronicles:12:17 @...them, and answered and said unto...

jps@1Chronicles:13:2 ...And David said unto...

jps@1Chronicles:13:4 @...And all the assembly said that...

jps@1Chronicles:14:10 @...hand?' And the LORD said unto...

jps@1Chronicles:14:14 @...of God; and God said unto...-trees.

jps@1Chronicles:15:12 ...and said unto...

jps@1Chronicles:17:1 @...his house, that David said to...

jps@1Chronicles:17:2 ...And Nathan said unto...

jps@1Chronicles:19:3 @...the children of Ammon said to...

jps@1Chronicles:21:2 ...And David said to...

jps@1Chronicles:21:8 ...And David said unto...

jps@1Chronicles:21:11 @...came to David, and said unto...

jps@1Chronicles:21:13 ...And David said unto...

jps@1Chronicles:21:15 @...of the evil, and said to...-floor of Ornan the Jebusite.

jps@1Chronicles:21:17 ...And David said unto...

jps@1Chronicles:21:22 ...Then David said to...-floor, that I may build thereon an altar unto the LORD; for the full price shalt thou give it me; that the plague may be stayed from the people.'

jps@1Chronicles:21:23 ...And Ornan said unto...-offerings, and the threshing-instruments for wood, and the wheat for the meal-offering; I give it all'

jps@1Chronicles:21:24 ...And king David said to...-offering without cost.'

jps@1Chronicles:22:7 ...And David said to...

jps@1Chronicles:27:23 @...because the LORD had said He...

jps@1Chronicles:28:3 ...But God said unto...

jps@1Chronicles:28:6 ...And He said unto...

jps@1Chronicles:28:20 ...And David said to...

jps@1Chronicles:29:1 @...And David the king said unto...

jps@1Chronicles:29:20 ...And David said to...

jps@2Chronicles:1:7 @...appear unto Solomon, and said unto...

jps@2Chronicles:1:8 ...And Solomon said unto...

jps@2Chronicles:1:11 ...And God said to...

jps@2Chronicles:2:12 ...Huram said moreover:...

jps@2Chronicles:6:1 @...Solomon: The LORD hath said that...

jps@2Chronicles:6:8 ...But the LORD said unto...

jps@2Chronicles:6:20 whereof Thou hast said that...

jps@2Chronicles:7:12 @...Solomon by night, and said unto...

jps@2Chronicles:9:5 ...And she said to...

jps@2Chronicles:10:5 ...And he said unto...

jps@2Chronicles:10:9 ...And he said unto...

jps@2Chronicles:12:5 @...because of Shishak, and said unto...

jps@2Chronicles:14:7 ...For he said unto...

jps@2Chronicles:15:2 meet Asa, and said unto...

jps@2Chronicles:16:7 @...king of Judah, and said unto...

jps@2Chronicles:18:3 @...Ahab king of Israel said unto...-gilead?' And he answered him: 'I am as thou art, and my people as thy people; and we will be with thee in the war.'

jps@2Chronicles:18:4 ...And Jehoshaphat said unto...

jps@2Chronicles:18:5 @...four hundred men, and said unto...-...I forbear?' And they said: 'Go...

jps@2Chronicles:18:7 @...of Imla.' And Jehoshaphat said: 'Let...

jps@2Chronicles:18:14 @...the king, the king said unto...-...I forbear?' And he said: 'Go...

jps@2Chronicles:18:15 ...And the king said to...

jps@2Chronicles:18:17 @...the king of Israel said to...

jps@2Chronicles:18:20 @...him. And the LORD said unto...

jps@2Chronicles:18:29 @...the king of Israel said unto...

jps@2Chronicles:18:33 @...the breastplate; wherefore he said to...

jps@2Chronicles:19:2 meet him, and said to...

jps@2Chronicles:19:6 ...and said to...

jps@2Chronicles:23:3 @...of God. And he said unto...

jps@2Chronicles:23:14 @...sword'; for the priest said: 'Slay...

jps@2Chronicles:24:5 @...and the Levites, and said to...

jps@2Chronicles:24:20 @...above the people, and said unto...

jps@2Chronicles:25:9 ...And Amaziah said to...

jps@2Chronicles:25:15 @...him a prophet, who said unto...

jps@2Chronicles:25:16 @...the prophet forbore, and said: 'I...

jps@2Chronicles:26:18 @...Uzziah the king, and said unto...

jps@2Chronicles:28:9 @...came to Samaria, and said unto...

jps@2Chronicles:28:13 ...and said unto...

jps@2Chronicles:29:5 ...and said unto...

jps@2Chronicles:33:7 @...God, of which God said to...

jps@2Chronicles:34:15 @...and Hilkiah answered and said to...

jps@2Chronicles:34:23 ...And she said unto...

jps@2Chronicles:35:3 ...And he said unto...

jps@2Chronicles:35:23 @...Josiah; and the king said to...

jps@Ezra:2:63 @...Tirshatha said unto...

jps@Ezra:4:2 @...of fathers' houses, and said unto...

jps@Ezra:4:3 @...fathers' houses of Israel, said unto...

jps@Ezra:5:3 @ At the same time came to them Tattenai, the governor beyond the River, and Shethar-...and their companions, and said thus...

jps@Ezra:5:9 @...we those elders, and said unto...

jps@Ezra:5:15 ...and he said unto...

jps@Ezra:8:28 ...And I said unto...-offering unto the LORD, the God of your fathers.

jps@Ezra:10:2 @...of Elam, answered and said unto...

jps@Ezra:10:10 @...priest stood up, and said unto...

jps@Ezra:10:12 @...voice: 'As thou hast said, so...

jps@Nehemiah:1:3 ...And they said unto...

jps@Nehemiah:2:2 ...And the king said unto...

jps@Nehemiah:2:3 ...And I said unto...

jps@Nehemiah:2:4 ...Then the king said unto...

jps@Nehemiah:2:5 ...And I said unto...

jps@Nehemiah:2:6 ...And the king said unto...

jps@Nehemiah:2:7 ...Moreover I said unto...

jps@Nehemiah:2:17 ...Then said I...

jps@Nehemiah:2:20 @...answered I them, and said unto...

jps@Nehemiah:4:12 them came, they said unto...

jps@Nehemiah:4:14 @...and rose up, and said unto...

jps@Nehemiah:4:19 ...And I said unto...

jps@Nehemiah:4:22 the same time said I...

jps@Nehemiah:5:7 @...and the rulers, and said unto...

jps@Nehemiah:5:8 ...And I said unto...

jps@Nehemiah:5:12 ...Then said they:...

jps@Nehemiah:7:3 ...And I said unto...

jps@Nehemiah:7:65 ...And the Tirshatha said unto...

jps@Nehemiah:8:9 @...that taught the people, said unto...

jps@Nehemiah:8:10 ...Then he said unto...

jps@Nehemiah:13:17 @...nobles of Judah, and said unto...

jps@Nehemiah:13:21 @...I forewarned them, and said unto...

jps@Esther:1:13 ...Then the king said to...--for so was the king's manner toward all that knew law and judgment;

jps@Esther:2:2 ...Then said the...

jps@Esther:3:3 the king's gate, said unto...

jps@Esther:3:8 ...And Haman said unto...

jps@Esther:3:11 ...And the king said unto...

jps@Esther:5:3 ...Then said the...

jps@Esther:5:6 ...And the king said unto...

jps@Esther:5:12 ...Haman said moreover:...-morrow also am I invited by her together with the king.

jps@Esther:5:14 ...Then said Zeresh...

jps@Esther:6:3 @...Mordecai for this?' Then said the...

jps@Esther:6:5 @...court.' And the king said: 'Let...

jps@Esther:6:6 And the king said unto...--Now Haman said in his heart: 'Whom would the king delight to honour besides myself?'--

jps@Esther:6:7 ...And Haman said unto...

jps@Esther:6:10, as thou hast said, and...

jps@Esther:6:13 @...had befallen him. Then said his...

jps@Esther:7:2 ...And the king said again...

jps@Esther:7:5 @...the king Ahasuerus and said unto...

jps@Esther:7:8 @...whereon Esther was. Then said the...

jps@Esther:7:9 @...Haman.' And the king said: 'Hang...

jps@Esther:8:7 @...Then the king Ahasuerus said unto...

jps@Esther:9:12 ...And the king said unto...

jps@Esther:9:13 ...Then said Esther:...-morrow also according unto this day's decree, and let Haman's ten sons be hanged upon the gallows.'

jps@Job:1:7 @...answered the LORD, and said: 'From...

jps@Job:1:8 ...And the LORD said unto...-hearted and an upright man, one that feareth God, and shunneth evil?'

jps@Job:1:12 ...And the LORD said unto...

jps@Job:2:2 @...answered the LORD, and said: 'From...

jps@Job:2:3 ...And the LORD said unto...-hearted and an upright man, one that feareth God, and shunneth evil? and he still holdeth fast his integrity, although thou didst move Me against him, to destroy him without cause.'

jps@Job:2:6 ...And the LORD said unto...

jps@Job:2:9 ...Then said his...

jps@Job:2:10 ...But he said unto...

jps@Job:17:14 ...If I have said to...

jps@Job:21:14 ...Yet they said unto...

jps@Job:22:17 ...Who said unto...

jps@Job:31:24 hope, and have said to...

jps@Job:31:31 of my tent said not:...

jps@Job:34:31 ...For hath any said unto...

jps@Job:42:7 @...unto Job, the LORD said to...

jps@Psalms:2:7 @...the decree: the LORD said unto...

jps@Psalms:10:11 ...He hath said in...

jps@Psalms:14:1 @...David. The fool hath said in...

jps@Psalms:16:2 ...I have said unto...

jps@Psalms:30:6 ...Now I had said in...

jps@Psalms:31:22 @...As for me, I said in...

jps@Psalms:40:7 ...Then said I:...

jps@Psalms:53:1 ...The fool hath said in...

jps@Psalms:74:8 ...They said in...-places of God in the land.

jps@Psalms:106:23 ...Therefore He said that...

jps@Psalms:116:11 ...I said in...

jps@Psalms:119:57 @...the LORD, I have said that...

jps@Psalms:122:1 @...I rejoiced when they said unto...

jps@Psalms:126:2 @...tongue with singing; then said they...

jps@Psalms:140:6 ...I have said unto...

jps@Proverbs:4:4 @...he taught me, and said unto...

jps@Proverbs:7:13 impudent face she said unto...

jps@Proverbs:25:7 that it be said unto...

jps@Ecclesiastes:2:1 ...I said in...

jps@Ecclesiastes:2:2 ...I said of...

jps@Ecclesiastes:2:15 @...more wise?' Then I said in...

jps@Ecclesiastes:3:17 ...I said in...

jps@Ecclesiastes:3:18 ...I said in...

jps@Ecclesiastes:8:14 @ There is a vanity which is done upon the earth: that there are righteous men, unto whom it happeneth according to the work of the wicked; again, there are wicked men, to whom it happeneth according to the work of the righteous--I said that this also is vanity.

jps@Ecclesiastes:9:16 ...Then said I:...

jps@Songs:2:10 @...My beloved spoke, and said unto...

jps@Isaiah:5:9 ...In mine ears said the...

jps@Isaiah:6:5 ...Then said I:...

jps@Isaiah:6:11 ...Then said I:...

jps@Isaiah:7:3 ...Then said the...-jashub thy son, at the end of the conduit of the upper pool, in the highway of the fullers' field;

jps@Isaiah:8:1 ...And the LORD said unto...

jps@Isaiah:8:3 @...bore a son. Then said the...-shalal- hashbaz.

jps@Isaiah:18:4 @...thus hath the LORD said unto...-place, like clear heat in sunshine, like a cloud of dew in the heat of harvest.

jps@Isaiah:21:6 @...thus hath the Lord said unto...

jps@Isaiah:21:16 @...thus hath the Lord said unto...

jps@Isaiah:22:4 ...Therefore said I:...

jps@Isaiah:25:9 @...And it shall be said in...

jps@Isaiah:30:15 ...For thus said the...

jps@Isaiah:32:5 @...liberal, nor the churl said to...

jps@Isaiah:36:4 @ And Rab-shakeh said unto them: 'Say ye now to Hezekiah: Thus saith the great king, the king of Assyria: What confidence is this wherein thou trustest?

jps@Isaiah:36:7 @...taken away, and hath said to...

jps@Isaiah:36:10 @...destroy it? The LORD said unto...

jps@Isaiah:36:11 ...Then said Eliakim...-shakeh: 'Speak, I pray thee, unto thy servants in the Aramean language, for we understand it; and speak not to us in the Jews' language, in the ears of the people that are on the wall.'

jps@Isaiah:37:3 ...And they said unto...

jps@Isaiah:37:6 ...And Isaiah said unto...

jps@Isaiah:38:1 @...came to him, and said unto...

jps@Isaiah:39:3 @...unto thee?' And Hezekiah said: 'They...

jps@Isaiah:39:4 ...Then said he:...

jps@Isaiah:39:5 ...Then said Isaiah...

jps@Isaiah:39:8 @...thou hast spoken.' He said moreover:...

jps@Isaiah:41:6 @...neighbour; and every one said to...

jps@Isaiah:41:9 @...uttermost parts thereof, and said unto...

jps@Isaiah:45:19 of darkness; I said not...

jps@Isaiah:47:10 @...thee; and thou hast said in...

jps@Isaiah:49:3 ...And He said unto...

jps@Isaiah:51:23 @...afflict thee; that have said to...

jps@Jeremiah:1:6 ...Then said I:...

jps@Jeremiah:1:7 ...But the LORD said unto...

jps@Jeremiah:1:9 @...mouth; and the LORD said unto...

jps@Jeremiah:1:12 ...Then said the...

jps@Jeremiah:1:14 ...Then the LORD said unto...

jps@Jeremiah:2:6 ...Neither said they:...

jps@Jeremiah:2:8 ...The priests said not:...

jps@Jeremiah:3:6 ...And the LORD said unto...

jps@Jeremiah:3:11 ...even the LORD said unto...--backsliding Israel hath proved herself more righteous than treacherous Judah.

jps@Jeremiah:4:10 ...Then said I:...

jps@Jeremiah:4:11 @...time shall it be said of...

jps@Jeremiah:11:6 ...And the LORD said unto...

jps@Jeremiah:11:9 ...And the LORD said unto...

jps@Jeremiah:13:1 ...Thus said the...

jps@Jeremiah:13:6 @...days, that the LORD said unto...

jps@Jeremiah:14:11 ...And the LORD said unto...

jps@Jeremiah:14:13 ...Then said I:...

jps@Jeremiah:14:14 ...Then the LORD said unto...

jps@Jeremiah:15:1 ...Then said the...

jps@Jeremiah:17:19 ...Thus said the...

jps@Jeremiah:18:10 @...the good, wherewith I said I...

jps@Jeremiah:18:18 ...Then said they:...

jps@Jeremiah:19:1 ...Thus said the...

jps@Jeremiah:19:14 @...the LORD'S house, and said to...

jps@Jeremiah:20:3 @...of the stocks. Then said Jeremiah...

jps@Jeremiah:21:3 ...Then said Jeremiah...

jps@Jeremiah:22:1 ...Thus said the...

jps@Jeremiah:24:3 @...thou, Jeremiah?' And I said: 'Figs;...

jps@Jeremiah:26:16 ...Then said the...

jps@Jeremiah:28:5 @...Then the prophet Jeremiah said unto...

jps@Jeremiah:28:15 ...Then said the...

jps@Jeremiah:32:8 @...of the LORD, and said unto...

jps@Jeremiah:32:25 ...Yet Thou hast said unto...

jps@Jeremiah:35:5 @...and cups, and I said unto...

jps@Jeremiah:36:15 ...And they said unto...

jps@Jeremiah:36:16 toward another, and said unto...

jps@Jeremiah:36:19 ...Then said the...

jps@Jeremiah:37:14 ...Then said Jeremiah:...

jps@Jeremiah:37:17 @...said: 'There is.' He said also:...

jps@Jeremiah:37:18 ...Moreover Jeremiah said unto...

jps@Jeremiah:38:4 ...Then the princes said unto...

jps@Jeremiah:38:12 @ And Ebed-melech the Ethiopian said unto Jeremiah: 'Put now these worn clouts and rags under thine armholes under the cords.' And Jeremiah did so.

jps@Jeremiah:38:14 @...LORD; and the king said unto...

jps@Jeremiah:38:15 ...Then Jeremiah said unto...

jps@Jeremiah:38:17 ...Then said Jeremiah...

jps@Jeremiah:38:19 @...And Zedekiah the king said unto...

jps@Jeremiah:38:24 ...Then said Zedekiah...

jps@Jeremiah:38:25 @...also what the king said unto...

jps@Jeremiah:40:2 @...guard took Jeremiah, and said unto...

jps@Jeremiah:40:14 ...and said unto...

jps@Jeremiah:40:16 @...the son of Ahikam said unto...

jps@Jeremiah:41:6 @...he met them, he said unto...

jps@Jeremiah:41:8 @...found among them that said unto...

jps@Jeremiah:42:2 ...and said unto...

jps@Jeremiah:42:4 @...Then Jeremiah the prophet said unto...

jps@Jeremiah:42:5 ...Then they said to...

jps@Jeremiah:42:9 ...and said unto...

jps@Jeremiah:44:20 ...Then Jeremiah said unto...

jps@Jeremiah:44:24 ...Moreover Jeremiah said unto...

jps@Jeremiah:51:61 ...And Jeremiah said to...

jps@Lamentations:4:15 @...away and wandered; men said among...

jps@Ezekiel:2:1 ...And He said unto...

jps@Ezekiel:2:3 ...And He said unto...

jps@Ezekiel:3:1 ...And He said unto...

jps@Ezekiel:3:3 ...And He said unto...

jps@Ezekiel:3:4 ...And He said unto...

jps@Ezekiel:3:10 ...Moreover He said unto...

jps@Ezekiel:3:22 @...upon me; and He said unto...

jps@Ezekiel:3:24 @...spoke with me, and said unto...

jps@Ezekiel:4:14 ...Then said I:...

jps@Ezekiel:4:15 ...Then He said unto...

jps@Ezekiel:4:16 ...Moreover He said unto...

jps@Ezekiel:6:10 @...LORD; I have not said in...

jps@Ezekiel:8:5 ...Then said He...

jps@Ezekiel:8:6 ...And He said unto...

jps@Ezekiel:8:8 ...Then said He...

jps@Ezekiel:8:9 ...And He said unto...

jps@Ezekiel:8:12 ...Then said He...

jps@Ezekiel:8:13 ...He said also...

jps@Ezekiel:8:15 ...Then said He...

jps@Ezekiel:8:17 ...Then He said unto...

jps@Ezekiel:9:4 ...And the LORD said unto...

jps@Ezekiel:9:5 the others He said in...

jps@Ezekiel:9:7 ...And He said unto...

jps@Ezekiel:9:9 ...Then said He...

jps@Ezekiel:11:2 ...And He said unto...

jps@Ezekiel:11:5 @...LORD: Thus have ye said, O...

jps@Ezekiel:12:9 @...Israel, the rebellious house, said unto...

jps@Ezekiel:13:12 @...shall it not be said unto...

jps@Ezekiel:16:6 @...blood, live; yea, I said unto...

jps@Ezekiel:20:7 ...and I said unto...

jps@Ezekiel:20:8 @...of Egypt; then I said I...

jps@Ezekiel:20:13 @...greatly profaned; then I said I...

jps@Ezekiel:20:18 ...And I said unto...

jps@Ezekiel:20:21 @...My sabbaths; then I said I...

jps@Ezekiel:20:29 ...Then I said unto...

jps@Ezekiel:20:49 ...Then said I:...

jps@Ezekiel:23:36 ...The LORD said moreover...

jps@Ezekiel:23:43 ...Then said I...

jps@Ezekiel:24:19 ...And the people said unto...

jps@Ezekiel:24:20 ...Then I said unto...

jps@Ezekiel:26:2 @...because that Tyre hath said against...

jps@Ezekiel:36:2 @...Because the enemy hath said against...

jps@Ezekiel:36:20; in that men said of...

jps@Ezekiel:37:3 ...And He said unto...

jps@Ezekiel:37:4 ...Then He said unto...

jps@Ezekiel:37:9 ...Then said He...

jps@Ezekiel:37:11 ...Then He said unto...

jps@Ezekiel:40:4 ...And the man said unto...

jps@Ezekiel:40:45 ...And he said unto...

jps@Ezekiel:41:4 @...the temple; and he said unto...

jps@Ezekiel:41:22 @...of wood; and he said unto...

jps@Ezekiel:42:13 ...Then said he...-offering, and the sin-offering, and the guilt-offering; for the place is holy.

jps@Ezekiel:43:7 ...And He said unto...

jps@Ezekiel:43:18 ...And He said unto...-offerings thereon, and to dash blood against it.

jps@Ezekiel:44:2 ...And the LORD said unto...

jps@Ezekiel:44:5 ...And the LORD said unto...

jps@Ezekiel:46:20 ...And he said unto...-offering and the sin-offering, where they shall bake the meal-offering; that they bring them not forth into the outer court, to sanctify the people.'

jps@Ezekiel:46:24 ...Then said he...-places, where the ministers of the house shall boil the sacrifices of the people.'

jps@Ezekiel:47:6 ...And he said unto...

jps@Ezekiel:47:8 ...Then said he...

jps@Daniel:1:10 @...chief of the officers said unto...

jps@Daniel:1:11 ...Then said Daniel...

jps@Daniel:2:3 ...And the king said unto...

jps@Daniel:2:5 @...The king answered and said to...

jps@Daniel:2:15 ...he answered and said to...

jps@Daniel:2:24 @...Babylon; he went and said thus...

jps@Daniel:2:25 @...king in haste, and said thus...

jps@Daniel:2:26 @...The king spoke and said to...

jps@Daniel:3:9 ...They spoke and said to...

jps@Daniel:3:14 ...Nebuchadnezzar spoke and said unto...-nego, that ye serve not my gods, nor worship the golden image which I have set up?

jps@Daniel:3:16 @ Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego, answered and said to the king: 'O Nebuchadnezzar, we have no need to answer thee in this matter.

jps@Daniel:3:24' They answered and said unto...

jps@Daniel:4:14 @...He cried aloud, and said thus:...

jps@Daniel:5:7 @...The king spoke and said to...

jps@Daniel:5:13 @...The king spoke and said unto...

jps@Daniel:5:17 @...Then Daniel answered and said before...

jps@Daniel:6:5 ...Then said these...

jps@Daniel:6:6 the king, and said thus...

jps@Daniel:6:13 @...Then answered they and said before...

jps@Daniel:6:15 @...unto the king, and said unto...

jps@Daniel:6:16 @...the king spoke and said unto...

jps@Daniel:6:20 @...the king spoke and said to...

jps@Daniel:6:21 ...Then said Daniel...

jps@Daniel:7:5 @...teeth; and it was said thus...

jps@Daniel:8:13 @...and another holy one said unto...-offering, and the transgression that causes appalment, to give both the sanctuary and the host to be trampled under foot?'

jps@Daniel:8:14 ...And he said unto...

jps@Daniel:8:17 face; but he said unto...

jps@Daniel:10:11 ...And he said unto...

jps@Daniel:10:12 ...Then said he...

jps@Daniel:10:16 @...mouth, and spoke and said unto...

jps@Daniel:10:20 ...Then said he:...

jps@Daniel:12:6 ...And one said to...

jps@Daniel:12:8 @...I understood not; then said I:...

jps@Hosea:1:2 @...with Hosea, the LORD said unto...

jps@Hosea:1:4 ...And the LORD said unto...

jps@Hosea:1:6 @...a daughter. And He said unto...-ruhamah; for I will no more have compassion upon the house of Israel, that I should in any wise pardon them.

jps@Hosea:1:10 @...people', it shall be said unto...

jps@Hosea:3:1 ...And the LORD said unto...

jps@Hosea:3:3 ...and I said unto...

jps@Joel:2:19 @...the LORD answered and said unto...

jps@Amos:7:5 ...Then said I:...

jps@Amos:7:8 @...said: 'A plumbline.' Then said the...

jps@Amos:7:12 ...Also Amaziah said unto...

jps@Amos:7:14 @...Then answered Amos, and said to...-trees;

jps@Amos:7:15 @...flock, and the LORD said unto...

jps@Amos:8:2 @... fruit.' Then said the...

jps@Jonah:1:6 @...came to him, and said unto...

jps@Jonah:1:7 ...And they said every...

jps@Jonah:1:8 ...Then said they...

jps@Jonah:1:9 ...And he said unto...

jps@Jonah:1:10 exceedingly afraid, and said unto...

jps@Jonah:1:11 ...Then said they...

jps@Jonah:1:12 ...And he said unto...

jps@Jonah:3:10 @...the evil, which He said He...

jps@Jonah:4:9 @...the gourd?' And he said: 'I...

jps@Micah:7:10 @...shall cover her; who said unto...

jps@Zephaniah:2:15 @...dwelt without care, that said in...

jps@Zephaniah:3:16 it shall be said to...

jps@Haggai:2:13 @...the priests answered and said: 'It...

jps@Zechariah:1:9 @...that spoke with me said unto...

jps@Zechariah:1:14 @...that spoke with me said unto...

jps@Zechariah:1:19 @...are these?' And he said unto...

jps@Zechariah:1:21 ...Then said I:...--the horns which scattered Judah, so that no man did lift up his head--these then are come to frighten them, to cast down the horns of the nations, which lifted up their horn against the land of Judah to scatter it.'

jps@Zechariah:2:2 @...goest thou?' And he said unto...

jps@Zechariah:2:4 ...and said unto...

jps@Zechariah:3:2 ...And the LORD said unto...

jps@Zechariah:4:2 @...seest thou?' And I said: 'I...

jps@Zechariah:4:5 @...these are?' And I said: 'No,...

jps@Zechariah:4:11 @...Then answered I, and said unto...-trees upon the right side of the candlestick and upon the left side thereof?'

jps@Zechariah:4:12 @...the second time, and said unto...

jps@Zechariah:4:14 ...Then said he:...

jps@Zechariah:5:2 ...And he said unto...

jps@Zechariah:5:3 ...Then said he...

jps@Zechariah:5:5 went forth, and said unto...

jps@Zechariah:5:6 @...that goeth forth.' He said moreover:...--

jps@Zechariah:5:10 ...Then said I...

jps@Zechariah:5:11 ...And he said unto...

jps@Zechariah:6:4 @...Then I answered and said unto...

jps@Zechariah:6:5 @...the angel answered and said unto...

jps@Zechariah:7:13 @...I will not hear, said the...

jps@Zechariah:11:4 ...Thus said the...

jps@Zechariah:11:9 ...Then said I:...

jps@Zechariah:11:12 ...And I said unto...

jps@Zechariah:11:13 ...And the LORD said unto...

jps@Zechariah:11:15 ...And the LORD said unto...

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