CONCORD though

nasb@Genesis:17:4 @...slay a nation, even though... blameless?

nasb@Exodus:7:17 @...of the Philistines, even though it...

nasb@Exodus:13:9 our midst, even though the...

nasb@Leviticus:3:2 @...of unclean swarming things, though it...

nasb@Leviticus:3:17" @...not to be done, though he...

nasb@Leviticus:6:4 @'Nevertheless, you are not to eat of these, among those which chew the cud, or among those which divide the hoof- the camel, for though it chews cud, it does not divide the hoof, it is unclean to you.

nasb@Leviticus:6:5 @'Likewise, the shaphan, for though it chews cud, it does not divide the hoof, it is unclean to you;

nasb@Leviticus:6:6 @the rabbit also, for though it chews cud, it does not divide the hoof, it is unclean to you;

nasb@Leviticus:6:7 @and the pig, for though it divides the hoof, thus making a split hoof, it does not chew cud, it is unclean to you.

nasb@Leviticus:6:36 @...water shall be clean, though the...

nasb@Leviticus:6:55" @...changed its appearance, even though the...

nasb@Leviticus:6:25 @...she shall continue as though in...

nasb@Leviticus:9:36 @...they will flee as though from...

nasb@Numbers:10:18 @Balaam replied to the servants of Balak, " Though Balak were to give me his house full of silver and gold, I could not do anything, either small or great, contrary to the command of the LORD my God.

nasb@Deuteronomy:6:7" @Nevertheless, you are not to eat of these among those which chew the cud, or among those that divide the hoof in two-...and the shaphan, for though they...

nasb@Deuteronomy:7:6 @...and take his life, though he...

nasb@Deuteronomy:12:19" @...saying, 'I have peace though I...

nasb@Joshua:13:18 @...chariots of iron and though they...

nasb@Judges:12:6 @...tears a young goat though he...

nasb@Ruth:2:13 @...kindly to your maidservant, though I...

nasb@1Samuel:12:39" @...lives, who delivers Israel, though it...

nasb@1Samuel:12:17 @..."Is it not true, though you...

nasb@1Samuel:17:20" the side, as though I...

nasb@1Samuel:18:5 @...young men were holy, though it...

nasb@1Samuel:21:11" @...not sinned against you, though you...

nasb@2Samuel:3:39" @I am weak today, though anointed king; and these men the sons of Zeruiah are too difficult for me. May the LORD repay the evildoer according to his evil."

nasb@1Kings:15:31 @It came about, as though it had been a trivial thing for him to walk in the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat, that he married Jezebel the daughter of Ethbaal king of the Sidonians, and went to serve Baal and worshiped him.

nasb@2Kings:3:2 @...sight of the LORD, though not...

nasb@2Kings:22:4 @...beside the king's garden, though the...

nasb@2Chronicles:23:19 @...back to the LORD; though they...

nasb@2Chronicles:29:19 @...God of his fathers, though not...

nasb@Nehemiah:1:9 @...commandments and do them, though those...

nasb@Nehemiah:2:2 your face sad though you...

nasb@Job:3:15" @For though I were right, I could not answer; I would have to implore the mercy of my judge.

nasb@Job:3:20" @ Though I am righteous, my mouth will condemn me; Though I am guiltless, He will declare me guilty.

nasb@Job:3:19 @...should have been as though I...

nasb@Job:3:15" @ Though He slay me, I will hope in Him. Nevertheless I will argue my ways before Him.

nasb@Job:4:6 @...My wound is incurable, though I...

nasb@Job:4:16" @She treats her young cruelly, as if they were not hers; Though her labor be in vain, she is unconcerned;

nasb@Job:4:23" @...alarmed; He is confident, though the...

nasb@Psalms:23:4 @Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.

nasb@Psalms:27:3 @Though a host encamp against me, My heart will not fear; Though war arise against me, In spite of this I shall be confident.

nasb@Psalms:35:14 @I went about as though it were my friend or brother; I bowed down mourning, as one who sorrows for a mother.

nasb@Psalms:46:2 should change And though the...

nasb@Psalms:46:3 @Though its waters roar and foam, Though the mountains quake at its swelling pride. Selah.

nasb@Psalms:49:18 @Though while he lives he congratulates himself-- And though men praise you when you do well for yourself--

nasb@Psalms:53:4 @...up My people as though they...

nasb@Psalms:94:9" @...Me, They tried Me, though they...

nasb@Psalms:118:23 @Even though princes sit and talk against me, Your servant meditates on Your statutes.

nasb@Psalms:135:6 @For though the LORD is exalted, Yet He regards the lowly, But the haughty He knows from afar.

nasb@Proverbs:6:35 @...will he be satisfied though you...

nasb@Proverbs:28:6 @...he who is crooked though he...

nasb@Proverbs:29:19 words alone; For though he...

nasb@Ecclesiastes:3:14 become king, even though he...

nasb@Ecclesiastes:7:6 @...procedure for every delight, though a...

nasb@Ecclesiastes:7:16 @When I gave my heart to know wisdom and to see the task which has been done on the earth (even though one should never sleep day or night),

nasb@Ecclesiastes:7:17 @...will not discover; and though the...

nasb@Isaiah:1:15" @...from you; Yes, even though you...

nasb@Isaiah:1:18" @Come now, and let us reason together," Says the LORD, " Though your sins are as scarlet, They will be as white as snow; Though they are red like crimson, They will be like wool.

nasb@Isaiah:9:22 @For though your people, O Israel, may be like the sand of the sea, Only a remnant within them will return; A destruction is determined, overflowing with righteousness.

nasb@Isaiah:18:3 @All your rulers have fled together, And have been captured without the bow; All of you who were found were taken captive together, Though they had fled far away.

nasb@Isaiah:27:7 @...afflicted with slander, Even though the...

nasb@Isaiah:34:8 @...And the deaf, even though they...

nasb@Isaiah:35:4" @For the sake of Jacob My servant, And Israel My chosen one, I have also called you by your name; I have given you a title of honor Though you have not known Me.

nasb@Isaiah:35:5" @...I will gird you, though you...

nasb@Isaiah:36:7" @They lift it upon the shoulder and carry it; They set it in its place and it stands there. It does not move from its place. Though one may cry to it, it cannot answer; It cannot deliver him from his distress.

nasb@Isaiah:44:16 @...You are our Father, though Abraham...

nasb@Jeremiah:3:22 @'Do you not fear Me?' declares the LORD. 'Do you not tremble in My presence? For I have placed the sand as a boundary for the sea, An eternal decree, so it cannot cross over it. Though the waves toss, yet they cannot prevail; Though they roar, yet they cannot cross over it.

nasb@Jeremiah:5:11 able to escape; though they...

nasb@Jeremiah:7:15 @...said to me, "Even though Moses...

nasb@Jeremiah:7:20" @...wall of bronze; And though they...

nasb@Jeremiah:10:24" @...declares the LORD, "even though Coniah...

nasb@Jeremiah:17:33" @...and not their face; though I...

nasb@Jeremiah:17:25 @Even though Elnathan and Delaiah and Gemariah pleaded with the king not to burn the scroll, he would not listen to them.

nasb@Jeremiah:24:23" @...more be found, Even though they...

nasb@Jeremiah:25:16" @As for the terror of you, The arrogance of your heart has deceived you, O you who live in the clefts of the rock, Who occupy the height of the hill. Though you make your nest as high as an eagle's, I will bring you down from there," declares the LORD.

nasb@Jeremiah:25:53" the heavens, And though she...

nasb@Jeremiah:26:7 the king's garden, though the...

nasb@Ezekiel:2:6" @...nor fear their words, though thistles...

nasb@Ezekiel:3:9" dismayed before them, though they...

nasb@Ezekiel:4:18" @...will I spare; and though they...

nasb@Ezekiel:7:16" @...among the nations and though I...

nasb@Ezekiel:7:3" @...Perhaps they will understand though they...

nasb@Ezekiel:7:13" @...will not see it, though he...

nasb@Ezekiel:8:14 @even though these three men, Noah, Daniel and Job were in its midst, by their own righteousness they could only deliver themselves," declares the Lord GOD.

nasb@Ezekiel:8:18 @even though these three men were in its midst, as I live," declares the Lord GOD, "they could not deliver either their sons or their daughters, but they alone would be delivered.

nasb@Ezekiel:8:20 @even though Noah, Daniel and Job were in its midst, as I live," declares the Lord GOD, "they could not deliver either their son or their daughter. They would deliver only themselves by their righteousness."

nasb@Ezekiel:8:7 @and I set My face against them. Though they have come out of the fire, yet the fire will consume them. Then you will know that I am the LORD, when I set My face against them.

nasb@Ezekiel:8:10" @Behold, though it is planted, will it thrive? Will it not completely wither as soon as the east wind strikes it--wither on the beds where it grew?"'"

nasb@Ezekiel:10:21" @...will be no more; though you...

nasb@Ezekiel:10:9 @'Will you still say, "I am a god," In the presence of your slayer, Though you are a man and not God, In the hands of those who wound you?

nasb@Ezekiel:10:26" the sword uncircumcised, though they...

nasb@Ezekiel:10:27" @...rested on their bones, though the...

nasb@Ezekiel:13:18" @...of the earth, as though they...

nasb@Daniel:4:22" @...humbled your heart, even though you...

nasb@Daniel:9:4" @...points of the compass, though not...

nasb@Daniel:9:20" @...he will be shattered, though not...

nasb@Hosea:3:1 @...the sons of Israel, though they...

nasb@Hosea:7:10 @Even though they hire allies among the nations, Now I will gather them up; And they will begin to diminish Because of the burden of the king of princes.

nasb@Hosea:8:16 @...bear no fruit. Even though they...

nasb@Hosea:10:7 @So My people are bent on turning from Me. Though they call them to the One on high, None at all exalts Him.

nasb@Amos:2:9" @Yet it was I who destroyed the Amorite before them, Though his height was like the height of cedars And he was strong as the oaks; I even destroyed his fruit above and his root below.

nasb@Amos:4:11 @Therefore because you impose heavy rent on the poor And exact a tribute of grain from them, Though you have built houses of well-hewn stone, Yet you will not live in them; You have planted pleasant vineyards, yet you will not drink their wine.

nasb@Amos:4:22" @Even though you offer up to Me burnt offerings and your grain offerings, I will not accept them; And I will not even look at the peace offerings of your fatlings.

nasb@Amos:7:2" @...hand take them; And though they...

nasb@Amos:7:3" @...them from there; And though they...

nasb@Amos:7:4" @And though they go into captivity before their enemies, From there I will command the sword that it slay them, And I will set My eyes against them for evil and not for good."

nasb@Obadiah:0:4" @Though you build high like the eagle, Though you set your nest among the stars, From there I will bring you down," declares the LORD.

nasb@Micah:4:8 @Do not rejoice over me, O my enemy. Though I fall I will rise; Though I dwell in darkness, the LORD is a light for me.

nasb@Nahum:1:12 @Thus says the LORD, "Though they are at full strength and likewise many, Even so, they will be cut off and pass away. Though I have afflicted you, I will afflict you no longer.

nasb@Nahum:2:2 @...splendor of Israel, Even though devastators...

nasb@Habakkuk:2:3" @For the vision is yet for the appointed time; It hastens toward the goal and it will not fail. Though it tarries, wait for it; For it will certainly come, it will not delay.

nasb@Habakkuk:3:17 @Though the fig tree should not blossom And there be no fruit on the vines, Though the yield of the olive should fail And the fields produce no food, Though the flock should be cut off from the fold And there be no cattle in the stalls,

nasb@Zechariah:7:2; Tyre and Sidon, though they...

nasb@Zechariah:8:6" @...they will be as though I...

nasb@Malachi:0:14" have dealt treacherously, though she...

nasb@Matthew:18:33 @...said to Him, "Even though all...

nasb@Matthew:18:60 @...not find any, even though many...

nasb@Mark:4:31" @...sown upon the soil, though it...

nasb@Mark:12:29 @...said to Him, "Even though all...

nasb@Luke:11:8" @I tell you, even though he will not get up and give him anything because he is his friend, yet because of his persistence he will get up and give him as much as he needs.

nasb@Luke:15:4" @...said to himself, 'Even though I...

nasb@Luke:21:28 @...and He acted as though He...

nasb@John:9:25 @...I do know, that though I...

nasb@John:9:38 @...if I do them, though you...

nasb@John:11:37 @But though He had performed so many signs before them, yet they were not believing in Him.

nasb@Acts:9:8 @...from the ground, and though his...

nasb@Acts:13:28" @And though they found no ground for putting Him to death, they asked Pilate that He be executed.


nasb@Acts:17:25 human hands, as though He...

nasb@Acts:17:27 @...Him and find Him, though He...

nasb@Acts:23:15" @...down to you, as though you...

nasb@Acts:23:20 the Council, as though they...

nasb@Acts:27:4 a murderer, and though he...

nasb@Acts:27:17 them, " Brethren, though I...

nasb@Romans:1:21 @For even though they knew God, they did not honor Him as God or give thanks, but they became futile in their speculations, and their foolish heart was darkened.

nasb@Romans:2:27 @...not judge you who though having...

nasb@Romans:3:4 @...God be found true, though every...

nasb@Romans:5:7 @...for a righteous man; though perhaps...

nasb@Romans:6:17 to God that though you...

nasb@Romans:7:3 not an adulteress though she...

nasb@Romans:8:10 @...Christ is in you, though the...

nasb@Romans:9:6 is not as though the...

nasb@Romans:9:11 @for though the twins were not yet born and had not done anything good or bad, so that God's purpose according to His choice would stand, not because of works but because of Him who calls,


nasb@Romans:9:32 faith, but as though it...

nasb@1Corinthians:4:18 @...have become arrogant, as though I...

nasb@1Corinthians:5:3 committed this, as though I...

nasb@1Corinthians:7:29 @...wives should be as though they...

nasb@1Corinthians:7:30 @...those who buy, as though they...

nasb@1Corinthians:7:31 @...use the world, as though they...

nasb@1Corinthians:9:19 @For though I am free from all men, I have made myself a slave to all, so that I may win more.

nasb@1Corinthians:9:20 under the Law though not...

nasb@1Corinthians:9:21, as without law, though not...

nasb@1Corinthians:12:12 @...members of the body, though they...

nasb@2Corinthians:4:16 @...not lose heart, but though our...

nasb@2Corinthians:5:16 the flesh; even though we...

nasb@2Corinthians:5:20 @...ambassadors for Christ, as though God...

nasb@2Corinthians:7:8 not regret it; though I...--...letter caused you sorrow, though only...--

nasb@2Corinthians:8:9 @...Lord Jesus Christ, that though He...

nasb@2Corinthians:10:3 @For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh,

nasb@2Corinthians:12:1 @Boasting is necessary, though it is not profitable; but I will go on to visions and revelations of the Lord.

nasb@2Corinthians:12:11 @...most eminent apostles, even though I...

nasb@2Corinthians:13:2 @...the second time, and though now...

nasb@2Corinthians:13:7 @...what is right, even though we...

nasb@Galatians:2:3 @...who was with me, though he...

nasb@Galatians:3:15 @Brethren, I speak in terms of human relations- even though it is only a man's covenant, yet when it has been ratified, no one sets it aside or adds conditions to it.

nasb@Colossians:2:5 @For even though I am absent in body, nevertheless I am with you in spirit, rejoicing to see your good discipline and the stability of your faith in Christ.

nasb@Colossians:4:6 with grace, as though seasoned...

nasb@1Thessalonians:2:6 @...or from others, even though as...

nasb@1Timothy:1:7 @...of the Law, even though they...

nasb@1Timothy:1:13 @even though I was formerly a blasphemer and a persecutor and a violent aggressor. Yet I was shown mercy because I acted ignorantly in unbelief;

nasb@Philemon:1:8 @Therefore, though I have enough confidence in Christ to order you to do what is proper,

nasb@Hebrews:5:12 @For though by this time you ought to be teachers, you have need again for someone to teach you the elementary principles of the oracles of God, and you have come to need milk and not solid food.

nasb@Hebrews:6:9 @...things that accompany salvation, though we...

nasb@Hebrews:11:4, and through faith, though he...

nasb@Hebrews:11:29 @...the Red Sea as though they...

nasb@Hebrews:12:17 place for repentance, though he...

nasb@Hebrews:13:3 @Remember the prisoners, as though in prison with them, and those who are ill-treated, since you yourselves also are in the body.

nasb@James:3:4 the ships also, though they...

nasb@1Peter:1:6 greatly rejoice, even though now...

nasb@1Peter:1:7 @...which is perishable, even though tested...

nasb@1Peter:1:8 love Him, and though you...

nasb@1Peter:4:6 @...who are dead, that though they...

nasb@1Peter:4:12 @...for your testing, as though some...

nasb@2Peter:1:12 @...of these things, even though you...

nasb@2John:1:5, lady, not as though I...

nasb@Jude:1:5 @...desire to remind you, though you...

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