mhcc@Deuteronomy:34 @ ****** Deuteronomy 34 ****** *** Outline of Deuteronomy 34 *** Moses views the promised land from mount Nebo. (_1-4.) The death and burial of Moses, The mourning of the people. (_5-8.) Joshua succeeds Moses, The praise of Moses. (_9-12.) *** Commentary ***

mhcc@Joshua:2:1-7 @ Verse 1-7 -...explain it away. Her views of...

mhcc@1Kings:22:1-14 @ Verse 1-14 -...alike absurd in their views of...

mhcc@Nehemiah:8:1-8 @ Verse 1-8 -...who have given their views of...

mhcc@Job:4:Ec @ Verse Ecclesiastes -...occasioned by drawing wrong views from...2. That wicked men were often thus ruined: for the proof of this, Eliphaz vouches his own observation. We may see the same every day.

mhcc@Job:23:8-12 @ Verse 8-12 before him. His views were...32:2. Job might feel that he was clear from the charges of his friends, but boldly to assert that, though visited by the hand of God, it was not a chastisement of sin, was his error. And he is guilty of a second, when he denies that there are dealings of Providence with men in this present life, wherein the injured find redress, and the evil are visited for their sins.

mhcc@Job:23:13-17 @ Verse 13-17 -...principle on which he views them...-fruits of the Spirit of grace, pledges a God, who will certainly finish the work which he has began; yet the afflicted believer is not to conclude that all prayer and entreaty will be in vain, and that he should sink into despair, and faint when he is reproved of Him. He cannot tell but the intention of God in afflicting him may be to produce penitence and prayer in his heart. May we learn to obey and trust the Lord, even in tribulation; to live or die as he pleases: we know not for what good ends our lives may be shortened or prolonged. **** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@Job:26:5-14 @ Verse 5-14 -...without knowledge. But his views were...**** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@Job:39 @ ****** Job 39 ****** *** Outline of Job 39 *** God inquires of Job concerning several animals. - In these questions the Lord continued to humble Job. In this chapter several animals are spoken of, whose nature or situation particularly show the power, wisdom, and manifold works of God. The wild ass. It is better to labour and be good for something, than to ramble and be good for nothing. From the untameableness of this and other creatures, we may see, how unfit we are to give law to Providence, who cannot give law even to a wild ass's colt. The unicorn, a strong, stately, proud creature. He is able to serve, but not willing; and God challenges Job to force him to it. It is a great mercy if, where God gives strength for service, he gives a heart; it is what we should pray for, and reason ourselves into, which the brutes cannot do. Those gifts are not always the most valuable that make the finest show. Who would not rather have the voice of the nightingale, than the tail of the peacock; the eye of the eagle and her soaring wing, and the natural affection of the stork, than the beautiful feathers of the ostrich, which can never rise above the earth, and is without natural affection? The description of the war-...The want of right views concerning...__Outline Henry'__40 **** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@Psalms:92:1-6 @ Verse 1-6 -...thankful. And if distant views of...

mhcc@Psalms:94:12-23 @ Verse 12-23 -...distrust, and renders our views more...**** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@Psalms:119:129-136 @ Verse 129-136 -...having obtained more distinct views of...

mhcc@Proverbs:1 @ ****** Proverbs 1 ****** *** General Notes on the Book of Proverbs *** The subject of this book may be thus stated by an enlargement on the opening verses. 1. The Proverbs of Solomon, the son of David, king of Israel. 2. Which treat of the knowledge of wisdom, of piety towards God, of instruction and moral discipline, of the understanding wise and prudent counsels. 3. Which treat of the attainment of instruction in wisdom, which wisdom is to be shown in the conduct of life, and consists in righteousness with regard to our fellow-...just principles, and correct views of...*** Outline of Proverbs 1 *** The use of the Proverbs. (_1-6.) Exhortations to fear God and obey parents. (_7-9.) To avoid the enticings of sinners. (_10-19.) The address of Wisdom to sinners. (_20-33.) *** Commentary ***

mhcc@Isaiah:50:10,11 @ Verse 10,11 -...long time be without views of...-comforts are as sparks, short-lived, and soon gone; yet the children of this world, while they last, seek to warm themselves by them, and walk with pride and pleasure in the light of them. Those that make the world their comfort, and their own righteousness their confidence, will certainly meet with bitterness in the end. A godly man's way may be dark, but his end shall be peace and everlasting light. A wicked man's way may be pleasant, but his end and abode for ever will be utter darkness. **** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@Isaiah:55:6-13 @ Verse 6-13 -...from us all narrow views of...**** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@Jeremiah:32:26-44 @ Verse 26-44 -...of God; in their views of...**** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@Nahum:1:1-8 @ Verse 1-8 -...agrees not with the views of...

mhcc@Matthew:26:36-46 @ Verse 36-46 atone; with awful views of...

mhcc@Mark:12:41-44 @ Verse 41-44 -...heart, and what our views are,...**** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@Mark:15:1-14 @ Verse 1-14 -...serious mind to strong views of...

mhcc@Mark:15:Php @ Verse Php -...affected the centurion. Right views of...

mhcc@Luke:15:17-24 @ Verse 17-24 -...of sin; then he views himself...

mhcc@Luke:24:28-35 @ Verse 28-35 is but short views we...

mhcc@John:5:45-47 @ Verse 45-47 -...those doctrines, or the views of...**** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@John:16:7-15 @ Verse 7-15 -...We should have fuller views of...

mhcc@John:17:17-19 @ Verse 17-19 -...sanctify it. If our views have...

mhcc@Romans:4:1-12 @ Verse 1-12 - To meet the views of the Jews, the apostle first refers to the example of Abraham, in whom the Jews gloried as their most renowned forefather. However exalted in various respects, he had nothing to boast in the presence of God, being saved by grace, through faith, even as others. Without noticing the years which passed before his call, and the failures at times in his obedience, and even in his faith, it was expressly stated in Scripture that "he believed God, and it was counted to him for righteousness," Genesis strkjv@15:6. From this example it is observed, that if any man could work the full measure required by the law, the reward must be reckoned as a debt, which evidently was not the case even of Abraham, seeing faith was reckoned to him for righteousness. When believers are justified by faith, "their faith being counted for righteousness," their faith does not justify them as a part, small or great, of their righteousness; but as the appointed means of uniting them to Him who has chosen as the name whereby he shall be called, "the Lord our Righteousness." Pardoned people are the only blessed people. It clearly appears from the Scripture, that Abraham was justified several years before his circumcision. It is, therefore, plain that this rite was not necessary in order to justification. It was a sign of the original corruption of human nature. And it was such a sign as was also an outward seal, appointed not only to confirm God's promises to him and to his seed, and their obligation to be the Lord's, but likewise to assure him of his being already a real partaker of the righteousness of faith. Thus Abraham was the spiritual forefather of all believers, who walked after the example of his obedient faith. The seal of the Holy Spirit in our sanctification, making us new creatures, is the inward evidence of the righteousness of faith.

mhcc@Romans:5:12-14 @ Verse 12-14 to exalt our views respecting...

mhcc@Romans:14:1-6 @ Verse 1-6 make our own views the...

mhcc@Galatians:6:12-15 @ Verse 12-15 -...passed away, and new views and...

mhcc@Ephesians:1 @ ****** Ephesians 1 ****** *** General Notes on the Book of Ephesians ***...and to give exalted views of...*** Outline of Ephesians 1 *** A salutation, and an account of saving blessings, as prepared in God's eternal election, as purchased by Christ's blood. (_1-8.) And as conveyed in effectual calling: this is applied to the believing Jews, and to the believing Gentiles. (_9-14.) The apostle thanks God for their faith and love, and prays for the continuance of their knowledge and hope, with respect to the heavenly inheritance, and to God's powerful working in them. (_15-23.) *** Commentary ***

mhcc@Colossians:1:1-8 @ Verse 1-8 arises, either from views of...

mhcc@Hebrews:6:1-8 @ Verse 1-8 -...those who through mistaken views of...

mhcc@Hebrews:12:18-29 @ Verse 18-29 -...there believers have clearer views of...-born. Let a soul be supposed to join that glorious assembly and church above, that is yet unacquainted with God, still carnally-minded, loving this present world and state of things, looking back to it with a lingering eye, full of pride and guile, filled with lusts; such a soul would seem to have mistaken its way, place, state, and company. It would be uneasy to itself and all about it. Christ is the Mediator of this new covenant, between God and man, to bring them together in this covenant; to keep them together; to plead with God for us, and to plead with us for God; and at length to bring God and his people together in heaven. This covenant is made firm by the blood of Christ sprinkled upon our consciences, as the blood of the sacrifice was sprinkled upon the altar and the victim. This blood of Christ speaks in behalf of sinners; it pleads not for vengeance, but for mercy. See then that you refuse not his gracious call and offered salvation. See that you do not refuse Him who speaketh from heaven, with infinite tenderness and love; for how can those escape, who turn from God in unbelief or apostacy, while he so graciously beseeches them to be reconciled, and to receive his everlasting favour! God's dealing with men under the gospel, in a way of grace, assures us, that he will deal with the despisers of the gospel, in a way of judgment. We cannot worship God acceptably, unless we worship him with reverence and godly fear. Only the grace of God enables us to worship God aright. God is the same just and righteous God under the gospel as under the law. The inheritance of believers is secured to them; and all things pertaining to salvation are freely given in answer to prayer. Let us seek for grace, that we may serve God with reverence and godly fear. **** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@Revelation:16:12-16 @ Verse 12-16 -...differ, as to their views of...

mhcc@Revelation:21:9-21 @ Verse 9-21 -...who would have clear views of...

mhcc@Revelation:22:1-5 @ Verse 1-5 - All streams of earthly comfort are muddy; but these are clear, and refreshing. They give life, and preserve life, to those who drink of them, and thus they will flow for evermore. These point to the quickening and sanctifying influences of the Holy Spirit, as given to sinners through Christ. The Holy Spirit, proceeding from the Father and the Son, applies this salvation to our souls by his new-...gross and merely human views of...

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