CONCORD warnings

mhcc@Genesis:6:12-21 @ Verse 12-21 -...apply the declarations and warnings of...1. The covenant of providence; that the course of nature shall be continued to the end of time. 2. The covenant of grace; that God would be a God to Noah, and that out of his seed God would take to himself a people. God directed Noah to make an ark. This ark was like the hulk of a ship, fitted to float upon the waters. It was very large, half the size of St. Paul's cathedral, and would hold more than eighteen of the largest ships now used. God could have secured Noah without putting him to any care, or pains, or trouble; but employed him in making that which was to be the means to preserve him, for the trial of his faith and obedience. Both the providence of God, and the grace of God, own and crown the obedient and diligent. God gave Noah particular orders how to make the ark, which could not therefore but be well fitted for the purpose. God promised Noah that he and his family should be kept alive in the ark. What we do in obedience to God, we and our families are likely to have the benefit of. The piety of parents gets their children good in this life, and furthers them in the way to eternal life, if they improve it.

mhcc@Numbers:16:41-50 @ Verse 41-50 -...committed, and all these warnings slighted....5:8. **** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@Deuteronomy:4 @ ****** Deuteronomy 4 ****** *** Outline of Deuteronomy 4 *** Earnest exhortations to obedience, and dissuasives from idolatry. (_1-23.) Warnings against disobedience, and promises of mercy. (_24-40.) Cities of refuge appointed. (_41-49.) *** Commentary ***

mhcc@Deuteronomy:30:1-10 @ Verse 1-10 -...refers to the prophetic warnings of...

mhcc@Judges:1 @ ****** Judges 1 ****** *** General Notes on the Book of Judges ***...history exemplifies the frequent warnings and...*** Outline of Judges 1 *** Proceedings of the tribes of Judah and Simeon. (_1-8.) Hebron and other cities taken. (_9-20.) The proceedings of other tribes. (_21-36.) *** Commentary ***

mhcc@1Samuel:28:7-19 @ Verse 7-19 -...had despised Samuel's solemn warnings in...

mhcc@2Kings:6:8-12 @ Verse 8-12 -...from his sins. Such warnings are...

mhcc@2Chronicles:33:21-25 @ Verse 21-25 -...he did worse. Whatever warnings or..._2__34 **** Matthew Henry's Commentary **** _

mhcc@Psalms:95:7-11 @ Verse 7-11 - Christ calls upon his people to hear his voice. You call him Master, or Lord; then be his willing, obedient people. Hear the voice of his doctrine, of his law, and in both, of his Spirit: hear and heed; hear and yield. Christ's voice must be heard to-day. This day of opportunity will not last always; improve it while it is called to-...others ought to be warnings to...**** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@Proverbs:7 @ ****** Proverbs 7 ****** *** Outline of Proverbs 7 *** Invitations to learn wisdom. (_1-5.)...arts of seducers, with warnings against...(_6-27.) *** Commentary ***

mhcc@Isaiah:23:1-14 @ Verse 1-14 -...loth to consider the warnings God...

mhcc@Isaiah:48 @ ****** Isaiah 48 ****** *** Outline of Isaiah 48 *** The Jews reproved for their idolatry. (_1-8.) Yet deliverance is promised them. (_9-15.) Solemn warnings of judgment upon those who persisted in evil. (_16-22.) *** Commentary ***

mhcc@Ezekiel:2:6-10 @ Verse 6-10 -...of sin, and the warnings of...**** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@Ezekiel:21:18-27 @ Verse 18-27 -...of the most tremendous warnings of...

mhcc@Ezekiel:47:Ro @ Verse Romans the soul: the warnings and...**** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@Daniel:4:1-18 @ Verse 1-18 -...his pride, told the warnings he...

mhcc@Matthew:14:1-12 @ Verse 1-12, are proofs and warnings of...-delusion, but must deliver our consciences as John did. The world may call this rudeness and blind zeal. False professors, or timid Christians, may censure it as want of civility; but the most powerful enemies can go no further than the Lord sees good to permit. Herod feared that the putting of John to death might raise a rebellion among the people, which it did not; but he never feared it might stir up his own conscience against him, which it did. Men fear being hanged for what they do not fear being damned for. And times of carnal mirth and jollity are convenient times for carrying on bad designs against God's people. Herod would profusely reward a worthless dance, while imprisonment and death were the recompence of the man of God who sought the salvation of his soul. But there was real malice to John beneath his consent, or else Herod would have found ways to get clear of his promise. When the under shepherds are smitten, the sheep need not be scattered while they have the Great Shepherd to go to. And it is better to be drawn to Christ by want and loss, than not to come to him at all.

mhcc@Luke:3:1-14 @ Verse 1-14 -...God. Here are general warnings and...

mhcc@Luke:13:1-5 @ Verse 1-5 -...removals of others as warnings to...

mhcc@2Corinthians:6:11-18 @ Verse 11-18 -...unions, against the express warnings of..._2__7 **** Matthew Henry's Commentary **** _

mhcc@Galatians:5:1-6 @ Verse 1-6 -...take heed to the warnings and...

mhcc@2Timothy:2 @ Henry'_2__1 ****** 2nd Timothy 2 ****** *** Outline of 2nd Timothy 2 *** The apostle exhorts Timothy to persevere with diligence, like a soldier, a combatant, and a husbandman. (_1-7.) Encouraging him by assurances of a happy end of his faithfulness. (_8-13.) Warnings to shun vain babblings and dangerous errors. (_14-21.) Charges to flee youthful lusts, and to minister with zeal against error, but with meekness of spirit. (_22-26.) *** Commentary ***

mhcc@Hebrews:3:7-13 @ Verse 7-13 -...our relations, should be warnings to...-morrow is not ours, we must make the best improvement of this day. And there are none, even the strongest of the flock, who do not need help of other Christians. Neither are there any so low and despised, but the care of their standing in the faith, and of their safety, belongs to all. Sin has so many ways and colours, that we need more eyes than ours own. Sin appears fair, but is vile; it appears pleasant, but is destructive; it promises much, but performs nothing. The deceitfulness of sin hardens the soul; one sin allowed makes way for another; and every act of sin confirms the habit. Let every one beware of sin.

mhcc@Revelation:2 @ ****** Revelation 2 ****** *** Outline of Revelation 2 ***...churches in Asia, with warnings and...(_1-7.) at Smyrna; (_8-11.) at Pergamos; (_12-17.) and at Thyatira. (_18-29.) *** Commentary ***

mhcc@Revelation:3:14-22 @ Verse 14-22 - Laodicea was the last and worst of the seven churches of Asia. Here our Lord Jesus styles himself, "The Amen;" one steady and unchangeable in all his purposes and promises. If religion is worth anything, it is worth every thing. Christ expects men should be in earnest. How many professors of gospel doctrine are neither hot nor cold; except as they are indifferent in needful matters, and hot and fiery in disputes about things of lesser moment! A severe punishment is threatened. They would give a false opinion of Christianity, as if it were an unholy religion; while others would conclude it could afford no real satisfaction, otherwise its professors would not have been heartless in it, or so ready to seek pleasure or happiness from the world. One cause of this indifference and inconsistency in religion is, self-conceit and self-delusion; "Because thou sayest." What a difference between their thoughts of themselves, and the thoughts Christ had of them! How careful should we be not to cheat our owns souls! There are many in hell, who once thought themselves far in the way to heaven. Let us beg of God that we may not be left to flatter and deceive ourselves. Professors grow proud, as they become carnal and formal. Their state was wretched in itself. They were poor; really poor, when they said and thought they were rich. They could not see their state, nor their way, nor their danger, yet they thought they saw it. They had not the garment of justification, nor sanctification: they were exposed to sin and shame; their rags that would defile them. They were naked, without house or harbour, for they were without God, in whom alone the soul of man can find rest and safety. Good counsel was given by Christ to this sinful people. Happy those who take his counsel, for all others must perish in their sins. Christ lets them know where they might have true riches, and how they might have them. Some things must be parted with, but nothing valuable; and it is only to make room for receiving true riches. Part with sin and self-...of his providence, the warnings and...**** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@Revelation:14:14-20 @ Verse 14-20 - Warnings and judgments not having produced reformation, the sins of the nations are filled up, and they become ripe for judgments, represented by a harvest, an emblem which is used to signify the gathering of the righteous, when ripe for heaven, by the mercy of God. The harvest time is when the corn is ripe; when the believers are ripe for heaven, then the wheat of the earth shall be gathered into Christ's garner. And by a vintage. The enemies of Christ and his church are not destroyed, till by their sin they are ripe for ruin, and then he will spare them no longer. The wine-press is the wrath of God, some terrible calamity, probably the sword, shedding the blood of the wicked. The patience of God towards sinners, is the greatest miracle in the world; but, though lasting, it will not be everlasting; and ripeness in sin is a sure proof of judgment at hand. **** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

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