Ephesians 3

rwp@Ephesians:3:1 @{For this cause} (\toutou charin\). Use of \charin\ (accusative of \charis\) as a preposition with the genitive and referring to the preceding argument about God's elective grace. It is possible that Paul started to make the prayer that comes in verses 14-21| when he repeats \toutou charin\. If so, he is diverted by his own words "the prisoner of Christ Jesus in behalf of you Gentiles" (\ho desmios tou Christou Iˆsou huper hum“n t“n ethn“n\) to set forth in a rich paragraph (1-13|) God's use of him for the Gentiles.

rwp@Ephesians:3:2 @{If so be that ye have heard} (\ei ge ˆkousate\). Condition of first class with \ei\ and first aorist active indicative and with the intensive particle \ge\ that gives a delicate touch to it all. On \oikonomian\ (stewardship, dispensation) see strkjv@1:9; strkjv@3:9; strkjv@Colossians:1:25|.

rwp@Ephesians:3:3 @{By revelation} (\kata apokalupsin\). Not essentially different from \di' apokalupse“s\ (Gal strkjv@1:12|). This was Paul's qualification for preaching "the mystery" (\to mustˆrion\. See strkjv@1:9|). {As I wrote afore} (\kath“s proegrapsa\). First aorist active indicative of \prograph“\ as in strkjv@Romans:15:4|, not picture forth as strkjv@Galatians:3:1|. But when and where? Epistolary aorist for this Epistle? That is possible. A previous and lost Epistle as in strkjv@1Corinthians:5:9|? That also is abstractly possible. To the preceding discussion of the Gentiles? Possible and also probable. {In few words} (\en olig“i\). Not = \pro oligou\, shortly before, but as in strkjv@Acts:26:28| "in brief space or time" = \sunton“s\ (Acts:24:4|), "briefly."

rwp@Ephesians:3:4 @{Whereby} (\pros ho\). "Looking to which," "according to which." {When ye read} (\anagin“skontes\). This Epistle will be read in public. {My understanding in the mystery of Christ} (\tˆn sunesin mou en t“i mustˆri“i tou Christou\). My "comprehension" (\sunesin\, strkjv@Colossians:1:9; strkjv@2:2|). Every sermon reveals the preacher's grasp of "the mystery of Christ." If he has no insight into Christ, he has no call to preach.

rwp@Ephesians:3:5 @{In other generations} (\heterais geneais\). Locative case of time. He had already claimed this revelation for himself (verse 3|). Now he claims it for all the other apostles and prophets of God.

rwp@Ephesians:3:6 @{To wit}. Not in the Greek. But the infinitive (\einai\) clause is epexegetical and gives the content of the revelation, a common idiom in the N.T. \Ta ethnˆ\ is in the accusative of general reference. Paul is fond of compounds with \sun\ and here uses three of them. {Fellow-heirs} (\sunklˆronoma\). Late and rare (Philo, inscriptions and papyri). See also strkjv@Romans:8:17|. {Fellow-members of the body} (\suns“ma\). First found here and only here save in later ecclesiastical writers. Preuschen argues that it is equivalent to \sundoulos\ in strkjv@Colossians:1:7| (\s“ma\ in sense of \doulos\). {Fellow-partakers} (\sunmetocha\). Another late and rare word (Josephus). Only here in N.T. In one papyrus in sense of joint possessor of a house.

rwp@Ephesians:3:7 @For this verse see strkjv@Colossians:1:25; strkjv@Ephesians:1:19f.; strkjv@3:2|.

rwp@Ephesians:3:8 @{Unto me who am less than the least of all saints} (\emoi t“i elachistoter“i pant“n hagi“n\). Dative case \emoi\ with \elothˆ\. The peculiar form \elachistoter“i\ (in apposition with \emoi\) is a comparative (\-teros\) formed on the superlative \elachistos\. This sort of thing was already done in the older Greek like \eschatoteros\ in Xenophon. It became more common in the _Koin‚_. Songs:the double comparative \meizoteran\ in strkjv@3John:1:4|. The case of \hagi“n\ is ablative. This was not mock humility (15:19|), for on occasion Paul stood up for his rights as an apostle (2Corinthians:11:5|). {The unsearchable riches of Christ} (\to anexichniaston ploutos tou Christou\). \Anexichniastos\ (\a\ privative and verbal of \exichniaz“\, to track out, \ex\ and \ichnos\, track) appears first in strkjv@Job:5:9; strkjv@9:10|. Paul apparently got it from Job. Nowhere else in N.T. except strkjv@Romans:11:33|. In later Christian writers. Paul undertook to track out the untrackable in Christ.

rwp@Ephesians:3:9 @{To make see} (\ph“tisai\). First aorist active infinitive of \photiz“\, late verb, to turn the light on. With the eyes of the heart enlightened (Ephesians:1:18|) one can then turn the light for others to see. See strkjv@Colossians:1:26|.

rwp@Ephesians:3:10 @{To the intent that} (\hina\). Final clause. {Might be made known} (\gn“risthˆi\). First aorist passive subjunctive of \gn“riz“\ with \hina\. The mystery was made known to Paul (3:3|) and now he wants it blazoned forth to all powers (Gnostic aeons or what not). {Through the church} (\dia tˆs ekklˆsias\). The wonderful body of Christ described in chapter strkjv@Ephesians:2|. {The manifold wisdom of God} (\hˆ polupoikilos sophia tou theou\). Old and rare word, much-variegated, with many colours. Only here in N.T. \Poikilos\ (variegated) is more common (Matthew:4:24|).

rwp@Ephesians:3:11 @{According to the eternal purpose} (\kata prothesin t“n ai“n“n\). "According to the purpose (1:11|) of the ages." God's purpose runs on through the ages. "Through the ages one eternal purpose runs."

rwp@Ephesians:3:12 @{In confidence} (\en pepoithˆsei\). Late and rare word from \pepoitha\. See strkjv@2Corinthians:1:15|. {Through our faith in him} (\dia tˆs piste“s autou\). Clearly objective genitive \autou\ (in him).

rwp@Ephesians:3:13 @{That ye faint not} (\mˆ enkakein\). Object infinitive with \mˆ\ after \aitoumai\. The infinitive (present active) \enkakein\ is a late and rare word (see already strkjv@Luke:18:1; strkjv@2Thessalonians:3:13; strkjv@2Corinthians:4:1,16; strkjv@Galatians:6:9|) and means to behave badly in, to give in to evil (\en, kakos\). Paul urges all his apostolic authority to keep the readers from giving in to evil because of his tribulations for them. {Your glory} (\doxa hum“n\). As they could see.

rwp@Ephesians:3:14 @{I bow my knees} (\kampt“ ta gonata mou\). He now prays whether he had at first intended to do so at strkjv@3:1| or not. Calvin supposes that Paul knelt as he dictated this prayer, but this is not necessary. This was a common attitude in prayer (Luke:22:41; strkjv@Acts:7:40; strkjv@20:36; strkjv@21:5|), though standing is also frequent (Mark:11:25; strkjv@Luke:18:11,13|).

rwp@Ephesians:3:15 @{Every family} (\pƒsa patria\). Old word (\patra\ is the usual form) from \patˆr\, descent from a common ancestor as a tribe or race. Some take it here as = \patrotˆs\, fatherhood, but that is most unlikely. Paul seems to mean that all the various classes of men on earth and of angels in heaven get the name of family from God the Father of all.

rwp@Ephesians:3:16 @{That he would grant you} (\hina d“i humin\). Sub-final clause with \hina\ and the second aorist active subjunctive of \did“mi\, to give. There are really five petitions in this greatest of all Paul's prayers (one already in strkjv@1:16-23|), two by the infinitives after \hina d“i\ (\kratai“thˆnai, katoikˆsai\), two infinitives after \hina exischusˆte\ (\katalabesthai, gn“nai\), and the last clause \hina plˆr“thˆte\. Nowhere does Paul sound such depths of spiritual emotion or rise to such heights of spiritual passion as here. The whole seems to be coloured with "the riches of His glory." {That ye may be strengthened} (\kratai“thˆnai\). First aorist passive infinitive of \krataio“\, late and rare (LXX, N.T.) from \krataios\, late form from \kratos\ (strength). See strkjv@Luke:1:80|. Paul adds \dunamei\ (with the Spirit). Instrumental case. {In the inward man} (\eis ton es“ anthr“pon\). Same expression in strkjv@2Corinthians:4:16| (in contrast with the outward \ex“\, man) and in strkjv@Romans:7:22|.

rwp@Ephesians:3:17 @{That Christ may dwell} (\katoikˆsai ton Christon\). Another infinitive (first aorist active) after \hina d“i\. \Katoike“\ is an old verb to make one's home, to be at home. Christ (\Christon\ accusative of general reference) is asked to make his home in our hearts. This is the ideal, but a deal of fixing would have to be done in our hearts for Christ. {Being rooted and grounded in love} (\en agapˆi erriz“menoi kai tethemeli“menoi\). But it is not certain whether \en agapˆi\ should go with these participles or with the preceding infinitive \katoikˆsai\ (dwell). Besides, these two perfect passive participles (from \rizo“\, old verb, in N.T. only here and strkjv@Colossians:2:7|, and from \themelio“\, see also strkjv@Colossians:1:23|) are in the nominative case and are to be taken with \hina exischusˆte\ and are proleptically placed before \hina\. Verse 18| should really begin with these participles. Paul piles up metaphors (dwelling, rooted, grounded).

rwp@Ephesians:3:18 @{That ye may be strong} (\hina exischusˆte\). Sub-final clause again with \hina\ and the first aorist active subjunctive of \exischu“\, a late and rare compound (from \ex, ischu“\) to have full strength. Here only in N.T. {To apprehend} (\katalabesthai\). Second aorist middle infinitive of \katalamban“\, old and common verb, to lay hold of effectively (\kata-\), here with the mind, to grasp (Acts:25:25|). {With all the saints} (\sun pasin tois hagiois\). No isolated privilege. Fellowship open to all. Paul gives a rectangular (four dimension) measure of love (breadth \platos\, length \mˆkos\, height \hupsos\, depth \bathos\, all common enough words).

rwp@Ephesians:3:19 @{And to know} (\gn“nai te\). Second aorist active infinitive with \exischusˆte\. {Which passeth knowledge} (\tˆn huperballousan tˆs gn“se“s\). Ablative case \gn“se“s\ after \huperballousan\ (from \huperball“\). All the same Paul dares to scale this peak. {That ye may be filled with all the fulness of God} (\hina plˆr“thˆte eis pƒn to plˆr“ma tou theou\). Final clause again (third use of \hina\ in the sentence) with first aorist passive subjunctive of \plˆro“\ and the use of \eis\ after it. One hesitates to comment on this sublime climax in Paul's prayer, the ultimate goal for followers of Christ in harmony with the injunction in strkjv@Matthew:5:48| to be perfect (\teleioi\) as our heavenly Father is perfect. There is nothing that any one can add to these words. One can turn to strkjv@Romans:8:29| again for our final likeness to God in Christ.

rwp@Ephesians:3:20 @{That is able to do} (\t“i dunamen“i poiˆsai\). Dative case of the articular participle (present middle of \dunamai\). Paul is fully aware of the greatness of the blessings asked for, but the Doxology ascribes to God the power to do them for us. {Above all} (\huper panta\). Not simply \panta\, but \huper\ beyond and above all. {Exceedingly abundantly} (\huperekperissou\). Late and rare double compound (\huper, ek, perissou\) adverb (LXX, strkjv@1Thessalonians:3:10; strkjv@5:13; strkjv@Ephesians:3:20|). It suits well Paul's effort to pile Pelion on Ossa. {That we ask} (\h“n aitoumetha\). Ablative of the relative pronoun attracted from the accusative \ha\ to the case of the unexpressed antecedent \tout“n\. Middle voice (\aitoumetha\) "we ask for ourselves." {Or think} (\ˆ nooumen\). The highest aspiration is not beyond God's "power" (\dunamin\) to bestow.

rwp@Ephesians:3:21 @{In the church} (\en tˆi ekklˆsiƒi\). The general church, the body of Christ. {And in Christ Jesus} (\kai en Christ“i Iˆsou\). The Head of the glorious church.

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