Genesis 40

geneva@Genesis:40:1 @ And after these things, the butler of the King of Egypt and his baker offended their lorde the King of Egypt.

geneva@Genesis:40:2 @ And Pharaoh was angrie against his two officers, against the chiefe butler, and against the chiefe baker.

geneva@Genesis:40:3 @ And he put them in ward in the house of the captain of the guard, into the prison, the place where (note:)God works in many wonderful ways to deliver his own.(:note) Joseph [was] bound.

geneva@Genesis:40:4 @ And the chiefe steward gaue Ioseph charge ouer them, and he serued them: and they continued a season in warde.

geneva@Genesis:40:5 @ And they dreamed a dream both of them, each man his dream in one night, (note:)That is, every dream had his interpretation, as the thing afterward declared.(:note) each man according to the interpretation of his dream, the butler and the baker of the king of Egypt, which [were] bound in the prison.

geneva@Genesis:40:6 @ And when Ioseph came in vnto them in the morning, and looked vpon them, beholde, they were sad.

geneva@Genesis:40:7 @ And he asked Pharaohs officers, that were with him in his masters warde, saying, Wherefore looke ye so sadly to day?

geneva@Genesis:40:8 @ And they said unto him, We have dreamed a dream, and [there is] no interpreter of it. And Joseph said unto them, (note:)Cannot God raise up such as shall interpret such things.(:note) [Do] not interpretations [belong] to God? tell me [them], I pray you.

geneva@Genesis:40:9 @ So the chiefe butler tolde his dreame to Ioseph, and said vnto him, In my dreame, behold, a vine was before me,

geneva@Genesis:40:10 @ And in the vine were three branches, and as it budded, her flowre came foorth: and the clusters of grapes waxed ripe.

geneva@Genesis:40:11 @ And I had Pharaohs cup in mine hande, and I tooke the grapes, & wrung the into Pharaohs cup, and I gaue the cup into Pharaohs hand.

geneva@Genesis:40:12 @ And Joseph said unto him, This (note:)He was reassured by the spirit of God, that his interpretation was true.(:note) [is] the interpretation of it: The three branches [are] three days:

geneva@Genesis:40:13 @ Within three dayes shall Pharaoh lift vp thine head, & restore thee vnto thine office, and thou shalt giue Pharaohs cup into his hand after the olde maner, when thou wast his butler.

geneva@Genesis:40:14 @ But think on me when it shall be well with thee, and shew kindness, I pray thee, unto me, and (note:)He does not refuse the method of deliverance which he thought God had appointed.(:note) make mention of me unto Pharaoh, and bring me out of this house:

geneva@Genesis:40:15 @ For I was stollen away by theft out of the land of the Ebrewes, and here also haue I done nothing, wherefore they should put mee in the dungeon.

geneva@Genesis:40:16 @ When the chief baker saw that the interpretation was good, he said unto Joseph, I also [was] in my dream, and, behold, [I had] three (note:)That is made of white twigs, or as some read, baskets full of holes.(:note) white baskets on my head:

geneva@Genesis:40:17 @ And in the vppermost basket there was of all maner baken meates for Pharaoh: and the birdes did eate them out of the basket vpon mine head.

geneva@Genesis:40:18 @ And Joseph answered and said, (note:)He shows that the ministers of God should not conceal that, which God reveals to them.(:note) This [is] the interpretation thereof: The three baskets [are] three days:

geneva@Genesis:40:19 @ Within three dayes shall Pharaoh take thine head from thee, & shal hang thee on a tree, and the birdes shall eate thy flesh from off thee.

geneva@Genesis:40:20 @ And it came to pass the third day, [which was] Pharaoh's (note:)Which was an occasion to appoint his officers, and to examine those who were in prison.(:note) birthday, that he made a feast unto all his servants: and he lifted up the head of the chief butler and of the chief baker among his servants.

geneva@Genesis:40:21 @ And he restored the chiefe butler vnto his butlershippe, who gaue the cup into Pharaohs hande,

geneva@Genesis:40:22 @ But he hanged the chiefe baker, as Ioseph had interpreted vnto them.

geneva@Genesis:40:23 @ Yet the chiefe butler did not remember Ioseph, but forgate him.

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