Jeremiah 38

bes@Jeremiah:38:1 @ At that time, saith the Lord, (note:)2 Co strkjv@6:17, 18(:note) I will be a God to the family of Israel, and they shall be to me a people.

bes@Jeremiah:38:2 @ Thus saith the Lord, I found him (note:)q. d. still living(:note) warm in the wilderness with them that were slain with the sword: go ye and destroy not Israel.

bes@Jeremiah:38:3 @ The Lord appeared to him from afar, saying, I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore have I drawn thee in compassion.

bes@Jeremiah:38:4 @ For I will build thee, and thou shalt be built, O virgin of Israel: thou shalt yet take thy timbrel, and go forth with the party of them that make merry.

bes@Jeremiah:38:5 @

bes@Jeremiah:38:6 @ For it is a day when those that plead on the mountains of Ephraim shall call, saying, Arise ye, and go up to Sion to the Lord your God.

bes@Jeremiah:38:7 @ For thus saith the Lord to Jacob; Rejoice ye, and exult over the head of the nations: make proclamation, and praise ye: say, The Lord has delivered his people, the remnant of Israel.

bes@Jeremiah:38:8 @ Behold, I bring them from the north, and will gather them from the end of the earth to the feast of the passover: and the people shall beget a great multitude, and they shall return hither.

bes@Jeremiah:38:9 @ They went forth with weeping, and I will bring them back with consolation, causing them to lodge by the channels of waters in a straight way, and they shall not err in it: for (note:)2 Co strkjv@6:17, 18(:note) I am become a father to Israel, and Ephraim is my first-born.

bes@Jeremiah:38:10 @ Hear the words of the Lord, ye nations, and proclaim them to the islands afar off; say, He that scattered Israel will also gather him, and keep him as one that feeds his flock.

bes@Jeremiah:38:11 @ For the Lord has ransomed Jacob, he has rescued him out of the hand of them that were stronger than he.

bes@Jeremiah:38:12 @ And they shall come, and shall rejoice in the mount of Sion, and shall come to the good things of the Lord, even to a land of corn, and wine, and fruits, and cattle, and sheep: and their soul shall be as a fruitful tree; and they shall hunger no more.

bes@Jeremiah:38:13 @ Then shall the virgins rejoice in the assembly of youth, and the old men shall rejoice; and I will turn their mourning into joy, and will make them merry.

bes@Jeremiah:38:14 @ I will (note:)Gr. enlarge(:note) expand and cheer with wine the soul of the priests the sons of Levi, and my people shall be satisfied with my good things: thus saith the Lord.

bes@Jeremiah:38:15 @

bes@Jeremiah:38:16 @ Thus saith the Lord; Let thy voice cease from weeping, and thine eyes from thy tears: for there is a reward for thy works; and they shall return from the land of thine enemies.

bes@Jeremiah:38:17 @ There shall be an abiding home for thy children.

bes@Jeremiah:38:18 @ I have heard the sound of Ephraim lamenting, and saying, Thou hast chastened me, and I was chastened; I as a calf was not willingly taught: turn thou me, and I shall turn; for thou art the Lord my God.

bes@Jeremiah:38:19 @ For after my captivity I repented; and after I knew, I groaned for the day of shame, and shewed thee that I (note:)Gr. received(:note) bore reproach from my youth.

bes@Jeremiah:38:20 @ Ephraim is a beloved son, a pleasing child to me: for because my words are in him, I will surely remember him: therefore I made haste to help him; I will surely have mercy upon him, saith the Lord.

bes@Jeremiah:38:21 @

bes@Jeremiah:38:22 @ How long, O disgraced daughter, wilt thou turn away? for the Lord has created safety for a new plantation: men shall go about in safety.

bes@Jeremiah:38:23 @ For thus saith the Lord; They shall yet speak this word in the land of Juda, and in the cities thereof, when I shall turn his captivity; blessed be the Lord on his righteous holy mountain!

bes@Jeremiah:38:24 @ And there shall be dwellers in the cities of Juda, and in all his land, together with the husbandman, and the shepherd shall (note:)More lit. be carried away(:note) go forth with the flock.

bes@Jeremiah:38:25 @ For I have saturated every thirsting soul, and filled every hungry soul.

bes@Jeremiah:38:26 @ Therefore I awake, and beheld; and my sleep was sweet to me.

bes@Jeremiah:38:27 @ Therefore, behold, the days come, saith the Lord, when I will sow the house of Israel and the house of Juda with the seed of man, and the seed of beast.

bes@Jeremiah:38:28 @ And it shall come to pass, that as I watched over them, to pull down, and to afflict, so will I watch over them, to build, and to plant, saith the Lord.

bes@Jeremiah:38:29 @ In those days they shall certainly not say, The fathers ate a sour grape, and the children’s teeth were set on edge.

bes@Jeremiah:38:30 @ But every one shall die in his own sin; and the teeth of him that eats the sour grape shall be set on edge.

bes@Jeremiah:38:31 @

bes@Jeremiah:38:32 @ not according to the covenant which I made with their fathers in the day when I took hold of their hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt; for they abode not in my covenant, and I disregarded them, saith the Lord.

bes@Jeremiah:38:33 @ For this is my covenant which I will make with the house of Israel; after those days, saith the Lord, (note:)Gr. giving I will give(:note) I will surely put my laws into their mind, and write them on their hearts; and I will be to them a God, and they shall be to me a people.

bes@Jeremiah:38:34 @ And they shall not at all teach every one his fellow citizen, and every one his brother, saying, Know the Lord: for all shall know me, from the least of them to the greatest of them: for I will be merciful to their iniquities, and their sins I will remember no more.

bes@Jeremiah:38:35 @ Thus saith the Lord, who gives the sun for a light by day, the moon and the stars for a light by night, and makes a roaring in the sea, so that the waves thereof roar; the Lord Almighty is his name:

bes@Jeremiah:38:36 @ if these ordinances cease from before me, saith the Lord, then shall the family of Israel cease to be a nation before me forever.

bes@Jeremiah:38:37 @ Though the sky should be raised to a greater height, saith the Lord, and though the ground of the earth should be sunk lower beneath, yet I will not cast off the family of Israel, saith the Lord, for all that they have done.

bes@Jeremiah:38:38 @ Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, when the city shall be built to the Lord from the tower of Anameel to the gate of the corner.

bes@Jeremiah:38:39 @ And the measurement of it shall proceed in front of them as far as the hills of Gareb, and it shall be compassed (note:)More lit. with a circle out of(:note) with a circular wall of choice stones.

bes@Jeremiah:38:40 @ And all the Asaremoth even to Nachal Kedron, as far as the corner of the horse-gate eastward, shall be (note:)Or, a consecration(:note) holiness to the Lord; and it shall not fail any more, and shall not be destroyed for ever.

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