Job 3

ylt@Job:3:1 @After this hath Job opened his mouth, and revileth his day.

ylt@Job:3:2 @And Job answereth and saith: --

ylt@Job:3:3 @Let the day perish in which I am born, And the night that hath said: 'A man-child hath been conceived.'

ylt@Job:3:4 @That day -- let it be darkness, Let not God require it from above, Nor let light shine upon it.

ylt@Job:3:5 @Let darkness and death-shade redeem it, Let a cloud tabernacle upon it, Let them terrify it as the most bitter of days.

ylt@Job:3:6 @That night -- let thick darkness take it, Let it not be united to days of the year, Into the number of months let it not come.

ylt@Job:3:7 @Lo! that night -- let it be gloomy, Let no singing come into it.

ylt@Job:3:8 @Let the cursers of day mark it, Who are ready to wake up Leviathan.

ylt@Job:3:9 @Let the stars of its twilight be dark, Let it wait for light, and there is none, And let it not look on the eyelids of the dawn.

ylt@Job:3:10 @Because it hath not shut the doors Of the womb that was mine! And hide misery from mine eyes.

ylt@Job:3:11 @Why from the womb do I not die? From the belly I have come forth and gasp!

ylt@Job:3:12 @Wherefore have knees been before me? And what [are] breasts, that I suck?

ylt@Job:3:13 @For now, I have lain down, and am quiet, I have slept -- then there is rest to me,

ylt@Job:3:14 @With kings and counsellors of earth, These building wastes for themselves.

ylt@Job:3:15 @Or with princes -- they have gold, They are filling their houses [with] silver.

ylt@Job:3:16 @(Or as a hidden abortion I am not, As infants -- they have not seen light.)

ylt@Job:3:17 @There the wicked have ceased troubling, And there rest do the wearied in power.

ylt@Job:3:18 @Together prisoners have been at ease, They have not heard the voice of an exactor,

ylt@Job:3:19 @Small and great [are] there the same. And a servant [is] free from his lord.

ylt@Job:3:20 @Why giveth He to the miserable light, and life to the bitter soul?

ylt@Job:3:21 @Who are waiting for death, and it is not, And they seek it above hid treasures.

ylt@Job:3:22 @Who are glad -- unto joy, They rejoice when they find a grave.

ylt@Job:3:23 @To a man whose way hath been hidden, And whom God doth shut up?

ylt@Job:3:24 @For before my food, my sighing cometh, And poured out as waters [are] my roarings.

ylt@Job:3:25 @For a fear I feared and it meeteth me, And what I was afraid of doth come to me.

ylt@Job:3:26 @I was not safe -- nor was I quiet -- Nor was I at rest -- and trouble cometh!

ylt@Job:3:1 @After this hath Job opened his mouth, and revileth his day.

ylt@Job:3:2 @And Job answereth and saith: --

ylt@Job:3:3 @Let the day perish in which I am born, And the night that hath said: 'A man-child hath been conceived.'

ylt@Job:3:4 @That day -- let it be darkness, Let not God require it from above, Nor let light shine upon it.

ylt@Job:3:5 @Let darkness and death-shade redeem it, Let a cloud tabernacle upon it, Let them terrify it as the most bitter of days.

ylt@Job:3:6 @That night -- let thick darkness take it, Let it not be united to days of the year, Into the number of months let it not come.

ylt@Job:3:7 @Lo! that night -- let it be gloomy, Let no singing come into it.

ylt@Job:3:8 @Let the cursers of day mark it, Who are ready to wake up Leviathan.

ylt@Job:3:9 @Let the stars of its twilight be dark, Let it wait for light, and there is none, And let it not look on the eyelids of the dawn.

ylt@Job:3:10 @Because it hath not shut the doors Of the womb that was mine! And hide misery from mine eyes.

ylt@Job:3:11 @Why from the womb do I not die? From the belly I have come forth and gasp!

ylt@Job:3:12 @Wherefore have knees been before me? And what [are] breasts, that I suck?

ylt@Job:3:13 @For now, I have lain down, and am quiet, I have slept -- then there is rest to me,

ylt@Job:3:14 @With kings and counsellors of earth, These building wastes for themselves.

ylt@Job:3:15 @Or with princes -- they have gold, They are filling their houses [with] silver.

ylt@Job:3:16 @(Or as a hidden abortion I am not, As infants -- they have not seen light.)

ylt@Job:3:17 @There the wicked have ceased troubling, And there rest do the wearied in power.

ylt@Job:3:18 @Together prisoners have been at ease, They have not heard the voice of an exactor,

ylt@Job:3:19 @Small and great [are] there the same. And a servant [is] free from his lord.

ylt@Job:3:20 @Why giveth He to the miserable light, and life to the bitter soul?

ylt@Job:3:21 @Who are waiting for death, and it is not, And they seek it above hid treasures.

ylt@Job:3:22 @Who are glad -- unto joy, They rejoice when they find a grave.

ylt@Job:3:23 @To a man whose way hath been hidden, And whom God doth shut up?

ylt@Job:3:24 @For before my food, my sighing cometh, And poured out as waters [are] my roarings.

ylt@Job:3:25 @For a fear I feared and it meeteth me, And what I was afraid of doth come to me.

ylt@Job:3:26 @I was not safe -- nor was I quiet -- Nor was I at rest -- and trouble cometh!

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