John 9

grkm@John:9:1 @ [] Kai enw anecwrei, eiden anqrwpon tuflon ek genethV.

grkm@John:9:2 @ Kai hrwthsan auton oi maqhtai autou, legonteV× Rabbi, tiV hmarten, outoV h oi goneiV autou, wste na gennhqh tufloV;

grkm@John:9:3 @ Apekriqh o IhsouV× Oute outoV hmarten oute oi goneiV autou, alla dia na fanerwqwsi ta erga tou Qeou en autw.

grkm@John:9:4 @ Egw prepei na ergazwmai ta erga tou pemyantoV me, ewsou einai hmera× ercetai nux ote oudeiV dunatai na ergazhtai.

grkm@John:9:5 @ Enosw eimai en tw kosmw, eimai fwV tou kosmou.

grkm@John:9:6 @ Afou eipe tauta, eptuse camai kai ekame phlon ek tou ptusmatoV kai epecrise ton phlon epi touV ofqalmouV tou tuflou

grkm@John:9:7 @ kai eipe proV auton× Upage, nifqhti eiV thn kolumbhqran tou Silwam, to opoion ermhneuetai apestalmenoV. Uphge loipon kai enifqh, kai hlqe blepwn.

grkm@John:9:8 @ [] Oi de geitoneV kai osoi eblepon auton proteron oti hto tufloV elegon den einai outoV, ostiV ekaqhto kai ezhtei;

grkm@John:9:9 @ Alloi elegon oti outoV einai× alloi de oti omoioV autou einai. EkeinoV elegen oti egw eimai.

grkm@John:9:10 @ Elegon loipon proV auton× PwV hnoicqhsan oi ofqalmoi sou;

grkm@John:9:11 @ Apekriqh ekeinoV kai eipen× AnqrwpoV legomenoV IhsouV ekame phlon kai epecrise touV ofqalmouV mou kai moi eipen× Upage eiV thn kolumbhqran tou Silwam kai nifqhti× afou de uphga kai enifqhn, anebleya.

grkm@John:9:12 @ Eipon loipon proV auton× Pou einai ekeinoV; Legei× Den exeurw.

grkm@John:9:13 @ [] Ferousin auton ton pote tuflon proV touV FarisaiouV.

grkm@John:9:14 @ Hto de sabbaton, ote ekame ton phlon o IhsouV kai hnoixe touV ofqalmouV autou.

grkm@John:9:15 @ Palin loipon hrwtwn auton kai oi Farisaioi pwV anebleye. Kai ekeinoV eipe proV autouV× Phlon ebalen epi touV ofqalmouV mou, kai enifqhn, kai blepw.

grkm@John:9:16 @ Elegon loipon tineV ek twn Farisaiwn× OutoV o anqrwpoV den einai para tou Qeou, dioti den fulattei to sabbaton. Alloi elegon× PwV dunatai anqrwpoV amartwloV na kamnh toiauta qaumata; Kai hto scisma metaxu autwn.

grkm@John:9:17 @ Legousi palin proV ton tuflon× Su ti legeiV peri autou, epeidh hnoixe touV ofqalmouV sou; Kai ekeinoV eipen oti profhthV einai.

grkm@John:9:18 @ Den episteusan loipon oi Ioudaioi peri autou oti hto tufloV kai anebleyen, ewV otou efwnaxan touV goneiV autou tou anableyantoV

grkm@John:9:19 @ kai hrwthsan autouV, legonteV× OutoV einai o uioV saV, ton opoion seiV legete oti egennhqh tufloV; pwV loipon blepei twra;

grkm@John:9:20 @ Apekriqhsan proV autouV oi goneiV autou kai eipon× Exeuromen oti outoV einai o uioV hmwn kai oti egennhqh tufloV×

grkm@John:9:21 @ PwV de blepei twra den exeuromen, h tiV hnoixe touV ofqalmouV autou hmeiV den exeuromen× autoV hlikian ecei, auton erwthsate, autoV peri eautou qelei lalhsei.

grkm@John:9:22 @ Tauta eipon oi goneiV autou, dioti efobounto touV IoudaiouV× epeidh hdh eicon sumfwnhsei oi Ioudaioi, ean tiV omologhsh auton Criston, na geinh aposunagwgoV.

grkm@John:9:23 @ Dia touto oi goneiV autou eipon oti hlikian ecei, auton erwthsate.

grkm@John:9:24 @ Efwnaxan loipon ek deuterou ton anqrwpon, ostiV hto tufloV, kai eipon proV auton× Doxason ton Qeon× hmeiV exeuromen oti o anqrwpoV outoV einai amartwloV.

grkm@John:9:25 @ Apekriqh loipon ekeinoV kai eipen× An hnai amartwloV den exeurw× en exeurw, oti hmhn tufloV kai twra blepw.

grkm@John:9:26 @ Eipon de proV auton palin× ti soi ekame; pwV hnoixe touV ofqalmouV sou;

grkm@John:9:27 @ Apekriqh proV autouV× SaV eipon hdh, kai den hkousate× dia ti palin qelete na akouhte; mhpwV kai seiV qelete na geinhte maqhtai autou;

grkm@John:9:28 @ Eloidorhsan loipon auton kai eipon× Su eisai maqhthV ekeinou× hmeiV de tou MwusewV eimeqa maqhtai.

grkm@John:9:29 @ hmeiV exeuromen oti proV ton Mwushn elalhsen o QeoV× touton omwV den exeuromen poqen einai.

grkm@John:9:30 @ Apekriqh o anqrwpoV kai eipe proV autouV× En toutw malista einai to qaumaston, oti seiV den exeurete poqen einai, kai hnoixe mou touV ofqalmouV.

grkm@John:9:31 @ Exeuromen de oti amartwlouV o QeoV den akouei, all' ean tiV hnai beosebhV kai kamnh to qelhma autou, touton akouei.

grkm@John:9:32 @ Ek tou aiwnoV den hkousqh oti hnoixe tiV ofqalmouV gegennhmenou tuflou.

grkm@John:9:33 @ Ean outoV den hto para Qeou, den hdunato na kamh ouden.

grkm@John:9:34 @ Apekriqhsan kai eipon proV auton× Su egennhqhV oloV en amartiaiV, kai su didaskeiV hmaV; kai exebalon auton exw.

grkm@John:9:35 @ [] Hkousen o IhsouV oti exebalon auton exw, kai eurwn auton eipe proV auton× Su pisteueiV eiV ton Uion tou Qeou;

grkm@John:9:36 @ Apekriqh ekeinoV kai eipe× TiV einai, Kurie, dia na pisteusw eiV auton;

grkm@John:9:37 @ Kai o IhsouV eipe proV auton× Kai eideV auton kai o lalwn meta sou ekeinoV einai.

grkm@John:9:38 @ O de eipe× Pisteuw, Kurie× kai prosekunhsen auton.

grkm@John:9:39 @ [] Kai eipen o IhsouV× Egw dia krisin hlqon eiV ton kosmon touton, dia na blepwsin oi mh bleponteV kai na geinwsi tufloi oi bleponteV.

grkm@John:9:40 @ Kai hkousan tauta osoi ek twn Farisaiwn hsan met' autou, kai eipon proV auton× MhpwV kai hmeiV eimeqa tufloi;

grkm@John:9:41 @ Eipe proV autouV o IhsouV× Ean hsqe tufloi, den hqelete ecei amartian× twra omwV legete oti blepomen× h amartia saV loipon menei.

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