Leviticus 17

grkm@Leviticus:17:1 @ [] Kai elalhse KurioV proV ton Mwushn, legwn,

grkm@Leviticus:17:2 @ Lalhson proV ton Aarwn kai proV touV uiouV autou kai proV pantaV touV uiouV Israhl kai eipe proV autouV, OutoV einai o logoV ton opoion prosetaxen o KurioV, legwn.

grkm@Leviticus:17:3 @ OstiV anqrwpoV ek tou oikou Israhl sfaxh boun h arnion h aiga en tw stratopedw, h ostiV sfaxh exw tou stratopedou,

grkm@Leviticus:17:4 @ kai eiV thn quran thV skhnhV tou marturiou den ferh auto, dia na prosferh prosforan eiV ton Kurion emprosqen thV skhnhV tou Kuriou, aima qelei logisqh eiV ekeinon ton anqrwpon× aima ecuse kai qelei exoloqreuqh o anqrwpoV ekeinoV ek mesou tou laou autou×

grkm@Leviticus:17:5 @ dia na ferwsin oi uioi Israhl taV qusiaV autwn, taV opoiaV qusiazousin en th pediadi, kai na prosferwsin autaV proV ton Kurion eiV thn quran thV skhnhV tou marturiou proV ton ierea kai na qusiazwsin autaV eiV prosforaV eirhnikaV proV ton Kurion.

grkm@Leviticus:17:6 @ Kai qelei rantisei o iereuV to aima epi to qusiasthrion tou Kuriou eiV thn quran thV skhnhV tou marturiou kai qelei kausei to stear eiV osmhn euwdiaV proV ton Kurion.

grkm@Leviticus:17:7 @ Kai den qelousi qusiasei pleon taV qusiaV autwn eiV touV daimonaV, katopin twn opoiwn autoi porneuousi× touto qelei eisqai eiV autouV nomimon aiwnion eiV taV geneaV autwn.

grkm@Leviticus:17:8 @ Kai qeleiV eipei proV autouV, OstiV anqrwpoV ek tou oikou Israhl h ek twn xenwn twn paroikountwn metaxu saV prosferh olokautwma h qusian,

grkm@Leviticus:17:9 @ kai eiV thn quran thV skhnhV tou marturiou den ferh auto, dia na prosferh auto proV ton Kurion, qelei exoloqreuqh o anqrwpoV ekeinoV ek mesou tou laou autou.

grkm@Leviticus:17:10 @ [] Kai ostiV anqrwpoV ek tou oikou Israhl h ek twn xenwn twn paroikountwn metaxu saV fagh oiondhpote aima, qelw sthsei to proswpon mou enantion ekeinhV thV yuchV htiV trwgei to aima, kai qelw exoloqreusei authn ek mesou tou laou authV×

grkm@Leviticus:17:11 @ dioti h zwh thV sarkoV einai en tw aimati kai egw edwka auto eiV esaV, dia na kamnhte exilewsin uper twn yucwn saV epi tou qusiasthriou× dioti to aima touto kamnei exilasmon uper thV yuchV.

grkm@Leviticus:17:12 @ Dia touto eipa proV touV uiouV Israhl, Oudemia yuch apo saV qelei fagei aima× oude o xenoV, o paroikwn metaxu saV, qelei fagei aima.

grkm@Leviticus:17:13 @ Kai ostiV anqrwpoV ek twn uiwn Israhl h ek twn xenwn twn paroikountwn metaxu saV, kunhghsh kai piash zwon h pthnon, to opoion trwgetai, qelei cusei to aima autou kai qelei skepasei auto me cwma.

grkm@Leviticus:17:14 @ Dioti h zwh pashV sarkoV einai to aima authV× dia thn zwhn authV einai× oqen eipa proV touV uiouV Israhl, Den qelete fagei aima oudemiaV sarkoV× dioti h zwh pashV sarkoV einai to aima authV× paV o trwgwn auto qelei exoloqreuqh.

grkm@Leviticus:17:15 @ Kai pasa yuch, htiV fagh qnhsimaion h diesparagmenon upo qhriou, autocqwn h xenoV, qelei plunei ta imatia autou kai qelei lousqh en udati kai qelei eisqai akaqartoV ewV esperaV× tote qelei eisqai kaqaroV.

grkm@Leviticus:17:16 @ All' ean den plunh auta mhde loush to swma autou, tote qelei bastasei thn anomian autou.

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