Mark 12

diaglotnt@Mark:12:1 @ And he began to them in parables to talk: A vineyard planted a man, and placed around a hedge, and dug a wine–vat, and built a tower; and let out it to husbandmen, and went abroad.

diaglotnt@Mark:12:2 @ And he sent to the husbandmen in the season a slave, that from the husbandmen, he might receive of the fruit of the vineyard.

diaglotnt@Mark:12:3 @ They but taking him, they flayed, and sent away empty.

diaglotnt@Mark:12:4 @ And again he sent to them another slave; and this pelting with stones they wounded of the head, and sent away having dishonored.

diaglotnt@Mark:12:5 @ And another he sent; and this they killed; and many others, some indeed flaying, some but killing.

diaglotnt@Mark:12:6 @ Yet therefore one son having, beloved of himself he sent and him to them last, saying: That they will regard the son of me.

diaglotnt@Mark:12:7 @ Those but the husbandmen said to themselves: That this is the heir; come, we may kill him, and of us shall be the inheritance.

diaglotnt@Mark:12:8 @ And having taken him, they killed, and cast out of the vineyard.

diaglotnt@Mark:12:9 @ What therefore will do the lord of the vineyard? He will come and destroy the husbandmen, and will give the vineyard to others.

diaglotnt@Mark:12:10 @ Not even the writing this have you read: A stone which rejected those building, this was made into a head of a corner;

diaglotnt@Mark:12:11 @ by a Lord was done this, and it is wonderful in eyes of us?

diaglotnt@Mark:12:12 @ And they sought him to seize, but they feared the crowd; they knew for, that to them the parable he spoke. And leaving him, they went away.

diaglotnt@Mark:12:13 @ And they send to him some of the Pharisees and of the Herodians, that him they might catch in word.

diaglotnt@Mark:12:14 @ They having come they say to him: O teacher, we know, that true thou art, and not cares thee about no one; not for thou lookest into face of men, but in truth the way of the God thou teachest; is it lawful tribute to Caesar to give, or not? should we give, or not should we give?

diaglotnt@Mark:12:15 @ He but knowing of them the hypocrisy, said to them: Why me do you tempt? bring you to me a denarius, that I may see.

diaglotnt@Mark:12:16 @ They and brought. And he says to them: Of whom the likeness this, and the inscription? They and said to him: Of Caesar.

diaglotnt@Mark:12:17 @ And answering the Jesus said to them: Give you back the things of Caesar to Caesar, and the things of the God, to the God. And they wondered at him.

diaglotnt@Mark:12:18 @ And come Sadducees to him, who say a resurrection not to be; and they asked him, saying:

diaglotnt@Mark:12:19 @ O teacher, Moses wrote for us, that if any brother should die, and should leave behind a wife, and children not should leave, that should take the brother of him the wife of him, and should raise up seed, to the brother of himself.

diaglotnt@Mark:12:20 @ Seven brothers were; and the first took a wife, and dying not left seed.

diaglotnt@Mark:12:21 @ And the second took her, and died, and neither he left seed; and the third in like manner.

diaglotnt@Mark:12:22 @ And took her the seven, and not left seed. Last of all died also the woman.

diaglotnt@Mark:12:23 @ In the therefore resurrection when they shall rise, of whom of them shall be a wife? the for seven had her a wife.

diaglotnt@Mark:12:24 @ And answering the Jesus said to them: Not through this do you err, not knowing the writings, neither the power of the God?

diaglotnt@Mark:12:25 @ When for out of dead (ones) they may rise, neither they marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as messengers in the heavens.

diaglotnt@Mark:12:26 @ Concerning but the dead (ones), that they rise, not have you read in the book of Moses, at the bush as said to him the God, saying: I the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob?

diaglotnt@Mark:12:27 @ Not is the God of dead (ones), but of living (ones). You therefore greatly err.

diaglotnt@Mark:12:28 @ And approaching one of the scribes, having heard them disputing, knowing that well to them he answered, asked him: Which is first of all commandment?

diaglotnt@Mark:12:29 @ The and Jesus replied to him: That first of all commandment; Hear you Israel, a Lord, the God of us, Lord one is;

diaglotnt@Mark:12:30 @ and thou shalt love a Lord the God of thee out of whole of the heart of thee, and out of whole of the soul of thee, and out of whole of the mind of thee, and out of whole of the strength of thee. This first commandment.

diaglotnt@Mark:12:31 @ And second like, this: Thou shalt love the neighbor of thee as thyself. Greater of these another commandment not is.

diaglotnt@Mark:12:32 @ And said to him the scribe: Well, O teacher, in truth thou speakest, that one he is and not is another besides him;

diaglotnt@Mark:12:33 @ and the to love him out of whole of the heart, and out of whole of the understanding, and out of whole the soul, and out of whole of the strength, and the to love the neighbor as himself, more is of all of the whole burnt offerings and sacrifices.

diaglotnt@Mark:12:34 @ And the Jesus, seeing him, that discreetly he answered, said to him: Not far thou art from the kingdom of the God. And no one no longer presumed him to ask.

diaglotnt@Mark:12:35 @ And answering the Jesus said, teaching in the temple: How say the scribes, that the Anointed a son is a David?

diaglotnt@Mark:12:36 @ Himself for the David said by spirit holy: Says the Lord to the lord of me: Sit thou at right of me, till I may place the enemies of thee a footstool of the feet of thee.

diaglotnt@Mark:12:37 @ himself therefore David calls him lord; and whence a son is he? And the great crowd heard him gladly.

diaglotnt@Mark:12:38 @ And he said to them in the teaching of himself: Beware you of the scribes, those desiring in long robes to walk about, and salutations in the markets,

diaglotnt@Mark:12:39 @ and first seats in the synagogues, and upper couches at the feasts;

diaglotnt@Mark:12:40 @ those devouring the houses of the widows, and for a show long are praying; these will receive heavier judgment.

diaglotnt@Mark:12:41 @ And sitting the Jesus over against the treasury, he beheld how the crowd casts copper into the treasury. And many rich cast much.

diaglotnt@Mark:12:42 @ And coming one widow poor, cast mites two, which is a farthing.

diaglotnt@Mark:12:43 @ And having called the disciples of himself, he said to them: Indeed I say to you, that the widow this the poor more of all has cast of those casting into the treasury.

diaglotnt@Mark:12:44 @ All for out of the abounding fulness to them have cast; this but out of the poverty of herself all as much as she had cast, whole the living of herself.

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