Matthew 16

grkm@Matthew:16:1 @ [] Kai proselqonteV oi Farisaioi kai oi Saddoukaioi, peirazonteV auton ezhthsan na deixh eiV autouV shmeion ek tou ouranou.

grkm@Matthew:16:2 @ O de apokriqeiV eipe proV autouV× Otan geinh espera, legete× Kalwsunh× dioti kokkinizei o ouranoV×

grkm@Matthew:16:3 @ kai to prwi× Shmeron ceimwn× dioti kokkinizei skuqrwpazwn o ouranoV. Upokritai, to men proswpon tou ouranou exeurete na diakrinhte, ta de shmeia twn kairwn den dunasqe;

grkm@Matthew:16:4 @ Genea ponhra kai moicaliV shmeion zhtei, kai shmeion den qelei doqh eiV authn eimh to shmeion Iwna tou profhtou. Kai afhsaV autouV anecwrhse.

grkm@Matthew:16:5 @ [] Kai elqonteV oi maqhtai autou eiV to peran, elhsmonhsan na labwsin artouV.

grkm@Matthew:16:6 @ O de IhsouV eipe proV autouV× Blepete kai prosecete apo thV zumhV twn Farisaiwn kai Saddoukaiwn.

grkm@Matthew:16:7 @ Kai ekeinoi dielogizonto en eautoiV, legonteV oti artouV den elabomen.

grkm@Matthew:16:8 @ NohsaV de o IhsouV, eipe proV autouV× Ti dialogizesqe en eautoiV, oligopistoi, oti artouV den elabete;

grkm@Matthew:16:9 @ eti den katalambanete, oude enqumeisqe touV pente artouV twn pentakisciliwn kai posouV kofinouV elabete;

grkm@Matthew:16:10 @ oude touV epta artouV twn tetrakisciliwn kai posaV spuridaV elabete;

grkm@Matthew:16:11 @ pwV den katalambanete oti peri artou den saV eipon na prosechte apo thV zumhV twn Farisaiwn kai Saddoukaiwn;

grkm@Matthew:16:12 @ Tote enohsan, oti den eipe na prosecwsin apo thV zumhV tou artou, all' apo thV didachV twn Farisaiwn kai Saddoukaiwn.

grkm@Matthew:16:13 @ [] Ote de hlqen o IhsouV eiV ta merh thV KaisareiaV thV Filippou, hrwta touV maqhtaV autou, legwn× Tina me legousin oi anqrwpoi oti eimai egw o UioV tou anqrwpou;

grkm@Matthew:16:14 @ Oi de eipon× Alloi men Iwannhn ton Baptisthn, alloi de Hlian kai alloi Ieremian h ena twn profhtwn.

grkm@Matthew:16:15 @ Legei proV autouV× Alla seiV tina me legete oti eimai;

grkm@Matthew:16:16 @ Kai apokriqeiV o Simwn PetroV eipe× Su eisai o CristoV o UioV tou Qeou tou zwntoV.

grkm@Matthew:16:17 @ Kai apokriqeiV o IhsouV eipe proV auton× MakarioV eisai, Simwn, uie tou Iwna, dioti sarx kai aima den soi apekaluye touto, all' o Pathr mou o en toiV ouranoiV.

grkm@Matthew:16:18 @ Kai egw de soi legw oti su eisai PetroV, kai epi tauthV thV petraV qelw oikodomhsei thn ekklhsian mou, kai pulai adou den qelousin iscusei kat' authV.

grkm@Matthew:16:19 @ Kai qelw soi dwsei ta kleidia thV basileiaV twn ouranwn, kai o, ti ean deshV epi thV ghV, qelei eisqai dedemenon en toiV ouranoiV, kai o, ti ean lushV epi thV ghV, qelei eisqai lelumenon en toiV ouranoiV.

grkm@Matthew:16:20 @ Tote parhggeilen eiV touV maqhtaV autou na mh eipwsi proV mhdena oti autoV einai IhsouV o CristoV.

grkm@Matthew:16:21 @ [] Apo tote hrcisen o IhsouV na deiknuh eiV touV maqhtaV autou oti prepei na upagh eiV Ierosoluma kai na paqh polla apo twn presbuterwn kai arcierewn kai grammatewn, kai na qanatwqh, kai thn trithn hmeran na anasthqh

grkm@Matthew:16:22 @ Kai paralabwn auton o PetroV kat' idian hrcise na epitima auton, legwn× Genou ilewV eiV seauton, Kurie× den qelei geinei touto eiV se.

grkm@Matthew:16:23 @ EkeinoV de strafeiV eipe proV ton Petron× Upage opisw mou, Satana× skandalon mou eisai× dioti den froneiV ta tou Qeou, alla ta twn anqrwpwn.

grkm@Matthew:16:24 @ [] Tote o IhsouV eipe proV touV maqhtaV autou× Ean tiV qelh na elqh opisw mou, aV aparnhqh eauton kai aV shkwsh ton stauron autou kai aV me akolouqh.

grkm@Matthew:16:25 @ Dioti ostiV qelei na swsh thn zwhn autou, qelei apolesei authn× kai ostiV apolesh thn zwhn autou eneken emou, qelei eurei authn.

grkm@Matthew:16:26 @ Epeidh ti wfeleitai anqrwpoV ean ton kosmon olon kerdhsh, thn de yuchn autou zhmiwqh; h ti qelei dwsei anqrwpoV eiV antallaghn thV yuchV autou;

grkm@Matthew:16:27 @ Dioti mellei o UioV tou anqrwpou na elqh en th doxh tou PatroV autou meta twn aggelwn autou, kai tote qelei apodwsei eiV ekaston kata thn praxin autou.

grkm@Matthew:16:28 @ AlhqwV saV legw, einai tineV twn edw istamenwn, oitineV den qelousi geuqh qanaton, ewsou idwsi ton Uion tou anqrwpou ercomenon en th basileia autou.

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