Matthew 25

diaglotnt@Matthew:25:1 @ Then will be compared the kingdom of the heavens ten virgins, who having taken the lamps of them, went out to a meeting of the bridegroom.

diaglotnt@Matthew:25:2 @ Five and were of them prudent, and five foolish.

diaglotnt@Matthew:25:3 @ Who foolish, having taken the lamps of them, not took with themselves oil.

diaglotnt@Matthew:25:4 @ The but prudent took oil in the vessels of them with the lamps of them.

diaglotnt@Matthew:25:5 @ Delaying and the bridegroom, nodded all, and did sleep.

diaglotnt@Matthew:25:6 @ Of middle and night a cry was raised; Lo, the bridegroom comes; go out to a meeting of him.

diaglotnt@Matthew:25:7 @ Then arose all the virgins those, and put in order the lamps of them.

diaglotnt@Matthew:25:8 @ The but foolish to the prudent said: Give to us out of the oil of you, because the lamps of us are extinguished.

diaglotnt@Matthew:25:9 @ Answered but the prudent, saying: Lest not it might suffice to us and to you; go you rather to the selling, and buy to yourselves.

diaglotnt@Matthew:25:10 @ Going away and of them to buy, came the bridegroom; and the prepared ones entered with him into the nuptial–feasts; and was closed the door.

diaglotnt@Matthew:25:11 @ Afterwards and came also the remaining virgins, saying: O lord, O lord, open to us.

diaglotnt@Matthew:25:12 @ The but answering said: Indeed I say to you, not know you.

diaglotnt@Matthew:25:13 @ Watch you therefore, because not you know the day, nor the hour.

diaglotnt@Matthew:25:14 @ Like for a man going abroad called the own slaves, and delivered to them the goods of him.

diaglotnt@Matthew:25:15 @ and to him indeed he gave five talents, to him and two, to him and one; to each according to the own power; and went abroad immediately.

diaglotnt@Matthew:25:16 @ Going and he the five talents having received, traded with them, and made other five talents.

diaglotnt@Matthew:25:17 @ Likewise also he the two, gained also he other two.

diaglotnt@Matthew:25:18 @ He but the one having received having retired digged in the earth, and hid the silver of the lord of him.

diaglotnt@Matthew:25:19 @ After but time much comes the lord of the slaves those, and adjusts with them an account.

diaglotnt@Matthew:25:20 @ And coming he the five talents having received, brought other five talents, saying: O lord, five talents to me thou delivered; see, other five talents I gained upon them.

diaglotnt@Matthew:25:21 @ Said to him the lord of him: Well, O slave good and faithful; over a few (things) thou wast faithful, over many thee I will place; enter into the joy of the lord of thee.

diaglotnt@Matthew:25:22 @ Coming and also he the two talents having received, said: O lord, two talents to me thou deliveredst; lo, other two talents I gained upon them;

diaglotnt@Matthew:25:23 @ Said to him the lord of him: Well, O slave good and faithful; over a few (things) thou wast faithful, over many thee I will place; enter into the joy of the lord of thee.

diaglotnt@Matthew:25:24 @ Coming and also he the one talent having taken, said: O lord, I knew thee, that hard thou art a man, reaping where not thou sowed, and gathering whence not thou scatteredst;

diaglotnt@Matthew:25:25 @ and being afraid, going away I hid the talent of thee in the earth; lo, thou hast the thine.

diaglotnt@Matthew:25:26 @ Answering and the lord of him said to him: O wicked slave and slothful, didst thou know, that I reap where not I sowed, and gather whence not I scattered?

diaglotnt@Matthew:25:27 @ It behooved then thee cast the silver of me to the bankers; and coming I might have received the mine with interest.

diaglotnt@Matthew:25:28 @ Take you therefore from him the talent, and give to him having the ten talents.

diaglotnt@Matthew:25:29 @ To the for having all shall be given, and he shall abound; from but the not having, even what he has, shall be taken away from him.

diaglotnt@Matthew:25:30 @ And the useless slave cast you into the darkness the outer; there shall be the weeping and the gnashing of the teeth.

diaglotnt@Matthew:25:31 @ When and may come the son of the man in the glory of him, and all the messengers with him, then shall be sit on a throne of glory of him,

diaglotnt@Matthew:25:32 @ and will be gathered in presence of him all the nations; and he will separate them from each other, as the shepherd separates the sheep from the goats;

diaglotnt@Matthew:25:33 @ and and he will place the indeed sheep by right of him, the and goats by left.

diaglotnt@Matthew:25:34 @ Then will say the king to the by right of him: Come the having been blessed of the Father of me, inherit the having been prepared to you kingdom from a foundation of world.

diaglotnt@Matthew:25:35 @ I hungered for, and you gave to me to eat; I thirsted, and you gave drink to me; a stranger I was, and you entertained me;

diaglotnt@Matthew:25:36 @ naked, and you clothed me; I was sick, and you visited me; in prison I was, and you came to me.

diaglotnt@Matthew:25:37 @ Then shall answer to him the just one, saying: O lord, when thee we saw hungering, and nourished? or thirsting, and we gave drink?

diaglotnt@Matthew:25:38 @ When and thee we saw a stranger, and we entertained? or naked, and we clothed?

diaglotnt@Matthew:25:39 @ When and thee we saw sick, or in prison, and we came to thee?

diaglotnt@Matthew:25:40 @ And answering the king will say to them: Indeed I say to you, in whatever you did, to one of these of the brothers of me of the least, to me you did.

diaglotnt@Matthew:25:41 @ Then he will say also to the of left: Go from me the having been cursed into the fire the everlasting, that having been prepared to the accuser and to the messengers of him.

diaglotnt@Matthew:25:42 @ I hungered for, and not you gave to me to eat; I thirsted, and not you gave drink to me;

diaglotnt@Matthew:25:43 @ a stranger I was, and not you entertained me; naked, and not you clothed me; sick, and in prison, and not you visited me.

diaglotnt@Matthew:25:44 @ Then will answer and they, saying: O lord, when thee we saw hungering, or thirsting, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and not we served thee?

diaglotnt@Matthew:25:45 @ Then he will answer them, saying: Indeed I say to you, in as much not you did to one of these of the least, neither to me you did.

diaglotnt@Matthew:25:46 @ And shall go away these into a cutting–off age–lasting; the and just ones into life age–lasting.

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