Matthew 26

grkm@Matthew:26:1 @ [] Kai ote eteleiwsen o IhsouV pantaV touV logouV toutouV, eipe proV touV maqhtaV autou×

grkm@Matthew:26:2 @ Exeurete oti meta duo hmeraV ginetai to pasca, kai o UioV tou anqrwpou paradidetai dia na staurwqh.

grkm@Matthew:26:3 @ Tote sunhcqhsan oi arciereiV kai oi grammateiV kai oi presbuteroi tou laou eiV thn aulhn tou arcierewV tou legomenou Kaiafa,

grkm@Matthew:26:4 @ kai sunebouleuqhsan na sullabwsi ton Ihsoun me dolon kai na qanatwswsin.

grkm@Matthew:26:5 @ Elegon de× mh en th eorth, dia na mh geinh qoruboV en tw law.

grkm@Matthew:26:6 @ [] Ote de o IhsouV hto en Bhqania en th oikia SimwnoV tou leprou,

grkm@Matthew:26:7 @ proshlqe proV auton gunh ecousa alabastron murou barutimou, kai kateceen auto epi thn kefalhn autou, enw ekaqhto eiV thn trapezan.

grkm@Matthew:26:8 @ IdonteV de oi maqhtai autou, hganakthsan legonteV× EiV ti h apwleia auth;

grkm@Matthew:26:9 @ dioti hdunato touto to muron na pwlhqh me pollhn timhn kai na doqh eiV touV ptwcouV.

grkm@Matthew:26:10 @ NohsaV de o IhsouV, eipe proV autouV× Dia ti enocleite thn gunaika; dioti ergon kalon epraxen eiV eme.

grkm@Matthew:26:11 @ Dioti touV ptwcouV pantote ecete meq' eautwn, eme omwV pantote den ecete

grkm@Matthew:26:12 @ Epeidh cusasa auth to muron touto epi tou swmatoV mou, ekame touto dia ton entafiasmon mou.

grkm@Matthew:26:13 @ AlhqwV saV legw, opou ean khrucqh to euaggelion touto en olw tw kosmw, qelei lalhqh kai touto, to opoion epraxen auth, eiV mnhmosunon authV.

grkm@Matthew:26:14 @ [] Tote uphgen eiV twn dwdeka, o legomenoV IoudaV IskariwthV, proV touV arciereiV

grkm@Matthew:26:15 @ kai eipe× Ti qelete na moi dwshte, kai egw qelw saV paradwsei auton; Kai ekeinoi edwkan eiV auton triakonta arguria.

grkm@Matthew:26:16 @ Kai apo tote ezhtei eukairian dia na paradwsh auton.

grkm@Matthew:26:17 @ [] Thn de prwthn twn azumwn proshlqon oi maqhtai proV ton Ihsoun, legonteV proV auton× Pou qeleiV na soi etoimaswmen dia na faghV to pasca;

grkm@Matthew:26:18 @ Kai ekeinoV eipen× Upagete eiV thn polin proV ton deina kai eipate proV auton× O DidaskaloV legei, O kairoV mou eplhsiasen× en th oikia sou qelw kamei to pasca meta twn maqhtwn mou.

grkm@Matthew:26:19 @ Kai ekamon oi maqhtai kaqwV parhggeilen eiV autouV o IhsouV, kai htoimasan to pasca.

grkm@Matthew:26:20 @ Ote de egeinen espera, ekaqhto eiV thn trapezan meta twn dwdeka.

grkm@Matthew:26:21 @ Kai enw etrwgon, eipen× AlhqwV saV legw oti eiV ex umwn qelei me paradwsei.

grkm@Matthew:26:22 @ Kai lupoumenoi sfodra, hrcisan na legwsi proV auton ekastoV autwn× MhpwV egw eimai, Kurie;

grkm@Matthew:26:23 @ O de apokriqeiV eipen× O embayaV met' emou en tw pinakiw thn ceira, outoV qelei me paradwsei.

grkm@Matthew:26:24 @ O men UioV tou anqrwpou upagei, kaqwV einai gegrammenon peri autou× ouai de eiV ton anqrwpon ekeinon, dia tou opoiou o UioV tou anqrwpou paradidetai× kalon hto eiV ton anqrwpon ekeinon, an den hqele gennhqh.

grkm@Matthew:26:25 @ ApokriqeiV de o IoudaV, ostiV parediden auton, eipe× MhpwV egw eimai, Rabbi; Legei proV auton× Su eipaV.

grkm@Matthew:26:26 @ [] Kai enw etrwgon, labwn o IhsouV ton arton kai euloghsaV ekoye kai ediden eiV touV maqhtaV kai eipe× Labete, fagete× touto einai to swma mou×

grkm@Matthew:26:27 @ kai labwn to pothrion kai eucaristhsaV, edwken eiV autouV, legwn× Piete ex autou panteV×

grkm@Matthew:26:28 @ dioti touto einai to aima mou to thV kainhV diaqhkhV, to uper pollwn ekcunomenon eiV afesin amartiwn.

grkm@Matthew:26:29 @ SaV legw de oti den qelw piei eiV to exhV ek toutou tou gennhmatoV thV ampelou ewV thV hmeraV ekeinhV, otan pinw auto neon meq' umwn en th basileia tou PatroV mou.

grkm@Matthew:26:30 @ Kai afou umnhsan, exhlqon eiV to oroV twn elaiwn.

grkm@Matthew:26:31 @ [] Tote legei proV autouV o IhsouV× PanteV umeiV qelete skandalisqh en emoi thn nukta tauthn× dioti einai gegrammenon, Qelw pataxei ton poimena, kai qelousi diaskorpisqh ta probata thV poimnhV×

grkm@Matthew:26:32 @ afou de anasthqw, qelw upagei proteron umwn eiV thn Galilaian.

grkm@Matthew:26:33 @ ApokriqeiV de o PetroV, eipe proV auton× Kai an panteV skandalisqwsin en soi, egw pote den qelw skandalisqh.

grkm@Matthew:26:34 @ Eipe proV auton o IhsouV× AlhqwV soi legw oti tauthn thn nukta, prin fwnaxh o alektwr, triV qeleiV me aparnhqh.

grkm@Matthew:26:35 @ Legei proV auton o PetroV× Kai an geinh creia na apoqanw meta sou, den qelw se aparnhqh. OmoiwV eipon kai panteV oi maqhtai.

grkm@Matthew:26:36 @ [] Tote ercetai met' autwn o IhsouV eiV cwrion legomenon Geqshmanh kai legei proV touV maqhtaV× Kaqhsate autou, ewsou upagw kai proseuchqw ekei.

grkm@Matthew:26:37 @ Kai paralabwn ton Petron kai touV duo uiouV tou Zebedaiou, hrcise na luphtai kai na adhmonh.

grkm@Matthew:26:38 @ Tote legei proV autouV× PerilupoV einai h yuch mou ewV qanatou× meinate edw kai agrupneite met' emou.

grkm@Matthew:26:39 @ Kai procwrhsaV oligon epesen epi proswpon autou, proseucomenoV kai legwn× Pater mou, ean hnai dunaton, aV parelqh ap' emou to pothrion touto× plhn ouci wV egw qelw, all' wV su.

grkm@Matthew:26:40 @ Kai ercetai proV touV maqhtaV kai euriskei autouV koimwmenouV, kai legei proV ton Petron× Outw den hdunhqhte mian wran na agrupnhshte met' emou;

grkm@Matthew:26:41 @ agrupneite kai proseucesqe, dia na mh eiselqhte eiV peirasmon. To men pneuma proqumon, h de sarx asqenhV.

grkm@Matthew:26:42 @ Palin ek deuterou uphge kai proseuchqh, legwn× Pater mou, ean den hnai dunaton touto to pothrion na parelqh ap' emou cwriV na piw auto, genhqhtw to qelhma sou.

grkm@Matthew:26:43 @ Kai elqwn euriskei autouV palin koimwmenouV× dioti oi ofqalmoi autwn hsan bebarhmenoi.

grkm@Matthew:26:44 @ Kai afhsaV autouV uphge palin kai proseuchqh ek tritou, eipwn ton auton logon.

grkm@Matthew:26:45 @ Tote ercetai proV touV maqhtaV autou kai legei proV autouV× Koimasqe to loipon kai anapauesqe× idou, eplhsiasen h wra kai o UioV tou anqrwpou paradidetai eiV ceiraV amartwlwn.

grkm@Matthew:26:46 @ Egerqhte, aV upagwmen× Idou, eplhsiasen o paradidwn me.

grkm@Matthew:26:47 @ [] Kai enw autoV elalei eti, idou, o IoudaV eiV twn dwdeka hlqe, kai met' autou ocloV poluV meta macairwn kai xulwn para twn arcierewn kai presbuterwn tou laou.

grkm@Matthew:26:48 @ O de paradidwn auton edwken eiV autouV shmeion, legwn× Ontina filhsw, autoV einai× piasate auton.

grkm@Matthew:26:49 @ Kai euquV plhsiasaV proV ton Ihsoun, eipe× Caire, Rabbi, kai katefilhsen auton.

grkm@Matthew:26:50 @ O de IhsouV eipe proV auton× File, dia ti hlqeV; Tote proselqonteV epebalon taV ceiraV epi ton Ihsoun kai epiasan auton.

grkm@Matthew:26:51 @ Kai idou, eiV twn meta tou Ihsou ekteinaV thn ceira esure thn macairan autou, kai ktuphsaV ton doulon tou arcierewV apekoye to wtion autou.

grkm@Matthew:26:52 @ Tote legei proV auton o IhsouV× Epistreyon thn macairan sou eiV ton topon authV× dioti panteV osoi piaswsi macairan dia macairaV qelousin apolesqh.

grkm@Matthew:26:53 @ H nomizeiV oti den dunamai hdh na parakalesw ton Patera mou, kai qelei sthsei plhsion mou perissoterouV para dwdeka legewnaV aggelwn;

grkm@Matthew:26:54 @ pwV loipon qelousi plhrwqh ai grafai oti outw prepei na geinh;

grkm@Matthew:26:55 @ En ekeinh th wra eipen o IhsouV proV touV oclouV× WV epi lhsthn exhlqete meta macairwn kai xulwn na me sullabhte; kaq' hmeran ekaqhmhn plhsion umwn didaskwn en tw ierw, kai den me epiasate.

grkm@Matthew:26:56 @ Touto de olon egeine dia na plhrwqwsin ai grafai twn profhtwn. Tote oi maqhtai panteV afhsanteV auton efugon.

grkm@Matthew:26:57 @ [] Oi de piasanteV ton Ihsoun eferan proV Kaiafan ton arcierea, opou sunhcqhsan oi grammateiV kai oi presbuteroi.

grkm@Matthew:26:58 @ O de PetroV hkolouqei auton apo makroqen ewV thV aulhV tou arcierewV, kai eiselqwn esw ekaqhto meta twn uphretwn dia na idh to teloV.

grkm@Matthew:26:59 @ Oi de arciereiV kai oi presbuteroi kai to sunedrion olon ezhtoun yeudomarturian kata tou Ihsou, dia na qanatwswsin auton,

grkm@Matthew:26:60 @ kai den euron× kai pollwn yeudomarturwn proselqontwn, den euron. Usteron de proselqonteV duo yeudomartureV,

grkm@Matthew:26:61 @ eipon× OutoV eipe, Dunamai na calasw ton naon tou Qeou kai dia triwn hmerwn na oikodomhsw auton.

grkm@Matthew:26:62 @ Kai shkwqeiV o arciereuV eipe proV auton× Den apokrinesai; ti marturousin outoi kata sou;

grkm@Matthew:26:63 @ O de IhsouV esiwpa. Kai apokriqeiV o arciereuV eipe proV auton× Se orkizw eiV ton Qeon ton zwnta na eiphV proV hmaV an su hsai o CristoV o UioV tou Qeou.

grkm@Matthew:26:64 @ Legei proV auton o IhsouV× Su eipaV× plhn saV legw, EiV to exhV qelete idei ton Uion tou anqrwpou kaqhmenon ek dexiwn thV dunamewV kai ercomenon epi twn nefelwn tou ouranou.

grkm@Matthew:26:65 @ Tote o arciereuV diescise ta imatia autou, legwn oti eblasfhmhse× ti creian ecomen pleon marturwn; idou, twra hkousate thn blasfhmian autou×

grkm@Matthew:26:66 @ ti saV fainetai; Kai ekeinoi apokriqenteV eipon× EnocoV qanatou einai.

grkm@Matthew:26:67 @ Tote eneptusan eiV to proswpon autou kai egronqisan auton, alloi de errapisan,

grkm@Matthew:26:68 @ legonteV× Profhteuson eiV hmaV, Criste, tiV einai ostiV se ektuphsen;

grkm@Matthew:26:69 @ [] O de PetroV ekaqhto exw en th aulh kai proshlqe proV auton mia doulh, legousa× Kai su hso meta Ihsou tou Galilaiou.

grkm@Matthew:26:70 @ O de hrnhqh emprosqen pantwn, legwn× Den exeurw ti legeiV.

grkm@Matthew:26:71 @ Kai ote exhlqen eiV ton pulwna, eiden auton allh kai legei proV touV ekei, Kai outoV hto meta Ihsou tou Nazwraiou.

grkm@Matthew:26:72 @ Kai palin hrnhqh meq' orkou oti den gnwrizw ton anqrwpon.

grkm@Matthew:26:73 @ Met' oligon de proselqonteV oi estwteV, eipon proV ton Petron× AlhqwV kai su ex autwn eisai× dioti h lalia sou se kamnei faneron.

grkm@Matthew:26:74 @ Tote hrcise na katanaqematizh kai na omnuh oti den gnwrizw ton anqrwpon. Kai euquV efwnaxen o alektwr.

grkm@Matthew:26:75 @ Kai enequmhqh o PetroV ton logon tou Ihsou, ostiV eicen eipei proV auton oti prin fwnaxh o alektwr, triV qeleiV me aparnhqh× kai exelqwn exw eklause pikrwV.

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