Matthew 9

grkm@Matthew:9:1 @ [] Kai embaV eiV to ploion, dieperase kai hlqen eiV thn eautou polin.

grkm@Matthew:9:2 @ Kai idou, eferon proV auton paralutikon keimenon epi klinhV× kai idwn o IhsouV thn pistin autwn, eipe proV ton paralutikon× Qarrei, teknon× sugkecwrhmenai einai eiV se ai amartiai sou.

grkm@Matthew:9:3 @ Kai idou, tineV ek twn grammatewn eipon kaq' eautouV× OutoV blasfhmei.

grkm@Matthew:9:4 @ Kai idwn o IhsouV touV dialogismouV autwn, eipe× Dia ti seiV dialogizesqe ponhra en taiV kardiaiV saV;

grkm@Matthew:9:5 @ Dioti ti einai eukolwteron, na eipw, Sugkecwrhmenai einai ai amartiai sou, h na eipw, Egerqhti kai peripatei;

grkm@Matthew:9:6 @ Alla dia na gnwrishte oti exousian ecei o UioV tou anqrwpou epi thV ghV na sugcwrh amartiaV, tote legei proV ton paralutikon× EgerqeiV shkwson thn klinhn sou kai upage eiV ton oikon sou.

grkm@Matthew:9:7 @ Kai egerqeiV anecwrhsen eiV ton oikon autou.

grkm@Matthew:9:8 @ IdonteV de oi ocloi, eqaumasan kai edoxasan ton Qeon, ostiV edwke toiauthn exousian eiV touV anqrwpouV.

grkm@Matthew:9:9 @ [] Kai diabainwn o IhsouV ekeiqen eiden anqrwpon kaqhmenon eiV to telwnion, Matqaion legomenon, kai legei proV auton× Akolouqei moi. Kai shkwqeiV hkolouqhsen auton.

grkm@Matthew:9:10 @ Kai enw ekaqhto eiV thn trapezan en th oikia, idou, polloi telwnai kai amartwloi elqonteV sunekaqhnto meta tou Ihsou kai twn maqhtwn autou.

grkm@Matthew:9:11 @ Kai idonteV oi Farisaioi eipon proV touV maqhtaV autou× Dia ti o DidaskaloV saV trwgei meta twn telwnwn kai amartwlwn;

grkm@Matthew:9:12 @ O de IhsouV akousaV eipe proV autouV× Den ecousi creian iatrou oi ugiainonteV, all' oi pasconteV.

grkm@Matthew:9:13 @ Upagete de kai maqete ti einai, Eleon qelw kai ouci qusian. Dioti den hlqon dia na kalesw dikaiouV alla amartwlouV eiV metanoian.

grkm@Matthew:9:14 @ [] Tote ercontai proV auton oi maqhtai tou Iwannou, legonteV× Dia ti hmeiV kai oi Farisaioi nhsteuomen polla, oi de maqhtai sou den nhsteuousi;

grkm@Matthew:9:15 @ Kai eipe proV autouV o IhsouV× MhpwV dunantai oi uioi tou numfwnoV na penqwsin, enosw einai met' autwn o numfioV; qelousin omwV elqei hmerai, otan afaireqh ap' autwn o numfioV, kai tote qelousi nhsteusei.

grkm@Matthew:9:16 @ Kai oudeiV ballei epirramma agnafou paniou epi imation palaion× dioti afairei to anaplhrwma autou apo tou imatiou, kai ginetai scisma ceiroteron.

grkm@Matthew:9:17 @ Oude ballousin oinon neon eiV askouV palaiouV× ei de mh, scizontai oi askoi, kai o oinoV ekceetai kai oi askoi fqeirontai× alla ballousin oinon neon eiV askouV neouV, kai amfotera diathrountai.

grkm@Matthew:9:18 @ [] Enw autoV elalei tauta proV autouV, idou, arcwn tiV elqwn prosekunei auton, legwn oti h qugathr mou eteleuthse pro oligou× alla elqe kai bale thn ceira sou ep' authn kai qelei zhsei.

grkm@Matthew:9:19 @ Kai shkwqeiV o IhsouV hkolouqhsen auton kai oi maqhtai autou.

grkm@Matthew:9:20 @ Kai idou, gunh aimorroousa dwdeka eth, plhsiasasa opisqen hggise to akron tou imatiou autou×

grkm@Matthew:9:21 @ dioti elege kaq' eauthn, Ean monon eggisw to imation autou, qelw swqh.

grkm@Matthew:9:22 @ O de IhsouV epistrafeiV kai idwn authn eipe× Qarrei, qugater× h pistiV sou se eswse. Kai eswqh h gunh apo thV wraV ekeinhV.

grkm@Matthew:9:23 @ Kai elqwn o IhsouV eiV thn oikian tou arcontoV kai idwn touV aulhtaV kai ton oclon qoruboumenon,

grkm@Matthew:9:24 @ legei proV autouV× Anacwreite× dioti den apeqane to korasion, alla koimatai. Kai kategelwn auton.

grkm@Matthew:9:25 @ Ote de exeblhqh o ocloV, eiselqwn epiase thn ceira authV, kai eshkwqh to korasion.

grkm@Matthew:9:26 @ Kai diedoqh h fhmh auth eiV olhn thn ghn ekeinhn.

grkm@Matthew:9:27 @ [] Kai enw anecwrei ekeiqen o IhsouV, hkolouqhsan auton duo tufloi, krazonteV kai legonteV× Elehson hmaV, uie tou Dabid.

grkm@Matthew:9:28 @ Kai ote eishlqen eiV thn oikian, eplhsiasan eiV auton oi tufloi, kai legei proV autouV o IhsouV× Pisteuete oti dunamai na kamw touto; Legousi proV auton× Nai, Kurie.

grkm@Matthew:9:29 @ Tote hggise touV ofqalmouV autwn, legwn× Kata thn pistin saV aV geinh eiV esaV.

grkm@Matthew:9:30 @ Kai hnoicqhsan autwn oi ofqalmoi× prosetaxe de autouV entonwV o IhsouV, legwn× Prosecete, aV mh exeurh touto mhdeiV.

grkm@Matthew:9:31 @ All' ekeinoi exelqonteV diefhmisan auton en olh th gh ekeinh.

grkm@Matthew:9:32 @ Enw de autoi exhrconto, idou, eferan proV auton anqrwpon kwfon daimonizomenon×

grkm@Matthew:9:33 @ kai afou exeblhqh to daimonion, elalhsen o kwfoV, kai eqaumasan oi ocloi, legonteV oti pote den efanh toiouton en tw Israhl.

grkm@Matthew:9:34 @ Oi de Farisaioi elegon× Dia tou arcontoV twn daimoniwn ekballei ta daimonia.

grkm@Matthew:9:35 @ [] Kai perihrceto o IhsouV taV poleiV pasaV kai taV kwmaV, didaskwn en taiV sunagwgaiV autwn kai khruttwn to euaggelion thV basileiaV kai qerapeuwn pasan noson kai pasan asqeneian en tw law.

grkm@Matthew:9:36 @ Idwn de touV oclouV, esplagcnisqh di' autouV, dioti hsan eklelumenoi kai eskorpismenoi wV probata mh econta poimena.

grkm@Matthew:9:37 @ Tote legei proV touV maqhtaV autou× O men qerismoV poluV, oi de ergatai oligoi×

grkm@Matthew:9:38 @ parakalesate loipon ton kurion tou qerismou, dia na aposteilh ergataV eiV ton qerismon autou.

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