Matthew 9

lont@Matthew:9:1 @ Then having gone aboard the bark, he repassed, and went to his own city;

lont@Matthew:9:2 @ where they brought to him a paralytic, laid upon a bed. Jesus perceiving their faith, said to the paralytic,

lont@Matthew:9:3 @ On which some of the scribes said within themselves, This man blasphemes.

lont@Matthew:9:4 @ But Jesus knowing their sentiments, said,

lont@Matthew:9:5" />

lont@Matthew:9:6 @ (said he to the paralytic,)

lont@Matthew:9:7 @ Accordingly he arose, and went home.

lont@Matthew:9:8 @ And the people saw and wondered, glorifying God, who had given such power to men.

lont@Matthew:9:9 @ As Jesus departed thence, he saw a man, named Matthew, sitting at the toll office; to whom he said, And he arose and followed him.

lont@Matthew:9:10 @ Afterward Jesus being at table in a house, many publicans and sinners came, and placed themselves with him and his disciples.

lont@Matthew:9:11 @ Some of the Pharisees observing this, said to his disciples, Why does your teacher eat with publicans and sinners?

lont@Matthew:9:12 @ Jesus hearing them, answered,

lont@Matthew:9:13 @ «'

lont@Matthew:9:14 @ Then John's disciples addressing him, said, We and the Pharisees often fast: why do your disciples never fast?

lont@Matthew:9:15 @ Jesus answered,

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lont@Matthew:9:18 @ While he was speaking, a ruler came, and prostrating himself, said, My daughter is by this time dead; but come, and lay your hand upon her, and she will revive.

lont@Matthew:9:19 @ And Jesus arose, and, as he followed him, with his disciples,

lont@Matthew:9:20 @ a woman, who had been twelve years afflicted with a bloody issue, coming behind, touched the tuft of his mantle;

lont@Matthew:9:21 @ for she said within herself, If I but touch his mantle, I shall recover.

lont@Matthew:9:22 @ Jesus turning about, saw her, and said, And the woman was well from that instant.

lont@Matthew:9:23 @ Being come into the ruler's house, and seeing the players on the flute, with the crowd, making a bustle,

lont@Matthew:9:24 @ he said to them, And they derided him:

lont@Matthew:9:25 @ but when the people were put out, he entered, and having taken her by the hand, the young woman arose.

lont@Matthew:9:26 @ Now the fame of this action spread through all the country.

lont@Matthew:9:27 @ When Jesus departed thence, two blind men followed him, crying, Son of David, have pity upon us.

lont@Matthew:9:28 @ Being come into the house, the blind men approached him: and Jesus said to them, They answered, Yes, Master.

lont@Matthew:9:29 @ Then he touched their eyes, saying,

lont@Matthew:9:30 @ Immediately their eyes were opened. And Jesus strictly charging them, said,

lont@Matthew:9:31 @ But being departed, they spread his fame through all that country.

lont@Matthew:9:32 @ They were scarcely gone, when a dumb demoniac was presented to him.

lont@Matthew:9:33 @ The demon being expelled, the dumb spoke, and the people wondered, saying, Nothing like this was ever seen in Israel.

lont@Matthew:9:34 @ But the Pharisees said, He expels the demons by the prince of the demons.

lont@Matthew:9:35 @ Then Jesus went through all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, and proclaiming the glad tidings of the Reign, and curing every disease and every malady.

lont@Matthew:9:36 @ But when he saw the multitudes, he had compassion upon them, because they were scattered and exposed, like a flock without a shepherd.

lont@Matthew:9:37 @ Then he said to his disciples,

lont@Matthew:9:38" />

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