Revelation 16

rwp@Revelation:16:1 @{A great voice} (\megalˆs ph“nˆs\). Not an angel as in strkjv@5:2; strkjv@7:2; strkjv@10:3; strkjv@14:7,9,15,18|, but of God as strkjv@15:8| shows, since no one could enter the \naos\. {Pour out} (\ekcheete\). Second aorist active imperative of \ekche“\ (same form as present active imperative). Blass would change to \ekcheate\ (clearly aorist) as in verse 6|. {The seven bowls} (\tas hepta phialas\). The article points to verse 7|.

rwp@Revelation:16:2 @{Went and poured out} (\apˆlthen kai execheen\). Second aorist active indicative of \aperchomai\ (redundant use like \hupagete\ with \ekcheete\, "go and pour out," in verse 1|) and of \ekche“\. Each angel "went off" to perform his task. For \execheen\ see it repeated in verses 3,4,8,10,12,17|. {Into the earth} (\eis tˆn gˆn\). This same use of \eis\ after \execheen\ in verses 3,4|. {It became} (\egeneto\). "There came" (second aorist middle indicative of \ginomai\). {A noisome and grievous sore} (\helkos kakon kai ponˆron\). "Bad and malignant sore." \Helkos\ is old word for a suppurated wound (Latin _ulcus_), here, verse 11; strkjv@Luke:16:21|. See the sixth Egyptian plague (Exodus:9:10; strkjv@Deuteronomy:28:27,35|) and strkjv@Job:2:7|. The magicians were attacked in Egypt and the worshippers of Caesar here (13:17; strkjv@14:9,11; strkjv@19:20|).

rwp@Revelation:16:3 @{Into the sea} (\eis tˆn thalassan\). Like the first Egyptian plague (Exodus:7:12-41|) though only the Nile affected then. {Blood as of a dead man} (\haima h“s nekrou\). At the trumpet (8:11|) the water becomes wormwood. Here \h“s nekrou\ is added to strkjv@Exodus:7:19|, "the picture of a murdered man weltering in his blood" (Swete). "Coagulated blood, fatal to animal life" (Moffatt). {Every living soul} (\pƒsa psuchˆ z“ˆs\). "Every soul of life" (Hebraism, strkjv@Genesis:1:21|, marked by life). {Even the things that were in the sea} (\ta en tˆi thalassˆi\). "The things in the sea," in apposition with \psuchˆ\. Complete destruction, not partial as in strkjv@8:9|.

rwp@Revelation:16:4 @{Into the rivers and the fountains of waters} (\eis tous potamous kai tas pˆgas t“n hudat“n\). See strkjv@8:10| for this phrase. Contamination of the fresh-water supply by blood follows that of the sea. Complete again.

rwp@Revelation:16:5 @{The angel of the waters} (\tou aggelou ton hudat“n\). Genitive case object of \ˆkousa\. See strkjv@7:1| for the four angels in control of the winds and strkjv@14:18| for the angel with power over fire. The rabbis spoke also of an angel with power over the earth and another over the sea. {Which art and which wast} (\ho “n kai ho ˆn\). See this peculiar idiom for God's eternity with \ho\ as relative before \ˆn\ in strkjv@1:4,8; strkjv@4:8|, but without \ho erchomenos\ (the coming on, the one who is to be) there for the future as in strkjv@11:17|. {Thou Holy One} (\ho hosios\). Nominative form, but vocative case, as often. Note both \dikaios\ and \hosios\ applied to God as in strkjv@3:1; strkjv@15:3f|. {Because thou didst thus judge} (\hoti tauta ekrinas\). Reason for calling God \dikaios\ and \hosios\. The punishment on the waters is deserved. First aorist active indicative of \krin“\, to judge.

rwp@Revelation:16:6 @{For} (\hoti\). Second causal conjunction (\hoti\) explanatory of the first \hoti\, like the two cases of \hoti\ in strkjv@15:4|. {They poured out} (\exechean\). Second aorist active indicative of \ekche“\ with \-an\ instead of \-on\. {Blood hast thou given them to drink} (\haima autois ded“kas pein\). \Haima\ (blood) is the emphatic word, measure for measure for shedding the blood of saints and prophets (11:18; strkjv@18:24|). Perfect active indicative of \did“mi\, and so a permanent and just punishment. \Pein\ is the abbreviated second aorist active infinitive of \pin“\ for \piein\ (\epion\). It is the epexegetical infinitive after \ded“kas\. There was no more drinking-water, but only this coagulated blood. {They are worthy} (\axioi eisin\). "Terrible antithesis" (Swete) to strkjv@3:4|. The asyndeton adds to it (Alford).

rwp@Revelation:16:7 @{O Lord God, the Almighty} (\Kurie ho theos ho pantokrat“r\). Just as in strkjv@15:3| in the Song of Moses and of the Lamb, vocative with the article \ho\. "Judgments" (\kriseis\) here instead of "ways" (\hodoi\) there, and with the order of the adjectives reversed (\alˆthinai kai dikaiai\, true and righteous).

rwp@Revelation:16:8 @{Upon the sun} (\epi ton hˆlion\). Not \eis\ (into) as in verses 2,3,4|. The fourth trumpet (8:12|) affected a third of the sun, moon, and stars with a plague of darkness, but here it is a plague of extreme heat. {To scorch with fire} (\kaumatisai en puri\). First aorist active infinitive of \kaumatiz“\, late (Plutarch, Epictetus) causative verb (from \kauma\, heat), in N.T. only here and verse 9; strkjv@Matthew:13:6; strkjv@Mark:4:6|. The addition of \en puri\ (in fire, with fire) intensifies the picture.

rwp@Revelation:16:9 @{Were scorched} (\ekaumatisthˆsan\). First aorist passive indicative of same verb. {With great heat} (\kauma mega\). Cognate accusative retained with the passive verb. Old word (from \kai“\ to burn), in N.T. only strkjv@7:16| and here. For blaspheming the name of God see strkjv@13:6; strkjv@James:2:7; strkjv@Romans:2:24; strkjv@1Timothy:6:1|. They blamed God for the plagues. {They repented not} (\ou metenoˆsan\). This solemn negative aorist of \metanoe“\ is a refrain like a funeral dirge (9:20f.; strkjv@16:11|). In strkjv@11:13| some did repent because of the earthquake. Even deserved punishment may harden the heart. {To give him glory} (\dounai aut“i doxan\). Second aorist active infinitive of \did“mi\, almost result. For the phrase see strkjv@11:13; strkjv@14:7; strkjv@19:7|.

rwp@Revelation:16:10 @{Upon the throne of the beast} (\epi ton thronon tou thˆriou\). That is Rome (13:2|). The dragon gave the beast his throne (2:13|). {Was darkened} (\egeneto eskot“menˆ\). Periphrastic past perfect passive with \ginomai\ and \skoto“\ (9:2|). Like the darkness of the Egyptian plague (Exodus:10:22|) and worse, for the effects of the previous plagues continue. {They gnawed their tongues} (\emas“nto tas gl“ssas aut“n\). Imperfect middle of \masaomai\, old verb (to chew), from \ma“\ (to knead), only here in N.T. {For pain} (\ek tou ponou\). "Out of distress" (cf. \ek\ in strkjv@8:13|), rare sense of old word (from \penomai\ to work for one's living), in N.T. only here, strkjv@21:4; strkjv@Colossians:4:13|. See strkjv@Matthew:8:12|.

rwp@Revelation:16:11 @{They blasphemed} (\eblasphˆmˆsan\) {and they repented not} (\kai ou metenoˆsan\). Precisely as in verse 9|, which see. Not just because of the supernatural darkness, but also "because of their pains" (\ek t“n pon“n aut“n\, plural here and same use of \ek\) and their sores (\kai ek t“n helk“n aut“n\, as in verse 2|, only plural, and same use of \ek\). {Of their works} (\ek t“n erg“n aut“n\). "Out of their deeds," and addition to verse 9|. {The God of heaven} (\ton theon tou ouranou\). As in strkjv@Daniel:2:44|. Like the pride of Nebuchadrezzar against Jehovah.

rwp@Revelation:16:12 @{Upon the great river, the river Euphrates} (\epi ton potamon ton megan ton Euphratˆn\). The sixth trumpet brings up the river Euphrates also (9:14|), only there \epi\ with the locative, while here \epi\ with the accusative. Note triple use of the article \ton\ here. {Was dried up} (\exˆranthˆ\). First aorist (prophetic) passive of \xˆrain“\ (14:15|). Cf. strkjv@Zechariah:10:11|. {That may be made ready} (\hina hetoimasthˆi\). Purpose clause with \hina\ and the first aorist passive of \hetoimaz“\. Common verb in Rev. (8:6; strkjv@9:7,15; strkjv@12:6; strkjv@19:7; strkjv@21:2|). {The way for the kings} (\hˆ hodos t“n basile“n\). Objective genitive \basile“n\. {That come from the sunrising} (\t“n apo anatolˆs heliou\). "Those from the rising of the sun," the kings from the east (cf. strkjv@Matthew:2:2|) in their march against Rome. Parthia in particular resisted Rome before Trajan's day.

rwp@Revelation:16:13 @{Coming out of} (\ek\ alone, no participle \erchomena\). {Of the dragon} (\tou drakontos\). That is Satan (12:3,9|). {Of the beast} (\tou thˆriou\). The first beast (13:1,12|) and then just the beast (13:14ff.; strkjv@14:9,11; strkjv@15:2; strkjv@16:2,10|), the brute force of the World-power represented by the Roman Empire" (Swete). {Of the false prophet} (\tou pseudoprophˆtou\). Cf. strkjv@Matthew:7:15; strkjv@Acts:13:6; strkjv@1John:2:22; strkjv@4:3; strkjv@2John:1:7|. Identified with the second beast (13:11-14|) in strkjv@19:20; strkjv@20:10|. Songs:the sixth bowl introduces the dragon and his two subalterns of chapters strkjv@Revelation:12; 13| (the two beasts). {Three unclean spirits} (\pneumata tria akatharta\). Out of the mouths of each of the three evil powers (the dragon and the two beasts) comes an evil spirit. See the use of mouth in strkjv@1:16| (9:17f.; strkjv@11:5; strkjv@12:15; strkjv@19:15,21|) as a chief seat of influence. In strkjv@2Thessalonians:2:8| we have "the breath of his mouth" (the other sense of \pneuma\). For \akatharton\ (unclean) with \pneuma\ see strkjv@Mark:1:23f.; strkjv@3:11; strkjv@5:2ff.; strkjv@Acts:5:16; strkjv@8:7|. Christ expelled unclean spirits, but His enemies send them forth" (Swete). See strkjv@Zechariah:13:2| "the false prophets and the unclean spirits." {As it were frogs} (\h“s batrachoi\). Cf. strkjv@Exodus:8:5; strkjv@Leviticus:11:10ff|. Old word, here alone in N.T. Like loathsome frogs in form.

rwp@Revelation:16:14 @{Spirits of devils} (\pneumata daimoni“n\). "Spirits of demons." Explanation of the simile \h“s batrachoi\. See strkjv@1Timothy:4:1| about "deceiving spirits and teachings of demons." {Working signs} (\poiounta sˆmeia\). "Doing signs" (present active participle of \poie“\). The Egyptian magicians wrought "signs" (tricks), as did Simon Magus and later Apollonius of Tyana. Houdini claimed that he could reproduce every trick of the spiritualistic mediums. {Which go forth} (\ha ekporeuetai\). Singular verb with neuter plural (collective) subject. {Unto the kings} (\epi tous basileis\). The three evil spirits (dragon and the two beasts) spur on the kings of the whole world to a real world war. "There have been times when nations have been seized by a passion for war which the historian can but imperfectly explain" (Swete). {To gather them together} (\sunagagein\). Second aorist active infinitive of \sunag“\, to express purpose (that of the unclean spirits). {Unto the war of the great day of God, the Almighty} (\eis ton polemon tˆs hˆmeras tˆs megalˆs tou theou tou pantokratoros\). Some take this to be war between nations, like strkjv@Mark:13:8|, but it is more likely war against God (Psalms:2:2|) and probably the battle pictured in strkjv@17:14; strkjv@19:19|. Cf. strkjv@2Peter:3:12|, "the day of God," his reckoning with the nations. See strkjv@Joel:2:11; strkjv@3:4|. Paul uses "that day" for the day of the Lord Jesus (the Parousia) as in strkjv@1Thessalonians:5:2; strkjv@2Thessalonians:1:10; strkjv@2:2; strkjv@1Corinthians:1:8; strkjv@2Corinthians:1:14; strkjv@Phillipians:1:6; strkjv@2:16; strkjv@2Timothy:1:12,18; strkjv@4:8|.

rwp@Revelation:16:15 @{Behold, I come as a thief} (\idou erchomai h“s kleptˆs\). The voice of Christ breaks in with the same metaphor as in strkjv@3:3|, which see. There comes one of seven beatitudes in Rev. (1:3; strkjv@14:13; strkjv@16:15; strkjv@19:9; strkjv@20:6; strkjv@22:7,14|). For \grˆgor“n\ (watching) see strkjv@3:2|, and for \tˆr“n\ (keeping), strkjv@1:3|. {Lest he walk naked} (\hina mˆ gumnos peripatˆi\). Negative purpose clause with \hina mˆ\ and the present active subjunctive of \peripate“\, and note predicate nominative \gumnos\ (naked). {And they see his shame} (\kai blep“sin tˆn aschˆmosunˆn autou\). Continuation of the final clause with present active subjunctive of \blep“\. \Aschˆmosunˆn\ is old word (from \aschˆm“n\, indecent, strkjv@1Corinthians:12:23|), in N.T. only here and strkjv@Romans:1:27|, a euphemism for \tˆn aischunˆn\ (Revelation:3:18|).

rwp@Revelation:16:16 @{They gathered} (\sunˆgagen\). Second aorist active indicative of \sunag“\, singular (the three unclean spirits), like \ekporeuetai\ in verse 14|. {Har-Magedon} (\Har-Maged“n\). John proceeds now after the interruption in verse 15|. Perhaps "the mountains of Megiddo" though not certain. Megiddo is in the valley of Esdraelon, and by the waters of Megiddo (the Kishon) Israel gained a decisive victory over Sisera (Judges:5:19|), celebrated in Deborah's song. See also strkjv@Revelation:20:8ff. and strkjv@Ezekiel:39:2,4|.

rwp@Revelation:16:17 @{Upon the air} (\epi ton aera\). All men breathe the air and this is worse than the smiting of the earth (verse 2|), the sea (3|), the fresh waters (4|), the sun (8|). {A great voice} (\ph“nˆ megalˆ\). The voice of God as in strkjv@16:1|. {It is done} (\Gegonen\). Perfect active indicative of \ginomai\. Like \Gegonan\ in strkjv@21:6|. The whole series of plagues is now complete.

rwp@Revelation:16:18 @{And there were} (\kai egenonto\). "And there came" (same verb _ginomai_). See strkjv@8:5; strkjv@11:19| for this list of terrible sounds and lightnings, and for the great earthquake (\seismos megas\) see strkjv@6:12; strkjv@11:13| (cf. strkjv@Luke:21:11|). {Such as was not} (\hoios ouk egeneto\). Qualitative relative with \ginomai\ again, "such as came not." {Since there were men} (\aph' hou anthr“poi egenonto\). "Since which time (\chronou\ understood) men came." {Songs:great an earthquake, so mighty} (\tˆlikoutos seismos hout“ megas\). Quantitative correlative \tˆlikoutos\ rather than the qualitative \toioutos\, to correspond with \hoios\ (not \hosos\). And then \hout“ megas\ repeats (redundant) \tˆlikoutos\. Cf. strkjv@Mark:13:19| for \hoia--toiautˆ\ about like tribulation (\thlipsis\).

rwp@Revelation:16:19 @{Was divided into three parts} (\egeneto eis tria merˆ\). "Came into three parts" (\ginomai\ again). In strkjv@11:3| a tenth part of the city fell. Babylon (Rome) is meant (17:18|). {Fell} (\epesan\). Second aorist active indicative of \pipt“\ (\-an\ form in place of \-on\). {Was remembered} (\emnˆsthˆ\). First aorist (prophetic) passive indicative of \mimnˆsk“\. Babylon (Rome) had not been overlooked. God was simply biding his time with Rome. {To give unto her} (\dounai autˆi\). Second aorist active infinitive of \did“mi\, epexegetic use as in strkjv@11:18; strkjv@16:9|. {The cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath} (\to potˆrion tou oinou tou thumou tˆs orgˆs autou\). "The cup of the wine of the wrath of his anger," using both \thumos\ (boiling rage) and \orgˆ\ (settled anger). See both in strkjv@Jeremiah:30:24|.

rwp@Revelation:16:20 @{Fled} (\ephugen\). Second aorist active indicative of \pheug“\. Islands sometimes sink in the sea in earthquakes (6:14|). {Were not found} (\ouch heurethˆsan\). First aorist passive indicative of \heurisk“\. See strkjv@20:11| for the same idea.

rwp@Revelation:16:21 @{Hail} (\chalaza\). As in strkjv@8:17; strkjv@11:19|. {Every stone about the weight of a talent} (\h“s talantiaia\). Old adjective (from \talanton\), here only in N.T., but in Polybius and Josephus. See strkjv@Exodus:9:24| for the great hail in Egypt and also strkjv@Joshua:10:11; strkjv@Isaiah:28:2; strkjv@Ezekiel:38:22| for hail as the symbol of God's wrath. In the LXX a \talanton\ ranged in weight from 108 to 130 pounds. {Because of the plague of hail} (\ek tˆs plˆgˆs tˆs chalazˆs\). "As a result of the plague of hail." This punishment had the same effect as in verses 9,11|. {Exceeding great} (\Megalˆ--sphrodra\). Emphatic positions at ends of the clause (great--exceedingly).

rwp@Revelation:16:1 @{A great voice} (\megalˆs ph“nˆs\). Not an angel as in strkjv@5:2; strkjv@7:2; strkjv@10:3; strkjv@14:7,9,15,18|, but of God as strkjv@15:8| shows, since no one could enter the \naos\. {Pour out} (\ekcheete\). Second aorist active imperative of \ekche“\ (same form as present active imperative). Blass would change to \ekcheate\ (clearly aorist) as in verse 6|. {The seven bowls} (\tas hepta phialas\). The article points to verse 7|.

rwp@Revelation:16:2 @{Went and poured out} (\apˆlthen kai execheen\). Second aorist active indicative of \aperchomai\ (redundant use like \hupagete\ with \ekcheete\, "go and pour out," in verse 1|) and of \ekche“\. Each angel "went off" to perform his task. For \execheen\ see it repeated in verses 3,4,8,10,12,17|. {Into the earth} (\eis tˆn gˆn\). This same use of \eis\ after \execheen\ in verses 3,4|. {It became} (\egeneto\). "There came" (second aorist middle indicative of \ginomai\). {A noisome and grievous sore} (\helkos kakon kai ponˆron\). "Bad and malignant sore." \Helkos\ is old word for a suppurated wound (Latin _ulcus_), here, verse 11; strkjv@Luke:16:21|. See the sixth Egyptian plague (Exodus:9:10; strkjv@Deuteronomy:28:27,35|) and strkjv@Job:2:7|. The magicians were attacked in Egypt and the worshippers of Caesar here (13:17; strkjv@14:9,11; strkjv@19:20|).

rwp@Revelation:16:3 @{Into the sea} (\eis tˆn thalassan\). Like the first Egyptian plague (Exodus:7:12-41|) though only the Nile affected then. {Blood as of a dead man} (\haima h“s nekrou\). At the trumpet (8:11|) the water becomes wormwood. Here \h“s nekrou\ is added to strkjv@Exodus:7:19|, "the picture of a murdered man weltering in his blood" (Swete). "Coagulated blood, fatal to animal life" (Moffatt). {Every living soul} (\pƒsa psuchˆ z“ˆs\). "Every soul of life" (Hebraism, strkjv@Genesis:1:21|, marked by life). {Even the things that were in the sea} (\ta en tˆi thalassˆi\). "The things in the sea," in apposition with \psuchˆ\. Complete destruction, not partial as in strkjv@8:9|.

rwp@Revelation:16:4 @{Into the rivers and the fountains of waters} (\eis tous potamous kai tas pˆgas t“n hudat“n\). See strkjv@8:10| for this phrase. Contamination of the fresh-water supply by blood follows that of the sea. Complete again.

rwp@Revelation:16:5 @{The angel of the waters} (\tou aggelou ton hudat“n\). Genitive case object of \ˆkousa\. See strkjv@7:1| for the four angels in control of the winds and strkjv@14:18| for the angel with power over fire. The rabbis spoke also of an angel with power over the earth and another over the sea. {Which art and which wast} (\ho “n kai ho ˆn\). See this peculiar idiom for God's eternity with \ho\ as relative before \ˆn\ in strkjv@1:4,8; strkjv@4:8|, but without \ho erchomenos\ (the coming on, the one who is to be) there for the future as in strkjv@11:17|. {Thou Holy One} (\ho hosios\). Nominative form, but vocative case, as often. Note both \dikaios\ and \hosios\ applied to God as in strkjv@3:1; strkjv@15:3f|. {Because thou didst thus judge} (\hoti tauta ekrinas\). Reason for calling God \dikaios\ and \hosios\. The punishment on the waters is deserved. First aorist active indicative of \krin“\, to judge.

rwp@Revelation:16:6 @{For} (\hoti\). Second causal conjunction (\hoti\) explanatory of the first \hoti\, like the two cases of \hoti\ in strkjv@15:4|. {They poured out} (\exechean\). Second aorist active indicative of \ekche“\ with \-an\ instead of \-on\. {Blood hast thou given them to drink} (\haima autois ded“kas pein\). \Haima\ (blood) is the emphatic word, measure for measure for shedding the blood of saints and prophets (11:18; strkjv@18:24|). Perfect active indicative of \did“mi\, and so a permanent and just punishment. \Pein\ is the abbreviated second aorist active infinitive of \pin“\ for \piein\ (\epion\). It is the epexegetical infinitive after \ded“kas\. There was no more drinking-water, but only this coagulated blood. {They are worthy} (\axioi eisin\). "Terrible antithesis" (Swete) to strkjv@3:4|. The asyndeton adds to it (Alford).

rwp@Revelation:16:7 @{O Lord God, the Almighty} (\Kurie ho theos ho pantokrat“r\). Just as in strkjv@15:3| in the Song of Moses and of the Lamb, vocative with the article \ho\. "Judgments" (\kriseis\) here instead of "ways" (\hodoi\) there, and with the order of the adjectives reversed (\alˆthinai kai dikaiai\, true and righteous).

rwp@Revelation:16:8 @{Upon the sun} (\epi ton hˆlion\). Not \eis\ (into) as in verses 2,3,4|. The fourth trumpet (8:12|) affected a third of the sun, moon, and stars with a plague of darkness, but here it is a plague of extreme heat. {To scorch with fire} (\kaumatisai en puri\). First aorist active infinitive of \kaumatiz“\, late (Plutarch, Epictetus) causative verb (from \kauma\, heat), in N.T. only here and verse 9; strkjv@Matthew:13:6; strkjv@Mark:4:6|. The addition of \en puri\ (in fire, with fire) intensifies the picture.

rwp@Revelation:16:9 @{Were scorched} (\ekaumatisthˆsan\). First aorist passive indicative of same verb. {With great heat} (\kauma mega\). Cognate accusative retained with the passive verb. Old word (from \kai“\ to burn), in N.T. only strkjv@7:16| and here. For blaspheming the name of God see strkjv@13:6; strkjv@James:2:7; strkjv@Romans:2:24; strkjv@1Timothy:6:1|. They blamed God for the plagues. {They repented not} (\ou metenoˆsan\). This solemn negative aorist of \metanoe“\ is a refrain like a funeral dirge (9:20f.; strkjv@16:11|). In strkjv@11:13| some did repent because of the earthquake. Even deserved punishment may harden the heart. {To give him glory} (\dounai aut“i doxan\). Second aorist active infinitive of \did“mi\, almost result. For the phrase see strkjv@11:13; strkjv@14:7; strkjv@19:7|.

rwp@Revelation:16:10 @{Upon the throne of the beast} (\epi ton thronon tou thˆriou\). That is Rome (13:2|). The dragon gave the beast his throne (2:13|). {Was darkened} (\egeneto eskot“menˆ\). Periphrastic past perfect passive with \ginomai\ and \skoto“\ (9:2|). Like the darkness of the Egyptian plague (Exodus:10:22|) and worse, for the effects of the previous plagues continue. {They gnawed their tongues} (\emas“nto tas gl“ssas aut“n\). Imperfect middle of \masaomai\, old verb (to chew), from \ma“\ (to knead), only here in N.T. {For pain} (\ek tou ponou\). "Out of distress" (cf. \ek\ in strkjv@8:13|), rare sense of old word (from \penomai\ to work for one's living), in N.T. only here, strkjv@21:4; strkjv@Colossians:4:13|. See strkjv@Matthew:8:12|.

rwp@Revelation:16:11 @{They blasphemed} (\eblasphˆmˆsan\) {and they repented not} (\kai ou metenoˆsan\). Precisely as in verse 9|, which see. Not just because of the supernatural darkness, but also "because of their pains" (\ek t“n pon“n aut“n\, plural here and same use of \ek\) and their sores (\kai ek t“n helk“n aut“n\, as in verse 2|, only plural, and same use of \ek\). {Of their works} (\ek t“n erg“n aut“n\). "Out of their deeds," and addition to verse 9|. {The God of heaven} (\ton theon tou ouranou\). As in strkjv@Daniel:2:44|. Like the pride of Nebuchadrezzar against Jehovah.

rwp@Revelation:16:12 @{Upon the great river, the river Euphrates} (\epi ton potamon ton megan ton Euphratˆn\). The sixth trumpet brings up the river Euphrates also (9:14|), only there \epi\ with the locative, while here \epi\ with the accusative. Note triple use of the article \ton\ here. {Was dried up} (\exˆranthˆ\). First aorist (prophetic) passive of \xˆrain“\ (14:15|). Cf. strkjv@Zechariah:10:11|. {That may be made ready} (\hina hetoimasthˆi\). Purpose clause with \hina\ and the first aorist passive of \hetoimaz“\. Common verb in Rev. (8:6; strkjv@9:7,15; strkjv@12:6; strkjv@19:7; strkjv@21:2|). {The way for the kings} (\hˆ hodos t“n basile“n\). Objective genitive \basile“n\. {That come from the sunrising} (\t“n apo anatolˆs heliou\). "Those from the rising of the sun," the kings from the east (cf. strkjv@Matthew:2:2|) in their march against Rome. Parthia in particular resisted Rome before Trajan's day.

rwp@Revelation:16:13 @{Coming out of} (\ek\ alone, no participle \erchomena\). {Of the dragon} (\tou drakontos\). That is Satan (12:3,9|). {Of the beast} (\tou thˆriou\). The first beast (13:1,12|) and then just the beast (13:14ff.; strkjv@14:9,11; strkjv@15:2; strkjv@16:2,10|), the brute force of the World-power represented by the Roman Empire" (Swete). {Of the false prophet} (\tou pseudoprophˆtou\). Cf. strkjv@Matthew:7:15; strkjv@Acts:13:6; strkjv@1John:2:22; strkjv@4:3; strkjv@2John:1:7|. Identified with the second beast (13:11-14|) in strkjv@19:20; strkjv@20:10|. Songs:the sixth bowl introduces the dragon and his two subalterns of chapters strkjv@Revelation:12; 13| (the two beasts). {Three unclean spirits} (\pneumata tria akatharta\). Out of the mouths of each of the three evil powers (the dragon and the two beasts) comes an evil spirit. See the use of mouth in strkjv@1:16| (9:17f.; strkjv@11:5; strkjv@12:15; strkjv@19:15,21|) as a chief seat of influence. In strkjv@2Thessalonians:2:8| we have "the breath of his mouth" (the other sense of \pneuma\). For \akatharton\ (unclean) with \pneuma\ see strkjv@Mark:1:23f.; strkjv@3:11; strkjv@5:2ff.; strkjv@Acts:5:16; strkjv@8:7|. Christ expelled unclean spirits, but His enemies send them forth" (Swete). See strkjv@Zechariah:13:2| "the false prophets and the unclean spirits." {As it were frogs} (\h“s batrachoi\). Cf. strkjv@Exodus:8:5; strkjv@Leviticus:11:10ff|. Old word, here alone in N.T. Like loathsome frogs in form.

rwp@Revelation:16:14 @{Spirits of devils} (\pneumata daimoni“n\). "Spirits of demons." Explanation of the simile \h“s batrachoi\. See strkjv@1Timothy:4:1| about "deceiving spirits and teachings of demons." {Working signs} (\poiounta sˆmeia\). "Doing signs" (present active participle of \poie“\). The Egyptian magicians wrought "signs" (tricks), as did Simon Magus and later Apollonius of Tyana. Houdini claimed that he could reproduce every trick of the spiritualistic mediums. {Which go forth} (\ha ekporeuetai\). Singular verb with neuter plural (collective) subject. {Unto the kings} (\epi tous basileis\). The three evil spirits (dragon and the two beasts) spur on the kings of the whole world to a real world war. "There have been times when nations have been seized by a passion for war which the historian can but imperfectly explain" (Swete). {To gather them together} (\sunagagein\). Second aorist active infinitive of \sunag“\, to express purpose (that of the unclean spirits). {Unto the war of the great day of God, the Almighty} (\eis ton polemon tˆs hˆmeras tˆs megalˆs tou theou tou pantokratoros\). Some take this to be war between nations, like strkjv@Mark:13:8|, but it is more likely war against God (Psalms:2:2|) and probably the battle pictured in strkjv@17:14; strkjv@19:19|. Cf. strkjv@2Peter:3:12|, "the day of God," his reckoning with the nations. See strkjv@Joel:2:11; strkjv@3:4|. Paul uses "that day" for the day of the Lord Jesus (the Parousia) as in strkjv@1Thessalonians:5:2; strkjv@2Thessalonians:1:10; strkjv@2:2; strkjv@1Corinthians:1:8; strkjv@2Corinthians:1:14; strkjv@Phillipians:1:6; strkjv@2:16; strkjv@2Timothy:1:12,18; strkjv@4:8|.

rwp@Revelation:16:15 @{Behold, I come as a thief} (\idou erchomai h“s kleptˆs\). The voice of Christ breaks in with the same metaphor as in strkjv@3:3|, which see. There comes one of seven beatitudes in Rev. (1:3; strkjv@14:13; strkjv@16:15; strkjv@19:9; strkjv@20:6; strkjv@22:7,14|). For \grˆgor“n\ (watching) see strkjv@3:2|, and for \tˆr“n\ (keeping), strkjv@1:3|. {Lest he walk naked} (\hina mˆ gumnos peripatˆi\). Negative purpose clause with \hina mˆ\ and the present active subjunctive of \peripate“\, and note predicate nominative \gumnos\ (naked). {And they see his shame} (\kai blep“sin tˆn aschˆmosunˆn autou\). Continuation of the final clause with present active subjunctive of \blep“\. \Aschˆmosunˆn\ is old word (from \aschˆm“n\, indecent, strkjv@1Corinthians:12:23|), in N.T. only here and strkjv@Romans:1:27|, a euphemism for \tˆn aischunˆn\ (Revelation:3:18|).

rwp@Revelation:16:16 @{They gathered} (\sunˆgagen\). Second aorist active indicative of \sunag“\, singular (the three unclean spirits), like \ekporeuetai\ in verse 14|. {Har-Magedon} (\Har-Maged“n\). John proceeds now after the interruption in verse 15|. Perhaps "the mountains of Megiddo" though not certain. Megiddo is in the valley of Esdraelon, and by the waters of Megiddo (the Kishon) Israel gained a decisive victory over Sisera (Judges:5:19|), celebrated in Deborah's song. See also strkjv@Revelation:20:8ff. and strkjv@Ezekiel:39:2,4|.

rwp@Revelation:16:17 @{Upon the air} (\epi ton aera\). All men breathe the air and this is worse than the smiting of the earth (verse 2|), the sea (3|), the fresh waters (4|), the sun (8|). {A great voice} (\ph“nˆ megalˆ\). The voice of God as in strkjv@16:1|. {It is done} (\Gegonen\). Perfect active indicative of \ginomai\. Like \Gegonan\ in strkjv@21:6|. The whole series of plagues is now complete.

rwp@Revelation:16:18 @{And there were} (\kai egenonto\). "And there came" (same verb _ginomai_). See strkjv@8:5; strkjv@11:19| for this list of terrible sounds and lightnings, and for the great earthquake (\seismos megas\) see strkjv@6:12; strkjv@11:13| (cf. strkjv@Luke:21:11|). {Such as was not} (\hoios ouk egeneto\). Qualitative relative with \ginomai\ again, "such as came not." {Since there were men} (\aph' hou anthr“poi egenonto\). "Since which time (\chronou\ understood) men came." {Songs:great an earthquake, so mighty} (\tˆlikoutos seismos hout“ megas\). Quantitative correlative \tˆlikoutos\ rather than the qualitative \toioutos\, to correspond with \hoios\ (not \hosos\). And then \hout“ megas\ repeats (redundant) \tˆlikoutos\. Cf. strkjv@Mark:13:19| for \hoia--toiautˆ\ about like tribulation (\thlipsis\).

rwp@Revelation:16:19 @{Was divided into three parts} (\egeneto eis tria merˆ\). "Came into three parts" (\ginomai\ again). In strkjv@11:3| a tenth part of the city fell. Babylon (Rome) is meant (17:18|). {Fell} (\epesan\). Second aorist active indicative of \pipt“\ (\-an\ form in place of \-on\). {Was remembered} (\emnˆsthˆ\). First aorist (prophetic) passive indicative of \mimnˆsk“\. Babylon (Rome) had not been overlooked. God was simply biding his time with Rome. {To give unto her} (\dounai autˆi\). Second aorist active infinitive of \did“mi\, epexegetic use as in strkjv@11:18; strkjv@16:9|. {The cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath} (\to potˆrion tou oinou tou thumou tˆs orgˆs autou\). "The cup of the wine of the wrath of his anger," using both \thumos\ (boiling rage) and \orgˆ\ (settled anger). See both in strkjv@Jeremiah:30:24|.

rwp@Revelation:16:20 @{Fled} (\ephugen\). Second aorist active indicative of \pheug“\. Islands sometimes sink in the sea in earthquakes (6:14|). {Were not found} (\ouch heurethˆsan\). First aorist passive indicative of \heurisk“\. See strkjv@20:11| for the same idea.

rwp@Revelation:16:21 @{Hail} (\chalaza\). As in strkjv@8:17; strkjv@11:19|. {Every stone about the weight of a talent} (\h“s talantiaia\). Old adjective (from \talanton\), here only in N.T., but in Polybius and Josephus. See strkjv@Exodus:9:24| for the great hail in Egypt and also strkjv@Joshua:10:11; strkjv@Isaiah:28:2; strkjv@Ezekiel:38:22| for hail as the symbol of God's wrath. In the LXX a \talanton\ ranged in weight from 108 to 130 pounds. {Because of the plague of hail} (\ek tˆs plˆgˆs tˆs chalazˆs\). "As a result of the plague of hail." This punishment had the same effect as in verses 9,11|. {Exceeding great} (\Megalˆ--sphrodra\). Emphatic positions at ends of the clause (great--exceedingly).

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