Songs 5

grkm@Songs:5:1 @ [] Hlqon eiV ton khpon mou, adelfh mou, numfh× etrughsa thn smurnan mou meta twn arwmatwn mou× efagon thn khrhqran mou meta tou melitoV mou× epion ton oinon mou meta tou galaktoV mou× Fagete, filoi× piete, nai, piete afqonwV, agaphtoi.

grkm@Songs:5:2 @ [] Egw koimwmai, all' h kardia mou agrupnei× fwnh tou agaphtou mou× krouei× Anoixon moi, adelfh mou, agaphth mou, peristera mou, amwmhte mou× dioti h kefalh mou egemisen apo drosou, oi bostrucoi mou apo yekadwn thV nuktoV.

grkm@Songs:5:3 @ Exeduqhn ton citwna mou× pwV na enduqw auton; eniya touV podaV mou× pwV qelw molunei autouV;

grkm@Songs:5:4 @ O agaphtoV mou eishxe thn ceira autou dia thV truphV thV quraV, kai ta splagcna mou etaracqhsan di' auton.

grkm@Songs:5:5 @ Egw eshkwqhn dia na anoixw eiV ton agaphton mou× kai ai ceireV mou estazon smurnan, kai oi daktuloi mou smurnan stalakthn, epi taV labaV tou moclou.

grkm@Songs:5:6 @ Egw hnoixa eiV ton agaphton mou× all' o agaphtoV mou esurqh, efugen× h yuch mou elipoqumhsen eiV ton logon autou× ezhthsa auton kai den eurhka auton, efwnhsa auton kai den moi apekriqh.

grkm@Songs:5:7 @ Me eurhkan oi fulakeV oi periercomenoi thn polin, me ektuphsan, me eplhgwsan× oi fulakeV twn teicwn afhresan ap' emou to imation mou.

grkm@Songs:5:8 @ SaV orkizw, qugatereV Ierousalhm, ean eurhte ton agaphton mou, Ti qelete eipei proV auton; Oti eimai tetrwmenh upo agaphV.

grkm@Songs:5:9 @ [] Ti diaferei allou agaphtou o agaphtoV sou, w wraia metaxu twn gunaikwn; ti diaferei allou agaphtou o agaphtoV sou, kai wrkisaV hmaV outwV;

grkm@Songs:5:10 @ O agaphtoV mou einai leukoV kai eruqroV, diakrinomenoV metaxu muriadwn×

grkm@Songs:5:11 @ H kefalh autou einai crusion dedokimasmenon, oi plokamoi autou kladoi foinikwn, melaneV wV korax×

grkm@Songs:5:12 @ oi ofqalmoi autou wV peristerwn epi twn ruakwn twn udatwn, leloumenoi en galakti, kaqhmenoi wV liqoi enqesewV×

grkm@Songs:5:13 @ Ai siagoneV autou wV prasiai arwmatwn, wV alwnia futwn mureyikwn× ta ceilh autou wV krina, stazonta smurnan stalakthn×

grkm@Songs:5:14 @ Ai ceireV autou daktulidia crusa, peplhrwmena me bhrullion× h koilia autou elefantinon tecnourghma, perikekosmhmenon me sapfeirouV×

grkm@Songs:5:15 @ ai knhmai autou stuloi marmarinoi, esthrigmenoi epi basewn kaqarou crusiou× to eidoV autou wV LibanoV× exocoV wV kedroi.

grkm@Songs:5:16 @ O ouraniskoV autou einai glukasmoi× kai autoV oloV epiqumhtoV. OutoV einai o agaphtoV mou, kai outoV o filoV mou, qugatereV Ierousalhm.

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