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* Then did all Israel gather themselves unto David unto Hebron , saying Behold , thy bone and thy flesh are we . * Already yesterday and even before , even when Saul was king , thou wast he that led out and brought in Israel ; and the Lord , thy God , said unto thee , Thou shalt indeed feed my people Israel , and thou shalt be truly a chief over my people Israel . * Thus came all the elders of Israel to the king to Hebron ; and David made a covenant with them in Hebron before the Lord ; and they anointed David as king over Israel , according to the word of the Lord through means of Samuel . * And David and all Israel went to Jerusalem , which is Jebus ; and there were the Jebusites , the inhabitants of the land . * And the inhabitants of Jebus said to David , Thou shalt not come in hither . Nevertheless David captured the strong –hold of Zion , the same is the City of David . * And David said , Whosoever doth smite the Jebusites at first shall be head and chief . Then did Joab the son of Zeruyah go up at first , and became head –man . * And David dwelt in the castle : therefore they called it , "The City of David ." * And he built the city round about , even from the Millo as far as the surrounding district , and Joab repaired the rest of the city . * And David want on , and became greater and greater , and the lord of hosts was with him . * These also are the principals of the mighty men whom David had , who held firmly with him in his kingdom , with all Israel , to make him king , according to the word of the Lord concerning Israel . * And this is the number of the mighty men whom David had : Jashoh ’am , the son of Chachmoni , the chief of the captains , who lifted up his spear against three hundred slain at one time . * And after him was El ’asar the son of Dodo , the Achochite , who was one of the three mighty men . * He was with David at Pass –dammim , and the Philistines were gathered together there to battle , and there was a piece of ground full of barley ; and the people had fled from before the Philistines . * And they placed themselves in the midst of that piece , and they delivered it , and smote the Philistines : and the Lord helped with a great victory . * And these three , the chiefs of the thirty , went down to the rock to David , to the cave of ‘Adullam ; and the camp of the Philistines was pitched in the valley of Rephaim . * And David was then in the strong –hold , and an outpost of the Philistines was then at Beth –lechem . * And David longed , and said , Oh that some one would bring me water to drink out of the well of Beth –lechem , which is by the gate ! * And the three broke through the camp of the Philistines , and drew water out of the well of Beth –lechem , which was by the gate , and carried it , and brought it to David ; but David would not drink thereof , and poured it out unto the Lord . * And he said , Far be it from me , before my God , that I should do this : shall I drink the blood of these men that went at the risk of their lives ? for at the risk of their lives did they bring it ; and thus he would not drink it . These things did the three mighty men . * And Abshai the brother of Joab was the chief of these three ; and he lifted up his spear against three hundred slain , and had a name among the three . * Of the three , he was more honored than the two , wherefore he became their captain ; he nevertheless attained not unto the three . * Banayah the son of Jehoyada ’, the son of a valiant man , great in many acts , of Kah –zeel : he it was that smote the two lion –like heroes of Moab ; he also went down and smote a lion in the midst of a pit on a day when it snowed . * And he smote an Egyptian , a man of great stature , five cubits high ; and in the Egyptian ’s hand was a spear like a weaver ’s beam ; and he went down to him with a staff , and he snatched the spear out of the Egyptian ’s hand , and slew him with his own spear . * These things did Benayah the son of Jehoyada ’; and he had a name among the mighty men . * Behold , he was indeed more honored than the thirty ; but he attained not to the first three . And David appointed him over his private council . * And the mighty men of the armies were , ‘Assahel the brother of Joab , Elchanan the son of Dodo of Beth –lechem . * Shammoth the Harorite , Chelez the Pelonite , * ‘Ira the son of ‘Ikkesh the Theko ’ite , Abi ’ezer the ‘Antothite , * Sibbechai the Chushathite , ‘Ilai the Achochite , * Maharai the Netophathite , Cheled the son of Ba ’anah the Netophathite , * Ithai the son of Ribai of Gib ’ah , of the children of ‘Benjamin , Benayah the Pir ’athonite . * Churai of the Nachale –Ga ’ash , Abiel the ‘Arbathite , * ‘Azmaveth the Bacharumite , Elyachba the Sha ’albonite , * Bnai –hashem the Gizonite , Jonathan the son of Shage the Hararite . * Achiam the son of Sachar the Hararite , Eliphal the son of Ur , * Chepher the Mecherathite , Achiyah the Pelonite . * Chezro the Carmelite , Na ’arai the son of Ezbai , * Joel the brother of Nathan , Mibchar the son of Hagri , * Zelek the ‘Ammonite , Nachrai the Berothite , the armor bearer of Joab the son of Zeruyah , * ‘Ira the Yithrite , Gareb the Yithrite , * Uriyah the Hittite , Zabad the son of Achlai , * ‘Adina the son of Shiza the Reubenite , a chief of the Reubenites , and with him were thirty . * Chanan the son of Ma ’achah , and Joshaphat the Mithnite . * ‘Uzziya the ‘Ashterathite , Shama ’ and Je ’iel the sons of Chothan the ‘Aro ’erite , * Jedi ’ael the son of Shimri , and Jocha his brother , the Thizite , * Eliel the Machavite , and Jerihal , and Joshavyah , the son of Elna ’am , and Yithmah the Moabite , * Eliel , and ‘Obed , and Ja ’assiel the Mezobayite . * And these are those that came to David to Ziklag , while he yet kept himself close because of Saul the son of Kish : and they were among the mighty men , confederates for the war , * Who were armed with bows , and could use both the right and the left hand in stones and shooting arrows with the bow , even of the brethren of Saul out of Benjamin . * The chiefs were Achi ’ezer , then Joash , the sons of Hashema ’ab the Gib ’athite ; and Jeziel , and Pelet , the sons of ‘Azmaveth ; and Berachah , and Jehu the ‘Anthothite , * And Yishma ’yah the Gib ’onite , a mighty man among the thirty , and over the thirty ; and Jeremiah , and Jachaziel , and Jochanan , and Jozabad the Gederathite , * El ’uzai , and Jerimath , and Be ’alyah , and Shemaryahu , and Shephatyahu , the Chariphite , * Elkanah , and Yishiyahu , and ‘Azarel , and Jo ’ezer , and Jashob ’am , the Korchites , * And Jo ’elah , and Zebadyah , the sons of Jerocham of Gedor . * And of the Gadites there separated themselves unto David into the strong –hold in the wilderness mighty men of valor , and men of the army for the war , that could handle shield and lance , whose faces were like the faces of lions , and were as the roebucks upon the mountains in swiftness . * ‘Ezer was the chief , ‘Ohadiah the second , Eliab the third , * Mishmannah the fourth , Jeremiah the fifth . * ‘Attai the sixth , Eliel the seventh , * Jochanan the eighth , Elzabad the ninth , * Jirmiyahu the tenth , Machbanai the eleventh . * These were of the sons of Gad , the chiefs of the army , one of the least could fight with a hundred , and the greatest with a thousand . * These are those that passed over the Jordan in the first month , when it had overflowed all its banks ; and they put to flight all the men of the valleys , both toward the east , and toward the west . * And there came some of the children of Benjamin and of Judah as far as the strong –hold unto David . * And David went out to meet them , and commenced and said unto them . If ye be come for peace unto me , to help me , my heart shall be inclined toward you to unite with you ; but if it be to betray me to my adversaries while there is no violence in my hands , then may the God of our fathers look on and decide it . * Then a spirit invested ‘Amassai , the chief of the captains , Thine are we , David , and with thee , O son of Jesse : peace , peace be unto thee , and peace be to every one that helpeth thee ; for thy God helpeth thee . Then David received them , and placed them at the head of the troop . * And some of Menasseh went over to David , when he came with the Philistines against Saul to battle ; but he helped them not ; for upon consultation did the lords of the Philistines send him away , saying , With our heads will he go over to his master Saul . * As he was going over to Ziklag , there went over to him of Menasseh , ‘Adnach , and Jozabad , and Jedi ’ael , and Michael , and Jozabad , and Elihu , and Zillethai , captains of the thousands that belonged to Menasseh . * And they were those that helped David against the band ; for they were all mighty men of valor , and they became officers in the army . * For all the time , day by day , people used to come to David to help him , until the camp became great , like the camp of God . * And these are the numbers of the heads of those ready armed for the host that came to David to Hebron , to turn over the kingdom of Saul to him , according to the order of the Lord . * The children of Judah that bore shield and spear were six thousand and eight hundred , ready armed for the host . * Of the children of Simeon , mighty men of valor for the host , seven thousand and one hundred . * Of the children of Levi four thousand and six hundred . * And Jehoyada ’ was the leader of the family of Aaron , and with him were three thousand and seven hundred . * Also Zadok , a young man , mighty of valor , and his family division twenty and two chiefs . * And of the children of Benjamin , the brethren of Saul , three thousand ; for till that time the greatest part of them had kept the charge of the house of Saul . * And of the children of Ephraim twenty thousand and eight hundred , mighty men of valor , men of fame in their family divisions . * And of the half tribe of Menasseh eighteen thousand , who had been expressed by name , to come to make David king . * And of the children of Issachar , those who had understanding of the times , to know what Israel ought to do ,––their heads were two hundred ; and all their brethren were ready at their order . * Of Zebulun , such as went forth to the host , arrayed for battle , with all manner of weapons of war , fifty thousand ; and these were ready to place themselves in battle array with an undivided heart . * And of Naphtali one thousand captains , and with them were with shield and spear thirty and seven thousand . * And of the Danites arrayed for battle twenty and eight thousand and six hundred . * And of Asher , such as went forth to the host to put themselves in battle array , forty thousand . * And from the other side of the Jordan , of the Reubenites , and the Gadites , and the half tribe of Menasseh , with all manner of weapons of the host for war , one hundred and twenty thousand . * All these men of war , that placed themselves in battle array , came with an entire heart to Hebron , to make David King over all Israel ; and also all the rest of Israel were of one heart to make David king . * And they were there with David three days eating and drinking ; for their brethren had prepared for them . * And also those that were nigh unto them , as far as Issachar and Zebulun and Naphtali , brought in bread on asses , and on camels , and on mules , and on oxen , food made of meal , cakes of figs , and bunches of raisins , and wine , and oil , and oxen , and sheep in abundance ; for there was joy in Israel . * And David consulted with the officers of the thousands and hundreds , and with every leader .

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