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* And David and the commanders of the army separated some to the service of the sons of Asaph and Heman and Jeduthun , who were prophets with harps , with lyres and with cymbals . And their number , of the workmen according to their service , was : * of the sons of Asaph : Zaccur , and Joseph , and Nethaniah , and Asarelah , the sons of Asaph at the hands of Asaph , who prophesied at the hands of the king . * Of Jeduthun ; the sons of Jeduthun : Gedaliah , and Zeri , and Jeshaiah , Hashabiah and Mattithiah , and Shimei , six , under the hands of their father Jeduthun who prophesied with the lyre to give thanks and to praise Jehovah . * Of Heman were the sons of Heman : Bukkiah , Mattaniah , Uzziel , Shebuel , and Jerimoth , Hananiah , Hanani , Eliathah , Giddalti , and Romamtiezer , Joshbekashah , Mallothi , Hothir , Mahazioth . * All these were the sons of Heman the king 's seer in the words of God , to lift up the horn . And God gave to Heman fourteen sons and three daughters . * All these were at the hands of their father for song in the house of Jehovah , with cymbals , harps , and lyres , for the service of the house of God , at the hands of the king : Asaph , Jeduthun and Heman . * So was their number , with their brothers who were instructed in singing to Jehovah , all that were skilled : two hundred , eighty eight . * And they made fall lots for duty , as in the rule , as the small , so the great , the teacher with the pupil . * And the first lot came out for Asaph , to Joseph : Gedaliah , he was the second ; and his brothers and sons twelve men . * The third was Zaccur , his sons and his brothers , twelve . * The fourth was to Izri , his sons and his brothers , twelve . * The fifth was to Nethaniah , his sons and his brothers , twelve . * The sixth was to Bukkiah , his sons and his brothers , twelve . * The seventh was to Jesharelah , his sons and his brothers , twelve . * The eighth was to Jeshaiah , his sons and his brothers , twelve . * The ninth was to Mattaniah , his sons and his brothers , twelve . * The tenth was to Shimei , his sons and his brothers , twelve . * The eleventh was Azareel his sons and his brothers , twelve . * The twelfth to Hashabiah , his sons and his brothers , twelve . * The thirteenth to Shubael his sons and his brothers twelve . * The fourteenth to Mattithiah , his sons and his brothers , twelve . * The fifteenth to Jeremoth , his sons and his brothers , twelve . * The sixteenth to Hananiah , his sons and his brothers , twelve . * The seventeenth to Joshbekashah , his sons and his brothers , twelve . * The eighteenth to Hanani , his sons and his brothers , twelve . * The nineteenth to Mallothi , his sons and his brothers , twelve . * The twentieth to Eliathah , his sons and his brothers , twelve . * The twenty first to Hothir , his sons and his brothers . * The twenty second to Giddalti , his sons and his brothers , twelve . * The twenty third to Mahazioth , his sons and his brothers , twelve . * The twenty fourth to Romamti-ezer , his sons and his brothers , twelve .

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