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* For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing , but to us who are being saved it is the power of God . * For it is written : "I will destroy the wisdom of the wise , and the understanding of the prudent I will annul ." * Where is the wise ? Where is the scribe ? Where is the philosopher of this age ? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of this world ? * For since , in the wisdom of God , the world through wisdom did not know God , God was well pleased , through the foolishness of our preaching , to save those that believe . * For Jews request a sign , and Greeks seek after wisdom ; * but we preach Christ crucified , to the Jews a stumbling block , and to the Greeks foolishness , * but to those who are called , both Jews and Greeks , Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God . * Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men , and the weakness of God is stronger than men . * For you see your calling , brothers , that not many wise according to the flesh , not many powerful , not many noble , [are called ]. * But God chose the foolish things of the world in order that He might humiliate the wise , and God chose the weak things of the world in order that He might humiliate the mighty [.] * And the lowly things of the world , and the despised things God has chosen , and the things which are not , in order that He might nullify the things which are , * so that no man may boast before God . * But from Him you are in Christ Jesus , who became for us wisdom from God , and righteousness and sanctification and redemption ; * that , as it is written , "He that boasts , let him boast in the LORD ." * Now I do not want you to be ignorant , brothers , that all our fathers were under the cloud , and all passed through the sea , * and all were baptized into Moses in the cloud and in the sea , * and all ate the same spiritual food , * and all drank the same spiritual drink . For they were drinking from that spiritual Rock that followed them , and that Rock was Christ . * Nevertheless , with the majority of them God was not pleased , for their bodies were scattered in the wilderness . * Now these things took place as examples for us , in order that we should not lust after evil things , as they also lusted . * Nor be idolaters , just as some of them ; as it is written , "The people sat down to eat and drink , and rose up to play ." * Nor let us commit fornication , just as some of them fornicated , and in one day twenty-three thousand fell ; * nor let us tempt Christ , just as also some of them tempted [Him ], and were destroyed by serpents ; * nor murmur , just as also some of them murmured , and were destroyed by the destroyer . * Now all these things happened to those [people ] as examples , and they were written for our instruction , to whom the ends of the ages have come . * So then , let him who thinks he stands take heed , lest he should fall ! * No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man ; but God is faithful , who will not permit you to be tempted beyond what you are able , but with the temptation , He will also make the way out , [so as for ] you to be able to bear it . * Therefore , my beloved , flee from idolatry . * I speak as to wise men ; judge for yourselves what I say . * The cup of blessing which we bless , is it not the communion of the blood of Christ ? The bread which we break , is it not the communion of the body of Christ ? * Because we , though many , are one bread and one body ; for we all partake from the one bread . * Look at Israel according to the flesh : are not those who eat of the sacrifices partakers of the altar ? * What am I saying then ? That an idol is anything , or what is offered to idols is anything ? * [No ], but that the [ ]things which the Gentiles sacrifice , they sacrifice to demons and not to God , and I do not desire that you should have fellowship with demons . * You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons ; you cannot partake of the Lord 's table and of the table of demons . * Or do we provoke the Lord to jealousy ? Are we stronger than He ? * All things are lawful for me , but not all things are profitable ; all things are lawful for me , but not all things edify . * Let no one seek his own concerns , but let each [one ] seek another 's concern . * Eat everything being sold in the meat market , questioning nothing , for conscience ' sake ; * for "The earth is the LORD 's , and all its fullness ." * And if any of the unbelievers invites you to dinner , and you desire to go , eat whatever is set before you , questioning nothing , for conscience ' sake . * But if anyone says to you , "This was offered to idols ,"do not eat it for the sake of the one who told you , and for his conscience ' sake ; for "The earth is the LORD 's , and all its fullness ." * "Conscience ,"I say , not your own , but that of the other . For why is my freedom judged by another man 's conscience ? * But if I partake with thanks , why am I defamed for [that ] of which I give thanks ? * Therefore , whether you eat or drink , or whatever you do , do all things for the glory of God . * Be without offense , both toward Jews and toward Greeks , and toward the church of God , * just as I also please all men in all things , not seeking my own profit , but the [profit ] of many , that they may be saved . * Be imitators of me , just as I also [am ] of Christ . * Now I praise you , brothers , because you remember me in all things , and you hold fast the traditions just as I handed down to you . * But I want you to know that the head of every man is Christ , the head of woman is man , and the head of Christ is God . * Every man who prays or who prophesies with his head covered , dishonors his head . * But every woman who prays or who prophesies with her head uncovered dishonors her own head , for that is one and the same as if her [head ] were shaved . * For if a woman is not covered , let her also have her hair cut . But if it is a shameful [thing ]for a woman to have her hair cut , or to be shaved , let her be covered . * For a man indeed ought not to cover his head , since he is the image and glory of God ; but woman is the glory of man . * For man did not come from woman , but woman from man . * Nor was man created for woman , but woman for the man . * Because of this , the woman ought to have a [symbol ] [of ] authority on her head , because of the angels . * Nevertheless , neither is the man apart from the woman , nor the woman apart from the man , in the Lord . * For as the woman is from the man , even so the man is by the woman ; but all things are of God . * Judge among yourselves . Is it proper for a woman to pray to God uncovered ? * Does not nature itself teach you , that if a man has long hair , it is a dishonor to him ? * But if a woman has long hair , it is a glory for her ; because her long hair has been given [to her ] in place of a covering . * But if anyone seems to be contentious , we have no such custom , nor do the churches of God . * Now in giving these instructions I do not praise you , because you are not coming together for the better , but for the worse . * For first of all , when you come together in church , I hear that there are divisions among you , and in part I believe it . * For there must also be sects among you , in order that those who are approved may become recognized among you . * Therefore when you assemble in the same [place ], it is not to eat the Lord 's Supper . * For when you eat , each one takes first his own supper , and one goes hungry and another is drunk ! * What ? Do you not have houses to eat and drink in ? Or do you despise the church of God , and disgrace those who do not have ? What shall I say to you ? Shall I praise you in this ? I do not praise you ! * For I received from the Lord that which I also delivered unto you : that the Lord Jesus , during the night in which He was betrayed , took bread ; * and having given thanks , He broke it and said , "Take , eat ; this is My body which has been broken for you ; do this in remembrance of Me ." * Likewise He also took the cup after supper , saying , "This cup is the new covenant in My blood . This do , as often as you drink it , in remembrance of Me ." * For as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup , you proclaim the Lord 's death until He comes . * Therefore whoever eats this bread or drinks this cup of the Lord irreverently will be guilty of the body of the Lord and of the blood of the Lord . * But let a man examine himself , and in this way let him eat from the bread and drink from the cup . * For he that eats and drinks irreverently eats and drinks judgment to himself , not judging correctly the body of the Lord . * Because of this many among you are weak and sick , and many have died . * For if we judge ourselves correctly , we would not be judged . * But when we are judged , we are disciplined by the Lord , in order that we may not be condemned along with the world . * Therefore , my brothers , when you come together to eat , wait for one another . * But if anyone is hungry , let him eat at home , lest you come together for judgment . And the rest I will put in order when I come . * Now concerning spiritual [gifts ], brothers , I do not want you to be ignorant . * You know that when you were pagans , how you were led , being carried away to these speechless idols . * Therefore I make known to you that no one speaking by the Spirit of God says "Jesus be cursed ,"and no one can say that Jesus [is ] Lord except by the Holy Spirit . * Now there are varieties of spiritual gifts , but the same Spirit . * And there are varieties of ministries , but the same Lord . * And there are varieties of activities , but the same God works all in all . * But to each [one ] the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the profit [of all .] * For to one is given a word of wisdom through the Spirit , to another a word of knowledge according to the same Spirit , * and to another faith by the same Spirit , to another gifts of healings by the same Spirit , * to another the working of miracles , and to another prophecy , and to another discerning of spirits , and to another [different ] kinds of tongues , and to another interpretation of tongues . * But one and the same Spirit works all these things , distributing to each one individually just as He wills . * For just as the body is one and has many parts , but all the parts of that one body , being many , are one body , so also is Christ . * For by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body-whether Jews or Greeks , whether slaves or free-and we were all given to drink into one Spirit . * For in fact the body is not one part but many . * If the foot should say , "Because I am not a hand , I am not of the body ,"is it therefore not of the body ? * And if the ear should say , "Because I am not an eye , I am not of the body ,"is it therefore not of the body ? * If the whole body [were ] an eye , where [would be ] the hearing ? If the whole [were ] hearing , where [would be ] the smelling ? * But now God has set the parts , each one of them , in the body just as He desired . * And if all [parts ]were one part , where [would be ] the body ? * But now indeed there [ are ] many parts , but one body . * And the eye cannot say to the hand , "I have no need of you "; nor again the head to the feet , "I have no need of you ." * But to a greater degree the parts of the body which seem weaker are necessary . * And [the parts ] of the body which we consider to be less honorable , on these we bestow greater honor ; and our unpresentable parts have greater propriety . * But our presentable [parts ] have no need . But God united the body , giving greater honor to the [part ] being inferior , * lest there be divisions in the body , but the parts care the same for one another . * And if one part suffers , all the parts suffer together ; or if one part is honored , all the parts rejoice together . * Now you are the body of Christ , and members individually . * And [those ] whom God has appointed in the church [are ]: first apostles , second prophets , third teachers , then miracles , then gifts of healings , helps , administrations , kinds of tongues . * All [are ] not apostles , [are they ]? All [are ] not prophets , [are they ]? Are all teachers ? [Are ] all [workers of ] miracles ? * Do all have gifts of healings ? Do all speak with tongues ? Do all interpret ? * But strive for the better gifts . And yet I make known a more excellent way . * Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels , but have not love , I have become [as ] sounding brass or a clashing cymbal . * And though I have [the gift of ] prophecy , and know all mysteries and all knowledge , and though I have all faith , so as to remove mountains , but have not love , I am nothing . * And though I give away all my possessions to feed [the poor ], and though I deliver up my body to be burned , but have not love , it profits me nothing . * Love is patient , love is kind ; love does not envy ; love does not boast , is not arrogant ; * does not behave disgracefully , does not seek its own , is not provoked to anger , thinks no evil ; * does not rejoice over unrighteousness , but rejoices with the truth ; * bears all things , believes all things , hopes all things , endures all things . * Love never fails . But whether there [are ] prophecies , they shall pass away ; whether there [ are ] tongues , they shall cease ; whether there [ is ] knowledge , it shall pass away . * Now we know in part , and we prophesy in part . * But when that which is perfect has come , then that which is partial shall pass away . * When I was a child , I spoke as a child , I thought as a child , I reasoned as a child ; but when I became a man , I put away the things of the child . * For now we see through a mirror by reflection , but then face to face . Now I know in part , but then I shall know just as I also am known . * And now abide faith , hope , love , these three ; but the greatest of these is love . * Pursue love , and desire the spiritual [gifts ], but especially that you may prophesy . * For he who speaks in an [unknown ] tongue speaks not to men , but to God , for no one understands him ; however , in the spirit he speaks mysteries . * But he who prophesies speaks edification and exhortation and comfort . * He who speaks in an [unknown ] tongue edifies himself , but he who prophesies edifies the church . * Now I wish you all spoke in tongues , but even more that you should prophesy ; for he who prophesies is greater than he who speaks in tongues , unless he interprets , so that the church may be edified . * But now , brothers , if I come to you speaking in tongues , what shall I profit you unless I speak to you either in a revelation , or in knowledge , or in a prophesy , or in doctrine ? * Likewise the lifeless things , when they make a sound , whether flute or harp , unless they make a distinction in the tones , how will it be known what is being played on the flute , or what is being played on the harp ? * For if the trumpet gives an indistinct sound , who will prepare for battle ? * So also you , [if you ] do not give a clear word by the tongue , how will it be known what is being spoken ? For you will be speaking into the air . * There are , perhaps , so many kinds of sounds in the world , and none of them without meaning . * Therefore , if I do not know the meaning of the sound , I shall be as a foreigner to the [one ]speaking , and the [one ] speaking [shall be ] as a foreigner to me . * So also you , since you are zealous of spiritual [gifts ], seek that you may abound to the edification of the church . * Therefore let he that speaks in an [unknown ] tongue pray that he may interpret . * For if I pray in a tongue , my spirit prays , but my understanding is unfruitful . * What is the conclusion then ? I will pray with the spirit , and I will also pray with the mind . I will sing with the spirit , and I will also sing with the mind . * Otherwise , if you bless with the spirit , how will he who occupies the place of the uninformed say "Amen "when you give thanks , since he does not know what you are saying ? * For you indeed give thanks well , but the other is not edified . * I thank my God I speak with tongues more than you all ; * but in the church I would rather speak five words with my understanding , in order that I may instruct others , rather than ten thousand words in an [unknown ] tongue . * Brothers , do not be children in your understanding ; rather , in malice be children , but in understanding be men . * In the law it is written : "With men of other tongues and by strange lips I will speak to this people ; and yet not even in this way will they hear Me ,"says the Lord . * So then tongues are for a sign , not to those who believe but to unbelievers ; but prophesying is not for unbelievers but for those who believe . * If then the whole church comes together at the same place , and all speak in tongues , and there come in [those that are ] unlearned or unbelievers , will they not say that you are mad ? * But if all prophesy , and an unbeliever or an unlearned person comes in , he is reproved by all , he is discerned by all . * And so the secrets of his heart become clear ; and so , falling down on his face , he will worship God , reporting that God is truly among you ! * What is it then , brothers ? Whenever you come together , each of you has a song , has a teaching , has a tongue , has a revelation , has an interpretation . Let all things be done for edification . * If anyone speaks in an [unknown ] tongue , [let it be ]by two or at the most three , each in turn , and let one interpret . * But if there is no interpreter , let him be silent in church , and let him speak to himself and to God . * Let two or three prophets speak , and let others discriminate . * But if [something ] is revealed to another who sits by , let the first be silent . * For you can all prophesy [one ] by one , that all may learn and all may be encouraged . * And the spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets . * For God is not [the author ] of confusion but of peace . As in all the churches of the saints , * let your women be silent in the churches , for it is not permitted for them to speak , but to be in subjection , just as the law also says . * And if they desire to learn anything , let them ask their own husbands at home ; for it is shameful for women to speak in church . * Or did the word of God go forth from you ? Or did it come to you only ? * If anyone thinks that he is a prophet , or [is ] spiritual [,] let him recognize that the things which I am writing to you are the commandments of the Lord . * But if anyone is ignorant , let him be ignorant . * Therefore , brothers , seek to prophesy , and do not forbid to speak in tongues . * Let all things be done properly and according to order . * Now I made known to you , brothers , the gospel which I preached to you , which also you received , in which you also stand , * through which also you are saved , if you hold fast that word which I preached to you-unless you believed in vain . * For I delivered to you first of all that which I also received : that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures , * and that He was buried , and that He was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures , * and that He appeared to Cephas , then to the Twelve . * Thereafter He appeared to more than five hundred brothers at one time , of whom the majority remain until now , but some have fallen asleep . * Thereafter He appeared to James , then to all the apostles . * And last of all , as of [one ] born out of due time , He appeared to me also . * For I am the least of the apostles , who am not worthy to be called an apostle , because I persecuted the church of God . * But by the grace of God I am what I am , and His grace toward me was not in vain ; but I labored more abundantly than them all , yet not I , but the grace of God which was with me . * Therefore , whether it was I or they , so we preach and so you believed . * Now if Christ is preached that He has been raised from the dead , how do some among you say that there is no resurrection of the dead ? * But if there is no resurrection of the dead , then Christ has not been raised . * And if Christ has not been raised , then our preaching is vain and your faith also is vain ! * And we are found [to be ]false witnesses of God , because we bore witness concerning God , that He raised Christ , whom He did not raise-if in fact the dead are not raised . * For if the dead are not raised , [then ] neither has Christ been raised . * And if Christ has not been raised , your faith is worthless ; you are still in your sins ! * Then also those who have fallen asleep in Christ have perished . * If in this life only we have hoped in Christ , we are to be pitied above all men . * But now Christ has been raised from the dead , [and ] has become the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep . * For since by a man [came ] death , also by a Man came the resurrection of the dead . * For as in Adam all die , even so in Christ all will be made alive . * But each one in his own order : Christ the firstfruits , then those who belong to Christ at His coming . * Then [will be ] the end , when He hands over the kingdom to God , even the Father , when He abolishes every ruler and every authority and power . * For He must reign until He puts all His enemies under His feet . * The last enemy that will be abolished is death . * For "He has subjected all things under His feet ."But when He says that "all things have been subjected ,"it is evident that [this is ] except for Him who subjected all things to Him . * Now when all things are made subject to Him , then also the Son Himself will be subjected to Him who subjected all things to Him , in order that God may be all in all . * Otherwise , what will they do who are being baptized for the dead , if the dead are not raised at all ? Why are they also baptized for the dead ? * And why are we also in danger every hour ? * I [affirm ], by my boasting in you which I have in Christ Jesus our Lord , I die daily . * If , in the manner of men , I fought with beasts at Ephesus , what is the benefit to me ? If the dead are not raised , "Let us eat and drink , for tomorrow we die !" * Do not be deceived : "Evil associations corrupt good habits ." * Awake to righteousness , and do not sin ! For some have no knowledge of God . I speak this to your shame . * But someone will say , "How are the dead raised ? And with what sort of body do they come ?" * Fool , what you sow is not made alive unless it dies . * And what you sow , you do not sow that body that will be , but a bare grain-perhaps wheat or some other [grains ]. * But God gives to it a body just as He desired , and to each of the seeds its own body . * All flesh is not the same flesh , but there is a different [kind ] [of flesh ] for men , and another flesh for beasts , another for fish , and another for birds . * And there [ are ]heavenly bodies , and earthly bodies ; but the glory of the heavenly is one , and the glory of the earthly is another . * There is one glory of the sun , and another glory of the moon , and another glory of the stars ; for one star differs from [another ] star in glory . * So also is the resurrection of the dead . The body is sown in corruption , it is raised in incorruption . * It is sown in dishonor , it is raised in glory . It is sown in weakness , it is raised in power . * It is sown a natural body , it is raised a spiritual body . There is a natural body , and there is a spiritual body . * Thus also it is written , "The first man Adam [became ] a living being ;"the last Adam [became ] a life-giving spirit . * However , that which is spiritual is not first , but that which is natural , then that which is spiritual . * The first man [was ]from earth , made of dust ; the second Man is the Lord from heaven . * Like the [man ] made of dust , so also [are ] those who are made of dust ; and as is the heavenly [Man ], so also [are ]those [who are ]heavenly . * And just as we have borne the image of the [man ] made of dust , let us also bear the image of the heavenly [Man ]. * Now this I say , brothers , that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God ; nor can corruption inherit incorruption . * Behold , I tell you a mystery : We shall not all sleep , but we shall all be changed - * in a moment , in the twinkling of an eye , at the last trumpet . For the trumpet shall sound , and the dead shall be raised incorruptible , and we shall be changed . * For this corruptible must put on incorruption , and this mortal must put on immortality . * So when this corruptible should put on incorruption , and this mortal should put on immortality , then will come to pass the word which was written : "Death was swallowed up in victory ." * "O Death , where is your sting ? O Hades , where is your victory ?" * Now the sting of death is sin , and the power of sin is the law . * But thanks be to God , who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ . * So then , my beloved brothers , be steadfast , immovable , always abounding in the work of the Lord , knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord . * Now concerning the collection which is for the saints , as I directed to the churches of Galatia , so you must do also : * On the first day of the week let each one of you put [something ] aside , storing up whatever he may prosper , in order that there be no collections when I come . * But when I arrive , [those ] whom ever you approve by letters , these I will send to carry your gracious gift to Jerusalem . * But if it is fitting that I go also , they will go with me . * Now I will come to you when I go through Macedonia (for I am coming through Macedonia ). * And perhaps I will remain , or even spend the winter with you , that you may send me on my journey , wherever I may go . * For I do not wish to see you now in passing ; but I hope to spend some time with you , if the Lord permits . * But I will remain in Ephesus until Pentecost . * For a great and effective door has been opened to me , and there [ are ] many adversaries . * Now if Timothy comes , see to it that he may be with you without fear ; for he does the work of the Lord , as I also [do ]. * Therefore let no one despise him . But send him away in peace , that he may come to me ; for I am waiting for him with the brothers . * Now concerning our brother Apollos , I strongly urged him to come to you with the brothers , but it was not his will to come at this time ; however , he will come whenever he has an opportunity . * Watch , stand fast in the faith , be courageous , be strong . * Let all that you do be done in love . * I urge you , brothers (you know the household of Stephanas , that it is the firstfruits of Achaia , and that they have devoted themselves to the ministry of the saints ) * that you also subject yourselves to such [people ] and to everyone who works and labors with us . * I rejoice over the coming of Stephanas , Fortunatus , and Achaicus , for what was lacking on your part they have supplied . * For they refreshed my spirit and yours . Therefore give recognition to such [men ]. * The churches of Asia greet you . Aquila and Priscilla greet you heartily in the Lord , together with the church that is in their house . * All the brothers greet you . Greet one another with a holy kiss . * The salutation with my own hand-Paul 's . * If anyone does not love the Lord Jesus Christ , let him be Anathema . Marana tha ! * The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you . * My love be with you all in Christ Jesus . Amen .

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