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* For this doctrine (the doctrine of the cross ) is , indeed , foolishness to the destroyed ; but to us , who are saved , it is the power of God . * «Therefore , it is written ,» 'I will destroy the wisdom of the wise , and will set aside the knowledge of the prudent .' * Where is the wise man ? where the scribe ? where the disputers of this world ? Has not God shown the wisdom of this world to be folly ? * For , when , in the wisdom of God , the world , through wisdom , knew not God , it pleased God , through the foolishness of this proclamation , to save them who believe . * And though the Jews demand a sign , and the Greeks seek wisdom ; * yet we proclaim a crucified Christ : to the Jews , indeed , a stumbling block , and to the Greeks foolishness : * but to them who are called , both Jews and Greeks , Christ , the power of God and the wisdom of God . * Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men , and the weakness of God is stronger than men . * For you see the calling of you , brethren , that not many wise men after the flesh , not many mighty , not many noble ; * but God has chosen the foolish of the world to put the wise to shame ; and the weak God has chosen to put the strong to shame ; * the ignoble of the world , and the despised , God has chosen ; nay , those that are nothing , to reduce to nothing those that are ; * that not flesh might boast in his presence . * Of him , therefore , you are in Christ Jesus , who is become to us wisdom from God , justification , also , and sanctification , and redemption . * «So that , as it is written ,» 'Let him who boasts , boast in the Lord .' * Now , I would not have you ignorant , brethren , that our fathers were all under the cloud , and all passed through the sea : * and all were immersed into Moses , in the cloud and in the sea ; * and all did eat the same spiritual meat ; * and all did drink the same spiritual drink ; (for they drank of the spiritual rock , which followed them , and that rock was Christ .) * Nevertheless , with the greater part of them , God was not well pleased ; for they were cast down in the wilderness . * Now , these things have become types to us , in order that we should not be lusters after evil things , even as they lusted . * «Neither be you idolaters , as some of them were ; as it is written ,» 'The people sat down to eat , and to drink , and rose up to dance .' * Neither let us commit whoredom , as some of them committed whoredom , and fell , in one day , twenty-three thousand . * Neither let us grievously tempt Christ , as some of them tempted , and perished by serpents . * Neither murmur you , as even some of the murmured , and perished by the destroyer . * Now , all these things happened to them as types ; and are written for our admonition , on whom the ends of the ages are come . * Wherefore , let him who thinks he stands , take heed , lest he fall . * No trial has come upon you but such as belongs to man ; and God is faithful , who will not suffer you to be tried above what you are able , but will , with the trial , also make a way to escape , that you may be able to bear . * Wherefore , my beloved , fly from idolatry . * I speak as to wise men ; judge you what I say . * The cup of blessing , which we bless ; is it not the joint participation of the blood of Christ ? The loaf , which we break ; is it not the joint participation of the body of Christ ? * Because there is one loaf , we , the many , are one body : for we all participate of that one loaf . * Look at Israel after the flesh . Are not they , who eat of the sacrifices , joint partakers of the altar ? * What , then , do I affirm ? that an idol is anything , or than an idol sacrifice is anything ? * No . But , that what the heathens sacrifice , they sacrifice to demons , and not to God . Now , I would not have you become joint partakers with the demons . * You can not drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons : you can not partake of the table of the Lord , and of the table of demons . * Do we provoke the Lord to jealousy ? Are we stronger than he ? * All things are lawful , but all are not expedient ; all are lawful , but all do not edify . * Let no one seek his own , but that of his neighbor , also . * Whatever is sold in the shambles , eat , asking no question on account of conscience ; * «for the earth is the Lord 's , and the fullness thereof .» * And if any of the unbelievers invite you , and you incline to go , whatever is set before you , eat ; asking no question on account of conscience . * But if any one say to you , This is a thing sacrificed to an idol ; do not eat , on account of him who showed it , and of conscience . * Now , I say conscience , not your own , but that of the other . But why is my liberty judged by another 's conscience ? * But if , by favor , I be a partaker , why am I evil spoken of , for that for which I give thanks ? * Whether , then , you eat or drink , or whatever you do , do all to the glory of God . * Be no occasion of stumbling ; neither to the Jews , nor to the Greeks , nor to the congregation of God . * Even as I please all men in all things ; not seeking my own advantage , but that of the many , that they may be saved . * Become imitators of me , even as I also am of Christ . * Now I praise you , brethren ; because , in all things you remember me , and hold fast the traditions as I delivered them to you . * But I would have you know , that the head of every man is Christ ; and the head of the woman is the man ; and the head of Christ is God . * Every man who prays , or prophesies , having his head covered , dishonors his head . * And every woman who prays , or prophesies , with her head uncovered , dishonors her head . Besides , it is one and the same , with being shaved . * Wherefore , if a woman be not veiled , even let her be shorn : but , if it be shame for a woman to be shorn or shaved , let her be veiled . * Now , man , indeed , ought not to cover the head , being the image and glory of God , but woman is the glory of man . * Besides the man is not of the woman ; but the woman is of the man . * And , also , the man was not created for the woman , but the woman for the man . * For this reason , ought the woman to have a vail on her head , on account of the messengers . * However , neither is the man , without the woman , nor the woman without the man , in the Lord . * Besides , as the woman is from the man , so also , the man is by the woman ; but all from God . * Judge in yourselves , is it decent that a woman pray to God unveiled ? * Does not even nature itself teach you that if , indeed , a man have long hair , it is a disgrace to him ? * But if a woman have long hair , it is a glory to her : for her hair is given to her for a vail . * However , if any one resolve to be contentious , we have no such custom ; neither the congregations of God . * Now , in declaring this , that you come together , not for the better , but for the worse , I do not praise you . * For , first , indeed , I hear , that when you come together in the congregation , there are schisms among you ; and I partly believe it . * For there must even be sects among you , that the approved among you may be made manifest . * But your coming together into one place , is not to eat the Lord 's supper . * For , in eating it , every one takes first his own supper ; and one , indeed , is hungry , and another is filled . * What ! have you not houses , to eat and to drink in ? or , do you despise the congregation of God and put to shame those who have not ? What shall I say to you ? Shall I praise you ? In this , I praise you not . * For I received from the Lord what , also , I delivered to you ; that the Lord Jesus , in the night in which we was betrayed , took a loaf ; * and , having given thanks , he broke it ; and said , * In like manner , also , the cup , after he had supped ; saying , * For as often as you eat this loaf , and drink this cup , you openly publish the death of the Lord , until he come . * So , then , whosoever shall eat this loaf , and drink this cup of the Lord unworthily , shall be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord . * But let a man examine himself , and then let him eat of the loaf , and drink of the cup . * For he who eats and drinks unworthily , eats and drinks judgment to himself , not distinguishing the body of the Lord . * For this cause , many among you are weak and sick , and a considerable number are fallen asleep . * But if we would judge ourselves , we should not be judged . * Yet , when we are judged by the Lord , we are corrected , that we may not be condemned with the world . * Wherefore , my brethren , when you come together to eat , wait for each other . * And if any one hunger , let him eat at home , that you may not come together for judgment . And the other things I will set in order when I come . * Now , concerning spiritual gifts , brethren , I would not have you ignorant . * You know that you were Gentiles , led away to dumb idols , even as you happened to be led . * Wherefore , I inform you , that no one , speaking by the Spirit of God , pronounces Jesus accursed ; and , that no one can declare Jesus Lord , except by the Holy Spirit . * Now , there are diversities of gifts , but the same spirit . * And there are diversities of ministries , but the same Lord . * And there are diversities of operations , but the same God , who works all in all . * And to each is given this manifestation of the Spirit , for the advantage of all . * For to one , indeed , is given , by the Spirit , the word of wisdom : and to another , the word of knowledge , according to the same Spirit . * And to another , faith , by the same Spirit : and to another , healing , by the same Spirit : * and to another , the operations of powers : and to another , prophecy : and to another , diverse kinds of foreign tongues : and to another , the interpretation of foreign tongues . * Now , all these does the one and the same Spirit effectively work ; distributing to each , respectively , as he pleases . * For , as the body is one , although it have many members ; and all the members of that one body , being many , are one body , so also is Christ . * For , indeed , by one Spirit , we all have been immersed into one body ; whether Jews or Greeks , whether slaves or freemen ; and all have been made to drink of one Spirit . * Since , then , the body is not one member , but many ; * if the foot shall say , Because I am not the hand , I am not of the body ; is it , for this , not of the body ? * And if the ear shall say , Because I am not the eye , I am not of the body ; is it , for this , not of the body ? * If the whole body were an eye , where were the hearing ? If the whole were hearing , where were the smelling ? * But , now , God has placed the members , every one of them , in the body , as he has pleased . * Besides , if all were one member , where were the body ? * But now , indeed , there are many members , but one body . * Therefore , the eye can not say to the hand , I have no need of you : nor , again , the head to the feet , I have no need of you . * Nay , those members of the body which seem to be more feeble , are necessary . * And those which we think are less honorable members of the body , around them we throw more abundant honor ; and so our uncomely members have more abundant comeliness . * But , our comely members have no need . However , God has tempered the body together ; having given to the member which wants it , more abundant honor . * That there may be no schism in the body ; but , that the members may have the very same anxious care , one for another . * So , whether one member suffer , all the members sympathize ; or , one member be honored , all the members rejoice together . * Now , you are Christ 's body , and members in particular . * And these , indeed , God has placed in the congregation : first , Apostles ; secondly , prophets ; thirdly , teachers ; next , powers ; then , gifts of healing ; helpers , directors , kinds of foreign languages . * Are all Apostles ? are all prophets ? are all teachers ? have all powers ? * have all the gift of healing ? do all speak in foreign languages ? do all interpret ? * Now , ardently desire the best gifts ; and yet I show you a more excellent way . * Though I could speak with the tongues of men , of angels , but have not love , I become as sounding brass , or a noisy cymbal . * And though I have prophecy , and know all secrets , and all knowledge ; and though I have all faith , so as to remove mountains , but have not love , I am nothing . * And though I spend all my goods in feeding the poor , and though I deliver my body to be burned , but have not love , I am nothing profited . * Love suffers long , and is kind . Love envies not . Love does not vaunt ; is not puffed up ; * does not behave itself unbecomingly ; does not seek its own things ; is not exasperated ; does not imagine evil ; * does not rejoice in iniquity , but greatly rejoices in the truth : * covers all things , believes all things , hopes all things , endures all things . * Love never fails : but , whether prophecies , they will be out of use : or foreign languages , they shall cease : or science , it shall be abolished . * For we know only in part , and prophesy in part . * But when perfection is come , then what is in part will be done away . * When I was a child , I spoke as a child , I conceived as a child , I reasoned as a child . But when I became a man , I put away childish things . * For now we seek through a glass obscurely ; but then , face to face : now , I know in part ; but then , I shall fully know , even as I am fully known . * And now abide faith , hope , love , these three : but the greatest of these is love . * Pursue love , and earnestly desire spiritual gifts ; but especially that you may prophesy . * For he who speaks in a foreign language , speaks not to men , but to God ; for no one understands him : nevertheless , by the Spirit he speaks secrets . * But he who prophesies , speaks to men for edification , and exhortation , and consolation . * He who speaks in a foreign language , edifies himself : but he who prophesies , edifies the congregation . * I wish , indeed , that you all spoke in foreign languages ; but rather that you prophesied : for greater is he who prophesies , than he who speaks in foreign languages , unless , indeed , he interpret , that the congregation may receive edification . * For now , brethren , if I should come to you speaking in foreign languages , what shall I profit you , unless I shall speak to you intelligibly ; either by revelation , or by knowledge , or by prophecy , or by doctrine ? * In like manner , things without life , giving sound ; whether pipe , or harp ; unless they give a difference to the notes , how shall it be known what is piped , or harped ? * And , therefore , if the trumpet give and unintelligible sound , who will prepare himself for battle ? * So , also , you , unless with the tongue you give intelligible speech , how shall it be known what is spoken ? Therefore , you will be speaking to the air . * There are , perhaps , so many kinds of languages in the world , and none of them is without signification . * Yet , if I do not know the meaning of the language , I shall be to him who speaks , a foreigner ; and he who speaks , will be a foreigner to me . * Wherefore , you , also , since you are earnestly desirous of spiritual gifts , seek them , that you may abound for the edification of the congregation . * For which cause , let him who prays in a foreign language , pray that he may interpret . * For if I pray in a foreign language , my spirit prays ; but my understanding is unfruitful . * What , then , is to be done ? I will pray with the Spirit , but I will pray also with understanding : I will sing with the Spirit ; but I will sing also with understanding . * Else , when you shall bless with the spirit , how shall he who fills up the place of the unlearned , say the Amen to your thanksgiving , since he knows not what you say ? * For you , indeed , give thanks well ; but the other is not edified . * I give thanks to God , speaking in more foreign languages than all of you ; * yet , in the congregation , I would rather speak five sentences with my meaning understood , that I may instruct others , also , than ten thousand sentences in a foreign language . * Brethren , be not children in understanding ; but in evil be children , and in understanding be full grown men . * «In the law it is written ,» 'Surely , with other tongues , and with other lips , I will speak to this people ; yet not even then will they hearken to me , says the Lord .' * So that foreign languages are for a sign ; not to believers , but to unbelievers : but prophecy is for a sign ; not to unbelievers , but to believers . * If , then , the whole congregation be come together in one place , and all speak in foreign languages ; and there come in unlearned persons , or unbelievers , will they not say that you are mad ? * But if all prophesy , and there come in an unbeliever , or an unlearned person , he is corrected by all , he is examined by all ; * the hidden things of his heart are made manifest : and so , falling on his face , he will worship God , publishing that God is actually among you . * What is it , then , brethren ? When you are come together , each of you has a psalm , has a discourse , has a foreign language , has a revelation , has an interpretation ! Let all things be done to edification . * And if any one speak in a foreign language , let it be by two , or at most by three sentences , and separately ; and let one interpret . * But if there be no interpreter , let him be silent in the congregation ; yet let him speak to himself and to God . * Now , let two or three prophets speak , and let the others judge . * But , if to another , sitting by , anything be revealed , let the first be silent . * For you all can prophesy , one by one , that all may learn , and all may be comforted . * For the spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets . * Besides , God is not the author of confusion , but of peace . As in all the assemblies of the saints , * let your women be silent in the congregations : for it has not been permitted to them to speak , but they must be in subjection ; as the law also commands . * And if they wish to learn anything , let them ask their own husbands , at home : for it is an indecent thing for women to speak in the congregation . * What ! went the word of God forth from you ? or did it come to you only ? * If any one be really a prophet , or spiritual person , let him acknowledge the things I write to you , that they are the commandments of the Lord . * And if any one be ignorant , let him be ignorant . * Wherefore , brethren , earnestly desire to prophesy ; and hinder not to speak in foreign languages . * Let all things be done decently and in order . * Now I declare to you , brethren , the glad tidings which I announced to ; which , also , you have received , and in which you stand . * By which , also , you are saved , if you retain those joyful tidings which I delivered to you ; unless you believed to no purpose . * For I delivered to you , among the first things , what also I received first-that Christ died for our sins , according to the scriptures ; * and that he was buried ; and that he rose again the third day , according to the scriptures ; * and that he was seen by Cephas , then by the twelve . * After that , he was seen by above five hundred brethren at once ; of whom the greater part remain to this present time , but some are fallen asleep . * After that , he was seen by James ; then , by all the Apostles . * And , last of all he was seen by me , as by one born out of due time . * For I am the least of the Apostles ; who am not worthy to be called an Apostle , because I persecuted the congregation of God . * But , by the favor of God , I am what I am : and his favor which was bestowed on me , was not vain ; for I have labored more abundantly than all of them ; yet not I , but the favor of God , which is with me . * Well , then , whether I or they , so we proclaim , and so you believed . * Now , if it be proclaimed that Christ was raised from the dead , how is it that some among you say , that there is no resurrection of the dead ? * For if there be no resurrection of the dead , neither has Christ been raised . * And if Christ has not been raised , vain , certainly , is our proclamation , and vain , also , is your faith . * Besides , we are found even false witnesses concerning God ; because we have witnessed , with respect to God , that he raised Christ ; whom he raised not , if , indeed , the dead are not raised . * And if the dead are not raised , neither has Christ been raised , * Farther , if Christ has not been raised , your faith is useless ; you are still in your sins . * Certainly , also , they who are fallen asleep in Christ are perished . * If in this life , only , we have hope in Christ , we are , of all men , the most miserable . * But now Christ is raised from the dead , -the first fruit of them who have fallen asleep . * For since through a man came death , through a man also comes the resurrection of the dead . * Therefore , as by Adam all die , so also by Christ all shall be made alive . * But every one in his own rank : Christ the first fruit ; they that are Christ 's , afterward , at his coming . * Then comes the end , when he shall resign the kingdom to God , even the Father ; when he shall have abolished all government , and all authority , and power . * For he must reign till he has put all the enemies under his feet . * The last enemy , Death , shall be destroyed . * For he has subjected all things under his feet . Now when it says that all things are subjected , it is manifest that he is excepted , who has subjected all things to him . * Now , when all things are subjected to him , then even the Son himself shall be subjected to him , who subjected all things to him , that God may be all in all . * Otherwise , what shall they do , who are immersed for the dead , if the dead rise not at all ? why then are they immersed for them ? * And why do we endanger ourselves every hour ? * I solemnly declare , by your rejoicing , what I also have in Christ Jesus our Lord , that every day I die . * If , after the manner of men , I have fought with wild beasts at Ephesus , what is the advantage to me , if the dead rise not ? Let us eat and drink , for tomorrow we die . * Be not deceived : evil communications corrupt good manners . * Awake up as you ought , and sin not ; for some of you have not the knowledge of God . For shame to you , I say it . * But some one will say , How can the dead be raised up ? and with what kind of body do they come ? * Simpleton ! what you sow is not made alive , except it die . * And as to what you sow , you do not show the body which shall be produced , but the naked grain ; it may be of wheat , or of any other kind : * but God gives it a body , as it has pleased him ; and to each of the seeds , its proper body . * All flesh is not the same flesh : but there is , indeed , one flesh of men , and another of beasts , and another of fishes , and another of fowls . * And there are bodies celestial , and bodies terrestrial : but different , indeed , is the glory of the celestial , and that of the terrestrial . * The glory of the sun is one , and the glory of the moon is another , and the glory of the stars another ; moreover , star excels star in glory . * Just so is the resurrection of the dead . It is sown in corruption-it is raised in incorruption : * it is sown in dishonor-it is raised in glory : it is sown in weakness-it is raised in power : * it is sown an animal body-it is raised a spiritual body . There is an animal body , and there is a spiritual body . * «For thus it is written ,» 'The first man , Adam , was made a living soul-the last Adam , a vivifying spirit .' * However , that was not first , which is spiritual ; but that which is animal , and then that which is spiritual . * The first man , from the earth , was earthy ; the second man is the Lord from heaven . * As was the earthy , so also are the earthy ; and as is the heavenly , such also shall be heavenly . * For , as we have borne the image of the earthy , we shall also bear the image of the heavenly . * And this I affirm , brethren , that flesh and blood can not inherit the kingdom of God ; neither can corruption inherit incorruption . * Behold , I tell you a secret : we shall not , indeed , all die ; but we shall all be changed ; * in a moment , in the twinkling of an eye , at the last trumpet ; for it shall sound , and then the dead shall be raised incorruptible ; and we shall be changed . * For this corruptible body , must put on incorruption ; and this mortal body must put on immortality . * «Now , when this corruptible body shall have put on incorruption , and this mortal body shall have put on immortality , then that saying of scripture shall be accomplished ,» 'Death is swallowed up forever .' * Death ! where is thy sting ? Hades ! where is thy victory ? * For the sting of death is sin , and the strength of sin is the law . * Now thanks be to God , who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ . * Wherefore , my beloved brethren , be stable , unmoved ; abounding in the work of the Lord at all times , knowing that your labor is not vain in the Lord . * Now , concerning the collection , which is for the saints ; as I ordered the congregations of Galatia , so also so you . * On the first say of the week , let each of you lay somewhat by itself , according as he may have prospered , putting it into the treasury ; that when I come , there may be then no collection . * And when I come , whomsoever you shall approve by letters , them I will send to carry your gift to Jerusalem . * Or , if it be proper that even I should go , they shall go with me . * Now , I will come to you , when I have passed through Macedonia , (for I do pass through Macedonia ;) * and , perhaps , I shall abide , and even winter with you , that you may send me forward , whithersoever I may go . * For I will not now see you in passing ; but I hope to remain with you sometime , if the Lord permit . * However , I shall remain at Ephesus till Pentecost . * For a great and effectual door is opened to me , yet there are many opposers . * Now , if Timothy be come , take care that he be among you without fear ; for he works , even as I do , the work of the Lord . * Wherefore , let no one despise him ; but send him forward in peace , that he may come to me ; for I expect him with the brethren . * And with relation to our brother Apollos , I entreated him much to go to you with the brethren ; but his inclination was not at all to go now , but he will go when he shall find a convenient season . * Watch ; stand fast in the faith ; acquit yourselves like men ; be strong . * Let all things be done with love . * You know the family of Stephanus , that it is the first fruit of Achaia , and that they have devoted themselves to the ministry of the saints . * I entreat you , therefore , brethren , that you submit yourselves to such , and to every joint worker and laborer . * I am glad of the coming of Stephanus , and Fortunatus , and Achaicus ; for they have supplied your deficiency , * and have refreshed my spirit and yours ; wherefore , acknowledge such persons . * The congregations of Asia salute you . Aquila and Priscilla salute you much in the Lord , with the congregation which is in their house . * All the brethren salute you . Salute one another with a holy kiss . * The salutation of Paul with my own hand . * If any one love not the Lord Jesus Christ , he shall be accursed when the Lord comes . * The favor of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you . * My love be with you all in Christ Jesus . Amen .

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