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* Wherefore , my dearly beloved , flee (5720 ) from idolatry . * I speak (5719 ) as to wise men ; judge (5657 ) ye what I say (5748 ). * The cup of blessing which we bless (5719 ), is it (5748 ) not the communion of the blood of Christ ? The bread which we break (5719 ), is it (5748 ) not the communion of the body of Christ ? * For we being many are (5748 ) one bread , and one body : for we are all partakers (5719 ) of that one bread . * Behold (5720 ) Israel after the flesh : are not they (5748 ) which eat (5723 ) of the sacrifices partakers of the altar ? * What say I (5748 ) then ? that the idol is (5748 ) any thing , or that which is offered in sacrifice to idols is (5748 ) any thing ? * But I say , that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice (5719 ), they sacrifice (5719 ) to devils , and not to God : and I would (5719 ) not that ye should have (5738 ) fellowship with devils . * Ye cannot (5736 ) drink (5721 ) the cup of the Lord , and the cup of devils : ye cannot (5736 ) be partakers (5721 ) of the Lords table , and of the table of devils . * Do we provoke the Lord to jealousy (5719 )? are we (5748 ) stronger than he ? * All things are lawful (5748 ) for me , but all things are not expedient (5719 ): all things are lawful (5748 ) for me , but all things edify (5719 ) not . * Let no man seek (5720 ) his own , but every man anothers wealth . * Whatsoever is sold (5746 ) in the shambles , that eat (5720 ), asking no question (5723 ) for conscience sake : * For the earth is the Lords , and the fulness thereof . * If any of them that believe not bid (5719 ) you to a feast , and ye be disposed (5719 ) to go (5738 ); whatsoever is set before (5746 ) you , eat (5720 ), asking no question (5723 ) for conscience sake . * But if any man say (5632 ) unto you , This is (5748 ) offered in sacrifice unto idols , eat (5720 ) not for his sake that shewed it (5660 ), and for conscience sake : for the earth is the Lords , and the fulness thereof : * Conscience , I say (5719 ), not thine own , but of the other : for why is my liberty judged (5743 ) of another mans conscience ? * For if I by grace be a partaker (5719 ), why am I evil spoken of (5743 ) for that for which I give thanks (5719 )? * Whether therefore ye eat (5719 ), or drink (5719 ), or whatsoever ye do (5719 ), do (5720 ) all to the glory of God . * Give (5737 ) none offence , neither to the Jews , nor to the Gentiles , nor to the church of God : * Even as I please (5719 ) all men in all things , not seeking (5723 ) mine own profit (5723 ), but the profit of many , that they may be saved (5686 ).

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[Bookof1Corinthians] [1Corinthians:9] [1Corinthians:10] [1Corinthians:11] [Discuss] Tag 1Corinthians:10:14-33 [Audio][Presentation]