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* Pursue ahavah (note :)agape (:note ), and eagerly desire the things of Ruach Hakodesh matnot haRuach Hakodesh , and especially that you may speak forth a dvar hanevu 'ah word of prophecy . * For the one speaking in a lashon (note :)tongue (:note ) speaks not to bnei Adam but to Hashem ; for no one grasps with their ears , but the speaker speaks sodot mysteries . * However , the one speaking forth divrei nevu 'ah (note :)words of prophecy (:note ) speaks to bnei Adam for chizzuk strengthening and immutz encouragement and nechamah comfort . * The one speaking in a lashon (note :)tongue (:note ) edifies himself ; but , the one speaking forth a dvar hanevu 'ah word of prophecy edifies a kehillah . * Now I desire all of you to speak in leshonot (note :)tongues (:note ), and even more that you may speak forth a dvar hanevu 'ah word of prophecyBamidbar strkjv @11:29 . Now greater is the one speaking forth a dvar nevu 'ah word of prophecy than the one speaking in leshonot , unless he gives the petron interpretation of the leshonot tongues , that the kehillah congregation may receive the edification . * But now , Achim b 'Moshiach , if I come to you speaking in leshonot (note :)tongues (:note ), what will I benefit you unless I speak to you either with a dvar hitgalut a dvar of revelation or with a dvar da 'as or with a dvar nevu 'ah or with a dvar hora 'ah word of teaching ? * You have da 'as about the inanimate flute or harp : they speak sounds but but if they do not articulate a distinction in the notes , how will it be known what is being played on the flute or on the harp ? * Indeed , if a shofar gives an unclear trumpet-call , who will prepare himself for kerav (note :)battle (:note )? [Bamidbar strkjv @10:9 ; Yirmeyah strkjv @4:19 ] * So also unless you by your lashon (note :)tongue (:note ) render an intelligible dvar Torah , how will the thing being uttered be known ? For you will be merely speaking into the air . * There are doubtless many kinds of foreign languages in the Olam Hazeh , and not one is meaningless . * If , therefore , I do not have da 'as the meaning of the language , I will be to the speaker a foreigner and the speaker will be a foreigner with me . [Bereshis strkjv @11:7 ] * So also you , als (note :)since (:note ) you have a kinat hamatnot haRuach Hakodesh zeal for gifts of the Ruach Hakodesh , endeavor to abound in them for the edification of the Kehillah congregation . * Therefore , the speaker in a lashon (note :)tongue (:note ), let him offer tefillos that he may give the petron interpretation . * For if I daven (note :)pray (:note ) in a lashon , my nashamah davens , but my sikhliyut rationality lies shemitah fallow . * Nu ? (note :)Well ?(:note ) I will daven [in leshonot ] with my nashamah , and I will daven also with my sechel ; I will sing [in leshonot ] with my nashamah , and I will sing niggunim also with my seichel . * Otherwise , if you make a beracha [in leshonot ] with your neshamah , how will the am haAretz , who have no idea what you are saying , answer the "Omein "? [Devarim strkjv @27:15:26 ; Divrey Hayamim Alef strkjv @16:36 ; Nechemyah strkjv @8:6 ; Tehillim strkjv @106:48 ] * For indeed you make the beracha well enough , but the other is not being edified . * Modeh Ani Hashem that I speak in leshonot more than all of you , * but in a kehillah I want to speak five words with my sikhliyut (note :)rationality (:note ), that also others I may instruct with a dvar hora 'ah word of teaching , rather than speak ten thousand words in a lashon tongue . * Achim b 'Moshiach , be not yeladim in your machshavot (note :)thoughts (:note ); infantile in kavvanah ra 'ah malice , perhaps , but in your binah , oisvaks mature , develop . [Yirmeyah strkjv @4:22 ]

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