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* Moreover , brethren , I make known unto you The joyful message , which I myself announced to you , which also ye received , in which also ye stand ; * Through which also ye are being saved , if ye hold fast , with what discourse , I announced the joyful message unto you ; unless indeed , in vain , ye believed . * For I delivered unto you , among the first things , what also I received : how that Christ died for our sins , according to the Scriptures , * And that he was buried , and that he hath been raised , on the third day , according to the Scriptures , * And that he appeared unto Cephas , then , to the twelve , * After that , he appeared to above five hundred brethren at once , of whom , the greater number , remain until even now , but , some , have fallen asleep , * After that , he appeared unto James , then , unto all the apostles , * And , last of all , just as if unto the unseasonable birth , he appeared , even unto me ; * For , I , am the least of the apostles , who am not worthy to be called an apostle , because I persecuted the assembly of God . * But , by favour of God , I am what I am , and , his favour , which was unto me , hath not been made void , but , much more abundantly than they all , have I toiled , albeit not , I , but the favour of God with me . * Whether therefore , I , or , they , thus do we proclaim , and , thus did ye believe . * Now , if , Christ is proclaimed , that , from among the dead , he hath been raised , how say some , among youresurrection of the dead , there is none ? * But , if , resurrection of the dead , there is none , not even Christ , hath been raised ; * And , if Christ , hath not been raised , void , after all , is our proclamation , void also , our faith , * And we are found , even false-witnesses of God , because we have witnessed respecting God , that he raised the Christ , whom he did not raise , if , indeed , after all , the dead are not raised ! * For , if the dead are not raised , not even Christ , hath been raised ; * And , if Christ hath not been raised , to no purpose , is your faith , yet , are ye in your sins ! * Hence also , they who are fallen asleep in Christ , are lost : * If , in this life , in Christ , we have hopedand that is all , we are , of all men , most to be pitied . * But , now , hath Christ been raised from among the dead , a firstfruit of them who have fallen asleep ; * For , since indeed , through a man , came death , through a man , also cometh the raising of the dead ; * For , just as , in the Adam , all die , so , also , in the Christ , shall all be made alive . * But , each , in his own rank : A firstfruit , Christ , after that , they who are the Christs , in his presence , * Afterwards , the endwhensoever he delivereth up the kingdom unto his God and Father , whensoever he shall bring to nought all rule and all authority and power ; * For he must needs reign , until he shall put all his enemies under his feet : * As a last enemy , death , is to be destroyed ; * For He put , all things , in subjection under his feet . But , whensoever it shall be saidall things are in subjection !it is evident that it means , Except him who did put into subjection , unto him , the all things * But whensoever have been put into subjection , unto him , the all things , then , the Son himself , also shall be put in subjection unto him who put in subjection , unto him , the all things , that , God , may be , all things in all . * Else , what will they do , who are being immersed in behalf of the dead ? If , not at all , are the dead to be raised , why are they even being immersed in their behalf ? * Why also are , we , running into peril every hour ? * Day by day , am I dying !Yea ! by your own boasting , brethren , which I have in Christ Jesus our Lord . * If , after the manner of men , I have fought with wild-beasts at Ephesus , what , to me , the profit ? If the dead are not raised , Let us eat and drink , for , tomorrow , we die . * Be not deceiving yourselves , evil communications corrupt gentle manners : * Wake up to sobriety , in righteousness , and be not committing sin ; for some have , an ignorance of God : for shame , unto you , am I speaking ! * But some one will say How , are the dead raised ? and , with what kind of body , do they come ? * Simple one ! What , thou , sowest , is not quickened , except it die ; * And , what thou sowest , not the body that shall come into existence , dost thou sow , but a naked kernelif it so happen , of wheat , or of any of the rest , * Howbeit , God , giveth it a body , as he pleased , and , unto each of the seeds , a body of its own . * Not all flesh , is the same flesh ; but , one , indeed , is , of men , and , another , the flesh of beasts , and , another , the flesh of birds , and , another , of fishes ; * And there are heavenly bodies , and earthly bodies , but , of one kind , indeed , is the glory of the heavenly , and , of another kind , is the glory of the earthly ; * One , is the glory of a sun , and , another , the glory of a moon , and , another , the glory of stars , nay ! star from star , differeth in glory . * Thus , also the resurrection of the dead : it is sown in corruption , it is raised in incorruption , * It is sown in dishonour , it is raised in glory , it is sown in weakness , it is raised in power , * It is sown a body of the soul , it is raised a body of the spirit ; if there is a body of the soul , there is also of the spirit : * Thus , also , it is written The first man , Adam , became , a living soul , the last Adam , a life-giving spirit . * Howbeit , not first , is the of the spirit , but that , of the soul , afterwards , that of the spirit . * The first man , is of the ground , earthy , the second man , is , of heaven : * As , the man of earth , such , also , the men of earth , and , as , the man of heaven , such , also , the men of heaven ; * And , even as we have borne the image of the man of earth , let us also bear the image of the man of heaven . * And , this , I say , brethren , that , flesh and blood , cannot inherit , Gods kingdom . Neither doth , corruption , inherit , incorruption . * Lo ! a sacred secret , unto you , do I declare : we shall not , all , sleep , but we shall , all , be changed , * In a moment , in the twinkling of an eye , during the last trumpet ; for it shall sound , and , the dead , shall be raised , incorruptible , and , we , shall be changed . * For this corruptible must needs clothe itself with incorruptibility , and this mortal , clothe itself , with immortality . * But , whensoever , this mortal , shall clothe itself with immortality , then , shall be brought to pass the saying that is written Death hath been swallowed up , victoriously ; * Where , O death , is thy victory ? Where , O death , is thy sting ? * Now , the sting of death , is , sin , and , the power of sin , is , the law ; * But , unto God , be thanks , who is giving unto us the victory , through our Lord Jesus Christ . * So , then , my beloved brethren , become ye , steadfast , immovable , superabounding in the work of the Lord , at all times ; knowing that , your toil , is not in vain in the Lord .

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