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* Does anyone of you having a dispute with an Ach b 'Moshiach dare to be judged before the resha 'im (note :)unrighteous , evildoers (:note ) and not before the Bet Din of the kedoshim ? * Or do you not have da 'as that the kedoshim will sit in mishpat over the Olam Hazeh ? And if the Olam Hazeh is to be judged by you , are you incompetent dayanim to try the smallest cases ? * Do you lack da 'as that the malachim will come before our Bet Din ? Not to mention the things of Olam Hazeh ! * If you have , then , cases concerning matters of Olam Hazeh , how could you appoint as your Bet Din dayanim men who have no standing in the kehillah ? * I speak to your bushah (note :)shame (:note )--is there not among you even one chacham wise man among you who will be able to sit in mishpat between his Achim b 'Moshiach ? * But an Ach b 'Moshiach takes another Ach b 'Moshiach to court , and this before the courtroom of Apikorosim (note :)unbelievers (:note )? * Already , therefore , it is a total defeat for you , that you have lawsuits with one another . Why not rather suffer wrong ? Why not rather be cheated ? * But you yourselves do wrong and practice hona 'ah (note :)cheating (:note ), and this to your Achim b 'Moshiach . * Or do you not have da 'as that the resha 'im (note :)unrighteous ones (:note ) will not inherit the Malchut Hashem ? Do not fall under remiyah guile , deceit ; neither zanayim fornicators nor ovdei elilim idolaters nor mena 'afim adulterers nor effeminate call-boys nor shochvei zachar homosexuals [Iyov strkjv @13:9 ; Vayikra strkjv @18:20 ; Devarim strkjv @22:22 ; Vayikra strkjv @18:22 ] * nor ganavim (note :)thieves (:note ) nor kamtzanim misers nor shikkorim drunkards nor megadefim revilers nor the ones practices hona 'ah swindling will inherit the Malchut Hashem . * And some of you were these things . But you were made tahor (note :)clean (:note ), washed , you were made to be am kadosh , you were made to be yitzdak im Hashem in the name of Rebbe , Melech HaMoshiach Yehoshua Adoneinu and in the Ruach Hakodesh of Eloheinu . LET HODAH PRAISE BE IN YOUR GUF BODY [BERESHIS strkjv @47:18 ; TEHILLIM strkjv @16:9-10 ; IYOV strkjv @19:25-27 ; YESHAYAH strkjv @53:11 AS YOU GLORIFY HIM WITH ALL YOUR NATURAL CAPACITIES BERESHIS strkjv @29:35 ; JUST AS IT SAYS IN MELACHIM ALEF strkjv @6:3-5 THAT THE BEIS HAMIKVEH HAD A ULAM PORTICO , A DEVIR INNER SANCTUARY , THE KODESH KEDOSHIM , AND THE HEIKHAL MAIN HALL , SO SHA 'UL CORRECTS POPULAR GOYISHE TEACHINGS IN THE KEHILLAH ABOUT OKHEL AND ZENUT , SHOWING THAT THE GUF BODY IS THE HEIKHAL OF THE RUACH HAKODESH ; GEVIYATEINU OUR BODIES ARE FOR MOSHIACH BEN YOSEF ADONI BERESHIS strkjv @47:18-19 ; THEREFORE DO NOT DEFILE THE MISHKAN ; YOU WERE PURCHASED FROM BONDAGE WITH THE PIDYON SHEVUYIM RANSON OF CAPTIVES--VAYIKRA strkjv @25:48 ; RUTH strkjv @3:12 ; YESHAYAH strkjv @61:1 ; HOSHEA strkjv @13:14 OF REBBE , MELECH HAMOSHIACH 'S KORBAN PESACH IN AN EXODUS OF HITKHADESHUT ; YOU ARE NOT YOUR OWN ; MOSHIACH HAS PROVIDED THE PIDYON NEFESH , EVEN THE PLAGUE WHICH HE TOOK FOR US , THE PLAGUE WITH WHICH THE BET DOVID WOULD BE STRICKEN SHEMOT strkjv @21:29-30 ; strkjv @30:10-12 ; DEVARIM strkjv @15:12 ; DIVREI HAYAMIM ALEF strkjv @21:17 ; YESHAYAH strkjv @53:8 AND WE NOW BELONG TO REBBE , MELECH HAMOSHIACH BEN YOSEF ADONEINU BERESHIS strkjv @44:9 AND OUR GUF BODY IS FOR HASHEM YECHEZKEL strkjv @1:11 ; BERESHIS strkjv @47:18-19 ; IYOV strkjv @19:25-26 ; YESHAYAH strkjv @25:8 ; HOSHEA strkjv @13:14 ; TEHILLIM strkjv @16:9 ; DANIEL strkjv @12:2 * "All things to me are proper (note :)10:23 (:note )!" But not all things are beneficial ; "All things to me are proper !" But I will not be mastered by anything . * "Maakhal (note :)food (:note ) for the beten stomach and the beten for Maakhal ," but Hashem will destroy both one and the other 1:8 ; strkjv @3:13 ; strkjv @5:5 ; but the guf body is not for zenut fornication but for Hashem , and Hashem for the guf body . * And Hashem brought about the Techiyas haMesim for Rebbe , Melech HaMoshiach Adoneinu and will also bring about the Techiyas haMesim for us through his gevurah (note :)power (:note ). * Do you not have da 'as that your gufot (note :)bodies (:note ) are evarim members , limbs of Rebbe , Melech HaMoshiach ? Should I then take the evarim members of Rebbe , Melech HaMoshiach and make them evarim members of a zonah prostitute ? Chas v 'Shalom ! G-d forbid ! RAV SHA 'UL ON RAZAH DEYIHUDAH THE SECRET OF UNION * Or do you have no da 'as that of the one joining himself to a zonah V 'HAYU L 'VASAR ECHAD (note :)"And they will be as one flesh " BERESHIS strkjv @2:24 (:note )? [Bereshis strkjv @2:24 ] * But the one with devekut (note :)"cleaving , attachment "--DEVARIM strkjv @11:22 (:note ) to Hashem has achdut union in the Ruach Hakodesh with Elohim . * Flee zenut (note :)Mishle strkjv @6:23-7:27 (:note )! Every chet is outside the guf body , but the one guilty of zenut commits chet against the guf body itself . MOSHIACH 'S PIDYON SHEVUIM RANSOMING OF THE CAPTIVES * Or have you no da 'as that your guf (note :)body (:note ) is a Heikhal Hashem of the Ruach Hakodesh in you , whom you have from Hashem , and you are not your own ? * For [the Geulah redemption of ] you [from the Golus of Chet ] was purchased with a price ; therefore , bring kavod to Hashem with your gufot . [Tehillim strkjv @74:2 ]

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