
rwp@1John:2:1 @{My little children} (\teknia mou\). Tender tone with this diminutive of \teknon\ (child), again in strkjv@2:12; strkjv@3:18|, but \paidia\ in strkjv@2:14|. John is now an old man and regards his readers as his little children. That attitude is illustrated in the story of his visit to the robber to win him to Christ. {That ye may not sin} (\hina mˆ hamartˆte\). Purpose (negative) clause with \hina mˆ\ and the second aorist (ingressive, commit sin) active subjunctive of \hamartan“\, to sin. John has no patience with professional perfectionists (1:8-10|), but he has still less with loose-livers like some of the Gnostics who went to all sorts of excesses without shame. {If any man sin} (\ean tis hamartˆi\). Third-class condition with \ean\ and second aorist (ingressive) active subjunctive again, "if one commit sin." {We have} (\echomen\). Present active indicative of \ech“\ in the apodosis, a present reality like \echomen\ in strkjv@2Corinthians:5:1|. {An advocate} (\paraklˆton\). See on ¯John:14:16,26; strkjv@15:26; strkjv@16:7| for this word, nowhere else in the N.T. The Holy Spirit is God's Advocate on earth with men, while Christ is man's Advocate with the Father (the idea, but not the word, in strkjv@Romans:8:31-39; strkjv@Hebrews:7:25|). As \dikaios\ (righteous) Jesus is qualified to plead our case and to enter the Father's presence (Hebrews:2:18|).

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