
rwp@1John:3:14 @{We know} (\hˆmeis oidamen\). Emphatic expression of \hˆmeis\ (we) in contrast to the unregenerate world, the Christian consciousness shared by writer and readers. {We have passed} (\metabebˆkamen\). Perfect active indicative of \metabain“\, old compound to pass over from one place to another (John:7:3|), to migrate, out of death into life. We have already done it while here on earth. {Because} (\hoti\). Proof of this transition, not the ground of it. {We love the brethren} (\agap“men tous adelphous\). Just this phrase (plural) here alone, but see strkjv@2:9| for the singular. {He that loveth not} (\ho mˆ agap“n\). "The not loving man," general picture and picture of spiritual death.

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