
rwp@1John:3:3 @{Set on him} (\ep' aut“i\). Resting upon (\epi\) with locative rather than \eis\, looking to, strkjv@Acts:24:15|. That is upon Christ (Brooke), upon God (D. Smith), upon God in Christ (Westcott). {Purifieth himself} (\hagnizei heauton\). Present active indicative of \hagniz“\, old verb, from \hagnos\ (pure from contamination), used of ceremonial purifications (John:11:55; strkjv@Acts:21:24,26| as in strkjv@Exodus:19:10|) and then of personal internal cleansing of heart (James:4:8|), soul (1Peter:1:22|), self (here). Cf. strkjv@Phillipians:2:12f.| the work of both God and man. {As he is pure} (\kath“s ekeinos hagnos estin\). As in strkjv@2:6; strkjv@3:9| \ekeinos\ (emphatic demonstrative) refers to Christ. Christ can be termed \hagnos\ "in virtue of the perfection of his humanity" (Westcott). Our destiny is to be conformed to the image of God in Christ (Romans:8:29|).

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