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ylt @1Kings:11:26 @And Jeroboam son of Nebat , an Ephrathite of Zereda -- the name of whose mother [is ] Zeruah , a widow woman -- servant to Solomon , he also lifteth up a hand against the king ; ylt @1Kings:11:27 @and this [is ] the thing [for ] which he lifted up a hand against the king : Solomon built Millo -- he shut up the breach of the city of David his father , ylt @1Kings:11:28 @and the man Jeroboam [is ] mighty in valour , and Solomon seeth the young man that he is doing business , and appointeth him over all the burden of the house of Joseph . ylt @1Kings:11:29 @And it cometh to pass , at that time , that Jeroboam hath gone out from Jerusalem , and Ahijah the Shilonite , the prophet , findeth him in the way , and he is covering himself with a new garment ; and both of them [are ] by themselves in a field , ylt @1Kings:11:30 @and Ahijah layeth hold on the new garment that [is ] on him , and rendeth it -- twelve pieces , ylt @1Kings:11:31 @and saith to Jeroboam , 'Take to thee ten pieces , for thus said Jehovah , God of Israel , lo , I am rending the kingdom out of the hand of Solomon , and have given to thee the ten tribes , ylt @1Kings:11:32 @and the one tribe he hath for My servant David 's sake , and for Jerusalem 's sake , the city which I have fixed on , out of all the tribes of Israel . ylt @1Kings:11:33 @'Because they have forsaken Me , and bow themselves to Ashtoreth , god [dess ] of the Zidonians , to Chemosh god of Moab , and to Milcom god of the sons of Ammon , and have not walked in My ways , to do that which [is ] right in Mine eyes , and My statutes and My judgments , like David his father . ylt @1Kings:11:34 @'And I do not take the whole of the kingdom out of his hand , for prince I make him all days of his life , for the sake of David My servant whom I chose , who kept My commands and My statutes ; ylt @1Kings:11:35 @and I have taken the kingdom out of the hand of his son , and given it to thee -- the ten tribes ; ylt @1Kings:11:36 @and to his son I give one tribe , for there being a lamp to David My servant all the days before Me in Jerusalem , the city that I have chosen to Myself to put My name there . ylt @1Kings:11:37 @'And thee I take , and thou hast reigned over all that thy soul desireth , and thou hast been king over Israel ; ylt @1Kings:11:38 @and it hath been , if thou dost hear all that I command thee , and hast walked in My ways , and done that which is right in Mine eyes , to keep My statutes and My commands , as did David My servant , that I have been with thee , and have built for thee a stedfast house , as I built for David , and have given to thee Israel , ylt @1Kings:11:39 @and I humble the seed of David for this ; only , not all the days .' ylt @1Kings:11:40 @And Solomon seeketh to put Jeroboam to death , and Jeroboam riseth and fleeth to Egypt , unto Shishak king of Egypt , and he is in Egypt till the death of Solomon .

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