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ylt @1Kings:4:29 @And God giveth wisdom to Solomon , and understanding , very much , and breadth of heart , as the sand that [is ] on the edge of the sea ; ylt @1Kings:4:30 @and the wisdom of Solomon is greater than the wisdom of any of the sons of the east , and than all the wisdom of Egypt ; ylt @1Kings:4:31 @and he is wiser than all men , than Ethan the Ezrahite , and Heman , and Chalcol , and Darda , sons of Mahol , and his name is in all the nations round about . ylt @1Kings:4:32 @And he speaketh three thousand similes , and his songs [are ] five , and the chief one ; ylt @1Kings:4:33 @and he speaketh concerning the trees , from the cedar that [is ] in Lebanon , even unto the hyssop that is coming out in the wall , and he speaketh concerning the cattle , and concerning the fowl , and concerning the creeping things , and concerning the fishes , ylt @1Kings:4:34 @and there come out of all the peoples to hear the wisdom of Solomon , from all kings of the earth who have heard of his wisdom .

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[Bookof1Kings] [1Kings:3] [1Kings:4] [1Kings:5] [Discuss] Tag 1Kings:4:29-34 [Audio][Presentation]