
rwp@1Peter:1:5 @{By the power of God} (\en dunamei theou\). No other \dunamis\ (power) like this (Colossians:1:3|). {Are guarded} (\phrouroumenous\). Present (continuous process) passive articular (\tous\) participle of \phroure“\, to garrison, old verb (from \phrouros\ sentinel), a military term (Acts:9:24; strkjv@2Corinthians:11:32|), used of God's love (Phillipians:4:7|) as here. "The inheritance is kept; the heirs are guarded" (Bengel). {Through faith} (\dia piste“s\). Intermediate agency (\dia\), the immediate being (\en\, in, by) God's power. {Unto a salvation} (\eis s“tˆrian\). Deliverance is the goal (\eis\) of the process and final salvation here, consummation as in strkjv@1Thessalonians:5:8|, from \s“tˆr\ (Saviour, from \s“z“\, to save). {Ready} (\hetoimˆn\). Prepared awaiting God's will (Galatians:3:23; strkjv@Romans:8:18|). {To be revealed} (\apokaluphthˆnai\). First aorist passive infinitive of \apokalupt“\, to unveil. Cf. strkjv@Colossians:3:4| for \phanero“\ (to manifest) in this sense. {In the last time} (\en kair“i eschat“i\). This precise phrase nowhere else, but similar ones in strkjv@John:6:39; strkjv@Acts:2:17; strkjv@James:5:3; strkjv@2Timothy:3:1; strkjv@2Peter:3:3; He strkjv@1:2; strkjv@Jude:1:18; strkjv@1John:2:18|. Hort translates it here "in a season of extremity," but it is usually taken to refer to the Day of Judgment. That day no one knows, Jesus said.

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